The Veracity of His Word

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#7 of Tales from The Hub

Veracity makes unusual friends. Or is the proper term; strange bedfellows? And what's with the voice? Is it just a lot of noise, or is it merely a pre-programed response from centuries old machinery. That woud be easier to believe than believing in God.

We walked up to the living quarters in silence. I believe we both had a lot to think about. I never held much stock in this whole God theory, but Serrena did, though now that she had found out he was really real and unhappy with the Brotherhood, needed to reconsider her life. I was walking behind her, enjoying the view and thinking of a few things I could do to that ass later on. We arrived to my quarter to find it lit. I could smell food, which meant my partner had wisely put something together. I was still attempting to resolve the whole male/female issue. It was easier to think of him as Bolshoi. I liked that name for one, and a male cover was no bad thing. The bit I wasn't expecting was to see Archimedes sitting there. "Hey Carn-boy, what the hell are you doing back? Didn't I throw you far enough last time? He just grinned, the stupid bastard. "It's good to see you too Veracity. Who's your lady friend?" Then his eyes narrowed. "Tell me that isn't that bitch Serrena!" She balled up her fist. "Listen you sorry, fucking excuse for a..." I cut her off. "If you must fight, I'll sell tickets and make a fortune. Course Arc, my money's on her." He shook his head. "Not if I was sitting pretty with my rifle." She lunged at him and I had to grab her to keep her from getting her hands on him."I take it you two know each other? I guess it's a small part of the world we live in. Well be that as it may, here are my rules. This is my place and if there's going to be any violence I'll be dishing it out. Now let's eat and then I'll ask why you're here." Bolshoi walked in. "He's here because I think that a crack shot will come in handy. You'd be surprised how many people around here don't like the Brotherhood. Even with the information that's been pumped into my head, storming their HQ isn't going to be easy." He/she looked at my new sex toy with narrowed eyes. "As far as your company goes, who's the lady?" I was about to say, she ain't no lady, but I figured why piss her off? "This is Serrena, of the Brotherhood." I learned something very valuable that moment. Bolshoi stuck out her right arm. In the next instant a small, deadly looking pistol popped out on some sort of contraction. She had it

pointed directly at my new fuckmeat. "I thought you looked familiar. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now?" She looked at the weapon and laughed. "Listen little furball, you'll need something bigger than that..." Bolshoi fired the gun into the wall behind us. The end result left me stunned and speechless. A hole opened up about a foot in diameter; through solid stone. I fingered the spot where my "special" pistol normally was secured. I forgot I left all that stuff in the pit of the building. I didn't think there was another blaster in the whole wide city. The folds of Bolshoi's fancy sleeves had apparently hid it from view. Serrena was staring at the hole, suddenly feeling very afraid. I knew better. The problem with a protean pistol was that on max kill, it took a few minutes to recharge. Mine would blast a hole three feet in diameter in solid, six inch thick steel. I didn't use it too often, and when I did, it was usually on a lower setting with a narrow beam. It didn't waste the energy and you could get off up to a dozen shots if needed. Waste not want not. I stepped forward and put my hand over the end. "There'll be no killing in my house unless I do it. Now put that away before I things get ugly and I find the need to shove it up your ass!" The glare she gave me was almost frightening. She made a motion and I watched it disappear back into her clothing. "Looking at her I don't see how things could get any uglier! Just keep that fat cow away from me, or else there will be more meat on the table before you know it!" Arc was rather speechless during this whole thing. He finally found his tongue. "Uh, what the hell just happened?" I just shrugged. "For every male action, there is a female over reaction. Your girlfriend apparently has a grudge against Serrena here. We'll work out the details later." Serrena wasn't having any of it. She had gotten her courage back and was confronting the Vulp. "You know the difference between you now and you five minutes ago? Five minutes ago you had five minutes to live." She tried to jump over the table to attack the little spunky Vulp. I got a grip on her and pulled her back. "A person should always forgive their enemies...right after they kill them," fired back my dapper little partner before she tried to bridge the gap. I had my hands full with Serrena. I yelled at Arc.

"Hey, give me a hand here. Even a toilet can only handle one asshole at a time!" Both girls halted. "What the hell did you say?" Bolshoi started laughing. Serrena guffawed. Even Arc stopped in mid step and stifled a laugh. "You heard me. You're both acting like a couple of shits and I don't have time for it." Serrena belted me a good one. I liked it rough, but I wasn't horny just then. "You area toilet you big asshole! This little red-fur tried taking a potshot at me on more than one occasion." "Yeah, well you killed my parents!" Serrena stopped and stared. "You! You're that little cub? I always wondered what happened to you. They were rabble rousers that tried to force their way into the Brotherhood sanctum." "You great sagging cow! They were walking along minding their own business when we got caught up in the crowd that attacked. It was a wonder we didn't get killed right then and there, but it took the Brotherhood to finish the job. And by Brotherhood, I mean you! And all those rebels wanted was a chance for peace!"Bolshoi fingered her gun, but it still wasn't charged. I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and hauled her off the floor. "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity. I'm all for violence, and I'm all for sex, but war is hell and everyone gets screwed. Have no doubts that the upcoming battle is not going to be nice. So if you two are going to get in my way, I'll chain you both up and deal with at my pleasure!" Serrena grabbed my arm. "What battle?" "I'm taking down the Brotherhood. You heard the Creator; they're an abomination. They hold the information that was meant for everyone. I too have a personal grudge. But now it's more than personal. I think it may mean the survival of the city." "You don't believe in the Brotherhood? What do you believe in?" Bolshoi had the nerve to add her own question. "Do you believe in anything? I mean, what was the last thing you believed in?" "The last thing I believed in? The fact that I could believe in anything. Now let me be what I am and seek not to alter me." I had heard that saying once, though I had no idea where it

was from. Bolshoi sat down and stuck her tongue out. "You know that you're not half as clever as you think you are, you oversized, mother-fucking, Mord screwing son-of-a-bitch!" The funny thing was she was right and didn't even know it. "Maybe, but it still makes me twice as clever as you. Now quit spouting profanities."She shut most of the way up. I was glad she was smart enough to know when to zip it. Arguing with stupid people is like playing chess with a Forsaken. No matter how good you are at chess, a Forsaken will knock over the pieces, shit on the board and strut around like he won. Still, she looked mildly perturbed. "I do not spew profanities; I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady." It was my turn to laugh. "I like you, but don't push it. I'm used to working alone and having a room full of people in my house makes me a little crazy." I turned to Serrena. "You're a lot of fun, girl, but if you have an attachment to your precious Brotherhood, you and I are going to have a reckoning. I say that after we eat, we go back down to the room and maybe have a talk with the Creator." She actually batted her thick eyelashes at me. "With maybe a stop at the other room first?" It sounded like a good idea to me. We ate in silence, which though thick with distrust, was preferable to constant babbling. I needed to think things through. Serrena had made quite a few enemies. It wasn't hard to do as an enforcer. Despite her apparent turncoat ways, I wasn't going to trust her more than I had to. I could just as easily put a bullet in her as I could my cock. It might not be as much fun, but I could do it. When we were done, I stood. "I prefer to work alone, but there are times when that just don't get the job done. Therefore, I need all of you to make up your mind if you're going to work with me or against me. If you're not going to help, I'd suggest you get the hell out. All except for your Serrena. I'm afraid you don't have a choice. Either you help me, or I'll lock you away and make use of you until your flesh falls from your bones." "Sounds good to me!" she cooed. Bolshoi had to open her mouth. "Sounds good to me too. I might just help you along your way! Another fight broke out. I fixed the problem by dragging the big Bov back down into the

warehouse. "You seem to have pissed off everyone I'm friends with right now. How did you manage that? "I'm the enforcer. My job was to kill anyone who attacked the Brotherhood in any form. As for your little friend's parents, if what she says is true, then I do feel bad. That day was a mess." "I remember it well. Four hundred and seventy three deaths, if my memory serves me correctly." "Yes, something like that. Overall, the Brotherhood doesn't condone killing, unless it's for the greater good." I balled my fist up and stuck in under her nose. I then opened up my fingers very slowly. "See this hand. This hand can be shoved up your cunt to grab a hold of your uterus and have it ripped out before you knew what hit you. Don't ever, ever talk to me about the intentions of the Brotherhood. You have no idea what they can do. Between their lies and your age, you have no fucking right to make any assumptions about them." For good measure I backhanded her. She wisely shut up. People got the idea pretty fast that I wasn't someone to be messed with. We went downstairs, mostly so that I could fetch my clothing and weapons, but she put on a pitiful scene until she got what she wanted. The funny thing was, at that moment, I wasn't interested. But anger can be a good substitute for libido. I had been living with anger for years, years longer than some folk have lived. It powered me, it controlled me, and it was at times my only friend. In fact, sexually speaking, I hadn't been intimate emotionally for decades. Sex was pretty much a rape thing, except with the Mords. It's pretty hard to feel like you're raping one of them unless it's one of the smaller ones. There isn't much point in doing that when a big mare can take, will take; heck, loves to take what you have to offer. Serrena had started out as a rape. I had no intentions of getting emotionally attached to her. My main focus was information, and if I had fun while getting it out of her, then so be it. But now the dynamics had changed. She was into the rough sex, and I for one found that refreshing. Usually the body under me was whining and complaining about the pain and suffering I was putting them through. As I've said before, apparently they were missing the fact that that was the point. But despite that, I wasn't going to get attached. I still had commitment issues and I wasn't interested in anything long term. I was still thinking that as I chained her back into the apparatus I had used on her earlier. Sadly, she didn't struggle while I did it. If she had, I would have gotten off a little more on it. Still, it didn't matter too much to me. I grabbed her by those short thick horns, forced open her mouth and slid in enough cock to tickle her tonsils and then some. She nearly choked. Now I was getting interested again. Hey! Don't judge me! If you had any idea of the shit I've seen, and the shit that's happened to me over the years, you might not be so quick to condemn me. I had my reasons. I'll have you know that once upon a time I had been happy with nice, normal sex. But that ship had sailed. Well, not when it came to Mords. They were innocent by default. As I think I've said before, I've been tempted to have one around, but it wouldn't work in the city. Anyway, I had a hold of her horns and was face-fucking her like I was trying to see the tip of my cock coming out her ass. She endured it for a while, but eventually she started bucking and flailing. It might have had something to do with me cutting off her air. It was also just beginning to get fun. Still, I knew that at this point I shouldn't kill her. I still needed information and I have a feeling that the "voice"would have a few reproving things to say.I pulled out just as she passed out. A limp body wasn't nearly as much fun to violate, but I had worked this one over once before and found satisfaction in it. I came around the back and spread her legs. I was looking at two nice holes. The question wasn't which one was I going to fuck, but rather which one was I going to fuck first. I chose the lower one. Since I was wet with salvia, ramming it in was easy. I looked my feet and pulled her towards me until I was enveloped inside her. I went straight to sharp, rapid bursts of force. She might be out, but I could still get some satisfaction. I fucked her for about ten minutes before she came to.I recognized her conscious state when she started to struggle against her bonds. I think she wasn't quite remembering where she was. That was alright with me. It was a great time to switch holes. Let her still think she was her dominant self in a forced compromising position. Thus, it was a satisfying feeling when, in time with me ramming my cock up her ass, she bellowed like a Mord in the slaughter house. She started screaming. I was getting into it too. Then she finally got enough oxygen to her brain to figure out where she was. That spoiled the effect.My nuts were right on the edge of exploding, and I had hoped to keep them

hanging for a while. It looked like that wasn't going to be happening, so I cranked up the volume on my slam-o-meter and ground it home for a few minutes until I boiled over like an overheated teapot. I dug my thick fingers into her hide and worked her body over my cock like I was subduing a wild Mord. As the last bit of fluid drained into her, I gave up my efforts and released her. I was pretty sure there were going to be bruises in some pretty sensitive spots. I pulled out with a satisfying pop. A trail of cum followed my cock out into the open air.I was tempted to leave her like this. Yeah, it would be mean, but then I'm not the nicest person around. It rarely pays to be nice. So why didn't I? Because that voice would want to know what I had done with her. He might be God and he might not, but for some reason, he was getting under my skin. Maybe it was because even if I did get mad at him, there was nothing I could do about it. Outside of the busting up the machinery, there was nothing I could do to him. Breaking the machinery would only get rid of my contact with him, and right now, I needed it. Later, maybe, not so much.I unhooked Serrena. She dropped to the floor in a pile. Since she couldn't walk yet, I grabbed her and dragged her out of the room. By the time we got to the "God" room, her legs were functioning, if only just barely. "Ok God. I'm back.""What do you want, a party?"Damn he was an asshole at times. I liked it! "Veracity, I thought I told you to send down Veronica. Her mind is much more sophisticated than yours. I want to reinforce what has been uploaded up to this point. That and I would like to download her memories. I need to build a picture of what is going on in your world. Until I can acquire the library system, I must rely on personal viewpoints." I was pissed. "What's wrong with my viewpoint?""Yours? Nothing. But you're argumentative, belligerent, anger, self-centered, destructive and narcissistic. I figured you wouldn't be interested in getting dirty, so to speak. Of course, it might be that I'm being rather rough on you. I'm not so obtuse not to think that losing your wife and child at the same time might not have thrown your psyche off kilter." My jaw dropped. No one knew about that, leastwise anyone living. "How the fuck do you know about them?"The voice almost laughed. "I have access to the records files, which include every birth...and every death. I have already plotted a genetic probably map for the present population. I won't be so unfeeling as to ask you what happened, since I doubt the official records are correct. I know all about politics and religion. Both are like their counterparts; those being government and a deity. But that is where the similarity stops. The first two are sad, twisted shadows of their models. The latter ones are more pure, if still constructed haphazardly. I would be interested in hearing the full story from you, but only if you want, and only when you're ready."He could have been lying, but I doubted it. No one, and I mean no one, knew about my lovely wife and my handsome son. They were buried in an unmarked grave, along with fifteen other bodies. That number represented the ones responsible for their death. I hadn't killed a single one of the murderous goons. No. I simply drugged them and buried them alive. Each pod had been fitted with an air hole and a tube to the surface. I had no intention of letting them go quickly. I would check on them when I brought a new one to bury. After the last, I never came back. There wasn't any point in visiting the resting place of a dead person. I had happier memories away from such depressing places. I never could understand the whole flowers and tombstone thing. It was a waste of stone and foliage."You know "God", I'm getting a little tired of you. I say either show yourself, or shut up. I would think an all powerful being could come and go as he pleases."The voice was silent for a moment. "I never said I was all powerful, you great big ass. At the moment I happen to be farther across the galaxy than your mind can fathom. If I left now, slipping between spacial frames as only I can do, it would still take me several months to reappear at your location. It involves the folding of subspace to connect two points as a single one. But if you're going to be so damn obtuse and derisive, perhaps this will help. "I figured he would put up some fancy image on one of the vid screens. I heard a whirring behind me and turned. A heretofore deactivated machine was roaring to life. It had a round platform which was now lighting up. Above it was a similar one. The space in-between lit up. The glow was blue, with just a hint of green. All at once the light coalesced into the strangest looking beast I had ever seen. It seemed to me to be puny. However the lightning bolt that flew from its hand was enough to paralyze me where I stood."Now look Veracity. I don't have time for games. If you want to clear up the problems on your world, you'll need to work with me, rather than against me. Don't ever assume anything about me. I'm not a bad person, but like you, I do have a temper. And I prefer to keep it in check. I suggest you start doing the same!"

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