The Magician 2

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#2 of Magician's

Part 2 of "Dalton's Series"

The Magician

Part 2: The Assistant

I've been crushed, ripped apart limb from limb, humiliated in front of thousands and treated as nothing more than a play toy. And I couldn't be happier. All of these things and more were part of my job description as a magician's assistant. My name is Callum, I would say that I'm a tiger except that's not always the case anymore.

It all started a while back, I had just been dumped by this beautiful snow leopard and a buddy of mine thought it would be a good idea to go to an adult themed magic show. The room was crowded and the lights were dimmed as Dalton made his first appearance on stage. He began by pulling an older gentleman out of the audience and placing him in a box. Within moments the box opened to reveal that in his place was a young busty mouse, her smile beamed as she explored her body. From the audience came loud catcalls and whistling. My buddy was already pawing at the sight of her, as were many of the other guys around me.

"I bet there is a trap door up there, just near that box, fairly simple." He whispered in my ear as he slowed down, obviously pacing himself so as to not get off right at the start of the show.

"You can always volunteer and verify." I suggested, knowing full well that my friend didn't like to be on stage.

"Or you could do it for me." He was practically pleading. Honestly, I was sort of curious myself and so when he called for the next volunteer, I found myself raising my hand. Unlike my friend, I loved being on stage. Not because I liked to perform, being embarrassed in front of others is actually a guilty pleasure of mine.

"The tiger in the third row, please join me on stage."

"What is your name?"

"Callum" He walked me over to a large segmented box and had me step inside. He guided my hands straight out to the sides and tied them so that I couldn't move. What happened next changed my life forever. The box was closed and I could still hear Dalton speaking to the audience, talking about how the box was designed by an ancient ritualistic tribe. All I knew was that it didn't have the greatest ventilation. One of the doors of the box, just below the belt, opened and light flooded inside. My clothes were gone. I didn't have much time to think about it before he closed it back up and dropped me back into darkness.

Suddenly out of nowhere I felt something cool slide through my stomach. Then, just as fast, one slid through my neck and another through my arm. I tried to make out what it was, but without light the attempt had been futile. There was some slight shifting of the boxes in various locations before everything seemed to settle down.

A pair of hands grabbed me around the waist. I would have jumped if I had been able to. Then the door in front of me opened and I could see out. All around the stage were various pieces of my body, my arms were sitting on a table, my legs were hanging in the air and sitting on a stool next to me was undoubtedly my midsection proudly on display for the audience. I can honestly say that I'm not known as being massive in that category, so it was quite humiliating to see my tiny cat dick just dangling there. Of course, seeing it there turned me on and pretty quickly everyone saw me at full mast, and only four inches at most.

"Who out there believes they have the largest dick in the room?" The lights went out over the audience and I was surprised to see just how many hands went up.

"Keep your hands up if you are willing to bet your life on it." Only a few hands remained in the air and all of them were called up on stage and asked to remove their clothing to be measured. I tried to keep from drooling as they all revealed picturesque bodies. They were massive too. Each of them had to be well above 8 inches soft. Compared to them mine was a complete joke, but that didn't stop it from trying to get larger with every beat of my heart. One wolf in particular had held my attention so well that I almost didn't notice what was happening.

When the second guy turned out to be smaller than the first, Dalton gave a small tug on that guy's member and it pulled off with a pop. His glory, a full 8 and a half inches was no longer his and he was sent back to his seat empty handed. Dalton placed the beautiful cock into a box and moved on. After five more of these had been thrown into the box Dalton moved on to the last one standing, the wolf I couldn't help but have the hots for. He lost, and a piece of his glorious body was unceremoniously thrown into the box with the rest of them. One day it would be my toy, but that's a story for another day.

The last man standing was about to start celebrating until, with a snap of Dalton's fingers, his penis dropped to the floor. He dove for them but found that his body seemed to naturally repel it. It slid until Dalton picked it up and thanked him. The man stood towering over the magician and looked as though he was about to tear him to shreds when he began to shrink. Soon the two of them were standing eye to eye, and then the magician was taller.

He kept shrinking until he was only about a foot tall, just bigger than his still 'normal' sized member.

"Thank you, you may return to your seat." The miniaturized, humiliated, and nullified man dejectedly walked off the stage. One of the audience members picked him up and hugged him. I could only guess it was his boyfriend, hope he wasn't a bottom.

It hadn't dawned on me just why he had called up the largest guys until he picked up the dick and placed it on the chair. Then he picked up my midsection. There was no way I could handle someone that big. I tried to protest as he lowered me down onto the rod. I could feel it stretching at my tail hole, oddly though there was very little pain. My body reacted against my will, throbbing hard as the second half of the rod made its way inside of me. I shook as I was overtaken by a powerful orgasm and watched from a distance as I sprayed out all over the stage.

They wheeled me off stage and left me plugged by that guy and split into pieces for the rest of the show. I couldn't complain though, I was able to watch the rest of the show from just off stage. Later that night I confessed how amazing an experience it had been. Dalton asked if I would like to have similar experiences night after night and I agreed without hesitation.

That's how I wound up where I am now, at the show tonight I transformed into my own penis. My entire body melted into it through real magic. I was helpless and hypersensitive, but I'd at least done this enough to know that I would be changed back sooner or later. I felt my master stroke me a couple times, this was always the fun part of the show. He pulled me out of his pocket. I've learned over time to trust my other senses when left in this vulnerable position, and so it came as a great surprise when I felt my master let go of me and another set of hands grab hold. This had never happened before, the hands were smaller and unrecognizable. He had handed me off to someone else.

My mind began to panic, wondering what this unknown person might do with me or if I was ever going to change back. I probably would have continued to panic if the new person hadn't started stroking me. Suddenly my mind was blank and all I wanted was for him to continue. I wanted to desperately to get off. Just when I thought I couldn't be tortured any further, I felt his hot breath. His mouth closed down around me and I writhed and pumped, which is hard to do without a body, until I exploded. He swallowed it all and then placed me down on a cold surface where the transformation process reversed. In minutes I was back to my original self, naked and on the floor at the feet of a young fox. Dalton was standing next to him.

"I'm your new master. My name is Mitchell." The young fox reached out and pulled me to my feet. I looked down at his other hand and my fears were confirmed, he was still grasping me firmly by the balls.

The Magician 3

The Magician Part 3: Training "I am your new master. My name is Mitchell." It had been only a little over a week since I'd spoken those words to Callum. I couldn't shake those first few moments from my memory. The tiger got this look on his...

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The Magician 1

The Magician Part 1: The Show "What's in there?" He inquired. I'd picked the young fox out of the crowd at tonight's show. He had this twinkle in his eyes. I'd seen it so many times before. He wanted to believe in the magic I performed on stage....

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The Clone

The Clone _'Something isn't right.'_ I thought to myself. I tried to move my arms, but they seemed paralyzed. Hopefully the effects wouldn't last too long, or else my only hope would be for someone to come down to the lab and find me. I wasn't...

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