Welcome to Evolution, Sequence One

Story by ZackSpencer on SoFurry

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Here's the next part to the story.

Collin Blake woke slowly to the illumining sound of pounding on his front door. The black and white, messy furred border collie groaned as he slowly pushed himself off from his bed, finding that his sheets and blankets have been strewn about on and off his bed. "I'm coming," he said in a tired, rough voice. "This better be good."

He trudged around his messy floor, only half awake, and up to the door. He only barely unlocked it before the door swung open to reveal a short, sleek furred Siamese standing with her hands on her hips and right foot tapping irritably.

"Oh, hey babe," Collin said, wagging his tail and putting on a sheepish smile. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

The feline pushed past the door and the guilty dog into the room. "Early? Collin, it's two o'clock in the afternoon!" she spun around and looked him up and down, noticing him to be only in his white and red polka doted boxers, a pair that she had bought him a few years back. "You said that you'd pick me up from work. I've been waiting at the office for an hour and a half, called you eight times, I lost count on how many texts I've sent, and I come here to see you just getting out of bed wearing nothing but your boxers!"

Collin closed the door and tilted his head, feeling his neck pop several times, a nasty habit he had, but never bothered on trying to break it. "I'm sorry, I forgot. Please don't be mad, Lisa."

She crossed her arms and sighed. They were both quiet, Collin awaiting his scolding and Lisa not knowing what else to say. "Were you out again last night?"

The collie nodded. "Yeah, there was a big drug deal going down last night."

"Collin!" Lisa flared her arms in frustration. Here it comes, Collin thought.

"Well who else was going to stop them?"

"Why can't you just let the police handle these kind of things?"

"Someone could have gotten hurt!"

"Including you!" Lisa gestured to his television. "You've seen what happens to people when they get too reckless with their abilities! The last thing I need is to find out that my fiancée had been either shot by a mobster or hung from the neck by Purity!" she rubbed her head and folded back her ears. "I just," she paused. "I just don't know what I'd do if I found out that you got hurt trying to stop some crime..."

Collin chuckled. "Babe, we've been over this," he took a step toward her, reaching out and holding her gently by her shoulders. "I can't get hurt."

Lisa shook her head and patted Collin's chest. "Okay, hon." She gave him a quick hug and began walking back out the door.

"Hey, where you going?"

She looked over her shoulder. "To go talk to Kyle, remember? Your neighbor? You're more than welcome to join us when you get dressed, he lives right across the hall."


Alex let out a breath as he concentrated, feeling the small mettle balls that littered the small room. Five hundred, his brain told him, counting the balls effortlessly. He reached out with his mind, picking one up, then two, then three, then twenty, then fifty. He smiled, watching as they began to orbit around his body in a spiral pattern. One hundred, one hundred and seventy, two hundred, two hundred and sixty. Alex laughed, watching the gleaming silver balls as they danced around him. They circled and they waved and danced, but when he reached out to pick up another one, they all stopped their mesmerizing dance and froze in midair, spinning in place before they all dropped like stones.

"Wow," Jared said, somewhere behind him. "Two hundred and sixty, that's a record."

"What's the next test?"

"Your last test, will be done later," he gave the red panda a wink. "For now, just enjoy yourself, go mingle or something," he turned to walk out of the room. "I'll catch up with you later."

Mingle? Alex ran the word through his mind a few more times. Why would he want to mingle? He didn't want to get too comfortable here, this wasn't his home, home was back with Neal, who was probably worrying sick about where Alex is and why he never showed up a few days ago.

He fixed his jacket and walked out of the testing room and into a wide hall. People walked by, he felt every one of them, he could feel some of their powers, the few that had one, he could feel what they could do and how they could use them. It was as if his mind was sizing everyone up, as if they may be a threat to him if they chose to attack at any given moment. A thin, tall raccoon passed by and Alex's heart and mind jumped as he sensed the raccoon's ability. He couldn't tell what his powers were, but he knew that whatever they may be, his capability was too close to Alex's.

He glared at the raccoon, feeling his body, his fur, his muscles... his heart. He felt it beating, he felt the blood pumping through the other male's veins, he wanted to stop it, he wanted to squeeze his heart until it bursts. He felt his mind reach out to the raccoon's beating heart, it felt so close, as if he could reach out and touch it. He could feel it in the palm of his hand. He began to squeeze. The raccoon stopped walking and clenched his chest.

"Hello there," a voice said, snapping Alex out of his murderous daze. He turned to see a young, short vixen standing beside him. The raccoon shook his head and resumed walking, leaving Alex and the vixen alone in the hall. "You're the new guy, right?" Alex nodded, somewhat annoyed at the little girl for letting the raccoon get away. "I'm Katie, what's your name?"

"Alex," he said simply and began walking past the girl. He could feel her start to walk after him, taking quicker, shorter steps to keep up with him.

"What's your power?" she asked, catching up, but having a hard time staying at his pace.

The thought of stopping this girl's heart ran across his mind. He shook his head, what was he thinking? How could he be so willing to kill someone? It made his stomach churn at the thought that he almost killed someone just because he might have been a possible threat. "What do you want?" he asked as he turned a corner down another hall.

"I want to know what your power is." She said. "Why are you so grouchy?"

"Why are you so annoying?"

"Because you're grouchy."

Alex stopped and turned to look down at Katie. "If I tell you what my ability is, will you leave me be?" the vixen nodded and smiled wide. "Fine, I'm telekinetic. Now leave me alone." He began to walk away.

"What's that mean?" she asked, following him.

"You don't know what telekinesis is?"

"Dude, I'm only ten. I still have trouble reading the word 'Dictionary', let alone the first page of one."

Alex sighed as he opened the doors to the cafeteria. "It means I can move stuff with my mind, now go away!"

"Oh that's really cool!" She said, following him to the long line of refrigerators lined up against the wall. "I can control plants and talk to animals."

"I don't care," he said, opening one of the refrigerators and taking out a bottle of root beer. "I thought you said that you'd leave me alone?"

"I lied, I like you so I think I'm going to just follow you." She said with a giggle. She reached in after Alex and picked out a small carton of chocolate milk.

"Well I don't like you, so why don't you find someone else to follow." He popped off the cap and took a few gulps.

"'Cause no one else wants me to."

'I can't imagine why' Alex thought to himself. He looked back down to the little girl. The fur on her head was short and brushed down to cover her right eyebrow. Her eyes were green, greener than the greenest tree or plant that Alex had ever seen, she was a cute kid, but still annoying. "Don't you have any other friends around this place?"

"No, all the other people around my age think I'm weird because I talk to animals and plants." She said, looking down at her feet briefly before she shrugged and looked back up to Alex. "But their all jerks anyway."

Alex nodded. "Yeah, I still don't care..." he walked past Katie and made his way back for the door. He could feel the little girl behind him, but he didn't need his abilities to already know that. She was quiet though, not saying anything, but keeping close to Alex's tail. A few weeks ago, he wouldn't have minded the little girl's company, but since his abilities have been growing and changing, his personality seemed to be doing the same.

"So, Jared said that your last test is tonight, I hope you do well." She said, swatting at his tail a few times like a cat playing with yarn.

"You talk to Jared?" he asked as he swung his tail from side to side, trying to keep it out of the vixen's reach, but the action just seemed to encourage her all the more.

"Sure I do, he's my instructor. He teaches me how to control my powers." She said, taking another swift swat at Alex's tail.

"Control? What's there to control? All you can do is talk to plants and animals." He said, meaning for his tone to sound offensive, but the girl didn't seem to notice.

"Well, sometimes, when I'm having a bad dream or something, nature reacts to my feelings. Like when I get really mad, the animals around me get more and more aggressive and the plants start to die." She stopped batting at Alex's tail. "It has a different reaction for whatever my emotion is, I guess."

"So what's a little girl like you doing at a facility like this?" Alex asked, becoming a little more interested in the girl's backstory.

"A few years ago, before I knew about evolving, I used to talk to the animals and plants because I didn't have many friends. I thought it was completely normal, I thought everyone could hear the plants and animals, but then my parents started asking me who I was talking to when I was all alone with our dog, Rufus. I told them that I was talking to him, but they just said that I was being silly." She sighed. "When I learned that I could make the plants do what I wanted them to do, I thought it'd be cool to show my mom and dad..." she was quiet for a moment. "They called me witch, and devil. That's when Jared found me and brought me here. So this is my home now."

Alex was quiet, feeling somewhat guilty for being so mean to Katie, all she really wanted was someone to talk to. Jared seemed to always be busy with other things, leaving Katie to entertain herself. Alex looked over his shoulder to the vixen and saw her in a new light, suddenly she didn't seem so annoying, tolerable, but not someone Alex really wants to be in the company of.

"So why are you here, mister?" she asked, breaking the silence and Alex's thoughts.

Alex thought about the question. "I-... I don't know..."

Katie shrugged. "It's okay, a lot of people say that when they're first getting used to being here." She stopped and Alex turned to face her. "Well, I'm going to leave you alone now. I was up all night last night trying to beat Harold at Call of Duty, (stupid Harold) so I'm kind of tired."

"Bye," Alex turned and started walking away quickly. 'Finally' he thought. He didn't he'd ever get rid of her. She was a good kid, but she wasn't Alex's problem, and it was probably not best to get too attached to the people hear, especially if he wasn't planning on staying for very long...

Still, it felt as though there was something more to that little girl than met the eye. He shook his head. Still not his problem.

He reached the door to his room, or at least, the room he's been staying in, when he saw the raccoon from earlier. A slight fear crept its way into Alex's chest, fear that the raccoon may be more powerful than him. He felt the raccoon's heart beat again, and the tempting urge to make it stop. Each beat was more annoying than the last. A flash image of Katie ran through his head, his body and ears expecting her to pop up, but she didn't. Alex breathed a chuckle as he opened the door to his room and closed it behind him. "Damned girl," he mumbled.


Kyle Day was a thin, white and light blue furred husky. He looked at himself in the mirror his dark ocean blue eyes gleaming in the sunlight that shone through his apartment window. He looked at his clothing, tight blue jeans and a thin, white button up shirt. His hair was getting pretty long, arching from his head down to cover half of his eyes. He puffed it out of the way. Maybe he should cut it? He turned, looking at his hips and legs and the curl in his tail. He sighed. He didn't know what else he could do to make himself look any better. He had trimmed his fur, gotten contacts, lost weight even, but it still didn't seem to be enough.

The thought of his heavier self crossed his mind, sending shivers down his spine. He didn't ever want to feel like that again. He looked away from the mirror, making his way for the kitchen. Lisa had left a little while ago to go be with her fiancée, Collin.

Collin, Kyle's neighbor and longtime secrete crush. The man was built, kind and always seemed to want to help people, though could be a bit lazy at times, what's there not to love about him? Oh how he wished, but the collie was straight, not to mention, getting married soon, so Kyle's window of opportunity (if he ever even had one) had been closed and locked., but that didn't mean he couldn't at least try to make the collie notice him, right? Where was the harm in that?

Kyle shook his head. He knew that was wrong, and even if he had managed to get Collin's attention like that, he'd feel guilty for it, he was close friends with Lisa and he couldn't bear doing something like that to her. "Oh well," he told himself. "There are plenty other fish in the sea..." he knew that, he told himself every day, but he didn't want to believe it and he hated himself for that, for being so selfish.

Maybe one day, he might believe himself when he says it...


Collin took a firm grip on the husky's waist as their muzzles locked in a warm, wet kiss. Kyle shuddered as the collie's hands moved slowly downward, groping his naked body against his. Both of their shafts here full and hard, ready for what was to come next. Kyle felt both of their bodies fall back and land onto the plush comfort of a bed. He wasn't sure whose bed it was, though, he didn't really care when he felt the tip of Collin's member found its way under the husky's tail. Kyle's heart jumped and popped his eyes open, finding himself alone on his couch with a shaft so swollen, it was aching.

He sat upright and looked down at the bulge in his pajama bottoms. His damned dreams were teasing him again. Why would his subconscious mind do this to him, show him what he already knows he wants, but never being able to have it. Kyle got up off the couch and made his way to his bed, crawling under the covers and running the dream through his mind. His heart still skipped a beat when he thought about being penetrated by the larger male, but it was torcher to think about it too much. He stopped thinking about it and closed his eyes. He only hoped he wouldn't be launched into the same dream...

Or did he?

Welcome to Evolution. Prologue, Part I and II

Alex Dutra looking at himself in the mirror, his red, white and chocolate fur glistening and seeming to sparkle in the sunlight that shone through his bedroom window. He sighed, fixing his large framed glasses and zipped up his favorite white jacket....

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The Prince and the Pirate, Part V

James and two of his crew members (Dallas the large human, and Geoffrey the raccoon) made their way down the broken and cracked street, dodging fights and ducking as incoming projectiles were thrown about carelessly. James liked his new life of being a...

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The Prince and the Pirate, Part IV

William yawned, sitting up in the plush, comfortable bed and stretching his arms. It felt good to sleep peacefully throughout the night, even better to know that you were sharing a bed with someone else. He looked over to see James, still sleeping and...

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