Central New Year 4 Part 3 Things are revealed.

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#144 of Exploration

The Lupogriff paused while the echoes got everyone's attention, and then he continued.

"When I call your name, please step forwards and line up next to me." he spoke, and looked around to the Hunted that he could see.


The little Illusionist walked down a suddenly widening corridor, flanked by two large green snakes, which hissed and tasted the air with their forked tongues, and instantly vanished as he stood beside Silverine on the dais.

"Flair Magena."

The hybrid creature did not walk from everywhere. Unseen, he had made it up to the top of the hall, and when his name was called he plummeted in a controlled dive, landing heavily opposite Emery.

"Giancarlo." the metamorph, still as his avian form, stepped forwards primly, trying to make light of his ability to metamorph.

"Hadia." the wolf dragon hybrid stepped from Valmeero's side,trying to look calm and collected. He did look quite cool, why is it their race manage to look hotter than anyone else? Two either side of Silverine, and the Lupogriff continued.

"Delnom Aleron."

Delnom walked up, his staff clicking against the rocky floor as he casually took his place along his fellows. I saw Alecto give the wolf a cheery thumbs up, and the wolf briefly smiled to his boyfriend.


The hellfire's entrance was greeted with an eruption of fire, and the dragon appeared from it like a magic trick, superheated ash gently smoking on his body as his scales rustled. He took his place.

"Noah Trinadad."

It was the Chimaera, not the lynx, who stepped forwards, and the two headed beast roared defiance as he stepped forwards. I noticed one or two of the female persuasion give a giggle, Noah's chimaera form didn't have any clothes, and we could see his double pronged manhood.

"Nord Icewolf."

The iron based arctic white wolf walked up and stood next to the cobalt based black and white wolf, the pairing making a pretty picture together.

"Qwa'kiana." Silverine's pronunciation of the female's name was impeccable, as was her entrance, in her full armour.

"Scott Corealis." Draco had been standing next to the younger black dragon, and he stepped forwards, not meeting anyone's eye and taking up his place.

"Tabaxi." the cat/elf hybrid smiled broadly and in a display of acrobatics, hand springed his way over to Silverine, giving a bow to the Lupogriff and taking his position.

Silverine stepped down, and I stepped into the main corridor for the Hunted, Silverine joining me. Pretty soon all those in my group had joined me, and I could see a lot of confusion among those who hadn't heard about the addition of the haka. They were about to find out. I was standing behind the front row of the dragons and Silverine, and I grabbed my taiaha in both hands, pointing it diagonally in front of me.

"Taringa whakarongo! Kia rite, kia rite, kia mau!" the answering "Hi" from the group echoed in this huge cavern, as everyone went down into the first position,knees bent, hands on knees, staring levelly at the Hunted.

"E ringa awhitia. Aue tukua! He pakia!" This was greeted by the crash of the left foot slamming onto the rock as both hands slapped on the knees in a slow repetitive manner.

"Torona kei waho!" ksss, and all of us pointed our hands at the Hunted, "Hokie mai," kss, and both arms folded in, one above the other, you would stare at the opponent just between the gap of your arms.

"E waewae takahia! Aue takahia a kia kino!" and then everyone started shouting the Maori, repeating the movements I had taught them.

"Kia kino, a kia kino! Au au Aue ha!" Turuki turuki paneke paneke! Turuki turuki paneke paneke!" as we rowed our imaginary canoe towards the Hunted, they began to step back, rather worried by this unearthly howling chant, and the threatening gestures did not help.

The slashing gestures came next "Kss wetaweta, kss wetaweta, kss wetaweta, ksss!" Silverine, clearly in lost in the passion of the moment, actually did claw his chest, his claws screeching across his armour with the sound of nails of a chalkboard.

"Ara ti, ara te, ara tau! Hi!" the dragons let go jets of flame into the ground towards the centre, and through that fire I walked, taiaha aimed forwards and up as I stepped as though I was tip toeing, my teacher would have been proud. I came to a halt as the fire subsided, and after a few seconds of holding the pose, I spun the staff until I held it loosely in my left hand. The warriors relaxed, and stood straight, and there was thunderous applause for us from everyone. The Hunted were taking huge breaths, glad that this strange thing was nothing more than a challenge.

Silverine stepped forwards, and turned to the audience.

"You have ten minutes, so choose your targets." The dromes arose from their hiding places, and began to hover above those they had been assigned to follow. Giancarlo didn't know it, but the dromes actually severely ruined his chances. His main ability was to morph into something else, but that wouldn't stop the drome following him.

I disappeared towards the back of the hall, my heart still pounding from the haka. I felt a wild elation, freedom to do what I felt was required, and the pleasure of having brought something to fruition. Ryan came over to me, along with Alecto, and the three of us talked quietly,mostly on the subject of the haka, but also about the oncoming hunt.. Abby came over and warned me about my toys, like I needed reminding.

The bell for the start was echoed by a roar as all eleven Hunted sprung forwards. I noticed that Tabaxi had very chivalrously given Emery a piggy back ride, so the little Tireanite wouldn't be left behind, and after twenty seconds all the Hunted had gone. I walked over to the doors, which were still open, and I felt Simba and Draco do the same. I changed into my Phoenix, Simba the Mclaren F1 car, and Draco into his Dodge Viper, and we waited, counting down the seconds until we were released.

Those who weren't chasing started counting from twenty, and as they did I ignited my engines. Draco and Simba both started their engines, the F1 whine unmistakable. As the counters hit five seconds, I built up the power, while the two cars' revs went up.

I actually went on one, the acceleration was not enough to propel me through the door before the 'go'. I ignited everything, and rocketed from a standing start, banking right and flying down the corridor. In the background I could see the menacing power of the Mclaren following me, and Draco had gone the other way.

I streaked through the corridors, just as Gareth clicked onto my line.

"Hey Alduin, nice take off. Emery, Tabaxi and Scott just went past your spot."

About ten seconds later, I had found the little Illusionist. I rocketed over head with a cheery whine, and shouted. "Good luck, Emery." Chasing the Illusionist was not in my flight log.

Unfortunately, while I was not interested in him, he was never the less found by Silverine ten minutes in.

Emery cast several Illusions, which Silverine attacked, and then consequently burst through. He then picked up the Illusionist, and that was Emery's hunt done. As Gareth told me, I thought it rather unfair that the one person the Illusionist had to meet was the one person who had no fear whatsoever, and so illusions were no good.

As I began to swing from corner to narrow corner, I began to get back into the rhythm of doing this from last year,and as I casually banked and rolled over the top of a wolf who was running the other way, I realised I had missed this. The thrill of the Hunt was not everyone's cup of tea, but it was certainly mine.

I did find Scott, 15 minutes in, and as I peeled around a corner, saw the dragon standing at a four way. I opened up my missile bay, and launched a missile at him. It got there before I did, and I saw the little dart hit his chest, marking a large white spot on his chest. As it did so, my tracker, and thus everyone else's casually informed me that Scott was now running down a corridor, heading towards the pool. The amusing thing, well, not so amusing if you were one of the Hunted, is that while one could brush the white off, the tracker actually stuck to the fur/ scales, so it was impossible to remove without a shower.

Before the half hour was up, I had also tagged Hadia and Noah, and now was getting serious about catching someone. I flew through corridor after corridor, but Gareth was having trouble keeping up with my movements compared to the Hunted locations. He did manage to announce that after forty minutes, Scott had been pursued by Runo, Sunrise and Hinori into Cetacean's pool, and that the dragon had dived underwater.

I opened a link."Cetacean, it looks like the Hunt has come to you, capture him, bring him to the surface, and all four of you can share the reward." the dolphin clicked a reply in excitement, and about thirty seconds later, Gareth told me that Scott had been captured.

As he did, I got a frightful shock coming around a corner. I banked hard, and found Giancarlo standing there. Without thinking I fired a missile, and the tagger impacted on Giancarlo's shoulder. Ryan spoke.

"I'm a corridor away, Alduin, can you detain him a little longer?" I had already flown past, but that didn't mean I couldn't slow him down. I managed a tight split-S, and dropped a sleep grenade, blocking the corridor. Giancarlo turned to run through the cloud, but just as he got near he realised what it was, and fell backwards, shaking the waves of fatigue now crossing him. Ryan ran around the corner as I rocketed past, and within fifteen seconds Gareth casually announced that Giancarlo had also been captured.

Forty two minutes down, and three Hunted captured By fifty minutes it was five.

Marcus and Nord had been working together, running with one another, and they had managed to fight off Abigail, lose about eight pursuers, and had literally collided with Javid, leaving Nord with a slight limp, and the sniper on the floor for a minute to clear the dizziness. As I found their corridor, they spotted me, and I fired two taggers. Marcus dodged his, Nord got hit, and as he did, Winslo and two elves appeared right beside the wolf. Marcus turned to run for it, and then was crashed into by a transforming dragon. Draco had been flying as the Drakken, and had changed in mid-flight, tackling the Hellfire to the ground. I only just managed to avoid being collected myself, my wing-tip must have missed Marcus' wing by centimetres.

I slowed down as I found Simba, and I hovered above him as he drove at about 150 kilometres an hour, homing towards the next person we could locate.It was Noah, and as we approach, the sounds of battle showed someone else had found him first.

It was not what I expected. Kodey, that's right, the cute reindeer, was rolling around, wrestling Noah in his Chimaera form. I was astonished, and furthermore so because the reindeer was keeping Noah honest.

I flew rapidly to assist, and changed form at the last second, falling out of the air and tackling the chimaera firmly. We rolled off Kodey, and I landed upside down, facing the way I had come, against a wall. Noah had fallen over next to me, and Kodey got to his feet, jogged over and resumed his battle. Noah however was no longer keen to fight, my attack had left him out of breath, and the chimaera reformed into his normal lynx self.

"You fought quite well, Kodey." the lynx gasped.

"I wrestle Silverine every now and then, I had to learn sometime." the reindeer replied, shaking paws with the lynx, who got down and exposed his ass to Kodey. Kodey gently lay down on the lynx, his cock against his valiant prisoner's ass, and they both looked at me as I ungainly got to my feet.

"Was that deliberate?" Kodey asked.

"Hitting myself really hard against a wall?No." I replied, and clapped Kodey on the shoulder." I should wrestle you some time soon."

"I'd be no good against you." the reindeer shook his head.

"You practice against Silverine, you were doing well against him, I think I disagree." I clapped him on the shoulder and took off down the corridor before I could watch the sex session.

One hour gone, Six Hunted caught. Only Tabaxi, Qwa'kiana, Hadia,Flair and Delnom to capture. Alecto casually announced to me he had been following Delnom since the start, and then ten minutes later I was informed by Gareth that Doran and Billy had caught Flair the same way me and Doran had with Landon. Now it was time to start panicking, and capture a Hunted, if I was to capture one this Central Year.

With one hour 25 on the clock, there was a very surprising series of moments. Qwa'kiana must have been very surprised to see me flying around a corner at 250 kph, Hadia must have been very surprised to see me flying around a corner at 250 kph, Tabaxi must have been very surprised to see me flying around a corner at 250 kph, and I was very surprised to see the three standing together. They had met up, by chance as it were, and now I was coming along.

I fired the last of my taggers, and hit Tabaxi with one, and then changed into my Tripod form, coming to a screeching halt three yards from them. As I did so, all three of them charged at me, knowing I was a menace to their prospects, and as I righted myself was knocked sideways by the dragon, the cat elf and the female Teria. I managed to stay upright, and deployed my tentacles, grappling with who ever I could grab at the time. One tentacle came out with Abigail's prototype toy, and I flicked it at Hadia.

The result literally knocked all of us off our feet.

There was a huge explosion of air as the bubble flung itself around Hadia, entrapping the wolf/ dragon inside, and Tripod, Teria and cat elf were all flung to the ground by the force of the air. Hadia was unaffected by the maelstrom, but I saw his reaction as he tried to walk out of the bubble, and then try and slam his clawed fists against it. The bubble remained solid.

"Qwa'kiana, get me out of here!" Hadia shouted, the wolf/ dragon throwing his weight bodily against the inside of the bubble. Qwa'kiana looked up at Hadia, and made to grab at him.

"I wouldn't." I said in my staccato voice. "That's an inverse bubble shield, and you will be trapped in there too."

Hadia sighed, and sunk to the floor, legs crossed, waiting for someone to capture him. Qwa'kiana backed away, Tabaxi had already turned tail and run for it.

I got to my feet and from the side of my carapace rose a small rocket tube. Teria and dragon stared at it, and I fired the net, the air pressure blasting it out and enveloping the Teria in it's folds. She stayed quite still, trying to keep her balance and not get any more enmeshed, but she knew she was caught. I gave out the location of the two, and then hared after the cat elf, following my tag.

Brendan and Alex caught Hadia in his bubble four minutes later, and Landon, Grant and Valmeero caught Qwa'kiana a minute after that. I chased after Tabaxi, steadily closing in for my Tripod form had longer legs and ran faster than he could. At 1:31 I turned a corner and saw Tabaxi running down the corridor, and Delnom running the other way with Alecto about ten yards behind him. Tabaxi came to a halt, and when Delnom saw me, he very quickly came to a halt next to Tabaxi.

Alecto and myself advanced on the two, and I spoke.

"Delnom, which would you prefer?"

"Umm, could my boyfriend catch me, I still remember the last time you picked me up with those tentacles?"

I lashed out at Tabaxi, and the cat elf raised one hand in a gesture of "I surrender." I changed into my human form, and gently took the upraised hand. Delnom looked at his boyfriend, and then smiled.

"Well, capture loves company, I suppose. Come on, Alecto, I give in." Alecto came forwards and hugged his wolven boyfriend warmly. I told them what I had seen, and Gareth filled in the blanks for the Hunted. Delnom was pleasantly surprised he had managed to go longest, and Tabaxi was just glad to have gone as long as he had. Alecto smiled.

"Hunted 69, we fuck their asses!" he called, and Tabaxi and Delnom laughed.

"I'll go with that, here's to the winner this year." Tabaxi shook hands with Delnom and got down on the floor. Delnom lay down facing the other way, and they gently began massaging each other to erection. I shook hands with Alecto, congratulating him, and then we took our own places.

Tabaxi's ass was nice and loose, maybe it was because of all the running, and my cock slid down into him.My cock was slightly lubricated from all the exhaustive work, I was still sweating slightly, and I wasn't alone.

Delnom was rolled onto the top of Tabaxi as they sucked one another off, and I had to bend down next to Delnom to fuck Tabaxi's ass. Alecto lay down on top of Delnom, and fucked him at a slightly faster rate.

As we started, I saw Emery sprinting down the corridor towards us, stark naked. I held out an arm, and he stopped running.

"Problems Emery?"

The Tirean nodded. "He keeps giving me a minute start and then hunting me, he catches me and fucks me again!Hide me, please?"

Silverine ran around the corner, grinning, and Emery started running. With one move I withdrew from Tabaxi, tackled Emery, and pinned him.

"I caught him!" I called, and Silverine sighed.

"Yes, well done, can I have him back?"

Maybe you could stop playing with your toys, Silverine." I said cheekily.

Alecto saved me and Emery from an ass fucking by volunteering his vagina to the Lupogriff, providing he was a bit more gentle than normal, and as the Lupogriff turned the threesome into a foursome,I helped Emery onto my lap, pressing my cock into his thoroughly loose ass. He was full of Lupogriff semen, and as I thrust back and forth in him, the excess oozed over my legs and testicles. His cock was fully erect, and I took it in my left hand, stroking him firmly.

After the ravaging done by Silverine, Emery was a limp doll in my grasp, relieved to be being taken by someone a little gentler,moaning and sighing as I stroked his bulging cock and pumped his ass with my own. The whimpers from Alecto and Delnom and the growls from Silverine made me shiver a bit in pleasure, and I used my free hand to let out some of Silverine's semen out from the Tirean's ass and feed it to him. Emery seemed content to suckle my hand and swallow the sticky cum, but he rocked back and forth, sucking my fingers like a cock, and so I obliged by thrusting my fingers deeply back and forth in his mouth, getting them cleaned, getting them covered in semen and repeating.

It was at this point I was made aware of a glower presence, and I could tell by the way Silverine tensed he could sense it too. The glower communicated to me and Silverine alone by mental methods.

"The glowers wish to use the dragons to make love to the scouts after the hunt, we will turn off the teleporters and bar the doors so everyone has to be sexed. You two and Draco are excused, should you choose."

I guess they had finally given into the temptation.I sent a mental message.

"You're not intending to cum love potion are you, so we are more, enthusiastic about such a proposition?"

"We are, Alduin."

"I refuse to be fucked on those grounds, but maybe you could have me in one of the dragon's bellies."

"For what purpose?"

"Once you're finished with one or two of the scouts, you could send them to join me? I don't mind making love to those dosed, but I don't want to be dosed myself."

"I feel the same." Silverine added, and we glanced at one another,"How many dragons are there now?"

"We have made an extra five since you checked. Alduin's idea for one on one with a glower has intrigued many of my fellows."

"Besides, everyone likes sex, glowers included." I chuckled." I'd risk being fucked by them, but not dosed with potion."

The glower chuckled. "Maybe we should give you a few hours with all of them later on, when we synthesise a different semen, Alduin?"

"There wouldn't be a lot of room, seven dragons trying to sex a single human, but I'd certainly be entertained by an idea." I chuckled in return, and Silverine smirked. The glower presence disappeared, and I exchanged glances with the Lupogriff. Letting the glowers run rampant on the rest of the scouts? Note to self, hide.Actually, open a link to someone's glasses and watch the carnage from inside the constructed dragon.

More likely we would just be left alone, in the middle of the chaos, the glowers respected Silverine and myself. Unsurprisingly, me and Silverine broke off the sex not long after the talk with the glower, the scouts were going to need all the strength they had for what was in store for them. So me and the Lupogriff walked down the corridor quietly back towards the hall, thinking.

"I wonder if Cetacean's going to be involved in this giant orgy?" I asked the Lupogriff.

"Knowing the glowers,if they wanted to include the dolphin, they will have modfied part of the hall for his special needs. And I imagine they will want him involved, he is, after all, a scout." he replied.

"There is that. So how do you intend to introduce this...modification to the normal events?"

"I'm working on it as you speak." the Lupogriff chuckled." I knew the glowers desired intercourse, but I was not expecting this."

"Be honest, my wolven friend. Could ANYone have expected this?" I replied cheekily, and Silverine chuckled.

We entered the hall quietly, and as the Hunters and Hunted slowly filed in one by one, I teleported my pack away, standing in my Maori flax skirt, nothing else, holding the taiaha. The two dragon constructs were still sleeping, or appearing to sleep, and Silverine sat down on the dais.

I could feel the buildup of glower presence, having been merged it was a special ability both me and Silverine had, the fuzzy tingle of power. There was more than one hanging around invisible, and I dropped down my glasses, running thermal, Xray and infra-scans. As I did so, I began to count the glower anomalies.

There were ten of them, and I walked over to the nearest one and began to whisper, out of earshot of the scouts.

"Preparing for the fun, are you?"

There was a pause, and then a quiet response."Impress me, how did you know?"

"When looking for you on these, I don't look for things, I look for an absence of things."

"Clever. Draco is already in his quarters, you can join him if you choose."

"I will stay and watch from a corner, if you could avoid me while you are taking on all the scouts, that would be appreciated." I replied.

"On the subject, is Cetacean joining in?" I added.

"Look in the corner of the room nearest the doors."The glower said simply, and as I did, I say Cetacean swimming in a shallow pool about 8 by 10 metres. He looked up as I looked at him, and I nodded to him.

"You will have to get him first, one of you. He moves so fast underwater he will be difficult to catch if he knows what's going on, even in such a small space."

"We have guessed that would be the case." the glower replied, and I moved over to Cetacean.

"How's it going?"

"The glowers moved me into this little pool, I will get to have some fun too!"the dolphin clicked in excitement,. I sat down with my bare legs dangling in the pool, and the dolphin teasingly pounced on top of me. I let myself fall back gently, and gave the dolphin a gentle kiss, holding his flippers. I gave his cock slit a rub, and pushed him back into the water. He chuckled merrily and swum around, in tense excitement. I wondered what he would be thinking when the glower's plans were revealed to him.

Soon the rest of the Hunted filed in, and they assembled by the dais. Everyone was watching Silverine, and I snuck up to the back as Silverine welcomed everyone back and began announcing everyone's times.

I opened the door, and saw five more dragon constructs standing by the door, and a tingle of nearness meant the glowers were moving to their respective reptiles. I opened the other side of the door and stepped aside as the dragons began to quietly walk in. I got a couple of nods from the mechanical dragons, the glowers appreciating my assistance, and after the last one entered, I shut the doors and sealed them together with the ion bonder. The five lay down quietly as Silverine finished the announcement of times, and Cetacean noticed the five reptiles looking in interest.

He whistled loudly, and everyone turned in surprise, one or two jumped in terror, and then relaxed as they were aware these were just the glower constructions, like the other two. One of the dragons was nearer to the pool, and it's tail delved into the water and teasingly started stroking the dolphin's flanks. Cetacean giggled and nuzzled back against it.

Silverine looked at everyone and then cleared his throat, wondering how to explain what was to happen next.

Central New Year 4 Part 2 The Hunt Begins

Within a minute, I had it. The guards were legendary, and I only knew of one legend that had a hoard of treasure. I got up, and people looked at me as I strode forwards, smiling. I knocked on the door gently. "I'm still here, how can I help?" "This...

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