Fur and Feathers Ch. 3

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#3 of Fur and Feathers

If you're wondering why a reptile has breasts and other science facts, just repeat to yourself, "it's just a story, I should really just relax."


Avari: Me.

Fen: Nauta.

Kira: Nauta.

Soren: Me.

The female utahraptor stepped up the path towards a cavern which smelled interesting. She wasn't sure what to make of it, but she had to get a look inside, even walking ahead of her mate, which was ironic given she was carrying a clutch of eggs in her gently curved belly, barely visible under her clothing.

Padding next to her was a male utahraptor, the father of her clutch. He looked around for obvious signs of habitation...and there were quite a few, from bones picked clean of meat to broken vegetation. "I dunno, I think we should let that one go," he murmured, trying not to give their presence away to whatever may be inside.

She put a finger up to her snout before slowly stepping into the dark cave, swinging her stiff tail behind her.

The sound of a light chirp soon came to their ears as a little griffawn stumbled to the cave mouth. It looked to have only hatched a few weeks ago. "...Oh shit...."

She blinked, looking back at her mate, to shush him. "Wha...."

"We gotta get-" He was interrupted from saying "out of here" and explaining that it was "because they were knee-deep in the territory of a griffoness who had newborns." A loud mix of a roar and screech came to their ears, and they spun around to see the griffawn's mother diving right at them.

The female raptor yelped. The only thing she could think of was shielding her belly to protect her clutch, starting to crouch in reaction to the angry mother griffoness. "ACK!"

The male pulled the female out of the way just in time as the griffoness dove where they were standing. The griffoness spun to face them, letting out another roar and taking a swipe with her claws, narrowly missing making contact with the female's scales and tearing down her shirts and bra as if they were made of paper.

The female raptor let out a yelp in surprise and terror, never having faced something more deadly than she was. "Hey, hey, we aren't going to hurt anything!" she squeaked, before a voice from deeper inside the cave spoke up.

"Avari, hold on a second, let me see them!"

The griffoness, apparently named Avari, growled and paused in mid-swipe, putting her foreleg down on the ground but keeping herself interposed between the dinosaurs and the cave, watching them with tense eyes. Soren also moved to stand between the fiercely territorial beast and his mate, motioning for the raptoress to get back.

The defiant raptoress pushed against her mate. "Stop it, Soren, I can take care of myself..." she trailed off as the stark naked, dangling, seven-month-pregnant herm fox stepped out, sporting small breasts as well, and looked over them, putting a paw on the griffoness's shoulder.

"Who are you?" he asked non-threateningly, at least as much so as a rather pregnant herm fox boy could be.

"We're just explorers...I swear, Kira and I mean your griffoness and her fawns no harm!" Soren claimed, earning a grunt from Avari, who remained still as stone.

"It's obvious you're protective of your young. I would be as well...even those not yet born." Kira lifted her shirts, showing off a tight but gently curved belly, looking more or less about four months of pregnancy, at least by Fen's standards.

The fox chuckled a bit, hoping she didn't notice his eyes staring at her breasts for a little longer than normal, his loose shaft getting a bit firm. "Explorers...." He nodded a bit, figuring a little bit of leeway was reasonable given the fact that she was also pregnant, and Avari could make quick work of both of them if necessary. "Love, go see to the griffawns, don't worry...we'll stay a distance." Avari slowly padded back to the cave, keeping her sharp eyes on the reptiles as long as she could. She knew he knew to call out for help if they tried anything fast.

Soren let out a deep breath. "Okay...so...given that we clearly can't hope to best her even if we wanted to...can you tell us anything about where we are?"

Fen flicked an ear, licking his nose idly as he stared at the female's breasts again. "I...uhm...you're far from civilization, that much is sure. We came here months ago to live in isolation. Apparently, not isolation enough...." He looked at both reptiles curiously. "Why did you come out here, anyway? Are you just bored?"

Soren noticed Fen staring at his mate and surreptitiously moved between them. "Bored? Maybe. More like afflicted by wanderlust. We got tired of our society...so we left. That was almost five months ago."

He chuckled a little, eyeing up the pair and tilting his head. "Five months, eh? And how pregnant is she?"

Kira blushed slightly, clutching her mate's rump where the fox couldn't see. "Four months, approximately. And yes, we had sex while out on our travels. We didn't expect this, though, and are somewhat ill-prepared. Looks like we have that in common."

The male raptor shrugged. "We can handle ourselves, thank you. Now, if you don't mind, we'll just take our leave and not have you sic that beast on us."

The fox twitched an ear. "Ill-prepared...because I'm nude?" He looked back into the cave. "I suppose. You two wouldn't have any supplies you'd be willing to give us...with fall coming and everything, y'know?" The female raptor looked at her mate, flicking her long tail, as if to let him make a decision.

Soren cocked an eyebrow. "Maybe...maybe not. What can you give us for them?" They were smart enough to hide their backpacks before approaching the cave in case they needed to run.

Fen ducked his head. "I...well, we don't have a lot...that's why we need food...and clothing for me, I guess. I really can't hunt and neither can Avari, not for long." He looked back up at them and blushed a little, having a little stiff fox cock by now. "Just...me, I guess...for some pleasure, if you two wouldn't mind a rather round foxherm."

Soren's other eyebrow rose as he looked back at his mate, then at the fox, then back at his mate again. "We'll...discuss it," he replied.

Kira nodded a bit and put her paw on the male's hip, gently pushing him away from the cave and nodding back at the fox. "Give us a few," she said quietly, fingering the tear in her shirts as they walked away. Fen nodded quietly, walking back towards Avari to sit down.

The two raptors took a few minutes to return to their backpacks, Soren plopping down on a log. "Well, yeah, we do have one spare change of clothes, but...do we really wanna give it away?"

The female smiled and sat down next to her mate, putting a paw on his thigh, her firm breasts mostly exposed through the rip in the front of her shirts and bra. "I don't know, I think it would be fun to play with a herm...a pregnant herm at that...but my clothing seems to need some repair...."

Soren gave her a little growl of lust. "Heheh...you'll play with anything that has a pulse since I knocked you up," he flirted as his claws wandered to her chest.

"It's not my fault you set off all my hormones with that big cock of yours." She smiled at him, watching his claws working towards her chest, feeling her nethers becoming a little damp.

He licked her throat, a gesture of sexual dominance in dinosaur species, as he felt the aforementioned cock firm up in his genital slit. His claws worked into the tear in her shirt and bra and started cutting it open more. "Show me those tits of yours," he purred.

She drew a sharp breath, panting a little and straightening her body as he started ripping her shirts more, grinning at him and flicking her tail, the scent of her arousal growing thicker in the air. "Oooh, Soren, you naughty boy...."

He let out another growl as his snout went to her chest, he pulling the shirts roughly to the side to expose her right breast. "Mmm," he vocalized, leaning in and giving it a lick with his long reptilian tongue.

She moaned loudly. "You're ripping them more...ooooh!" she gasped at the lick, gripping his hip and tearing his jeans slightly as she panted in pleasure, growling loudly.

Soren grazed her nipple with his sharp teeth as he enveloped her breast in his lips, keeping his jaw closed so as not to risk biting her. He groaned as she ripped his pants, his thick raptor shaft poking out of his slit.

Her claws scraped over his hip and just to the side of his crotch, cutting shallow tears in his jeans and underwear, before realizing she was tearing his pants and giggling, pulling her fingers out of the rips and stroking his back instead. "Mmm, sorry, lover...oooh, you're making me wet...." He spread his legs open to allow his reptilian scent to waft into her nostrils as hers was into his. Eager to make her cum, he sucked her breast hard and gripped the other one, rolling the nipple between his fingers and thumb. Kira whimpermoaned and leaned into her mate, panting at the attention to her sensitive breasts, letting out a roar as her wet sex spurted her girlcum all over inside her pants, her orgasm continuing from his fervent pleasuring of her breasts, the pheremonal stuff beginning to soak through her pants. "Ohhh SOREN!"

Soren growled from the back of his throat at her, holding her as still as he could as he sucked and squeezed. He loved being able to make her cum so fast...small wonder he didn't knock her up sooner.

A damp spot on the front of her jeans gave away her passion at his ministrations, she holding her mate tightly while she slowly came to, opening her eyes to nuzzle him, her tail swishing slowly. "Mm, you're so good...you know exactly how to turn me on...."

He withdrew his mouth and hand from her breasts and licked at her lips, the hand that had been on her breast going down to her crotch and squeezing lightly. "I'll do more to you yet, Kira."

She squeaked at the grope, blushing as his hand was damp with her honey now, leaning back and looking down at her saliva-soaked breasts pushing out of her shirts. "Wow...heh, I'm gonna be walking around topless for a while...."

He chuckled lowly as he started to move to sit between her legs, grunting at the uncomfortable tightness in his pants. "Ggh...damned..." he grumbled, cupping his hands around his crotch and thrusting his hips forward, causing the already torn garment to rip more and release his meat.

Kira giggled a little as she watched her mate's cock tear its way through his clothing, making her twitch a bit in lingering arousal, rubbing one of her wet breasts gently. "Mmm, wow you're strong, Soren...."

"Hahh, yeah, no wonder you're full of my eggs," he purred as his shaft throbbed unrestrained. Getting back to business, he licked his lips and leaned in to lick at her cummy jeans.

The raptoress growled and moaned softly, spreading her legs and stroking his head as he lapped at her damp jeans, her belly curving out slightly above his tongue. "Mmmf...full of...who knows how many...."

Soren carefully picked at her jeans with his teeth, eventually piercing them and then pulling back his head to open a small hole through which he then inserted his tongue, licking her underwear-covered sex up and down. "Mmyeah...you taste so good...."

She moaned and panted as she felt him tear at her jeans, gasping as more of her honey dripped out, her panties soaked in it. "Hey...mmmf...damn you, babe...you dirty raptor...." She panted and closed her eyes, humping against his tongue. "You wanna stick your tongue up in there?"

In response, the male pushed his snout against her crotch and wormed his tongue in deeper, able to taste her sex directly. His well-endowed shaft throbbed between his legs as he licked his mate off, thoughts of her heavily gravid with eggs spurring him on.

The female shook and groaned in pleasure, pushing back against his tongue, her panties straining under his tongue while she swung her tail eagerly and roared, "Mmmmf, deeper!" He worked his fingers into the tear he had made and pulled it open further, pushing his snout through and bumping his nose against her belly as he thrusted his tongue into her sex, stroking it over her clit as he fished out the rough patch in her. Kira panted and groaned louder while he tongued her wet and swollen sex, his snout against her belly making her pant and wriggle in her post-climax sensitivity. Soren finally had had enough and worked a claw into her panties and tore at them, mouthing her entire slit and pushing his tongue deeply into her, determined to send her into a second orgasm. She let out another roar and shuddered, her honey spurting over his muzzle and down his neck, splashing her jeans again while her claws dug into his shoulders a bit. "Oooh...!"

He smiled at feeling his efforts rewarded, holding her legs apart so she had to use her tail to keep her balance as he licked and stroked and sucked on her sex, letting out a rumbling growl to vibrate his snout slightly.

Kira panted softly, the shoulders of his shirt a little torn while she came off her second climax, barely able to keep herself upright. "Mm, twice...you really are something, Soren...."

He pulled his mouth away from her slit, his snout drenched with her cum, which dribbled down his chin. He licked his lips and then hers, inviting her to taste herself.

She crouched down to his level, the button on her jeans tearing open as she did, and she swore softly. "Fuck..." she moaned, a bit of her belly showing through as she kissed him, licking his tongue and muzzle.

Soren murred down her throat, twining his tongue with hers and nuzzling her snout. One hand went to her gently curved belly and patted it, feeling his pride swell along with his mate's body.

Kira growled as she pressed her belly against his paw. "My pants are too small..." she said with a grin, licking his cheek and chin, brushing her belly to his cock.

He grinned toothily, grunting at feeling his shaft touch her belly. "What are you going to do once you're so burdened you can't adventure anymore?" he teased.

She just grinned at him, humping her belly to his cock. "Keep adventuring...naked."

"Nngh, dammit, you know that gets me going when you do that," he growled. "Well...I think it's time for you to return my favor."

"You mean like this?" She pushed him down and licked down his head to his cock, gently taking it into her snout and suckling with her tongue.

Soren let out a mix of a grunt and a roar at this. A carnivorous dinosaur oraling a male was rare in dinosaur society due to their sharp teeth; only a male with complete trust in his partner would so readily allow it...and Soren relished every time Kira sucked him off.

The female bobbed her muzzle over his cock carefully and expertly, honey dripping out of the tear in her pants while glimpses of her belly were visible each time she rocked forward, engulfing his huge shaft with her long tongue. "Mmmm, tasty boy...."

He ran his claws over her head and groaned loudly before he gripped the grass he was lying on, his tongue licking at his lips. He spread his legs and tried to resist the urge to thrust into her snout.

She licked him from base to tip, panting hot air over his groin while she swished her tail, smiling at him with her bright green eyes.

His tail flicked underneath him and rose up between his legs to stroke her belly with its tip, pre shooting into her maw. He looked down into her eyes, feeling himself get lost in the predatory gleam that had initially attracted him to her.

Kira grinned around his cock and murred, suckling more on his prick, lapping up the tasty pre and moaning lustfully, squirming at his tail teasing her belly, making her squirm more, trying to keep her teeth away from his tender flesh.

He pounded the ground with his fists as he tried to hold back cumming, but he was losing the battle. "Ggh...almost...mmm...!" he grunted, shutting his eyes and pulling back his lips to expose his sharp teeth.

She milked his cock eagerly, wanting to feel his hot cum all over her snout and down her breasts, wanting him to coat her chest in his cum as she knew he could. "Mmmm, cum for me, daddy raptor...."

Daddy raptor...that was all she needed to say to jumpstart his orgasm. He felt his internalized balls clench as his thick seed pulsed from his shaft and into her mouth, he letting out a roar of release.

Kira gave his stream of cum a good lick, swallowing it as she tilted her head back, gripping his cock in one paw and letting him cream on her exposed breasts, running down between them and over her belly, dripping off the waist of her pants. "Mmm, you hot boy...."

Soren let out another deep roar as he came on his mate's increasingly egg-heavy body, the sound of her voice encouraging him to keep cumming as long as he could, his body tensing up as he strained to cum harder.

She rubbed his cock and moaned, arching her head back as she felt his hot spunk running down her front, panting a little and smirking. "Cover my swollen belly with your cum, babe...mm, that's a good rappy...."

Alas, with a last spurt, he could keep his flow going no longer. He took a few hissing breaths and propped himself up on his elbows, looking at her perched over his cock. "Hahh...hahh...sorry...that's all I got now...."

Kira grinned and crouched in front of him, her shirts wet with cum both inside and out, dripping from under them. "Mm, we are a complete mess, love...well, you less so...."

"Heheheh, your taste will be in my mouth for days after how much you came," he countered, sitting up and licking at her lips.

She smirked and kissed him, pulling him close and pressing her body to his. "How about we get back to those two at the cave...give them an offer they can't refuse?"

He groaned pleasurably as he tasted the mix of their cum in her maw, pulling back with a slight slurp from their mouths separating. "I think we should...maybe even throw in a little extra...."

It was a while before the raptors returned. Fen had gone back to playing with his children when the two walked up. He stood up and grunted, having some trouble with his belly before walking towards them, not really noticing the state of their clothing. A growl from the nearby Avari, who interrupted her grooming the fawns to leer at them, reminded them of her presence, but their wide grins (and sexually spent bodies) told Fen everything he needed to hear.

Later that evening, the sun having set, the four adults and four chicks were sitting around a fire near the mouth of the cave. The baby griffons were cuddled against their mother and father, ignorant of the grown-up conversation. Fen sat cross-legged with a bit of a stiffie at the sight of the nude raptors, mostly Kira, who sprawled out on her back, stroking the curve of her belly sensually. Soren had long since licked her clean of his cum, but their clothes were a mess. Avari lay partially on her side, still regarding the raptors with a wary eye as three of their four griffawns lay curled up against her belly, the fourth one at Fen's side. The raptors were still intruders as far as she was concerned, but if Fen could get something useful out of them, she'd tolerate them long enough for them to leave.

"So, we have a deal...you be in the center of a three-way between my mate and me, and we give you the overalls, winter coat, and...what else was it...?" Soren asked.

Fen blushed a bit, a paw on his belly as the griffawn nuzzled his side. "Food...and some clothes." He giggled, looking at the two dinos. "What end do you both want?"

Soren turned to look at his mate and ask, "So, how're we gonna do this...is he gonna lick you off or fuck you while I fuck him?" not caring to lower his voice.

"I think given his belly..." she grinned at Fen, "he wouldn't be able to fuck me very well, but I'm hoping that muzzle of his has some talent in it."

Soren nodded. "Well, all right, then," he purred, looking back over at Fen and grinning toothily. "Let's get to it."

Avari gave them a quiet growl but made no move to interfere.

Fen slowly stood up and smiled, crouching down before the raptors and flicking his tail. "Shall I get on all fours, then?" he asked the male while Kira looked on with her slit rapidly growing wetter.

Soren licked his lips and crawled behind the pregnant herm. "Yesss," he purred, intentionally hissing.

The fox lifted his tail to the male, exposing his rump and femsex, while Kira moved to sit down in front of Fen, leaning back and exposing her nude body to him. He gently nuzzled her belly, lapping the tight scaled hide several times before slurping down between her legs. "You are very beautiful," he said before diving his muzzle into her snatch, slurping his tongue wetly inside her.

The male raptor traced the blunt side of a claw around Fen's slit to test its tightness before he rubbed the tip of his shaft around it, purring at the warmth and the feeling of Fen's fur. He put his hands on Fen's hips and started to push in.

Avari sighed and lay her head on her paws, watching the proceedings but resigning herself to letting her mate do what he had to.

Kira moaned in pleasure, leaning back and stiffening her tail as the fox licked her deeply, his muzzle soaked in her honey while his stiff foxcock throbbing beneath his swollen belly as the male began penetrating him. "Mmrmrf!" was all Fen could say.

The raptoress panted softly in pleasure. "Mmm, he's good, Soren...almost as good as you...."

Soren started to thrust in and out of Fen's snatch, slowly enough to not risk hurting the young fox but fast enough to sate his desires, the scent of their mating rising into the air along with the smell of smoke from the fire. "Heheh...so mammals are good for something...mmf...."

Fen grunted with each thrust, slurping and licking Kira's sex and clit and taking a breath every so often, while she caressed his head with a claw gently, stroking along his ears.

"Mmm, more than just knocking up and getting turned into fat swollen milking herms...." She growled deeper, squirming around a bit as her sex oozed juices readily, her climax drawing nearer as Fen's honey soaked Soren's crotch and thighs.

Soren gripped Fen's hips tighter, his claws poking the fox's skin as he thrusted, his shaft leaking pre and he letting out guttural growls with each thrust and his tail flicking from side to side. "Uhh, uhh, tight even when pregnant...."

Kira gasped, her body tensing around Fen's muzzle with her climax, honey showering his face as he lapped up all she had to offer him, his own balls tightening while he felt his climax rapidly approaching. He lifted his head to watch the pregnant female convulsing in pleasure, lapping over her belly while she held his head close, both of them panting heavily, Fen's sex milking the raptor fucking him. "Ooooh murrrr...."

Soren pulled Fen back until the tip of his shaft was brushing against the herm's cervix as he came, spurting his raptor seed into Fen and nearly biting the fox's shoulder as his tail lashed against the ground, nearly touching the fire as he let out a deep roar.

Fen howled in pleasure at feeling the raptor's seed fill his belly, his own cock pulsing and shooting fox cum all over the swell of his belly and the ground, making him grunt and shudder as his tail brushed Soren's face. Kira was slowly recovering from her climax to pet Fen's muzzle and cheeks as he nosed into her belly.

The male raptor soon pulled out of the fox's sex with a quiet "slurp" as his seed dribbled out. "Mmm...you're a good fuck, boy...I can only imagine what your griffoness thinks of you," he said with a smirk over his shoulder at the dispassionate griffoness.

Fen smirked a bit and smiled back at Avari, the female raptor's honey still dripping from his muzzle as he licked it clean. Avari smiled back at him, flicking her tail and motioning with her head for him to come to her.

Kira slowly rose to her knees and smiled at Soren. "So how was he, dear?" she asked him while Fen wagged his tail.

"Almost as good as you are," he purred, moving to her side and giving her a deep kiss, groping a breast playfully.

Kira kissed her mate firmly and moaned at the grope, smelling strongly of sex, while Fen crawled over to his griffoness and curled up at her side, belly against her soft fur. Avari kept smiling at him for a moment before she looked up at the raptors expectantly, letting out a chirp to draw their attention.

Soren looked away from Kira and nodded, separating from his mate and going to his backpack, pulling out some underwear, a pair of overalls, a warm shirt, and a jacket that would fit the fox. "Here, as promised. Kira has the food," he said, tossing the articles at the griffons.

Fen smiled. "Oh, thank you two...." He stood up with some trouble and kissed both of them, Kira slipping him some tongue.

"It was a pleasure meeting you," the raptoress said before handing him a bag of trail rations, which he sniffed eagerly, and nearly started tearing into it before the two began to disembark.

"Well! As we can see, it's not too big a world...perhaps we'll run into each other again yet," Soren remarked before he and his mate dressed again and padded into the undergrowth.

Avari snorted, glad to be rid of them.

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