Bailmont Teaser/Short

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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The Warrior Clan Dragon Bailmont

Teaser II/Short


Bailmont: Chris.

Kera: Me.

Red: Chris.

Kera smiled at her patient, who was quite round with her pup, and her patient's mate. "And remember, once labor starts, don't worry at all. Just send your mate to come get me, and just stay calm and comfortable, okay?" she said, receiving a nod from the mated dragons.

Outside the door a tiny red head poked around the corner, the toddler Red having developed the habit of escaping and following Mommy around. She grew bold after a bit and waddled in, dragging her wings and tail on the ground as she grabbed her mother's leg and looked at the other two dragons, who stared at her with cocked heads.

Kera looked down at her daughter and sighed. "'re supposed to be with Daddy," she told the toddler dragoness.

Red grunted and reached her pudgy arms up at Kera and stood on her tippy toes to try and get into Kera's arms. "Up," she grunted in her little voice, not caring if there were strangers in the room with them.

The Latias morph returned her attention to her patient. "...I think that's all for today. Next time I see you, it'll probably be with a pup in your arms!" she said cheerfully as she picked up Red and brought her to the door of the small home.

Red snuggled in her mother's arms as she walked, grumbling and whining a bit. Her teeth had just started to poke through her pink gums, hence her abandoning her father for the comfort of her mother by pretending to be asleep and waiting for Bailmont to drift, then sneaking off.

Wishing she had Bailmont's strength as she carried her daughter towards their estate-like home, Kera lifted one of Red's lips up to look at her gums. "Ooh, Red, that looks like it hurts...poor girl," she said with a kiss of Red's snout.

Red nodded and pointed at her mouth. "Hurt...." She went back to tucking her limbs in close and cuddling in the comfort of Kera's arms as they went inside and to where Bailmont was. He was lying on a stack of sitting mats and snoring lightly, a small blanket over his face, obviously Red's work.

Kera decided to let Bailmont rest for the moment and brought Red to her room. "Want something to chew on, Red?" she asked the toddler. Red nodded and began to chew on the corner of Kera's robe, seeking any relief she could. Kera set Red down on a chair in the corner of the room and tugged at her robe. "Mm, no no, that's Mommy's robe," she admonished.

Red grunted and let it go, if a bit unwillingly. She moved about a bit, trying to get her wings out of the way so she could sit more comfortably, still nowhere near mastering their control and operation. The nerves weren't even fully developed yet, to prevent any accidental flights.

"Good girl." Smiling at her daughter trying to figure out how to get her body to work, she took a small piece of special bark from the pocket of her robe and offered it to the red dragoness. "What do we say?"

"Peese!" She did her best to make cute eyes as she held out her little fat paws for the sweet relief.

She smiled wider. "That's right, please," she said, letting her take the bark.

"Tankyou," she blurted out before taking it and stuffing it in her maw, letting out a draconic sigh of relief as the bark numbed her sore gums. Having learned to expect Red to follow her anywhere, Kera kept a sheet of her patients' information on her whenever she could. She sat down at a small desk in the corner of the room, taking a quill and writing notes. Red turned in the chair to watch her mother do her work, occasionally making sounds of contentment. "Nom...nom...nom...."

Bailmont came in a few minutes later, announcing his presence with a big yawn. "There you are you little devil." He smiled and scooped his daughter up into his arms, dwarfing the toddler with his nine-foot-tall body, and came up behind Kera and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

Kera looked up at her mate with a droll stare. "Hello, Bailmont. Sleep well?" she asked, her displeasure at Red's sneaking out again evident in her voice.

He chuckled nervously; he knew that voice. "Sorry m'lady, but her mind is sharper than mine. She lulled me to sleep then escaped in my moment of weakness." Red made herself oblivious to the world and concentrated on the wood, knowing her parents' tones well enough to know when someone was in trouble but only caring that it wasn't her.

The Latias rolled her eyes and stood up. She and Bailmont were certainly a strange couple: a five-foot-ten Latias-unknown hybrid and a nine-foot Warrior Clan dragon. "We'll talk later. For now, go spend some quality time with your daughter. I am going to go help prepare dinner, all right?"

He nodded, learning long ago not to try make her let all the cooks do it and eat with them, in fact he had grown to relish eating meals made by his mate with just the three of them. "Come little red one, this time I close the door." He walked off chucking and tickling his daughter.

Kera shook her head and smirked. She'd give Bailmont a piece of her mind later, but for now, he was just too happy when he was with Red. She finished scribbling notes and left to go join the cooks.

Later on the small head family was sitting down in a quiet room eating, Bailmont giving Red carefully cut pieces of meat to sedate her new hunger for it, still surprised at how sharp her tiny new teeth were. He felt a little twinge of longing for the days of when Kera would breastfeed Red at their meals...and also felt a twinge of fear at the thought of her nursing Red with her new teeth. Kera ate her food in relative quiet, occasionally offering Red a vegetable from her still-primarily vegetarian diet. She had learned to tolerate eating enough meat to be polite to guests, but still disliked doing so. When they at first started giving Red solid food, she rejected the offers of vegetables, either chucking them or playing with them, but after a while she began to eat and enjoy both meat and vegetables. Bailmont chuckled. "You are simply amazing m'lady; you are the first to convince a Clan dragon youth to eat vegetables." He smiled at Kera, still trying to butter her up from him falling asleep again at the baby helm.

Kera smiled. "I would think you'd expect me to raise my daughter right," she replied, "and more importantly, my way." She continued to make sure Red ate her share of vegetables, amused to see the toddler enjoying both kinds of food.

He continued to smirk and did something he knew got to Kera every time: he began to play footsie with one of her legs, using his tail to wrap and caress her leg, smiling as he finished his food. "Wonderful mother, mate, midwife, and cook. You truly are a jack of all trades," he said with a wink, letting the flirting sink in as Red all but gobbled her food, ending with gnawing on a particularly tough piece of carrot.

The Latias's tufts of feathery hair folded against her head in slight embarrassment. "Bailmont...not here..." she trailed off, motioning with her eyes towards Red, knowing he wouldn't stop but obligated to admonish him.

He smiled and leaned on his elbows, giving his mate an "I am so going to mate you before the sun rises" look as their pup continued to eat the food that was put before her.

She blushed slightly and tried to regain her composure. "Later, later," she told him before she went back to eating, continuing to offer Red vegetables to focus on something else and get her hormones back under control.

Bailmont smirked and stopped rubbing her leg with his tail, but still kept it in his grip to let her know he was not going to back down as he finished eating and Red yawned deeply and looked around with tired amber eyes, having stuffed herself into a sleepy daze.

Kera noticed Red's sleepiness and stood up, picking their daughter up and carrying her in her arms. " are one big girl, Red. People are gonna wonder how you're my kid," she joked as she kissed the toddler's forehead.

Red yawned again and snuggled up against Kera's chest. They were followed closely behind by Bailmont, he smiling down warmly at his family.

"Let's get you in bed, honey." She carried Red to her room, where the dragoness was soon laid in her small bed covered in soft furs, as well as a little stuffed Latias Kera was given as a gift by one of her patients.

Bailmont smiled down at Red as she cuddled the plushie, putting his hands on Kera's shoulders. "To think I am a father, still amazes me to this day to look down at her and realize she is mine."

Kera looked up at Bailmont and rested a hand on his much larger one. "It's been three years...if you still don't believe you're a father, take my word for it," she said before she leaned down and kissed Red's spiky mane.

He smirked and scooped Kera up into his arms and carried her off. As soon as he was near their bed chamber he began to growl his low passionate growl to her, his tail roaming her exposed backside.

She, having trained her reflexes to allow him to pick her up, murred at his affection but soon turned her head away from him. "'m still mad at you for letting Red out again...."

He smiled and kissed her, testing the waters. "But my dear, she's smarter than me. She got her brains from you," he said coyly as he came into their room and he put her gently down on their bed, then stripped nude in front of her, making sure she got a nice look at his full sheath.

The Latias's face and chest flushed at the sight of Bailmont nude, but she tried to maintain her composure. ", no no more. She's just a toddler. She could get hurt or lost."

Bailmont crawled into bed next to her and began to rub his hand up and down her soft front, touching her cleavage and nodding to her. "I promise, she will not escape anymore."

Kera merfed and tensed up. He knew her sweet spots well, and how to exploit them. "...Promise with a kiss?" she asked, turning to face him and running the backs of her fingers down his snout. He smiled, leaned in and gave her a deep kiss, mixing his tongue with hers and continued to touch and rub her soft body, his sheath filling out more. She murred and accepted his kiss, soon breaking it and smiling at him as she moved off the bed and slowly took off her robe. Motherhood had changed her body even more than it would a Clan female: her whole body was a bit softer, her hips and tummy rounder, and her whole body shone with maturity and motherly love. Most notably, though, were her breasts, which had shrunk to little more than small mounds with weaning Red, but given that none existed before she was pregnant, well, that was easily the biggest change.

Bailmont murred at her and rolled onto his back, the pink tip of his member poking through his black-scaled sheath. "Mmm, you're as always ravishing." He all but panted at the thought of mating her; it was so rare anymore now that the weyr was becoming active again.

Kera sashayed up to the bed and lay on her side next to him, kissing him again and running her hands along his huge, muscled chest. "Take me, my big, strong dragon," she purred.

"With pleasure, my pretty goddess." He rolled onto his front and positioned himself over her and pressed the tip of his member into her sex, letting the rest grow erect into her, murring at the feeling as he leaned down and kissed her long neck, using his arms to keep his weight off of her.

She arched her neck and back and groaned as he filled her, her hands gripping the bedsheets. "Nnnggh..." she grunted as she spread her legs and strained her neck muscles.

He groaned and shifted his hips to keep from going past her limits, having learned a lot since their first mating as he started to pump his hips slowly, his large muzzle moving to a nipple and sucking on it gently.

She had to clench her jaw to stifle her yelp; her nipples were very sensitive. She wrapped her legs around the backs of his thighs and pressed him in further in time with his thrusts, her entire vagina filled with his shaft.

Bailmont moaned into her breast as he pumped in time with her, still maintaining the length of his member that did not fit in her, rocking her enough to make both their bodies sway back and forth, the end of his long tail rubbing her stomach as he mated her.

Kera whimpered and moaned quietly with every thrust, trying hard not to cry out and wake Red. She pulled his face from her breast and kissed him on the lips, her hands rubbing and playing with her nipples. Her juices slowly drooled out of the seal made by his shaft as her muscles wouldn't be long now.

He moaned into the kiss and moved his hands to her bottom, holding her off the bed as he made love to her, his member twitching as he also grew close to his orgasm.

With a whimpering cry down his throat, she came, her vaginal muscles gripping his shaft tightly and she wrapping her arms around his chest and her legs around his hips. She rubbed her whole front against his, soaking in the closeness and warmth of his body.

He also went over the top, his shaft clenching tightly and letting loose his torrent of hot seed deep into her. He bucked his hips a little as his grip on her rump tightened. When it was over, he gently and slowly rolled over and let her rest on top of him as he held her close with his arms and wings, his member still deep in her.

She nuzzled into his neck and kissed his collarbone, her legs splayed on either side of his sides as she recovered her breath. " you...Bailmont..." she panted, closing her eyes and hugging him around his back.

Bailmont nuzzled the top of her head and whispered, "I love you too, Kera," letting himself go to the bliss of the aftermating, the warm glow of his mate and love of his life.

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