Eggcitations pt. III

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#3 of Eggcitations

Cast list is at the end of the story.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

"Mrf...." The brunette stood in front of her full-length mirror examining herself as she finished dressing. She'd taken a good deal of care to let down and curl her hair perfectly, to apply just the right touch of makeup to look beautiful yet professional, all the wonderful things that go into an hour of preparing oneself. The only problem was that she hadn't a suit that fit correctly. She'd managed to pull her slacks up to ride low on her hips so that the bulge of her tummy rested on the waistband, and she'd managed to pry her stylish matching black shoes onto her slightly swollen feet, but the jacket simply would not button. "Come on, you..." Mael sighed, tugging at the sides of the garment and trying to button it over the swell of her stomach, nearly identical to a human pregnancy of twenty-four weeks or so.

Kera was leaning against the doorway, having finished packing what she hoped she wouldn't need: her midwifery tools. She sighed and shook her head as she watched Mael. "I'm going to say it one more time, Mael...I really don't want you to go when you could drop at any moment," she said a bit morosely.

"This conference is the whole reason I've been developing this thing...I have to go. Half the thing is basically devoted to this project." She looked down irritably at her torso, giving the jacket a huge tug and managing to pin it into place for the moment. She gave a deep sigh, looking to Kera...which of course caused the button to burst open. "I give up..." she murmured, leaving the jacket open and going over to her midwife. "I appreciate that you're worried...I'm a little nervous too, but I have to go to. I absolutely have to."

The Latias morph sighed again and rubbed her temples, closing her eyes in exasperation and hard thought. "For scientists, they could be a little more understanding..." she said as much to herself as to Mael. After a few seconds, she looked at Mael. "The only reason I'm not restraining you is because I know that this conference is that important to you. Don't think I won't hesitate to do it, too, even though I'd hate every moment of it."

Yeah,'s the other thing. They didn't exactly...know...that Mael had actually started using the device. They knew she had implanted one into herself, but actually using...nah, the actual pregnancy was meant as a means to show that it worked, and thereby impress them. "Thanks," was all Mael said, pecking Kera quickly on the cheek. "I'm glad you understand."

Kera averted her gaze and let out a bit of a grumble at Mael's quick kiss, mentally damning her difficulty with refusing a pregnant woman's request. "I hope you're glad I understand." She looked Mael in the eyes as she continued, "I'll let you do your thing and try not to get in the way if you'll do the same for me. If you think you're going into labor, let me know...okay?"

Mael nodded. "Yeah, it's fine. Oh, here...." The brunette went over to her dresser and took a small piece of paper from the edge of the mirror. "Hold on to this, it's a guest pass kind of thing that'll let you go wherever I go. Careful you don't...." She stopped short, looking down as her suit jacket popped another button open. "...Lose it."

Her midwife covered her mouth to try to stifle her giggle. "'re just too damned cute...we best find a way to fix that lest it pop open while you're at the podium."

She sighed. "It's fine, we don't have time, I'll have to just keep it open as is." Picking up her bag and checking her reflection once more, slightly prominent tummy and all, she started for the door. "Come on."

Kera nodded and followed her friend to the car, setting the bag that contained her midwifery tools in the back seat. "If you don't mind, I'll drive."

"Okay," Mael agreed, going around to the other side of the car and lowering herself into the passenger seat, nervously checking her curls in the fold-down mirror. She'd put so much time and effort into preparing herself; everything had to be absolutely perfect. She ran through the things she might forget in her head...everything was in place. "All set."

Kera started the car and pulled into the street, starting to drive back into Saffron. She always felt a little funny when she left the home of one of her patients...she hadn't left Mael's home in days and had seldom been more than a stone's throw away from her friend in that time. Well, she'd be going back before long. As she drove, she looked over at Mael and smiled. "Don't worry; you look beautiful."

Mael managed a smile. "Thanks, but I'm all on edge. There's so much resting on today." Not to mention she would be far younger than all but one of the scientists at this part of the convention...but it would be good to see her again. It had been too long. Still, the nerves. She was feeling a little sore, a bit sick to her stomach, maybe.

The Latias morph reached over to pat her shoulder when they stopped at a stop sign. "Well, I know you're going to knock 'em dead. Heck, from what you've told me about this...membrane thing, I'd say you're brilliant."

"Hehe...thanks," Mael said, blushing just the slightest bit. "Really though...if there's anything I can ever do to thank you, just ask. Don't ever hesitate. I owe you so much more than just money."

Kera shook her head. "Aww, it was my pleasure," she responded, blushing herself.

Mael nodded and gave a small smile, trying not to concentrate on the uneasy feeling in her lower stomach...and the skyscraper-like science building that was beginning to loom up as they approached the outskirts of Saffron. Even from a distance, the Silph Co. logo was unmistakable. Mael suddenly made a great ordeal out of checking her nails.

Kera pulled into the parking ramp adjacent to the building and into the spot that had been reserved for Mael. "Ready to rock?"

She felt more ready to tuck and roll. (Oh yes. She said it.) But she gave what she could best be described as a quasi-confident nod and stepped out of the car, strangely dizzy for a moment before grabbing her bag and waiting for Kera before starting for the door. A quick glance at the clock on the wall; the meeting started in fifteen minutes.

Kera stayed close to Mael's side as she allowed Mael to lead her around. "So um...what do you want to do to pass the time?

"Well there isn't a whole lot of time, really..." Mael said, taking a small ID card from her purse and holding it up to a magnetic scanner which gave a small beep and popped a rather heavy-looking door open for them to enter through.

"Okay, sorry," Kera answered. "Um...can you give me any dos and don'ts? I don't want to embarrass you."

"Oh...." Mael began to walk down a rather plain hallway, turning left here...right there...still just plain white brick on all sides. She gave a small laugh. "Just...well I'm not too worried; just try to catch me if I pop." Another giggle. "You'll be fine. You can ask questions if you want when they start asking and the floor is open, but otherwise just kinda blend in and stay quiet."

Kera chuckled as well. "Okay. But um...we should have a plan if you do go into, is there somewhere in the building we could have privacy?"

"Not...really," Mael said with a rather forced grin. "There's always the infirmary, but that's more just a first aid station than anything else...aaand here we are." She pushed open an industrial looking set of double doors to reveal their position: on an arched third-story balcony overlooking the grand main lobby of Silph Co., the sculptures, plants and fountains all huge and glorious spectacles of the company's opulence and engineering prowess...this was the one part of the place that Mael would be glad to see today. She'd always liked it, and never minded the boardrooms either. But she'd be sweating blood.

Kera whistled in appreciation. "Wow...nice...and you work for these guys," she complimented. Of course, she had been in the Silph Co. HQ before, but she'd never had much of an opportunity to have a really good look at how nice the place was.

Mael grinned. "Sometimes just walking in the lobby doors is still intimidating." She started slowly heading for where the auditorium was, still walking along the balcony. "It's really nice, but at the same time I almost feel guilty for's like...there's a difference between trying to further the field of science and doing well and being respected for it, and showing off, know what I mean?"

The Latias nodded. "Yeah, I guess. But I think that you've balanced things out pretty well. Besides, you've invested some of your own body in the progression of science. That has to count for a lot," she said, trying to keep Mael calm.

"Yeah I guess so," Mael said with a laugh, "but remember...I said I almost feel guilty." Regardless of whether Silph's grandeur was entirely ethically appropriate, she still liked the splendor of the lobby, and would have been sad, at least partially, should it ever disappear. "We're almost th-" Mael stopped suddenly in her tracks.

Kera looked over her shoulder at Mael and cocked an eyebrow. "Mae? Something wr-?" she started to ask.

"Sarah!" came the sudden excited squeal from the girl, and she darted off ahead, running and throwing her arms about a somewhat unsuspecting looking dark-haired woman in a white lab coat.

"Mael??" came the somewhat disoriented response. Once Mael had finally released her near-stranglehold hug on the other person, she took a step back, realized that she was right as to the identity of her attacker and hugged her back. "Mael! Hey! How are you?!"

The pair started chattering excitedly.

Relieved that Mael hadn't suddenly gone into labor, Kera smiled at the two and then diverted her attention back to the lobby, not wanting to butt into their conversation, though close as she was, she couldn't help but overhear them.

"Big day's today?"

"Yeah, kinda nervous."

"You'll do great, you always do."

"Well, thanks, it's been working so far."

"Really? So you have a...."

"Bulbasaur and Squirtle, yeah."

"Wow...that's really something."

"Haha, it's got nothing on your project."

"Well yours is certainly more fun...."

And the pair laughed happily.

Mael turned, seeing the Latias looking away, and nudged Sarah. "Hey. C'mere, I want ya to meet somebody," she said, grabbing her arm and pulling her over to where the other woman stood.

The Latias smiled warmly as she turned to face Mael's friend and extended her hand. "Hello, Sarah. I'm Kera Hsagra, Mael's midwife, and any friend of hers is a friend of mine."

"Likewise. Sarah DiRoma," the woman in the lab coat said with a smile, taking the Latias morph's hand and giving it a firm, yet warm and gentle shake. "I'm sure you tried to stop her from coming, right?" Mael blushed a little.

Kera nodded. "Yep, and it wasn't easy for her to convince me. As I told her, the only reason I'm not physically restraining her is because I know how important it really is to her and all that noise."

Sarah laughed. "Haha, yeah, she's always driven and stupid like that."

"Hey!" Mael said in a voice of mock-affront.

Sarah smiled. "Honestly, though, even if you'd tied her down, I'm sure she would have found a way to cut through steel. Probably engineer it out of nowhere." Now Mael really was blushing.

Kera chuckled a little. "Heehee, so how do you two know each other? Did you work on Mael's project together?"

"Not re-" Sarah began before Mael cut her off.

"Yes we did," she insisted, "I could never have put the finishing touches on it had it not been for her. I know Pokémon backwards and forwards, but I needed just a little help with the human part."

"Just a little!" Sarah insisted. Mael grinned and wrapped her arms around the woman from behind. "But yeah...we did meet at work."

Kera nodded, rubbing her chin. "So, forgive me if I'm being too personal, but given what my job involves, I'm curious if we can expect to see you looking like Mael anytime soon," she said to Sarah.

The pair of them giggled again, and Mael hugged Sarah a bit tighter. "Well, maybe not exactly the same..." Sarah began. "Kind of, but...."

"In a word, yes," Mael said with a smile, pecking Sarah's cheek, causing the slightly taller, darker-haired woman to blush.

Kera had all but put two and two together by now, but wasn't willing to bring it up. "Well, perhaps I'll give you my card, then."

"No need to be that formal," Sarah insisted with a smile, "Mael will fix me up with you I'm sure, right?"

"Yep," the brunette said cheerily. She seemed to light up like a firefly when Sarah was around. "I'll make sure to- oh!" And maybe she didn't mean to actually say any more, but she'd just caught sight of the clock that was hanging on the wall: five minutes to showtime. "Oh no, no, no, we have to go. Kera, we've gotta go." She detached herself from Sarah and started down the hallway once more. "I'll come by and see you later!" Mael said back to Sarah, who waved after her.

"Good luck! You'll knock 'em out!"

"Buh bye!" Kera chirped as she stood at Mael's side again. "Well, she seems like a good friend," she observed as they walked.

"She's the best," Mael said, though her usual gushing smile about her friend was gone. Instead she looked focused, frazzled, and extremely nervous, and said nothing else, her stomach suddenly feeling rather ill again...though maybe she'd been feeling that way before...couldn't quite tell....

Kera took Mael's hand in hers and patted her back. "Just take a few deep breaths and do your best, hon. Then we can go have fun."

On coming to a large black door, Mael paused, and took a few deep breaths...she looked as if she was going to cry for a few seconds...before squeezing Kera's hand, composing herself, and then pushing the door open and entering. The professional demeanor was on instantly. Her walk was confident, her expression driven yet not intimidating, and she took a seat in one of the comfortable black leather chairs around the edge of the long shiny wooden table which the other scientists sat around, most paying her no mind. Apparently they expected that Mael was much older. Mael looked through the notes she had tucked away, organizing some papers...forgive her, please, she'd forgotten to show Kera to the long sofa alongside one of the walls from which the Latias could observe her. Hopefully she'd find it.

A few minutes later, Sarah walked in, taking the only available seat left around the table and flashing Mael a quick thumbs-up.

"All right, ladies and gentlemen, it looks as though we're all here and accounted for," an old, balding man in a large pair of spectacles and a crisp suit said, standing at the head of the table and addressing the group of scientists gathered there. "As you all know, this conference will be dealing with new Pokémon/human interbreeding technology, specifically its effects on Pokémon intelligence."

There was a collective nod.

"So without further ado, I'd like to present Dr. Mael Garnet."

Mael took a shaky step up from her chair and walked to the front of the room amongst polite applause, where she took her nervous stance behind the podium. "Good afternoon...."

The Latias mentally focused positive thoughts on Mael, trying to support her in any way that she could. Though she couldn't telepathically communicate with Mael (as other Psychics probably could), any bit of positive thought focused on her could only help. It was a sort of mind-over-matter exercise.

"The basic to help to create comrades and companions in the useful form of Pokémon. This, as of now, is hindered by gaps in intelligence, however...this is about to change." And from there on, perhaps spurred on by Kera's reinforcement, Mael launched into a huge dissertation on the exact science of her device. "The basic idea to find a way to genetically combine-" She stopped for a moment, swallowing. Not focusing on what she'd just felt. She turned red for a moment before continuing. "-both humans and Pokémon without compromising the mental ability of one and the physiological abilities of the other. In order to do this...." She hit a button, causing a projector to light up behind her, showing a diagram of a human uterus. "...We need to make some simple changes."

Kera was glued to her seat. The side of her that held deep reverence for the process of creating life made her hang onto every word Mael said. Of course, she was mentally blue-skying, imagining ideal scenarios: if people had the chance to connect with Pokémon on one of the most base yet most profound levels, she could only be grateful to Mael and Sarah.

"Most specifically to the ovaries and uterine lining," Mael continued. "Of course, human ova cannot fuse with Pokémon sperm in their base state. The chromosomal number alone is not congruent, with the exception of the Mr. Mime species." She stopped again, taking a deep breath and changing the slide. It now showed the same reproductive system with small implants on both ovaries and the inside of the womb. "This needs to be changed. These devices...." Mael used a laser pointer to point to both attachments to the ovaries. "...Are equipped with a nearly microscopic receiver that allows them to receive signals from a piece of equipment which looks like...." A change of slides. "...This. This alerts them that any eggs expelled from the ovaries need to be changed. The miracle is really in these two devices right here." She pointed once again. "They are also equipped with some extremely experimental and revolutionary technology...if I do say so myself...." A polite chuckle. "...That allows them to form the original human chromosomes into a shape and structure that would accept the other half from the sperm of a Pokémon." There was a definite murmur of surprise at this, at which point Mael took a moment to lean on the podium and rest a hand on her swollen stomach. She straightened after a brief second. "These are programmed with every known species so far, save for those that have yet to be brought into captivity."

The ever-watchful midwife tensed up slightly at Mael's moment of indisposition, but stayed on the couch. "Mael knows what she's doing," she mentally told herself. "Just get through your speech and make a good impression, and then we can go."

"After this, fertilization becomes standard and easy," Mael said, swallowing heavily and continuing, her voice slightly wavering. "The implantation in the womb allows for normal menstruation, however, it also causes certain changes in the uterine lining that would help to make the resulting placenta more geared toward Pokémon nutrition than human. This attachment can be turned off via wireless signal should the woman decide to become pregnant with a human child, though of course she would have to wait through one menstrual cycle." She paused for a moment. "Of're probably wondering if this all works...." She started to wriggle out of her jacket. " you can hopefully see...." She turned to the side.

Kera perked up as she looked around at Mael's colleagues for their reactions, pleading to the Pokégods that they wouldn't think Mael was some kind of mad scientist or that she'd gone too far. And they were certainly mixed. Sarah was beaming. The rest either looked perplexed, amazed, or, in the case of one older man, slightly excited.

"The result..." Mael continued, allowing herself a small smile and changing the slide to a picture of her Squirtle and Bulbasaur eggs safely nestled at home in her incubator, "are perfectly viable eggs, the shell of which the device in the lining of the uterus helps to create." And...well...was there much else to say? Thinking of nothing, Mael gave a small smile and, "...Any questions?" She was still smiling, but was now leaning heavily on the podium, her eyes not quite smiling along with her lips. She'd crossed her legs behind the podium where she stood as well.

One scientist raised his hand. "Yes, I have two questions. Um, one, how long is the gestation period, and two, how are the eggs...delivered?" he asked, blushing a little.

Kera suppressed a giggle as she thought, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"The gestation period varies from species to species, as I've already encountered," Mael said, speaking a bit more slowly now. "I'm still awaiting oviposition of the Charmander egg. The Bulbasaur took exactly three and a half weeks, the Squirtle a little over four. It's now five for the Charmander." And she felt like saying, "And I'm about to drop it right in front of you all," but suppressed it. "They're delivered in the normal manner as any species, that is, vaginally." Speak of the devil. She made sure to stay behind the podium as she felt the first trickles of fluid that were the equivalent of breaking water drip out of her. Ohgod. Just a few moments longer, hopefully. Just a little while. She squeezed her legs together, as though trying to stop the imminent birth that was about to occur.

A number of pencils and pens scribbled on notepads at Mael's statement. Kera, however, had noticed Mael's distress and was about to spring off the couch and drag her off. "Okay, Mael, time to go," she thought. She cast a discrete look of worry at Sarah, trying to bring Mael's situation to her friend's awareness. Sarah, though, was just smiling fondly at Mael, assuming that she was overtaken by nerves more than the beginning of labor pain.

Mael was less relaxed. "Any other questions?" she asked the group after they had had barely any time to scribble down the answers to the previous question. Come on...ugghh. She let out a slow and easy breath, trying to provide very little resistance to the contraction that was squeezing at her swollen womb. Just ride it....

Another hand raised, unfortunately, this one belonging to a well-dressed woman who was probably one of the benefactors of the project. "Do you have any plans for future species? Like, I'm just wondering if anything's next on the agenda."

Kera grumbled a little, keeping a straight face. "No! Shut up!" She poked Sarah in her thigh to try to get her attention.

Sarah looked over at the Latias, surprised, as if to ask, "...Well, what?"

Mael took a few breaths to collect herself, and a few more seconds to try and let the contraction pass. When it mostly had, she spoke, "At this moment, I was planning on moving toward Pokémon that resemble more mammalian creatures. A Vulpix was my next idea, perhaps along with an Eevee or Pikachu. However, I'm also eager to see if human intelligence can indeed be transferred to Fighting types...." Uh oh. She'd just openly winced. "...Such as Hitmonchan or Machop... but of course, I'd be open to any suggestions from co-workers or benefactors. Any other questions?" "Nooooo..." she thought, clamping her legs together. She'd have to confess if they didn't stop soon.

As surreptitiously as she could, Kera whispered just above her breath, "She's in labor!" though the word "labor" was a bit garbled.

A brief silence signaled that maybe Mael would be able to leave after all, but nothing doing. "How do you plan to raise all of them?" came out.

"I can't, by my own power, of course," Mael said slowly. "I'd eventually have to give some away as either research subjects or companions...although I'd prefer to cross that bridge when I come to it. Specifically because they really do feel more like children and using them inhumanely as research subjects would be...."

"She's what?" Sarah asked in a whisper. Didn't quite make out that last word.

"Would be...." Mael wavered for a moment, stumbling a little and catching herself on the podium before straightening and clutching gently at her belly, calmly addressing the collective body, "...Could someone please help me to the infirmary? It looks as though the..." a pained little whimper, "experiment is about to continue."

That did it for Kera. She was on her feet and at Mael's side in a moment, taking one of her hands. "I'm sorry, Mael, but now I need to take over," she whispered as realization dawned on the audience, causing a small amount of panic. "No need to worry, everyone, she's going to be fine," she said to the crowd. Sarah was up in a flash as well, rushing to Mael's side and helping her to stand.

"I'm sorry, everyone!" Mael cried a bit tearfully as the other two began to escort her from the room. "I'm so sorry!"

"You're fine, Mael..." Sarah whispered to her. "You're fine, come on now, they understand."

Mael wasn't so easily consoled: she felt as though she had blown her big shot. The crowd, however panicked, though, did seem to wish her well, at least, there was no direct booing.

The two women led Mael out of the room, maintaining their holds on her to let Mael know they were there for her. "It's okay, Mael, it was nothing you could help," Kera tried to reason. She looked over at Sarah. "Sarah, is the parking garage very far out of our way? I'd like to get some supplies I brought with me."

"It's not exactly convenient to get to, but I'd say we have some time, right?" The dark-haired woman asked as they led the quietly crying Mael toward the infirmary. Poor thing.... "Hon, it's're fine," Sarah kept insisting. "We can reschedule, and they aren't judging you. You really wowed us," she said with a grin. Mael gave a small and cautious grin through her tears.

Kera nodded. "Yeah, you really blew me away, and I've been there with you. Just imagine what their reaction will be once they hear that you've successfully completed the experiment," she said with a little nuzzle of Mael's face.

Mael managed to stop her silent sobs, although the tears weren't quite finished rolling yet. She calmed herself, trying to steady her breathing in preparation for the next pain. She wanted to be at home in private with Kera and Sarah, not right in the middle of Silph much time DID she have anyway? Those cramps all morning, had that been labor? How long did she really have? "'M nervous," the girl said quietly as her support came upon the door to the infirmary and opened it up for her.

Kera gave her a soft kiss as she patted her tummy. "No reason to be afraid, sweetie. We're here for you, and this is going to go just fine. Maybe even better with another pair of hands," she said, smiling at Sarah. "Can you try to get her comfortable? I'm going to make a beeline for my stuff."

"Of course," Sarah said, returning the smile and putting her arm around her friend's waist as Kera darted out of the room, leading her to sit down on a bed. Thankfully nobody else was in there; it was the weekend after all. No reason for there to be someone here. Thank God they left it open for supplies in case of an emergency. But here they were, the final moments. Alone at last. "Hey, baby," Sarah said gently, sitting down on a cot opposite Mael and speaking as though they'd just met in a hallway. "How's it goin'?"

Mael smiled in spite of herself. "Oh...swimmingly I'd say-y...." Commence wincing and such.

The Latias zipped through the halls much as she had at the hospital when Mael first went into labor, having taken note of how to return to the parking garage should the need arise. She ignored people asking where she was going or if Mael was all right, just barking at them to "get out of my way!"

"Shhh, take it easy, shhh...." Sarah had moved over to Mael's bed and was now holding her gently and rocking while Mael breathed through the pain, clenching her fists tight against was strong already.... "That's it, just breathe...."

Kera finally reached Mael's car and lugged out her suitcase, then started to dash back to the infirmary. In her hurry, though, she tripped and fell, dropping her suitcase, which happened to open and spill its contents. "Aw dammit," she cursed as she tried to get everything back in.

Mael shuddered once the long and strong contraction had left, burying her face in Sarah's chest and trying to catch her breath. "'s passed," Sarah whispered, cradling her head and running her slender fingers through Mael's hair and moving under her chin, tipping her head up just a bit, green eyes locking with blue.

Kera finished stuffing her gear back into the suitcase and stood up to bolt to the infirmary again. She navigated the hallways and followed the signs, but had the great misfortune of running into a crowd of reporters that was at the presentation. They blocked her way with cameras flashing and questions being thrown as she snapped at them to move.

"You amaze me," Sarah said quietly, smiling and then leaning a bit was almost as if she asked...and Mael obliged, leaning forward and closing the gap between them, kissing her girlfriend sweetly, closing her eyes and letting the feeling of their togetherness override the pain...and the pressure welling up between her legs....

In full maternal mode, it didn't take long for Kera's fuse to run out as she forced her way through, swearing at the boneheaded reporters under her breath as she barreled down the hallways.

It was wonderful, the kiss, and Mael almost wished it would never end...but too much was happening, and she had to break off, squirming some. "Sarah...."

"You okay?"

"Yeah. me out?" Mael asked, blushing some, her hands trying to work at the button of her pants.

Sarah giggled, nodded, and then helped Mael lie back on the bed while she unbuttoned her pants and started to pull them down, unable to resist a quick smile and a few kisses along the fabric of the panties between Mael's her more than a bit of a surprise. "...Mael, are you...?" A few little spots of moisture had bled through the panties.

The Latias turned the last corner to reach the infirmary when she ran right into a reporter who looked as if he had the same destination in mind. With a loud "Ooof!" the two knocked each other off their feet and promptly began to trade cusses as they gathered themselves and whatever had been knocked clear by the collision.

"...Yeah, well, a little...." The brunette found herself blushing a bit, trying to excuse herself from the little bit of wetness in her panties. Psychological reflexes! Not her fault! ...Well maybe it was...she was definitely aware of something becoming real heavy down in there...and it didn't help that Sarah had smirked at the response and had bent down and had her lips on her panties, sucking gently through the fabric on right where.... "Sarah, that's my clit!" The brunette giggled, squirming.

"Woops," came the equally giggly response from Sarah...who of course didn't stop while she pulled at the waistband, bringing it downward.

Just outside the infirmary, Kera finished helping the photographer to his feet and shooed him away so she could do her job without some stranger watching. Breathing a little heavily, she leaned on the door to open it. "Hahh, okay, I-...shit..." she trailed off at the sight she beheld. "Uh...should I stand outside...?"

"NG!" was Sarah's immediate response, who shot back and away from Mael's sex as though it were white-hot metal. She looked horrified, putting her hands behind her back and looking away, blushing profusely. Oh dear...oh dear....

", it's okay," Mael said, who had jumped nearly equally as much, but seemed to recover. "No...I...had told Sarah about what we do to help, and...she was helping." There was a small pause in which she finished removing her panties to help herself feel less awkward in the silence. "Plus we're dating..." she mumbled, almost wishing she didn't have to confess to that.

Kera looked back and forth between the two women before she broke out into a huge grin. "Well why didn't you say so sooner?! I'd've invited her over while you were in labor with your first egg!" she exclaimed as she walked inside and set her suitcase down on the bed next to Mael's.

Mael seemed to let out a sigh of relief as the tension in her body instantly disappeared. Sarah still looked a little more worried. Of course, not nearly as much as she had some five seconds ago. "She was at the new Cinnabar station," Mael explained, "couldn't have made it."

The midwife was almost laughing to herself as she left the room to go scrub her hands and arms. "Mael, you are some piece of work, all right...this job has been one of the most wild ever...and one of the most fun," she called from the adjacent bathroom's sink.

"Oh, for God's sake!" Sarah suddenly exclaimed. "Stupid reporters!" She stormed over to the supply closet, took a jar of soap, and smeared it all over the tiny square window in the door so they couldn't see in. "Assholes trying to get pictures!" she said, looking very much in a huff at their nerve.

"Heehee, how you holding up, sweetie?" Kera continued

"I'mokay, but I'd likeoneofyouhereplease." Mael had started contracting again, and was holding onto the bedrails as though they were the key to life itself. "Gnnh...." Sarah ran over as quickly as she could.

After hastily drying her hands, Kera hurried to one side of Mael's bed, motioning for Sarah to take the other side. She rubbed Mael's arm and hand to try to coax her into letting go of the rail and take her hand. "Mael, what do you want us to do?" she asked calmly.

"Gimme wet," was the immediate response from the girl, who had shut her eyes tightly against the pain and was already lying back and spreading as if the egg were going to pop out.

The Latias nodded and looked over at Sarah. "Help me get her nude," she said, starting to remove what remained of Mael's clothing.

Sarah nodded. After the shirt was off, and the bra gone, Mael collapsed back onto the bed, breathing heavily, her globe of a stomach bobbing up and down with her breath. "Whew...biggie."

Kera leaned in to nuzzle and lick at Mael's neck, palming one of her breasts. "Mmm...who takes top and who takes bottom?" she asked the other women.

"Looks like I'll take the bottom." Sarah said, grinning at Mael, who gave a nervous grin right back. That's the way it went a lot of the time, when they would...well, let's just say that there were certain things Sarah did....

The woman leaned down at the foot of the bed as best she could, resting a hand on Mael's thigh, and went to work, sucking gently on her not yet-stretched folds. "...!" was all Mael's expression and breathing said at the additional touch.

Kera snickered as she turned Mael's face to hers and then rubbed Mael's breasts as she kissed the woman, her other arm going around Mael's shoulders and hugging her closer. "We should've done this in the first place," she said as she pulled her mouth away to speak. "A two-on-one for" she murmured before she kissed Mael again.

"Y-Yes," Mael stammered, her eyes wide and her breath coming in faster and faster spurts, her hips arching up toward the mouth of the girl sucking between her legs.

The noises of frustration from the crowd outside continued to grow...thankfully for Mael. She'd probably need cover noise soon.

The Latias rested a palm on one of Mael's breasts and gave it a gentle squeeze as she kissed along Mael's cheek. "Take it nice and easy. Don't move in for the kill until she has a contraction," Kera advised Sarah before she started kissing Mael's ear, remembering how good a reaction she received during Mael's last laying.

Sarah nodded, easing off just a bit, at which Mael groaned in protest, trying to push her hips back down toward her lover. She whimpered, squirming against Kera, mumbling something too quietly to hear, and then clearing her throat between breaths to speak up. "If you keep sq-ueezing me-e-e...issgonna come out," she mumbled, referring to her milk-laden breasts. She lay back against the inclined bed, taking a few breaths before giving a small jerk and tensing, her round stomach visibly squeezing up in a contraction.

"Good." Kera ran the tip of her tongue around Mael's ear and gave her breast another gentle squeeze. "Let's see you leak...poor girl hasn't had her Pokémon hatch you gotta milk yourself...or have me do it for you," she purred as her eye caught sight of Mael's small belly hardening.

Mael shuddered at the pain of the contraction as well as the pins-and-needles sensation of the milk starting to bud at her small pink nipples, her fingers clasping onto the bedrail, the other hand reaching around Sarah's head and pulling her mouth back up against her folds, where she quickly went back to work.

Kera whispered in a husky voice, "Deep breaths. Let the pain wash over you. Focus on us. We're here for you." She gave Mael's earlobe a slight nibble before her mouth started kissing down Mael's neck and shoulder, moving steadily towards Mael's breast. Her hand left Mael's shoulder and reached for the hand on the handrail, stroking it gently.

"Nnggg...g...gttt...!" Mael grunted, her forehead starting to bead with sweat as the pain swelled, the sensation in sharp contrast with the pleasurable onslaught her friends were providing. "Ooohh..." she voiced faintly, eyes tightly shut.

"Good girl. Feel yourself open wider, wider, wider. You're a natural at this, and you know it," Kera murmured as she kissed the tops of Mael's breasts, the salty taste of the woman's sweat only exciting her more as she sniffed deeply, taking in her scent.

"Ngngg s'abigone..." Mael panted, still gripping onto the bedrail. Her hips arched a little up toward Sarah's lips as the brunette between her legs drew away a little as Mael started to bulge out. "NN! S'!"

"Do you want to hold my hand, Mael?" she asked, keeping her lustful tone as she passed her smooth tongue over one of Mael's nipples.

Mael grabbed hold of Kera's hand, though she didn't seem to hear what she had said: the contraction was lasting forever, and she was groaning breathily at Sarah. "NO! Don't...comebaa-...."

Sarah looked the slightest bit squeamish, but she obeyed, returning her soft and loving lips to the slit bulging out between Mael's legs. "I can see it, baby," she called up gently to her girlfriend.

Kera rubbed her thumb around Mael's hand and spoke to Sarah, "Don't worry, Sarah, just let the egg stretch her. She knows what she's doing." At that, the Latias enveloped one of Mael's nipples in her mouth and sucked gently, pulling her head back a little and palming Mael's other breast with her other hand.

"OOOGH!" Mael finally grunted, her hips relaxing back down to the bed as the contraction ended, leaving her sweaty and panting. She let her head fall to the side toward Kera, not blushing nearly as much as she had before when the milk started to bud at her hardened nipples.

Sarah moved back in a little more comfortably now as the egg recessed just a bit at the end of the contraction, continuing to gently kiss and swirl her tongue around Mael's clitoris, causing the girl to shake and tremble.

Kera's mouth left Mael's breast and her head went up to gently nuzzle the woman's cheek. "I'm going to get something to wipe you off with, I'll just be gone a second," she said quietly as she stood up to leave. "Remember, Sarah, try to just keep her on a pleasure high. We want to prolong her orgasm as long as possible."

Sarah, it was obvious now, was dedicated to that. Even if it might be required in her own research someday, she couldn't imagine having to push something that size out of such a small hole. She reached up to Mael's stomach, gently rubbing the tightly curved ball, her lips closing around the tip of the girl's little nub.

Mael started to twitch, her mouth opening, but no sound coming out. She was gonna...gonna.... "M'gon...naa!" she shouted, her eyes squeezing shut as she came, her hips pushing up hard toward her girlfriend's mouth, her juice just leaking past the egg, spilling out in thin and very steady trickles all over the bed and Sarah's waiting lips.

Kera, who had ducked into the bathroom to wet down a small washcloth with cool water, smiled almost from earhole to earhole at hearing Mael orgasm. She licked her lips reflexively as she felt her own body heat up with arousal; a Pokémon or Pokémorph with an acute sense of smell, or a human who knew what the smell was, would detect her arousal from a long ways away by now. The Latias dabbed her own face, neck, and chest with the washcloth to try to cool down before she wetted it again and returned to her patient and assistant for the time being. "That sounded like a good one," she remarked.

Sarah giggled into Mael's swollen and leaking vagina, causing the girl to jump at the vibrations before she settled back down, still panting, though her fingers were now relaxed. Time to wait it out. Another was coming fast, she knew it.

Kera wiped down Mael's face and neck, and then carefully wiped down Mael's chest before setting the washcloth aside. She took Mael's hand in hers and kneaded it, stroking Mael's cheek. "Almost there, just a couple more and you'll be all done, sweetie," she comforted. "Sarah, can you move back for a moment? I need to see if it's going okay."

Sarah obliged willingly. It wasn't that she didn't want to help. She wanted to do all she could for Mael, and so she would. And she'd been down in that position several times before...but...this was just extremely strange to her.

Mael protested slightly at the sudden lack of sensation on her nethers and the eggshell that was barely peeking out from between them, barely having enough time to shift her position slightly as a particularly hard contraction hit her full force. "OOOH!"

The Latias quickly reached down and felt around the egg. "...Uh oh. Mael, it's coming out backfirst...this could get tricky."

"What?" the girl asked, her voice strained and scared as she grunted her query through the contraction, her hands gripping the rails once more as she started to push reflexively, her slit bulging out with the big egg stuck behind it once again.

"The bigger end's coming out first. It'll stretch you too fast if we aren't careful, and the last thing we need is a tear." She looked at Sarah. "First, we need to keep her blood flowing to her sex, so honey, now's the time to give her your best tongue-lashing ever," she said with a grin and a wink, trying to keep them positive.

"RRGH!" Mael cried out in response, her hips lifting off the bed as she pushed and pushed hard against the egg jammed in her birth canal. It wouldn't even budge...Mael cried out in frustration, tears starting to appear in her eyes. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen...and it was scaring her.

Sarah nodded, moving over to kiss her girlfriend's cheek before returning to the foot of the bed and bending down to where the egg was starting to protrude just the tiniest bit, flicking and pressing her soft tongue against Mael's swollen clitoris again and again.

"Perfect. The egg will come, Mael," Kera comforted, going to Mael's side and turning her head to kiss her. "Just push right down there...*kiss* don't be afraid, *smooch* focus on Sarah's tongue running around that egg," she purred, stroking Mael's hair gently.

Mael couldn't possibly return the kiss - she kept right on grunting and squeaking out her protests into Kera's mouth. She kept pushing...nothing was getting it to move! "ANGGHH! STUCK!" she cried out, her hips jamming downward toward Sarah, who took the opportunity to turn up the intensity, curling her tongue into a tube and wrapping it around Mael's prominent clitoris. Mael's cries stopped, though the pressured look of agony on her face remained. Her body was tensing...everyone knew what was going to happen next.

Kera pulled away from Mael's mouth and gave her a toothy grin, reaching for Mael's breasts and squeezing them both between her fingers and thumbs. "Cum, Mael. Cum as hard as you can," she commanded.

Mael's hips twisted then, her body giving into convulsions, and she was forced to throw her arms around Kera to find something to hold onto as she writhed about on the bed. Forget trying to be quiet, every last reporter in the hall would have heard her scream this time. "OHHHHHHHHH! AAAHHHAHHHHHAHHHNNNGG NNGG! NNGG!"

The Latias leaned in to hold Mael and help her find a better grip, bracing herself so as not to fall on the woman. She murmured in Mael's ear, "Harder, Mael, push harder, streeetch and pusssh that egg out."

Sarah was forced to back away as Mael bulged again while she pushed. The contractions of her orgasming vagina must have been helping. Mael moaned loudly into Kera's neck, her body still shaking violently as she pushed down hard on the egg, feeling it slip little by little by little....

"That's it, more more more, haaarder," Kera encouraged, craning her neck to look down at Sarah, motioning with her head down to Mael's crotch. "Keep her cumming," she said calmly with a wink.

The girl was so sensitive at this point that when Sarah carefully, almost apprehensively reached over and brushed her clit, Mael let out another scream, still panting and trying to keep a breath. One orgasm was rolling into felt as if someone REALLY big had her right where he wanted her. 'HAGHHHHH!! OoooooOOOoOooooOO!"

"Come on, baby..." Sarah whispered softly.

The wide grin on Kera's face would have told both women that everything was going as she'd hoped, were they looking. Kera took a deep breath and with a "Hup!" pulled Mael to be sitting upright, hoping this position would let gravity help more.

Mael's shaking hands found the bedrails and her hidden but toned stomach muscles pulled up as she bore down hard on the egg. This one just seemed to be too big: she was finished cumming, and it was still jammed between her legs and now not budging again. The egg felt really hot inside her, too...then again, it was a Fire-type.

Sarah reached back down to rub at Mael's clit when the panting and pushing girl protested. "N-Nno!" She panted, sweat rolling down her face now. "'M'gon' pass out 'f'you d-do!"

"Sarah, come here and help me. She needs to open her pelvis wider and let herself stretch gradually," Kera said to Mael's girlfriend. She licked Mael's ear and whispered, "I know it's big, and I know you're tired, but you're almost there. Just rest between contractions, and if you're too tired to push, just keep yourself open."

When the contraction ended, Mael collapsed against Kera's arms, trusting the other woman to keep her upright. "OOoooh..." she squeaked weakly. "It's too big, it's too big..." she mewled.

Kera rubbed Mael's back and nuzzled her cheek. "Shh, it's okay, Mael. The egg will come; we just have to do this differently," she comforted. "I'm going to get you some water and a washcloth. Sarah, can you help keep her up?"

Sarah nodded, leaning forward and holding Mael up with her arms and her body while the girl rested, desperately trying to catch her breath. "It's hot," she moaned, "it's really hot...." Kera snatched the washcloth she had set aside and soaked it in cool water from the room's sink, then filled a small disposable cup with water and returned to Mael. She wiped Mael's face, neck, and chest with the washcloth before holding the glass to Mael's lips. Mael managed to tilt her head back and swallow a little until she pulled back mid-way through the drink, causing the water to splash all over her: her stomach was a rock-hard ball again.

Kera reached down to Mael's sex with one hand and placed her index finger and thumb opposite sides of the bright red egg, pressing lightly on Mael's lips. "Nice and easy. Hold onto Sarah's hands if you have to, moan and yell if you have to, push if you can."

Mael's voice was exhausted, and as she grabbed hold of the arms Sarah was wrapping around her, she started to push again, shivering and protesting weakly as the thing stretched her tighter and tighter...she wasn't sure how much more her little canal could take. "M'gonnatear!" she cried out, starting to panic. "S"toobig!"

"No you're not; you can do it. You laid two eggs this big and came harder than ever in your life," Kera reminded gently, tracing her fingertips around the egg. "If you can't take it, just let the contraction push on its own."

"M'gonnatear..." the girl continued to insist, completely forgoing pushing and holding onto her girlfriend as she readied herself for the horrible pain...but it started to slip naturally just a bit....

"Good good good, perfect, nice and easy," Kera continued, "relax your vagina; it's coming," she continued, looking to Sarah briefly and telling her with her expression to add support before she looked down at Mael's sex.

"It's just a little more, baby..." Sarah purred into Mael's ear. "Just let it go...just let it go...."

Mael started growling at the pain as she let the heated egg pass little by little. Not much left now....

"Almost there, just a little bit more," Kera encouraged. She rubbed Mael's thigh with one hand as the other continued tracing the egg, trying to keep the blood flow centered there to keep Mael as stretchy as possible. "I can see the head now," she joked.

Sarah grinned a little, but Mael didn't get it. She was too focused on pushing, just a little bit. Little by little until she felt something give a grand slip....

"Aaand it's out!" Kera announced, taking the egg in her hands and lifting it up as she watched for the expected deluge of Mael's backed-up fluids. "Aww, she has your eyes."

"Deluge" was an appropriate word for it. A thick flow burst from the girl as soon as the egg slipped out, followed by a slow and constant dribble immediately afterward coming from her stretched canal. Mael let out one last little cry and then collapsed back into Sarah's arms, who rocked her gently, kissing her sweat-coated cheek. "You did it, baby. You're done. You're done." Something in Sarah felt a surge of was almost fatherly.

The Latias smiled at the two women and wrapped the egg in a nearby towel, offering it to them. "It's a Charmander. Congratulations," she said softly.

"We knew it would be," Sarah said with a smile as she nuzzled her sweaty and panting girlfriend, who reached out to take the egg carefully, her hands shaking a bit as they ran over the still-hot, smooth surface.

Kera gently set the egg on Mael's chest and slowly shrinking tummy, reaching up to stroke her cheek. "You should be very proud, Mael. Women like you never cease to amaze and inspire me," she complimented, going to fetch a washcloth to wipe her down.

Mael smiled weakly as Sarah kissed her cheek again, wrapping her arms tighter around her. "Thanks," she said quietly, looking over to the door...the reporters had started to quiet down.


Kera and the question-askers: Me.

Mael, Sarah, and everyone else: Rain.

Yin and Yang: Love and Lust

A while ago, I had what I hoped to be a story series called Yin and Yang, which centered on the romance between a pair of young women. Due to lack of interest on my co-author's part, it was cancelled and taken down, but we may revive it another way....

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Bailmont Teaser/Short

The Warrior Clan Dragon Bailmont Teaser II/Short Cast Bailmont: Chris. Kera: Me. Red: Chris. Kera smiled at her patient, who was quite round with her pup, and her patient's mate. "And remember, once labor starts, don't worry at...

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The Strange Incident in the Dark Forest

Leokitsune a.k.a. anonymousfox ( []( ) and I co-wrote this story, working on it for several months between November 2006 and February 2007. It was posted on Pregfur...

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