Next Level Ch. 5: Battle Frontier

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#6 of The Next Level

It's about damn time, isn't it?

Cast list is at the end of the story.

Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

May padded into Snow's living room to see Vixxen and Doomtrain packing things. She crawled on top a rather large suitcase and eyeballed the two with her inquisitive gaze. "Where are you going?"

The Aggron looked over at her and responded, "To Battle Frontier with Snow and Evertide. Snow has...I dunno, business, he's busy around there, and Ever's been checking it out and invited us to come along." He lumbered over to May. "And you're on my stuff, so please move."

She sighed and rolled off his suitcase, padding over to Vixxen and tugging on her shirt. "I want to go!" she said with an excited trill, but Vixxen frowned and shook her head.

"No, you may not," the Eevee anthro responded.

May pouted and sat on her rump in the middle of the room. "Why not?"

"Because it's a place for tamed and trained Pokémon. You only came around here a month ago," Train answered, picking up his suitcase.

The Latias made a sound similar to snorting and stuck her tongue out at him. "But I am tame! I have not bitten anyone!" she huffed as she sat there, her little arms as crossed as they could go.

Vixxen sighed and patted her on her head. "Yes you are dear, but we're going there to battle and study how other Pokémon battle, not have a party."

Train sighed a little and nodded. "Look, May, I'm not trying to be your daddy or anything, but really, if you went, I think you'd want to compete before long, and that's out of my hands. I mean, maybe if you can talk Snow into it, it'd be a different story..." he trailed off, surreptitiously winking at Vixxen.

Vixxen giggled a bit and continued to pack her bags as May looked at Train, making big puppy dog eyes at him. "But I don't want to battle; I want to watch. Please, Train and Vixxen? I promise I will be good!" She was pouring on the charm now; she knew how to throw her cuteness around and was not afraid to do it.

Vixxen sighed and shook her head exasperatedly. "Maybe. I'll have to talk to Cerberas." Her Aggron friend snickered despite himself as he took what he could carry and lumbered out of the room. May bounded about excitedly and tried to help carry things, managing to drag a small bag along the ground with her arms.

Elsewhere in the house, Solar trudged through the front door with a fair bit of dirt, twigs, and other signs of nature in his feathers. He ambled into Charm's room, seeking sympathy and a hug. Charm was lying in their bed and she began to laugh at him as soon as he walked into the room. The Blaziken gave her a single deuce* and went over to her mirror, brushing and shaking the dirt off. "Just a few more days of this and I'll finally have replanted that damned forest...I really think being in a blind rage over thinking I'd been cheated on should let me off the hook," he grumbled.

Charm gave him a chuckle. "Right, just be glad I still don't beat you for it, but like the doctor says," she started, rolling onto her back. "I have to take it easy now that I have a pup in me." A slightly dreamy smile crossed her face; it had only been about two weeks since she found out she was pregnant, putting her at just over one month, and her emotions were in full swing. Fortunately for everyone, particularly Solar, they were usually positive feelings, and even her usually short temper had cooled down a bit.

"Blehhh...for you, 'taking it easy' could just as well mean not leveling an arena," he retorted. "If Ever weren't making me do this myself, I'd have you help anyway. For Lugia's sake, you can at least lift a few saplings pretty easy."

She grunted. "Right. Why help put it back if I didn't tear it down? It's not my thick head that burnt them all," she answered, almost growling.

Solar raised an eyebrow at her reflection and opened his mouth to respond with something like, "Not as if you have much else to do," but decided not to press the issue; he'd messed up big time and he was paying for it, and he knew it. Sighing, and in need of some comfort, he swallowed a bit of his pride and sat down on the bed next to her. "Okay...I wouldn't really make you do it, so...sorry," he muttered.

The Charizard sighed happily and pulled him so he was lying on top of her as she hugged him gently against her chest. "It's okay. It all happened too fast, I know, but you're making things better now."

He smirked and hugged her back, still not used to her new ways of showing affection, but certainly not disliking them. He eyed her chest and chuckled lewdly. "So how 'bout a little sugar, baby?" he purred.

She sighed and thumped him lightly on the head with her hand. "Just enjoy the cuddling. You really have to learn to be more subtle in your attempts at sexing me," she said with a chuckle as she rolled over and pinned him on the bed, "but I will let it slide this time."

Solar smiled up at her. "Aw, c'mon. You know I'm sexy when I'm like this. I have that air of ruggedness," he purred with a wink.

She shook her head and pulled a twig from his chestfeathers with her teeth and spat it out. "But before you get near me in that way, go bathe. Last week I had a leaf stuck up there and it was not fun."

He sighed and nodded. "Okay..." he murmured, pushing her on her back as he stood up and headed for the bathroom, looking longingly at her over his shoulder. As much as he liked it when she was in heat on their honeymoon, he found that he was slowly but surely feeling more attached to her on an even deeper level, probably from coming so close to losing her...or maybe that he'd accepted the fact that he was going to be a father...he didn't know, but he kinda liked it. Charm gave him a wink and a bat of the eyelashes as he went. She too was growing more and more in love with him as time passed, loving everything about him, all his quirks and mannerisms.

Soon after, in the driveway leading up to the house, May was still trying to help as best she could, dragging one little bag at a time. Even when she floated, she wasn't helping much, but she was quite cute.

Train passed her again with the last bag and looked down at her curiously. "Why come you don't use telekinesis?" he asked.

She looked up at him with the bag strap in her muzzle. "'Cause that is misusing my powers," she answered.

"Well, think of it that way if you want, but it hardly sounds wrong to just do it to help yourself out around the house a little..." he said as he walked to keep pace with her.

May set the bag in the back of the small moving truck they were using to haul the gear and hopped up to sit on its edge. "It is still showing off what I can do. My mother said that's bad because it makes others jealous and stuff."

Vixxen nodded as she came up beside them. "She is kinda right, and I admire her for doing it the hard way."

The Aggron put his hands up defensively. "Okay, was just sayin' I wouldn't mind having psychic powers, meself," he said with a chuckle. " do I ride on this?"

Vixxen giggled and patted him. "Sorry, but you two have to ride in the back." May crawled up into the back and rested on her belly on Train's big suitcase again, trilling a bit as she settled in.

Train climbed in and sat next to the Latias, sighing a little. " that we've got some time to ourselves...know any good traveling songs?" he asked jokingly.

She chuckled out loud as the truck began its trek, and she decided to speak to him in her real voice. "No, but we can still talk and stuffs." Her voice was light and airy, almost as cute as she looked.

"Well, m'kay. Uh...gosh, y'know, as much as I see you, we don't really talk about each other too much," he observed, moving to lie down on his back so he was looking up at her. "I know you said your herd thought you were strange, but you seem to have turned out really nice to me."

May chuckled a bit dryly. "Snow's because I am special and they got scared of me, 'cause my eyes're purple and I can talk like this." She seemed to be bothered a bit to talk about it; even if her physical wounds were healed, she still had some emotional ones to work through.

Train nodded and reached up to gently scratch her neck. "Sorry...I'd just like to get to know you a little better, but it's not the time, I guess."

She trilled a bit and tilted her neck to his scratching. "No...Cerberas says it's good for me to get them out. Says it will help me to feel better."

The Latias smiled up at him as Vixxen opened a small window from the cab and spoke to them. "Okay dear, it's time to do your little trick; we're getting close to the dock."

May nodded and crawled to an empty place in the truck, closing her eyes. A light went over her body, obscuring her form for a few seconds, and when it faded, May the Latias was not standing there, but May the dragoness anthro was. Her dragoness body was as cute as she was, but in a more sexual way, what with her large, slightly gravity-defying breasts, wide hips, and her body covered in shiny red and white scales. The illusion was perfect: she was even wearing clothes, which consisted of a simple dress that matched the colors of her body and red tennis shoes. She looked over her new body and hefted her illusory breasts. "What are these for?"

The Aggron snickered and eyed his Eevee friend. "Mm, you should probably ask Ever and Vixxen about those, May, but they're the anthro equivalent of, y'know, teats. Anthros usually have them whether they've had young or not, though," he answered, choosing his words carefully enough to not make himself blush.

She tilted her head a bit as she continued looking down at them, pulling her dress top out enough to look at them in a better view as Vixxen concentrated on the road ahead. Train mentally thanked her for not being curious enough to remove the illusion of her dress. After a bit May started to speak again. "They're big...are they working now?"

Vixxen laughed. "No, dear, you're just very well endowed in that form." May nodded and went back to examining her deceptive body, ending with her short tail, fascinated by the mirage she had put together from pictures Snow showed her.

Train couldn't decide whether to politely avert his gaze or watch her be curious. In the end, he divided his time between the two. "What's your deal, Train? Come on, you may be a tank, but you're also a gentleman," he mentally scolded himself.

May left her body alone as soon as she felt she could pass for a real dragoness, soon sitting cross-legged and propping her head up on her now longer arms. She caught Train looking at her and asked, "Why are you looking at me funny? Do I look strange like this?"

"Er, no. Very much the contrary, you look very I think I should give you a pointer on your new body. Breasts, in addition to feeding young, can also be used to attract mates, so don't get all...curious where people can watch, know what I mean?" he said, trying not to sound like he was chastising her.

She smiled and nodded. "Okay, I won't play with myself where people can see me," she chirped, not even knowing what it was she said that was so funny as her friends giggled a bit and pulled into the parking lot. May didn't waste any time after Train yanked the door open, hopping out, taking a deep breath and smiling into the warm sunlight. Her excitement built as she looked at the hustle and bustle, people and Pokémon lining up at the dock, workers coming up to unload things into boats. It was all new and amazing to her.

Train smiled down at her as he started unloading their luggage. "If you want, feel free to meander around. Just stay in sight, okay?"

She nodded but did not go far, instead hopping (hovering) up the side of the truck and standing on top of it as she looked around. Vixxen sighed a bit. "Maybe we should have let her stay as a Latias; at least her behavior wouldn't come off as so strange," she whispered to Train, even though she did envy May's free and unrestrained spirit.

Her Aggron friend nodded. "What continues amazing me is how much she likes the anthro world. You'd think such a smart Pokémon raised in the wild would at least be shy around anthros and stuff, like Latis are supposed to be, but not her," he whispered back.

Vixxen nodded and watched May spin in a circle trying to see everything. "She is one of a kind," she said as she started hauling luggage off. May caught two teenage male dragon anthros ogling her and she giggled and waved at them.

Two mornings later, the three Pokémon and their trainers were strolling around the ultimate trainer testing ground that was Battle Frontier. Ever snickered as they walked past the huge Seviper that marked Battle Pike. "I still say they could've done better with that building. I mean, a Seviper is a little overdone, y'know?" the blink dog remarked.

Snow shrugged, his mind clearly elsewhere. "Meh, it works. So we going to meet back here in a few days, right? And everyone has phones in case of bad things?" Vixxen nodded and held up the cell phone as May leaned against Train as if he were a post. She was having fun in her body, but she was going to like when she went home and could change back. She did not like pretending to use such long and to her, gangly limbs.

Train smiled at his trainer and gave him a thumbs-up. "Get me a few autographs, won't you?" he said jokingly to Snow.

Ever rolled his eyes and smirked. "Train, baby, you and Vixxen could give out autographs."

Snow chuckled. "Besides, you already know Flannery," he said with a knowing wink as they parted ways, Ever heading for the Tower and Snow waving to everybody as he hurried off to his and Flannery's usual room.

Vixxen rolled her eyes. "I swear, his sex drive is going to get him in trouble one day."

May giggled at the joke.

Train scratched his head and chuckled a bit nervously. "Little too much information...yeah. Well, the island's our oyster, let's go!" he said enthusiastically, starting to lead them off before he stopped after one step. "Er...I don't really know where anything is and Ever's got his map...."

Vixxen chuckled and kept May on a short leash by holding one of her illusory hands as she looked around. "I know my way around a bit, what do you want to do?"

"Hmm...well, I wouldn't mind going to Battle Dome and checking that out. I hear they can have some pretty intense matches there," Train offered.

She nodded and pointed. "Onward!"

May mimicked Vixxen's pointing. "Yeah! Let's go!" They both giggled as they started to walk.

When they emerged from the Dome, Train was laughing and a little worn out from cheering so hard and being so excited. "Woohoo! No wonder Snow's such a familiar face around here! They were good, but he'd clean their clocks!" he exclaimed.

Vixxen chuckled. May was still in bewilderment at seeing such power as was displayed in the Dome. She idly looked at her hands, pondering her own ability as Vixxen spoke up. "Yes, it was very exciting, not as much as doing it though."

"I guess, wow. Well now I'm all wound-up! What's an event you like doing?" he asked, looking around eagerly for another distinct building.

Vixxen shrugged. "Kinda wanted to try the Battle Pyramid if you're up to it. We're always on business when we come here, so it's always the Battle Tower."

Train cocked a metallic eyeridge. "Battle Pyramid, hm? ...Yeah, that sounds cool. Lead the way, ma'am."

She nodded and pulled May along. The disguised Latias was wondering if she could fight as well as her friends could, but as she thought on it, she came to the conclusion she didn't want to.

The three made their way east across the island, and soon Battle Pyramid was looming in front of them. Train whistled as he looked up and up the eight-story building. "Now that's architecture," he remarked.

Vixxen chuckled and watched May crane her neck to look at it all. "It's better on the inside, May."

May "Ooh"ed as they approached the entrance.

As they entered the lobby, Train joined May in an "Ooh." "Pretty impressive...they went all-out on this one," he said as he looked around at the milling trainers.

Vixxen nodded as she left the two for a bit. "Going to go and get us registered and stuff, no wandering off," she said.

May giggled and grabbed Train's arm and hugged it to her chest. "I got him." Vixxen laughed as she went up to the counter.

Train smiled down at May. "Don't worry; we'll make sure you get through this just fine."

The hiker standing at the counter in front of the wide stone steps smiled at the Eevee morph and bowed slightly. "Where the courage of trainers is put to the test! Welcome to the Battle Pyramid! I am your guide to the Battle Quest. Will you embark on the Battle Quest challenge?" he asked cheerfully.

Vixxen nodded. "Yes, two Pokémon and a guest." Before he had a chance to quote her the rules, she had a card in her hand and held it out to him. It labeled her as a full SSS-ranked Pokémon**.

The hiker was prepared to tell her the rules, namely that all teams had to contain three Pokémon, but paused when he saw the card. Although Battle Frontier was separate from Hoenn's Pokémon League, they too recognized the prestige of a SSS-ranked Pokémon. Plus, Snow had a fair bit of recognition among the Brains. "Well, all right, then." He looked over to Train and the disguised May. "Madam, if I may speak to you?"

"M-Me? O-Okay...." She walked up to him nervously as Vixxen went to get their gear ready and to put the things aside they could not take with them.

As the hiker explained the rules to May, Train milled about the lobby in fascination. He was obviously confident in his skills, and would rather approach this as a game than as a serious competition. He saw a girl standing with her eyes closed in the corner of the lobby, near the trainer PC, and walked up to her. Before he could open his mouth, she spoke quietly, "I see bright red flames...and you and your friends suffering from burns...."***

"...Um...okay...thanks." He quickly walked back to Vixxen and gestured with his head at the girl. "Vixxen? What kinds of people run this place?"

"Crazy people," she said with a chuckle as May came back, blushing a bit.

"T-They said they need a rental fee...for an Ampharos to accompany us...." She pointed to one part of the entrance to the Pyramid's elevator, where there was a lone Ampharos sipping on a bottle of Lemonade.

"Well, no problem. There's a PC in the corner, so just take out what you need...Vixxen," he said a bit jokingly before he lowered his voice. "Listen, that girl, she might know you're not really a dragoness. Maybe she's just here to creep us out or something, but be super careful once we go in, okay?" he said to May.

May nodded and gave the lady a wary glance as Vixxen pulled some money out and paid the fee. The Ampharos padded up to them with an irate gaze. Her job was simple enough: follow them around and glow. But she grumbled a bit in her native tongue about not being able to take her lunch on time because of all the trainers as Vixxen led them in.

Just before they approached the elevator to take them into the Pyramid, a voice came over the Pyramid's intercom. "Attention, trainers! This is Pyramid King Brandon, and today could be your lucky day! For the rest of the day or until the unlikely event that I lose, everyone who passes through the Battle Quest challenge will have a chance to battle me regardless of his or her record!"

Vixxen chuckled a bit. "My, what an ego he has."

May nodded as she stayed huddled close to Vixxen and Train. "W-Will you fight him?"

Vixxen nodded. "Of course, and beat him as well."

"Yeah, you bet. We've gone through the Pokémon League, remember?" Train said with a wink. "Don't you worry yourself. Now, adventure awaits!"

May smiled and nodded, but she was still a bit timid: this was her first time in public. She felt a mix of fear and fascination as Vixxen rubbed her back and held her close to comfort her.

The Aggron led his friends and the Ampharos into the elevator, and soon they were surrounded by the darkness of Battle Pyramid, save for what little light the Ampharos provided. He opened their Battle Bag and rooted through it, his eyebrows raising. "Whoa...not bad." He pulled out a pair of Cheri Berries and nodded. "This'll do great." He put one on a necklace meant to hold Berries for Pokémon to use in battle, having to drape it from his shoulder.

Vixxen chuckled and put hers in a small hip pouch, watching May closely as her eyes wandered about the darkness.

Train smiled at May. "Just stay close to the Ampharos; the Pokémon here are trained not to come after our light sources. But if you should see something in the darkness, it'd help if you'd tell us, okay?"

She nodded and stayed close to the Ampharos as she watched Vixxen crack her neck and stretch out. "All right, let's go hit shit up," the Eevee said.

Train nodded, grinning. "I've been eager to see what Battle Frontier has to offer...Ever's been having his eye on the place. But, uh...which one of us should lead?" he asked Vixxen.

She smirked and took the lead. "I have a score to settle, and some hormones to work through."

The Ampharos sighed. "Drama queen," the yellow Pokémon said with a chuckle under her breath.

Train lumbered behind Vixxen, looking around at what little they could see in the dim light. "Wonder if this is kinda what it was like to explore real pyramids..." he mused as they combed the halls.

The Ampharos spoke up. "No, they get paid more and get their lunch breaks on time," she said as her tummy grumbled.

May giggled and covered her muzzle with her hands to try to stifle her laughter. Vixxen though was in battle mode, looking for a fight, her ears swiveling this way and that.

Train chuckled and rolled his eyes, about to make a joke to lighten the Ampharos up [pun not intended] when he heard something approach behind them. He turned around to see a Growlithe bark a challenge at them.

Vixxen wasted little time at running at the Growlithe and throwing her body into the air, pointing a foot at it as she landed a blow. May gasped as she watched Vixxen fly gracefully through the air, doing a Hi Jump Kick.

The Aggron's eyes widened as the Growlithe was dropped. "Whoa...that was quick. Down already," he remarked, lightly clapping his hands together, the light applause sounding like metal clanging. He looked at the Ampharos. "A little more light, if you would, please?"

She sighed and grunted a bit as the light coming off her tail increased a bit. May also clapped and bounced up and down.

Vixxen bowed as she returned. "Thank you, thank you. The next one's yours, big guy."

Train nodded. "Look forward to it," he said as they continued on their way, Train staying in the rear guard. "Huh...our first encounter is a Growlithe...odd," he thought. Looking around, he saw an item ball at the edge of the light and spoke up, "Ooh, wait, there's something!" running over.

He froze at the sound of a female call, "Aha!" He turned to his side and watched an old woman in a ceremonial robe approach him. "Haha, I'm feeling like it's pay day," she remarked as she regarded May, assuming her to be the trainer.

May raised an eyeridge and leaned back some from the old lady's gaze as Vixxen chuckled and stood next to the hidden Latias, putting a arm around her shoulder. "Just stand back and watch the show."

The old woman clipped a Ball from her belt and threw it, releasing a Haunter that giggled and stuck out its impossibly long tongue at them. She looked at May with an expectant stare.

Train looked over his shoulder. "Um, May, shouldn't you choose which one of us to send out?" he suggested, trying to mask the fact that she wasn't actually their trainer...or a trainer at all.

May stood up straight and looked around a bit. "Oh...umm...go get him?" she said unsurely as Vixxen smacked her forehead and shook her head.

"You will have to adjust yourself a bit, ma'am, we're both freelance Pokémon. Mister Train there is a maxed S-rank Pokémon and I am triple-S, this here is our friend May," she said politely to the old woman.

The woman's eyes widened as she looked between the two Pokémon and the disguised Latias. "Well...guess Brandon'll have to watch out, then. Or maybe not. But now, can we battle, please?"

Train nodded. "Yes, let us begin. I will be your opponent," he said, stepping forward.

Vixxen raised an eyebrow at the old woman's comments but shrugged it off and set her hands on her hips to watch the battle with a slight smirk on her face. May just stood there watching them all curiously. The Ampharos struggled to stay awake from boredom, looking close to nodding off.

The Aggron stared down the jesterlike Ghost until the woman spoke up, "Then go, Haunter!" The Haunter bobbed through the air before it suddenly turned completely black, the sound of a bell tolling in the distance coming to their ears as Train likewise became a silhouette, flinching slightly from the Haunter's Night Shade.

Vixxen smirked as she watched. May looked as if she were concentrating: she was actually using her abilities to see what moves they where going to throw at each other before they did, receiving a elbow from Vixxen, who was used to the tricks of Psychic Pokémon. "Knock it off."

Train and the Haunter soon turned back to their normal colors, Train shaking his head from the defense-ignoring attack. "My turn!" he growled as he reached into the floor and pulled out a big chunk of the stone, hurling it in an improvised Rock Slide. The Ghost's eyes shot out of its head almost as if it were a cartoon character before it was clobbered by the attack.

Vixxen and May chuckled as they watched the fight, Vixxen mentally critiquing the combatants' abilities.

The old woman sighed and recalled her Haunter, smiling up at Train. "Oh well. That's life," she said with a shrug. "Well, there's still three items left to be found on this floor, including that one, so good luck." Train bowed slightly and smiled back at her.

Vixxen opened the item ball, revealing a Super Potion, and handed it to May, who stuffed it into the bag as they continued to move along the dark halls, the Ampharos trotting along behind them, buzzing lightly as she produced the light they used to see. Vixxen spoke up after a bit. "Man, came here for a challenge...this place is turning out to be a bust if it keeps up like this."

Doomtrain nodded. "Yeah, I mean, we're almost at the top of our game, but you'd think they could do better than this," he remarked, his eyes starting to adjust to the dim light.

Vixxen chuckled. "Oh well, at least we still have the Experimental Arena, though this would be a good place for you-know-who to train a bit if she decided."

May was oblivious to their talk as she tried to start a conversation with the Ampharos, who was uninterested in chit-chat, either outright ignoring her or giving her one-word answers.

The Aggron looked over his shoulder at their disguised Latias companion. "They say Latiases would rather flee than fight. That's why almost no one's ever seen them fight," he observed. "I wonder if she's any good?"

Vixxen shrugged. "They estimate her rank between A and B, but who knows how strong she actually is? It's the ones like her who are rewriting the books: common Pokémon like us are the easy ones to figure out, our power easy to measure. She's hard to judge: she could be weak and frail, or have Pokégodlike power." She nodded a bit as she watched May try to prod information out of their light source.

He turned his gaze back to the Eevee, cocking an eyeridge and smirking. "How insightful...I'd ask what you think will become of Solar and Charm's baby, but I'm afraid you'd overload me," he joked, tapping his head.

She smirked a bit, but then frowned as she stopped and looked around. "Well...I think we're lost." She turned to the Ampharos, who shrugged and turned away from them, obviously not allowed to help at all.

May pouted a bit. "She's a meanie anyway." She "Humph"ed and crossed her arms under her bust.

Vixxen sighed and looked around again. "Well they did do a good job at making this place hard to navigate."

Train looked to the left, then to the right, and sighed. "Well, guess there's only one thing we can do: wander up and down until we find the elevator," he suggested, his shoulders a bit slumped.

May looked around and then she pointed at a hall to their left. "We should go there.

Vixxen raised an eyebrow and turned to her. "Why?" May just shrugged and started walking to it, becoming a bit bold now as Vixxen sighed. "Psychic Pokémon...I will never understand them." But they followed May anyway, unsure where she was leading them.

After only a minute or so of walking, the team came upon the elevator. Train put his hands on his hips and chuckled. "Nicely done, May," he complimented, giving her a light pat on the head.

She trilled and clapped her hands.

Vixxen clicked her tongue and gave her a pat as well. "Well, here goes nothing," she said as she pushed the button and the doors of the elevator slid open. The trio plus one walked in and the elevator made its slow crawl upwards.

As the team made their trek upwards, they soon found out what made the Battle Pyramid challenging: unlike the other events, the challenge was not from trainers coming at their opponents with everything they have, but it was to weather the exhaustion of so many battles and no constant source of relief. Finally, they approached the last elevator, looking a little out of breath from their battles. Vixxen rotated her left arm some. "I think I busted something in that last one...."

May cooed and gave Vixxen's arm a kiss.

Vixxen smiled warmly and hugged May. "Thank you, dear, it feels much better now."

Train smiled and leaned down, presenting the side of his face to their friend. "I think I'm getting a bruise on my cheek here..." he trailed off, winking at both May and Vixxen. May gave him a kiss too and hugged his head, and then walked out of the elevator and looked around her in simple amazement.

Vixxen followed her, but stopped and moved her arm a bit more. "Well I'll be painted arm's really better." She cast a shocked gaze to May, who was in her own world right then as she looked around.

Train was about to ask Vixxen if she was serious, but his eyebrows rose as he stepped out of the elevator. They had emerged into a stony arena that took up the entirety of the Pyramid's flat roof, and around them, they could see all around the Frontier, and the view from eight stories up was quite impressive. The sun had begun to set, and stadium lights were illuminating the area. There were no seats for spectators, however, only the arena. "Wow..." he trailed off.

Vixxen nodded a bit but was focused on the battle she hoped was coming, smirking. "Let it be a good one," she thought, looking to May. "May, dear, you're going to have to stand off to the side now, this is probably going to get a bit dangerous." May nodded and obediently shuffled off to stand against one of the walls behind her friends.

"Well, well, you're the first ones to take my challenge?" a young man's voice called out from the other side of the arena. Approaching the group was a brown and white falcon man dressed in explorer's gear, a wide grin plastered on his face.

Train smiled at the man and bowed politely. "Pyramid King Brandon, I presume."

Vixxen saved the pleasantries, not too much into them anyway as she straightened her back and stood ramrod straight. "If it's no different to you, I would like to start...getting kind of bored." Her muzzle cracked into a sly grin as she looked him over. May just quietly watched them all from her wall, the Ampharos waddling off to go back to the service desk and finish her lunch now that her job was over.

Brandon put a hand on his hip and matched Vixxen's smirk. "Anxious, are we? Well then," he began, looking at May, "who's going to fight first?" Train raised his hand, smiling. Vixxen went and stood next to May, crossing her arms under her bust and watching Train, wondering what the falcon was going to pull out first.

Doomtrain was soon standing in his spot in the arena, and Brandon in his. The falcon chucked a Pokéball and out came a female Walrein, who clapped her flippers after letting out her battle cry. "All right time!" Brandon quipped.

The Walrein started out strong, taking a deep breath and shooting a Hydro Pump at Train, Vixxen smirking as May covered her eyes, not wanting to see him get hurt. Train crossed his arms across his face and braced himself, using his tail for added balance as he took the hit, being pushed back from the high-pressure Hydro Pump but remaining stable. Once the attack died down, he crouched down and charged on all fours, bringing his horns to bear against the Walrein.

The impact sent the Walrein tumbling back across the arena. She came to a stop and righted herself, a bit dazed but still in the game as she used a different, hopefully more effective move. She braced herself and the ground began to rock violently, chunks of the rocky floor shooting up in spikes from the pressure they were under. At the perimeter, Vixxen was unfazed by the rhythmic rocking, but it frightened May as she flattened against the wall in trying to brace herself. The Aggron hopped back and forth to try to dodge the waves of the Earthquake, his eyes fixing on a boulder kicking up from the ground, which he caught and, after a quick windup, flung like an oversized baseball at the Walrein.

The move knocked the poor thing out, again skittering across the ground, landing at her trainer's feet. Vixxen's smirk widened. "Not even a scratch." May jumped a bit and clapped for her friend.

Train nodded at Brandon, now fully confident in his power as he walked out of the ring. "Nothin' to it," he remarked to his friends. Brandon recalled his Walrein, his smile unwavering.

Vixxen pushed herself off the wall and sauntered to the ring with a sultry sway in her hips. "Let's see what you have for little ol' me," she spoke with the air that she knew she was going to win.

"Don't get cocky just from beating one of my Pokémon," the falcon said as he released his second Pokémon, an Aerodactyl. The prehistoric bird of prey hovered in place over his spot in the arena, leering down at the Eevee. "Well, how about this then?" Brandon asked, certain it would shake her up a little.

She chuckled. "That's it?" She shook her head and rushed the ancient Pokémon, starting off with a Quick Attack, leaping up into the air and aiming her feet at her opponent's head, that smirk still unwavering.

The Aerodactyl faltered at the speed of Vixxen's attack, flapping backwards and into the sky to shake himself back into focus. He flew in a fast circle above Vixxen, and then darted in a zigzag pattern towards her, his mouth wide open for a Crunch.

She was not fast enough to fully dodge the attack and darted back with puncture wounds on one of her arms, but she barely even felt the pain as she began to concentrate, planning on putting the expensive new move Snow had her learn to use. She stood in a horse stance for a moment and then flung her hands forwards, palms facing her opponent. A huge red beam of energy shot out of the gap between them and rushed towards the Aerodactyl, with so much kickback it pushed her back several feet. The Aerodactyl was hit square on the chin by the attack, sending him into a series of backwards somersaults before he hit the ground with a loud "thud." With a sigh, he rolled on his back in a spread-eagle position and conked out.

Vixxen dusted her hands off and smirked at Brandon. "Again, that all you got?"

May clapped again and bounced up and down with excitement at Vixxen's victory. Train gave Vixxen a few whoops, pumping his arm in the air along with May.

The falcon chuckled, and then laughed openly after recalling his Aerodactyl. "Ha ha haaa! Amazing! I can't remember the last time only two Pokémon pushed me so of which being an Eevee, at that!" he called to his opponents.

She huffed. "This Eevee is far stronger then your average Pokémon. Now either give us our prize money or give me a real challenge." She was a bit angry at being referred to as just "an Eevee" and it was plain as day on her face.

"Clearly he hasn't met Vixxen the triple-S Eevee," Doomtrain observed intentionally loudly as he walked to the side of the arena, ready to support his friend (and remind her to stay calm if necessary).

Brandon was unfazed by Vixxen's threat. "Ah, so you're Vixxen...and you must be Doomtrain. Finally, some real celebs."

She was still tense and ready to go, ready to say something else when the sound of clapping could be heard. "Bravo, you made a good show so far," came a male voice. Then from behind Brandon appeared a tall, well-built Arcanine, obviously a SSS rank by his fully formed anthro body, wearing only shorts to hide his naughty bits.

Train met the Arcanine's gaze, immediately tensing up along with Vixxen. Brandon crossed his arms and stared the Pokémon down. "Meet my most powerful Pokémon Flare. I'm pulling out all the stops today," he said as the Arcanine walked into the arena.

Vixxen bared her teeth a bit. "Won't do you no good." She rushed forwards, again falling back on her favorite move as she rushed with great speed at Flare. When she was close enough she began the attack, only to be stopped by a knee to her gut. She was stopped in her tracks, doubled over and gasping for air before Flare took her by the shoulders and pushed her up and back with all his might, sending her flying back to where she started.

He laughed as she struggled to stand back up. "You're fast, m'lady, but not quite fast enough."

Train rushed to Vixxen's side, crouching next to her and helping her stand up. "Are you okay, Vixxen?" he asked, looking to the Arcanine with narrowed eyes as he steadied his friend.

She was still coughing as she stood up. "*cough* faster than he should be." She was still doubled over, unable to fully recover yet as Flare met Train's gaze and motioned for him to take his turn.

The Aggron snorted and took his position, hunkering down on all fours and pawing at the ground before he barreled at Flare with his head lowered and his tail whipping from side to side.

Flare smirked and put his hands out and stopped the raging Aggron, skidding back several feet. "What was that? If you're just going to throw your weight around, you'll never beat me," he said coyly before he flipped over Train and punched him on the back of his head.

Train froze except for some twitching of his legs before he collapsed with a loud "thud." "Gggh..." he babbled.

Brandon let out a loud chuckle. "Well, that didn't take very long. You have to be able to do better than that," he jested, looking to May.

Vixxen growled and ran in again, using Train as a vault and diving in at Flare, letting loose a flurry of martial arts moves; Flare just blocked them as if she were moving in slow motion. He ended with kicking he knee so it bent too far the wrong way with a loud "crack," making Vixxen cry out and stumble. He caught each of her wrists in his hands, grinning toothily. "Well, seems you are faster than you look, so," smoke started streaming from his mouth, "how about this?!" He hoisted her off the ground and blasted her with a Flamethrower, sending her tumbling through the air and skittering across the ground.

"Grrrr..." Train growled as he pushed himself back up, whipping around and trying to strike Flare with his tail. He wasn't very fast, especially compared to Vixxen, but it took a lot of muscle to drive his bulk, so he hoped to use momentum to his advantage.

Flare caught Train's tail, again skidding. "Tsk, tsk, you just don't get it." He dropped the tail, ran up Train's back, and flipped forward, his heel coming down between Train's shoulder blades.

Train let out a stifled grunt of pain as he keeled onto his belly again, his arms splayed at his sides. Damn...this Arcanine was no joke...his speed and power were amazing.

Vixxen managed to roll to her back, unable to stand up as May rushed to her side, starting to heal her but remembering she couldn't, for that would expose her. "Please don't be hurt...."

Flare took notice of her. "You,'re not who you make yourself appear to be." May shot up and backed against the wall.

Train's eyes widened as he struggled to get up. "No..." he thought.

The falcon cocked an eyebrow, looking between May and Flare. "What are you doing? You aren't allowed to threaten the trainers," he reprimanded the Arcanine.

"This one is not a trainer." He reached for the collar of her fake shirt, which, being an illusion, caused him to reach through it and close his hand around her throat, and tossed her to the middle of the ring.

She screamed in fear as she floated to the ground, her disguise fading away. "P-Please...I don't want to fight...."

Brandon's eyes shot wide open. "" he trailed off, then covered his forehead and laughed. "Ha ha ha! This is too perfect to be true! A Latias in my arena!"

"Great..." Train grumbled as he shuffled over to Vixxen. "May, give us some items!"

She pointed a tiny paw at the bag she was carrying and had dropped when she went to Vixxen's side. Flare was not focused on anything but May. "You will be my next opponent, oh yes; I sense much power in you."

He walked closer and closer, May growing more and more fearful the closer he came, shaking all over and little tears rolling down her face. "N-No...p-please...not again...."

The Aggron growled and stepped between Vixxen and Flare, baring his teeth as he glared down at the anthro Arcanine. "Leave her out of it...I'm your opponent." In the back of his mind, he added, "And so's Vixxen as soon as she can stand...."

He snarled. "Out of my way, you pile of rubble!" He planted a foot into Train's gut, dropping the Pokémon like a rock, and continued his approach to May, who curled up into a ball, one half-lidded eye watching him continue his approach, almost at the point of panic.

Train coughed as he started crawling to May's bag, hoping his friends could stall long enough for him to put a little spring in his step.

When Flare was almost in arm's reach of May he began to gather fire in his throat to launch his attack on her. The sight of smoke coming from his mouth again sent her over the edge. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she bellowed, sending out a shockwave of pure psychic energy, witch sent Flare flying back a few feet, panting as he looked at her.

"Yes...yes...this is what I wanted...." He rushed her, opening his mouth to shoot his Flamethrower.

She rose up, still trembling and sniffling as she launched her own attack this time, an almost supercharged Psychic that sent him flying into the stands clear across the arena. He tumbled to the ground, not moving. May rushed over to Vixxen and nuzzled her fur. "Please wake up," she pleaded

Train reached the Battle Bag and fished out a piece of yellow gemlike medicine, flicking it over to May. "Make her swallow it," he commanded, rooting for something he could use. ""

She did as he said, Vixxen soon coughing and gasping, her eyes opening. The Eevee morph sat up and looked at the carnage with dazed eyes. "What happened?"

Train sat on his rump as he sprayed some Super Potion on his bigger dents and cracks. "Flare roughed me up. May took care of 'im," he replied, pointing at the wall.

Brandon's eyebrow twitched. "No! He's not done yet!" He called to the Arcanine, "Flare! Front and center!"

Vixxen looked at May in shock, and then darted her head around to see Flare limp through the rubble, trickles of blood in the corners of his muzzle as he held one arm. He smiled and bared his bloody teeth as he stumbled a few feet, then collapsed to the ground, out cold. "May?! You did this?!"

May nodded and looked at the floor. "Sorry...he wouldn't leave me alone...."

Train cracked his neck, back, and tail joints and stood up, having to balance on his tail as he turned to face Brandon. The falcon gaped at his defeated star, then shook his head and walked forward. "I can't believe beat the best I have. I think you got lucky with his guard time you'll see us at peak condition," he said to May as he rooted through his pockets.

May shrunk away from Brandon behind Vixxen as the Eevee morph sneered at him. "No, you should learn to control him better. She didn't come here to fight, so that means that rude S.O.B. forced her to."

"Tch, whatever. But rules are rules." He extended his hand and opened his fingers, displaying three Silver Pyramid Symbols. "You win, so these are now yours."

Vixxen grumbled and swiped them from his hand, flicking them at Train as May tried to help Vixxen stand up with her hurt leg.

Brandon stepped aside and made an overly grand gesture for them to proceed. "Now, you get the honor of going to the top of the Pyramid and calling out your victory for all to hear," he said with a fake smile.

Train snorted and looked at the Symbols, putting them in his pouch for held items. He looked to his companions. "Actually...y'know what? I think we all want to get out of here."

Vixxen nodded and limped, grunting through the pain. May just concentrated on helping her hurt friend. "Next time we come here, I will kick his ass, you can believe it." She was already planning out how to fix her mistakes in her fighting style, kicking herself for losing so poorly.

Train led them back to the elevator, throwing an accusing glare over his shoulder at Brandon, who just gave him a curt nod. When the doors had closed and they were alone, the Aggron plopped on his rump again, letting out a long sigh. "That...was intense."

Vixxen eased herself down and looked at May, who blushed and looked away. "So our little Latias can kick some butt, huh? I must admit I'm jealous." May's blush deepened and she rubbed one little arm. Vixxen looked down at her leg. "Damn...I think it's broken...."

Train scooted over and looked down at it. "Mm...yeah, it probably is. I should carry you to the Center," he said, resting a huge hand on her shoulder. "Y'know, you really shouldn't be fought like a whirlwind. He just had the advantage this time."

Vixxen nodded a bit. "But I have to; if I don't, I won't ever get stronger...." she said with an intense look on her face as May sat down and put her head on Vixxen's shoulder, tired from her strain.

He nodded and gave her a gentle hug. "Don't worry about it now. You've done all you can for today...all right?"

She nodded and sighed. "Probably won't be doing a lot until my leg heals." She settled into resting on the long ride down.

Train was fairly quiet during the descent, but managed to quip, "I hope Cerberas doesn't break my tail for this," looking to May and Vixxen hopefully.

Vixxen just shrugged. "Why would she? You didn't do anything...I could have said no to fighting." She smiled a bit when she noticed May was sleeping, still cuddling at her side.

"Sorry...just trying to make a joke," he whispered as the elevator finally came to a stop. He stood up and reached to pick Vixxen up. "Want to ride on my shoulder?"

"I think it would be safer for you to carry me, remember, my leg's not set yet." May woke up with a little yawn and walked along with them.

Train scooped Vixxen up in his wide arms and carefully held her against his thick chest. "Is that all right?" he asked as the doors opened.

She nodded and rested against his chest as May padded alongside them, too tired to go back to hiding her form. "Let's just get to a Center so we can lick our wounds."

The Aggron nodded and trudged through the Pyramid lobby. All the Trainers and tourists were staring at them...well, mostly at May, but the very battle-weary Aggron and Eevee anthro drew their share of looks, as well as projected that they were in no mood to be annoyed.

Once at the Center, Vixxen was carted off to the back to have her leg treated. May crawled onto a bench and curled up on one side and yawned: her whole body ached and she felt funny after her outburst. Train had bandages and gauze covering at least a third of his body by the time the doctors were through with him, but this being Battle Frontier, they were ready to handle much worse. He was eventually taken to another back room where he could crash, which he almost literally did when he climbed onto the bed and collapsed with a long sigh.

After a while they wheelchaired Vixxen into the same room and lay her down. Her leg from the knee down was in a thick cast. She chuckled a bit, obviously on some painkillers. "They say it's broken, all right," she muttered.

Soon after, May also found her way in and pulled herself into the bed with Vixxen, cuddling up at her side as an orderly came in. "Your trainers have been paged and they'll be here shortly. In the meantime, try to relax," he said with a bright smile and left.

Train tiredly waved at the orderly as he left, turning on his side to look at Vixxen and May. "Well...we arrived at the Frontier, watched some matches in the Dome, made it to the top of the Pyramid, and got our butts whooped by a triple-S Arcanine, all while passing May off as a morph." He chuckled a little. "It's been a good day."

She laughed a bit and pet one of May's ears. "Yup, it has been a long, eventful day indeed."

May trilled a bit at the affection as she dozed.

He turned his attention to the dozing Latias. "That May...who'd've thought such a bubbly Pokémon could hide so much power?" he mused. "Makes me wonder how she got hurt when she first arrived at your house."

Vixxen nodded. "She only used her true power when she was cornered and couldn't escape. I'm pretty sure who ever shot her got the brunt end of her power as well." She smiled as she regarded May as well, still petting her gently.

"Yeah." After looking at the Latias for a little while, he looked back up into Vixxen's blue eyes. "'re probably not gonna let me, but I'm sorry I didn't protect you better...and that you'll be out of combat for a while."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, it was a great battle. It was unfortunate we got our butts kicked, but that's what happens." She smiled to him and held her hand out to him.

He reached out his somewhat short (for his height, anyway) arm, having to curl his body around a bit to touch Vixxen's hand and grunting from the strain it caused. "Heheh...well, at least we can be beaten up together," he joked.

She smiled to him. It was a bit more than a friendly smile, but soon she started to fall asleep as the painkillers really kicked in, right along with May. Soon Snow showed up and leaned against the door with a smirk on his face. "You guys couldn't stay out of trouble, could you?"

Train looked over his shoulder at the arctic fox, who looked a little disheveled but very pleased. "Hello, Snow. How was with Flannery?" he asked knowingly.

He smiled. "Fine: got a few scratches and bruises. I see you two's date went just as good." He walked in a few steps. "Ever's probably not going to be too happy with you guys, getting yourselves all beat up." He kept his voice low to keep from waking up May and Vixxen.

Train chuckled. "Wouldn't really call it a date...hardly a moonlit walk on the beach. Was more like something Solar and Charm would enjoy." He rolled on his back to take the strain off his injuries. "Too bad you retired her. That Arcanine needs to be taught a real lesson."

He chuckled back. "I know she's tough, but I won't let her fight in her current condition." He then looked behind him. "Where is that blink dog; he was right behind me. We need to get you guys home and in bed to rest."

The Aggron continued, "I'm actually surprised you got here first. I thought you and Flannery would be all tied up."

"Luckily, they had just finished a round," Ever's voice came when he stepped into the doorway.

Snow smirked and stepped to one side to let Ever in. "Seems we weren't the only ones enjoying ourselves." He then walked to up May and Vixxen and gently woke them up. "Come on, sleepy heads, it's time to head home." May rolled out of bed and hugged Snow's leg as he helped Vixxen into her wheelchair; the Eevee was still pretty much out of it.

The blink dog snorted dismissively. "At least I was doing something a little more constructive," he said as he walked over to Train and helped push him to roll out of bed.

Snow chuckled. "Hey, I was being plenty constructive." He continued to smirk as he pushed Vixxen down the hall, who proceeded to start to snore.

Train looked down at Ever as they walked. "So what were you doing?" he asked.

Ever put on a confident smile. "Scoping out Battle Tower. I think I might start getting involved in it," he replied. "Actually, while I was there, I met this nice lady named Kayla who recognized me and asked me to teach her stuff about battling."

The Aggron nodded. "You sure you're not looking for some rebound action after Jasmine?" he asked knowingly.

"Heh, well, she's really shy and naturally I'm interested. But we'll have to wait and see how it goes," he remarked.

Meanwhile, back in Route 35 in Johto, Solar had gone back to repairing the devastation he had caused a month ago. He could turn up his body heat enough that he gave off a soft glow, which allowed him to see well enough in the darkened sky for him to continue working, plus it looked as if there would be a full moon tonight. He placed a juvenile tree in a hole he had dug on the burnt path he was repairing, covering its roots with dirt and wiping his brow. SSS or not, this was hard work.

Charm came up from behind him and leaned against one of the few mature trees he left behind. Her body was already changing, not much, but she seemed softer in a way, as if her muscles were giving way to a layer of fat to help her grow the baby in her, but it was so little only those very close to her could even tell. "I love a hard-working man."

He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice, certain he was alone out here. He whipped around, panting. "'s you...hey, hon," he replied. "How can you be so quiet and so big?"

She shrugged, that devilish grin on her face. "Dunno, it's a reptile thing." She slinked up to him, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him for a bit before picking a twig from his feathers. "Mmm, hard working and dirty. I think I landed the right one."

Solar, always ready for action, grinned up at her, rubbing his body against hers. "Are you coming on to me?" he asked coyly.

She laughed. "Maybe once you clean up some." She picked a leaf from his chest. "I really don't want a tree growing from between my legs because you left a 'nut' in me." She laughed again as she turned and headed back towards home, swinging her ample hips to the left and right, knowing that he was looking and it would drive him mad.

Solar blinked, his eyes wide at her pun, and then slapped his thigh laughing. "Hahaha! That was horrible..." he trailed off as he rushed to finish as much as he could before his libido took control...which never took long.

Within the hour, he landed in Snow's backyard and was running to their room, dodging people in the hall as needed. When he reached their room she was laying on the bed, on her side, her head propped up on her hand and one leg bent, her muff pointed at the door so it was the first thing he saw when he walked in. She licked her chops as she looked at him with cool, seductive eyes.

His eyes narrowed and his tongue hung out as he gave her a predatory grin, closing the door behind him with a foot as he crept up to her. "Nothing like a good mating after a long day of work..." he growled.

She smirked and pointed with a claw to their bathroom. "Shower first, then you can hump my brains out." She rolled onto her back, her tail swaying to the left and right, as ready for sex as he was. The sight of her sex teasingly displayed to him was all Solar needed to zip into the bathroom, his shaft already hardening inside him. He rushed through the shower, only bothering to use soap because he knew she'd make him do it again if he cut corners, and was soon in the bathroom's doorway, at full mast.

When he walked out the door Charm was on all fours on the bed, her tail high in the air, along with her rump, swaying it teasingly. She was already wet and her scent filled the room and she looked back at him, her eyes all but begging for him to be in her right then and there. "Graar!" Solar barked as he was on her in a flash, his hands gripping her slightly softer hips, his chest and stomach against her back and his shaft sliding into her.

She tilted her head back, her tongue lolled out in pure ecstasy as she felt him slide in. She tightened her muscles and locked him in her as she started to rock back and forth, her hands gripping the sheets and her toes curled as she shivered and heated up. It had been a while and she needed a good mating.

The Blaziken grunted with each thrust as he mated her hard, his eyes and jaw clenched and his body heating up with hers. He missed this so much, their almost animalistic mating: it was so base and yet gave them such a deep connection. His hands reached up for her breasts, he leaning more of his weight on her back as he stroked the curvaceous Charizard.

She panted heavily as she rhythmically pushed and pulled her body and clenched and released her muscles, milking his member for all it was worth, her tail wrapping the best it could around one of his legs as she aided him in slamming his member in and out of her.

He cupped her breasts in his hands and squeezed them gently, his thumbs rubbing the nipples. He was exhaling wisps of smoke now as he thrusted harder and harder...this was going to be intense...almost too intense for indoors.

What little of her mind that was not enthralled in mating was glad Snow installed that fire retardant insulation in their room. Tendrils of smoke streamed from her nostrils as his pelvis slapped her rump, the sound filling the room and driving her closer and closer to her edge.

He buried his forehead in her back and arched his body slightly as he felt it drawing near. A few grunts were all he could do to tell her he was about to cum, the smoke he was exhaling now tinged with embers.

Charm started to pant heavier now, her thighs quivering as she was so close. "Please...give it all to me...give it to me HARD!" she cried out loudly as she nearly orgasmed, holding back to feel his hot seed in her first.

He pulled back one more time and pushed in as hard as she demanded, bending his upper torso backwards and screeching out his release as he sprayed his cum into her, flames licking the air in front of his mouth.

She howled as her body convulsed. She gripped the sheets so hard she ripped them as her inner muscles clenched his shaft and milked it, her hips still bucking against his, a small gout of flame escaping from her open muzzle, her whole body awash in her hard and long orgasm. When it was over, it left her so drained her front half collapsed onto the bed, her wings flopping out and her tail hanging limply.

He panted heavily as he lay on her back, nearly gasping for air. His shaft and balls hurt, as did his lower back to a smaller extent, and he was nearly in a daze...that had been a long time coming. "Hahh...hahh...hahh...Charm...was it...good for you...?" he breathed.

All she could do was nod as she lay under him, panting, her lungs heaving as she rubbed his arm to say "I love you."

He took a few more deep breaths before something occurred to him. She had said to "please give it to her"...she never begged him like that during mating. He was too tired to ask her about it, instead slowly sitting up and turning her over, lying on top of her with his head against her collarbone and his arms around her torso.

Charm murred and wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled the top of his head. "Thank was wonderful." She then yawned, drained from their sex.

"Yeah...I think we both needed that..." he muttered, his eyes starting to close as he started to doze off from the heat of her body and the pleasure high coursing through his system. "Love you, babe."

"I love you too." She smiled and let out a contented sigh and started to drift to sleep.


Note: Snowfur has since changed his alias simply to "Chris."

Ampharos: Chris.

Brandon: Me.

Brandon's Pokémon: Both of us.

Charm: Chris.

Doomtrain: Me.

Evertide: Me.

Flare: Chris.

May: Chris.

Snowfur: Chris.

Solar: Me.

Vixxen: Chris.

* Flipping someone off with one finger :P

** At this point in the RP, Chris and I decided to change the rules we'd made up. There are no longer only a dozen or so SSS-ranked Pokémon in the world, but they are still extremely rare.

*** For fun, just as we reached this point in the RP, I booted up my Emerald and talked to this girl, and this is what she said. What's spooky is that this is the first time I'd ever received this response at the time, and I'd done the Pyramid challenge at least a dozen times and talked to her before each one.

Next Level Ch. 6: Checkup

Not that it matters, but I wrote the part of the story with Evertide by myself. Cast list is at the end of the story. Solar stood with Charm in front of the recently-constructed building in Evertide's hometown of Celadon in Kanto. The...

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Eggcitations pt. III

Cast list is at the end of the story. Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. "Mrf...." The brunette stood in front of her full-length mirror examining herself as she finished dressing. She'd taken a good deal of care to let down and...

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Yin and Yang: Love and Lust

A while ago, I had what I hoped to be a story series called Yin and Yang, which centered on the romance between a pair of young women. Due to lack of interest on my co-author's part, it was cancelled and taken down, but we may revive it another way....

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