[COMMISSION For MeisterLi] Over Nine ThousAyn

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#14 of Commission Stories


Contains: Giant female, lots of growth, destruction, sexual antics

Summary: Looking to make some cash, Ayn signs up on a beta testing gig for a game that's more than just a game.

Commission for MeisterLi involving his genius mousegirl Ayn with a cameo by my genius jolteon girl, Shana.

Ayn belongs to MeisterLi

Shana belongs to me

One of the toughest things for a college student living on their own is managing a steady monetary income; especially when you're a five foot, three inch super genius female anthropomorphic brown furred, green eyed, glasses wearing mouse by the name of Ayn; who also had very expensive interests and hobbies. She pegged herself as an inventor, and she was quite a talented one at that; her unfortunate mishap and explosion rates were down from 65% to 57%! Still, selling off what did work out just wasn't enough to keep up with her obsessions; she really needed something to take off.

Ayn never saw herself working a "regular" job; she had to have something with a more adventurous approach, something far more exciting than flipping burgers or delivering pizzas. On the upside, attending a popular college in a big city did have the potential for great opportunities.

With two white earbauds lodged firmly into her ears and her techno beats thumping into them; Ayn was going through flyers and notices seeking volunteers that would be paid rather handsomely for their efforts and risks. There was always someone who was trying to test out a new product and needed volunteers to do so and this was perfectly in line with what Ayn wanted.

"Hairspray?" Ayn murmured as she was going through ads, "Hmm," She looked at her reflection on a sleeping desktop monitor screen to take a look at her short, messy red hair. "Naaah," She concluded to herself, tossing another flyer into the trash.

"Nope," another flyer, "No way," another flyer, "Pssh yeah right!" more wasted paper, "Now that's a scam if I've ever heard of one," no one thought to think of all the poor trees with all the paper going into the trash, "Oh, what's this now?"

Ayn held up one of the few remaining flyers she had left, looking it over a few times before her eyes widened and a bright smile appeared on her face, "Tester wanted for a virtual reality device. Subjects will be paid handsomely. Ching ching! Now this sounds like fun!" Ayn quickly bolted up from her computer desk, grabbed her things and quickly headed out.

One hoverbike ride away, Ayn arrived at the address written down on the flyer near the warehouse district.

"Is...this the right place?" Ayn asked herself in slight confusion as she approached the seemingly abandoned building. Unbeknownst to her, three security cameras were watching her as she approached what seemed to be a high tech intercom. It looked strangely out of place compared to the older, brick and concrete building, but who was Ayn to judge? With a shrug she pushed a yellow button that was labeled 'Contact' and within a few moments the speaker crackled to life.

"State your business," said a stern, nigh robotic voice from the speaker.

"O-oh! Hello! Um...I'm here about the flyer, the beta testing job for the VR device..." Ayn replied nervously.

After a few seconds of silence, the speaker crackled to life once again, "Approach the doors," the voice commanded.

Both impressed and nervous by the security measures, Ayn did what she was told. She approached the large metal doors, and when she did so, a few bricks above the doors slide away to reveal a yellow, mechanical eye-like device. The eye enveloped Ayn in a warm, white light; scanning her body all over for a few moments before withdrawing back behind the bricks.

"You may enter," said the voice, and the doors slowly opened, granting Ayn entrance.

Ayn peered into the darkness past the doors; no lights seemed to be on, and all the windows were blocked off. The only light available was the late afternoon sun shining in from behind Ayn. The mouse was curious of all this security measures; the one behind this job must be incredibly paranoid. Still, Ayn wouldn't accomplish a thing just standing around, so with one deep breath, she marched in past the doors.

As Ayn stepped in past the doors, they slowly shut behind her; shrouding her in pitch-black darkness. Lights suddenly lit up along the floor; parallel pairs lighting up a path for her to follow. With no other options to choose from, Ayn followed along; following the trail until they led to a set of stairs heading downwards, where she could see some pale, fluorescent lighting down below.

"Underground?" Ayn whispered thoughtfully to herself before heading down the stairs towards the lit area, approaching another set of doors which immediately opened as she approached. She continued down the long hallway before entering a room that made her jaw drop.

Beyond the door was a massive, scientific lab; numerous testing tanks and capsules, experiments, tool cluttered tables, strange electronic devices and other oddities were all about the massive room. The lab itself was bigger than the warehouse, and Ayn couldn't imagine what kind of super genius mad scientist could run such a place.

"My apologies for all the security," said a feminine voice from behind Ayn, "I just had to make sure you weren't an enemy of mine."

Ayn squeaked in surprise and hopped forward before turning around to view the source of the voice.

Ayn set her sights upon a 5'10" female Jolteon morph sporting a large white lab coat. Beneath that coat was a lovely, though simple, short black dress that hugged her figure nicely. Her matching black heels (which gave her the height of an even 6 feet) clicked and clocked loudly against the cold floor as she approached Ayn; her dark green eyes staring intensely at her behind those large, round frames.

"Are...are you the one that posted the job?" Ayn asked.

"Correct. My name is Shana Penumbra, but you may call me Doctor Penumbra," the Jolteon woman said with a wide grin, "And you are?"

"My name is Ayn, I came here about the testing job you posted," Ayn replied.

Shana clapped her hands together and smiled, "Oh my device! Thank you so much for responding. Now follow me," She said as she started to walk off, Ayn quickly following.

"What I'll have you test is a brand new virtual reality system I've been working on. Usually I test everything myself but I need to monitor everything that goes on so I need someone else to be in the program," Shana explained as she guided Ayn over to a bed near a particular looking device that had a nearby helmet hooked up to a bunch of wires.

Ayn looked to the device in awe and quickly walked over to it, looking it over with intense interest, "Wow! This looks incredible! You built this yourself?"

Shana gave a rather smug smile, "But of course, everything you see in this lab is my own handiwork."

"You must be a super genius."

"I'm better, now let's get to work. Put on the helmet, lay down on the bed, close your eyes and relax. I'll run a few quick stress tests on you. You might feel some pressure here and there, maybe a slight pinching at worst, but nothing painful," said Shana.

Ayn nodded, fumbling with the helmet a bit before putting it on her head with a grunt, "A little heavier than expected." She sat down on the bed and then laid herself down, "So how does this work? Is this a video game? Or is it just some big world to explore?"

"A bit of both actually. I don't want to spoil any surprises, don't worry, you'll be able to figure it out. One of the first things you'll want to do is take a look at yourself," Shana grinned before pressing some buttons on the device, "Now close your eyes and relax. And don't you worry, I'll be watching."

Ayn nodded her head and closed her eyes while Shana finished up messing with settings. "And now," Shana began, "Link! Start!" She pushed one more button and the machine started to whirr with the noise of starting up.

And in just a matter of moments, Ayn's consciousness faded...everything went completely black.


It felt as if she was recovering from a deep sleep; Ayn's eyes fluttering open while a small groan escaped her throat. "Oooogh...wha...huh? What?" She mumbled while looking around lazily, noticing trashed streets and rundown buildings covered in graffiti everywhere; a strange, dilapidated city she found herself in. The area was completely silent, not a single sound to be heard save for the ruffling of Ayn's clothing, the swishing of her pant legs rubbing together, the thudding of her sneakers against the damaged concrete and her tail whipping through the air. Not even the wind was blowing, everything was eerily still.

"Where in the world...?" Ayn said in confusion before her eyes widened with remembrance. "Yeah! That's right; I must be in the game..." She looked around some more, scratching her head, "No heads up display huh? Shoot...how do I bring up a menu? How do I...do anything? I wish the doctor gave me instructions..."

Ayn suddenly snapped her fingers, remembering Shana's words to take a look at herself. She approached the front of one of the smaller, abandoned buildings of what used to be a convenience store of some sort to take a look at her reflection in the cracked window and gasped with pleasant surprise. She had quite the welcome change in her figure; her bigger and fuller breasts, a welcome improvement from her more modest chest, her curvier form, bigger hips and behind and toned legs and thighs. "But..." Ayn frowned as she poked her index fingers into her squishy stomach, "Couldn't get rid of that pudge huh?"

Unbeknownst to Ayn, she was being watched the entire time while she was checking herself out. Not by Shana, no, but by a small group of unsavory sorts watching from an alleyway.

"Looks like we got some fresh meat, fellas," said a male black bat.

"Oooh she looks absolutely delicious," spoke an orange furred female house cat, twirling a knife among her fingers.

"Huh, she looks harmless, what's a girl like that doing here?" asked an armed, human male.

"Who cares? She's stuck here like the rest of us, may as well have some fun...right?" the bat replied.

Having agreed upon having some "fun" with Ayn upon her sudden arrival; the trio sauntered out of the alley to approach the unsuspecting mouse.

"Well the new look is fine and all...but now what? This doesn't give me any hints on how to play the game," Ayn mumbled to herself while flexing playfully in front of her reflection, "Or what kind of game this is...I really should have asked more questions...huh?" Ayn narrowed her eyes at the reflection, noticing the three that were coming up behind her. She suddenly whirled around to meet the group, but from the look of them, it didn't seem like they were seeking a friendly conversation.

Oh crud, Ayn thought, these must be enemies, but I don't know how the game works yet!

Ayn took a deep breath and put on a bright smile, "Er...hello there!"

The cat took a step forward, still twirling her knife in her fingers, "Hello? Heh, you're not from around here, are ya?"

"Oh me? Um no, I'm...uh lost I think," Ayn said nervously.

"Lost huh?" the bat said while edging closer to the frightened mouse, "I find that hard to believe, trust me, people don't just find their way into this place. What are you really doing here?"

The trio had moved in for an attempt to corner Ayn, but she was already trying to weasel her way away from them. She sidled along the wall away from the three and started to backpedal, putting her hands up in harmless protest, "Um...well...you see, it's kind of a funny story. I just happened to--oof!" Ayn's escape was suddenly cut short, bumping into a rather tall, intimidating looking figure by backing up into him.

"Er..." She looked behind her to notice a muscular wolf looming over her, and was none too pleased about this accidental meeting.

"Oh! Hey boss!" said the human from the trio.

"B-boss?" Ayn gulped as she turned around to face him, and noticed about two dozen more goons standing behind him.

The wolf looked from Ayn, to his goons and then back to her; staring her down for a few, long and unsettling moments before he finally spoke in a deep, growly and gruff voice, "I heard some racket over here and I came to see what the deal was. Just some girl huh?" He looked Ayn over with an amused smirk and nodded, "Not bad at all, you from outside of town, girl?"

"Me? Uh yeah, I am!" Ayn replied with the most nervous of tones in her voice.

"That's too bad, because this is my town, and since you're in my town, that makes you my property, got it? Now come here..." The wolf grabbed Ayn's arm in a firm grip, squeezing harshly as he started to pull her towards him.

"H-hey! Ow! Cut it out, stop it!" Ayn yelled in protest.

Wait? Ow? Pain?! Why is this hurting? This is a game right? It shouldn't hurt. Maybe shock or something, but not hurt! Something bad is going to happen to me isn't it? This shouldn't be happening! Help me doctor!

"Just let me go!!"

As if her miracles were answered, something rather miraculous happened. Ayn started to struggle against the wolf and suddenly pulled her arm back. With a feat of strange, superhuman strength; Ayn had pulled the wolf clear off his feet and sent him flying over her head and threw the air where he crashed hard on the ground a few feet away.

Ayn blinked a few times in surprise, looking to her arm, "Whoa...did I do that?"

The rest of the gang looked on in shock; astonished by their boss being dropped so easily.

"I knew it!" said the bat, "You're one of those bitch's experiments!"

"I'm a what now?" Ayn replied in confusion.

Unfortunately Ayn wasn't about to get a civil response. The entire gang closed in on her, weapons ready, fists pounding into palms; mercy was certainly not on their minds.

"Hold her down!" yelled the bat.

Two of the gang members grabbed onto Ayn from behind while the knife wielding feline charged in. While struggling against her two assailants, Ayn unintentionally kicked her leg up and jammed her foot right into the feline's solar plexus; the mouse's new found strength blowing the cat away, colliding into the bat and human behind her. Ayn then quickly bent her body forward, swinging the two that were grabbing her over her body, and slamming them hard onto the rough concrete.

"Give it up already!" Ayn yelled as she turned around to see more of the gang advancing on her. The super strength was cool and all, but she could easily lose this numbers game. Not trying to fight a losing battle, she did the next best thing; she turned tail and ran.

Hell bent on not letting her get away, the downed human from the previous trio rolled over onto his stomach and drew his sidearm. Aiming right in Ayn's general direction, he pulled the trigger; a loud - BANG! - echoing throughout the fairly quiet streets. Ayn was both startled by the sound of the gunshot and the bullet whizzing past her, barely missing; but it didn't stop her from running. The human male took aim again, firing multiple times at the fleeing mouse, one narrow miss after another until one struck true at the back of Ayn's thigh.

Ayn released a wild scream of agony as a sharp, stinging pain struck her leg. With shut eyes and gritted teeth, Ayn fell to the ground, clutching her thigh tightly while squirming in physical suffering. "Crap...it hurts...why does it hurt?! What kind of game is this? Get me out of here doctor! There's something seriously wrong! I know you can hear me, help!" Ayn cried out.

She drew in a deep breath, hissing with pain; opening her eyes and clawing along the sidewalk towards a nearby abandoned store, "This is the worst...what kind of game is this!? I just wanted to make some money...geez...this isn't fair..." Ayn murmured in a stupor of pain, ears flicking to the sounds coming from behind her: footsteps, laugher, and mumblings of what the gang was going to do to her.

"I just need to...I just need to...huh?" Ayn's eyes widened once she felt something strange in her leg; a weird sensation that sent incredible warm tingles throughout her body; she felt the wound in her thigh close up and the lodged bullet being pulled into her body and broken down within her flesh.

"Now what's happening?"

Ayn's body started to react wildly; her ears twitching madly while her tail flicked about frantically, her hands were shaking, her fingers and toes were wiggling. She felt a warm...no...a hot rumbling force building up filling up within her, causing a reaction she would have never expected: her body began to grow in size.

Her muscles tensed and bulged as her body started to rapidly swell. Her clothing became tighter and more restricting as they struggled to contain her growing form; but it was ultimately to no avail. Her feet burst free from her sneakers, her pants split in multiple places from the surging force of her legs, hips and rear end, her shirt and jacket became nothing more than mere tatters of fabric clinging to her body as she grew out of them. It was all so sudden and surprising.

Her clothes weren't the only victim of her swelling size either. The very shop she was attempting to escape into was blown to bits by her body's rapid growth thrusting her enlarging head into the storefront. The smaller buildings by her growing feet also met the same fate, being unable to survive the impact of battering ram toes. The gang members caught the worst it, as those that couldn't get away from the wrath of the growing mouse were caught underneath the growing wave of brown fur covered flesh; trapped underneath he increasing weight of the downed mouse.

After a few minutes, the growth finally stopped.

"Ow..." Ayn coughed out as she slowly rose up to a kneeling position, brushing out the dust and debris in her hair, "What in the world just happened? First the pain went away, then I got all...tingly," Ayn giggled. Tingly was an understatement; it was full blown pleasure that ran through the mouse, as evident by her hardened, swollen nipples and slight dampness between her thighs.

"So let's see...super strength, check. Strange automatic passive healing ability...check. Growing into a giant...check. Being naked...glad this isn't a public beta..."

She set her gaze downward, looking upon herself and noticing the bodies that were squished flat into her stomach. She let out a playful coo, amused and pleased by the sight in addition to feeling that rumbling pleasure still lingering within her. With a chuckle, she brushed off the flattened bodies and grinned, looking over to the remaining gang members that were paralyzed with fear.

"I think I'm starting to understand this game. Obviously it has an experience system; healing myself and beating you guys give experience, and me getting bigger means I leveled up!" Ayn said as she slowly rose to her feet, towering a few hundred feet high over the cowering thugs, "So let's have some fun," She grinned while slowly lifting her foot with a slow and playful flex of her toes. She shifted her weight forward and stomped her massive foot down in front of the group, knocking most of them over from the powerful force.

"Better get ready cause here comes Mousezillah!" With a playful roar, Ayn took her next step, right in the middle of the group. Most were lucky enough to scramble and dive narrowly out of the way of her descending paw; others weren't so fortunate.

Her full weight was brought down upon those that were stuck staring up at her brown furred paw bearing down on them; the sight of those pink pillow-soft pads provided only a false sense of security, unable to protect them from the sheer force and weight of the mouse girl's footfall. Since it were only a game, Ayn felt no need to hold back; driving her foot down deep into the tarmac now marked by an imprint in the shape of her foot. The already damaged streets were worsened as spider web-like cracks were formed throughout the streets.

With an amused grin, Ayn smirked while curling her toes slightly and digging them deeper into the surface, "Maybe they should have had a higher speed stat," Ayn said with a giggle.

"Dude, she just took out Johnny and Ace!" yelled one of the thugs.

"Shit man, what are we going to do?" asked another.

A third thug took out his gun and nodded to the others, "Dunno about you, but I'm not going down to Godzilla bitch over here."

"Fuck that, I'm out of here," said the second, "Don't drag me into your deathwish!"

Ayn watched curiously as the gang argued amongst themselves until they decided to split into two groups; those that were willing to stay and fight the deadly Mousezilla, and those that would rather run. She was surprised at how advanced this AI was; responding to the changes in situations so quickly and even carrying out life like actions. She had to ask the doctor about the programming once this test was all said and done.

After a few minutes of listening to them argue, Ayn decided to put her foot down, literally. She lifted her foot and brought it down right in front of the group; the heavy impact easily getting their attention. "Knock knock! I hope you guys aren't forgetting about the elephant in the room...well, the giant mouse in the city really," Ayn said with a smirk.

And as expected, the desired result was achieved. Ayn has their full attention, of those that wanted to stay and fight anyway. The rest turned tail and ran while those that remained drew forth their firearms, aiming at the giant naked mouse girl; and without so much as another word, they opened fire, unleashing a concentrated hail of bullets at the large target.

Satisfied with this moment, Ayn merely put her hands on her hips and grinned as she was filled with lead, literally. Each bullet was simply absorbed into her body; the instance of pain was immediately replaced with a flow of pleasure and that wasn't all; each bullet was making her grow even larger.

Ayn wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her body tight as she tilted her head back and moaned loudly towards the night skies. She shut her eyes tight as her body grew from the rumbling pleasure. Her ears twitched, her legs quivered, her tail whipped through the smaller appearing buildings, her nipples became even harder and more firm while the fuzz in between her thighs became more with her sexual juices.

Still ever persistent, the thugs continued to fire while backing away from her growing toes.

"I don't think this is working!" cried out one of the gang members.

"Just keep firing! She's got to give in at some point!"

"I think she's enjoying it!"

"Crap! I'm out!"

"Me too!"

"Screw it! Let's get out of here!"

Finally coming to their senses, the thugs followed their brethren's lead and turned tail to run while a massive mousie loomed overhead.

"Mmm..." Ayn moaned to herself as her eyes slowly fluttered open, "Now that was good..."

She slowly lowered her head and immediately took in the view of her new vantage point, grinning brightly upon what she saw. She marveled at how much bigger she was, or rather, how much smaller everything was in comparison; the tallest building she could see could barely reach her knee.

"Wow! I'm so...BIG! This city looks like one of those town models, amazing!" Ayn exclaimed, before noticing a mass of fleeing littles, "Oooh, more exp to be gained. Sorry guys, but I'm looking to reach the level cap here!"

With a flex of her toes, Ayn started to lift her foot while leaning forward; intent on making her next step land right on top of the crowd for all that delicious experience. Unfortunately, a still-standing powerline snagged her toeclaw as she started to move forward, causing her to lose her balance. With a yelp of surprise, Ayn's arms flailed wildly as she fell forward; her massive form crashing down on numerous buildings and those unfortunate enough to be caught under the gigantic mouse; making it rather safe to say that not only did she get the gang members, but she got all of that and then some.

"Oooh..." Ayn groaned while rubbing her head, "Gotta watch those first steps..."

She slowly rose up to her knees and watched as all the rubble and debris fell from her body; smirking as she noticed the myriad of bad guys plastered flat against her breasts and stomach. "Now that's mobbing done right," she amusingly quipped to herself before she felt those tingles once more, "Mmm...here we go again..." She gasped, cupping her breasts and waiting for those lovely sensations she had quickly grown used to. But this time, it came in the form of a different beast.

Ayn had defeated so many enemies at once, that her body began to overflow with "experience". Pleasure rumbled through her body with reckless abandon, overcoming her with lust as her body grew rapidly once again. "Oooh!" Ayn moaned deeply, cupping her breasts with a firm squeeze as she shut her eyes tight; her body quivering with the intensity of pleasure as her form swelled even larger.

Distant spectators looked on as the giantess surged larger in height from her kneeling position, growing far and beyond from where her face was visible down below. Her swelling rear and stretching feet demolished all behind her; her round rump rolling over anything in its path while her toes dug into everything in the way of their growth. Her thighs swelled and rose high, becoming like tall fuzzy canyon walls to those trapped in between them.

Ayn's sounds of pleasure echoed through the skies as she became miles and miles tall; casting a massive shadow for days from her kneeling position, and the bigger she became, the higher her arousal; and there was seemingly no end in sight due to the experience overflow she was receiving. Bigger, bigger and bigger still; growing for minutes on end until it finally slowed down to a stop. Ayn was still squeezing firm at her breasts, back arched with her head tossed back; gasping breathlessly for a few moments before slowly opening her eyes and finding herself among the clouds.

She slowly lowered her head, blinking as she gazed downwards with a small giggle, "Looks like I overdid it...the city just looks like a patch of dirt the size of a coaster...I can't even see anyone anymore..." Ayn leaned up higher on her knees and spread her legs some, noting some of her juices had already dripped over the city; flooding the streets with a small amount of her wetness.

"Ooh...what a mess," Ayn snickered, spreading her legs more as she hovered her hips over the city, "Wonder if I can finish off this area with just my goods...let's find out shall we?"

Even though she already knew the answer, it was far more fun to put things into practice. After positioning her glistening wet nether-lips over the dilapidated metropolis, she lowered her hips, burying the town under her mound; trapping all of it under her object of lust, the scent and heat of her arousal cast over the city like a blanket as she pushed her cunny onto it; twisting and circling her hips, grinding her cooch all over it.

The already damaged buildings were no match for the meteoric force of Ayn's sex. All were crushed and demolished by the larger than life womanhood. Ayn's hands found themselves hundreds of miles away from the city, pressed down into the earth, forming deep craters in the shape of her hand hands while she arched her back; pushing and grinding until she hit an incredible orgasmic finish; collapsing afterwards into a breathless heap as she basked in multi-mile afterglow.

For many long minutes Ayn laid there in sheer bliss, staring up at the digital space that seemed to go on forever. That was until that forever suddenly ripped open, revealing Shana's gigantic face grinning down at Ayn, "Had fun?" her voice boomed.

Ayn's eyes shot wide, the surprise hitting her like a truck along with the realization she was completely naked. She covered herself with a deep blush while staring up at Shana's larger-than-existence face, "D-doctor?! What's going on? Why are you so big?"

"Test is over, it had been over for a long while, but you were having so much fun, I let you carried on. You generously went way beyond my expectations and I thank you for that. So are you ready to come out now?" asked Shana.

"Oh...uh...sure," Ayn replied. And moments after, the world started to warp, spin and shift around her until she found the VR helmet was slowly being removed from her head.

"There. All done," Shana said before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a check, putting it into Ayn's hand after unstrapping her, "And here is your payment."

Ayn looked the check over and quickly bounced to her feet, "Wow! So much? Th-thanks doc! If you need anything else, um, feel free to call on me! I'll be glad to test anything else!"

"Oh I'm sure. I'll certainly keep you in mind. Now be on your way, I still have much more work to do...and you might also want to change your underwear," Shana remarked.

Ayn suddenly blushed and pressed her thighs together, nodding profusely, "Ah! Y-yes yes! You're right! Thanks for everything!" Ayn said before she scurried off to exit the lab.

Shana waited until Ayn was completely gone before entering another room in the lab where there were numerous tables with tiny cities on them; all hooked up to generators and water pumping systems. She paused at one table, looking it over with amusement. On it was a completely demolished city on a large piece of land littered with Ayn's hand prints, foot prints and her sexual juices.

"Unbelievable! There is nothing left. Looks like I'll have to make some adjustments to the avatar system. It's amazing what bit of ignorance and a lot of power could cause. On to the next test..."

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