Beach Dogs

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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Samson: Nauta.

Caleb: Me.

Zelda: Me.

Samson and Caleb walked down the wooden stairs to the beach, both of them clad only in Speedos on this warm summer afternoon. Caleb had found out Samson was pregnant only a few days ago, and he wanted to do something nice for his friend, hence the invitation to lounge an afternoon away. Samson wasn't showing many signs of pregnancy yet, but his nipples were darker and a bit more prominent, and he had a bit more fat on his body.

The dalmatian walked along with his friend, smiling and giving his butt a gentle swat. "Heehee, I wonder if we'll get any looks down here, or if anyone will...notice." He motioned down to his belly, still trim and washboardy. Their Speedos outlined their packages quite nicely, though Caleb was mostly showing off to Sam more than anyone else.

Caleb laughed, putting an arm around Sam's waist. "Nah, you still look like a total hunk," he replied, rubbing the dalmatian's hip. "Though you're looking a little...sensitive here," he continued, reaching up and gently palming one of Sam's pecs.

Samson gasped a bit and blushed, his shaft stirring a little from the caress. "Heh, yeah...well, do they really look different, I mean for a guy?" He was a touch self-conscious in that he was already looking less masculine and needed Caleb's reassurance...though their flirting gave him some peace of mind.

"Aw, don't worry about it, doggy," the rottweiler answered. "I think you look even better with 'em. Makes me want to pay more attention to 'em." He licked his chops to emphasize his point as they walked to an emptier part of the beach.

He blushed a bit and eyed Caleb. "But I didn't think you went for...boobies...." He couldn't believe that he'd be sporting a pair of breasts before long. "Er...whatever they are now, obviously I can show them off."

Caleb shrugged. "Ah, I like everything you got either way." Once they were relatively alone, he spread his towel on the sand and lay down, crossing his arms behind his head and soaking up the warm sun, as dogs love to do.

"I'm glad to hear that, hon," he said with a kiss to his friend's cheek before he spread his towel down as well, laying on it with his sunglasses on and letting the sun warm his body, lightly stroking his flat belly as he lay.

The rottie sighed happily and started to doze off, trying to make a little idle conversation with Sam. " long you think you can wear the clothes you got?"

He blushed a bit and chuckled, looking over at Caleb. "Uhh...heh, you're asking someone who never even knew he could get pregnant. I have no freakin' clue, bro."

Caleb smiled widely. "Heheh...somehow I will get you to wear a sundress when you get big," he joked.

Sam growled. "Well, get used to getting off with your paw then." He smirked and sat back, trying to enjoy the time he had left as a studly guy.

"Aw, but you're such a pretty boy!" he insisted.

"Right now I am. I don't see you with porn of pregnant girls." He sighed and rubbed at his belly. He could feel something in there, a bit of a firm lump pressing on his insides, but so far it was only he who could tell. And Caleb, apparently.

The rottie chuckled again, letting the subject drop for the moment. He had always thought Sam was a balance of handsome and pretty, probably just as well given his sleek breed and hermaphrodism, but now...well. Let's just say he was curious to see how Sam changed.

After a short while of dozing off, Sam became aware of a presence to his side. An athletic, long-haired, bikini-clad German shepherd was crouching next to him, gazing at him admiringly.

Sam blinked his eyes open with a start, lifting his sunglasses and smiling. "Well, hello there..." he said, his cock also noticing her scent.

"Hello yourself," she purred, her voice having a noticeable German accent, her tail swishing in the sand. "I see America has some nice tail after all."

"Mm, what?" Caleb muttered, looking over at the other dog.

"Heehee, nice to meet ya...." Sam sat up slightly, offering her a paw. "Samson, and you are...?"

"Zelda," she replied with a shake of his paw, letting her fingers linger for longer than was necessary. "Very pleased to meet you."

Caleb smiled at her, looking at Samson. "And I'm Caleb."

The dalmatian smirked at Caleb. "Yeah, he's my bud. We're just hanging out on the beach. Well, not so much hanging if ya know what I mean." He said with a smile, stretching out a bit on the towel, his cock having become less floppy in his Speedo from her touch.

She giggled lightly. "Hmhmhm...I see." Her brown eyes looked at his crotch hungrily.

"So...what brings you across the pond?" Caleb asked.

"Vacation. Have a few friends in the city, wanted to visit, ja?" she purred.

"Heehee, nice. How long are you in town?" He stretched a bit more, pawing at Caleb a bit and motioning to his growing bulge. Samson was anything but subtle about it.

"A week. So far it has been so boring...nothing but those fat tourists you see on television!" she mock-complained. "But I like what I see now," she continued, starting to crawl over Samson.

Caleb's eyebrows rose and he laughed. "Haha, see, I told you you were still pretty," he said to his friend.

He looked up at her and chuckled, blushing as his cock throbbed and tented his Speedo. "Oh, really...." He watched her straddle his body, hoping she didn't notice his chest or scent. "So these friends of yours...don't include boyfriend...?"

"Nope. He's waaay back...across the pond, as you say," she said, rubbing her crotch against his bulge. "Mm, that feels nice...." She closed her eyes and let her bikini bottom tickle him.

"Ohhh, really...." He gasped as she pressed against his cock through the swimsuits, a spot of pre beginning to form on his Speedo. "Heh...and you're okay with....ohhh that's nice...." He wagged his thin tail and moaned.

She opened her eyes and looked down at him sultrily. "I have not fucked for two weeks. I will spend time on you if you will do something for me," she cooed.

He panted and sat up slowly, growling a bit to her. "Mmmm, do something for you? Name it," he said, knowing he'd have her all to himself, thankful Caleb was gay.

Zelda looked at the rottweiler questioningly. "Maybe your friend can help out," she suggested.

Caleb waved a paw dismissively. "Sorry, hon, but I like cock."

"Your loss," Sam replied with a smirk, gently pushing his chest against Zelda's. "So you were saying, beautiful...?"

She stood up and took Samson's paw again, pulling him to his feet and leading him down the surf. "My boyfriend does not like to eat...what is it...." She muttered in German for a second before continuing, "What do you call it when you eat a woman?"

The dalmatian panted a little. "Pussy...uhhhmm...cunnilingus...eating someone out...." His body heated up at the thought, pre dripping down the front of his Speedo as his sex also became a bit damp.

She nodded. "That is it, eating pussy," she confirmed as they approached the edge of the beach, where the sand turned to grass and trees. "Would you?"

"Right...right here?" He panted, and looked at her, one paw squeezing his cock through his Speedo.

The shepherd smiled at him. "Am I not pretty enough?" she asked, running one of her paws across her crotch and moaning a little.

"Fuck, yes you are..." he grunted, crouching in the sand and leaning down to lap at her crotch, licking her sex through the swimsuit hungrily. "Mmm...."

She gasped loudly and grabbed his ears, her legs trembling and her sex quickly leaking through her suit and onto his tongue. "Ohh, ja!" she moaned.

Samson tugged down her swimsuit bottom quickly and dove his muzzle into her snatch, long tongue snaking out to slide against her slick walls, the base of his tongue teasing her nub as he hungrily ate her out.

Her back arched and she let out a long "Ohhh!", her long mane of hair shaking back and forth with her head as her body shook from his intense (and seemingly well-practiced) oraling of her. It didn't take long for Samson to realize what was probably a good reason why her boyfriend didn't oral her much: she leaked a lot.

The dalmatian felt her warm juices running down his chin, neck and chest, wanting more of it. He gripped her thighs and snorted hot air over her loins while he slurped and sucked, gently suckling on her clit, wanting her to cum, his cock leaking pre all over the wet sand as he squatted.

Zelda grunted and hurriedly undid her bikini top, stuffing it in her mouth to stifle what would have been a great cry of release as a burst of her girlcum soaked Samson's muzzle and chin. "Rrrrgh!" she cried into her suit as she gripped his ears so hard as to almost bruise them.

"Ooof..." he gasped, slurping up what he could and letting the rest run down his front, and over his crotch, while he used it to lube his paws as he stroked himself outside his Speedo. "Oooh, you're a wet girl, you know that?" he asked as he sat back, his erection heavily tenting his swimsuit.

She hunched forward, her suit falling out of her mouth and her hair obscuring her face. "Ja...very, very wet..." she panted, a supremely content smile on her face.

He stood up slowly, grinning at her, leaning in to nuzzle her breasts with his wet face, his cock brushing her thigh. "And very, very sexy, my dear..." he murred, licking one of her nipples gently while his hard-on still raged.

She moaned, but more quietly as her stiff nipples were caressed by his big tongue, pulling him down and cupping his head in her paws before planting a deep tongue kiss on him, her tongue searching his mouth for every bit of her juices.

Samson growled softly and kissed her back, wagging and pushing his belly to hers while he closed his eyes, moaning into her maw. "Mmmmm...." His paws gripped her backside, bare and tight.

After she had licked every inch of his mouth, she pulled away with a "mwah!" "You amazing partner, Samson," she purred.

He blushed a bit and smiled at her. "Mmm, you aren't so bad either." He winked, idly stroking his wet shaft again, through his honey- and pre-soaked Speedo.

Zelda looked down and smiled again. "I cannot just let that go...." She nudged his chest with her head, her hair tickling his nipples.

Samson meeped a little, squirming at the tickle. "Let what go?" he asked, looking at her hopefully.

"Lie down," she murmured, drawing her tongue across one of his nipples.

He gasped and moaned, shuddering from the lick. "What...mmmf..." he tried to say, sitting in the grass and lying on his back.

She ran her fingertips up and down his shaft, murring into his chest, which made her muzzle vibrate. "Mm, if I could only take this pretty thing in me," she teased.

Samson grinned a bit and shuddered as she rubbed him through the Speedo. "Mm, why can't ya, hottie?" he asked as he humped her paw, stroking her head against his chest.

"Because I still have a boyfriend," Zelda replied, licking his nipple again: he seemed to like that.

"Ohhh...." He leaned closer into her licking, grinding his cock against her paw. "That's too bad...."

"Not for you...I am very good with my paws...." She cupped his dick through his Speedo and slowly jerked him off, the added friction from the suit spurring him on as she kept licking his nipple.

"Unnnf...oooh, God...." He leaned back and moaned loudly, his mouth agape and tongue lolling as she stroked his cock, the friction also starting to wear on the threads of the Speedo. "That's so good, suck harder...mmmf...." He pushed his nipple into her muzzle.

Zelda kept up her effort, using one of her nails to carefully fray some of the threads near his tip as she sucked as hard as she could on his nipple, pressing on it with her tongue as her free paw rubbed his other nipple.

"Ohhh, OOOOH!" he cried out as he came hard, the force of his climax pushing through the Speedo, creaming all over it as well as his belly and in her hair, making him shudder and nearly collapse in the sand. "Zelda!"

The shepherd rested her chin on his chest, her tail wagging and her tongue licking what of his seed it could reach. "Mm, I'll have to tell my friends to come to America," she cooed.

He gasped a bit and leaned back, looking down. "Mmmf...hey, you tore my Speedo...."

She kissed the air at him. "So? You look better without it."

"Yeah, but it's not a nude beach." He blushed, watching the cum drip off of his shaft.

Zelda giggled. "Can I clean you up to say I am sorry?"

He smirked a bit. "Ummm...gladly, dear..." he murmured and thrust his now floppy dick against her, smiling.

She licked the cum off her hair before returning her attention to him, working her way down to his stomach, teasing his navel with her tongue. Then she gave his shaft a long lick, scooping most of his seed off.

"Oooh that's nice..." he moaned as he arched his back, shivering, his nipples standing up while he groaned.

She snuffled and licked all over his crotch, then paused, sniffing him. "...Well are full of surprises," she murmured, her tongue dipping down to taste his sex.

"ACK!" He gasped and spread his legs, panting and squirming. "That's not fair...unnf...." He was really sensitive from having just came.

Zelda giggled against his balls and femsex. "And if I smell are going to have a baby, yes?" she continued.

Samson panted, looking down at her and moaning from her nuzzling his sex and balls. " can tell already?" he whimpered. "And...yeah."

"And did your boyfriend fuck you good?" She licked his sex again.

He blushed and yelped at the lick. " was a one-night thing, but...yeah, I guess you could say that." He grinned and panted at her licking him.

Her eyebrows rose. "Wow...Americans do know how to have fun after all..." she trailed off before her ears perked to the sound of an "Unf" coming from the side.

Caleb was there, trying to hide in a sand pit as he looked at them. His arm was moving quickly, and it was pretty obvious what he was doing.

"Hey, you!" Sam ran after Caleb, pouncing him to the sand while his cock flopped all over through his torn Speedo. "What're you up to, dog?"

"Blargh!" the rottie yelped, his voyeurism interrupted. "Getting off, what's it look like?"

"Getting off to me and a girl? Maybe you're not so gay after all," he teased, sitting beside the sand pit. "Hey, Zelda...looks like we put on a show for the rottie."

Zelda ran her fingers through her hair and crouched next to the pit, giving them both a good view of her sex. "Mm, is this the hunk who put his seed in you?" she asked.

Sam giggled. "At one point, yes, but that was after I got knocked up." He grinned and leaned down to nuzzle Caleb's cock. "So you wanna put on a show for Zelda? Seems only fair...."

A wiiide smile spread across both dogs' muzzles. "As long as I get some too, it's always fair," Caleb replied, leaning in to kiss Sam's cheek. "How you wanna go?"

"You want muzzle, ass or cunt?" Sam smiled, crouching with his cock flopping between his thighs.

"Gimme that kissable maw of yours," he growled, sitting back and spreading his legs.

"Mmmm...." The dalmatian nuzzled his friend's crotch before taking his cock into his muzzle, bobbing his head as he sprawled out in the sand, suckling firmly from the thick rottie cock and fondling Caleb's sac with his other paw. "Mmmmurrr...."

Caleb moaned and pawed at the sand, carefully working his hips in time with Sam's oraling. Zelda, moving into a squatting position so as not to get her cum on her legs, supported herself with one paw while she slid her other across her crotch.

Sam suckled and moaned, grasping Caleb's sac and rolling it around while he oraled him, eyes closing while his shaft still leaked cum onto the sand.

"Uhhh, God...that's nice..." Caleb grunted, already leaking pre into Sam's muzzle as his paw clenched into a fist, his other paw rubbing the back of Sam's head.

He rubbed his tongue along the underside of Caleb's cock, gently fingering his tailhole while he sucked and milked him for his cream, leaning down in the sand to get a better angle. "Mmrrrr...."

The rottie panted hard, his tongue hanging out the side of his muzzle as he cracked one eye open to look at Zelda, who was panting as well, her already slick sex drooling over her palm.

Caleb's cock was getting a little harder but not fully erect, as he sucked and slurped, drool running down Caleb's cock and ballsack.

Caleb moved his paw from the sand to Samson's ears, the usual signal that he was close to cumming as his panting went up a notch.

"Mmmmm..." was all the dally said, as he eagerly slurped Caleb, wanting to take a shot or two in the muzzle and the rest on his chest and belly.

"Ergh!" Caleb grunted, thrusting his hips up and cumming on his boyfriend, hitting Sam right in the chin, neck, and chest. Zelda's eyes widened as she pawed off faster, trying to cum again and join the boys.

Sam yipped, gulping down the first load before slipping Caleb's shaft out of his muzzle, letting the rest slap his front as he moaned in pleasure. It ran down his body and over his sensitive nipples, down his toned six-pack belly which belied his pregnancy. "Mmmm, good boy," he said as he licked his lips.

The rottie moaned as he shot a few more weak jets and looked down at Samson, smiling widely as he stroked Sam's ears. Hearing Zelda whining, he looked up at the masturbating shepherd. "I think she wants some help...."

The dalmatian crawled over and immediately latched onto a nipple, holding her against his cummy body as he suckled. "Mmm..." he murred, wiggling his ass at the rottie.

She cuddled against him as she came again, letting out long whimpers as her muscles released more of her juice onto her paw and his crotch. Caleb reached over and rubbed one of her ears. "That's a good girl," he said quietly.

He smiled at the rottie, and kissed Zelda's chest and neck. "You're so sexy, babe." He nuzzled and licked her gently as she basked in her afterglow. "So we three gonna hit the beach after this? Looks like we could all wash off."

Zelda hugged Samson as Caleb moved in to hug the dalmatian as well, putting Samson in a sandwich between the furs. "Sounds pretty good," Caleb replied.

Next Level Ch. 5: Battle Frontier

It's about damn time, isn't it? Cast list is at the end of the story. Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. May padded into Snow's living room to see Vixxen and Doomtrain packing things. She...

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Eggcitations pt. III

Cast list is at the end of the story. Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. "Mrf...." The brunette stood in front of her full-length mirror examining herself as she finished dressing. She'd taken a good deal of care to let down and...

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Yin and Yang: Love and Lust

A while ago, I had what I hoped to be a story series called Yin and Yang, which centered on the romance between a pair of young women. Due to lack of interest on my co-author's part, it was cancelled and taken down, but we may revive it another way....

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