The Magician 3

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#3 of Magician's

Part 3 of Dalton's series

The Magician

Part 3: Training

"I am your new master. My name is Mitchell." It had been only a little over a week since I'd spoken those words to Callum. I couldn't shake those first few moments from my memory. The tiger got this look on his face that was somewhere between disbelief and disgust. Luckily Dalton was there to explain, otherwise I probably would have had quite the mess on my hands.

The Great Dalton was his stage name. He is a magician of the adult entertainment variety and last week I went to see one of his shows. That night he revealed to me his greatest secret. He showed me that his tricks were not illusion and in fact were 100% grade 'A' magic. Of course I only found out because I was a guinea pig during the show. I'm still not entirely sure how he did it, but while I was sitting in the audience he used magic to transport my cock to him. Then he showed it off to the entire audience. When I asked to get it back, he told me to meet him after the show and then asked if I would become his apprentice. I accepted.

Callum is his stage assistant and somewhat muscle clad tiger with a dick that couldn't be larger than a pubescent teenager. I only know this because every night he is brought out on stage and used in front of a couple hundred audience members. The night I became Dalton's apprentice, the magician transferred ownership of the tiger over to me and told me that I could use him during practice and training. He had been turned into a living dildo copy of his own cock and I was both confused and turned on when Dalton handed this toy over to me.

"How do I turn him back?"

"I've transferred him over to you, the spell is broken through a blowjob." I've replayed the events of that night like a broken record. From the way Dalton had spoken of Callum, I naturally assumed he would be happy to have me as a master.

"The next show is in one week, I want you to master the following two spells." Dalton would be back soon to test me before the show, how could he expect me to understand magic and be ready by tonight?

I realized suddenly that I had been stroking myself. Was it a bad thing that I was starting to get used to it being unattached to my body? I no longer do a double take whenever I pull my pants down and see nothing but a bare patch of skin where it used to be. Only one week had gone by and I already learned that I had to be careful with my precious organ. It was my magic wand, every magician has one. I could imagine picking it up at Olivanders, Fox Heartstring Core 6 and one quarter inches. That always managed to brighten up the situation a little.

"Callum, can you bring me some water?" I asked as I looked everything over again. I knew what the lineup would be for tonight's show. I was getting very nervous, it wasn't much of a part but it was still the first time I would have to prove myself as a magician.

"I'm not your father. Get it yourself." His attitude hadn't been the greatest since that first night. It was like he wasn't taking me seriously as a person. I was beginning to get fed up with it, even during the practice it was easy to see that he was only going along with it because Dalton wanted him to. I concentrated and froze him in place. The petrify spell was one of the two I needed to master for tonight. I had tried talking to him, but he never seemed to listen, maybe this would get through to him.

"Callum, you are a stagehand. This means that you are supposed to help us get ready for the show. As much as you might not like it, I'm the one you take orders from now and if I need a drink then I expect you to get me one without talking back." I walked over to his petrified and naked body. I'm sure he would have had a scowl on his face if he could move those muscles, instead it looked like he was just blankly staring into space. He must have been just getting ready to say something, because his mouth was in the shape of an O.

"Dalton says you like being used, now I'm going to show you your place." I firmly grasped my shaft and eased it into his open mouth. He had no way to protest as I pushed it further and further into his maw. I needed the release, hopefully that would calm my nerves before the show. Once I was satisfied that it was open wide enough for me, I picked up the pace, pushing it in a little further each time. His course tongue was perfectly placed to rub against my tip. Even though it wasn't attached, I could feel every motion and every contour. I could even feel that I was large enough to hit the back of his throat, he'd probably gag as soon as I unfroze him but for now there was absolutely no protest.

I edged myself a couple times, enjoying the absolute power I had over him. This would surely put him in his place, as punishment for talking back I would only have to make it so that he couldn't talk. The third time I felt the wave coming I pushed my balls as far into his mouth as I could and felt the clasp of his teeth on my knot. I released without remorse, letting my seed flow down his throat. Without a gag reflex, it went down easily. I let go of my rod and sat on the ground panting from excitement and trying to catch my breath. As my heart raced, I waited until I had completely unloaded into him before going to retrieve my 'wand.'

I carefully removed my shrinking penis from his muzzle, making sure to squeeze every last drop into his mouth. Then, without thinking, I gave his balls a tight squeeze. I wanted to be sure he knew that he was mine.

"Next time you talk back I won't go so easy on you." I smiled and winked. I knew that he was enjoying every minute of this torture, that's why he joined Dalton in the first place and agreed to go on stage with him every night. Hopefully this show of power was enough to get him to take me seriously as a master.

I unfroze him and watched as he coughed and gagged on the ground, a little bit of my cum dribbling out of his mouth. He reached down and held himself, his eyes crossed from the pain of my squeeze. There was a knock at my door and I looked over at the clock, in my haste there was little less than twenty minutes before the show was to begin and I needed to get ready. I pulled Callum to his feet, hopefully he would be okay by time he had to go on stage. I looked over the set again and made my way behind the stage.

"I'd like to introduce you all to my apprentice, Mitchell!" I grasped my wand firmly and made my way out onto the stage. It wasn't the first time everyone was going to see me in all my glory, and it certainly wasn't going to be the last. Oddly enough, I was more nervous about making sure I get the script right than what the audience was thinking about my nullified nudity. This was it, my first show...

The Magician 4

The Magician Part 4: The First Show Mitchell took a bow, he had just managed to successfully pull off his first magic trick in front of an audience. It involved Dalton, the master magician, levitating a young female mouse while he manipulated her...

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The Magician 2

The Magician Part 2: The Assistant I've been crushed, ripped apart limb from limb, humiliated in front of thousands and treated as nothing more than a play toy. And I couldn't be happier. All of these things and more were part of my job...

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The Magician 1

The Magician Part 1: The Show "What's in there?" He inquired. I'd picked the young fox out of the crowd at tonight's show. He had this twinkle in his eyes. I'd seen it so many times before. He wanted to believe in the magic I performed on stage....

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