[COMMISSION FOR KingofKOF] Another Day Another Fool

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#12 of Commission Stories


Contains: M/m, foot play, scent play, cocks, splooge, and (soft) vore.

As paid for by KingofKOF

It starts Miles as a spunky young pokemon trainer, trying to take on the task many have attempted: to capture Moonlight, and also fail.

Watch as Moonlight has his way with poor Miles.

Miles belongs to KingofKOF

Moonlight belongs to me.

"Whoa...he's...h-huge!" Miles squeaked upon spotting the gigantic Umbreon lounging by a river in the forest.

The young pup adjusted his trainer's cap and maneuvered closer to the black furred giant while staying in the cover behind the thick trees. Miles had heard the stories of Moonlight and saw numerous images and footage, but he wasn't prepared for a real life encounter; he was nervous enough following the flattened grass in the shape of those massive paw prints. Still, the possibility of having an enormous, powerful Umbreon as a partner is what kept him determined to carry out this folly.

Miles watched Moonlight from behind as the Umbreon was down on all fours, drinking in the cool, fresh water with a content sigh. Miles felt he had the element of surprise and pulled out a poke ball from his belt, readying his arm to hurl it at the Umbreon.

Moonlight twitched an ear to the quiet *click* of the poke ball being readied, causing him to roll his eyes in annoyance. The third one today trying to capture him; it should really be some sort of sport at this point. He waited until Miles finally through the ball at him, only to swat it back at the foolish canine with a flick of his tail.

"Ow!" Miles cried out as the ball beaned him square in the head, knocking his cap clean off of his head as he fell backwards onto the flattened grass. Amongst the throbbing pain on his forehead, he did quickly notice how warm the grass was underneath him, accompanied by a strong curious scent; the musk of the Umbreon's feet.

The vibrations from the ground underneath him brought him back to attention as he saw Moonlight looming over him; the Umbreon wearing nothing more than his usual pair of shorts. Miles shivered under the gaze of those red, glowing pools the Umbreon had for eyes as Moonlight just stared down at him.

"I swear. You guys never learn to stop trying to catch me," Moon regarded Miles, "The allure of a giant Pokémon is just too much to ignore, huh?"

Miles gulped, slowly crawling back away from the large, exotic creature, "Well...um...I just thought it'd be neat to have a giant partner like you!"

Moonlight rolled his eyes and took a step back, placing his hands on his hips, "Look here, pup, I've heard it all to be honest so here's how the routine goes: I give you one shot at capturing me. You use your Pokémon to try to weaken me, and then go for the catch. If you succeed, congratulations, you have your very own, one of a kind Umbreon unlike any other. If you lose...well part of the fun is not knowing what will happen. So let's get this over with."

Miles slowly sat up, poking his index fingers together, "Um...well..."

"Well what?" Moonlight asked, "Come on, get your Pokémon out and let's get this over with," He said impatiently.

"I...erm...don't have any Pokémon to battle with," Miles said sheepishly with a soft, embarrassed blush.

Moonlight shook his head in disappointment, "Well that's no fun at all now is it? That really cuts down on my playtime. I mean honestly, what were you thinking? Didn't anyone show you the ropes? Maybe give you a partner to start out with? Or help you catch one? I swear so many of you think it's just fun and games when you have no idea just how dangerous it is...but on the other hand this could be a good learning experience for you. Say kid, how fast can you run?"

Miles gulped, "R-run?"

Moonlight folded his arms and slowly raised his foot to hold it over Miles; forcing the pup to see what he was in for if he didn't move. Miles stared at the shiny black pads as crushed grass rained down around him. He realized instantly that this Umbreon was serious, and if he didn't move he'd be stepped on.

"I didn't stutter," Moonlight replied.

Miles instantly bolted away once he saw Moon's foot coming down, narrowly escaping by a few hairs as he started to run through the forest, darting about from tree to tree as he heard those heavy footfalls not too far behind him along with the brushing of leaves and the snapping of branches. He continued running until he inevitably tripped over an uproot, falling onto the grass and tumbling into some soft dirt with a pained grunt.

"You're pretty bad at this aren't you?" Moon taunted from above, "You're not very fast for one, and you're pretty bad at using your surroundings. What do they teach you trainers at those schools anyway?"

Miles groaned and rolled over onto his back, staring up at the Umbreon's grinning face from on high. He tried getting up to run again, but was instantly knocked over and pinned to the soft dirt by Moon's toe, which gingerly rested upon him.

"C'mon, you'll have to move faster than that," Moon said before lifting his toe, "Try again pup."

Miles coughed up some dirt while he stood up and looked to the Umbreon, as if looking for confirmation that he was allowed to run. Moonlight, however, took this a sign of hesitation and lifted his foot once more. But instead of giving Miles a chance to flee from underneath it; he brought it down, pinning the poor canine underneath that warm, heavy, powerful sole.

"You're out of your league kid; this isn't some kind of game. Tangling with Pokémon is dangerous," Moonlight warned as he drummed his toes against the soft forest floor, feeling the poor dog wriggle underneath his foot.

Miles tried to struggle and squirm free from being buried under Moonlight's sole, only getting the response of more weight and pressure pressed onto him. He turned his head as he was pinned flat to the ground; his face trapped between that yielding, pillowy pawpad and the soft, warm dirt. The fresh air he once breathed was replaced with a combination of earthly scents and the powerful musk of Moonlight's foot; that strange, alluring scent that many had fallen victim to and one of Moonlight's greatest weapons.

"There's a funny thing about us Umbreons that many people don't know, kid. Umbreons are capable of releasing a poisonous agent via sweat, mostly used to just fend off enemies, but some are capable of going beyond that. Think not just poisonous sweat, but poisonous mists and poisonous gas. Now not all poisons have to be lethal, they can be paralyzing agents; or even so much more, they can be hypnotic, they can be controlling, they can be aphrodisiacs...do you understand what I'm saying, puppy?" Moonlight asked with a grin, leaning his weight forward and pushing down harder on the novice trainer, pressing him further into the dirt, "That scent you smell makes you unable to resist me. You're completely mine now."

Amidst the heavy pressure, the strong indoctrinating scent and his own arousal; Moonlight's words made more sense to him, especially the last seven. He was suddenly thrilled to be the Umbreon's plaything, to be tortured and harassed by him constantly. Already he was fully aroused; a throbbing tent in his pants poking into the thick fur of Moonlight's sole.

"Aren't you just the naughtiest little thing? Getting turned on while nearing the brink of getting crushed flat, tsk tsk tsk, have you no shame?" Moonlight teased, carefully pressing down harder.

Miles groaned in both pain and pleasure; feeling his bones move onto the verge of snapping under the pressure as he was pushed further into the soft dirt. He was unable to move or struggle, only endure the crushing weight of that massive paw. Most would have cursed the Umbreon at this point or cried out for help, but Miles had completely given into Moonlight and instead of having his life go before his eyes, he came in his pants with an intense orgasm.

Soon after Miles felt a rush of cool, fresh air as Moonlight lifted his foot and set it down next to the pup. The young trainer gasped for air, trying to fully piece together what happened while noticing the wetness in his pants. His blush never faded as he looked up toward the cause; the giant Umbreon smiling down at him.

"What a silly little trainer you are, getting off while on the verge of getting crushed," Moonlight purred, wiggling his toes, "But I do have to give you credit, you made the experience rather...enjoyable for me..." The handsome Umbreon groaned in pleasure while grabbing the horny trainer between his toes; rubbing the giant, black, boulderous digits against his bruised and tiny body while Moonlight undid his shorts, letting them drop down around his ankles with a light *thud* while he lowered his boxers down to his thighs.

The assault by Moonlight's toes forced an even darker wet spot on the crotch of Miles' pants; unable to help but climax continuously under the mercy of those powerful digits brushing, rubbing and squeezing against him. But even though Miles busied himself with those toes, he did manage to catch the sight of the Umbreon revealing himself; seeing those large, fluffy, heavy cum-filled balls underneath the massive, thick, pulsating, black colored single-yellow-ring-decorated, ebon phallus that was Moonlight's cock; a sight that excited the horny canine even more.

"Mmmph..." groaned the Umbreon as he curled his fingers around his thick, pulsating shaft; stroking it slowly and gingerly as he smirked down to the young trainer, "Can't let you have all the fun now can I?" He joked while playfully flicking Miles out from in between his toes.

Even while being knocked flat on his ass, Miles couldn't help but look up in awe at the Umbreon pleasuring himself; this powerful creature looming over him while basking in self enjoyment was incredible.

"Heh...you're such a little pervert..." Moon whispered as he cupped his balls with his free hand and squeezed lightly, pressing his thumb against his shaft while tilting it forward, "But you've been a good little puppy, so I suppose to deserve some kind of reward." He chuckled as a bead of thick precum built up around the tip. He gave himself a light shake and let that dollop of seed fall, landing right on top of Miles.

In an instant, Miles was suddenly covered in hot, sticky, sweet tasting umbry splooge as that drop exploded all over him, soaking his clothes and matting down his fur, "Oooh...it's so warm," Miles murred, wriggling in the mess like a pig in filth.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it," growled the Umbreon as he continued to stroke himself, licking his lips as he dropped down to his knees, releasing his member and letting it flop down on top of Miles, burying him underneath the hot and smooth cockhead.

He shifted his hips back and forth, rubbing the tiny trainer into the sticky mess while splurting up more preseed over him while giggling in amusement. The canine's enjoyment furthered his own, knowing no matter what he did to Miles, the pup would enjoy it. He took his member in hand again, lifting it up with the tiny trainer stuck to the head as planned. Moonlight sat in an upright position while he continued to stroke himself, nudging Miles to lay over the slit of his cockhead while licking his lips, "We're going to go for an impressive finish on this one."

With a firm squeeze of his shaft, Moonlight forced his own finish; his dick erupting like a volcano as a powerful burst of umbrycum shot free from his cockhead, carrying Miles along with it. Moonlight tilted his head back slightly and opened wide, skillfully catching the cum-soaked puppy in his hot, dripping wet maw; Miles landing with a playful squeak on that thick tongue.

"Mmmph..." Moonlight purred delightfully while closing his mouth shut; his vibrating tongue pressing the little dog up to the roof of his mouth, suckling on the excitable male as the Umbreon delighted in his own flavor mixed in with Miles' own. He was surprised at how delicious the trainer was; it wasn't too often he came across someone so delectable. Miles was certainly thrilled to be along for the ride; the prospect of being swallowed brought his arousal to new heights. Miles murred and squeaked with pleasure as he was treated like a piece of candy while taking a full tour of Moonlight's mouth in the humid, purple-tinted darkness.

Of course Moonlight was never one to play with his food for long; a moment in which Miles was waiting for.

The giant, handsome Umbreon tilted his head back as he stroked himself some more, releasing load after load all over the trees and forest floor while drawing the tiny trainer toward the back of his throat. He felt him slide down into his gullet, wriggling excitedly against the tight muscles squeezing against him.

Moonlight placed a free hand against his throat, touching upon the thick, Miles shaped lump as he swallowed; feeling him slide down further and further until he gulped one last time: a loud, heavy gulp that sent Miles plummeting into his stomach, landing in the Umbreon's stomach juices with an unheard splash.

Moonlight sighed contently, lying back as he fired off his final load, rubbing his stomach happily with a purr. "Mmm...delicious...you had some use after all, puppy."

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