Central New Year 3 Part 4 Bottle and love.

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#92 of Exploration

We walked back to our quarters.Valmeero walked and removed his policeman's costume, and Silverine removed the more clunkier parts of his armour.We went in to the room, and found the place deserted, although we could hear Salbar and Blake in mine, Javid's and Salbar's room. So we went into Draco's and Simba's room, and everyone but me removed their clothes, keeping them in nice piles.Silverine spent some time removing his armour, after all he had all the trims and straps, I do put emphasis on the word all.

Valmeero looked at my costume."So how are we supposed to fuck you?"

Silverine rubbed his cock against my ass, the material folded away. He looked down at me in surprise."Abigail's intelligent fabric?I knew she was looking for guinea pigs, but that's the first time I've seen it."

Valmeero looked confused, and I spoke to him."Come over here, and I'll tell you what to do."

He sat down in front of me, and looked at the bump that was caused by the tightness of the suit where my cock strained to be free. It wasn't too tight, but there was a noticeable rise in that area.

He rubbed a clawed finger delicately down the ridge, and my unerect cock came out.

"That's handy." Draco said with an innocent smile. Silverine made me kneel on my hands and knees, and then thrust gently into my ass. Valmeero crawled underneath me, and sucked my cock. Draco kneeled in front of me, and I obligingly gave head to the dragon. He sat back.

"And don't rush it, Alduin. I want some slow sex after fucking Runo."

He actually sat astride Valmeero's legs, and if this had been anyone but Draco would have sat on Valmeero's cock. So I decided to give both of them some enjoyment.

There was a muffled sound as I shifted Draco closer and had him sit with his cock against Val's. Then Draco took my head gently, and made me suck both cocks at once. It was a bit of a tight fit, but I felt Val shiver.Silverine smiled.

"That's Alduin at his best, won't let anyone get left out."

"Or tries." Draco corrected." So why the submission, Alduin?"

He let me off their cocks, and I scowled.

"I'm allowed to get my friends off. But I want to be abused tonight, for once. Take advantage of this, before I change my mind."

"So don't ruin the suit, but fuck you as much as we want?"

"The suit will not get ruined by semen.By all means, cum on it. Besides, we're all treating it like it's my skin, that's why you all want to fuck me."

"It's because you look so sexy in it." Silverine replied."Thanks for being so understanding."

"Just make sure I get some enjoyment too." I replied, and resumed my double oral.

Draco once again used his tail, thrusting it into Valmeero, and the wolf/dragon hybrid shifted uncomfortably as he felt the tail in him. Silverine bent down next to my ears, and whispered.

"All onto Valmeero next." he said, and Draco was close enough to hear, and he nodded. Then the door opened, and Ryan Lewis was standing there. He was still sleeping in our quarters, there was now another bed in our room for him, but he had obviously realised Salbar and a couple others wanted their privacy. He looked in surprise at the four of us.

"Er, sorry, I didn't know." he began, but Draco smiled.

"No, stay here, Ryan. Did you want some sleep?" the dragon asked, and my fellow human shrugged, watching me suck both Val and Draco. I winked at him.

"I'm not tired as such, I was looking for some privacy."

"We're as private as they come." Draco replied, and then shivered, as I continued my working of his cock. Ryan came forwards, looking at the incredible scene.

Draco whispered to me." Shotgun his ass."

"As long as you don't go too hard." I replied. I was Ryan's guardian, and I was taking that seriously.

"O.K." Draco nodded, and gently pulled Ryan Lewis by the arm, until he was standing right next to the sitting dragon.The dragon systematically began undoing all the buttons and removing Ryan's clothes. The human looked slightly tentative of joining in with us, he hadn't gone a round with Silverine, but he trusted Draco, and allowed himself to be stripped.

As soon as he was naked, Draco shuffled back, until I was only sucking Val, and then sat Ryan down on his cock. Ryan gave a surprised yelp, feeling the cock go deep inside him, and then Draco shifted slightly forwards again. This way I could suck both Ryan and Valmeero, and it was a much easier fit than the dragon and the wolf/dragon hybrid.

I was already coming to ejaculation, as was Valmeero, both of us were being sucked and fucked at the same time. Ryan twisted sideways slightly as Draco leaned forwards and around to force Ryan into a deeply passionate kiss.

Ryan used both his hands to stroke Draco's spines, and Draco growled and fucked a little deeper into my fellow human. I also saw, looking up, that Draco was engaging Ryan with a kiss of the French variety.Valmeero's hands were employed in playing with my testicles and the Lupogriff's, and while my left was fiddling with both of those I was sucking off, my right was playing with Draco.Let's briefly dispose of modesty, this is why people like having it with me, I was currently pleasuring four people.

Ryan was very quickly hard, the dragon had one hand holding Ryan and the other stroking both Ryan and Val in time with me, he had some fairly big hands. Silverine was the only one not playing with someone else's balls, but he was stroking my chest with both furred hands, his arms around me.So despite being late in, Ryan Lewis and Valmeero were the first to go, and Draco timed it so they went together.

We are talking a lot of cum when they both let go.The wolf made a muffled howl, just before the human let out a cry of his own, and bursts of semen flooded into my mouth. There was no way I could hold it all, and it just flowed straight back out onto Valmeero. I didn't swallow, and Draco stroked both of them quickly, trying to milk them as much as possible.More semen oozed out, and Val's chest quickly was covered in semen from both of them.

Valmeero only had the one cock in his mouth, so he had no problem when I let go half a minute later.Ryan was pushing me deep onto both of them, but not for long, for Draco pulled him away from us, and gave him some very intensive one on one before filling his ass with draconic cum.Then Silverine let go into my ass, and I was soon filled by this as well.The suit was still clean, but my intimate areas wouldn't be come next round.

Silverine got out of me and began rummaging around for drinks in our cupboard. Ryan was still making out with Draco, Valmeero was running his hand across himself, so I was the only one that saw him adding a teaspoon of a clear liquid into each cup. I resolved not to drink what was offered, and Silverine gave a glass to each of us. Ryan and Draco downed theirs, and I stood up, claiming to need a leak. Valmeero was somewhat parched, and skulled his, and Silverine did the same. I went into the W.C., dumped the lot down the sink, and set the cup on the sink.

O.K., there were now four people inflicted with a love potion in Draco's bedroom.This was going to get interesting. I categorically refused to try a love potion, despite my friends claiming they were nice and made you intensely sexual, but I was still willing to be involved. So I went back into the bedroom, and saw Ryan milling about by the door. The other three were playing a brief game of cards.

"They're playing for who bottoms next." Ryan reported, smiling widely at me.

"I did warn you about drinking anything Silverine offered you, didn't I?"

"Why? What's wro....oh. How much?"

"About a teaspoon, it should be affecting you fairly soon."

"Only that?" Ryan said, surprised, walking over Silverine's kit bag, and finding five small bottles. Silverine looked up.

"Hey, out of my, ah, you want some more?"

Bad, bad idea. They were affected all right, and big time.Draco and Val looked up. There was another disadvantage, if you were affected, a little more couldn't hurt, and made it more fun.So the three winged menaces moved over to the kit bag and took one bottle each, as did Ryan, enough for several hours.

I was not rash enough to stop them, so casually stepped outside, only to bang into Sunrise, Runo and Hinori.

"I told you we made a wrong turn." Hinori said of his brother. Silverine came out, looking with an evil grin at the three brothers.

"Oh no, we don't mind, come on in." He took Sunrise's hand gently and led him in. Runo and Hinori both followed, although Hinori looked a little shy of the company. I sighed, resigning myself to the inevitable, but refrained from locking the door.

Runo was alarmed to find Draco in there, but Draco seemed well disposed with everyone. There was always about a minute's pause before all hell broke loose. I came over to Hinori.

"Hinori, come over here."

I led the ice dragon to the wardrobe, and slipped quietly in, closing the door.It was very dark, but from outside there was a round of idle chit chat.

"Is there any purpose in this?" Hinori asked politely.

"Yes, everyone's swallowed love potion."

"Thank god for that then." Hinori gently hugged me.Outside I could hear Silverine speaking.

"Hey Sunrise, I've got a bottle of this, it's an energy drink, have a taster."

"What about me?" Runo asked.

"Sorry, last one."Silverine replied,"Maybe next time."

There was a group cheer as Sunrise drank the last bottle, and Hinori breathed out.

"Can we, sort of, stay in here?"

"That was my plan, although you've still got to do a forfeit for me." I replied, and immediately I felt the ice dragon take my shoulders. He wasn't wearing anything, and lowered himself onto my cock, having seen it out not fifteen seconds ago.

"Yes, Alduin, anything's better than what's about to happen out there." he said, grinding sideways on my erect cock.Outside I heard a laugh, and Runo spoke in Draconic.

"Here, Sunrise, give my necklace back!" while Sunrise spoke to the others in Centralite.

"On three, we jump him."

"Runo's about to have all of them fuck him." I said quietly to Hinori as Runo regained his necklace and his understanding of the other languages.

"I may actually feel sorry for him." Hinori whispered.

"Three!" Sunrise shouted.

"What the..." Runo began, and there was a crashing noise.There was several muffled banging noises, and Runo called for help.Then I looked through the gap in the door, Hinori looked above my head at the scene.

Draco was underneath Runo, Sunrise and Ryan were sitting between both dragon's legs. Val was beside Runo's head as he lay on Draco, and Silverine directly behind Val.Draco thrust his fully erect cock into Runo, and Ryan sat upon Sunrise's and then the black dragon shuffled and leaned down so Ryan could fuck Runo in the ass too.Draco tail-fucked Sunrise, Val made Runo give head to him, and Silverine thrust into Val.And all but Runo were under the love potion.I idly wondered what the love potion tasted like if it was that popular, but I had vowed never to touch it.

Meanwhile Hinori continued his slow but sensual grinding on my ass.He was quite happy to stay in here and make love with me, because going out there would be chancing your arm (and ass) against a Lupogriff, several dragons, a dragon hybrid and Ryan Lewis.And Ryan wasn't only good with a sword, his hand to hand was improving since I had taken him to karate class. His tail brushed against my lubricated ass by accident, but I allowed him to insert it, and then set about driving him to orgasm by stroking both spines and cock.

This inevitably gives dragons a strong orgasm, the three most potent erogenous zones on a dragons, tail, neck and back spines and cock make it that much more intense.The muffled howling from Runo plus the cries of delight from the others letting go would have helped too. Sunrise was now sucking Val's cock from the side, and Draco had pulled Ryan close to Runo so he could make out with the human.I noticed Ryan was getting a little, shall we say, crushed between the three dragons, but he didn't seem to care.

After a couple of rounds of them having sex, Draco pulled out his own kitbag, and pulled out another bottle of potion.I let go into Hinori's ass with my load at this point, but Hinori cared not to change position, and continued his grinding.

"Half for Ryan, half for Runo, because they missed out!" he cried gleefully, and both lava dragon and human skulled their half.The dragon's mathematics weren't right, Ryan hadn't missed out on a bottle, he now had drunk almost two bottles of potion, this only would result in bad news.Ryan stood, still completely naked, and showed his ass to Runo and Draco.The human was smiling widely.

"Want to try it, guys?" he suggested in a very provocative voice, and the dragons were not slow to respond.Ryan appeared to be in a rather submissive mood, and the two bottles had turned him into, dare I say it, a bitch for the others.Runo and Draco gave Ryan's ass a good stretching, and while Val sat on Ryan's cock, all four of them were sitting upright, and all four pulled Sun and Silverine in to oral.While two took each, Silverine embraced Sunrise, making out with the black dragon.

Winslo and Kodey arrived in the door as this began, but Winslo grabbed Kodey's hand and both of them disappeared into invisibility. There was about ten seconds pause, and then the door was opened, and I felt Kodey and Winslo fall over me, reappearing. They looked at me and Hinori in surprise.

"Oh, sorry, Alduin." Winslo said, looking at me playing with Hinori.

"No, by all means stay, better than out there." both me and Hinori said at once. This was true, and Winslo sat on Hinori's cock. Kodey looked unsure how to join in.

Hinori sat up, and the reindeer went around behind him, and added his cock to mine. Hinori shifted his tail so Kodey could do this, but Kodey made up for it by licking up and down the dragon's spines.Thus so worked, Hinori let go first, and Winslo gave a cry of surprise as Hinori filled the bunny's ass with his load.

Unsurprisingly, we humble four eventually ended up going to sleep in that wardrobe, on account that none of us wanted to leave and risk getting embroiled with the others, who showed no signs of slowing even as the clock came around til two.Winslo and Hinori slept embraced, both had fondness for ice, and Kodey rested his head against my chest, and fell asleep like a child. I brought down a long coat and covered the reindeer with it as a blanket, and fell asleep.

It was well on eight o'clock the next morning when I woke up. The doors were still shut, but in the dimly lit room I could still see I was being used as a pillow, and that neither Winslo or Hinori had woken up either. The sound of snoring outside suggested the others were not awake either.Not wishing to disturb Kodey, I gently opened the door with one hand.

Silverine was awake, but he was leaning against the wall, looking tired but pleased. He looked over at me when I pushed the door open, and we made eye contact.

He came over.

"Where did you get to?" he whispered, not wanting to disturb the sleepers.He looked at the other three in the cupboard.

"We didn't want to get involved with those who had drunken love potion,if you'll pardon my blunt way of putting it." I replied. The bed was occupied by Draco and Ryan, the latter had a seraphic smile on his countenance, and a still mostly erect cock firmly up his ass.I was glad he had enjoyed it.

"If I knew you guys wanted some." he began.

"You had run out before Winslo and Kodey arrived, they wanted some private time together in here, and met us. So we had our own quiet scene in here."I gently made to pick Kodey up, and Silverine helped me up by the shoulder as I got out of the wardrobe. Silverine opened the doors to my bedroom as I carried Kodey. He made a little mumbling sound in his sleep, like one does when one is shifted, and I gently lay him down on my bed. Salbar's was occupied by him and Blake, and Javid and Ryan's bunks had Simba, Abigail and Javid. All of them were sleeping merrily, and I gently set Kodey down on my bed, and pulled the sheets over him. He made a little keening noise and gripped my arm, as if percieving I was going, but I carefully got him to hold the duvet instead of my arm, and me and Silverine sat at the table in the main room.

"That was a most enjoyable Hunt." Silverine said, stretching his wings idly while making human coffee for me and draconic coffee for himself. The Lupogriff was one of the few non draconic of Central who could drink that damned stuff, I had an upset stomach when I tried, Arachno had to give me five different pills to remedy it.

I looked down at my suit.Yes, it had white stripes over it, shows how much I had enjoyed last night too, and I said so to the Lupogriff. He laughed quietly.

I had a quick shower in my suit to get rid of all the semen, dried myself down, and then came back out.The suit was so light and made of this type of fabric the water didn't actually stay in the suit that well, it dried very quickly. I took my cup of normal coffee from Silverine, and we both sat down at the table.

"So where is everyone getting love potion from?" I asked the Lupogriff.

"Drason and Arachno brew the stuff, it's pretty potent mixture. But they don't really ask for payment, you can orally do them and they'll happily give you as many as you want. They never tire of making the stuff." he gave me a small bottle, which I looked at, and pocketed.

"You gave oral sex to Drason?" I looked incredified.

"Well, it was a polite thing to do." the Lupogriff smiled." Arachno, on the other hand, he's still far too professional. He just told me to take the stuff and enjoy myself with it."

"I think he's not much for the having sex with lots of people." I said slowly,"There's me, Drason, that's all I can think of."

"Yeah, I think that too." Silverine nodded."When did you have sex with him?"

"Last time? Would have been two weeks ago.He said he wanted some relief from work, so I gave it to him." I shrugged, and Silverine smiled again.

Ryan Lewis came out of Draco's room.

"My ass hurts." he announced, looking at Silverine. Silverine desperately tried to stop laughing.

"You just had him and four other draconic hybrids take you, some two at a time, what did you think would happen?" I suggested, and then beat a hand on Silverine's back as he swallowed some coffee the wrong way.

Ryan disappeared, regained his clothes and went to have a shower. Silverine had his armour in Draco's room, he would wear the leathers back to his own room and then change, he didn't want to have to fiddle for five minutes with each and every individual piece of armour.Hinori came into the main room, and sat down, tired as hell. The ice dragon slumped over his chair, sitting right next to me.

"Morning, Hinori." I said cheerfully.

"Good night." he replied off handedly, and then held his head as I laughed loudly.

Runo came out not two minutes later, and he had well and truly been fucked. He grabbed a towel and immediately went into the bathroom. There was a brief eep from Ryan, and Runo apologising.

"Sorry, Ryan, didn't know you were in here."

"Oh well, come in, just touch my ass and I'll scream for Alduin." the human replied, as the door shut. Hinori made a tired chuckle, and I giggled.

Abigail walked in from my room, and she looked fairly wide awake. She stretched, she was completely naked too. She sat down on my chair, or rather me, and kissed me gently.

"Morning, Alduin."

"Morning, Abigail, if I can have my cup of coffee first, then we'll go to your quarters."

"O.K., then, wait, have you seen my teleporter?" she looked at her arm and walked back into my room.I should explain the both humans had the bottom bunks, and Salbar and Javid had the top ones.No one particularly liked the idea of sleeping with Draco in the same room, unless they had drunk a bottle of love potion.

"Alduin!" Ryan shouted, and I rose like a boomerang, barging through the bathroom door with smoke canister launcher at the ready. Ryan was gently embraced by Runo in the shower, and the dragon tried to look all innocence.

"I wasn't going to fuck him hard, I just thought some very gentle sex after last night..." Runo began.

"I had an entire night of sex, I don't want any more at the moment." Ryan said each word clearly in Draconic for the dragon's benefit. I crossed until I was standing next to the wall beside the glass shower, looking through the glass at the pair of them. Runo let go of the human, who immediately stepped out, grabbing his clothes and towel, rolling his eyes.

"Honestly, don't they understand we don't have their stamina?" Ryan asked, drying himself down. Runo rolled his eyes and went back to soaping himself.I gently leaned in front of the panelling, covering the entrance to the tentacle monster's lair, and then hit the panel. Ryan watched in apprehension as the two foot panel opened, and a tentacle came out, worming around my hand.

"Morning, my tentacle friend, you missed all the fun last night." I thought.

"Really, what did I miss?"

"Central New Year." I replied,"Sorry, I thought someone should have remembered."

"Someone did, Gareth and Alecto and Orion came in here."

"Were they drunk?"

"Only slightly, and I guessed they had been drinking that potion you make references to. At any rate, they wanted to be abused, and so I did."

"When did they leave?"

"Oh, an hour ago. They never lost consciousness, and Alecto was still sober enough to clean the place down."

That fox must have been exhausted.Runo still had his back to me, and I smiled.

"The dragon is after some gentle sex in the shower.Give him that, say, for a couple of hours, and don't let him leave.Both of us are exhausted of it."

That wasn't true, I was still quite keen, especially with the prospect of Abigail and then, eh hem, painting, with Landon. But I let go, and about eight tentacles wormed out of the hole, and I gently stepped away from them. The dragon was still unsuspecting. Ryan got the geist, and casually side stepped out, and I followed, although I hung by the door watching the tentacles position themselves above Runo.

The dragon turned, and spotted me, and then the eight tentacles hanging above his head.

"Oh f...." he managed, before all eight dived on him. He was quickly pinned. We made eye contact, and I smiled and made a salute at him, shutting the door behind me. Abigail had her teleporter, Draco was stretching, and I grabbed a piece of paper, writing a quick message on it.

"What's going on in there?" Sunrise asked me, he was standing behind Ryan, and looking tired.

"Runo wanted to fuck Ryan, Ryan didn't want it."


"So Runo's getting the undivided attention of the tentacle monster."

I hung the Out of order sign on the door, and Abigail took my hand, teleporting us to her quarters. She had a room to herself, but it was smaller than our large quarters.Her bathroom was small and comfy, where she had landed us, although instead of the main room it was actually attached to the bedroom. It was no more then four metres long, and three wide, the bed was in the centre of the room, with a metre wide passage between the two doors, the other leading into the living room.She had two tall but narrow drawers, and made out of fancy wood.

The bed was occupied. Alecto was sprawling over it, he hadn't the strength to get back to his own room, looking out into the living room, Gareth was slumped in a corner, his chest rising and falling gently.

"Well, they enjoyed themselves." Abigail commented dryly, looking at the spread eagled fox on her bed.

"Not here, Abby, they had several hours with the tentacle monster, it looks like they tried to go back to their own rooms, and either miscounted or couldn't walk any further."

"They DID enjoy themselves." Abigail replied, smiling. She looked at Alecto again, and then at me.

"Why not? Alduin, sit next to Alecto."

This was obviously an invitation for both me and the still slumbering fox to fuck her doubly.

Central New Year 4 Part 4 The Impossibilities.

Silverine looked thoughtful, and then looked at the assembled, just as the tail from the dragon Cetacean was rubbing against curled completely around the dolphin's body. "The glowers have found out they can merge with these animatronic creatures they...

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Central New Year 4 Part 3 Things are revealed.

The Lupogriff paused while the echoes got everyone's attention, and then he continued. "When I call your name, please step forwards and line up next to me." he spoke, and looked around to the Hunted that he could see. "Emery." The little...

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Central New Year 4 Part 2 The Hunt Begins

Within a minute, I had it. The guards were legendary, and I only knew of one legend that had a hoard of treasure. I got up, and people looked at me as I strode forwards, smiling. I knocked on the door gently. "I'm still here, how can I help?" "This...

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