Teasers 1

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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Yin and Yang

Max and Ashly in the future? Maybe....

Ashly stared at Max, then asked incredulously, "What the hell am I supposed ta look at if you got your breasts removed?!"

Max shrugged nonchalantly. "My face? My ass?"

The black kirin shook her head. "Still no, you're keeping them," she said with a grope of Max's small chest, "I like 'em."

The kangaroo merfed quietly, not liking admitting that as tomboyish as she could be, she loved it when Ashly paid attention to her breasts. "Damn useless...leftovers..." she grumbled.

Ashly giggled. "I can stimulate them," she chirped, winking, "then they won't be useless."

Max rolled her eyes. "I know. You do it all the time."

Ashly's giggle turned into a laugh. "Hahaha! No dear, I mean...well," she began, leaning in to whisper in Max's ear.

It didn't take long for Max to nearly shout, "Are you shitting me?!" with a look of shock on her face.

Ashly shook her head, smiling cutely. "Nope."

Max stomped her foot. "I am not some wet nurse!"

Ashly giggled again and sat Max down on the couch, then lifted her lover's shirt up and cupped one breast. She licked her lips and started sucking, not like she did when they made love, now as if she were really trying to trying to draw from Max's breast.

Max clenched her teeth and the cushions. "Mmf...wh-what are you doing...?"

Ashly looked up, but didn't answer as she continued to suck, using one hand to rub the top of Max's breast, her free hand roaming down to the kangaroo's pants, rubbing at her crotch over her jeans. Max trembled and bit her lip, whimpering quietly, a rare occurrence and a sure sign that Ashly was hitting a right note.

The kirin continued on one breast, concentrating her efforts on just that one to exaggerate its effects as she also fumbled with Max's pants, unbuttoning them and snaking her hand under Max's crotch, using a few tricks she picked up from Max as she found Max's opening and slowly slid a finger in and moving it about. Max's ears, face, and chest blushed rosy red at the rush of hormones and the slight embarrassment of being reduced to this, so different from her usual unfeminine self. She slowly unclenched one hand and stroked shakily at her lover's mane, her sex leaking onto Ashly's hand.

Ashly murred as she lost herself in the moment, treasuring one of the few times she was in complete control during a sexual encounter as she slid her finger in deeper, intentionally avoiding Max's most sensitive areas, and continued her stimulation of Max's nipple, sucking a bit harder as she felt the kangaroo relax a bit and give into it, using her tongue and lips to shield the nipple from her sharp teeth as she started clamping down and releasing, intent on having Max wake up the next day with a slightly larger, or at least more sensitive, breast.

The kangaroo let out deep breaths as she shut her eyes, trying to will herself into reasserting control but she couldn't. Ashly's lips and tongue on her breast and her finger in her sex were fogging her mind and making her feel so good...well...not just in a sexual way...but as if Ashly really fawned over every aspect of her body, even the more feminine ones. "A-Ash...p-p-pleaseletmecum...."

Ashly moaned in return as she slowly pushed a second finger into the kangaroo's tight sex, increasing the motions to send her mate over the edge as she continued to suck. A blush could be seen through her black fur; Max had never asked her for the right to orgasm, but she obliged anyway as she fingered her lover faster.

Max only needed another minute before she threw her head back and came, her love spilling onto Ashly's hand as she pulled Ashly's head against her chest. Maybe stimulating her breasts like that wouldn't be so bad after all....

Ashly smiled and hugged Max, keeping her fingers inside her. "See? Not so bad now is it?"

Max caught her breath and held Ashly close to her. "It's...okay...."

The Next Level

What if two of Snow and my favorite Pokémorph characters coexisted?

"Quit it," the Houndoom grumbled at his lover's poke.

"No," the Mightyena said simply, poking him again.

Now the Houndoom growled and stood up, turning to face her. "I said quit it, Cer."

"I said no, Fenris." She poked a sharp nail in his stomach, then kissed him.

"Mmph," he mumbled, pushing her away.

"You really want to do that to me?" She pulled her shirt up and let her breasts out, cutting right to the chase.

Fenris's gaze immediately went down to her slightly swollen breasts, an eye twitching. "Why you gotta treat me like this?"

"Because you're mine," she replied, pulling him to her, "so I'm allowed."

"I'm yours now, am I?" the Houndoom asked dubiously. Cerberas nodded and pressed her breasts into him, wetting his chest through his shirt. "Listen babe, the only one who can say he owns me without risking a fight is Evertide...but gimme some of the leftovers," he said, poking one of her nipples with a claw, "and I'll let it slide."

The Mightyena cracked her neck. "I'll take that challenge." She smirked and pulled his pelvis against hers.

Fenris grinned toothily and licked his chops, grinding his pelvis against hers. "Works for me." He led her to the fire-friendly training section and entered the arena, stripping nude and stretching out.

Cerberas chuckled. "Why here? Isn't it a bit...hot?" Nonetheless, she too peeled off her clothes, making sure he saw her breasts bounce free.

"Just in case I get too excited." He winked at her and stood at the ready, crouching onto his haunches as if trying to partially mimic a non-anthro Houndoom. She smirked and descended to all fours and lifted her hind end and tail into the air, using one finger to tease her entry. His eyes and pupils narrowed as he focused completely on the Mightyena, a hungry smile spreading across his muzzle as his breathing slowed. Her expression also became more intense and eager as she slid her middle finger deep into her slit and moaned and bucked her hips, teasing him deliberately. Fenris let out a barely audible, exhaling "Hahh" before he crouched deeper and sprung forward, his mouth open and ready to bite.

Cerberas grabbed his arms the moment he was in reach and flipped him over her back, spinning him in a half spin in midair so he clamped doggy style to her back, she moaning already in anticipation. He clung to her and closed his mouth around her shoulder, the sharp teeth stopping just short of breaking the tough skin as his legs hooked around her thighs and his shaft rubbed against her tailbase. She moaned and tilted her head back and used a hand to guide him into her wet and ready sex, pushing her hips back and letting out a loud growl of lust and wanting. He let out his own guttural growl, his intense and primal mating style fueled by her dominance as he hilted in her with a slick smack, one hand going to her crotch and squeezing at the top of her slit. "On your belly," he commanded.

She snarled but did as he said, flattening out on her front and sprawling her arms and legs. "Give it to me hard, whelp," she ordered, her voice seething with the lust she felt.

Fenris sat on his shins and gripped her hips, his claws poking her skin as he lifted her hind end up to be relatively level with his crotch, immediately giving her hard, deep strokes, snorting with every thrust. She whimpered with the pleasure, telling him right away that he was giving her what she wanted and how she wanted it. She bit her lower lip and dug her nails into the stone floor. She clenched her slit against his member, knowing how to work almost every muscle in her body, her breasts making small puddles on the floor.

The harder her slit clenched him, the harder he gripped her hips and the harder he thrusted, smoke leaking out of his mouth and nose before long. He alternated between long, slow thrusts and quicker, faster strokes so she wouldn't get used to him. Cerberas continued to snarl and moan every thrust he made, her eyes clenched shut from the pleasure, her orgasm building slowly with each thrust.

The Houndoom's balls slapped her rump with every loud, wet thrust, his fur starting to mat with sweat. Changing his mind, he raised one of her legs to be perpendicular to her body and flipped her onto her back, his grin returning as he looked down at her. "Nngh, nngh, yeah, that's it," he grunted. Her noises continued as her hands instantly went to her breasts, kneading them and rubbing them together, dribbling milk down her hands as her body jumped with every thrust.

This always got the wave of Fenris's orgasms cresting: seeing Cerberas so mix her alpha female-esque power and the femininity that came with her motherhood. He wanted to change positions again so he could suck the milk from her breasts, but he wasn't going to last much longer, especially as he felt his knot start to rub against her lips. When she felt his knot she massaged her breasts harder, yipping and moaning louder and faster as she tightened around his knot, wanting to feel it all in her, and now.

"Cer...ber...aaaAAS!" Fenris cried. With a sharp, timed thrust, Fenris shoved his knot inside her as he came, arching his back and letting out a series of blasts of flame in sync with his shaft pumping his hot cum into her, pulling her so hard against him he was no longer checking his strength or his instincts. She cried out his name at the top of her lungs as she orgasmed hard, all but ripping chunks out of the floor, closing her legs around his middle as hard as he was pulling her; this would leave both of their crotches bruised, but she didn't care.

The Houndoom clenched his jaw, continuing to give little thrusts, feeling her lips kiss the base of his knot. Later, he would ask Ever if he could pull his knot out of her early without tearing her labia, but for now he was rational enough to risk not it. Cerberas lay sprawled before him, panting heavily, eyes half lidded in euphoria, constant small trickles of milk flowing from her breasts thanks to the hormones released by her orgasm.

Finally, he felt his flow die out, and he looked down at his Mightyena lover again, clouds of smoke coming from his mouth as he panted. He brought a hand down to her nethers and rubbed her stretched lips to wet his fingers, then reached up to her breasts and dabbed her nipples, bringing the mixture on his fingers to her muzzle. She sniffed and licked the pheromone-laden liquid from his fingers, then she brought him down in the warm embrace she only gave a few people.

Fenris felt his heart skip a beat whenever she did this, and then his chest would hurt for a short time until he settled down. Still, he allowed her to embrace him, murmuring, "May...I...taste you?" into her ear, referring to when she would indulge his minor bloodplay urges by allowing him to make a small scratch on her back and then lick her blood from his claws.

Cerberas smirked a bit. "No, but you can lick something else." She arched her back and hiked up her breasts, holding the still-flowing nipples together inches from his face.

The Houndoom smirked up at her. "I'm not a damn pup to be suckled," he remarked, still having yet to admit right away how much he enjoyed suckling her.

She just game him that "liar" smirk of hers and pinched her nipples between her thumbs and index fingers to have them poke out more, something she'd learned from breastfeeding Genky. "You know you want to."

"...Yeah, I know." He took a deep sniff of her nipples before he wrapped his lips around one, tonguing it as he sucked her milk and relished her taste.

She merfed; she loved when he suckled from her after mating. She rubbed the back of his head. "Good boy, drink it all."

He reached up and cupped her breast in his hands, squeezing lightly at its base and then pulling slowly towards his face, feeling a slight increase in the flow of milk. He murred as he flexed his shaft in her and suckling intentionally loudly. She leaned her head back and moaned; his flexing and sucking threatened to give her a second after-orgasm as she raked her paws through his short, back fur.

Fenris brushed his upper teeth against her nipple, his tongue sticking out of his mouth and contouring to her breast's shape, loving how her breast changed shape with his sucking. "Mmmm..." he murmured lustily.

Cerberas returned his murmurs with her own as her hands went down to his firm rump and gave it a good squeeze. She then reached between them and teased their tie and his testicles. He hissed when she did that, causing his mouth to leave her breast as he took a few deep breaths. He smirked as he looked into her red and yellow eyes, leaning in to lick her throat. She murred and growled, nuzzling the side of his muzzle and licking the base of his earhole.

The Houndoom matched her murr as he felt her pulse and voice box with his tongue. "Were you only another underground fighter...you'd be the queen of the ring, and you'd have males like me throwing themselves at your feet for the chance to mate you."

She smirked and tilted her head back. "Babe, none of them are tough enough to handle me. You're the only one that rides the Mighty-express from now on."

A Dragon's Mateship

And now, a little fluff.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Dove, still clad in her white robe from her shower, took a deep breath and stepped on the scale, gawking at the numbers she received. "Ugh! Why won't it end?! Why can't I just go back to normal?!" she whimpered, sitting on the edge of the tub and covering her face with her hands.

Bailmont, who had been watching, climbed in the tub behind her and lightly ran his fingertips up her soft sides. "I say you're even more beautiful than before."

"No I'm not! I'm just a fatty now!" she protested. "Not to mention my breasts are killing me."

He smiled and held her close, wrapping his arms around her torso, mindful of her sensitive breasts. "You're nowhere near fat, dear mate. You have just gotten your mommy body. You're a mature and very sexy mother now, with a very hungry pup who needs and loves you with all his heart, and a mate who thinks you're utterly perfect."

She sniffled, turned her head to look up at him, and then buried her face in his chest and cried, not saying anything, her wings wrapping around him.

He hugged her close and surrounded her in his wings, rocking slowly and rubbing her back. "Also, Dove, it's only been two months. You will shed more of your belly as time goes, just like the doctors said."

She let out a long sniffle, nodding. "I-I know...I knew I'd never be the same after the pup was born...but...I feel like I'm out of control," she muttered into his chest.

Bailmont smiled. "It's all in your head, you're not getting bigger." He patted her small after belly of baby fat. "You're getting your old figure back, this will go away."

Dove took a few deep breaths, then pulled away. "Ahh...it's nice to have a good cry now and then..." she said with a smile.

He nodded. "Now no more talk about this getting fatter business?" he said with a smile.

She returned the nod. "Thanks...I needed that," she whispered, kissing him.

He kissed her back, soon pausing as the light whimpering of their pup came to his ears. "And there is the perfect person to help you with your breasts."

The Dragonair smiled wider. "Care to join me?" she asked, trailing a finger around his maw.

Bailmont smirked. "Would be my honor."

The two young parents padded into the pup's room, Dove smiling down at the infant and hefting him out of his crib. "Oof...big boy, like daddy."

Bailmont chuckled and leaned down to nuzzle the pup's belly.

She giggled as the pup grabbed at his father's snout. "C'mere, honey." She brought their son to their bedroom, sitting down in a rocking chair and opening her robe, blushing and looking up at Bailmont as the pup started to nurse.

He smirked and lay on his belly on their bed, watching her feed the pup. "My little cuties."

Dove's blush deepened at the pup's suckling. "Flatterer...."

"It's true," he said with a smile as he propped his muzzle up on his hands, "I could not ask for anything more than what's sitting in front of me right now."

"What, me having gone to almost a D cup?" she asked teasingly, murring and stroking the back of the pup's head.

"That's included in it, hot mom," he remarked with a wink.

Dove soon closed her eyes and rocked slowly, starting to drift off from being lulled into contentment. "Thought you liked me skinny...."

"I love you in any shape. You are and always will be my angel, even when we're a couple of old farts complaining about teenagers and their music."

She smiled widely, her eyes still closed. "Thanks...."

Soon the pup was satisfied, and with a big, growling yawn, cuddled against Dove's chest.

Bailmont smirked and stood up, carefully pulling Dove to her feet and scooping her and their son up in his arms. He laid them on his and Dove's bed and lay next to them, stroking the pup's muzzle with one large finger.

The pup lightly licked at his finger, trying to take it into his muzzle as Dove giggled. "I thought he was full...silly boy." She reached down to rub her son's tummy. Bailmont smiled and rested his head on Dove's shoulder as they watched the pup look around tiredly, Bailmont's big blue eyes soft as he watched every movement. Dove kissed her mate's cheek. "I still can't believe we made him...or that I got him out of me," she whispered with a quiet giggle.

He smiled a bit and stroked the pup's cheek and muzzle as the pup sucked on his finger. "I know, he's so perfect, just like his mother."

"Awww...you stop." She gave Bailmont a smooch, and then scooted down to curl around the pup, gently holding him to her chest, and he instinctively started to doze off from her scent and body heat. Bailmont joined her, wrapping his tail in hers and draping one huge wing over the pup between them. The pup closed his eyes and yawned again, relaxing. Dove curled her neck to plant a kiss on Bailmont's lips. "Naptime sounds good right now."

"Yes it does," Bailmont agreed, stretching out and yawning.

Dove then whispered in his earhole, "Can you give me a hand with my other breast later, honey?" adding a lick of his cheek for emphasis.

He smiled and winked. "Of course."

Puppy Love 1

Cast and credits are at the end of the story. **4 hours** **3 centimeters** A well built male Siberian husky and a very pregnant female golden retriever walked up to the hospital's reception desk. The receptionist looked up. "May I...

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Fur, Scales, and Eggs

Just a smutty one-shot. If you enjoy it, I can't ask for more. Cast Samson: Nauta. Serix: Me. Tetra: Me. Tetra padded back to her nest with a mouth and clawfuls of dead vegetation and moss, depositing them in the well-padded nest....

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Fantasy and Instinct Part 1

Note: Despite the alias of my co-writer, this is not a Star Trek/Pokémon crossover. It is worth noting, however, that this co-writer and I met because she is a fan of my work. Hooray for fan collabing, especially when your fans rock so much! If...

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