The Prince and the Pirate, VI

Story by ZackSpencer on SoFurry

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#6 of The Prince and the Pirate

Hey guys, I'm so sorry that i havent updated this story in a while. I've been super busy with work, school, family and on top of it all, me and my family are being evicted. but that's not important. I finally finished the sixth part. I really hope you enjoy it and give me some feedback please! I'd love to know what you guys think?????

Love you all,

Zack ~<3

James sighed as he rubbed his forehead. The unrolled map that sat on the table in front of him was causing more and more frustration. He had no idea where to look for his father's followers. They had all disbursed after Captain Hess's death, some, most likely, joined up with Blackbeard. He had to find someone, and fast, he had no idea how much longer he could cover his tracks before running into Blackbeard unprepared.

But that wasn't his only problem, William seemed to be more distant than ever since he allowed that snake, Kahn, on his ship. He hadn't considered William a prisoner on this vessel even from the beginning, but something was obviously bothering the boy, more than normal and for once, James didn't know what it was. That's what bothered him the most.

And that Kahn, why would he allow the man on his ship? He's already caused trouble and he hasn't even been untied yet. He couldn't be trusted, that was clear. But then again, maybe keeping him close was good, that way he could keep an eye on the trouble maker.

James pushed himself away from the table and stood up. He made his way to the front door and opened it, seeing the busyness of his crew as the Glass Sea sailed peacefully across the water. He looked down to the mast and saw the spotless Dalmatian still tied securely to the main mast. He was conscious (unfortunately) but motionless, he just sat there, glaring at anyone that passed. James looked around the deck, he glanced over the heads and faces, looking for one in particular. Aakash was walking past the wolf when James stopped him with a wave of his hand. "Where's William..." he looked around a moment longer. "And Lance?"

The crocodile shrugged. "Last I heard, they went below deck, but that was a while ago."

Thoughts invaded his mind; dirty thoughts. Picturing William and Lance below deck, doing... things to each other. Personally, James didn't care who Lance spent 'time' with, but with William... the thought sent a wave of anger in his chest and... jealousy? Is that what he felt?

James made his way below deck, boots clomping on the worn wooden steps as he halfheartedly tried to be quiet. "...I don't know how to tell him that I can't go with him, I have too much to do..." he heard William's hushed voice from behind the door to the ships artillery.

"I know the Captain, I'm sure he'll understand," replied Lance's less hushed voice. James now made more of an effort of concealing his presents as he slowly and quietly got closer to the door. "But where will you two go? I don't think that He'll enjoy hearing about your departure...?"

James's heart sank; William was planning on leaving with Kahn... James wasn't keeping William here against his will, but now that he heard it from William himself that he was planning on leaving...

The wolf stepped away from the door, backing away to the stairs back above deck. He slowly ascended the steps, thoughts as heavy as lead, heart as heavy as world. He knew that William wouldn't stay here forever, and he didn't think that the boy was actually enjoying himself on the vessel, but James thought he was doing something right by hiding him from Blackbeard. Maybe he should have never had intervened in the first place? Maybe it was best that William thought he was missing or dead? Did he have regrets of saving his childhood friend? No, of course not, but maybe it wasn't so wise to reveal himself.


William sighed in frustration. He looked over to Lance, who leaned on a wooden table as he awaited the boy's next words. "Once Kahn gets back to the kingdom with word that I'm not returning, my father will be furious and probably disperse the whole armada..."

"But won't that leave his kingdom open to invaders? I thought the king didn't make rash decisions like that?" Lance said, crossing his arms under his chest, giving William a good view of the lemur's tight stomach. He wore a pair of loosely fit pants and an unbuttoned brown vest.

"He doesn't, not normally, that's why he only sent Kahn and not an army. But that's because he thinks I'm here as a captive. Once he knows..." William shook his head. He didn't want to think of the unnecessary measures his father may take to get him back.

"So why not just keep that Kahn character here?" Lance suggested.

"I thought about that, but it's not like Ja-" William forced a cough to catch himself. "Johnathan," he continued. "To keep prisoners. Even you admitted to that."

Lance nodded, agreeing as his eyes looked down to the wooden floor. William felt bad for dropping his problems on the pirate, one that he had met only maybe a week or so ago. He had lost count of the days by now, but Lance had come to be a good, trustworthy friend, pirate or not. From the time that William had been here on the ship, he'd come to know the lemur rather well, along with some other of the crew members. Lance, (and most of the other crew members) were good men, sweet people that William had to wonder why they would dedicate their life to piracy. Gratitude, that's what most of them said. The captain did this, he saved me, he gave me a place to belong, the voices of the stories ran through William's mind, answering his questions for him... well most of them. He still didn't understand why James became a pirate.

Lance flicked his long, stripped tail to catch William's attention. He looked into the kind orange eyes of the lemurs. Lance smiled. "You'll figure something out, you're a smart cookie." He pushed himself off the table and put his hand on the door, before stopping and looking up to William. He gave the boy a swift wink as he opened the door and stepped out.

William thought about his predicament a moment longer. Should he really follow through in not returning home? He shook his head and stepped up to the door. He's made up his mind...


"Ay, Cap'n!" James looked up the main mast to see Gregory pointing off the horizon. He followed the lemur's finger to see a large ship sitting on the horizon. He brought out his spyglass to get a closer look. He looked at the flag. It was black with a skull biting on a bleeding heart; Captain Hess's old colors.

"Prepare the cannons," James ordered as he turned the wheel to direct the vessel towards the distant ship.

"But sir, those are Hess's old followers. I thought you were looking to make peace with them?" Aakash reminded.

"I trust my father's followers as far as I can chuck 'em." He said, irritation in his voice due from hearing William's plans on leaving. He didn't mean to snap at the crocodile, but neither one of them seemed to care much anyways.

At that moment, Lance's head popped up from below deck. He immediately got back to work in securing the sails. William popped up a moment later and made his way over to sit in front of Kahn. They talked for a while, most likely about leaving, James guessed. James watched curiously, unable to take his eyes off the Dalmatian. Everything seemed to be going fine (more or less) until He came along. James's whole body was screaming at him to just shoot the damned dog right then and there, but he couldn't do that, William obviously cared too much about him.

As the ship drew nearer, James began to stiffen. He had no idea how to convince this ship to follow him. "Hoy, there." A middle aged human said. His hair and mustache was a deep black like his hat and coat. He had three swords at his left and two at his right. He flashed James a quick smile, mouth full of purl white teeth. "What can I do you for?" he asked, leaning on the railing of his own ship.

James stepped down from the helm down to the main deck. He rested his hands on his hips, keeping his pistol and sword close just in case. There was something about this man that was offsetting to James. The man's name was Cutlass Conway, someone that made even Davy Jones's sword fighting look like a two year old with a butter knife.

"You look familiar..." Conway continued.

"Well I should hope so," James chuckled. "I'm Hess's son."

The man laughed and patted the wooden railing. "So you're the bastard that killed the Good Captain? You got a lot of nerve showin' your face in these waters. A lot of your father's decedents are lookin' for your head."

James cursed inwardly. "Aye, but I'm looking for a bit of help and was hoping if you could assist me?"

Conway shook his head. "That's a lot to ask. What do you need my help with?"

"I'm going to kill Blackbeard." Everyone on both Conway's ship and James's was silent. He could feel the weight of William's eyes on him from behind.

Conway laughed after a moment of shock. "What, killin' your father wasn't enough, now you wanna go after Ol' Blackbeard himself?" He laughed a moment longer (along with the nervous cackles and forced laughs that the rest of his crew gave) before his eyes fell onto James's serious expression. "You know what, son," Conway said, whipping away his tears. "I like you, you and your crazy little scheme, but I'm not sure I like your odds." His voiced lowered into a more serious tone. "You're pretty much sure for death if you go in facing Blackbeard like this. I know where a few people will be who might just want to join your little suicide mission. I'll take you there, but I'm not signing no contract... not yet, anyway."

James smiled. "Lead the way."


William watched as Conway's ship set sail with James's not far behind. "What the hell is he thinking?" he found himself asking out loud.

"Sounds like your buddy up there's got a death wish." Kahn chimed in, but William had too many unanswered questions running round in his mind to even here the Dalmatian.

William made his way up to the helm and stood next to James. "Blackbeard?"

James nodded. "Yep."

William waited a moment, hopping that James would say something more, but he didn't. "Why?" he finally asked.

James stepped away from the wheel and up to William, suddenly looking very cross. "Why do you even care? You're not staying on this ship anyways, so why don't you just take Kahn and leave me be?"

"James, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play coy with me! I heard you talking with Lance below deck-" He snarled, but was cut off from William's laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I'm not leaving," he giggled. "Not unless you want me too. I was planning on telling Kahn that I wasn't going back home with him and was planning to stay here for a while. I still have a lot of questions for you that need answering."

James looked a bit bashful and guilty as he rubbed his neck with a hand. "Oh, heh heh," he chuckled. "Um... sorry, about getting all upset."

William waved him off. "So what's this about going after Blackbeard, and why do I get the feeling that it has something to do with me?"

James looked at Aakash, giving him some kind of signal before leading William down to the Captain's Quarters. William leaned on James's desk and crossed his arms, waiting for the wolf to close the door and take off his hat. "I haven't been totally honest with you," he began.

"Really?" William asked sarcastically.

"I never 'kidnapped' you to make a ransom with your father. I actually never technically kidnapped you in the first place." William looked somewhat confused. "Your ship, a while ago, was attacked, you obviously know that, but it wasn't just anyone who attacked it. It was Blackbeard."

"Why would he do something like that? He must have known that it was a royal ship that he attacked and all the consequences that would follow." William pointed out, feeling a little more uncomfortable. He already make a guess why Blackbeard would attack his ship, but his mouth was moving faster than his brain.

"He wants your father's crown and he believes that you are the fastest way to get it." James took off his coat and hung it on his coat rack next to his hat.

"That's crazy," William said.

"That's Blackbeard. These are pirates we're dealing with, not all of them are all that brilliant."

William sighed and shook his head. He was quiet for a moment, taking in everything that was being spilled. "What now?" he asked finally.

James began to slowly walk towards William. "Well, he's out looking for you right now so he can get on with his plans. What my plan is to locate my father's followers and convince them of joining me in taking down Blackbeard." When he reached the boy, he put his hands on either side of the desk that William was leaning on, their noses only a few inches from each other. "And making sure that nothing happens to you."

They stood there for a long while; looking into each other's eyes and feeling the heat of their breath on each other's faces. Eventually, William let out a sigh and turned his head, trying to avoid the wolf's deep brown, beautiful eyes. James craned his head down until his cold wet nose met the warm milky skin of William's neck. He ran his tongue across the boy's neck, tasting his salty skin and getting a good lung full of his scent.

William breathed in and closed his eyes. He uncrossed his arms and placed his hands on the wolf's firm hips. At that moment, all of his questions, all of his worries disappeared. He felt safe in the wolf's arms, like nothing could touch him. His mind was at ease, all of the uncertainty that swam around had finally drained.

He slid his hands up the wolf's back and took him into a warm embrace. James chuckled and placed his own large hands on William's waist, giving the smaller male a powerful, but gentle, squeeze. "Thank you, James." William whispered.

James breathed a laugh. "For what?"

"For telling me who you really are."

James stopping licking William's and pulled his head back to look down at the boy. A smile crept across his muzzle. He bent down, running his hands over William's rear before grabbing his legs and lifting him up. William gasped and reflexively wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck.

He carried William around his desk and to the edge of his bed, where he dropped the boy with a plop. He stripped his shirt and undid the belt around his pants before he crawled overtop the waiting William. He helped the boy take off his own shirt and pants. He looked William up and down, as if he's never seen the boy nude before. He was more beautiful than the last time, but James couldn't tell why.

Just by looking at William, James's sheath had already begun to swell, the red tip of his shaft already poking through the skin and fur under his pants. They were becoming more and more uncomfortable. William's small fingers found their way around the waistband of James's pants and began pulling them down. "Aren't these in the way?" he asked as he pulled the pants down far enough to expose James's growing member.

In response, James lifted William's legs and brought them up on his shoulders. He could feel his tip poking around, trying to find its target. William gasped as his heart skipped a beat when James finally hit its mark, penetrating the boy deep with one swift thrust. James stayed there for a moment, feeling the warm tightness of William's insides before he slowly began to pump his hips in and out of the boy.

Wave after wave of sensation poured themselves through both of the male's body. James couldn't help himself when he felt his hips move faster and harder. William moaned in great pleasure and mild pain. His arms were sprawled out over the bed and clutching the sheets as James made his way deeper and deeper inside of him.

James could feel his knot swelling with each thrust. He pushed the knot in, reciving a surprised gasp from William as he pumped a few more times before he pulled it back out, then back in. He repeated this a few more times before he couldn't hold out any longer. With one final push, James's knot popped itself into place just before he exploded inside of William.


Lance tied his last rope and leaned against the mast with Kahn tied to it. He whipped his brow and looked down to the spotless Dalmatian. "Howdy Dog," he said happily. "It's Kahn, right?"

"What's it too you?" he sneered.

Lance shrugged. "Just trying to be friendly."

Kahn was quiet for a moment. "You're uh... Lance, right?" he asked finally.

The lemur nodded. "That's me, baby."

"So you're the one that convinced the Prince to stay here huh?" he said coldly.

Lance shook his head. "Nope. He made that decision all his own." Kahn scoffed. "Hey, believe what you will, but wasn't it Mr. William that came to you and told you, not me?"

Kahn was quiet again.

"Besides," Lance said, pushing himself away from the mast and up to the railing of the ship. "That's the least of out troubles. I have a feeling that Conway isn't leading us to alleys..." Kahn looked over to see ships on the horizon. If he looked hard enough, he would be able to make out that the colors that the flags were flying, was a typical worn skull with two bones in a cross under it; the colors of Blackbeard...

Welcome to Evolution, Sequence One

Collin Blake woke slowly to the illumining sound of pounding on his front door. The black and white, messy furred border collie groaned as he slowly pushed himself off from his bed, finding that his sheets and blankets have been strewn about on and off...

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Welcome to Evolution. Prologue, Part I and II

Alex Dutra looking at himself in the mirror, his red, white and chocolate fur glistening and seeming to sparkle in the sunlight that shone through his bedroom window. He sighed, fixing his large framed glasses and zipped up his favorite white jacket....

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The Prince and the Pirate, Part V

James and two of his crew members (Dallas the large human, and Geoffrey the raccoon) made their way down the broken and cracked street, dodging fights and ducking as incoming projectiles were thrown about carelessly. James liked his new life of being a...

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