[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] AquaMarine Mayhem

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#11 of Commission Stories


Contains: F/f, F/m, M/f, growth, shrink, fighting, sexual activity between two females.


Done this one for Meister Li a while back in which he commissioned some growth antics with Misao while having Joolira involved.

I've decided to mix his request in with using my pirate girls, resulting a rather fun, though rather long story.

Ups and downs aside, I enjoyed writing it, and it's been a long time since I did girl/girl anything so yeah.

All the characters in the story with the exception of Bou and Joolira belong to me.

Bou and Joolira belong to Meister Li

"We've hit the jackpot, ladies!"

Marine Jacquie Janet, the captain of the Aquamarine Pirates stood proudly over the crew's recent treasure finding. Deep within an island, a cave contained a massive hoard of treasure from an undersea tribe; jewelry, artifacts, weapons, and magically charged items, all carefully crafted and decorated.

"Walter, help the Sisters load up the bulk of the loot onto the ship, the rest can load up the smaller loads," Marine ordered, her turquoise colored eyes shimmering with eager ambition.

The large bulky Garchomp pokemorph adjusted her cap and nodded, "Aye-yai cap'n!" Walter replied as she joined the three bunnies known as the Sisters in gathering up treasure to carry out of the cave.

"Sangria, find me that staff. I know it's here," commanded Marine. The staff was the reason she was here, the rest of the treasure was just a heavy helping of icing on her cake of conquest.

The shape shifting woman known as Sangria shifted into the shape of an anthro mole and proudly saluted her captain, "You got it boss!" She chirped before diving into the piles of exotic treasure to find the particular artifact.

"And Galore," Marine turned to regard a witch hat sporting feline with yellow fur, who grinned widely in response, "You're positive our guest will appear?"

Galore tilted her hat up, blue eyes twinkling as she looked to her captain, "This is her treasure after all, boss. It will be only a matter of time before she appears."

"Excellent, once Sangria finds the staff I'm sure our target will appear in no time. And if she shows up before we have the staff, it doesn't matter, our plan still works out the same," said Marine.

"If you don't mind me asking, you're taking a lot of stock in Cieliel's Staff...are you sure it'll work?" Galore asked.

Marine dragged her tongue across her pretty pink lips and smirked to her crewmate, "When have I ever been wrong, Pussy? I've seen the Water Tribe's power firsthand. It will work. I'll have that power right in my hands and we'll truly be the greatest pirates the world has ever seen. We'll be unstoppable! The entire world's loot will be for the taking and I'll even have her right where I want her."

"By her, you mean Misao Penumbra, and by where you want her you mean face deep in between your thighs," Galore said as a matter-of-factly, giving a wide toothy grin to her captain.

Marine's pink cheeks flushed a deep red with a twitch of her eye, the captain now visibly flustered by her crewmate's words. She couldn't deny it; her incredible crush on Misao had reached near obsessive levels. She had a lot of Misao's merchandise made famous by her super heroine status in her quarters. Posters, figures, a coin bank, and more questionable unapproved merchandise, like a body pillow and sex toys. The only thing Marine liked more than Misao was her crew; treasure and riches were third on that list.

"L-l-l-let's just focus on the task at hand..." Marine grumbled, focusing on the treasure pile as mole!Sangria dug and dug until she came to a stop, and soon after there was more shuffling before Sangria emerged from a pile of exotic jewelry, holding up a ornate staff decorated with various jewels along the handle and a claw like end, holding a blue orb.

"Is this it?" Sangria asked while walking over to Marine to hand the staff over.

Marine's fins perked up as she took the staff up in her hand, looking it over while a large grin appeared on her face. "Ladies, from here on out, the world will literally be in the palms of our hands. We hold the incredible power of the ancient Water Tribe right here."


A loud ethereal voice boomed throughout the cavern, causing it to shake as if it were flinching from the voice, causing bits of rock and dust to rain down from the ceilings.

The source of the voice made itself show as it appeared upon a nearby rock, a fiery haired water imp known as...

"Joolira. You finally showed," Marine said with a smile.

The three foot tall Joolira looked to the girls from her vantage point, an annoyed expression appearing on the face of her large head, "Pirates...why is it always pirates? It's ALWAYS pirates TOUCHING MY STUFF!" The cavern shook when she raised her voice, an obvious sign she was as powerful as she was unique looking, but the pirates weren't fazed one bit, especially Marine.

Marine tapped the base of the six foot staff against the ground by her foot, holding it as if she were some kind of mage in a roleplaying game. "Aww, why so angry? You should be happy that your treasure is among those people want. Don't be such a brat."

"I'll show you a brat! If you like my treasure so much, maybe I'll turn you all into jewelry so you can join the pile!" Joolira heaved her large head back and drew in a deep breath; puffing her cheeks out in a comical, cartoonish manner before she belched out a stream of green color fire toward the pink colored Vaporeon.

"Thought you might do something like that," Marine said in a bit of a "just as planned" fashion. She lifted the staff, the blue orb that rested in the claw like grip of the jeweled pole shimmering with a bright light. That green flame suddenly switched direction, spiraling in a corkscrew manner toward the orb, absorbing it into itself. The orb didn't stop with the flame however as it started to draw in the source of the flame, Joolira herself.

"What were you saying about turning us into jewelry? You're about to be a fine crystal ball," Marine taunted while holding up the staff, laughing proudly as she watched Joolira claw wildly at the air as she was slowly being drawn toward the orb.

"Nooo! I don't want to be sealed again! How do you even know how to use that staff?! Nooooo!!!" Joolira cried out as she couldn't resist any longer, being sucked up into the orb.

The pirates waited a few moments for everything to settle; all eyes on the orb as it ceased glowing, like it was satisfied with its meal. Marine lowered the staff and smiled with amusement, looking to her fellow crewmembers, "Cieliel's Staff, ladies!"

Galore nodded her head in satisfaction, showing her teeth with an amused smirk, "My my, the water tribe's magic certainly is something else. Looks like those old texts didn't lie."

"How fascinating," said Sangria as she approached to take a look at the staff, "It's powerful enough to stop even someone of the water tribe? Mmm? What's this?" Sangria took a closer look at the blue orb, gesturing to Marine and Galore to do the same.

Upon closer inspection, they could make out a tiny figure throwing a tantrum within the orb: a tiny Joolira, a sight which drove Galore into a fit of giggles. "You weren't kidding boss when you said you'd make her a crystal ball," Galore said as she tapped playfully on the surface of the orb, watching as Joolira mouthed off unheard profanity.

"Now now girls," Marine pulled back the staff with a grin, "This is only the beginning. It's time we set our sights on a particular city. It has plenty of banks, museums and stores that are just ripe for the literal taking..."


They came out of nowhere. Giantesses, all sporting the heart and crossbones symbol of the Aquamarine Pirates. Their sudden appearance was an attack that the city forces couldn't prepare for. While they didn't have the numbers to make up an army, they certainly had the unexpected size. The members of the crew were upsized to anywhere from two hundred feet to three hundred feet which Marine herself stood at, staff enlarged right beside her as she watched from her airship, which hovered over the city high above.

The Sisters went in first, the big bunnies romping through the streets to acquire their primary targets: the city's banks. It took robbing banks on a whole new level as they didn't steal FROM the bank, the stole the ENTIRE buildings; uplifting them from the ground with newfound strength that accompanied their sizes.

The banks were then delivered to Sangria, in the form of a giant harpy, who would fly the buildings up to the titanic airship that hovered high above in the skies, easily covering a large section of the city in shadow. To put it in perspective, think of a pirate ship that's large enough to support a crew that range from 200-300ft in height.

With each looting, more giantess pirates appeared to assist with the larger banks while others started snatching up jewelry stores and stealing from museums with hardly any resistance.

The surprise attack thinned out the city's forces, most occupied with trying to evacuate the area while more offensive squads tried to carry out their strikes in more contained sections of the city that would avoid civilian casualties. It proved too much to handle due to the lack of manpower and force to combat the physical and magical capabilities of the jumbo-sized Aquamarine Crew.

The city's forces were left with no choice; they had to call in the help of the local hero duo that has helped them fight crime time and time again.


"We're way overdue for a vacation," Misao said with a sigh as she hung up her phone and got up from the couch, her lounging disturbed by a phone call to action.

"Oh don't be like that, Misao, it's what we signed up for right? To beat the bad guys and save the day!" Her squirrely boyfriend walked out of the kitchen wearing a pink frilly apron with the words "Kiss The Cook" with a smiley face draped over a simple white shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He pulled off his pink oven mitts and set them down on the counter.

"I know, Bou, I know," grumbled Misao as she reluctantly got up from the couch, looking down to her black oversized t-shirt and denim shorts-shorts, "I just wish villains took weekends off. But at least it's serious, giants invading the city..." she looked to her silver bracelet and tapped it a few times, unleashing a bright flash of light that washed over her, replacing her loungewear to her often seen black leotard and elbow length fingerless gloves.

Bou gave a playful wolf whistle, never tiring of seeing his Vaporeon partner's curves tightly snug in her outfit to which Misao just rolled her eyes, "Lookin' good as always!" He said with a smile, removing his apron and setting it down, "How many bottles do you think you'll need?"

"Two should be enough, considering the situation. I'm going to have one right away and I want you to stay close, just in case," Misao said with a nod.

Bou was already preparing the water bottles, magically infused water for the purpose of powering Misao up, "Stay close? That means I get to..." Bou slowly turned his head, eyes locking onto Misao's cleavage while he pointed with a perverted grin.

Misao sighed exasperatedly, "Yes Bou, you get to ride along, but please stay focused."

"I'll be more focused than I've ever been in my life!" Bou said proudly as he handed Misao a bottle and kept the other in his jacket after putting it on.

After their preparations were made, the duo stepped out from their quiet, cozy home by the lake and held hands. Bou closed his eyes and worked his magic, a soft yellow light swirling around the two until they were enveloped entirely in it; in a blink, there was a bright flash and Misao and Bou had vanished, teleporting off to the city.

The two appeared not so far away from all the chaos, where they saw firsthand what the problem was. Misao's expression became one of blank annoyance upon seeing the colors and banner of the Aquamarine Pirates, while Bou turned his attention to the source of the massive shadow in the sky.

"Look! Is that their ship?" Bou asked while pointing straight upwards.

"Seems like they got their hands on something powerful," Misao said with a sigh, "This is going to be a long day." She held up her bottle of shimmering liquid and unscrewed the top, bringing it to her lips to drink down the magic infused water within. With each gulp her body started to morph and change into something more powerful; her muscles started to bulge and bulk slightly, becoming more toned (and not overly so) and she started to increase in size. Her body swelled and surged larger as she grew from the powerful magic flowing through her, which would normally have taken far much more than a simple bottle of water to make her this more powerful.

She drank and drank, her body swelling and growing in size as she did so until she hit her usual 300 foot size, not seeing the need to go any bigger and storing away the spare energy just in case. Bou had already found himself settled in his favorite vantage point: right in her cleavage, ready to support her in case she needed it.

Misao was particularly in the mood for her usual theatrics. No dramatic posing and no worn out announcements that criminals were going to be brought to justice. Since her first encounter with the pirates, Marine and her crew have been nothing more than a bunch of numerous thorns in Misao's bouncy blue behind. She wasn't playing around, as evident by her first attack.

The giant vixen looting a whole jewelry store never saw the surprise attack coming as she was blindsided by a small abandoned store nailing her in the head, the structure exploding into a burst of brick and dust. The vixen's head snapped to the side as she stumbled, dropping the jewelry store on top of an abandoned SUV.

"YEOWCH!" She howled out, clutching the side of her head and slowly turned to see what the cause was, "Hey, what was the big idea---" the fox pirate's answer came in the form of Misao's blue sole smashing right into her face and sending her flying back onto a plaza parking lot, crushing numerous vehicles under her body.

This easily caught the attention of the other pirates, stopping in their actions to acknowledge the super heroine.

"Oh crud! Misao's here!" cried out one of the pirates. A cry that rallied up the other pirates to deal with their number one nemesis as roughly a dozen of them occupied the streets to surround the Vaporeon.

Misao stood at the ready, those lovely blue eyes shifting back and forth as she looked from one giantess to the other. Her mermaid-like tail flopped once and her fins filted twice as she considered her options. There weren't any innocent bystanders, so she had no reason to hold back, it was now just a matter of not getting caught off guard.

"You're surrounded and outnumbered, Penumbra! Better just give up now, our captain has special plans for you," said a feline.

"What else is new," Misao said while rolling her eyes, clearly not bothered by their little threat.

"There's about a dozen of them, Misao!" Bou called out from the depths of her blue bosom, "You can take em!"

"You can always join me up here and help," Misao quipped.

"Ah well...you know I'm terrible around women, and I have the best seat in the house! Why would I give this up?" Bou replied with his typical grin.

Misao shook her head, "You'll never change...even when in the middle of a fight. So then ladies, who's going first?"

Misao's answer came in the form of a spry young wolfess lunging at her from behind with a raised fist, looking to get the jump on her. Misao twisted her body slowly, reaching an arm back to catch the canid's fist, grab her arm, and fling her over the Vaporeon's shoulder to toss her into the pair in front of her; the wolfess flying into her fellow crewmembers and sending them crashing to the ground.

"Oh look, three down," Misao quipped.

The remaining pirates all rushed in to attack Misao at once, trying to overwhelm her, only to be soundly beaten by her skill and power in a rather stunning display, all without breaking a sweat. Her movements were graceful and her strikes were powerful; much like the water that made up most of her wellbeing.

Misao stood proudly in the middle of her fallen enemies, taking the time to enjoy her combat superiority before reminding herself that she had to get to the bottom of this. "Now we need to find Marine and end this nonsense."

"Think she's up on the ship?" Bou asked as he glanced upward.

Misao tapped her chin in thought, "Wouldn't surprise me, it'd make her feel like a queen on a throne, like she thinks she is. She had to have found something that made her crew and her ship so big."

Bou closed his eyes for a few short moments before opening them, "I can feel traces of magic everywhere. You think they found some kind of powerful magical artifact?"

"Must be. I don't think Galore is THAT good of a witch," Misao folded her arms, inadvertently squishing Bou in between her soft, blue breasts, "If Marine found some kind of magic treasure that can enlarge her entire crew and ship, this can be a big problem."

Bou squeaked as he was happily pressed in between that soft, warm, yielding blue boobflesh until Misao realized her error, relaxing her arms so he could catch his breath. "Ahem...mm...well it's already a big problem."

"You know what I meant! Anyway let's get over to the pier, I can't fly and you can't port me up there at this size, so we'll have to get a boost!" Misao said as she started to dash down the street before moving to a sudden stop.

"Bou, you feel that?"

"I'm too busy feeling something else."

"Those vibrations, it's...WHOA!" Misao leapt up into the air as the ground burst open in front of her as a giant sized Walter attempted a surprise attack underneath.

"Long time no see girlie!" The Garchomp cackled as she reached out and grabbed Misao by the ankle, snatching her out of the air and swung her over to slam her down harshly onto the ground; the streets cracking and breaking from the heavy impact. Walter lifted Misao by her leg again to toss her aside with her incredibly strength (made even more incredible by being 30 stories tall), sending the Vaporeon crashing through buildings and landing a quarter mile away.

"Ugh...not long enough," Misao groaned, covered in dust and debris. She slowly rose to her feet, rubbing her chin, "Glad I'm built to last, you okay down there Bou?"

Bou poked his head out from in between the depths of Misao's breasts, smiling up to her, "Don't worry about me, I can take punishment too, and I have plushy shielding down here."

"Remind me to kill you when we get home," Misao muttered as she turned her attention towards Walter, licking her lips. "How many times have we done this dance now? You know I have the better win record, right?"

Walter licked her chops while adjusting her cap, eyeing the Vaporeon hungrily before hunching down, making it clear she was about to charge, "Today is gonna be much different girlie, today's the day yer gunna be retired!" Walter dashed in with sheer speed that betrayed her size; surprisingly and unnervingly fast and nimble for all those pounds of muscle she had.

However, as fast as Walter was, Misao already had the experience, foresight, and agility to outmaneuver the powerful Garchomp, twirling around to Walter's right while whipping her thick tail at the front of Walter's ankles. The strike knocked Walter off balance, allowing Misao an opportunity to attack by launching herself towards Walter from behind, wrapping an arm about her thick neck in a pseudo head lock while bringing her face crashing to the ground.

"Yeah! Misao's patented face crusher!" The Vaporeon exclaimed upon completing her attack. She wasn't finished however, as she rose to her feet and went behind the fallen Garchomp to seize Walter's thick tail in her arms. Misao grit her teeth as she started to spin her body and drag Walter with her, swinging the Garchomp's hefty body in circles by her tail. She spun around a few times before releasing Walter's tail, sending her flying a fair distance across the downtown area of the city that they made their battleground; hundreds of tons of bulky force blowing through buildings and rolling over smaller storefronts.

"Whoo! Go Misao!" Bou cheered from his vantage point.

"Ah she ain't so tough, I'm overdue for a real challenge," Misao replied proudly.

If there was anything her enemies knew what to exploit, it was two things; her ego, and her species' weakness to electricity. Lurking behind a few buildings was a witch cat ready for the prime opportunity to arrive, dragging her tongue across her fangs as she removed her black gloves and brought up her hands in a ready-to-claw motion as she unleashed a lightning bolt spell. "Zap!" She announced, unleashing her supernatural works; blue bolts of electricity shooting out from her claw tips to shock Misao with a blast.

Misao let out a loud yell of pain as her body tensed up before spasming as the shock surged through her; her body twitching wildly until she fell over onto her front with a grunt. Galore bounded over with a giggle, pouncing upon the fallen Misao with a grin, "Sorry Vappie-kins, can't have you getting in the way of this plan. We already prepared for you," Galore said as she leaned in over Misao, reaching a hand down underneath her and pushing it in between her breasts, "Let's see now...ah here we are!" She exclaimed as her fingers pinched the smaller Bou to pull him out and hold him up to a feline eye.

"H-hey! Lemme go!" Bou protested as he struggled against Galore's fingers, trying to push her thumb away.

Galore licked her lips and opened the satchel at her hip and tapped Bou's head with a finger, "Sorry squirrely, have to take you out of the equation, but don't you worry your cute little head, we'll treat you well," She pushed out her lips and pressed them against Bou's head with a sweet kiss before depositing him in her pack, closing it shut. "I have to admit, this plan is going fairly well."

"We'll see about that!" Misao growled, pushing herself up off the ground to throw Galore off her back and take a swing at her with a fist, but the cat proved to be as nimble as she was crafty, flipping back out of the way of Misao's strike.

Galore giggled and landed gracefully with the metallic crunch of an SUV being flattened under her right boot. She adjusted her hat while grinning fangedly at Misao as her eyes shifted away from the Vaporeon to something else entirely, "Oh no, I'm afraid this game is over."

Misao narrowed her eyes slowly while trying to meet Galore's gaze, turning her head over her shoulder to spot the Sisters approaching behind her. She looked to each of the differently colored bunnies before turning back to Galore, "You know that numbers game never works."

"Normally? No, now? It will." Galore said simply and snapped her fingers. The ground opened underneath Misao as two large blue hands reached out to grab her ankles, holding her in place.

Walter's head popped out of the ground soon after; the dragonshark grinning from ear to ear (figuratively as she doesn't have regular ears), "Yer too overconfident for your own good, girlie," She taunted while she gave an opportunity for the Sisters to close in and grab Misao, holding down her body and arms while Walter retained her legs.

Misao grunted loudly as she struggled against the combined hold on her body, which actually served to give her enemies a hard time. Misao was strong, incredibly strong; if not for the strength boosts from the magic that grew the pirates, Misao would have easily tossed them all off. "Get off of me!"

"Oh don't be such a spoil sport, after all there's someone dying to meet you," Galore said with a smirk, glancing off to the side.

"Oh yeah?!" Misao shot back amidst her grunts, "Who is that?"

"Why who else?" said a beautiful, airy voice, a voice that was all too familiar to the held down Vaporeon: The captain of the Aquamarine Pirates, Marine Jacquie Janet, "And goodness me, Misao. You're as dangerous as you are beautiful. You've made quite a big mess of this town on your own than my own crew," She said as she slowly approached her number one enemy and heartthrob, that magical staff right at her side.

"Ugh...and let me guess, this is the part where you try to get me to join your crew. For the last time, Marine, the answer is no, give it up."

Marine gave an overdramatic gasp, placing a hand over her chest and feigned a wince, lowering her fins and pouting at her fellow species, "Oh Misao, my dearest, darling Misao. You never fail to break my heart you know. What kind of heroine goes around breaking the hearts of her fans, I wonder?"

"Maybe if you weren't some kind of horny, lesbian, psychopath!" Misao replied.

"Oooh...that stings. That's one thing I like about you, you just know how to get me to shiver in just the right ways, but I'm giving you a chance here," Marine held the orb of the staff against Misao, playfully rubbing it back and forth across her breasts, "You give me what I want, or I take what I want. I'm fine with either."

Misao tried to shy away from Marine's unwanted advances, biting down on her lower lip to fight off any feelings of pleasure with pain as she continued to struggle against her enemies, "No. No, a thousand times, no!" Misao growled.

Marine shrugged, taking a few steps back and running her hand across the orb before pointing it at Misao, "Suit yourself. I was kind of hoping you'd say no so I could try out my new toy on you. After all, if I can't have you as a lover, well...I'll take you as a pet!" The orb started to glow and shower Misao in a blinding blue light, instantly sapping power away from her.

Misao could feel herself being drained; the energy boost provided by Bou's magic quickly faded, and she instantly felt exhausted. More and more power was being stripped away from her, leaving her unable to maintain her size. She slowly shrunk down to her regular height, falling into the black handpaws of the black furred bunny of the Sisters; Jam. Misao was still dizzy, disoriented and tired from the process, flopping onto the thick, pillowy main pad of the bunny; drifting off into unconsciousness.

"Aw, looks like it proved too much for the mighty Misao," Marine smiled, gingerly picking up the smaller Vaporeon and depositing her in between Marine's impressive cleavage, "Now then, back to work everyone. Finish cleaning up this town and we'll get a move on!"


Galore happily entered her quarters-turned-alchemy lab on the Queen; the vessel of the Aquamarine Pirates. Marine left the staff in her care while she rushed off to her own quarters for some private time with Misao. She slowly shut the door and walked over to her workbench, setting down her satchel and the staff on top of it. She removed her gloves to allow herself to run her exposed fingers along the shaft of the staff; marveling at its design and how expertly crafted it was. She could feel the magical energies at her fingertips, tingling sensations tickling at her pads; it was a staff of empowerment, used in the Water Tribe's wars to strengthen their allies to overwhelm their enemies, and it worked like a charm.

Galore's deep blue eyes then went to her satchel; her pack where she normally contained various potions and empty phials should she need them, but there was also that extra catch: Bou, a magically gifted squirrel. She slowly reached toward the pack to undo the latch, eager to see what makes the squirrel tick, eager to experiment on him.

Bou shielded his eyes as light flooded into the now open pack. He hoped his plan had worked. He could have escaped from Galore's satchel at any point, but he figured if he waited, he'd have the chance to infiltrate the ship and save Misao. He hid behind a phial filled with pink colored liquid as Galore peered in; devious blue eyes scanning back and forth for him.

"Well isn't that cute. Trying to hide from me in plain sight," said Galore, pointing out Bou's flaw as she pushed her pack over, sending the phials, vials, and of course, Bou, tumbling out of the pack and onto the smooth, wooden surface.

"Oof...not one of my better ideas," Bou grumbled as he sat up rubbing his head, only to see a shadow become darker and larger underneath him. He quickly looked up and saw Galore reaching down for him, narrowly rolling out of the way as her hand crashed down onto the table, "Now that's close!"

"Don't be so proud of yourself," Galore said softly as she quickly snatched up Bou with her other hand, fingers curling tight around him as she lifted him up towards eye level, "You can't get away that easil---what the?!" As she took a closer look at Bou, she realized she was holding nothing more than a plushified decoy of him that made little squeaks when she squeezed it. Her eyes narrowed and looked back to the table only to see him making faces are her while sticking his tongue out.

"Why you little..." Galore growled and reached for Bou again, only to find him explode in a burst of light the moment she snatched her fingers around him. She clenched her teeth tightly as she started to tremble with fury, "I don't have time for these games! Where are you?!"

"Surprise!" Bou called out from behind the orb of the staff as he popped out, readying a bow and arrow made of light magic, pointed directly at Galore's face.

Galore kept her eyes low, narrow and locked upon the squirrel, twitching her nose as her lips pulled back into a smirk. She leaned in over the table, rising up on tiptoe, wriggling her rump back and forth as her tail lazily swayed in a serpentine manner behind her, "Oh that's cute...that's very cute. Trying to fight me huh?"

"Well...I'd rather not...especially a girl, I don't like hitting girls, but if you force me to, then I'll fire! I need to rescue Misao!" Bou yelled out while pulling back on the glowing string.

"Aren't you the little hero...but you're going to need more than shoot glowing tooth picks at me!" Galore started to bring her hand down upon Bou, prompting him to fire at that very instant; the arrow launched from his hands and flew right into Galore's eyes, the gigantic feline hissing and howling out in pain as she stumbled backwards from the table right into her bookcase; the impact causing the shelves to collapse and rain down numerous heavy books on top of her.

Bou just smiled proudly at himself and stood triumphantly with his hands on his hips, "Ha! See! I've played enough adventure games to know you have to shoot the big bosses in the eye!"

*tink* *tink*

Bou's gloating was quickly interrupted by the sound of something hitting against glass, quickly directing his attention to the source, the large blue orb at the end of the giant sized staff. Bou looked on in curiosity as he approached the orb about one and a half times the size of a medicine ball in comparison. He leaned in close, looking past his reflection and into the orb and suddenly Joolira's face appeared, making a goofy expression.

"Gah!" Bou fell over backwards onto his rump while the captive water imp laughed happily at her childishness.

"Gotcha!" Joolira said proudly with a larger than life grin, "Now with that out of the way, can you do me a favor and GET ME OUTTA HERE! I really don't do so well in cramped spaces..."

Bou blinked and approached the orb once more, placing his hand up against the cool surface, "You're trapped? How'd you get in there? And who are you anyway? How do I know you're not some evil world destroying being that got sealed?"

Joolira's grin shrunk as she stared blankly passed her reflection at Bou, blinking a few times, "Well you're either really smart or a total nerd, but the simple version is that I'm NOT! I was minding my own business with my own treasure and these pirates showed up and captured me with my tribe's own magic! I'm the...what do you call it...the captured princess, the damsel in distress here!"

"You don't look like a princess; you look like an imp thing."

"Maybe I have a secret princess form! Did you ever think of that?!" Joolira sighed exasperatedly, this wasn't getting them anywhere, "Look if you get me out of here, I'll do you a favor, anything you want. Like a genie granting a wish, but you only get one, not three, and no wishing for more wishes!"

Bou's expression became a serious one as he put his hands up against the cool glass of the orb, nodding his head lightly, "I just want one thing. To save Misao, my girlfriend. She got captured by the captain and had her power drained by this staff."

Joolira grinned brightly in response, "Aww that's so sweet! Okay, you have a deal. I can tell you have a lot of magic in you, so just focus your powers and thoughts with the staff to get me out of here, and hurry, I don't think that mangy cat will stay down for long."

"Alright, just leave it to me!" Bou drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes with his hands pressed up against the glass, focusing his magic along with the power of the staff to release Joolira from her captivity. Bou hummed with concentration; his body began to glow with a soft yellow light as the orb began to shimmer and shine, the surging of yellows and blues intensifying until Joolira was flown out of the orb as if shot from a gun; the water imp yelling out as she went tumbling across the large workbench.

"Not the most graceful of rescues," Joolira muttered as she rose up to dust herself off, hovering lightly above the wooden surface.

Bou laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his head, "Err sorry about that, but you're free now! So let's go save Misao!"

Joolira glanced upward and grinned, "You might want to do something about your cat problem first."

All the while during Bou's rescue mission, Galore had managed to crawl out from underneath the mountain of heavy (made heavier by the fact they were upsized) books that left her body bruised and battered and her fur frizzed and frazzled. Her hat was bent and damaged and she was forced to keep one eye shut due to Bou's arrow.

Bou turned around to see a pissed off Galore taking a wide swipe at Bou with a giant paw. Bou was quick enough to activate his protective magic bubble around him as Galore's hand smashed into him, sending him flying off the table and onto the wooden floor where he bounced a few feet across the room.

Galore growled deeply as she slowly walked up to Bou's smaller form, purposely stepping heavily to spook the squirrel as she stalked him, "Think you can make a fool out of me you little runt?!"

"Oof...hey now...you started it," Bou replied while he was trying to shake away the cobwebs from his mind; still dizzy from being knocked around like that, however, before he could fully recover, Galore was already standing over him, casting the squirrel in her menacing shadow, her booted feet set on both sides of him.

"Mmm..." Galore purred deeply, bending down towards Bou and resting her arms over her thighs, "Now I wonder what I should do...tear you limb from limb? Crush you like a bug? Or maybe find out what tiny squirrel tastes like?"

"I vote for none of the above!" Bou quipped before squeaking as Galore wrapped her fingers around him once again, his protective bubble bursting into sparkles of light with the sound of glass shattering.

She slowly lifted him up to eye level, licking her lips while snaking her tail back and forth. "No more of these silly tricks of yours," she whispered. She started to part her lips and open her mouth wide, if not for Joolira suddenly appearing on her nose.

"You?!" Galore blurted out.

She rested her hands upon her wide hips while tapping her foot while shaking her head, "Nope nope, this won't do at all." She hovered up into the air and simply clapped her hands twice, "Chaaaaange places!"

"What?" said Galore.

"Huh?" said Bou.

It happened in a disorienting instant. Bou suddenly found himself where Galore was standing with a three inch (in comparison) Joolira hovering before him. He blinked repeatedly in confusion before looking around, finding the entire room 'normal sized' to him in comparison.

"I...what? What happened to that cat?" Bou asked in the midst of his confusion.

The answer came to him in the form of some frantic squirming in his hand, the squirrel's eyes drifting downward to notice a pocket-sized Galore struggling in his fist.

"What kind of magic is this? Let me go right now!" Galore hissed to the now giant squirrel.

Bou just smiled and pat her on the head with the finger, "Aww, you're so cute at this size!"

Galore growled underneath the large finger patting and stroking her head, "I'll show you cute when I use you as a potion ingredient!"

Joolira giggled as she hovered over and settled down on Bou's shoulder, crossing her legs, "Well she's a feisty one. I think you need to put her in time out."

Bou slowly looked about the room and perked up upon seeing an empty jar on a shelf. He walked over and pulled it down and gently deposited Galore inside of it, "Here, you stay here for a while and be on your best behavior alright?" He walked back over to the workbench and set the jar down while he picked up the staff and looked to Joolira, "Now remember..."

"Yes yes, I'll fulfill my end of the bargain," Joolira interrupted, "I just need to find out where she is."

Bou smiled and held up the staff, "No problem. We have magic on our side! All we have to do is ask some of the crew mates, let's go!"


During the time Bou was dealing with Galore, Marine was having her own fun. After their city heist and the capture of Misao, Marine quickly fled to her quarters. Her crew knew not to disturb her; they knew exactly what she was going to do.

Misao slowly stirred from her forced slumber to find herself held tightly between two pink colored fleshy, pillow surfaces; soft and yielding enough to keep her from being uncomfortable, but firm and heavy enough to keep her trapped in between. Still, she struggled and pushed with all her exhausted might, digging her hands and feet into the bobbing, jiggling flesh in attempts to break free. But the more she fought, the more those plushy surfaces fought back against her; pushing back and folding around her, making her struggles futile.

"Ugh! What is this?!" Misao cried out as she struggled against the fleshy surfaces, grabbing whole handfuls of what she could to try and pull herself upward, pushing through the enveloping, jiggly surface until she made it out into open light, only to see Marine's massive face grinning down at her.

"Having fun down there?" Marine purred, playfully lifting her breasts and smushing them in against Misao, kneading and rubbing them about against the smaller Vaporeon's body, much to Misao's chagrin. Misao groaned helplessly against those massive pink orbs pushing and rubbing into her; their surfaces vibrating and jiggling about from Marine's giggles. She finally let Misao free by pulling her boobs far enough to allow Misao to fall freely from them, dropping her on top of a soft silky surface that was Marine's bed sheets.

Misao uttered a soft "Oof!" when she landed upon the bed, bouncing light onto her back, stars sparkling in her eyes as she tried to recover from that wild ride. Of course the first thing she saw when the room stopped spinning was the half naked Marine looming over her; the pink Vaporeon wearing nothing more than a pair of black panties with pink hearts on them and her trademark eye patch.

"Welcome to my humble abode," said Marine, "You should be happy, you're the only one that's ever been in here; this room is for both you and I, you see."

Misao blinked in confusion before deciding to take a peek around the room, her fins drooping at all that she saw: just about every official and unofficial merchandise made with her own likeness; posters, figures, everything. Marine's room was effectively a shrine to Misao.

"...I don't know if I should be honored or creeped out," Misao said rather flatly.

Marine giggled in response, gently gripping Misao's waist and lifted up the smaller Vaporeon to the bigger one's eye level, "Mm...I guess you can say I'm your biggest fan...literally."

"Have you ever considered getting help?" Misao grumbled, slumping back in Marine's grip. There wasn't much she could do, she was still exhausted and drained from before. At the very least she knew Marine wouldn't bring her any harm, on the other hand, she knew exactly what was going through Marine's mind.

"Help? There's no need for that, especially now that I can help myself to you," Marine whispered, her cool, sweet breath washing over Misao and causing the smaller Vaporeon to shiver from unwanted tingling pleasures.

"Ugh...I can't tell what's worse...this...or the jokes," Misao mumbled.

"Oh don't be like that, little blue; you're so tense and uptight. You need to relax and have some fun with someone that knows how, and lucky for you, I'm going to help you with that," Marine tittered, carefully bringing in her purple colored clawtips to skillfully undo Misao's tight suit, peeling it off the handheld Vappie despite her fighting tooth and nail to keep her clothes on. "Ha, looks like I win this round. Don't be so modest with that sexy body of yours, it's okay, you can share with me," Marine giggled, grinning to the tiny, naked Vaporeon.

"Well I'm not the sharing type!" Misao blushed furiously while attempting to cover herself up, an attempt that was quickly thwarted by Marine brushing them away with her large pink fingers.

"Not the sharing type? Or just hard to get?" Marine purred and lowered her eyes to Misao's breasts, lifting them up slightly with a fingertip before rubbing over them with a smirk, "Even at this size, you've got quite a pair. I think you're even bigger than me on even ground."

Though Misao tried to fight it, her reply came in the form of a hot gasp; the downsized Vaporeon curling her toes with a soft moan as Marine's touch caused her body to tingle with pleasure. She bit down on her lower lip as her dark blue nipples hardened, encouraging the bigger female even further.

"Stop it," Misao protested breathlessly as she felt Marine's giant fingers all over her body; brushing, touching and groping.

"But why? You're enjoying it aren't you? No sense in stopping a good thing," Marine purred, gripping Misao with her fingers at the heroine's side, keeping her naked from exposed as she parted her lips and poked out the tip of her tongue; pressing it against Misao's stomach.

"Don't..." Misao whispered, trying to fight back any pleasure caused by Marine's touch, her warm breath, and that now mischievous tongue.

Misao's quiet protest only served to encourage Marine even further, dragging that up along Misao's firm, but smooth skinned stomach up to her breasts, gently dragging her tongue over them repeatedly in various directions; delighting in the little squeaks of pleasure coming from the smaller Vaporeon.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have really nice tits?" Marine tittered as she gave Misao's now moist mammaries a gentle squeeze between her thumb and index finger, "It's good to know that they're the real deal and not just 'water weight', I've been dying to know the truth."

Misao groaned in a mix of both pleasure and annoyance, "J-just hurry up and get this over with. Your horrible jokes are more painful than anything else I've been hit with."

"Tut tut, my little sapphire, this isn't anything you just rush through. You have to savor the fun. I want you to enjoy this as much as me," Marine purred, leaning in closer and seizing one of Misao's breasts between her gigantic, feather-soft lips.

"Eeek! What are you doing?" Misao gasped, pushing her tiny hands against Marine's pillowy lips in a futile attempt to push her back, "D-don't do that!"

Ignoring Misao's pleas as per usual, Marine began to suckle gently at Misao's teat; her lips pulling with firm but gentle pleasure at the sensitive breast, causing Misao to moan and squirm against the bigger girl's lips. Marine switched to the other breast, and then both at the same time; Misao shutting her eyes tightly and pressing her thighs together as she tried to summon all the willpower she could to keep from enjoying herself, but the more it went on, the more Marine continued.

Soon Marine's lips found themselves all over Misao's body; peppering her body with sweet pecks, suckling hungrily at her soft and smooth skin, warm and wet kisses leaving damp spots on Misao's body, which are steadily absorbed by her moisture absorbing body. Marine's tongue poked, prodded and lapped all over Misao; warm exhales of excitement washing over the blue colored Vaporeon as the giant pink Vaporeon became more engaged in her activity.

Marine shifted Misao lightly, pulling her away from her lips just a bit to tilt the helpless girl back; allowing Marine to wrap her lips about Misao's ankles. Her giant, hot and wet tongue dragged itself all over the girl's feet and moved up along her legs as those suckling lips slowly pulled in Misao further into Marine's mouth.

"Ah! Hey! What are you doing?! Wait! No! Nnngh!!" Misao tried to squirm and protest more, kicking her legs in Marine's humid mouth as she felt that devious tongue snake in between her thighs and drag over her dark blue genital lips.

Misao's body trembled from pleasure and excitement; muscles tensing and tightening, her toes curling. She shut her eyes tight and groaned deeply while falling victim to that giant tongue lapping repeatedly at her snatch, forcing her to cry out in ecstasy as she wallowed in sexual pleasure she had never received before.

This continued for several minutes until Misao could no longer contain herself, hitting a furious climax that shook her body, causing it to ripple like a rock striking water, having given in entirely to Marine; her body slumping down afterwards as she murmured unintelligibly in the afterglow.

"Well now just look at you..." Marine purred, slowly pulling Misao free from her mouth and cradling her amongst her fingers, "Just a tasty, sexy little thing as I've expected, mmm..."

Misao wasn't really in any position to reply, infact, she wanted nothing more than to sleep at the moment, but she knew that Marine wasn't done with her, not by a long shot. She looked to the smaller, natural colored Vaporeon with a lustful gaze; her eyes mere slits as she slowly waved her tail back and forth behind her. It was a needy, hungry gaze, filled with desire for the heroic pokemorph. It was almost hard for her to believe. She could feel all that passion and anxiety well up in her from knowing that she had the apple of her eye literally in her hands. She just had her taste, her appetizer, and now she wanted her main course.

"Mmmph..." Marine groaned, pressing Misao up against her lovely, full and large pink breast; firmly pushing and rubbing her cool, smooth body against the hardened, bright pink nipple. Misao didn't have much strength to protest but with all that happened, the fight wasn't taken completely out of her. She pushed against that firm nub while trying to struggle, which only served to further Marine's excitement; like usual.

Marine dragged Misao over the inward curve of her breasts, pushing her in between them and then dragging her down across her likewise smooth skinned body; across her also flat and firm stomach and down in between her thighs, pressing the smaller girl against the front of her dampened panties.

"Damn..." Marine said with a breathy sigh, "I was hoping to take this slower...guess you're just that irresistible..."

Marine lifted Misao for a brief moment to wrestle her own undergarments off with a free hand before lowering Misao back down in between her parted thighs, exposing her bright pink cunny to the tiny pokemorph; lips glistening with sweet pussy juices. Misao felt the strong, warm heat of Marine's excited goods over her body while taking in the sweet scent of the bigger woman's sexual musk. It was intense and at the same time incredible, it was the first time in her life that she had an understanding of Bou's point of view when they got up to shenanigans.

"You can't be serious..." Misao said weakly, "C'mon Marine...I'm tired...can't we save this for later or something?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head, sweetie. I'll be doing all the work...all you need to do is enjoy the ride..." Marine tittered while moving her fingers against Misao's back, pushing her up against the bigger Vaporeon's wet lips with a hot gasp. There was little Misao could do to fight back as she was used for Marine's pleasure; those giant fingers rubbing Misao's tiny form against her moist sex, small gasps and moans escaping past the captain's soft lips.

Misao groaned in annoyance as her body was smeared with Marine's sticky juices, their sweetness filling Misao's nostrils and mouth. At this size it was incredibly strong, causing our young heroine to gag as she was forced to take it in.

Take it in...


Take it in!

Misao's fins perked up with an idea. She began to absorb Marine's juices to recover her strength, but it wasn't the fastest process; for now she had to endure, but going through this would be the only way to keep from being the captain's little pet.

Marine wasn't aware of Misao's plans, nor did she care. Pressing Misao harder into those sopping wet genital lips, Marine laid down on her back, parting her legs further while she cupped a breast with her free hand and gave it a firm squeeze. Her moans echoed out into her quarters as she used her little pet to pleasure herself, taking it up another notch by forcefully pushing Misao into her sexual depths.

"Whoa! Marine! Hey! You didn't say anything about this--mmmph!"

Despite Misao's uncertainty, Marine's fingers were instant on pushing the smaller girl into those tight, soaked depths; those pink, smooth, bumpy walls pressing down against Misao's sleek form upon entrance; squeezing and hugging against her as she was dragged back and forth against them. Luckily for Misao, it played right into her favor. The constant flow of juices made for a useful, though not optimal, power source. As the moments passed, the more of Marine's fluids she absorbed; just biding her time on his hot, wet and confining ride until the moment was right.

For Marine it was all a dream come true! While not going exactly as she expected, the result was still the same: Misao bringing the young captain to an incredible climax. Her loud moans became wild, excited screams as she arched her back and leaned her head backwards; her body twitching with spasms as she twisted and turned in orgasmic pleasures. Her walls contracted at their tightest, squeezing Misao firmly for a few long moments before releasing her; allowing her to be simultaneously pulled and washed out of Marine's hungry cunny.

Misao gasped and panted heavily, taking in all the fresh air she could, though heavy with the scent and taste of sex. She slowly crawled out from between Marine's parted thighs to the other side of the bed, trying to get some distance as she started to put her plans into action.

"Aww...not even going to stay around to cuddle?" Marine teased while bringing her first toe to Misao's back, pinning her down to the silken sheets with painless weight and rubbing it against her, "Don't you know it's rude to run away afterwards? I'm trying to put my one night stand days behind me."

Misao grunted underneath Marine's playful toe, but only a grin appeared on her face. She could already feel the strength building up in her; her body rippling and rumbling as she started to grow in size. Just like always, her muscles tensed, flexed and bulked, her body stretched and swelled.

Marine's own eyes started to widen and her head-fins lifted in alarm, "Hey! What are you doing? You're not supposed to do that!" Marine went from trying to pin Misao down with her toe to trying to pin her down with her entire foot, and when that was outgrown, she tried throwing her entire body on top of the growing girl in a vain attempt to stop her.

"You're going to have to do better than that," Misao taunted with a grin as she flipped Marine off of her and onto the wooden floor with a simple buck of her body.

"Grr, I'm not letting you get away!" Marine growled as she hopped up to her feet.

Misao decided to rise to Marine's challenge, slipping off the bed to meet her head on. Even though Marine was still about two heads taller, Misao was still steadily approaching her height; encouraging Marine to strike while the iron was hot.

The two began to wrestle and fumble about with each other; each girl trying to gain the upper hand. This ultimately led to Misao pinning Marine against the wall with her superior strength, the two now seeing eye to eye once again. Misao held Marine by the wrists, the pink Vaporeon's hands against the wall while Misao used her body to keep her there. The heroine grinned toward her adversary, chuckling at the situation.

"We meet all too often like this, Captain Janet," Misao whispered, her face mere inches away from Marine's.

"Not enough I'd say," Marine replied with a titter, "Now that you have me here, right where you want me, what are you going to do, hero?"

"I want you to return everything you stole from the city and then get lost. And if you need an incentive..." Misao slowly leaned in closer, lowering her eyes as she pressed her soft lips to Marine's own, engaging in a warm, deep kiss; one naked Vaporeon pressed up against another.

Marine's eyes widened with surprise before shutting as she instantly gave into the affections. She would have never expected Misao to pull something like this, but she wasn't about to complain either. Her mind swam with numerous thoughts of the two as she tasted the heroine's lips and suckled at her invading, blue tongue.

But all good things come to an end, and in this case it was in the form of Bou and Joolira busting into Marine's room.

"Don't worry Misao! We're here to save you--whoa!" Bou's eyes widened as he stumbled in to see the girl-on-girl spectacle, causing him not only lose his train of thought, but forget what he was doing entirely as his mind was filled with numerous perverted thoughts...more so than usual.

Misao perked her fins up and tugged her head back away from Marine, looking over at Bou, "Oh! Bou!"

"Goodness, haven't you people learned how to knock?" Marine scoffed in annoyance, more than bothered that such a special moment was interrupted.

Joolira, however, was still up to carrying out what she promised to do. She flew from off of Bou's shoulder and stood upon the giant orb of the staff he was holding and pointed at Misao, "I don't know what's going on here but I don't care! Time to restore your strength!" Her announcement was followed by the bright blue glow of the magical orb; the light prompting a confused reaction from Misao and a more panicked one from Marine.

"Wait no! Stop! Don't do that here!" Marine yelled out.

"Hey Bou, who is that little person there? What is she talking about?" Misao asked.

A response came in the form a blast of light that shot out at Misao, coating her in a bright blue colored glow. Misao gasped as she suddenly felt her body build up with overwhelming energy as if water was just flowing freely into her filling her up entirely. The feeling was similar to the sensation of growth she was used to, but this time it was far more intense than she had ever felt.

"Oh heavens..." Marine murmured as she watched with widened eyes; Misao's breasts were pressed firmly against her, and quickly expanding and hugging their jiggling selves around the pink Vaporeon.

"W-wait! Why is this happening?!" Misao cried out as her breasts weren't the only thing growing, but her hips and rear were surging larger as well. She stumbled backwards and fell on Marine's bed, which started to buckle and groan under her increasing weight until the supports finally gave out; the bed frame breaking under the ever enlarging Vappie. "Oh geez! Sorry Marine!"

Marine looked up from her slumped position on the floor having been freed from her jiggly prison, only to watch in a mix of excitement and horror as Misao quickly filled her room. "I think the bed is the last thing to worry about right now..." Marine remarked.

Misao groaned as her head hit the ceiling, forcing her to bow her head forward while cleaving her head-fins through it as she continued to grow and grow. She attempted to curl up as much as possible just to delay the inevitable; her toes pressed up against the wall on both sides of Marine while she pulled up her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms and tail about them.

"Will someone care to explain while this is happening?!" Misao yelled among the groans and creaks of the walls around her.

"Um...well..." Bou gulped, "We came here to rescue you and...uh...we didn't know that you were preoccupied and--"

"Boy this is taking too long!" Joolira interrupted with a wide grin, crouched upon the orb, "Let's kick this thing into overdrive shall we?!"

Before any of the other three could respond; the orb shined brighter, and with it came a massive surge of power being unleashed in Misao.

Before she or anyone else knew it, her feet had already pushed through the walls as her heels dragged through along the floors. The walls had burst away behind her unable to hold off her back and rear end. Her head blasted through the ceiling, surprising the crew on the upper area that was wondering what all the noise was. Misao's growing body was tearing through the ship with hardly any signs of stopping.

On normal circumstances, Marine would be more concerned with the fate of her precious ship, but with Misao's muff surging ever larger before her, she'd consider this situation worth it.

"I envy you, squirrel...you get to see this kind of thing often," Marine whispered mainly to herself as she simply watched and waited until Misao's glistening sex was pressed against her; the captain drawn into the wrath of Misao's uncontrollable growth.

The structure of the massive ship was no match for the powerful surge of Misao's swelling. Within it was absolute chaos as walls of blue tore through all the building materials that made up the ship. From outside it was quite the spectacle; like something out of a monster movie or that one Alice in Wonderland scene: growing hands and feet bursting out of the sides and bottom of the ship while Misao's head fins sliced through the upper decks to make way for her entire head; wood and metal flying about everywhere.

From 300ft to 2000ft and still climbing, crew members and remains of the ship clung to Misao's still expanding form for dear life; the Vaporeon herself unable to contain or control the furious energy still building within her. She would continue to grow, and swell, and surge, and stretch, and enlargen...

Until it finally stopped.


"Somehow Bou...I'm going to blame you for this, but since it was with good intentions...well I can't be too mad," Misao sighed, laying naked on her back upon the surface of the ocean, staring at the tiny (in comparison) squirrel perched on her nose.

"Aww it's not all bad Misao! I mean look on the bright side, you get these awesome views. And there's plenty more Misao to love!" Bou exclaimed.

"Yeah...a whole TWO MILES OF ME!" Misao yelled.

"Don't get so bent out of shape, gorgeous. It's only until our ship gets fixed. I mean, you kind of owe me. Since we had to return the city's goods and that little imp ran off with the staff, and you ARE the one who destroyed my vessel, we just have to do this the hard way," Marine said from Misao's shoulder.

"I don't mind helping out...but do you have to use me as some kind of makeshift vessel in the meantime?!" Misao grumbled.

"Well you are kind of sea worthy and a magnet for pretty ladies!" Bou added.

"Oh shut up Bou."

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