Think Mink, but Most Importantly, Think.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#11 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

This will be the last "new" story for a while I think. This one got out of hand and I had to cut it a bit short, plot-wise. It's just Mudge up to his old tricks again.

                "Get him!"                Those

were words feared by any thief or pickpocket. It meant that the gig was up.

Someone had spotted them and they were in for it. A particular otter was just

about to lift a handsome pearl necklace from the stall of a gem salesman. He

cringed and whipped around. His eyes went wide when he saw no one behind him.

The voice belonged to a lady pica selling silks a few stalls down. He looked up

just in time to see a young street urchin run by with a bolt of red material.                He

stepped aside as the stall owner took chase, as did the proprietor of the one

he was standing in. He was left dumbfounded as three merchants gave chase to

the thief. Mudge placed the pearls in his vest pocket and took off like he was after

the little purloiner too. He abandoned the chase after the first intersection,

where he slipped off into one of the storefronts. He watched to make sure no

one was following him. Once he was certain, he drifted back out into the crowd

and lost himself in it.                 He was

working his way to Harricha's Whorehouse. It was down a few back alleys away from

where he was presently. He had money for their services, but Madam Harricha had

banned him due to past infractions. It was disgusting how some people made such

a fuss about bar tabs, especially when it couldn't be more than a foot long.

The pearls would be a bribe to let him back in.                He

worked his way around the various street venders dotting the city, making his

way down Backbone alley, across Grease Street to Shinbone alley. He rather

hated the smell of the Butcher's District, but some things were worth it. It

wasn't like he didn't like meat, fish preferably, but this place usually stank

like blood. It tended to bring back unpleasant memories. His footsteps

eventually found him standing in front of a solitary building nestled amongst a

block of dingy gray tenements. The whorehouse was painted a vivid pink.                He

arranged his hat and stepped up to the door. His knock was met by a small

sliding window in the battered old oak. An eye stared out. It was followed by a

voice. "Get the hell out of here Mudge. You've been banned for life!'" 'ere now! What kind of greeting

is that for a paying customer?"                "For a

paying customer, it would be considered rude and bad for business. But since

it's you, I would say it's right on the mark!" The window slid shut.                The

otter struck the door with as hard a blow as he could muster. The door slid

open again. "Go away otter! If you persist, I'll fetch the madam and she'll

bring Brontha with her."                That

gave him pause for thought. Brontha was big. Not so much in his whole body mass,

but in one area where it counted. A lot of bears weren't well endowed, and his

being a sloth bear made him even less threatening in appearance. But he had one

hell of a grip. Once he had you, you were done for.                "Tell

Harricha I have a gift for her!"                "Unless

it's the twenty pieces of silver you owe from the last time, I'd suggest you go

off and bugger yourself!" The little window slammed shut with definitive

finality.                Mudge

walked away dejected. Now he had a string of pearls that he couldn't possibly pawn

in this town for fear of them being recognized. Harricha rarely left the

building she owned, so he had figured they were a safe bet with her. It was

hard to recognize something you never saw before.  Even if they hadn't been, she would have had

to deal with the authorities, not him. Now he had to worry about being found

with them.                He shuffled

farther down the alley, past an open culvert that led to the river. In places

like this, summer rains came frequently and with so much rainfall that periodically

placed holes were need to allow it to run off. This culvert was covered with a

grate, which at the moment was askew. Mudge figured that if he wasn't going to

get any action, he might as well ditch town via the shortest route.                 He

swung it open, ducked underneath and dropped it back into place. He turned and

proceeded down the drain towards the river. There were other openings along the

way, which he carefully eyed as he passed them by. One could never tell who

might decide to spring out and tackle you, or worse, knife you. As he crossed

in front of one of the last ones, he heard a noise. His eyes focused, but it

was so dark this far in that he could make out nothing. He was prepared to go

on when a little form flashed out and tried to pass him. He instinctively

grabbed at the figure's clothing. He was left holding a tattered coat. As he

turned to follow the runner, he noticed that it was wrapped in bright red

material. It could only be the little thief from earlier!                He had

no desire to give chase. It was an unwritten rule that a thief didn't get in

the way of another thief. But there was no rule about stealing from another

thief. He headed down the tunnel in an effort to catch up with the red-wrapped

urchin. That material just might fetch a few gold coins; out of town of course.                He got

to the end and could smell the cleaner air blowing in from the river. This was

the upstream portion, before it ran through town and got infested with feces

and worse. There was no sight of his prize. He noted wet footprints heading

along the ledge at the base of the retaining wall and followed after them. Once

the footprints made it to the water's edge, he could make out who they belonged

to. It was a cousin of his, not directly, but in form and color.                 That

meant that finding the culprit would be easy only so long as he didn't get too

far away. On the other hand, he wasn't likely to take the river. The lovely silk

would be ruined in the muddy water. As it was, he was taking a chance even

taking the river route. One small slip would make his theft pointless. Mudge

took off to keep on his trail.                The

footprints wound their way over logs and around boulders. He looked up and saw

reeds bobbling from side to side as someone waddled as fast as they could,

encumbered by so many yards of cloth. He decided to follow slowly, as to not

startle his quarry into doing something stupid. Whatever happened, that cloth

must remain intact. It was too bad he didn't have a waterproof bag. He could

have slipped into the river and followed quietly and without leaving an

evidence of his passing.  He had no

intention of ruining his only set of clothes on what might end up a fool's

errand.                The

thief made camp about two miles out of town. Whoever he was, he was bravely

foolish. Even an honest person would think twice about making a fire so close

to the edge of town. There were plenty of other brigands hovering in the

sidelines, just waiting for someone to pounce on. Red silk wouldn't be their

preferred booty, but there were other things they could take. He withdrew his

sword and advanced slowly on the brightly burning fire. There was no figure

huddled close to it. He dropped down to one side and watched. Sure enough,

another shape crept out of the shadows after a while to stir the fire. It

warmed its hands and slid into the shadows again.                 The kid

had more sense then he would have first given him. A decoy was a good way of

testing the waters. Mudge moved silently around the outskirts of the camp and

down along the river. There, sitting behind a rock watching the fire, was a

mink. The brown fur was much like his, only not nearly as water proof. Otters

were bigger, but a mink wasn't necessary a softie like their reputation held.

They could put up a fight to match their cousin the wolverine.                The

mink remained unaware he was being watched until the tip of a blade poked into

his back. At the same time Mudge realized his mistake. She. This was a girl

mink. His was so busy concentrating on the material he hadn't paid full

attention to the thief. She squeaked in fear but didn't move.                 "Well

now missy! What say you turn around and let ole Mudge 'ave a looksee at ya."                She

turned around very carefully. She was still wrapped in that red material. She

had one hand in the air and the other clinging to the silk like a sari. "Please

don't kill me!"                Her

concern was well founded. Out here, your life was as cheap as eight day old

bread. "I ain't gonna 'urt ya little one. I'll relieve ya of yer goods and be

on me way."                She

pulled the material a little closer about her body. "But you can't!"                He

poked the tip of his sword a little more forcibly into her skin. "Tell me why I

can't!"                She

began crying. "Because I haven't got anything else to wear!"                He

pulled the sword away. He had never considered that this girl had stolen the bolt

of cloth simply to dress herself in. She probably hadn't even considered its

value.                "Listen

'ere. Are you telling me that you're so poor you don't 'ave any clothing?"                She

sniffed. "Yes. I stole the only thing I could find. I had my old coat, but I lost

it in the sewers. This is all I've got to cover myself."                He

brought up his sword again. "I'm not sure if I believe ya, but for now, say I

do. Why did ya leave the city?"                She

sniffed again. "I was just passing through and was attacked by a gang of toughs.

I was lucky to escape with my life. I lost everything else."                "You?

Traveling by yourself? What kind of fool do you take me for?"                She

considered for a moment. "What are my choices?"                That

would have gotten her throat slit by a most of the ne'er-do-wells. Mudge

actually laughed. "I like you little one. But 'onestly, that robe you're

wearing is worth more than you know. I'd suggest you unwrap it and stash it

away for now before you ruin its value."                "And

what kind of fool do you take me for?"                He

pointed the sword at her throat. "A smart one."                She

quickly twirled herself, catching the fabric in her hand.  When she was done, it was in a tight roll and

she was standing there naked. She hadn't been lying about her lack of covering.

She had small compact breasts and her belly fur was short and soft, tapering

down to mere peach fuzz between her legs. She tossed the roll of fabric at him

and dived into the river. He suddenly found he wanted her more than the

material. He also considered the possibility that she wanted the material too,

but knew when to call it quits. He was going to have to keep his eyes open from

now until he unloaded it in the next town.                He

slipped back into town, pilfered a few more goods, and then retraced his steps

back to her camp. Foot prints showed that she had returned, as well as a few

others. Her prints went back towards the river, meaning she had probably been

spooked by the unwanted visitors. He shouldered his load and silently walked

along the bank for a few miles before making his own camp.                  His fire was modest, and made with dry wood so

as to reduce the chance of smoke. He had made a high enclosure out of the broken

pieces of flat limestone that had crumbled out of the nearby ledge. Overall, it

was a homey fire, and a good one over which to cook some fish. He stripped and

dived into the water. He caught a nice one in no time, and was returning to

shore when he saw a shape moving across the surface of the water in front of

him. He smiled silently. It had to be the girl. She was likely cold and hungry,

not to mention still after the material.                 Since

he had hidden the red silk and his other belongings under a large slab of

stone, he figured he had some time, so he wasn't too worried about letting her

enter his camp. He rather wanted her there. If she proved a willing partner, he

might even give it back to her. He watched her silhouette creep up the bank

towards his fire. He moved closer to shore, dropped his fish in the reeds, and

stealthily snuck up behind her.                She was

cautiously searching the area, probably aware he had entered the river, but not

so aware that he had vacated it right behind her. She poked around a bit,

searching the area lit by the fire for her purloined silk. She turned around only

to come face to face with him. He, like her, was completely wet...and naked.

"It's good to see you again lass. I was 'oping you'd show up!"                She

yelped and made a dash to one side. He tripped her and pounced before she could

recover. She was face down and he was on top. Her struggles rubbed his crotch

in just the right way. "Listen 'ere missy. You keep it up and you ain't gonna

'ave a choice as to whether or not I stick me cock in ya or not."                She

apparently made the connection between his words and the thing poking around

her butthole. She quickly held still. Mudge was almost disappointed. "That's a

good lass. Now 'ere is me choices. You can leave and go back 'ome, you can stay

and ole Mudge will treat you right, or..."                She

gasped out, "Or what?"                "Or ole

Mudge can be less than the generous gentleman 'e is and take what 'e wants from

ya without ya 'aving a bit of say in it. In the end that means you losing more

than the silk you stole."  As he said

"the end" he poked her pursed up little hole with the tip of his cock, making

her shriek.                "Don't

you dare!"                "Hmmm.

And who's going to stop me? Think it through missy. Ole Mudge ain't 'eartless,

but 'e knows what 'e wants when 'e wants it. I'm offering yous a trade. You get

back what I rightfully stole from you and I get something I wish to 'ave more

than that silk."                She

held still while she considered. She needed the silk more than she needed her

dignity at the moment. And he was right. He could do whatever he wanted right

now and the only thing she could do about was scream. It was an undignified

position to be in. If only her heist had gone off without a hitch. She had

never expected to be followed into the drain tunnel. Her mad dash for freedom

may have messed this whole thing up. Now she had a horny otter knocking at her

back door...with persistence. She had to take him at his word. Anyone else would

be dick deep in her ass without considering her feelings on the matter.                "Alright.

It's a deal. But you got sticking that obscene thing you call a cock around my

ass again and I'll slice it off and feed it to you!"                "Oooooo!

Feisty!" He got off of her. She sat up and spit dirt from her mouth.                "I'll

show you feisty, you misfit water rat!"                He was

expecting her to make a break for it. Instead, she launched herself at him,

bearing him to the ground. "I suppose you think I'm some poor little novice.

I'll have you know I've already had sex before. I only hope you're as good at

it as the last person."                That

gave him pause for thought. This little lady had already gotten poked. It made

him feel a bit better. But suddenly he was confronted with having to outperform

someone. To hell with that! "I'm as good as it gets little one. You'll be doing

all your future comparisons to me from now on. I doubt you'll find anyone

better!"                She

smiled and tittered. "We'll see about that. But here's the deal. You give me

the cloth and help me back home and I'll do whatever you want...within

reason...until we get there."                "And

where might that be?"                She

pointed up river. "To Cressolor."                "Oh, to

the local capital heh? I can do that. Sadly, it isn't far, but I think I can

get my use out of you before then." She only smiled. "And I of you!"                He

scouted out around their camp, making certain there weren't lurkers hidden in

the shadows. When he felt safe in their surroundings, he returned, calling her out

from the darkness under the overhang. She scooted out and into the fire light.

"So otter, are you ready?"                He

chuckled. "The only thing that slows me down is my clothing. Since I'm not

wearing it, I guess I'm ready!" He grabbed her paw and dragged her down to the

ground. She countered his move by rolling him over and sitting on top. "Just so

you know, I'm no amateur, but I'm no pro either. Since I have more to lose, I

get the first go at it. After that, I'll leave it up to you."                Mudge

didn't mind, as long as he was getting what he wanted. She leaned down and

kissed him tenderly. He returned the kiss, surprised she was going all out on

something that was more or less forced. She dug her claws into his shoulder,

lined up over his cock and settled down on top of it. She was stopped by her

own body. Mudge could feel the tight ring inside her cunt.                " 'ere

now, I though you told ole Mudge that you'd 'ad sex before!"                "I did

otter. I didn't lie. You didn't ask if my partner was male or female. As it

happens, it was female. We played with toys a bit, but this is different.

You're a bit larger than my toys. Here goes..." She slammed her hips down

violently. He could feel the tearing as she forced him in. It was a situation

that normally happened the other way. She tensed up a bit, kept her hips ground

to his, and waited a moment before moving.                When

she restarted her movements, they were slow and smooth. She seemed to know what

she was doing, for supposedly having never done it before. She would ride his

cock to the tip, and just before he could slip out, pushed back down again. He

had to fight the urge to override her motions with his own. Patience was its

own reward.                He was

left wondering if she was one of them lesbian types. He didn't discriminate,

not him. If she was willing to have sex with him, he didn't care what she did

the rest of her time. Still, she was a bit of a mystery. Who was she, and why

did she want this material so badly? He was determined to see her home just to

answer the mystery. Whoever she was, she was a delightful bed companion.                 She was

riding him hard, pinning his arms at his sides while she played maypole with

his cock. Her backwards pushes were enough to make him feel that his cock was

being torn out by its roots.  At one

point she leaned back and grabbed his legs, arms behind her, and literally

worked at ripping it out. Whether she was trying to hurt him, or was just

getting off, he didn't know. He was simply satisfied when he emptied his balls

into her.                She was

all too happy to keep going. She would push down hard, squeeze tight and pull

back up. He was impressed. There were whores who weren't this good! She squeezed

the juice right out of him and kept the blood from leaving. He was as hard as

when he started.                " 'ere

now! Who was this girl you learned so much from?"                She was

breathless, but she did manage to spit out, "My sister!"                He knew

that he just had to meet this sister of hers! If this one was capable of doing

this, who knew what the teacher could do? Besides, sisters had to have a

mother. Ole Mudge wasn't the type to discriminate over a little thing like age

or marriage.  He laid back and wondered

how life occasionally threw him a bone, and how that bone was presently engaged

in its favorite pastime. This was going to be a sweet trip.                When

she finally tired out, and he was drained, they drew up next to the fire. She

spoke first. "I like you otter, but you're not completely with the game, are

you? We have to travel back to my home, and I really didn't expect to do it

naked."                He

stretched and yawned, turning his fish over a spit. "Well, you make a good

point. Unless we swim the entire way, your nakedness might attract unwanted

attention." Then he grinned. "From me mostly!"                She

swung at him. "Very funny! I'm serious. I figured on sneaking away with that

material under my coat. You grabbed it and made me lose it. I wasn't expecting

to have to make it home wearing a big swath of red."                He

poked at the fish. "Ole Mudge isn't "eartless. I traipsed back into town and

grabbed you these." He pulled out a small parcel and tossed it at her. She

opened it to find a simple pair of pants and a cotton top. They weren't fancy,

but they were serviceable."                "I take

back half the mean things I've been thinking about you otter."                "Only

'alf?"                "Take

what you can get. If I had my way, I'd be halfway to home by now, not dallying

by the fire with a water rat." He went to object, but she cut him off. "A cute

and dashing water rat, but still a water rat." He clammed up. Half a loaf was

better than none, and she was only speaking the truth. It seemed the half was

all either of them felt like they were getting.                "Oi,

I'll take it. It 'asn't cost me a bent penny and I 'appen to like the company."

He pulled the fish off and laid it on a slab of stone. It wasn't much of a

table, but it was better than laying it on the dirt. They ate their fill and

curled up for the night. As they snuggled close, she whispered over to him.                 "Hey

otter, you know what I'll do if you try molesting me tonight?"                "I 'aven't

the foggiest!""Then I guess you'll have to try it

and find out!" She wiggled her butt and settled down to sleep. Mudge was left

wide awake, wondering what to do.                Come

morning they packed up their belongings and set off. The clothes he had grabbed

for her were generic enough that at first glance she looked like an otter

youngster. A casual observer might think it a father and son fishing

expedition. It was a good ruse, for most fishermen carried nothing more than

their lines and tackle. Even a lousy thief wouldn't bother wasting his time.

They made good time along the river, stopping only when necessary. They came to

a small fishing village called Stroghfalls where Mudge opted for them to spend

the night. He had his coin that had not been used as it was intended, so he

happily sprang for a room at the local inn.                 Their

room was on the top floor, with two windows, one of which overlooked the

"falls" the town was named after. It was nothing more than a dam, over which

flowed the muddy river water on its way to the sea. It was hardly scenic, but

having two windows meant double the chances of escape if it was necessary. He

wasn't expecting trouble, but since he knew nothing about this slinky mink, he

wasn't taking any chances.                He was

staring out the window overlooking the water when he heard her come up behind

him. He stiffened for a moment, ignoring his fight or flight. He didn't trust

too many people. But she simply pressed her paws on his shoulders and tiptoed

to look over his shoulder. "I passed through here on the way to my destination.

It isn't much of a town, but it's where my family began. My great great

grandfather started this village. I doubt he had any idea where the family

would end up."                He

turned. "And where might that be?"                She

giggled. "I'll show you when we get to the capital." It was good enough for

him. The present time was for other things. They went down to the common room

where they enjoyed a tasty local dish called nagacha, essentially a fish stew.

He washed it down with a few beers, offering some to his new lady friend. She

politely declined at first, then suddenly did an about face.                "There's

got to be a first for everything!" she declared as she stuck her head in her

glass. She took a big gulp and swallowed. "Hmmm. Not bad!" She downed the rest

in two gulps. Mudge was in love. Well, maybe in lust. Three beers and a drunken

mink later, he carried her up to their room and laid her on the bed.                She

laughed and giggled uncontrollably. "So this is what being drunk is like? I

never knew! I should have tried this sooner!" She was thrashing around on the

bed, shedding her clothing pell-mell in all directions. She then spent the next

few minutes swaying her hips back and forth in a grotesquely erotic

display.  Mudge hardly needed urging on.

He literally jumped out of his pants and dived on the bed. Her tail was

twitching violently. "Come on otter, screw me already. Time's a wasting!"                One

thing Mudge could do without thinking, besides drinking, was comply with a

willing female. He wrapped his arms around her and plowed in. She responded by

biting his shoulder and hanging on. Her aggression was surprising, but as she

wasn't breaking the skin, he let it slide. A little spirit was a far better

thing than lifelessness.                 He had

to reconsider his opinion a moment later when she bit down hard and flipped him

over on the bed. She sat up and ground her hips down as if she was trying to

grind off his cock. If it weren't for the copious amounts of body fluids

leaking around his cock, she would have abraded his fur off in a matter of

minutes. Her aggressiveness got a little scarier when she clamped her muscles

like a vice and proceeded to try and remove his cock from its moorings. It was

like the previous night, only she had lost all sense of propriety. She dropped

back down and her teeth found his shoulder.                He was

drunk enough to let it go at first. It was amazing that a girl could have as

much strength in her cunt that this one had. But she was now so tight that

there were absolutely no piston-like movements in their love making. She was

literally a fist grasping him tightly and not letting go. He had had paw jobs

in the past, but even they weren't this tight.  Between her teeth and her cunt, he was feeling

more like this was turning more into torture than fun sex.                She

thankfully let loose of his shoulder and sat up, her body teetering wildly. She

planted her feet on the bed and pushed up. Her leverage pulled him right off

the bed, making him yelp. He felt a brief movement inside, before she slammed

him back down hard. She did it again and again. Whether she was loosening her

grip or her lubrication had increased, he was finally feeling some relief. He

lowered his guard and settled in for the ride.                    Alcohol,

it seemed, was her weakness. The otter could hold a lot and still keep a level

head, at least in his own opinion. This girl became a raging fiend. Unless she

had some other calling in life, she could make a lot of money selling her

services. He knew of some friends of his that would gladly put three gold coins

on the table for this kind of treatment. Now ole Mudge liked it a little more

tame, but where free was concerned, he rarely turned down anything.                She

kept it up for a seeming eternity. He was content to enjoy it, for as time went

on she seemed to relax her grip, allowing a more normal sexual union.  Her speed was nearly equal to that he was

known for. She was a wild blur of activity, punctuated by high pitched squeaks

and yips. As they increased, he figured she was about to go over the top. He

was right. With a bone jarring series of joint wrenching motions, she collapsed

on top of him, utterly spent.                He gave

her a moment and then rolled both of their bodies over, giving him the

advantage of position. His thrusts proved to be more constrained. His cock was

sore from the abuse she had just given it. Either she was one masochistic chick

or she had found a way to keep him from asking for more sex. No, that would

never happen. Apparently she liked it rough. It just wasn't his style, after

some of the shit he had gone through in the past.                 It

didn't take long for him to come now that she was out like a light. He ignored

his discomfort and focused on his pleasure. For him, it wasn't hard to do. He

plowed her for only a few more minutes before his body responded. He blew his

wad before he too collapsed in exhaustion. He fell asleep on top of her, not

moving a muscle until morning.                When

the morning sun peeked into the window, it was scandalized by the sight of a

mink and an otter merged into a single ball of brown fur.  As the rays of light fell on the couple, it

burned a bright haze onto the eyelids of a particular otter, who silently cursed

and unwillingly blinked. He yawned and stretched, finding himself entangled in

a most intimate manner with his lady friend. There was going to be time for

some more if that later, so he pushed her off and hit the chamber pot. She

grumbled and made a grab for him, but he was too quick.                "Hey

otter! You're kind of rude!"                " 'ere

now missy! I gotta go! I'm surprised you're still 'olding all that liquid from

last night!"                  She

made a face. "Not for much longer, the more you talk about it. Hurry up!"                He

vacated the pot, and she hit it faster. When she was done she dropped the lid

on it and sighed. "I think I just lost a few pounds!"                She was

ready to hit the sheets again, but he was already getting dressed. As he put

it, "I don't like sticking around one locale more than is necessary. This place

is small, and someone may send out scouts looking for that material you stole."

He failed to mention the pearls he purloined.                She

pouted. "But last night was so much fuuuuunnnnnnnn!"                "Aye

lass, that it was. And tonight, depending on where we are, it can be just as

fun. Get dressed and we'll get something to eat before we go. Then I'll settle

up the tab and we'll clear out." She sighed and got dressed. She was really

beginning to like him. He was a thief, just like she had been, but he had some

noble qualities to him. It was too bad he wasn't the same species as her. He

was close, but not close enough to have kids with. It was sad really.                Had Mudge

known what was going through her head, he might have laughed. Even if she was

the same species, he wouldn't have settled down with her. There was too much to

see and do yet, before his life would take the turn for the worse called

marriage. K.I.S.S. someone had told him once. It was good advice. Keep It

Simple Stupid! Sex was easy; relationships were hard. He had been in one once,

and it was nearly the death of him. He still missed her.                They

ate and slipped quietly out the front. He headed straight for the river.  The water was low enough right now that he

chose to cross over the dam. They were across the river and just happened to

turn back in time to see a small patrol enter the inn. Mudge whistled. "I'm not

sure they're after us, but I don't want to find out." He pushed her in one

direction, turning to go the other. "I'll catch up with ya. Head to the capitol

and I'll give 'em something to follow."                He

boosted her into a tree, where she maneuvered through the branches until she

could alight on some rocky outcrops. Mudge quickly erased her footprints and

purposely made some distinct ones even a blind mole could follow. He took off

running, under fallen trees and over boulders, looping around back on himself

several times. He then backtracked, keeping an eye on the trail. At one

particularly low hanging branch, he boosted himself up and worked his way over

to a log and dropped down. Without looking back he zipped off towards the

capitol. He caught up with her by noon.                He was

following her prints when they stopped. She wasn't as green as she seemed. He

looked around, searching the undergrowth. His search was fruitful. He spotted

her pants and called out. It was then that he realized that he had never gotten

her name. "Hey missy, it's safe, come on out!" He wasn't expecting the ambush

from above. She dropped down like a load of bricks. He was carried to the

ground under her weight.                " 'ey

now, is that anyway to greet your friend?"                She

jumped off and turned. He was left staring at her crotch. "Look otter, I wasn't

taking any chances. That crew in uniform belonged to the city I stole the

material from, not the capitol. I don't need the hassle of being picked up by

some stupid patrol and dragged back for questioning. I wanted to make sure you

hadn't turned on me!"                He got

up and slapped her. " 'ere now! I'm a lot of things, but I ain't no traitor. Thieves

stick together! And so do lovers, until such time as they part!"                She sat

down and pulled on her pants. "Sorry otter, but I need to get back to my city.

Being in the streets has taught me not to trust anyone very far."                He

sniffed. "That ain't a bad sentiment. But ye got nothing to worry about from

me. I said I'd see ya back, and that's what I'll do."                She

tied up her trousers and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks  otter!"                The

material was still rolled up tightly and stuffed in Mudge's knapsack. He almost

handed it over to her, but thought better of it. He would keep it until they

got to her home, then he'd hand it over and vanish. He would almost miss her.                 Their arrival in Cresselor proved to be

stranger than he had imagined. Since he wasn't a wanted criminal, not yet at

least, within its walls, he was left wondering when she took him in through one

of the old sewer tunnels. She seemed to have a thing for them. She knew her

way, he'd admit that, for she seemed to have every turn and twist memorized.

They came to a grate set in the street. With a mighty heave she lifted it and

they clambered out. She dropped the grate back down.                "OK.

Right now, you'll have to trust me. I need the material."                He

figured there was no harm in it, so he gave it over to her. She turned and

stepped into the store front behind them. He looked up before entering. The

sign said Cralmus Fine Tailoring. He stepped inside. The owner was having

a lively conversation with his mink girl.                "Lassandra,

I know she wants the dress, but your father said no. How am I supposed to

explain it to him when the finished article arrives unannounced?"                Mudge

absorbed that. Lassandra; pretty name. So, she stole the material for someone,

perhaps a sister or mother. He was about to wonder why she didn't steal it

here, when it dawned on him how easy it would be to trace the dress back to the

stolen material. It was a vibrant red, not something easily hidden.                 The girl

was talking now. "Cralmus, just make the damn dress. I don't care what father

says. He's an overbearing jerk!"                The

tailor winced. "I don't think you should..." His eyes fell on the otter. "Can I

help you sir?"                Mudge

smiled. " 'ere now, no one ever calls me sir! I'm with the missy, I am. Saw her

'ome, all safe like I did!"                The

tailor blanched. "Lassandra, are you trying to bring down your father's wrath

on you? Cavorting with strangers!"                " 'ere

now, I ain't that strange! I can tell you all kinds of tales of people with

really strange fetishes!"                   The

mink kicked him. "He was kind enough to see me through this little adventure.

We will probably be parting ways soon. In the meantime, please just make the

dress. If anyone asks, just say you got the material from a wandering merchant

named...hey otter, what IS your name?"                He

doffed his hat. "Mudge at your service!"                "There

you go; you got it from Mudge, the fabric dealer extraordinaire."                "But

Lassandra, I'll have to enter it into my books. I'll need to pay him."                Mudge

was more than happy to be paid for something he didn't steal, but she shut him

down quick. "He's been paid. If you must, pay yourself and hide the money. "                The

tailor babbled for a moment. "Fine. It will be done. As of this moment, all I

know is that I was commissioned for a dress. I found the material and made said

dress. Any trouble will be on your heads." He made a receipt and attached a

swatch of material on it for proof of receipt.                They

slipped back outside and back into the sewer tunnels.  " 'ere now missy, why all the secrecy and

thieving just to make a dress? Seems like a lot of trouble just for something

to wear."                She

sighed. "Father has plenty of money, but he's not one to part with it. My

sister wanted a pretty new dress and he told her no. So we devised a plan to

get the material and have the dress made anyway. When it arrives, it will be

from some anonymous benefactor."                Mudge

was thinking this through. It seemed pretty dangerous to go steal material to

make a dress that you had to lie about to wear. City folk had some silly

notions at times. Steal it if you wanted it, steal it if you needed it, but

otherwise you were wasting your time. Then again, he got laid and it hadn't

really cost him a penny. There was always an upside to every situation.                 "Seems

foolish to me, but then, you do what you think you need to do. As for ole

Mudge, 'e's ready to find a nice quiet brothel and some fine fancy ladies. If

you'd be so kind as to point the way?"                She

giggled. "Brothel? There are no brothels in this city. The law is quite keen on

that. Like father says, "any such place of sin and degradation has no place in

a modern society."                Mudge's

heart sank. He hardly wanted to follow this girl home to continue their fun. It

sounded like her father would have him skinned whilst being burned at the

stake. Such things rather ruined your day.                "Listen

otter, I'll make you a deal. Stick around another day or two and I'll make it

worth your while."                "Listen

my little lady, I will admit you've been a lot of fun, but it sounds like this 'ere

city of yours is as uptight as a clumsy feline in a room full of sleeping dogs.

You probably need laxatives just so you can shit. That's not for me."                "Maybe.

But I'll get you in and out of the house via the tunnels, and no one will ever know

the difference. Besides, I think I can arrange a surprise for you!"                "Surprise?

Those ain't always the good kind."                "Oh, I

think the surprise will be more on the other side of the fence than yours. I

mean, you can go. I'm not going to stop you. But you'll never know what you

missed if you leave now."                That

got him thinking. He would wonder for ages what it was he had missed. "Oh, the

'ell with it. Fine. I'll come."                She

took off down the dimly lit sewer. Mudge was thankful it was presently dry.

These things tended to stink. From time to time she would stop and peek out a

grate to double check her location. Finally, they arrived at a dark tunnel. She

felt around for a moment before finding what she wanted. He heard a click. He

could hear something moving and then dropping. She grabbed his hand. "It's

going to be dark. Stick close."                He did.

They climbed a short ladder into a darkened room. His nose immediately smelled

food. It was a pleasant change. "Just where the 'ell are we?"                "Home."

She dropped the lid back down and fumbled for a door. Dim light flooded in from

the chamber on the other side. She stuck her head out and searched the room.

"Good! No one is here right now."                Right

here was apparently the kitchen. It was huge! They didn't linger long, for they

heard voices coming from a side corridor. She grabbed his paw and dragged him

up a flight of stairs, around a corner and then up another. She stopped, peered

down the hall and then leaned back. "There's someone in the hall right now. I'm

going to try and distract him. You follow and enter the room I point to. She

went first, and he followed, stopping at the indicated door and sneaking

inside. He couldn't see who it was she saw, but he knew the value of stealth.                She

slid in a few minutes later. "It was just one of my family members. I was

pretty sure they wouldn't approve of me having a house guest."                "

'ouse?" This 'ere's a bloomin palace!"                She

giggled. "So it's larger than some, and smaller than others. Are you going to

hate me for it?"                 He

grunted. "I guess I shoulda figured you'd 'ave some money from the way you

talked to the tailor."                "Father

has money. We don't. Therefore, we conspire to get what we want. Are you going

to stick around or what?"                Mudge

both admired and pitied the girl. To have to go to such extremes when money was

within your reach was an abomination. "OK, so I'm 'ere. I 'ope you don't go

getting noisy. I'd 'ate to bring down the wrath of an angry father on me 'ead."                Lessandra  smiled. "Oh, I won't be noisy. If it comes

down to that, there's always the sewer. It's where your mind is at most of the

time anyway. No, I have other plans for you."                He was

confused. "Plans?"                "Yes

plans. I went to a lot of bother to get this material and now I'm owed

something. Sit right here behind this curtain and listen without saying a word.

Promise me!" He did.                 She

called for her sister. When she entered the room, she spoke in hushed tones.

"Lessandra, what took you so long?"                "Hey,

you sent me on quite the arduous journey. I found the material and brought it

back. See, here's the tag from Crelmus the Tailor." Mudge couldn't see it, but

he knew what it was.                "Oh

thank the skies above! I have so wanted a red dress for so long now!" She was

jumping up and down on her tippy toes.                 Lessandra

coughed. "Now, about what you owe me..."                Her

sister stopped. "Oh fine. I suppose it's more bed time. I'd think that you

would have had enough sex for a while"                She

grinned. "Oh yes, you would, wouldn't you? But you see, it's not that simple.

What I want is much different than you're used to. I'm not certain you'll

approve."                The

older sibling sighed. "Whatever it is, I'll do it. After all, a deal is a deal.

Besides, what could you possibly think up that I have already done with you?"                Lessandra's

smile grew wicked. "Maybe I've learned a few things while I was away." She

walked over to the curtain and grabbed Mudge's paw. She dragged him out into

the open.                 "Mourewla,

meet Mudge. He's going to be your new bed partner."                The

older feminine mink nearly fainted dead away. "Lessy! Are you insane, bringing

a stranger into the house. When father finds out..."                "If

father finds out. Besides, you owe me. You have no idea what I went through to

get that silk. This otter was of great assistance in helping me get it back.

And on top of that, he's pretty good under the sheets. And since you owe me big

time, this is how he gets repaid."                Mouewla

blinked. "Then you pay him!"                "I

already did, for what I feel I owed him. You owe me and I say you'll screw him

any way he wants for the next two days. It's either that, or I go back to the

tailor and break our deal. The otter can collect the gold for the cloth and be

on his way."                Mourewla

held her ground, but only for moment. "If father finds out, we're both dead,

you know that don't you?"                "Then I

guess we'll have to be stealthy, won't we?"                She

stamped her feet. "But I'm a virgin!"                "So was

I before I wasn't. I was willing to give it up to get your stupid silk, so the

least you can do is give up yours for your stupid dress!"                The

older mink's face turned sour. "I guess you have a point. But you know as the

eldest daughter what my duties entail. If father finds out it will be the end

of us all!"                Mudge

was listing raptly. Whoever they were, these pretty little cousins of his, they

led complicated lives. "Looksee 'ere. I ain't interested in getting stuck

behind no rock and a 'ard place. It seems to me that I'd do better leaving this

town as a bad memory and nothing else."                 Lessandra

clobbered him. "Oh no you don't. I say that you'll stay and engage my sister in

her bed. I don't care how, but you'll do it. She seems to think I'm nothing

more than a fetching boy." Then her eyes narrowed. "Or maybe you'd like me to

tell father all of the things you've had me doing the past few months?"                She

looked sick. "You wouldn't!"                "I

would. Now, you are going to go to bed with this otter and I'm going to watch

to make sure something happens. Do I make myself clear?"                "Perfectly.""OK otter. As of this moment, you

have free entry into any port you wish to lay your ship."He hesitated. His minute scrap of

conscience spoke up. " 'ere now, I ain't no rapist. If the gal doesn't want to 'ave

me, who am I to force the issue?"Lessandra motioned to her sister. "She

agreed to this. If you don't want to, that's fine. You can go out that door and

find your way to the street."This little mink was a schemer. "And

if ole Mudge does that, what are the chances of his finding his way to the

street?""That depends. Is that dead...or

alive?" Mudge looked at Mourelwa. "I guess

you and me are going to make some sweet music together whether we want to or

not. And as far as I'm concerned, want is usually 'ow I feel about sex."The elder mink was tapping her

fingers together while she thought. "I like to think of myself as a practical person."

Her sister snorted. "Like I was saying, is there any way we can do this and

still keep my maidenhead? Up to this point, both of us have played with each

other and maintained them, though it seems that this is no longer the case with

her. In my case, I will be expected to marry and present blood on the wedding

night. To not do so will lead to shame and disgrace, and very likely my life.""Well, as I sees it, we 'aven't got

much choice. If I puts my cock into your hole, there's going to be a pop. So

the only way to avoid it is to not put it in your hole. Then we're back to

square one.""Or hole two."Mudge raised an eyebrow. "Ah ha!

The back door. I'm ain't a prude, but I'm not the biggest fan of the ole

undertail chute. Then again, it's impolite to turn down a lady's offer. And it

would seem to fulfill our commitments to your sister."She gave him a dirty look. "You don't

sound too put off by the offer."                "Indeed

I'm not. With the proper lubrication, no hole is insurmountable."                Lessandra

giggled. "Don't you mean mountable?"                He

grinned. "That too!"                The

younger sister ran off and returned with a clay pot. "This is healer balm. It

works great on burns and scrapes. I just bet it'll work just as well for making

a hole slippery and inviting, right dear sister?"                The

older one snatched it away. "The things I do. Get over here otter. I giving you

one chance at this, no matter what my little sister thinks. Get your kicks and

then get out. Trust me, you don't want to hang about here too long. It'll only

invite trouble." She disrobed and climbed on the bed. She generously greased

her hind end. Mudge was stripped and up on the bed in no time. She gave him a

warning. "If you stick that thing of yours anywhere near my front, I'll scream

rape and it will be the end of you. Do I make myself clear?"                "Crystal

clear!" He lubed himself up to before getting into position. He pulled her tail

out of the way, lined up and pushed. She started to scream but pressed her face

into the pillow. Her paws curled up into the sheets. Lessandra called out, "Do

it! She's always calling me a pussy for not being able to deal with pain. Her

problem is that she's never had to deal with any. Give it to her good! Then she'll

know what it's like for once!"                Mudge

leaned in. "You heard her! Order is orders!" Boy these sisters were sadistic.                The

mink buried her head into the pillow and bit into it. The otter cranked in

deep, until her tail was pressed tightly over her back. It wasn't as bad as she

thought it would be. She had heard stories going both ways with this method. If

it was no worse than this, and she kept her virginity, then it would be worth it.

It wouldn't be fun, but it would be worth it.                The

thing she didn't know anything about in her sheltered life was the tenacity and

vigor an otter showed when it came to sex. And of all the otters that had ever

been born, Mudge was probably the horniest that had ever lived.  That was saying something!                He was

cautious at first, not wanting any surprises. When there were none, he cranked

it in as deep as he could get it. He didn't do it roughly, just firmly. That

balm was slippery stuff and he was going to have to purloin some before he

left. You never knew when you might run across a horny mousette or jerboa.                  As he

found his groove, he found her relaxing a little. It wasn't his intention to

hurt her, but he was going to get off one way or another. She chose the hole he

was in now, so it was hardly his fault. Neither was the fact that they were a

mixed up bunch of nuts. Sexy nuts, but nuts nonetheless. And his nuts were

finding this nut to be a fun one to crack.                 That

didn't mean that he was going to rush this. He had traveled a long ways, and

while he had no complaints about the younger sister, this older one was more

intriguing. He wondered if she could tolerate him forever, or if she'd cry

uncle. There was only one way to find out.                Thirty

minutes into it, he was feeling the need to blow. Her hole was just too tight,

and her submissive position to erotic. Try as he might, he couldn't last. With

a grip that made her wince, and a final drive that made her eyes water, Mudge

came to a convulsive, conclusive end. By the time he was done, he was standing,

and her body was dangling from their point of attachment. She had pushed up to

compensate. With one last push, he gave up and carefully pulled out. She fell

to the bed.                "Oi!

Are you alright down there?"                "I will

be. I think I might have been better off letting you drill out my front. As it

is, I'll be biting my lip every time I go to the bathroom for a week.

kept your word. If you like, I'll endure some more of it."  This time she didn't sound too put off.                "It's a

fine offer my little minx mink. But ole Mudge knows to not push his luck. It's

been delightful, and if you wish to come out of the city and travel with me, I'll

not say no. But me better judgment tells me that 'anging around here is bad for

me 'ealth."                Lessandra

looked at her sister. "Well? Do you think we should take him up on it?"                "Most

certainly not. It's been difficult enough covering for you during your absences.

If we both disappear, father will be after us in no time. We'll be staying

right here."                Mudge

got dressed and made a bow with his hat. "Then I shall leave you ladies.  It 'as been delightful! May your lives be

less complicated than mine, and may your father never 'ave the name of Mudge

befoul his furry ears!"                He turned

to Lessy. "I'd appreciate it if you could get me to that storeroom again." She

did it without a hitch. Mudge however, became completely lost in the cavernous

tunnels under the city. He finally got brave and lifted a grate. There was no

one around, so he carefully climbed up onto the street. One street over his

path to the city gates was obstructed by a crowd. He wiggled to the front.

There was some sort of military parade going by. It made him nervous, being so

close.                As one

litter was carried by, he stood on his tip toes to look in. He settled back

down on his feet. To the Lemur standing next to him he asked; "Who's that?"                The

lemur was shocked. "Why that is none other than our glorious Military Governor,

the great Antorius Malicios Harkial Strogh. Everyone knows who he is!"                Mudge

backed away from the parade and returned to the sewer. He would either find his

way back out of the city, or he'd die underneath it. It would be far better

than if the great Governor, of the family of Strogh, who were apparently minks

and quite powerful now, found out about him and had him quartered and burned at

the stake after being suitable tortured for a year...for screwing his daughters.

Oi, this was going to be one town that would be wiped from his memory.  The girls were delightful and as far as their

father was concerned, well...what he didn't know wouldn't hurt Mudge. Still,

distance would make his heart grow fonder.

Oh God, Where Art Thou?

                Something about this voice was making me nervous. He was telling us what to do with certain machines, which I mostly had Bolshoi take care of. He was the inventor and mechanic. I had to authorize him through the machine. It had finished...

, , , , , , , , ,

Something Old, Something New

                Now that I had a partner, such as he was, I needed to keep him occupied during down time. I chose him largely because he was good with his hands. I had old equipment sitting around, and while I didn't think he could necessarily handle...

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Perchance to Dream

Jonathon was enjoying his romp with the lovely Flora. Somewhere in his mind he was thinking of how life was going to - or was it - how it had been? It was hard to distinguish between what was a dream and what was real. His calculus test tomorrow was...

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