The Strange Incident in the Dark Forest

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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Leokitsune a.k.a. anonymousfox ( ) and I co-wrote this story, working on it for several months between November 2006 and February 2007. It was posted on Pregfur but was recently deleted after Darren's crackdown on underage stuff. I think it's about time the rest of my readers got to see it.

It was a beautiful summer's late afternoon that day, the perfect day to spend outside, and Susie was planning on doing just that during the next few days. The very pretty, long-haired, teenaged red fox girl was eagerly preparing for her friends to arrive so they could go camping this weekend. On this day she was wearing a pink tank top, and her usual tight, light-blue jeans. She was just about to finish making her lunch when she heard a car's horn outside. She ran to the window and saw her friends waving at her from inside an SUV parked in her driveway. She waved back, and pointed to her wristwatch to indicate that she only needed a few more minutes. She hurriedly finished making her lunch, packed it up in a lunchbox, and ran outside to hop in the car, apologizing for not having been ready, but the mild scolding she received from Alice, Colin, and Rick did little to ruin her good mood. Susie was particularly excited about this weekend trip because she and her high school friends were going to a place they had never gone before - a place deep in the forest.

A few hours after they left the city, and after driving around the forest's dirt paths for almost two hours, Colin stopped driving and finally admitted that they were lost. "LOST?!" yelled Alice. "What were you thinking when you brought us here? Now what are we going to do?!" she continued.

"I can't believe this!" Rick complained in agreement.

"Guys, calm down, we'll find a way out," Susie said to try to maintain order between her friends. It was getting dark by now; they couldn't risk driving into something. They all hopped out of the SUV to take a look around.

Suddenly, a flash of red light erupted from between them, accompanied by an explosion of sound. Susie was knocked off her feet by the force of the sudden noise. She rubbed her eyes to clear her vision and took a breath or two. Her ears were killing her, as if she had stood in front of a stereo for too long, but she realized her ears weren't ringing and her sight and hearing weren't as impaired as they should have been from the bright light and loud noise. She looked around to see if her friends were all right, only to see them trembling on the ground, crying out and alternately rubbing their eyes and ears as if they were causing them terrible pain. Yipping in surprise and fear, the fox girl tried to help her friends stand up, but her efforts were futile.

The girl whimpered from her inability to help her friends and was about to call out for help when something caught her eye, something floating in the air nearby. It looked like a person wearing a cloak and robes that hid his or her body and features. Susie opened her mouth to speak, but the figure spoke first in an unnaturally loud, booming voice. It said, "Why have you invaded my land?!"

Sensing that this figure was responsible for her predicament, Susie barked back, "What have you done to my friends?! Who are you?!"

"You NEVER talk to me in that tone of voice, girl!" the figure thundered. Susie's ears folded back against her head in fear as she waited for the figure to continue. "I am the owner of this part of the forest. I have cast a spell on your friends for invading my land - a pain spell. The pain they are feeling will never go away until they leave the forest, at which point I will let them take this potion." The figure floated closer to Susie, close enough for her to make out the figure's face: it looked to be a very old raccoon man with dark and piercing eyes. He held up one hand to show he was holding a small white bottle. "I've said enough. You now know what to do!" he hissed as he turned around and began to float away.

"But they can't even move! Besides, we're lost! Wait! WAIT!" Susie shouted after him, but the old raccoon ignored her as he nearly disappeared into the foliage. She looked at her friends twisting themselves in pain on the ground. She was certainly frightened of this strange wizard, but she would never abandon her friends to the torment to which the raccoon had condemned them, so she decided to try to steal the potion. Agile fox she was, she immediately began to follow the floating wizard, keeping as out of his line of sight as possible. She had to stop to hide many times during her chase. As she started to become exhausted and worried that she wouldn't be able to follow him anymore, she was able to see from her hiding place a small cottage that looked to be as old and foreboding as the raccoon himself. She saw him when he went inside. "So that's where he hides...he must keep the potion in there! I have to get it...." Then she looked back. "I sure hope I don't get even more lost than I already was!" she thought.

Unwilling to try and steal the potion while the wizard was still around, Susie had to remain hidden and wait for him to leave. There was still a tiny amount of sunlight shining through the trees, but it was quickly getting dark. As the sun set, the wizard, using his magic, lighted the windows of his home with oil lamps. Suddenly, Susie saw the old raccoon leave his home through the front door, and then he began to float away. "Probably to chase another 'intruder'...I bet he just does this for fun," she thought bitterly. Without wasting a second, she ran towards the bushes nearest to the house and waited until the old raccoon wizard was no longer in sight, then she climbed in through a window. Once inside and not seeing anyone else in the cottage, she couldn't help but feel that this was too easy so far.

The first thing she laid her eyes on was a set of wooden shelves with rows of jars; the girl didn't want to guess what was in them. She skimmed the shelves and quickly found some potions organized by the color of their bottles. She quickly found a row of white bottles, most of which had labels with the word "pain" on them. "This must be it!" she said to herself. She grabbed one of them and left the house through the window, and began running the way she came.

But it had been only a few seconds after she began running when she was intercepted by something dropping out of the sky in front of her. She skidded to a halt as she realized that, to her horror, the old raccoon was floating some five meters before her. A cold chill went up her spine, and her fox tail puffed up. She didn't say anything; she was too scared. She simply stared at her malefactor like a child who had been caught misbehaving. She was all by herself; she didn't know where she was or where she could run to; and she was right in front of an angry and very powerful wizard who most likely intended to harm her...and she had no idea of what all he could do to her.

"It seems that you've just made your last mistake, child," the wizard growled as he extended one bony, long-nailed hand. "Give that back immediately."

Susie didn't react at first, but after a moment, her lips pulled back slightly to bare her teeth at him as she shouted, "NO! I need this to save my friends, and you know that!" She held onto the potion tightly, wishing that the wizard would somehow just leave her alone.

The old raccoon wizard came down slowly and alighted on the ground, and began to walk towards her with eerie calmness, not breaking eye contact. This frightened Susie even more: her tail became extremely puffed up, even more than it already was. This was followed by a feeling of all of her fur doing the same thing, each hair feeling as if it were standing on end, even though it changed her outward appearance only slightly. The raccoon stopped walking when there were only two meters left between them. He continued his silent stare until he laughed and said, "Youngin', do you really think you are in a position to defy ME? I don't even need to reach over and take it from your hand; I can make you do it yourse- HEY!" With her fight-or-flight instincts surfacing, Susie tried to run away from him. Her sudden burst of courage took the raccoon by surprise, but her effort was in vain: with a few words and a glance at his destination, the wizard vanished and reappeared right in Susie's way. Susie was now trembling from frustration and fear. With an amused snort, he spoke again, "How dare you! I was going to be easy on you, but now I will have to do something terrible. Let's see...." Then he thought for a few seconds. "Ah! I know just the thing for a girl." He began to move his hands in the air and mutter in a language Susie didn't understand. Realizing that he was probably casting a spell on her, which was seemingly punctuated by the wizard pointing at her with one hand as his other continued to motion through the air, Susie covered her face with her crossed arms just as the wizard blasted his spell at her, even though she knew it would be of no use.

A few seconds later...Susie opened her eyes. "Huh?" She began to move her arms away from her face very slowly. She could see the old raccoon wizard still in front of her, but he had fallen silent and stopped moving his hands, now just staring at her expectantly. She immediately wondered why nothing had changed. She was still alive, and still very scared, but other than a sudden, mild stomach ache, she felt fine. "What have you done to..." she whimpered, and then she suddenly felt something clench in her lower tummy. Her belly began to grow, becoming heavier as it grew, and she gasped, her eyes widened in shock. She was suddenly feeling a bit nauseous, though whether from fear or the spell, she didn't know. Her balance was changing too, so fast that she got close to falling to the ground before she could re-adjust her balance accordingly. Her belly fur was stretching at such a fast rate that it was starting to become painful. Her jeans were pushed down and strained by the growth. She kept looking in complete shock at her growing, heavy belly. She held it with her hands, the white potion bottle still in one of them, as it grew, she thinking, "Oh my, this can't be happening! Stop! STOP!!!" Her pink tank top slowly scrolled up as her belly expanded. She tried to keep it down, but it was futile; her belly was simply becoming way, way too big for a tight tank top. Besides, her breasts were also growing significantly, and this used up more of the tank top's cloth.

Her belly stopped growing when it reached the size of full-term with a healthy baby, after about half a minute of growth. She felt very heavy now, as she in fact was. Her belly button had disappeared from her skin stretching so much so quickly. Susie stumbled back as if trying to get away from her own belly, and then the last straw came: she felt strong movements inside. She couldn't take it anymore and cried to the raccoon, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" Tears rolled down her cheek tufts as she looked in anger and desperation at the raccoon. With the bottle in one hand, she covered her sobs with her hands as she stared down to her belly in horror as she slowly realized what her current state was, what was inside her. "Have you...have you made me...pre-...?"

"Yes. You are now nine months pregnant. Doesn't it feel just great?" he jeered. Then he laughed again, a terrible sound that made Susie cry harder. "Now you will surely want to give me the potion back. That is, unless you want more of the same."

Susie thought about the potion in her hand, which she had forgotten about after having witnessed her belly grow. As she tried to hold back her tears, she thought about her dear friends who as of that instant were still twisting in pain, lost in the forest with no other hope. Then she looked at her enlarged, milk-filled breasts and her far larger womb while the baby inside her wiggled around. She was willing to sacrifice anything for her friends, and remained optimistic that she would somehow manage to get away from this mess...and hopeful that the pregnancy spell that had just been cast on her would somehow go away. "NO!" she shouted defiantly, yet still obviously very scared of the wizard. "I'll...I'll save my friends no matter what!" More tears rolled down her wet, fluffy cheek tufts, and fell onto her full breasts. Her tank top was already a bit wet from her breasts having leaked a little of her milk. As pregnant as she was, she tried to walk away, towards her friends again, but at first it was very difficult given that she was totally not used to her new, totally different balance.

She had clumsily walked only a few steps when the wizard spoke, pointing at her, "Then I have no other choice...but to cast this spell on you again!"

Immediately, Susie stopped walking. "No! Please, don't!" She begged, and held her belly tightly, as if she wanted to somehow prevent it from growing any further, looking back at the wizard in sadness and fear. Just after she finished uttering those words, she felt her belly resuming its growth, becoming even more pregnant, larger and heavier. Already carrying one baby had made her a bit more aware of how her center of gravity would change, but again she almost lost balance because of the sudden shift in her weight, although she still managed to stay up. The feeling of her belly fur stretching hit her again, and it hurt even worse, feeling like a big, continuous cramp as she grew. Very quickly, her jeans' button popped out and her zipper began unzipping itself. Her tank top continued to scroll up even more until it barely covered her belly at all. She shut her eyes and sobbed loudly as she held her voluminous pregnant belly as it grew painfully. When the growing stopped, her belly had grown to almost twice the previous size. Her breasts had also grown just a tad more. She was so heavily pregnant by now that she could barely keep herself standing up, and had to reposition her legs to be more spread out. Now she could feel even more, and more intense, movements inside. In fact, she could now clearly see some of the kicks on the surface of her white furry belly.

"Now it's twins in there!" the raccoon proclaimed with a chuckle. Her womb's size was indeed about right for a pregnancy of twins, or perhaps a little larger. "Still not interested in giving back the potion? Well, I've changed my mind. I'm not going to end this spell if you give the potion to me, but if you don't, I'll simply continue making you more and more pregnant. Use this chance while you can still walk at all. Think about it...."

Susie could no longer breathe easily, as she was taking quick and short breaths. Her tummy was still burning from the stretching, and the wild movement of the two babies inside her very large womb weren't helping. Her breasts continued to wet her tank top with leaking milk. "What am I going to do now? How am I going to explain this to my friends?! And my parents?! And everybody else?!" she thought. She was losing hope now, beginning to doubt if she would be able to revert this spell. She slowly looked at the old raccoon and said nothing as she held her huge, hurting belly. She remained like that for a minute or two as she strived to stay up.

Finally, the old raccoon wizard broke the silence and scowled at her again, starting to lose his patience with this girl's challenge to his power. "Fine, let it be triplets! I don't care how many times I'll have to recast this spell!" he shouted, pointing at her as he bared his teeth.

"No!! Please, stop!" Susie pleaded, but it was too late to make a difference. Susie now began to scream as her formerly soft, fluffy white belly once again grew uncontrollably, stretching the skin that had already been hurting. Within a second of the third spell being cast, the weight of her belly and the pain of stretching finally became too much for her to sustain, and it pulled her down to the ground as it grew mercilessly. Her belly became enormous; even though it was not much bigger than a normal triplet pregnancy, on a girl of her age and height, it appeared much larger compared to the rest of her body. Her tank top was now only covering her breasts, and it was looking pretty strained. She could now feel even more movement inside her, which was only aggravating the pain. She would have been screaming in pain and fear, but internal pressure was being exerted on her lungs from her insides having to shift around, making it very hard for her to breathe deep enough to scream or speak. She just lay sitting on the ground, legs spread out, trying to catch her breath as the wizard glowered at her, sure that he had broken her stubbornness. But Susie was still loyal to her friends. In a frantic, desperate move, she cried out loud, "I...I love my friends!!!" before she broke down crying, as she knew that her pain was going to become even worse.

" looks like this isn't going to work..." the raccoon wizard thought. But he decided to cast the spell one more time.

Now Susie's belly began to push her legs even further away from each other as it grew, to make space for the fourth baby. The pain was exquisite, and all Susie could do was hold her belly as she cried. She was quickly becoming unconscious; this unnatural pregnancy's fast progression had clouded her ability to think. Her womb was now massive and incredibly heavy.

The old raccoon slowly and purposefully walked over to her, kneeling down at her side and turning her face to look at him. He looked down at her and said quietly, "Now do you give up?"

Susie was still mentally and physically reeling from the wizard's torment, too much so to speak clearly, but she managed to emit a faint whisper of, "Never."

The old raccoon wizard groaned, one eye twitching in irritation. "Then, I have no choice, but to do this," he muttered with a snap of his fingers.

Susie's water instantly broke; she could clearly feel the large amount of amniotic fluid flowing out of her and wetting everything below her. Some seconds later, she began to feel slight cramps all around her waist, which very quickly became more and more intense. She couldn't believe it: she was actually giving birth! She could feel the first baby slipping down her vagina, turning the ache of her pregnancy into a stream of agony that shot up her spine and through her body from between her legs. The head of the first baby pressed against her pants, unable to fully emerge, while the other three babies continued to squirm around her giant, immensely pregnant womb. Just as she felt that she was going to die, she finally blacked out and fainted.

When Susie opened her eyes, she was in her bed at her home. The clock on her nightstand told her that it was 6:42 A.M. on Saturday. There was no belly, no forest, and no raccoon wizard. Just her in her room.

It had been a nightmare. She let out a deep sigh of relief as she breathed long, slow breaths to calm down, shifting on her bed to sit on its edge, over the now sweaty sheets. The still slightly-panicked fox femme stared into space as she relaxed and breathed, soon getting out of bed and padding dazedly into the bathroom, stepping into the shower and turning on the warm water.

Not long after she had stepped in, she heard someone open the bathroom door. "Susie? Are you in there?" her dad asked over the sound of the water.

"Hi, dad, yeah it's me...."

"Is everything okay?"

"Mmhm...just had a bad dream, that's all...gonna go back to bed in a little bit."

"Okay. Just remember, it was only a dream." With that, he closed the door.

"'Only a dream...'" Susie murmured to herself as the water ran down her body. She looked down at her chest, reaching up and examining her breasts. They felt a little more sensitive than usual, but she felt quite relieved to have them back to their normal size. Moving her hands down to her flat tummy, she pressed on it, finding that it felt tingly and just a little sore, but otherwise was fine. Not too surprising; she'd felt remnants of really painful or pleasurable dreams before when she woke up from them. But still...she could almost feel the weight and kicks of the babies she had carried in her dream. "But it was only a dream," she repeated as the last remnants of fear melted away, Susie calmed by the warmth and gentle noise of the shower. Turning the water off, she dried off and went back to bed.

Later that morning, while she was going about her usual Saturday morning routine (she usually not sleeping in too much on weekends anyway), she went to answer the doorbell. "Good mo- AAAAAH!" she shrieked in surprise and fear at seeing what looked like the old raccoon from her dream at the door! She hopped back from the door and slipped on the rug, falling on her bottom and covering her face as she cowered, her ears swiveling back. "No, you're not was just a dream! Please...don't do it again!" she pleaded.

"Wha...?" the raccoon's voice asked confusedly. The morning sun was shining on his back, so Susie could not make him out very well.

"Susie?!" her mom's alarmed voice came as footsteps hurriedly approached her. Soon Susie felt a hand on her shoulder and her mother speak calmly, "Susie, what's wrong? It's just Dan."

Dan, their raccoon mailman. Susie looked up slowly to see Dan looking at her from the doorway with an uncertain smile, and her mom crouching next to her with a frying pan in one hand. Susie let out a deep breath and covered her heart, nodding and slowly standing up. "Okay...sorry...had a really scary dream last night, so I'm kind of on the know?" she asked Dan with an embarrassed smile.

"Of course, dear. I understand," the senior raccoon responded with an understanding nod before he turned his attention to Susie's mom. "Well, um, I've got a package for you ma'am."

Still a little bit panicked, Susie excused herself as her mom accepted the mail. "She didn't want to tell me what the dream was about, but I guess it must've been really bad," her mom reasoned to try to smooth things over with Dan.

"Or maybe it's just my age," the old fella responded with a chuckle.

The End

By leokitsune a.k.a. anonymousfox & Evertide

Fur and Feathers Ch. 2

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