Oh God, Where Art Thou?

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#6 of Tales from The Hub

Veracity's at it again.


about this voice was making me nervous. He was telling us what to do with

certain machines, which I mostly had Bolshoi take care of. He was the inventor

and mechanic. I had to authorize him through the machine. It had finished doing

whatever it did with its scan and was spitting out info. I yelled at it. "Shut

up! I don't care. Just give him access!"                "Access confirmed. Name?"                "Bolshoi

Way."                "Confirmed.

Designate Bolshoi Way has full access to all files and protocols."                From

there on out, I let him deal with this growing fiasco. I didn't believe in God,

but my disbelief was growing thin. Whatever, or whoever this was on the other

end of the communicator was horridly intelligent. After a while he spoke

directly to me. "Veracity Harms. Why was communication terminated?"                Like I

knew the answer to that! "You're asking me after it's been shut down for

centuries before I was born?"                "Good

point. Please wait while I attempt to access the central registry." The voice

went silent. It took a good ten minutes before the voice returned. "At least

the central registry computer is still functioning with a valid uplink. You are

Veracity Harms, son of Gregor and Lacuna Harms. Your father's father was

Hamilton, his father was Mycroft, son of Roland, son of Marcus, son of Man o'War

the first Prime. Very curious. I didn't think adjusting that gene would have

created such longevity. Your friend here is a little more curious. I have no

Bolshoi Way listed in the registry. What I do have is Veronica Way, daughter of

Rodin and Mashina Way. The scanner shows a match to female chromosomes."                It

didn't dawn fully on me what it was saying. People lied all the time. But

female? I was feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment, so I said nothing.

Dealing with my partner could wait.  I

did however stare down hard at him...her. He or she knew exactly what I meant.

His answer in response to my look was a shrug and a weak smile.                 "Fine,

female. Whatever. I'm more interested in knowing about you right now." It was a

ballsy thing to say.                The

voice laughed. "I suppose you would be interested. I have been trying to access

the central library network. It seems to be offline. Do you have an explanation

for that?"                "We

have no library. Legend says the Brotherhood wiped it out centuries ago."                The

voice hesitated again. "Brotherhood? I don't like the sounds of that. I knew I

should have deleted the religion files from the databank." The voice went

silent a moment. "Alright. It seems that while you didn't self destruct, my

experiment went awry at some point. I cannot come to you. I can only guide you.

The first thing you need to do is to find if the library system is still

intact. While I doubt this is so, it seems to me that it will benefit you to

find out. If you find it, you then need to find the computer mainframe. It has

an automatic information collection system. If you can link it up to this

terminal, then I will be of greater use to you."                I was

feeling a little better. The last thing I wanted was bringing down some great

power on our heads. "How are we supposed to find something that may not be in

existence anymore?"                A large

flat panel on the wall lit up. It was a vid-screen. I had one upstairs, but it

had neither the clarity nor the size of this one. On it was a map of The Hub,

only very much outdated. A red dot appeared. "This is the location of the

library. Is there anything occupying that position now?"                My

heart dropped. My hunger faded as my stomach went sick. "Hell yes there is.

That's the headquarters of the Brotherhood."                The

voice assessed that information. "It makes sense. Control the facts and you

control the truth. Take away a person's ability to judge for themselves and you

have control over them. I had expected better of my creations."                I was

getting a little pissed at all this talk. "Creations? What do you want us to

do, bow down to our great and holy father?" Bolshoi just about shit himself.                "Oh

lordy no! That was never my intention. If it were, I would never have left. As

it was, I set things in motion and I was of the opinion that all was in order.

When communications ceased, I assume the caldera blew prematurely. But whether

you like it or not, you got your start because of me. You were my Great

Experiment. I built the start of your city with the help of your ancestors. I

had such high hopes for it."                Bolshoi

whistled. "That makes sense. Grecksparity!"                I

stared at him. "What?"                The

voice chuckled. "Yes The Great Experimental City. Everyone at the time

shortened it to Grecksparity. Of course, I preferred to call it The Hub. It was

my plan to have to grow outside of the boundaries of the basin in which it was

created. I thought that maybe it would populate the rest of the planet. Did

it?"                "Uh,

no. I don't have numbers for you, but if would seem that the farthest

civilization has gotten is about 700 kilometers from the city center."                The

voice sounded perturbed. "Religion, as always, interferes with growth. I can do

very little from here except to guide you. I would suggest that you will need to

see if the computer system in the library is still functional. I will pull up

the schematics and give you the backdoor so that you can access the system's

software."                I

pushed Bolshoi forward. "This would be your area, not mine. I have no idea what

this thing is saying half the time. Besides, my hands are way too big to be

handling delicate stuff. You know how I am with delicate stuff." I kept my tone

flat, but she got the sexual undercurrent. The voice directed my apparently

female partner to another machine. She sat down in a chair and leaned back,

resting the back of her head into a depression. It lit up like the devils'

ghost, bathing her head in a hellish red light. When she stood up, she tottered

a bit. Then she looked at me.                "This

is incredible! I can see the entire original layout of the Brotherhood's

headquarters, including access through the sewers. That is assuming that they

haven't blocked every one of them off." Apparently this machine could link with

your brain and download information into it? I might have a use for something like

that.                I

flexed my muscles. "Where there's a will, there's a way."                I had

to admit, until now I had no reason to go snooping around the Brotherhood's

neighborhood. I wasn't scared of them, just smart. A person didn't go inviting

trouble where no trouble was wanted. Until now, they had been safe from me.

Now, maybe not so much. The Brotherhood had old sayings, what they called

truths. Some were better than others. I remember one; Give a man a fish and

you'll feed him for a day, give a man a poisoned fish and you'll feed him for a

lifetime. It suited my sense of humor, but I knew for a fact that it wasn't the

way it was supposed to go. I guess my point was, I was going to be that

poisoned fish. It was time to kill off the Brotherhood.                We

walked back to the housing section of the warehouse. I was starving, both for

food as well as answers. Female! I'd like to know how I missed that glaring

fact. I can smell pussy from fifty paces. But food first. Bolshoi must have

known he...dammit!, she was on thin ice. "I'll fix the meal. How about steak?" She

asked it rather querulously. I think she was mad that her disguise was gone.                 "Sure."                "How do

you want it cooked?"                I was

hungry. "Just walk it past the grill on the way to the table!"                She

shot me a dirty look. "I'm being serious. I know you're pissed off, but it

works both ways. If you're not careful, I can make your life a living hell!" It

was a childish threat and I took it as one.                "Sorry.

I'm not ready to commit to a loving relationship with you. Besides, you've got

your little Carn love toy. I don't want to spoil you for him!"                Bolshoi,

or I guess I should start calling her Veronica, slapped the steak down on the

grill, dropped her pants and sat down on top of it, her legs dangling safely

away from the heat. "You know, you can be a real asshole sometimes! We made the

discovery of a lifetime and all you can do is worry about your stomach!" If she

thought she was ruining my meal, she had better think again.                "Maybe.

Ask me if I care. I'll save you the bother. NO! I ain't pissed at you being

female, cause now that I think on it, I never asked ya yer gender. And ya did

good! But when you're as big as me, you find you get a little angry when you

don't eat. And you won't like me when I'm angry! Now, if ya don't mind, I think

you've seasoned that meat long enough. Steak isn't the only thing I can tear

into while it's raw!"                She

slipped off the slab of animal protein and stabbed it with a fork. She launched

it across the table. I stopped it from sliding over the edge with a well placed

grab at the fork. "Mmmmmm! Just right!"                She

gave a disgusted snort and threw on a much smaller piece. She cooked it with a

crust on both sides. I had to admit, it smelled good. She fixed a few other

items, none of which interested me at the moment. I was watching her move,

thinking now how much of an idiot I had been. I thought I had misjudged

Archimedes in his tastes, but I was dead on. I needed to stick to my first

impressions and think outside the box. Which was bringing me to today's events.

I wasn't so certain this voice was anything more than a hoax. Still, that room

had been blocked for a long time. If he was the fabled Creator, I was left wondering

why he had abandoned us.                 Then my

normal arrogance and head strong nature kicked in. To hell with this voice. But

if he just gave me a way of taking down the Brotherhood, then so be it. I

stared at my partner, wondering if she would be any good in this type of

subterfuge. She would be getting in deep, much deeper than the simple task I

had already given her. It was going to mean killing, and if I was lucky,

sinking my passions deep in someone's insides. There were going to be a few

repairs before this was going to happen. My cycle needed to be rebuilt, and I

was thinking about the LEV. Just the sight of one of those in the skies would

send panic through the city proper.                I sat and

digested my food. It was a bit overwhelming to think that within one day,

contact was established with the legendary creator of our world. I doubt many

knew the original story, even an adulterated version. I knew one, probably not

the full truth, but it was all I had to go on. I had heard it as a child. It

was a nice historical story, but at the moment, the present was looming up in

front of me. I had to get my wits about me. With my stress level rising, I

needed some relief. Bolshoi was out. His, err, her head was filled with the

details we were going to need. Fucking her would leave my cock wearing a fur

coat and nothing else. Her brains saved her from an ignominious end.                I

didn't feel like hitting Uma again, not so soon after my last cunt bashing

excapade. I thought it over and made a choice. I'd had my eye on this one for a

while, but never acted because it would have caused too many repercussions. Now

that was moot.  I was pretty sure my

partner would disapprove, but then, fuck her. I had ways in and out of the

warehouse that only I knew. Some of them were pretty soundproof.                I

"borrowed" a small canister of Cloud and a face mask. It wouldn't be as much

fun as a full frontal assault, but I didn't want to give away my hand too

early. The subject of my stalking was big enough to make a fuss if I had to

challenge her in a physical confrontation. If I messed up, they would be on

high alert after it. As it was, her disappearance would spark controversy, but

without knowing what happened, they couldn't react. I had best do this quickly

and quietly.                My

kidnapping went without a hitch. I made it back with a double load on the bike.

It was definitely going to need an overhaul. It hadn't had a good working over

in fifty years. I took my load to one of the lower rooms I used for such

things, undressed my subject and chained her down. She wasn't going to be any trouble

for now, but when she regained her senses, she was going to be violent.  I couldn't wait!                Her

name was Serrena Campozza. It's a pretty name and therefore it doesn't suit

her. She isn't ugly, but she isn't everyone's idea of a beauty. She's a Bov;

technically an Herb like me, but not genetically compatible. Maybe I should say

compati-bull. She has short horns on her head, just like Charise, only Serrena

weighs in at around three fourths of my total. She's smaller than Uma, but not

by much.                She's

also a member of the Brotherhood. She used to be a guard, and for good reason.

Now she was a squad leader. None of that mattered right now. I didn't hate her,

but I did hate the Brotherhood. And I needed information. Pardon me for rushing

though; first things first. When she woke up, she found herself in the same position

a certain Carn couple did not too long ago. She was suspended by chains. A bare

light hung from the ceiling. She grunted and cursed and struggled, but these restraints

could hold even me. She wasn't going anywhere.                I let

her wear herself down before I came into the light.  "Hello Serrena," I said, as I crouched down

in front of her face.  She spit at me.                 "Who

the hell are you? What right do you have to accost someone from the great

Brotherhood?"                I

didn't like her attitude, though it was to be expected. It was, however,

perfect for getting me pissed off so that I'd take my anger out on her hide.

Still, I was hoping to get the talking out of the way first. I grabbed a horn

and hauled her head up. "I'm going to be the Brotherhood's worst nightmare from

now on. You can call me Veracity Harms."                She

went to spit, but her mouth stuck. She sat there looking at me, just now realizing

that I was naked. I was guessing she just figured out the same for herself. She

sat there working her jaw, looking everything like her stupid distant cousins

living in the Outlands. They were delicious! So was she, I was thinking. "You

can't be. He's a myth!"                "Oh, I

think I am. So allow me to tell you what's going to happen. I like being brutally

honest. I'm going to fuck the hell out of you. I'm going to do it because I

can; because I want to; and because there's nothing anyone is going to do to

stop me. During my fun, I'm going to be asking you questions about the

Brotherhood. You don't have to answer me. The longer it takes to get my

answers, the longer I'm going to rape your sorry ass. It's nothing personal.

I'm following the old adage of killing two birds with one stone. I need to

unload by nuts and I really do need information."                She saw

my cock dangling in front of her face. She spit at it instead. It hardly

mattered. He voiced crackled with anger.  "I'll not tell you a thing. The Brotherhood is

a sacred trust passed down by the Creator..."                I

punched her. "Don't bullshit me lady. I just talked with the Creator. He was

pretty upset to find out about you and your bunch of fucking saints." I was

referring to the Brotherhood of course, but it got an idea growing in my head.

"He says that your group is an abomination. He has set me on a holy quest to

rid this world of the brotherhood. I'm starting with you!"                She

snarled back. "You're a blasphemer! No one may talk directly to the Creator!"                I actually

sat down in front of her. "You know Serrena, until a few days ago, I didn't

believe in the Creator. Now that I've talked with him, I'm still not certain I

believe. But I wasn't lying to you about anything. So if you'd like proof,

allow me to start with this." I stood up and maneuvered behind her. She

struggled against her chains.                "You

can't go sticking that gross thing in me. It's against Brotherhood rules. I'll

be banned if they find out!"                "Consider

yourself banned then. Did you think I'd wait until you were awake to try

fucking you? Hell no! I barely got your sorry ass undressed before I porked

your pink hole. And by the way, I love yer tits. I think Bovs are the only

one's on the planet with triple nipples!"                 I

rammed my cock in, working it in with a passion. It was more fun with her being

awake and all. I grabbed her hips and ground it in hard. She screamed

delightfully. I loved girls that could get me excited. "Now my fine little

dick-meat. Let's start the interrogation." I won't bore you with the details

of my questions. That would be tedious as hell and you'll figure it out in due

time. You'll pick it up along the way. Instead, I will tell you about my

techniques if you like.                You

see, a big girl like Serrena could take just about everything I could throw at

her without damage. It wasn't my intention to damage her, so I was pretty free

to do what I wanted. I hadn't lied. Once I had gotten her undressed and saw

those big Bov tits, I dropped on her like a bomb. I wasn't her first, but it

was obvious that whoever her previous partner(s) had been, they weren't as

gifted as I was. I plowed into her until my cock exploded like an overheated

boiler. I found that I could get used to a girl like this. But once I was done,

it was back to work. I hooked her up and waited.                Now she

was awake. She seemed pretty prissy and uptight. I had a few cures for that. As

I worked my cock into her cunt, I spread her ass cheeks and pressed my thumbs

against her asshole, I pulled it open forcibly, inching my thumbs into the

newly opened space and massaging it to loosen it up. She would thank me later. As

it was, she didn't seem too into it at the moment. She kept squeezing it shut.

God she was tight! If she wasn't careful, I'd ram it in without any

preparation. It hardly made a difference to me.                She was

yelling and screaming and threatening and whatever else she thought up to

do.  It's hard to threaten me. I've lived

too long and seen too much for words to affect me. I lived a rough life. It

wasn't always this way. The Brotherhood was to blame. So maybe I was taking it

out on everyone else. This one was closer to the mark than many others from my

past.                "Listen

up bitch! You've got one chance of getting out of here alive. That's me. To be

honest, I'll get my info one way or another. How I get it is up to you. I can

fuck you longer than it takes a train to run on one load of fuel. I can do things

to you that you never knew were possible." For a demonstration, I pulled out my

cock and forced the head of it into her ass. She bucked and screamed. Damn I

was getting hornier by the minute. I gathered up my strength of will and just

stood there, feeling her tighten up around me.                 "Tell

me what I want to know, or else I'm going full tilt. In case you don't

understand what I mean, I'm gonna fuck your ass hard and long." I shoved it in

a little deeper. The rattling of her chains was music to my ears. I pushed in

all the way until my cock was buried and reached around and pinched her tits,

just to show her who was boss. That's when I started to find out that things

don't always go the way you plan them.                 I was

riding her hard, both holes, for a couple of hours. She quit screaming, but

still refused to talk. All she was doing was blowing copious amounts of fluids

out her cunt and grunting like a Mord cow. I laid on the abuse in proportions

few could survive. She was shaking and rattling, but never once did she talk. I

finally had to give up for the day. It was my intention to leave her here. I

doubted Bol..., er, Veronica would have approved, but I didn't care. It was also

why the little snit didn't know about it. Her job at the moment was deciphering

everything inside her head.                I blew

one last load into her ass and forcibly pulled out. It was followed with a

river of fluids, this time mine. Her nipples had to be smarting by now. I'll

say one thing for this bitch, she was tough and dedicated. Too bad it was to

the Brotherhood. I stood in front of her and said my goodbyes. "Sorry Serrena,

but you've managed to outlast me for today. I going to get something to eat and

hit the sack. See ya in the morning."                I was

into the darkness before I heard her voice. "Wait! Don't go!" I turned around,

still in the shadows. "Why?"                 "Please

don't - don't go.  Please stay." I was

losing my patience.                 "Why

the fuck should I stay? You haven't told me a damn thing!"                "I'll

tell you anything you want. Just please give me some more."                My eyes

about bugged out. This bitch liked it! I just may have found me a new toy. Uma

was great to dump my balls into, but this Serrena wasn't bad looking. All the

while I was torturing her, she apparently found out she liked rough and kinky

sex. I doubt that would improve her standing in the prudish eyes of the

Brotherhood elite.                 "Let me

get this straight. You want me to rape you some more? And if I do, you'll give

me the info I want?"                She

looked at me with those big brown eyes. "Yes please!"                I

didn't believe her at first, so I stuck my cock is her mouth and hump her head

until she nearly passed out. Sadly, I was out of juice. I pulled out and

slapped her awake. "You're not pulling my leg are ya?" She gasped in air and

wiggled within the confines of her chains. I was an idiot, but I knew I could

handle her if she tried to bolt. It turns out the problem became an about face;  how was I going to get rid of her?                I undid

the shackles. She fell to the floor in a heap. Then she did the most disgusting

thing I had ever seen. She crawled on all four towards me. "Please, can I have

some more?" I may have emptied out my balls, but an erection was something I

could sport whenever I wanted it. I dropped and fucked her for another hour.

She lay there and took it like a trooper. Yep, she was going to be a keeper.                Now I'm not so stupid as to think

that people change that quickly. I decided that I needed some  proof this wasn't some elaborate counter

intelligence ploy.  My idea wasn't overly

intelligent, but it was straight forward. "Ok Serrena. I'm going to be honest

with you. I don't believe in the Brotherhood, nor do I believe in the Creator."                She

gave me an evil look. "The Brotherhood is far from perfect, but how can you

blaspheme against our Creator? If I told the Leaders, they would hunt you down

and kill you!"                "They

could try. The funny thing is, I've talked with the Creator, apparently the one

you think is God. He didn't sound too amused by the presence of the

Brotherhood. He was also rather perturbed that they took over the library. That

was meant for the use of everyone."                She

suddenly got some of her old spunk back. "No one talks with the Great God! You're

nothing but a bastard liar!"                "I

figured you say that. I don't blame you one bit because I often am. But that

fact remains, I have talked with him. I don't expect you to believe me. Would

you like to talk with him yourself?"                Her

face contorted into a frenzy of emotions. She got a grip on her turmoil and

stood up tall. Fluids dripped from both holes. "No one can talk with the

Creator. Therefore, I have nothing to lose from your cruel taunt. Lead the

way."                I did.

As it was, that room was only one floor below where we were. We took the

stairs, au natural, until we arrived on the next level. The place was lit up,

with blinking reds, blues, yellows and white. Serrena gasped. "This is illegal

technology!"                I

grabbed her by the horns. "I don't follow stupid laws, not from the politicians

nor from the Brotherhood. I make my own rules. Remember that!" I grabbed her

hand and slammed it down on the circular panel. Its voice spoke up. "Please

hold while your recognition scan is complete."                She

tried to remove her hand and found it stuck. When she was released, she let out

a mild curse. "What is this thing? Certainly it's not the Creator.  Where is this God you spoke of?"                Another

voice spoke up. "I wish you'd quit referring to me as that. It was a joke your

ancestors made in the beginning years because of my adopted acronym."                Serrena

shit herself. It was a wonder she hadn't done it earlier, the way I was mixing

the tank. "Who are you?"                The

voice sounded tired but amused. "G.O.D. It stands for Gentleman of Distinction.

You have no reference point for me to explain it. And you are; wait, the

information is coming across. Serrena  Campozza.

Father was Franco, mother was Horlina. Grandfather on your father's side was

Keokuk Campozza, and his father was Morston. Would you like me to give you your

full history? Geneaology is boring at times. You are also a member of the

Brotherhood. And according to the scan..." The voice stopped a moment.                "Veracity,

what have you been doing?"                "I was

doing what I do best. I was working her over for information." I could almost

hear his eyes rolling, assuming this voice had eyes.                "Sex is

for enjoyment and procreation. Rape and sex for punishment is not ethical."                Serrena

almost mooed as she fawned over the voice. "No, No, it's fine. I was enjoying

myself." Then she stopped. "Are you really the Creator?"                "You

know, I'm just a stupid voice coming to you from across the galaxy. I have

nothing better to do than answer stupid questions." The voice redirected itself

to me. "Look Veracity, I don't want to judge you, but there are better ways of

dealing with people. Since she seems to get off on your handling, I'll let it

slide. How is your partner coming along?"                "I

don't know. I'll send her down later. As you have ascertained, I've been busy

for the last few hours."                "You

know, if you don't get your act together, I may have to pull up roots where I'm

at and come back. You'll find me to be put off if I have to do that. I didn't

give your population the ability to think and survive so that I had to come

back and babysit."                Serrena

was nearly catatonic listening to the argument that was going on between me and

the voice.  She peeped up with a few

words. "Are you really our Creator?"                The

voice directed itself to her. "Your parents are your creator. Your parents had

their own parents, and they theirs. If you go back far enough, then yes, I am

the Creator. It was I who resparked life on this rock you call home. This

information was never meant to be kept secret. That was the purpose of the

Central Library complex. I am not very happy about this Brotherhood. Religion

is for idiots, and I didn't create idiots."                Her

eyes were bulging. "But the Brotherhood is the one truth."                The voice

crackled with anger. "Truth?! Bullshit! Facts! If you can't back it up with

facts, your truth isn't worth an ounce of vacuum.  I know what your Brotherhood is. I'm fairly

certain that they claim to be the source of all. You must come to them for

salvation. Your soul will never make it to heaven without their help. Am I right

so far?"                "Yes,

but..."                "But nothing!

Here's a few hard facts for you. When you die, you die. There is no afterlife,

with the exception of myself. Trust me; you don't want to go through what I

have. It isn't pretty. If you need to believe in something, believe in

yourself. Anyone that tells you that you need to follow their direction to live

your life properly is nothing but a shyster. "                "Veracity!"                I

jumped. "What the hell do you want?" I wasn't scared of a voice. It only

startled me.                 "Do you have access to a Levitating Express

Vehicle, or would that be asking too much?"                I

snorted. "An LEV? Yeah, I have one. But the thing hasn't seen the light of day

for a few centuries. I don't think I have the parts to repair it."                 "Well

pray to me that you do. Where is this communicator broadcasting from?"                "Pray?"

I was highly offended.                "It was

a joke, you ass. Since this is going to take time, I'll just keep the channel

open. Send down your partner when she has time. She's at least a pleasure to

deal with, unlike you." Before I could bellow at the voice, it chuckled. "Hey!

I was kidding. The Equial line was especially strong. You are as you were intended,

if not so much more than I envisioned. Relax. I look forward to the day I can

meet you in person."                I was

glad I wasn't wearing pants. I lost a little of my bowels on the floor, right

next to Serrena's. This was getting way out of hand!

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Upstaged by an Otter

"Listen otter, I don't know what you're up to, and whatever it is, it isn't going to work. I've got my eye on you!" A very drunk Mudge had both of his eyes on the female in front of him. Two very bloodshot eyes. "Now listen 'ere my fine beauty, Ole...

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