Birthday Mishap

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#6 of High School is Hard

It's a few days before Frank's birthday. He was very excited that he was turning 17 now and was able to get his license. He had a feeling that since Tre, Yukon, and Josh had been acting a bit weird lately when he greeted them, like as if they were hiding something. Josh wasn't feeling right not telling Frank the truth when he asked if something was up.

Frank's parents were behind the secret surprise party that they were planning on throwing for Frank. They told Tre and he told Yukon and Josh which all made sure Frank will not have a clue. Frank's parents were very happy and glad to throw this party. They had everything, all Frank's friends, music, a place with a dancing floor, and everything Frank enjoyed.

Frank had no clue about the party but he had a strange feeling about it. Usually on Frank's birthday he just went to the video game store and get a few games he really wanted, but this year was different his parents felt they gave Frank way too much grief this year and make up for it with this party.

Frank asked his parents if he could have his internet for that one day, on his birthday. They said no and Frank wined and complain which made his mom aggravated.

"Look Frank, if you keep asking I'm just going to keep it away from you more and if you ask again I'm taking your hour away from today."

"But mo-"


"You know what I'm sick and tired of you being so mean to me. Why wont you just let me have just for one day?"


"Because why?"

"Because I said so"

Frank growled "That's not a real reason"

"Yes it is, its good enough. You dumb shit"

Frank growled more fiercely "STOP CALLING ME THAT!"

"Don't you raise your voice to me mister"

"Shut up!"

"THAT'S IT! You will not have your hour today or tomorrow! Your lucky I wont take it away from you for good!"

Frank just growled went upstairs to his room, which Tre was playing some NHL 08.

"What was all that yelling Frankie?"

Frank had a mad face on, he had a pretty huge anger problem but he made sure not to take it out on Josh or any of his good friends. "My mom is just being a bitch"

"Don't say that, she does good things for you"

"No she fucking doesn't...well ok she buys me things but things like my internet she just wont give it to me only because she doesn't understand it. She doesn't understand me"

"Well I don't know what to tell you"

"Yeah I didn't expect you to"

"Uh Frank...."


"Y-Your shedding"


"FrankFrankFrankFrank calm down I know you, you shed only when you are really mad and stressed. So tried to clam down ok?"

Frank let out a big long sigh "Ok..."

"C'mon let me relax you, sit on the bed"

"Ok" Frank said as he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Tre.

Tre went behind Frank on his knees on the bed and put his paws on Franks shoulders an started the massage his shoulders. A few seconds after he started to message him, Frank closed his eyes and murred. Tre just smiled and massaged down Franks back. Frank just kept his eyes closed and layed on his stomach on the bed.

Tre positioned himself so each of his legs was on each side of Frank's back and massaged hard into his back. Frank was now letting out louder murs and moans. "Go a bit lower" Frank said in between murs and moans.

Tre did what Frank said and was now working on his lower back. "Lower" he said again. That made Tre smile and giggle silently. He went lower and now was giving him a rump massage.

"You have a nice firm ass Frank" Tre giggled.

Frank chuckled "Thanks Tre"

Tre kept massaging Frank's butt nice and hard. Tre stopped after about ten minutes and layed on Franks back not putting all his weight on him. Frank was still murring with his eyes shut.


"What was all that yelling?" Frank's dad said as he came up from the basement.

"Oh your son was just bugging me about his dumb internet again. I-I don't believe in that internet you might as well open your front door and let every stranger in the world in your house"

"The internet is not all about talking to others, you can research history, watch videos, and students these days do most of their work by the least I think its mostly but they still do at least do a lot of work on their"

"I don't give a shit! ok? I don't want him all day on that computer anymore its unhealthy"

"Yeah maybe so but he still pretty much does cause of the games, TV, and those movies of his"

"Yeah and im going to start taking them away one by one soon"

"Oh c'mon don't do that"

"Do you want him spend his whole life indoors out of the sun? I mean I can see that his fur is getting a bit light"

"Hunie, I saw his fur, it looks normal I think your over exaggerating things"

"Oh shut up you dumb shit" she says as he walks out of the kitchen out to the couch and watches TV.


After a few minutes of silence Frank broke it by saying "Tre?"


"D-Do you think Josh is right for me?"

"Do you?"

"I don't know, I like him a lot"

"Look it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, its about what you think. You got that Frank?"

"Yeah, thank you Tre"

"No Problem. You want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure what do you want to watch?"

"Um....." Tre got up off of Frank and went over to where Frank had all his movies, on the shelves in his open, none door, closet. "Lets see" Tre looked over the movies Frank had and he giggled "Frank you have the same taste in movies I do" Frank giggled "Well I'd expect we did since we were basically born together and lived like inseparable brothers"

"Hehe Yeah I think your right there foxy"

"Thanks kitty, now what ya have in mind for a movie?"

"I'm thinking I'm thinking hehe" Tre kept look over the movies trying to decide from all of the decisions. Then he decided to chose Shrek from the bottom of the movie stack. He carefully removed the movie and walked over to the TV and put it in.

"What did you chose Tre?"


"I love that movie" Frank giggled.

"Hehe, Yeah I know you do, so do I Frankie"

Tre layed down on the bed next to Frank and they both watched the movie as it started.


Frank's dad walked out into the living room shortly after his wife did and sat on his rocking chair and put the legs up. "You know hunie, your right."

"Well you know wha-...wait I am?"

"Yeah it IS unhealthy and I don't want him to be spend his whole life indoors. He needs exercise"

"Yeah he does"

"Mhm, he's also spoiled you know"

"Yeah all the kids these days are spoiled rotten"

"Yeah, you know if he had my father I would be able to count how many times he would have been hit"

"Yeah society is wrong these days, what was discipline when we were kids is now child abuse. That should be changed, kids need to be hit and discipline to be able to learn to be respectful"

"That's right"

Frank, Frank's father, layed back in his chair and took a nap. Carol, Frank's mother, just sat and watched Jeopardy/


The next day went even worse for Frank, he bothered his mom again about the internet and she took it away from him for today and his birthday, which was tomorrow. "Awe mom please don't it's my birthday!" Frank said upset.

"No! that is not good for you, you see how abscessed with this internet, its not healthy!" his mom shouted.

Frank was sad and he just put his paws in his pants pocket an walked upstairs into his room.

Later in the day his parents left to pick up some of the party stuff like the balloons, the cake, and get the presents wrapped and ready. Tre was taking a nap after they watched Forest Gump. Frank picked up his laptop and snucked it down stairs to the basement were the plug was to plug in his laptop. Frank surfed the web for about an hour watch funny videos and trailers for some funny movies coming out, like Role Models.

Then his parents walked in and put the stuff away and called out for Frank. Frank didn't hear since he had headphones on. Frank's dad walked down stairs into the basement and saw Frank on his laptop with the internet on. "FRANK!!!!" his dad shouted.

Frank heard and jumped out of the chair and flattened his ears and held his head down. "Fuck! You know what im taking your internet completely away!"

"No! please don't! please!"

"Shut up!!!!!" Frank's dad grabbed his wrist and dragged him back upstairs to the kitchen. "You should disobey us like that! You know your not allowed on the computer and yet you sneak on when we leave! How many times have you done this? And tell the truth!"

Frank mumbled "What!" his father said.

Frank said in a normal tone "Every time you guys went out......."

"Your grounded mister! No, TV, no video games, and I'm taking your laptop away for good! And no back talk mister!"

"Hey hunie what about his cell phone?"

"I don't know hunie, what if he needs to call us?"

"How a limited cell phone access"

"That good"

"Please don't, what if Josh wants to talk to me?"

"To bad you can talk to your friend at school"

"He's not a friend!"

Frank's dad snacked him. "Don't you dare raise your voice to me again! And if he's not then what is he? Your boyfriend?" his dad laughed.

Frank started to tear. "Yes...."


"H-He is my boyfriend"

Frank's dad was shocked to hear his son say that. "And I'm also gay, not bi, incase you were hoping, I have no attraction to girls at all" Frank stated.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!" Frank's dad then punched him in the stomach and the cheek. "NO SON OF MINE IS GOING TO BE GAY! I-ITS JUST WRONG!"

Carol just sat back and watched in shock when she saw her husband hit Frank. "Hunie calm down I accept him being gay why cant you? I thought we talked about this and we both said that we would accept if any of our kids were ever gay"

"Yeah I know.....I think I just need time....." his dad then stormed out of the kitchen, through the kitchen then out to his car and drove away.

Frank was laying on the floor, after he was punched, crying as he rubbed his cheek. His mom just looked at him with a sad face. Frank just stood up and walked upstairs with his tail dragging on the floor.

Tre woke up shortly after the shouting started and apparently could hear them loud and clear all the way up in Frank's room. He couldn't believe what he was hearing and when Frank came up he saw that the fox was crying. Tre got up from sitting on the bed and walked over to the fox and gave him a big hug.

Frank cried into Tre's shoulder. Tre let go after a few minutes and then took Frank's paw and walked him over to the bed. "You poor fox, I think you should take a nap"

Frank sniffed and nodded. Tre took Frank's shirt and pants off leaving him in his briefs and folded them. Frank grabbed the sheets and pulled them over him and fell asleep quickly.


"I can't wait until Frank's birthday party" Josh said as he was playing Gears of War co-op with Yukon.

"Yeah me either Josh"

Josh smiled as he thought about how the party might turn out.

"Josh.....Josh....Josh!" Yukon got his attention.

Josh snapped out of it. "What?" he looked at the screen. "OH!" he raised his voice as he was being killed by the locusts.

"So what are you getting him?" Yukon asked Josh.

"Hmmm I was thinking either a PS3 or his favorite game Saints Row 2"

"Well I don't if you have enough money for a PS3, and I'm getting him that game anyway. I already have it gift wrapped"

Josh pouted. "Man, I have to think of another gift"

"Maybe you could ask him what he would like or take him to the mall and watch his eyes and see what he's into"

"That's good, thanks Yukon"

"No problem"

"So, have you found someone yet?"

"Well that was out of nowhere....and no not yet"

"I'm sure you will one day. Is there anyone you like?"

Yukon blushed a little as he thought of Frank "No..."

"Oh, well I'm sure you'll find someone very soon"

"Yeah, Thanks"

"Your welcome"


Frank's dad came back in an hour with a calm face. He walked in the house and sat next to his wife.

"Hey hunie"


"You ok?"

"Meh I'm still bothered that my son is gay"


" reason is that he wont reproduce and continue my name and all what not"

"Well apparently you're just going to have to get over it"

"It's going to take some time for me to..."

"I understand. Anyway you do have grandkids, Kelly's kids"

"Yeah but they aren't blood related"

"I know this bothers you but you really have to get over it"

"I know. Oh and just remember we have to punish Frank"

"Why? For being gay? Now that's wrong"

"No! for him sneaking online"

"Oh...he did that?"


"Well what should we do"

"I think there is only one way to teach him not to disobey us again"

"What's that?"

"No birthday party"

"Well that sounds kind of harsh"

"Yeah but it's the only thing I can think of that is bad enough"


Tre sat on the bed in his underwear watching the Frank sleep. He kept the TV on low so it wouldn't bother the fox. As he watched between Frank and the TV he petted Franks back fur under the blankets. Frank was sleeping facing the wall murring in his sleep.

Tre moved and looked at Frank's face as he slept. He saw that the fox's face still looked kind of pale from crying and his eyes still a bit red. 'Poor fox' Tre thought to himself.

He gave Frank a kiss on his forehead witch made Frank smile in his sleep. Tre smiled as well and continued petting his back.

Frank woke up with a yawn about a half an hour later. "Sleep well?" Tre said with a smile.

"Yep that was a nice relaxing nap"

"So you feel better?"

"Yeah I do...a little"

"Good" Tre then hugged the fox tight.

"FRANK!!!!" Frank's mother called up to him.

Frank's ears perked up when he heard his mom call him and let go of the cheetah. He walked down stairs to the living room. "Yeah?" he answer to his mom and dad on the couch.

"We need to talk. Sit down"

Frank sat down on the couch next to his parents. "Now you disobeyed us and you know you are not allowed on the computer and you sneak on. Frank, your grounded"

"Yeah I know"

"All the stuff I said before....PLUS"

Frank gulped. "P-Plus?"

"Yes, plus no birthday party at all"

"WHAT! You cant do that!"

"Now don't raise your voice to me son! No party, no presents and no friends! Now go up to your room, your not allowed out for the rest of the day, only for the bathroom and getting something to eat. And your punishment starts now"

"AWE!" Frank ran upstairs and cried into his pillow.

Tre sighed and saw how bad it is for Frank. His wished Frank was so sad right now. 'I hope things go a lot better for him very soon' Tre thought to himself as he watched the fox cry.


Frank's birthday came on February 9th, he was now 17 years old. He was sad the whole day. When Josh and Yukon saw Frank's unhappiness they knew something was wrong so they approached him during lunch.

"What's wrong?" Josh said.

"My parents canceled my party. I won't have a party, presents, or even friends over"

"What!? Awe that sucks" Yukon said.

"Yeah so I guess you guys would have to return your gifts"

"Yeah...I'm sorry. What did you do anyway?"

"Oh I snuck onto the computer while my parents were out of the house"

"WHAT!?" Yukon and Josh said simultaneously.

"That's ridiculous!" Yukon said.

"Mhm. Yeah I know"

After lunch while Frank was walking to his next class he was suddenly pulled into the boys bathroom by Josh, who was walking next to him. Josh pulled on Franks arm into one of the stalls and began to kiss him passionately.

Frank was surprised at the kiss but shorty sunk into the kiss. Frank closed his eyes, put his arms around the back of Josh's head, and murred into the kiss.

Josh had his paws on Frank's lower back. He had his eyes closed as well. They kissed for the whole 6th period. They didn't care if they got written up for skipping or not they wanted some alone time. They stopped right before 7th period started. "I'm really sorry about what happened to you with your parents."

"Yeah...thanks Josh you're a sweetie"

"Really?" Josh giggled.

"Yeah" Frank kissed Josh on the cheek.

Josh smiled and opened the stall for Frank. Frank giggled and walked out with Josh right behind. They shared one more kiss then went off to class.

Winter Days

Its is now mid February and Tre has been staying with Frank for a while now and might be for a bit longer. When they went to school together and Tre chose the same classes Frank had so he could spend the whole day with his favorite cousin. Frank...

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The First Football Game

A couple of weeks have gone by and it's the first football game of the season. Its early October and the leaves on the trees were turning brown and orange. Josh was able to get his fox a free ticket to the game. Frank was very happy that he could go...

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The Flag Pole

Frank's ear twitched and he heard the shower go off and he sighed from relief cause he thought it was Josh in there. He got up and went down stairs into the hallway and thought about knocking but he thought the loud knock would wake his mom and dad. So...

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