Tides Ch. 7: Fuck These Mini-Titles

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#8 of As Certain as the Tides


Hobie: Nauta.

Rain: Me.

Kera: Me.

Kera held a measuring tape around Rain's belly, now heavy with a 31-week twin pregnancy, and looking all the larger on her formally lithe frame. The Latias whistled in appreciation. "Well, congratulations, Rain. You've finally caught up to your man in belly size...even though he's five weeks ahead of you."

Rain blushed a little as she let her pajama shirt fall back down. "He isn't carrying twins," she countered as one of the pups kicked Kera's hand.

The equally swollen maleherm otter leaned over to rub his lover's belly, gently kissing her cheek as he did so. "Mmm, sorry for being so potent, love," he said with a proud smile, wurfing as his own pup kicked. "Mistral, settle down, this is a tender moment..." he said, patting his own tummy. "I really miss being able to stand on my board. Sitting on the waves just isn't the same."

"I'm sure Mistral likes it," Kera replied with a smile. "Rocking motions, after all."

"Mmm...more than I do, but he'll come out a surfer for sure," he said softly. "I only have about a month left, right?" he asked their midwife.

Kera nodded at Hobie. "Yep. Just four more weeks 'til your due date and you get to have your baby."

Rain rubbed all over her belly, looking down at it. "I'm already huge...what'm I gonna be like at term?" she wondered out loud, leaning to press her belly out as much as she could without losing her balance. "Blech."

Hobie reached to stroke his lover's tummy again and grinned. "Mmmm, don't do that, Rain, you'll make the otter pounce ya."

Rain's belly thumped against his hand. "Erf...they already move a lot...maybe I should get out on the waves too..." she murmured.

"You can always come out on my board with me, I just hope it will support the five of us," he replied with a wink.

Kera turned to write something on their prenatal checkup records. "You wanted to give birth here, Hobie?"

"Mmmm...here, as in...between this house and the waves. I wouldn't mind having the pup out on the surfboard to be honest...it's really more my home than these four walls." He glanced at his lover. "And wherever Rain is, of course," he finished, kissing her cheek.

Kera arched an eyebrow. "You mean...outside?" she asked.

He pulled Rain closer with their bellies rubbing together. "Yeah, outside...y'know...like natural otters would." He smirked, and flicked his thick tail, his sheath hardening at Rain's closeness. "Why, is that odd?"

Kera cocked her head. "A little, yeah...especially among teenagers. Kinda...hippie, don't ya think?" she replied, not waiting for a response as she continued, "Well, I guess we can prepare for that...but birthing in the surf is definitely not recommended...."

"I can do it on the beach, but I guess we're not really your typical teens eh?" He smiled and stroked his belly, leaning back and sighing a bit. "Mmm, speaking of the surf, this is getting uncomfortable. I could use some support like the ocean."

The Latias nodded a little. "Well, this actually brings me to my next point..." she trailed off, looking at Rain. "Rain, you wanted to give birth in a tub, right?"

Rain nodded. "Like, the hot tub," she replied, holding her belly as her pups squirmed inside her. "In water for sure."

Hobie looked at her, and then Kera. "We could do it together, maybe...I mean, in the same place if not at the same time?"

"That's actually...well. Look, Rain, I don't like being the one to say this, but you need to know there's a bit of a problem with that..." Kera trailed off, visibly uncomfortable.

Rain blinked, reaching for Hobie's hand. "Are...my babies okay?"

Kera nodded, waving a hand dismissively. "Oh yes, they're quite healthy and growing strong. But therein lies a problem."

Hobie rubbed his head a bit worriedly. "What's wrong, Kera?" he asked, holding Rain close to him and nuzzling her.

"It's...usually hard enough for a mother to birth twins vaginally, let alone naturally, these days. You have a good attitude about it, but the additional problem is...you're not really built for bearing twins, being a teenager," she began, giving Rain a minute to take it in.

Rain gave a little nod, lowering herself to sit on the couch and pull Hobie down with her, squeezing his hand.

"What do you suggest then, Kera...?" he asked, flicking one of his small ears.

"Twins usually go overdue, but in Rain's case, I don't want her to go very far past her due date. They'll put enough strain on her body in birth even if they come two weeks early," Kera replied.

Rain looked up at Kera. "You mean...you want to induce my labor...?" she asked, whimpering a little. Hobie licked her cheek lightly, holding her close to try to comfort her.

Kera nodded. "I know you want to go as natural as possible, and I support you 100%, but even I have a point where I have to say it might not happen." She sighed a little. "I'm sorry...but the truth is you might need a C-section."

Rain nodded a little again, whimpering louder and turning to hug Hobie tightly.

"Well can we worry about that when we get to that point...?" he asked quietly, rubbing Rain's belly and murring softly. His belly was too big for her to hug him properly.

Kera sat down next to them and rubbed Rain's shoulder. "Hey, it's just a 'might'. So, here's what we'll do...are you listening?"

"Y-Yeah?" Rain sniffled.

"If you go more than three days overdue, we'll bring you to my hospital on the mainland and induce you. We'll let you do your best, and if it works, it works, and if it doesn't...it doesn't. Either way you'll have your babies. Right?" Kera explained.

Hobie nodded a bit. "And...I'll have had Mistral, so I can support you, love." He smiled, licking her ears now and looking at Kera. "Thank you, Kera."

Kera smiled and nodded at him. "I know it's not what you want to hear, but it's what you need to know." She rubbed Rain's shoulder again. "I think you need to be alone to talk about it. In the meantime...." She went to her suitcase and set a VHS tape on the nightstand. "I want you to watch this when you get a chance."

Rain looked up from Hobie and nodded at Kera. "Okay...thanks, Kera...but, you'll be there, right?" she asked.

Kera nodded. "Of course. You're one of the funnest couples I've ever worked with," she said with a smile and wink.

Hobie stood up and grinned a bit, holding his belly some and grunting at a kick. "Oof...what's on the tape?" he asked her, rubbing Rain's back.

"If it does come down to a C-section, you should know what'll happen. This'll prep you," the Latias said.

Rain rolled to sit up, her legs hanging off of the couch. "Yeah...guess all I can do is hope, huh?" she asked, rubbing her belly.

"Dear, you know I'll do anything for you since it's my fault you're having to carry twice the burden," he said to Rain, rubbing her belly gently. "We'll be okay, Kera...thank you again.

Rain murred quietly at the rubbing as Kera smiled at Hobie. "You know my number if you have questions. Take care, now," she said before excusing herself.

The female otter looked at the tape. "...No time like the present...."

Hobie nuzzled her, grunting as his half-erect cock poked out of his sheath. "Sure isn't," he said with a grin towards her. "I've wanted to feel your muzzle around my cock for a while, love...you know how I get when she makes us get naked and pokes around...."

Rain shrunk a little, smiling a little sheepishly. "How can you think about sex at a time like this...?" she asked. "You are a damn horny boy...."

"That's why: I'm a boy, and being pregnant has nothing to do with it," he purred softly, pulling her close on the couch. "We can watch the tape if you want, but I really want...otter lovin'...later then, dear," he said, kissing her forehead.

She cuddled against him, nuzzling his cheek. "...I'm not going to hear the end of it if I don't, will I, you pest, you?" she teased lightly.

Hobie leaned over to kiss her on the lips, his belly pressing against hers as he groaned a bit before lying back. "Oof, I miss being your sexy little boytoy..." he groaned with a wink.

She kissed him back, churring down his throat. "Mm...let's make happy first. It'll calm me down for the video," she said, pulling her pajama shirt over her head and leaving her naked in front of him.

"Mmmm..." he leaned in to rub his hands over her body, admiring every curve, especially her full breasts and squirming stomach, which had more of an outward curve instead of a dome like his was. "We're so full of life, hon...remember what it was like when we made the pups?" He chuckled and shivered, his half-erection throbbing under his round belly.

Rain bit her lower lip...her big body was so sensitive to touch as it grew. She panted a little as she looked down and cupped her breasts. "Mm, I can't believe how big my breasts are...and my nipples...."

"Me neither, lover," he said as he moved to gently lick and suckle on one of her nipples, pressing his full belly against her own while their pups kicked against each other. "Mmmm."

She yelped quietly. "Mmf!" she whined, squirming. She had always liked it when Hobie touched or licked her nipples, but lately...it felt just incredible. Over the last month, they had become more prominent, often erect even when she wasn't aroused.

The otter boyherm suckled and licked from one nipple and then the other, his erection growing steadily and sliding out along the bottom of his belly. He slipped a hand down to stroke her belly and under it, leaning her back on the couch, though as pregnant as he was it was difficult to maneuver with her.

Rain arched her back and kneaded at Hobie's ears, squirming and whining loudly. This felt so good already...she couldn't wait to feel what it would be like when she begun lactating...or nursing her pups. "Ohh, Hobieee!" she mewled, her tail flicking from side to side.

He slipped a finger inside her as he continued to lap and suckle, pre dripping down his cock and onto his belly fur while he teased and stroked her sex, looking up into her eyes. "Mmrrrr...? What would you like, sweetie?"

"M-More!" she cried. "No, mouth! Eat me out!" She spread her legs as far as she could, her sex drooling onto his finger.

"Unnf, okay..." he grunted and slid off the couch, crouching on the ground, spreading his legs so he could lean in to lick at her snatch, his belly brushing the floor as his cock dripped onto the carpet. He slid his tongue inside her sex and slurped, licking her eagerly.

She gasped and hissed through clenched teeth, thrusting her hips against his muzzle as her pups started wriggling inside her from the hormone rush, which only excited her further from all the sensation. She reached up and rubbed her stiff nipples, her whole body heating up.

Hobie pushed his nose, spreading her folds, lapping and snorting hot air over her loins as he gripped her thighs and licked eagerly.

Rain cried out his name as she involuntarily pinched her nipples, which sent a spike of pleasure through her body, her legs wrapping around his head. He was so good at pushing her...all he needed to do was hit one of her sensitive spots and....

The boyherm flicked his tongue against her clit, sliding back to rub her larger rump, squeezing and licking her button of flesh firmly as he humped the air eagerly.

She cried out again, louder, as she squeezed his head with her now more padded thighs, her juices leaking into his mouth as her babies kicked up a storm, he able to feel them against his nose.

Hobie grunted, holding his breath as she squeezed him, continuing to lick and moan as he tasted her fluids and rubbed her thighs and belly.

She came down slowly, the buzz of the pleasure high leaving her lightheaded as she went completely lax against the couch, nearly sliding off it. "Ohhhh..." she moaned, panting.

The otterboy sat back and smiled, his face so splashed with honey it dripped down his muzzle and neck. "Mmm, was it good for you?" he asked, sporting a very needy erection.

Rain looked at him over the mounds of her breasts and belly, rubbing the latter to try to settle down the pups. "As always..." she replied, "and the kids did too."

"Good...heehee..." he said with a goofy smile, grunting as he climbed back up on the couch, moaning a bit. "Mmmf, I'm too big to do this..." he moaned softly, pre dripping off his cock.

She slid down from the couch, still a little rubbery from the sex. "Mm...do what? Beat off?"

"That, among other things...but I was hoping you'd like to do this for me," he pleaded cutely, sitting up on the couch slowly.

It didn't take long for this to click. With both of them as far along as they were, standard sex was impossible. So...she'd been practicing. "Which you want? Dick or vagina?"

"Guess," he said with a grin, spreading his legs to show off his erection. "It's been waiting for ya."

She licked her lips, leaning in to give it a lick from bottom to top. "Mmm..." she murred, vibrating her muzzle.

The otterboy moaned and gasped, arching his back as she licked his cock, pre dripping onto her nose. "Oooh, that's it love...mmmm, you know how I like it...."

She took him into her mouth, licking and sucking on him, one of her hands reaching between his legs to trace around his femsex. She loved stimulating both of his genders at once.

The boyherm grunted and leaned back more, though his big belly made it a little difficult. His cock throbbed and thrust into her muzzle, leaking more pre inside her mouth as his sex oozed onto her fingers and the couch. "Oooh, Rain, mmmf...I'm gonna cum, murrrr...."

She held back at that, just touching her tongue to the tip of his penis. "Not tho fatht, mithter..." she slurred, grinning.

"Aww...I wanna cum..." he groaned and thrust gently against her muzzle, whimpering and panting lustfully. "Pleeeease...."

"Uh uh...you cum too eathily," Rain teased. "Boyth alwayth do," she continued, keeping her tongue on his tip.

He whimpered softly. "Like when I knocked you up, love?" He grinned, stroking her head and squirming about as she teased him.

"I'll let you cum, iph...you phinger yourthelf too," she chirped. She loved making him masturbate his femsex.

"Uhhh...you're naughty..." he grunted and slid a hand around his big belly, rubbing himself with a finger and pushing it inside. "Oooh, God...mmm suck me hon...."

"Uh uh. Here." She took his wrist and moved it so he reached under his thigh and not his belly. "It'th eathier."

He grinned. "You know all the tricks, hon," he panted, lifting his leg and pushing his fingers into his sex and rubbing himself, panting loudly and thrusting his cock at her. "Oooh come on, love, please...!"

"Thath more like it!" With that, she took him back into her muzzle, her tongue rubbing and stroking the underside of his penis as she pushed his hand in deeper.

The otterherm rubbed his sex as she sucked him, and it wasn't long before he gasped, shuddering and moaning as he came hard, spurting into her muzzle while honey coated his hand. "Ooooh, Rain!" he gasped in pleasure, his baby kicking strongly within him.

She was still getting used to swallowing his cum, but did it anyway, sucking hard on his dick as she closed her eyes and let the bliss of his orgasm flow into her.

Hobie panted and laid back on the couch in pleasure, his eyes half closed as his tail thumped the cushions. "Mmmm...that felt fantastic, dear...and now I'm exhausted," he breathed with a smirk.

Rain licked his penis clean and then pulled his hand out of him, licking each finger in turn. "Mm...I love your taste, I do...."

"And I love yours," he said, kissing her and tasting himself on her lips. "I want to go to bed with you, dear...."

She slipped him a little tongue before she shook her head. "Mm mm...now we can watch that video now that I'm all buzzed."

Rain jerked awake with a gasp, nearly sitting bolt upright but obstructed by her belly and falling back down. Scurrying so her back was against the bed's headboard, she rubbed all over her belly to confirm that it was still there and still closed. Sniffling, she curled around it, hugging it against her.

The otterboy was still sound asleep beside Rain, not aware anything was wrong, and his baby was asleep inside him too. For the moment.

Rain looked over at Hobie, reaching to wake him up, but pausing. Instead, she scooted to the side of the bed and, with a quiet grunt, pushed herself up, the bed squeaking as she stood, and walked to the bedroom's door.

Hobie slowly stirred, but as he often didn't want to wake the baby up in the middle of the night because Mistral often didn't go back to sleep easily. "Mmrr...Rain...?" he said quietly, groggily starting to sit up.

She paused, looking over her shoulder at the shadowy figure of her lover. "Oh...sorry, Hobie..." she whispered.

"Mmmf...it's okay...why are you up? The babies keeping you awake?" he asked, moving to sit on the bed and sigh a little.

"I...had a bad dream...I was going to get a little air," she replied. "I'll be back. You can go back to sleep if you want."

Hobie started to say something when he felt a kick. "Ohh...Mistral is awake, anyway...it'll be a while before he goes back to sleep." Hobie stood up with some difficulty, walking over to Rain and resting his belly against her back. "Talk to me, dear, I'll go with you."

She nodded, resting a hand on her belly as she slowly walked to the deck near the hot tub, letting the breeze go through her fur. "I dreamt that I got a C-section...but something went wrong."

He nuzzled her gently, stroking her hips and wishing he could press his body against her back more easily, as he used to. "Mmm...love, you know how routine they are these days. And it's not even certain you'll need one."

Rain sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I died, Hobie. I died! Dying without ever meeting our babies!" she cried, hugging her arms around her chest.

"That video made you scared, didn't it?" He sighed and kissed her neck, stroking her belly lovingly. "You won't die, hon, nature wouldn't let that happen to two wonderful parents who are going to raise three adorable pups." Hobie gently massaged her belly, knowing how she liked it, and felt the pups moving around. "I don't remember the last time I heard about someone dying from a C-section...that's why they do it, to eliminate the risk of natural birth."

The pups gently shifted against his hands, causing her to calm down a little but still not totally removing her fear. "I don't wanna be cut open! I'm not supposed to open like that!" She turned and hugged him as close as she could, crying.

"I'm sorry I did this to you, Rain..." he said softly, holding her close and kneading her belly. "If I hadn't gotten you pregnant you wouldn't have to face this...it would just be me, and I know you'd support me." He brushed his hands over her pushed-out navel and nuzzled her neck.

Her leg quivered at his touch, and she buried her face in his neck, not speaking, just glad he was with her. After crying for a long while, she took a few deep breaths and sniffled, pulling back. "*sniff* Promise me you won't let them cut me open unless they have to?" she pleaded.

He stroked her belly and hips, nodding softly and looking in her eyes as he kissed her tears gently. "Mm...I promise, sweetheart...I'd never let them do that unless your life or our pups' lives were in danger."

She smiled at him and leaned over their bellies to kiss him on the lips. "Mm...thanks, Hobie," she murred quietly.

He kissed her back and smiled a bit, yawning afterwards. "Mmf, I'm still tired, dear...Mistral already went back to sleep, and I think we're all due for some more rest."

Rain nodded. "Good idea." Walking back to the bedroom side by side with him, she rubbed the underside of her belly. "Hey...one thing I was wondering...would you really give birth on your surfboard?"

Hobie blushed a bit. "Err...maybe...? I do love the waves and you know we're suited to the ocean...." He shrugged. "I guess I find giving birth outside just kinda...sexy, or something. Moreso than screaming in a hospital bed...assuming it was safe."

"Well, at least you don't want to be in a hospital either," she reasoned, licking his cheek.

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