Central New Year 4 Part 4 The Impossibilities.

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#145 of Exploration

Silverine looked thoughtful, and then looked at the assembled, just as the tail from the dragon Cetacean was rubbing against curled completely around the dolphin's body.

"The glowers have found out they can merge with these animatronic creatures they have created, and through them feel things. They wish to join the fun tonight with these creatures."There were several gasps, and a mass turning of heads in worry and curiosity. Cetacean looked a little startled, looking at me in surprise and a little fear.

Silverine smiled. "Since when was anyone afraid of a little cock?" he stepped forwards through the crowd, when Valmeero called out.

"That's not a little cock, that's a whole lotta cock!" There was a laugh or two, while Alecto slightly nervously stepped forwards to the one next to the one currently getting close to Cetacean. The dragon rolled onto his side, his thick meat fully erect, and the reptile took the fox between his claws, and pressed his thick member against the vagina of the herm. Alecto murred, and this was the signal for relaxation.

The dragon holding Cetacean came to the dolphin, pushing his own cock against the dolphin's tail hole teasingly while in several feet of water. I recognised Keen by his pulse, and as I moved over to him as the dragons began to pair up with the smaller critters, and the rest of the scouts pair and threesome amongst themselves, Keen reached out with a fore claw. I took it.

"Hello, Keen." I said telepathically.

"Alduin,"he replied," I've been a very naughty glower." there was a pulse of amusement.

"Naughty in what way?" I asked teasingly. Keen paused.

"If I grabbed your boyfriend and gave him the ride of his life, so far, would that count as naughty?"

"My boyfriend is not a stretch toy, Keen. Getting him to do you orally would be naughty enough."

The dragon gave a nod and wandered through the crowd, gently picking up Gareth in his muzzle and motioning at Ryan. I followed afterwards, and Ryan saw me coming.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"The glower wants you to stroke his cock. I'll get him to roll over, you stand astride his tail and fuck him while stroking him."

Ryan looked a little nervous of playing with someone so big, but my presence and his curiosity over rode it, and he walked with me. Keen got to the dais and I got him to roll over. Gareth crawled up onto his stomach and started licking the base, while I stood up by the dragon's head and grabbed him by the ears.

"Come on, how good is the mighty glower at taking his punishment?" The glower, while indeed mighty, was not very skilled at this. Had I known, maybe I wouldn't have been so excited to put my cock between his teeth, but he amateurishly took my cock in his reptilian mouth, and wrapped his tongue around my shaft.His strength was terrifying, pulling fiercely at me, and I gasped as he did so. Ryan plunged his cock into the dragon's tailhole, and the glower started, before relaxing as the human stroked the base and balls of the dragon.

The glower, however amateur, did a very good job of sucking on my cock, and as the sexual tension heightened in the room, with all the Scouts now thoroughly involved in a huge orgy, the cries and moans increased my desire.

Unfortunately, this is where everything went weird, in a bad way.

I couldn't help but notice a light flashing on my glasses, and after getting Keen to desist his thoroughly enjoyable task I moved over and put my glasses on.

It just had to be a distress signal, on the night of the Hunt too. Combat does not arrange itself around schedules. I inwardly sighed, and quickly got into my clothes. The others looked at me confused.

"Alduin, where are you going?" Ryan asked me politely, the dragon glower watching on.

"Red light is bad, it always has been. Keen, where's that signal coming from?"

The dragon paused, and spoke in the glower's ethereal tones.

"The signal is coming from the planet you refer to as Kodey's."

I teleported on the spot. The glower's must have sensed it coming and lowered what ever they had done earlier to make teleport impossible. I fell for about a minute, before landing heavily outside the tree that was Kodey's family house.

There were screams and cries coming from downstairs, and as I turned around I saw something that made my body sick.

Someone had dug a hole down behind the mounted laser turret, and had dragged it out. Two raptors were unconscious next to it, proof it was still live.Terror hit me, and the body instantly went into overdrive.

The disguised door was ripped off it's hinges as I jumped down, running past the new hole and into what had been the main room of the reindeer abode.

A giant pile of rubble lay at the other end, where there had been a path to the bedrooms. A cry for help was coming from behind it, speaking in their own language. Two raptors, clearly eager for a slice of the prizes, were currently digging into the collapsed rubble with their claws, and thus were pre-occupied as I drew my laser pistol and stunned them.

The twin bursts of the hyper-advanced technology made the creatures behind the wall shout out.

"Centralite, help us!"

I moved over, pulling out cuffs and cuffing both raptors. As I did so, I spoke.

"So what did I miss?"

"Alduin, is that you?"

"The one and only." I replied, turning my attention to the rubble.

"They dug behind the weapon protecting us and pulled it out. We barely had enough time to collapse this section of the tunnel...but.....but..."the voice started crying,"Roain was taken."

I stopped, and quite calmly opened my link to Central.

"Glowers, could I have one of you not enjoying yourself at the Hunt to come here now?"

"What is your purpose in requesting one of us,Alduin?"

"Kodey's family is behind a wall of rubble, and Roain has been taken prisoner, I'd prefer it if one of you helped the reindeer out of their stuck position, because I have some raptors to hunt."

"As long as you do not want us to hurt or heal anyone, Alduin."

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it." I said coldly,"Because if anyone is hurting raptors tonight, it's me."

A glower arrived in about a minute, and I climbed back out of the ruined tree as the glower began pulse-disintergrating the piles of debris.

I landed on my feet on the ground and changed into my raptor form, taking off through the trees, boosted by afterburners and a passionate fire of rage. My destination was Banehallow's village, as that was the only logical place the attack could have come from.The sheer speed I went at meant I overshot slightly, and as I banked around for landing,I saw several raptors in the slightly dusky streets. It was late afternoon, and they stared at my craft, recognising my presence.

I made a dive, pulling out at the last second and changing into my bionic human form. My steel skin reverberated as my sword rang against it as I unsheathed it.The raptors growled uncertainly, holding their spears in a defensive manner. My expression hardened.

"Get Banehallow here, or I will systematically destroy every lifeform here, down to the livestock." I shouted, and there was the familiar oily growl from one of the buildings to the left of me.

"Alduin, I guess? What have we done this time to incur the wrath of a Centralite?Tried to survive?" Banehallow sneered, stepping down the steps to look at me. I swivelled, and the blade tracked the raptor's movements.

"Can in, Banehallow, or I get unfriendly. Several raptors attacked Kodey's tree and have taken one of the reindeer hostage."I paused to gauge his reaction to this,"I take by your deadpan expression you claim to have had nothing to do with it."

"As much as I'd like to settle that particular score, Alduin, I am not stupid. None of this tribe has come within one hundred yards of that area since you, returned, Kodey to his family."Banehallow was stuck between insulting me and swallowing his pride, and managed a compromised.

"Then what other tribes are located in the general area. Who else would have taken them?" I asked in a slightly less accusing voice. Banehallow shrugged.

"We try to keep apart, clan wars are frequent."

"Banehallow, you are yet to see me really angry, tonight is not a good time to start. Please give me a general location of any raptor tribe close enough to attack you."

Banehallow smiled."I take the hint, Alduin, I prefer the survival of the tribe to revenge. There is a raptor tribe practically the other end of that forest, about one and a half hours running time.Do I get any reward for telling you all this?"

"You get to survive, unless you are lying.In which case you're already dead. At any rate I will return in a few hours."

I changed and took off from a vertical position, rocketing into the atmosphere and heading the completely opposite direction.I opened up my scanner,thermal and X-ray, looking for large quantities of life bigger than a hive of bees, and after 20 minutes flying, I located what had taken Roain.

Banehallow had told the truth, which was a nice surprise, but maybe my little act last time had drilled a sense of self preservation into that oily creature.At any rate there was a small tribe of raptors in an equally small town, and coming down the main street was about 15 of them holding a smaller prisoner.

A normal person at this point would have kept his distance, or at least landed from a distance and walked in, but my fears for Roain's safety were immediate. This is why I set myself into a steep descent.

I never saw the reactions of the creatures, as I was still in thermal mode, but as I pulled out of my dive at practically two feet about ground, all the raptors started leaping or falling to the side to avoid being dismembered by my wings.

I rocketed through the midst of them, kicked into a loop, and then changed form, landing on one knee, sword out as I surveyed the shaken reptiles. They looked at me in shock and fear, and I knew I had to keep up the momentum.

"You creatures are dead, my patience stands in the way!" I shouted, storming up to them, sword gripped tightly in my left hand." Where's the reindeer prisoner, or your blood will run freely!"

Two raptors gained their confidence, and stood in my way, snarling. My phaser came out and dropped them both before they could mount a defence.

I stepped over the unconscious bodies, and came to Roain, who was tied, gagged and being put down by one of the raptors. A circle developed around me, and as the raptors kept their distance, I knelt down to the terrified reindeer, taking off the gag.

"You alright, Roain?"

"Alduin, I'm scared."he whimpered.

"I could hold off these ka'zun for hours, and there would be corpses littering the road." I didn't mean to curse, but I was pretty angry.

A glower came onto my wavelength.

"What did you have in mind with the family once they had been rescued?"

"Would they be welcome on the tech planet somewhere?"

"I see no problems with relocating them there, I shall ask them if they feel the same, and if they do, then I shall take them there. How's Roain?"

"He's here, shaken but not stirred." I looked up as I cut the cords holding the mammal restrained, and scowled.

"You creatures will not try this again, because if you do, I will find out, and you will die. This is your eternal warning,before you meet the demon inside that is me. Now run!"

They did. The raptors ran towards their small town, not looking back, as the glower came across the radio that the reindeer had agreed they wanted accommodation elsewhere. I teleported back to the wrecked tree with Roain, left him in the capable pulses of the glower, and flew back to Banehallow's village. It was getting somewhat dark, and I glided in, making a neat landing on the ground.

I tried the building the raptor leader had come from the first time, and luckily found him alone in his house. He looked up at my expressionless face and simply asked. "Well?"

"You told the truth, you live. Thank you, Banehallow."

"It was not my pleasure at all. Your thanks are unnecessary and worthless."

"Despite last time, raptor, you helped me.You may take them or dismiss them, but I offer you my thanks regardless. Roain was rescued just outside their village."

"I presume you didn't tell them who told you." the raptor said cautiously.

"I didn't give them the chance to ask any questions on the matter.In fact, they didn't get to say anything before I ordered them to run or die."

"I admire your efficiency, if not your inability to kill."

"I have my pride, you have yours, we just judge ourselves differently. I would have killed them without a second thought, but I do not take pleasure in doing so."

"Well, I accept your thanks, they are not so worthless after all. I would prefer you to leave now." the raptor asked, and I smiled.

"There is one more thing, Banehallow, and this time there is no chance of me hurting anyone, so brace for it."

"What do you mean?" the raptor looked suspicious as I took off my sword and belt and put them on the floor.

"You saved the life of Kodey's brother, Bane, though you despise me.You also expected no reward from doing so, even though you asked. I allow you to claim a reward for yourself." I took off my shirt, exposing my slightly muscular frame, and Banehallow took a step back.

"You are not coming near me, Alduin."

"This is not for my pleasure, Banehallow. This is your reward, you may fuck me. If you agree to be gentle for him, I might actually tell Kodey how he can repay you."

The raptor paused, still distrusting as I stripped completely naked. "You are mocking me, human."

I shook my head."My weapons will stay on the floor. You did something good for us, you get rewarded. Where shall I lie down?"

The raptor scrutinised me minutely, trying to see if this was still some kind of trick, and he spoke as he took a step forwards.

"How much can I trust what you say, Alduin? You killed many of my tribe without thinking last time, and you twist what you say."

I sighed, and sat down, grabbing a set of cuffs from my bag. With an expert flick I snapped the cuffs shut around my wrists behind my back. I wasn't restrained, but I couldn't use my full strength until I flexed my wrists. I looked at Banehallow meanfully and spread my legs slightly.The raptor actually stuttered.

"This was not how I expected you to behave, Alduin.You are an enemy of mine, yet you offer yourself to be raped at my leisure."

"You are mistaken if you think this is rape, nor am I staying long.I move fast, as you know, so you had better take what you get while you still can."

"What if I call others to fuck you?" the raptor's right leg stepped onto my left leg just above the foot, and I smiled.

"I take it you want me to suffer for what I did to you."

"Do you actually suffer at all? The raptor shot back, and I laughed.

"Let me be pleasured, and you can call a couple, couple only, to join in in raping me."

Banehallow shook his head."You enjoy this, don't you?"

"Absolutely.Make you think you have control, then make it quite clear you don't." I smirked.

"In which case, I can't have you fucking my tribe members."the raptor said solemnly, and lay down on top of me, grinding his cock slit against one leg.

"Alduin, I don't think I want to do this....I like to hurt my partners, and you can't be hurt, nor would you like to be."

"Alpha male thing again, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes." Banehallow admitted somewhat sheepishly. I took a deep breath.

"As much as I don't trust you, you said you'd prefer survival to revenge. I will change to my normal self, and let you bite and scratch me, providing you don't try anything stupid." I knew this was going to hurt, but for once I had to let myself accept it was fair. Banehallow nodded slowly, and bent down.

"We'd only kill one another if I did, so I shall take your cock in my mouth, and mine in yours.One little nip to draw blood, to satisfy each other's dislike for one another. It is a ritual between males of opposite tribes to show if not trust, then allowance to let the other live."

There was a deeply pregnant pause, but this idea in their culture actually made sense. It wasn't the sickly smile saying "trust me", it was one of agreeing that both should survive this, and that neither will attempt to kill the other. In a tribe of rapacious creatures such as the raptors, that was practically table manners.

Banehallow shuffled around as his member slide out, and I felt him lick my steel penis. I changed from my bionic form, and as I took hold of his cock, Banehallow's teeth delivered the equivalent of a nip.

Dear deity of choice it hurt. I gasped through the meat of the raptor, and as he lifted his head I could see he had played fair, four or five little puncture wounds in the base of my cock, blood lightly trickling across my balls. He looked at me, nodded, and arched his head up, closing his eyes.

Because I was human, I couldn't deliver the precise holes, so I actually took hold of it with my teeth, and shifted my head, my teeth leaving lines of damage. I felt the raptor's blood in my mouth, and I let go quickly. Banehallow howled, and as he turned around he stroked my chest.

"Now I begin to understand,human. You change to suit the circumstances, and do so in a way I might term weak, but you call me blood lusty. Change back into your bionic form, we have hurt one another enough."

"You offer a truce, Banehallow?"I smiled.

"No peace with the enemy, but a grudging respect, and a desire to fuck him." I laughed.

"So civilized, raptor. You might go far. Just don't try that biting thing with Silverine, he would tear you to shreds."

"Again, I'm not stupid."

I lifted my neck to the raptor."I will not change, but you may bite me lightly."

"Yes, Alduin. Thank you."The raptor leaned down, and I felt his razor teeth prick at my neck, safe from my more vital parts there, the raptor was playing very cautious. His cock pressed at my ass firmly as he slowly closed his mouth a little. The pain was fierce, and I did gasp, but Banehallow went no further after he punctured the skin.

It was a slow mating between enemies. The raptor fucked my ass at a slow rate, clearly he didn't want to go crazy and risk himself falling into blood lust, but he did drink slowly of the blood spilling from my neck. I could feel his thick tongue licking across the side of my neck, and the sensation was so painful and yet so awakening.

The raptor also reached down with a claw and stroked my cock. His own, providing it's own lubrication, fucked in time with the strokes, and I moaned. They might have been smaller than humans, Banehallow only weighed about 50-60 kilograms, but they were lithe and powerful in their own movements, their leg muscles were so well developed. I never thought I'd admit it, but I was actually enjoying sex with a raptor.

I bet he was thinking the same thing, and as he suckled, revelling in the taste of my blood, I could feel his pre-cum inside my ass.

"Do you have any plans for how this goes, Bane?"

The raptor lifted his head."Between tribe leaders, they take it in turns to fuck the other slowly. We shall do that, but if you wish to volunteer yourself for a rapid fucking for me saving your friend's life, then I would not object."

I stroked the raptor with a hand, coaxing him to going back to his gentle nip. I heard him growl in pleasure as I stroked the back of his head, so I continued doing so. His fucking was a little more vigorous, though still at Simba's sort of speed. Then, with a muffled moan, he ejaculated heavily, and his seed pumped into my ass.

Immediately he let go, and as I got off the floor he withdrew, cock dripping cum onto the floor. He looked a little embarrassed at himself, and as I reached for my bag, things got complicated.

Draco appeared in the room with a teleportation bang, and jumped into the conclusion Banehallow was raping me. He made to leap at the raptor, who was staring in fright, but the dragon didn't get a yard as I reached out and grabbed his limb.

"Draco, it's ok!"

The dragon paused."Alduin, what's going on?" he looked somewhat angrily at the raptor.

"Banehallow told me infomation that saved Roain's life, and I'm settling the debt. We're under a truce."

The dragon stopped reaching at the raptor, and looked at me. "You decided to let him bite you?"

"It's an agreement, we did it to one another. Can you please leave?"I asked politely. The dragon looked uncertainly at me, and then vanished.

Both of us breathed out, Banehallow more so. I chuckled, and he gave something that could have been a weak laugh.

"A pity he didn't stay." I commented," or at least take me away under grounds of insanity. He would have saved you from being forcibly bred like the raptor whore you are."

Banehallow laughed, he actually laughed, and I broke into giggles.

"Dear Iviqi, I hate you. But you are just so likeable. Just remember, first time we go gentle, then forcibly breeding can begin."

"That's such a shame, you'll have to wait a whole eternity to be forced onto your knees and fucked senseless like you secretly desire."

"Is there some kind of knack to saying annoying but amusing things?" the raptor asked, sighing. I laughed again.

"Don't worry, I won't say a word to anyone." I brought out my cuffs and securely cuffed Banehallow to a low beam.

Instantly he was unsure, and I stroked him."Don't panic. Blood is your fetish, some gentle restraint is mine."For the first time, Banehallow saw my cock compared to him.

"It's...quite big, Alduin. Will it fit in me?"

"It will, with some persuasion. But it won't be anything too rough." I reached for my bag, and pulled out a small bottle of mineral oil, paraffin. Several drops dripped down over my uncut, erect member, and I set a few more drops on a finger.

As I approached the helpless reptile, I reached over with the finger, and began to rub the lubricating liquid over the entrance of the raptor's ass. He growled a little as my finger wormed back and forth, slowly delving inside of him, and as I pulled it out,I pressed my cock against him.

The raptor hissed softly, his ass stretching to a limit not previously reached before, as my cock head wormed between the two muscles.

Then, with a sudden movement, my cock slid into him. Banehallow moaned as I took hold of him with one arm, gently probing deeply with each stroke. I reached down with one arm, stroking his somewhat slick reptilian member with a practiced hand. He gasped, slowly, and looked up at me.

"What was that stuff you used?"

"It's a special lubricant, it eases the difficulty of penetrating."

"Just as well, that thing is huge..."he moaned, cutting off the sentence, and I smiled at the comment, fucking him slightly harder for a few seconds to let him fully appreciate my size.

I was already fairly hard from his stroking earlier, and before long he started to shiver a little, feeling my pre shooting into my ass, slightly repulsed by being fucked this way by a mere human and partly pleased by the sensation. I heard sounds of movement outside, and cautiously looked at Banehallow. He caught the query on my lips, looking past me at the door.

"They will not enter, but you will have to let me down. I refuse to appear submissive to my tribe."

I uncuffed him while still fucking him, the resultant slide from the raptor onto my cock practically impaling him, and he moaned.

I wrapped both arms firmly around him, humping him deeply.He whimpered slightly, and then howled as I did the same, thrusting deeply and ejaculating deep into his ass. His belly bulged slightly, and his ass leaked semen around my shaft.

He looked at me through his reptilian eyes. "Do not expect me to play nice, Alduin, ever, but we understand one another now."

"We do." I helped the raptor off my cock, and got dressed. As he lay there, he smiled.

"Any chance I could steal you away to be a slut for my tribes men?You make love really nicely."

"Well, if I ever feel in the mood to be severely dominated, I shall consider coming here. In the mean time I shall tell Kodey of what you did and let him decide on whether to come here and express his thanks. Farewell, Banehallow."

"Goodbye, and yes, don't treat him roughly, I can do that." the raptor smiled, and I teleported.

Draco was waiting for me."What were you doing with him?" he demanded.

"We reached...an understanding. We're not openly at war anymore, but at the same time there is no way in hell we can be friends."

"Well, the less fighting the better, I suppose."

"What did I miss?"

"The doors are open, but no one wants to leave, they're all drunk on love potion from the dragons."

We walked towards the great hall, and upon entry we saw an absolutely amazing sight.

The dragons were fucking. Maybe a side effect of their semen was a general looseness, but several scouts were taking their cocks in their ass or vagina. Cetacean, being the aquatic, sleek and generally slightly bigger, was currently being snuggled by a dragon while recieving the reptilian cock deep inside him. I moved over and smiled.

"Enjoying it, Cetacean?"

"It's wonderful, Alduin. It's so big and probing. Let me suckle on your cock, please?" I sighed, wondering if people developed an addiction to love potion, and moved close enough, stripping down to give the dolphin free rein to suckle on my shaft. I looked around quietly watching. The floor was slick with the amount of cum, several scouts were licking it off the floor,though whether being ordered to because of their submissive nature or because they loved the taste, no idea which.

I looked up at the glower dragon "Any of you dragons almost finished yet?"

The glower chuckled."Not half. This good little dolphin wants me all to himself, and I've let go eight or nine times, I see no end in sight. One of us is currently Abby's bitch, she tased him in the cock earlier, I think the battery will die before either of them will finish.

As I looked over, Abby was riding said dragon's cock, but he had taken the taser and had a sack of gold on top of the on switch. There was a very large pool of semen around both of them. Keen, I noticed with some satisfaction was still being fucked by Ryan, who was licking the dragon. Keen was also giving head to Kodey, who seemed completely care free. Of Silverine, there was no sign.

I murred deeply as Cetacean continues sucking me off, looking up at the dragon.

"Where's Silverine, glower?"

"In his office." I paused and withdrew from Cetacean.

"All alone?"

"Yes. I think Cetacean wants your semen, Alduin."

"He's getting enough of that from you. Continue to supply him with it."I jogged out of the Great Hall, going down to the Lupogriff's office, and I walked in quietly.

Silverine was there, at his desk, thinking, and my entrance interrupted him.

"Oh, Alduin, what's up?"

"Silverine, I would have expected you at the head of the cue, what's going on?"

"The proximity of the glowers, Alduin, I couldn't put my mind to sex with them there like that."

I had forgotten."Oh, I'm sorry. Shutting up right now. Did you hear what happened to Kodey's family?"

"A glower informed me, Alduin, I'm sure Kodey will be happy when he finds out. Did you really have sex with Banehallow?"

"It was a thank you gift, but it ended up being a ritual sort of sex. Their males give one another a nip to say "I won't kill you, you won't kill me, fair?"We're technically in a ceasefire."

"Good."I scooted around the side of the desk and sat in the Lupogriff's lap.

He strokes my shoulders and rested his head against mine, his warm body snuggling against mine as he gently (in his terms anyway) hugged me. I hugged him back, the two of us quietly sitting there, making no effort to undress one another, and then I looked up. Silverine bent down, and kissed me on the lips.

I lifted my hands to his shoulders, holding them as I kissed him passionately back. His large paws ran up and down my back softly as our lips slid against one another, until I felt his soft tongue running against my teeth. The invitation was accepted, and my tongue rubbed against his delicately, our saliva running together as we made out.

The kiss went on for some time, this one more so than others, but finally Silverine pulled back, smiling warmly.

"Happy Central Year, Alduin."

"Happy Central Year, Silverine."

Choose your own Path pt18

You look a little nervous of the Master, and you casually move over to the bed, stripping off your equipment. "If I said yes, could you tell me your name?" you ask timidly, and the Master smiles. "My name is Kiarda.It means..." "Plane Touched."...

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Choose your own Path pt17

As the Master advances on you, you lift both hands, deciding not to draw your sword. "Woah, woah. Before I get my ass rutted, what is the meaning of this. I thought you said this was a challenge." The Master chuckles."Your challenge was whether you...

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Choose your own Path pt16

You turn around and walk back in the cave passage back towards the elf, and as you do you could swear you're walking down a different passage way towards the elf's chamber, there are no zigzags, and the journey only takes two minutes before you meet...

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