Hot Dogs

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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I make no promises this will be continued...but it was fun -_^


Caleb: Me.

Samson: Nauta.

The boss: Me.

Samson the dalmatian washed his sleek body in the communal shower room at the fire station. He didn't expect anyone else to want to shower this late, so he enjoyed his privacy as he washed the bar of soap across his slightly firmer stomach, having noticed his waist thickening a little and his nipples more sensitive and larger, but still thinking nobody would notice his pregnancy. The shower had a tendency to wash off the covering scent he used to mask his condition, though.

Before long, Caleb walked in, naked save for a towel slung over his shoulder. The rottweiler nodded at his dalmatian friend. Unlike the dalmatian, he was a bit shorter and stockier. "Hey, Sam. What's up?" he asked as he hung up his towel.

The dalmatian jumped a little as he heard his friend's greeting, turning his back to the rest of the shower room though it left his profile quite noticeable from the entryway. "Hey, Caleb...just finishing up," he said, quickly trying to scrub the soap off his body, his thick cock and balls hanging between his thighs, covered in a finely-furred, spotted foreskin.

Caleb stepped in front of the shower next to him, turning it on and starting to scrub soap into his short fur. "Some days I hate this job...I smell like soot for days. Makes it damn hard to get a date, y'know?" he asked, smirking at his friend.

The dalmatian's butt was to Caleb, and he wagged his tail a little, the crack of his ass and his cunny lips a bit visible. "Yah...I know what ya mean, but at least your fur isn't white." He blushed a little, his dangly cock starting to lengthen a bit as it always did around Caleb.

Caleb chuckled at that. "Maybe I should just say 'fuck it' and ask you out, huh?" he asked, moving just a little closer to Sam. He always found the athletic dalmatian attractive, and from the reaction of the dog's shaft, knew Sam felt likewise about him.

"Heehee...uhh...maybe you should..." he trailed off, turning to smile at the rottweiler and his own cute ass, before looking down his body at his stiff cock. "Damn, I hate not having a sheath sometimes...."

The rottie snickered and reached to put an arm around Sam's shoulders. "C'mon,'d like iiit," he teased, looking at Sam with bedroom eyes.

The dalmatian whined a little bit. He knew he shouldn't get too close to someone while nude, and especially not while his scent wasn't being masked. "I...uh...maybe a bit, yeah...but this is a bad time."

Caleb nuzzled Sam's shoulder. "Aww, whassamatter Sammy? I know you think I'm hot." He reached down towards the dalmatian's waist, slowly, watching for rejection.

Sam twitched, but didn't bat his hand away. He knew it was a bad idea, but maybe the rottie wouldn't notice...and if he did, he could probably be trusted. Regardless, by the time he was still deciding whether to let Caleb touch his waist, he already felt Caleb's hand on his body.

Caleb pressed his back against the dalmatian's, making sure he felt his own firming shaft against his rump as he ran the tip of his fingers across Sam's privates. "So how 'bout it, stud?"

The dalmatian shuddered, his cock dripping pre onto the wet floor as water streamed over both of their bodies. "Mmmf...I want to but...I don't know if you really want a herm like me."

"Aww, Sammy, I don't care if you've got a pussy. Just don't cut me off from the other parts," he said with a giggle. "'Sides...I mind." His hand started going north to Sam's tummy.

He panted and moaned a bit, leaning forward to brace himself against the wall, watching Caleb's hand slide up his belly, which twitched from the sensation. Maybe it wasn't that noticeable yet, he hoped, but either way he didn't have the heart to stop the rottie.

Caleb started to give Sam's tummy slow rubs. "...Mm, you feel been working out or something?" he asked.

Sam ducked his head a bit, shutting off the water and nodding. "Yeah...of course I have. You think I'd be able to keep working here if I didn't?"

"Huh? What're you talking abou-...what's that smell...?" He sniffed at Sam, then down his back towards his nethers.

The dalmatian gasped and slipped away, padding out of the shower to grab his towel and quickly throw it around his midsection. "Probably my dick, hon. You made me kinda horny."

Cocking his head and eyeing the dalmatian suspiciously, Caleb followed, not bothering to put his towel on. "That's not the smell of an aroused male...or female...."

Sam shrugged and dried his fur off, it being short enough to dry quickly without puffing out. "I think you're just dreaming, Caleb."

Caleb continued to sniff the air. "I've only smelled that a couple times in recent history...back when Brad's wife was" He leveled a heavy glare at Sam.

The dalmatian let his towel hang in one hand, exposing his upper body to Caleb. His cock wasn't stiff anymore. "What?"

Looking down at Sam's belly and back up at his eyes, he sighed. "Sam...are you pregnant?"

He chuckled softly. " I look pregnant?" He gave Caleb a sideways glance.

"Yeah, a little." Rubbing his chin, he walked up and unceremoniously poked Sam in one of his nipples.

"I do not- OW!" he growled, giving Caleb a shove. "Don't do that!"

After straightening up, Caleb nodded. "I thought your nipples looked a little bigger. Yeah. You're pregnant."

Sam growled a little. "I don't look pregnant." He stroked his belly, sucking it in a bit, or at least trying to. "I can't look pregnant's only been...." He thought about it for a moment, and didn't say anything else.

He raised an eyebrow. "Only beeen...what?" he asked a bit impatiently.

He sighed. "Two months...." He hung up his towel and walked to his locker, leaning against it.

Caleb nodded slowly, then walked up to Sam and patted his back gently. "Hey,'s okay. I mean,"

"Just what? If anyone else finds out, I'll lose my job, and I can't afford that, especially not now." He growled. "All because of a fucking condom breaking. I was careful."

Rubbing Sam's back more, Caleb continued, "I...take it you want to go through with it, then?"

"I can't kill something, you know. Not like this. It's my own fault...I guess." He started to slip on his lycra thong-briefs, which were rather revealing. "Maybe adoption, but not...abortion."

The rottweiler scritched his shoulder blades and sat down on the bench, patting next to him. "Y'know...if you still wanna go out, my offer stands."

Sam straddled the bench in his briefs, blinking a bit. "You know I'm gonna be a fat, huge dalmatian...and still want me?"

"Sure. I mean, come on, you're my friend. That's what friends do, right?" he asked, smiling hopefully.

He nodded a little bit slowly, and leaned over towards him. "But um...I need to know that you're...not gonna dump me when I start getting bigger, y'know...and I'm not such a stud don't just love me for my body, do you?"

Caleb scooted a little closer and gave his friend a hug. "Promise, man," he said quietly.

Sam hugged the rottie and nodded, giving his thigh a gentle rub. "At least we won't have to worry about knocking me up...again."

Caleb chuckled and nodded. "Got that right. Now...still up for that date? I'm off tomorrow...."

He nodded a little bit. "Keep this a secret?"

He nodded again. "Only if you gimme a kiss." The dalmatian blushed slightly, and leaned in to kiss the rottie. The rottie kissed him back, slipping his tongue into the dalmatian's maw for a moment before pulling back. "Mm, you're a good kisser too."

"Sam! My office, now!" the boss barked over the station's intercom.

The dalmatian ducked his head, fully expecting this after last week's order to get himself checked out. He was in his uniform, which fit him a little tighter than a month ago. In fact, it was almost uncomfortably tight but he dared not say anything about it. He made his way to the boss's office obediently.

The short bulldog who ran the station hunched over his desk, leering at Sam. "Sit," he snapped.

The dalmatian sat down a little uncomfortably, squirming slightly. "Yes...sir?"

The bulldog picked up a paper on his desk and threw it at the dalmatian so it landed on his desk in a way that Sam could read it. "What the fuck is this?"

He leaned over the desk to look, and winced as his waistband pressed against his belly a bit too tightly. "'s my checkup, sir...."

"Yeah. Know what it says? You do know, don't you?" he continued.

Sam leaned back again and nodded, one hand resting on his belly subconsciously. "Yes, sir."

"How did...what the hell? Did you think you'd get away with it? That no one would notice?" He rubbed his temple. "How could you be so reckless?"

"I wasn't reckless...I used protection, and when I found out I took precautions. I've been holding back...I can't afford to let this get in the way now, I have too much at stake...especially now with.this." He glanced down at his belly.

"That's not what I meant! I mean have you considered how dangerous this job is to a pregnant fur? Not to mention the liability crap I'd have to deal with?" His tone was becoming progressively more hostile.

Sam looked down and sighed, his tail tucking up between his legs anxiously. "No, sir, I didn't. I thought about myself, because I don't know how to act or feel being pregnant. I've never been and I never thought I would be." He bit his lip a little to keep from getting angry.

The bulldog growled lightly and regarded the dalmatian, then sighed. "You're fired. Out."

The pregnant dog looked as if he was about to break down, but hoisted himself up instead and walked out the door. He didn't even bother going back to the locker room to get his possessions.

Later that evening, Caleb rested in his apartment, watching TV and humming to himself. He hadn't heard from Sam today, which was making him worry a little. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Muting the TV, Caleb stood up and went to the door wearing only a pair of shorts and a white tee-shirt. Looking out the peephole, he perked up and opened the door. "Sam! Hey, what's up?"

The dalmatian looked worse for wear, slumped in depression and wearing denim shorts and a red tee-shirt, all of which were rather tight on him. "I got fired today, Caleb."

"...Wha? Oh,, c'mon in." He took the dalmatian's hand and led him inside, his expression softening.

Sam walked in and closed the door, holding the rottie's hand. "Yeah...they found out." He looked down. "I guess I can't hide it now."

Caleb brought Sam to his bed and sat him down, rubbing his thigh. "Don't worry man. There's gotta be something we can do...sue them or something." In his heart he was pretty sure they didn't really have a legal leg to stand on, but he wasn't going to upset his friend.

The dalmatian leaned over, and as he did, the button on his shorts popped open, and he sighed in frustration as his eyes watered. "Damn it...this is all falling apart. I can't believe this is happening to me."

The rottie whined quietly. "Look...Sam, how about you live with me? You can crash here, no problem. We'll figure out what to do."

He looked up a bit, and shook his head. "I can't, I mean...I got a only have one bedroom...."

"So? I can sleep on the floor or something...or we could share a bed too, y'know."

He chuckled a bit and wiped his eyes. "Is your bed big enough for five?"

Caleb blinked and chuckled a little nervously. "Triplets, huh? Well...we'll have to see," he said with a smile.

"Yeah...I saw it on the report. I mean...God, how the hell could I deal with three?"

"Don't worry, man. We have months to think about that. And you said you might have them adopted." He put an arm around Sam's shoulders and held him close.

"Five months...." He nodded, and nuzzled the rottie. "I'm gonna be huge, look at how big I am already. I looked it up online; I'm like two weeks ahead."

Blushing a little at the thought, Caleb continued, "It'll take time. We can even...I don't know, make a journal or something. Helps me when I have a lot going through my head."

"A journal? Well...I admit, I took some pictures of myself before I started to show...and every week after." He blushed a bit. "I'm afraid I won't get my figure back after this is all done."

"Man, don't worry about that! You've got enough to worry about as it is. We'll deal with that when we come to it." He turned Sam's head to face his. "So...let's just snuggle for a while, okay?"

He nodded softly and laid back, his tummy gently curving out under his shirt and between the flaps of his popped shorts. " you mind if I, um, take these off?"

Caleb shook his head. "I'd rather you did, actually. I'm kinda curious to see what you look like now."

Sam blushed a bit, slowly sitting up and sliding off the bed, unzipping his shorts and letting them fall to his ankles, exposing his briefs that held his package. "You really wanna see?"

The rottie nodded. "If I'm gonna be rooming with ya, might as well, hm?" he asked, winking.

He chuckled a little and nodded, pulling off his shirt to expose his body. His belly was pleasantly but slightly rounded, and his pecs were a bit bigger, the nipples darker. He also had a bit more fat on him.

Caleb murred, his little tail wagging. "Damn, you look good...and that's coming from a gay dude, remember."

"Well, I am a boy..." he began, blushing and stroking the slight belly he had, "despite...being a little full."

"And you have a vagina," he continued, "but there's only two things I'm interested in down there. This is one of them." He reached to rub Sam's crotch.

Sam groaned a bit. "'ve touched my cunny before...."

"Well I won't say I'm not a little bi-curious, too. The only other thing I'm interested in is what's under your tail," he murred, standing up.

Sam nodded and smiled down at the rottie. "So, strip down to your undies."

"With pleasure." He pulled his shirt off and threw it aside, then unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them down, leaving him in only a pair of tightening briefs.

He grinned and stepped up to the sexy rottie, stroking his paws down Caleb's chest. "You are so hot, Caleb...I miss having a body like yours."

Murring, Caleb smiled back and moved to hug Sam against him. "If I'm not mistaken, I had the short, stocky body. You were the athletic one."

"Were...." He smirked and kissed the rottie, letting his warm, firm belly press into the other man. "But now I'm just a plump, swelling dalmatian."

"MY plump, swelling dalmatian." He leaned in and planted another kiss on the other dog, moving his hands to Sam's shoulder blades and hugging him tighter.

He blushed deeper and accepted the kiss, murring and rubbing his body along Caleb's, then lied down on the bed and rolled on his side. "Maybe we should lie like that so I don't crush you."

Caleb chuckled. "Crush me? Heh, I can take it, hon...but you're probably right." He climbed behind Sam and worked his thumbs into the waistband of Sam's briefs, pulling them down.

The dog whimpered a bit, letting the other male undress him, his cock half-hard as it flopped on his lap. "Uhhmm...heehee...pervert...cant' want to get me naked."

"Aww, but it's best to cuddle naked," he murmured into Sam's ear, licking it and pulling his own underwear off, wrapping his arms around the dalmatian, one hand resting on Sam's belly.

"Mm, indeed it'll be hard to do this...soon...." He moaned and melted at the caress to his belly, arching his back a bit and stroking Caleb's rump.

Caleb kissed at Sam's ear again and gave his tummy another rub, trailing his finger around Sam's belly button. "Not for gay dudes."

He nosed Caleb's muzzle. "What about pregnant gay dudes? My belly will be too big...."

"Not from behind, not with my mouth, and not like this." He reached down and twiddled his fingers around Sam's shaft.

The dalmatian squirmed and writhed a little. "'re making me horny, love, and we have to go back to my place tonight to get my things."

"The night's young. We got time. At least for one of us." He wrapped his hand around Sam's cock.

He gasped and murred, closing his eyes and licking at Caleb's ear. "So why should it be me...?"

"Cuz you've had a rough day. You need a little...release." With that, he started to gently pump the dalmatian.

"Mmmf...." The dalmatian sighed and lay back, cuddling against Caleb as he pawed him off. "" He nibbled Sam's ear gently and kept pumping, his other hand going under Sam's side and rubbing his chest. Sam arched his back and pushed his chest into Caleb's paw, his cock dribbling pre on the male's hand and his femsex oozing other scents that the gay doggie may have ignored. "Mmmm, gonna make a mess on my fat belly...."

Caleb didn't care, just using the pre to slick his shaft up. "Mm, you like that, doggie?" he murmured into Sam's ear.

Sam nodded and whimpered, gasping a little and starting to speak before he whined and shuddered, his cock pulsing and his sac tightening before jets of cum sprayed out over his chest and belly and the bedsheets. "Mmmm!" he yipped, eyes closing tightly as he cuddled close to the rottie.

"Ooh, sensitive preggy aren't you?" he asked, kissing in the dalmatian's ear. "God, pregnancy makes you that hormonal? I could like this."

He nodded. "Yeah, really fucks with my body...if you can get past the weight gain and swelling...."

The rottie licked Sam's cheek and murred. "You wanna cuddle a little bit, then go get your stuff?"

"Mm, sure...and clean up before it dries on my fur."

Fur and Feathers Ch. 1

Cast Avari: Me. Fen: Nauta. Sema: Me. Avari lay down in her stall of soft hay, trying to get comfortable. Ever since the griffoness's eggs had been coming in a few days ago, it felt weird to sleep on her belly as she usually did, and...

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Teasers 1

Yin and Yang Max and Ashly in the future? Maybe.... Ashly stared at Max, then asked incredulously, "What the hell am I supposed ta look at if you got your breasts removed?!" Max shrugged nonchalantly. "My face? My ass?" The...

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