Jenna's Story: Jake Short

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#3 of Jenna's Story

I wrote this myself both as an exercise to keep my mind sharp and to take a deeper look at one of my characters. Oh, and to get the jump on Rules 34 and 35.

Jake lay in bed, sighing. It had been two days since Jenna had moved to hide with Miyu, but despite her newfound safety, he was still so lonely and worried that he had been nearly unable to sleep, often only for a few hours a night, and occasionally waking up for no apparent reason. The skin under his eyes was already droopy from lack of sleep, and sometimes he felt like a complete zombie, acting on autopilot. The golden retriever was utterly miserable.

Looking over at his nightstand clock, he growled at seeing it was already just past midnight. It seemed tonight was going to be another night of wanting so badly to sleep but not being able. He rolled onto his stomach and buried his face in his pillows, covering his head with one and whining. He was exhausted but he couldn't sleep from anxiety.

More than anything, he wanted Jenna next to him to see for himself that she was okay and to comfort her if she was scared. The night she slept in his bed with him after she escaped from her captors was the first time they had shared a bed, even in a non-sexual way, but it felt so...right, having her in his arms and feeling the warmth of her body against his.

Grumbling a little, he felt a certain warmth in his groin, all the more noticeable from his position on his stomach. Thinking of Jenna had always started his motor, so to speak, but he had resolved to not go beyond hugging and kissing until he was married. Still, his hormones were not always cooperative, and as with almost every other guy, he knew how to give himself some.

Lately he was in no mood for anything of the sort, but it seemed his body had other ideas. Thinking back on sleeping with Jenna had caused his naughtier thoughts to stir, especially when he remembered that she had been nude. At the time he was too relieved to pay it any mind, but now that he had the chance to think about it, he felt the urge to be with her as a lover gnaw at his mind.

"Stop it," he murmured into the pillow as he felt his maleness firming up, "I just want to sleep, not paw off to dirty thoughts of my girlfriend." His protests fell on deaf ears, and he soon had to roll onto his side from discomfort. Looking down at his tented briefs in the dim streetlight coming through the window, he clenched one hand into a fist.

"I'm her boyfriend, dammit, and not the kind that just wants his girlfriend to put out!" he told himself in his head.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to be one with someone you love," the other half of his mind replied.

"I love her too much to even think about having sex with her now."

"That doesn't mean you can't dream about it."

"Can't it wait? She's in no state of being to have a horny boyfriend."

"So get it out of your system. It might even help you sleep."

Sleep sounded good.

Sighing again, Jake rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, taking a wad of toilet paper back to the bedroom and moving the wastebasket next to his bed to a position where it could be grabbed quickly. Lying on his back and setting the wad of toilet paper aside, he opened the slit in his briefs, letting his stiff member out. Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his hand around his member and started to pleasure himself, letting out a grunt as he began panting.

Images filled his head, and they were images of his and Jenna's future. He could picture how he wanted things to go: the monsters who had tried to take her life were arrested and locked away, where they would never hurt her again. He saw members of the press outside the courthouse where they would be sentenced, asking him and Jenna all sorts of questions, and he would only respond that he was glad to have her back and they could go on with their lives.

Then he would take Jenna to their special place in the woods, and he would finally lower himself to one knee and propose. She would be shocked, of course, even if she had been waiting for him to pop the question, and she would say yes, and he would slip the ring on her finger and kiss her deeply.

Whining quietly, Jake dabbed a little pre off the end of his shaft as he continued to paw off, his mental fantasy moving on to them preparing for the wedding: they wanted to be married before her cub was born. Things would be set up in a hurry, but they would opt for a smaller, quieter ceremony with only close family and friends to avoid all the media attention surrounding them, especially Jenna. Miyu would be the maid of honor, of course, as well as someone to scare off nosy paparazzi.

Jake would be standing at the altar in a nice tux as the music started playing, and when Jenna would start walking down the aisle, he would be stunned by her beauty. Since she could no longer wear normal clothing from the waist down, they would have custom-ordered an outfit just for her: in addition to the normal veil and bodice, instead of a skirt, her entire taur half was draped in white fabric embroidered with ribbons. Her taur belly would just barely show underneath it; after all, there would be a lot of weight in there, and despite the speed with which the ceremony would be planned, it would be estimated she would deliver in no more than a month. Now the real Jake was arching his back up, panting harder and dabbing off more pre: it had been a long time, and he knew this would be intense.

The words would be spoken, and after the "I do"s Jake would lift Jenna's veil and plant a long, deep kiss on her, to great applause. Then he would take her hand and walk with her down the aisle as everyone would cheer for them. The reception would be held in the same building, as there would be no need to rent a big ballroom with how comparatively few people would be attending the wedding. Jake and Jenna would share the traditional cutting of the wedding cake and first dance (albeit quite slow as Jenna had not become accustomed enough to her body to dance well, not to mention the awkwardness of the cub), and would listen to toasts to their marriage. Eventually, it would be time to go, and Jenna would throw the bouquet. Jake hoped Miyu would catch it: she deserved a lot after all she had done for them.

Finally, they would be alone, and after some kissing, cuddling, and exchanging words of love, Jake would ask Jenna if she was ready to seal their marriage. Clothes would be shed, both of them blushing deeply; after all, whose first time is not awkward? But they would lavish attention on each other, Jake kissing every inch of Jenna's body and licking her belly as he told the cub inside he loved her. Jake stood up before his fantasy continued, feeling the pressure in his sack rising as he tried to time his fantasy to its current analog in real life.

After some experimenting to find which position was the most comfortable, the newlyweds would share the long-overdue bliss of their first intimate embrace. They would try position after position, both of them intent on making the night the most glorious of their lives. And when it was over, they would be panting in each other's arms, sweaty and exhausted, but so happy that all the pain and fear they had suffered would have been worth it. "And to think...we already have a baby on the way," Jenna would say.

That thought was what finally sent Jake over the edge, and he grabbed the wastebasket with one hand and held it in front of his crotch as he came with a long, low moan, thick ropes of hot seed shooting into the receptacle. The feeling of relief was so good...he couldn't remember the last time he came so hard and for so long, continuing to paw even after the spurts died down to work out every little bit he had to give. When he was sure there was no more, he panted heavily, setting the wastebasket down and sitting down on the bed, taking the wad of toilet paper and wiping his tingling, throbbing shaft clean. He could feel his pulse in his ears as he tried to come down from the long-time-coming pleasure high.

He stayed sitting upright, waiting a few minutes before giving his shaft another squeeze to draw out the seed left behind. Once he was sure he was done, he threw away the toilet paper and lay back down, his panting slowing as he felt the glow of his climax settle onto him. He still felt so empty without Jenna...but at least that night, he could sleep without being haunted.

Jenna's Story Ch. 2

Jenna's Story Chapter 2: Unexpected Friends and Foes Cast list is at the end of the story. Also, Miyu ref:...

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