The Prince and the Pirate, Part V

Story by ZackSpencer on SoFurry

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#5 of The Prince and the Pirate

Well, here the next part! I know i said that some shit was about to go down, but, maybe i lied >.> I know, I know, I'm sorry! this part is a bit shorter, and theres a lot of dialongue, but some stuff is being shown in the light, intentions are becoming clearer and other stuff. and whats going on with Hector huh? sounds like he has an interesting past >.>

ayway, here the next part, please enjoy and tell me what you think, I'm dying to knoooowwwww!!!

~Zack <3

James and two of his crew members (Dallas the large human, and Geoffrey the raccoon) made their way down the broken and cracked street, dodging fights and ducking as incoming projectiles were thrown about carelessly. James liked his new life of being a pirate; the freedom of doing whatever he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted it done, but what he missed most in civilization, was the civilization. There wasn't much that James didn't like, but disorder was no exception, that's why his ship ran well and without any hinges.

The wolf looked up to the sun, he and his two accomplices had been wondering around the small city for the better of an hour and would have to be returning to the ship soon. His gaze lowered a bit to a small inn, its windows (Like most of the other buildings) were broken and cracked, the residents were fighting or drinking, and smoke from cigars and pipes being smoked rose from its frame. He looked at the people that lingered around the building, his eyes stopping when he saw a young, smooth furred fox watching him with his deep green eyes. Hector.

He was beckoning the wolf over with the looks he gave before he turned and disappeared behind the inn's doors. James rolled his eyes, he's been meaning to talk to the fox about what they've discussed on his ship a while back, but he didn't really feel like speaking with anyone who had a high chance of irritating him... like Kahn...

He looked at Dallas and handed him the large coil of rope that he carried. "Here, I have some business to take care of, I'll be back in a bit," he began to walk away towards the inn. "Go and see if you can find anyone who will repair our cannon for a decent price and meet me back at the ship."

"Aye Cap'n," they both chimed.

James made his way through the thin layer of dirty, drunken pirates into the bar of the inn, only to see the fox's tail bob up the stairs on the other side of the room, so James followed. He reached the top of the stairs to find Hector gesturing him in through one of the doors. "Where are you leading me, you damned fox?" he mumbled to himself. He entered through and saw Hector leaning on a thick wooden table. "What do you want?"

"What? No small talk? Not even for a friend?" the fox said, widening his eyes at big as he could and putting on an innocent face, but James didn't look anything near impressed. Hector's expression faded. "Fine, I've come to bargain with you."

"Bargain?" James's interest spiked a little

"Aye, you remember what we spoke about on your ship, yes?" James nodded. "What if I told you that I found out just a little more?"

James sighed. Hector was a brilliant boy with the skill to find nearly anything he wanted, but he would never just give that information away without a price. "Alright, Hector," he sighed. "How much to you want?" The fox laughed and pushed himself off the table and up to the wolf, sliding his hand up the larger male's chest. James shouldered at the touch, sending a wave of pleasure up his spine before he grabbed Hector's wrists tightly. "Not a chance boy, you're far too young to be doing anything like that with a guy like me. You're only sixteen."

Hector tugged himself free from the wolf's grasp and huffed. "So what? I'm legally of mating age by king's law, what will a little 'fooling around' hurt?"

James shook his head. "Sorry mate, I don't bed down with people younger than twenty, ask me in four years and we'll see, but until then my answer is no."

He turned and was about to walk out the door when- "It's about William." James stopped in his tracks. "Aaaaaaand there may be something in there about Blackbeard..." he sang.

James turned, though very reluctantly, to see the fox already undoing and pulling his shirt off. James just stood there, thinking about what he should do. He has done many things over the past few years that most would consider 'wrong', but boning a male that was barely an adult was something that James considered especially wrong, despite how mature the boy acted, he was still too young, at least for James he was. But the information he had... it must have been valuable, Hector was no idiot, he knew how to play his cards and he wouldn't mess with James philosophy unless it was of his definite interest.

James sighed. "This information had better be well worth my while," he said, stripping his own coat, shirt and boots before making his way over to the smaller, younger male. Hector had his shirt off, exposing his bare, flat stomach and glistening orange and white fur as he sat on the edge of the wooden table, waiting patiently for James to finish undressing. The fox's legs drooped over the edge, swaying back and forth as he watched James fumble with his pants. Hector had already stripped his pants before James could even notice.

When he was done, he came up with his hands on the table on either side of Hector, bringing his nose close to the boy's. If he wanted the information, he'd have to please the boy, not just screw him over, but he had no idea what Hector's sexual preferences were, so he'd just have to guess. "Turn around," he said in a low, demanding voice, getting an approving, yet surprised smile from the fox.

Hector obediently slid off the table and turned around, bracing himself with a tight grip as he felt James's shaft slide in between his legs. The fox's own sheath began to swell as he felt warm breath on the fur of his neck. "Are you ready?" he heard the wolf ask, readying the tip at the fox's entrance. Hector was breathless, unable to speak, so he nodded instead, and without warning, James shoved his entire length inside the boy, all the way to his balls. Hector gasped, claws extending and stomach cringing as he felt as though he were being split apart from the inside out. The wolf took hold of the fox on either side of his waist and began to pump his hips back and forth.

Hector gasped and yipped as the larger male continued his pleasured abuse. James couldn't help but let out his own throaty growls, Hector was by far the smallest, tightest thing he's ever crammed himself into, and the fox seemed to be taking it rather well. It kind of reminded him of his first time with William, but the prince was larger and older than Hector and would have better chance of accepting the wolf's cock than this young boy did.

James quickened his pace, feeling his knot filling up with each forceful thrust, taking a harder grip on the boy's sides. Hector began to push back into the wolf's thrusts, wanting more of his length deeper inside. "You ready fox boy?" James found himself growling the words through his teeth.

"Yea- ah! Yeah," Hector said between gasps. With one powerful push, James forced his knot to slide inside the smaller male, receiving a painful yelp from the boy as he did. The wolf made a few last thrusts as he exploded with sensation inside the boy's abdomen. The foxes own full erection had already begun to spill its load all over the table, sending white globs a great distance across its surface.

James pulled his body back, keeping his hips locked with the fox's as he looked up and down the boy's back, noticing aged, yet lumpy scars that stretched around to his chest. He traced them with his fingers. "Battle scars?" James asked.

Hector was panting and squirming to try and get comfortable with James's large knot still locked inside his rear. "... No," he said, his voice low and almost dark. James waited for the boy to continue, keeping quiet as he stroked the boy's scars up and down. "When I was young," the boy began after a long moment. "My father would tie me down and run his claws down my chest and lower back. He would do it over and over and over again until you could clearly see my bones and organs." A ping of horror shot through James's chest, but he was still quiet. The boy breathed a laugh. "Three times my heart stopped beating, three times I died... three times he killed me." James's knot had shrunk and slid out, allowing Hector to turn around. "and now listen to it," he said gesturing to his chest. James lowered his head and placed his ear against the fox's chest and listened...


Nothing. There was no sound at all, just the faint sound of Hector's breathing. The wolf looked back up to Hector. "What are you?" James found himself asking.

Hector laughed again and shook his head. "A lot of things I know, James, but what I am isn't one of them..." James winced, Hector knew his real name... but how?

James was quiet for a moment longer, trying to wrap his mind about what the fox was telling him. "Hector isn't your real name, is it?"

The fox shook his head. "No, but that information isn't what you paid for, so consider our previous conversation a freebee." James sighed, it was just like Hector not to give all the details to his information. "Now then, the information I promised you; Blackbeard is looking for Prince William." He said bluntly, drawing more confusion from the wolf. "Remember when you found the good prince on that island, a while back?" James nodded, but wondered how the boy knew about that, than he remembered he was talking to Hector. "Well, his ship didn't crash, it was attacked by Blackbeard. I hear that he wants the crown and thinks that William is the best way to get it."

James held his hands up to pause the fox. "Wait, wait, Blackbeard wants William because he thinks that will help him gain the crown?" Hector nodded. "Are you kidding me? If the king knew what Blackbeard was doing, he'd send an entire army to wipe out everyone who follows the old loon! He'd be starting a war!"

"Aye," Hector said, pointing a finger at James. "But that's why he wants the prince so badly, the king wouldn't fire a single shot if he knew his only son was in the way." The boy explained, pulling his pants and shirt on. He sighed as he put his coat and hat on. "Well Captain Johnathan, That's all the information I have to offer," he began to walk towards the door. "I'll be seeing yo-"

"Wait," James pulled up his pants, looping the belt and fastening it. "Come with me,"

Hector looked at James with confusion and shock. "Sorry Black, these past actions weren't anything romantic, I don't have those kind of feeling for you."

James rolled his eyes. "No, not like that, I'm going after Blackbeard and I want your help."

The fox turned his body towards James and took a step closer. "Tell me you're joking," James shook his head. "Why in the hell would you want to go after Blackbeard? You think that a war would start because of the prince, going after a pirate with a reputation as big as Blackbeard's will start a war far greater!"

"I know,"

Hector tapped his foot and crossed his arms over his chest. "Blackbeard has legions backing him up, who do you have?"

"My father was Captain Hess, though I'm sure you already knew that, and he and Blackbeard had around the same amount of followers, if I could just find them-"

The fox scoffed. "You think that they're going to follow you? Let alone into a war against Blackbeard?"

James pulled his shirt and coat on. "Blackbeard isn't exactly a 'well loved' pirate, many people, pirates included, want him dead, and if I can round up enough people who hate him, I may just have a fighting chance, but I'm going to need your help, your knowledge could prove to be very useful." James may not have liked Hector all that much, but he would be a rather valuable ally, and he'd rather have the boy on his side than on Blackbeard's if things go the way he planned.

Hector stared at James, ponder in his eyes before he chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, Johnathan," he looked down at his shoes for a moment. "You're crazy, you know that?" he looked back up. "Tell you what, you round up a couple thousand followers and some worthy artillery, then you come back to me and I'll decide which one would most likely be the winning team." The fox turned and began walking out through the door, looking over his shoulder to the wolf and giving a wink. "Tell William to watch his back, by the way."


William looked over to Kahn, who was tied tightly to the main mast of the ship. James had no cells on his ship, so tying him to the mast seemed like the best option so William could do his work and keep an eye on the Dalmatian. Lance had stayed close to William, keeping the prince company as they sat across the deck from the still unconscious Kahn. "So, does Gregory like males too?" William asked, keeping the conversation going while they awaited James to return.

Lance laughed, flicking his long, ringed tail on the wooden floor. "No," he said, holding his stomach. "He's as straight as a wooden plank! That's just one of the many things that Greg and I don't have in common." The lemur whipped the tears from his eyes, still breathing laughs as he thought of the question. "What about you? I mean, I know you like males, but sometimes I small the Cap'n's scent on you... are you two-"

"No!" William said, getting a somewhat surprised look from Lance. "No," he said again, looking down at his hands. "We're nothing like that. We used to know each other, that's all..."

"Well I figured that much," Lance chuckled. "The way you act around him told me that you two have quiet the history." William nodded. "So how'd a sweet prince like yourself come to meet someone as troublesome as Johnathan, a pirate?"

William smiled at the memories that flooded his mind. "He wasn't always a pirate," he said, drawing invisible symbols on the wood with his finger. "He used to be my best friend when we lived back in England. We used to see each other every day, tell each other everything. Then," William paused, expression fading into a frown. "Then, one day, he left," He looked up to Lance. "I haven't seen him in five years, until recently."

Lance nodded understandingly. "I see. I didn't know much about the Captain's past. You seem to be the only one who knew him before he became a pirate."

William looked over to Kahn. "I know him too," he said, still looking at him. The Dalmatian began to stir as consciousness slowly came back to him. "He's a royal guard in my father's palace, and I'm pretty sure he has a thing for me..." William wasn't sure he should be sharing this information with a pirate, but Lance was really the only friend William had on this boat. The only friend he could really trust, anyway. He shook his head. "I don't know what to do, Lance," he hung his head, dropping it into his hands as he rubbed his eyes through frustration. "I don't know whether I should leave and go home, or see what Ja-" he caught himself, clearing his throat to stall for a moment. "Johnathan, is hiding." He looked up to the orange eyed lemur. "I know he's not telling me something, I just don't know what it is..."

Lance shrugged, reaching up and untying his worn green headband. He pulled the green cloth off his head, exposing is shaggy and messy headfur for the first time to William's eyes. He ran his fingers through his fur, trying to smooth it down with little success before he started to twist his headband. He brought the twisted cloth to his forehead and tied it in the back, so the top of his head was still exposed. "I honestly don't know what I should tell ya, Johnathan's been awful good to me and this crew, I wouldn't leave him if my life depended on it. But you come from a different side of the field, a side that I don't fully understand, so the only one who can really make that decision is you." He stood up. "Well, I'm gonna get back to work, and whatever you do, just make sure that you're doing the right thing for you, not anyone else."

William nodded, watching as the lemur walked away to leave him alone with his thoughts. He sighed, he was getting tired of all this uncertainty and questions and secrets. He'd have to have another talk with James, he knew that much, but he wasn't sure what he should confront the wolf about...

He stood up. Oh well, he thought, better to cross that bridge when we get to it...

The Prince and the Pirate, Part IV

William yawned, sitting up in the plush, comfortable bed and stretching his arms. It felt good to sleep peacefully throughout the night, even better to know that you were sharing a bed with someone else. He looked over to see James, still sleeping and...

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Unseen Colors, Act Six

Act Six: Never Ending Kat looked over to Saxon. He looked exhausted as he sat across the table from her. They had been taken to a base somewhere in Europe, only arriving this morning and neither one of them has had the chance to sleep. The people...

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Unseen Colors, Act Five

Act Five: Yellow! _I opened my eyes and looked up to Saxon. I felt so bad for him, he was hurting inside and there was nothing I could do. I couldn't imagine myself going through a loss like that. Pixel was a close friend of mine, yes, but she meant...

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