The Flag Pole

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of High School is Hard

Frank's ear twitched and he heard the shower go off and he sighed from relief cause he thought it was Josh in there. He got up and went down stairs into the hallway and thought about knocking but he thought the loud knock would wake his mom and dad. So he opened the door slowly and saw a figure through the shower certain.

Frank giggled quietly and walked in closing the door silently. He snuck up to the shower certain and very quickly open the certain.

"Morning!" Frank said with a smile as he saw Josh sudsy all over his fur.

Josh jumped "Ah!"

Frank giggled "Relax Josh it's just me" he said wagging his tail.

"Yea I you scared me Frank"

"Sorry..." Frank flattened his ears.

Josh smiled and grabbed Frank's paw and pulled him under the water with him. Josh looked right into Frank's green eyes. "It's ok little guy" he said after kissing his nose.

Frank smiled and hugged Josh. "Well since your in here mind as well clean you too" Josh said as he grabbed the shampoo and squirts it into his paw.

Josh pulled out of the hug and started to lather the shampoo into Frank's fur. Frank starts to mur softly as he does.

Josh smiled and continued until he completely covered Frank's fur in the shampoo. Josh then hugs him and steps under the water and the water washes the shampoo out of their fur.

As the shampoo completely washes away Josh grabs the conditioner and squirts it into his paw. Frank holds out his paw and Josh squirts some into his as well. They both started to lather each other with the conditioner.

After a few more minutes in the shower Josh turns off the water and they both step out. Frank grabs a towel and starts to dry Josh off. Josh murs softly with a smile on his muzzle as he does. As Frank finishes at the feet paws he stands and kisses Joshes chest. Josh giggles and grabs the towel out of Frank's paw and starts to dry him off. Frank wags his tail and murs as he dries him.

Josh finishes at Frank's feet paws and Josh stands and kisses Frank deeply. Frank closes his eyes and kisses back. Josh murs into the kiss and breaks it. "How's my new boyfriend this morning?"

Frank giggled "He's great"

Josh smiles and opens the door and walks out holding Frank's paw. They walk up to Frank's room after he grabs some clothes.

"Hey Josh what are you going to wear?"

"Same as last night. They're not that dirty"

Frank giggled "Yeah hehe"


Later at school Frank and josh went there first period classes. As Frank entered sports marking the bell rung to begin class. The teacher, a white Bengal, whistled and the whole class, about 15 students, stopped small talking and listened to him.

"Today we are going to do a power point presentation" the teacher said then wrote 18 football teams on the board. "Chose one and do a 5 slide presentation on it"

Frank nodded as he was very good at power point projects since 5th grade. Everyone chose their teams except for Frank. He had to choose from the Cincinnati Bengals, Baltimore Ravens, New England Patriots, and the Washington Redskins. Frank wasn't a real fan of either but he chose the Patriots.

As everyone worked on their power points the bell rung just as Frank was about to finish.

"Don't worry. You'll have time to work on them tomorrow. Have a nice day everyone."

Frank logged off the computer and got his bag. He walked off the class. The whole day went very normally for Frank and Josh. Then gym came, the teacher thought it would be best for Frank to sit out of foot ball today since of what happened yesterday. Frank understood and sat on the side and watched the other furs play football.

Frank looked around and saw that husky he saw from practice yesterday. The husky was in the other sophomore gym class and they were playing baseball. The 6'0 husky was up to bat for his team and kind of slammed deep down field it but a bull in the out field caught it. The husky seemed disappointed at that his ball was caught but he just smiled after a minute and walked back into the dug out. Frank thought the husky was so cute but he already had a boyfriend, and he doesn't even know if that husky is gay or not.

Frank then turned his head back to Josh and him playing QB as he team had the ball. Frank smiled as he stared at the canines butt.

Then out of now where when everyone was concentrating on playing there games someone snuck up on Frank quietly and covered his muzzle. Frank heard "You little fag" that made Frank whimper as he was carried off to the front of the school.

The husky Frank was looking at heard that slight whimper barely and turned to see a panther carrying Frank off to the Front of the school. The husky quietly snuck off and followed.

The panther punched him once in cheek and from behind Chris grabbed Frank's underwear and gave him a wedgie. They carried him to the flag pole and hooked his underwear on it and pulled the rope to pull him upwards.

As Frank reached the top of the 13 feet flag pole the two furs that put him on the pole ran off. The husky saw the fox dangling and thought that his underwear was going to give out soon.

Frank's underwear started to rip. He let out one loud "Help!"

When the husky saw that he began to ran toward the pole. As he was almost there Frank started to fall down. The husky ran as fast as he can and dived to catch the fox just before he hit the ground.

"Gotcha" the husky said

Frank was whimpering. The husky just petted the fox on the head "Shhhh its ok your safe now"

Frank looked up at the husky and smiled to see the husky that he had a small crush on. "T-thanks"

The husky smiled "Your welcome. From the judge of that fall, I'd say I saved you from a possible broken neck.

"Yeah....I-I'm Frank"

"Yukon, nice to meet you Frank" Yukon smiled.

"N-nice to meet you too" Yukon then stand up and lets go of Frank. 'This fox is a real cutie' Yukon thought.

Frank smiles and scratches the back of his head "So uh...I guess we should head back to gym class now"

"Yeah maybe so hehe" Frank and Yukon then start to walk back to their class.


The doberman and the panther were watching Frank fall and get caught by Yukon. They see them walk back.

"Damn! I didn't think he would fall! this is your fault Chris!"

"Whoa whoa calm down I didn't want him to fall"

"Well ok, but I'm not going for anymore stuff like this"

"Ok....I think I learned my lesson"

"And what's that?"

"No more hanging furs by their underwear on the flag pole no more"

The panther pouts at the smart mouth comment "Your just a smart ass Chris"

"Yeah I know man. Oh and can we forget this happened?"

The feline shrugs "I guess so"


Both Frank and Yukon made it back to there classes without anyone noticing they were gone. Luckily Frank didn't get punched to hard for it to hurt to bad or leave a bruise.

The bell rang to end the class and everyone started to head back inside into the locker room. Josh gave Frank a peck on the cheek when no one was looking. Frank giggled and sat down on the locker room bench and took off his gym shirt.

Josh smiled and turned around so Frank could have a nice view of his butt when he took off his pants. Frank giggled silently when he saw Josh took off his pants. He snuck a look at Yukon at the locker across from where he was sitting. The husky actually stripped nude. Frank had a perfect brief view of Yukon's sheath and tail hole when he bent down to get his underwear. Frank quickly looked away before any fur saw him staring at Yukon.

Frank himself started to get undressed and redressed in his regular clothes. Josh and Frank waited for the bell to ring and everyone to leave the locker room. Josh then groped Frank by the arms and kisses him passionately and deeply on the lips. Frank murred and melted into the kiss. They both closed their eyes as they kissed.

Josh broke the kiss after a minute and they walked off to there next class, Spanish. They just barely made it before the late of class bell rang. Spanish class was probably the most boring part of their day. The teacher just handed out do nows, talked in front of the class most of the time and asked some students to try to pronounce the words. Frank wasn't so good at Spanish, Josh on the other hand was very good at it. At times you might think he was Hispanic, but he wasn't.

The teacher went to his desk and grabbed a stack of papers and said "Pop quiz" after he said that the whole class groaned except for Frank, cause he was in his own thoughts, and Josh, cause he didn't really mind the quizzes but he still didn't like taking them.

The teacher handed the quizzes out and sat back at his desk. Everyone started to take it quietly. Frank was having a little trouble on the quiz and was tapping his pencil against his head as he looked at the quiz. Josh was noticing Frank was having trouble and he decided to himself that he should help Frank out with Spanish so he could do better and not have trouble with it.

Frank sighed and started putting down the answers he thought best. Josh smiled a bit on how cute the little fox was. The canine finished his test before anyone else and just sat back in his seat.

As time went on everyone finished there test, Frank being the last too and the bell rang for lunch. Frank and josh got their stuff together and left for the cafeteria.

Frank sighed as they walked in the hallway. "I think I fail that quiz Josh" Frank held his head down.

Josh patted him on the back "Don't sweat it Frank its just the first quiz, how would you like me to help you get better with Spanish so you would fail again?"

Frank smiled "You would really do that for me?"

"Of course Frank"


"No problem"

They arrived at the cafeteria and got in line. In front of them was Yukon.

"Hey Yukon"

Yukon turns around "Hey Josh"

"Oh I'd like you to meet Frank" Josh points down to Frank.

"Oh uh....we kind of already met before"

"Oh? When?" Josh asked

Yukon looked down at Frank and Frank was lip saying "Don't tell him, I don't want him to worry"

"Oh uh...we just meet like know each others name that's all. We met earlier today"

"Oh hehe" Josh smiled

All three got their lunches and all sat down next to each other alone at one end of a table. There was two furs at the other end of the table but they just talked to there selves. Frank, Yukon, and Josh started to small talk as they ate their lunches. The bell rang about a minute after everyone finished their lunch. All three walked together until they reached Yukon's next class.

"I'll see you guys either later or tomorrow, ok?"

"Ok" both Frank and Josh said simultaneously.

They both blushed after they say the same thing at the same time and Yukon giggled as he went into his class.

Frank and Josh looked at each other and smiled as they went off to English class. They sat next to each other as the bell rang to begin class. The teacher came in and drew what to do on the black board. Frank sighed to what it said and got his English book out. Josh did the same and turned to the assigned page.

Frank held his head back and looked up at the ceiling. He began to think to himself. Frank was too deep in thought with his eyes closed that he didn't notice the teacher right next to him saying his name.

"Frank...Frank.....Frank!" the teacher yelled.

Frank jumped and went immediately out of his thoughts. "Yeah?"

"Start reading"

Frank nodded and opened the book. He started to read about two paragraphs then dozed off into his thoughts again. Frank sighed silently and looked at Josh. He smiled as he watched the canine read.

Frank then focused his mind and returned reading and doing the assigned problems. The bell rang as he completed the final problem. Josh smiled at Frank and put his stuff back in his bag. Frank put his stuff in his bag as well and stood up. Josh stood up and walked with the fox to their next class, History. Frank leaned his head on Joshes shoulder and didn't care if anyone saw. Frank just stared ahead and smiled.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, school is just boring"

Josh smiled "Yeah I know it is Frank"


After school Josh and Frank stood outside the front of the building.

"So I'll call ya tonight ok?"

Frank smiled "I'd like that Josh"

Josh chuckled and kissed Frank on the lips quickly as soon as no one was looking. "Talk to you later Frank, I'll call you at 7:30"

Frank giggled "Ok Josh"

Josh started to walk in the direction back to his house. Frank started to walk to his mom's car until he accidentally bumped into Yukon, when Frank was sort of in his thoughts as he walked.

"Ops sorry" Frank said then blushed.

Yukon chuckled "Naw, its ok Frank" Yukon then extended his paw.

Frank shook his paw. Yukon then pulled Frank toward him and gave him a tight hug. Yukon and Frank murred. Then both pulled away both blushing deeply.

"Uh...see you tomorrow at gym right?"

"Yeah, see you Yukon" Frank smiled and then continued toward his mom's car.

Yukon watched the fox leave and sighed happily "So cute" he whispered as he climbed onto the bus to go home.

Frank got into his mom's car "How was your day?" he mom asked

"Other than the boring classes, my day was really great mom" Frank smiled at his mom.

"That's good" his mom rubbed his leg and pulled out of the driveway then the parking lot.


Frank was in his room doing his homework until his phone rang. He was excited to talk to Josh already and rushed to his phone but when he looked at the caller ID it wasn't Josh, it was his best friend from last year, Craig. Frank answered.

"Yeah Craig?"

"Hey Frank, I was wondering if you wanted to have a battle on Super Smash Bros. Brawl?"

"I don't think I internet remember? U member right? That includes online gaming"

"Awww that sucks Frank"

"Yeah I know it does Craig. I bet I could still beet you at it"

"Ha! Either though we haven't faced against each other how do you know?"

"I just know, I'm great at that game" Frank said with a smile.

"Yeah ok"

"OK Craig I got to go"

"Alright see you tomorrow"

"Ok see you. Bye"

"Bye" they both hang up and Frank continued with his homework for another 20 minutes til finishing.

Frank looked at his game and tried to choose what to play. He then picked one of his shooting games. Frank stripped down to his underwear as he liked to play games alone in his underwear. He turned on the game and started to play the fantasy shooting game. He also kept his cell near him so it would be near when Josh calls. He dies a few times in the game before beating the level he was on. Frank sighs as he looks at the clock on his cell and the one on top of his TV. It read 7:57, 27 minutes past the time Josh said he would call. He flattened his ears and continued to play his game waiting for him to call.

Another half hour went by and Frank was starting to worry that his new boyfriend wasn't going to call.


Josh arrived a home and dropped his backpack on the floor next to the door.

"Hey son" said his father which was about 6'4 standing and watching TV.

"Hey dad"

"How was your day?' he said as he went into the kitchen.

Josh followed his father "Oh it was great dad, nothing went wrong today....hey where's ma?"

"Basement, why?"

"Oh no reason" Josh opened the fridge and heads for the stairs.

His father stops him by saying "Hey Josh, we're going to dinner in about an hour so hurry with your homework and don't take your pants off cause we might be going either by the time you finish your homework or about 4:00 ok?"

Josh blushed as he dad said the pants and said "ok dad" he walked up to his room, sat on the bed and turned on the TV.

His father notices he left his bag near the door and yelled up the stairs "Josh! You forgot your bag!"

"Yeah I know! I have no homework! I finished it all during class!" Josh yelled back. Josh usually did his homework during class but he didn't always.

Josh watched TV until he dad yelled back up that it was time to go out to dinner. They did like to go out to dinner at least once a week at this time. Josh ran back down stairs and forgot his phone. They all got in the car and drove off to a restaurant for dinner.

Josh just realized that he forgot his phone at the restaurant table right after they ordered their food. Josh whimpered silently and flattened his ears.

"Is something wrong dear?" his mom said.

Josh sighed "No I just forgot my phone is all mom"

"Oh...well it'll be ok Josh"

'I hope so' Josh thought.

They got their a few minutes later and all of them finished their meals at about 6:08 and they drove back home.

Josh got out of the car as soon as they arrived home and rushed to the door.

"In a rush there Josh?"

"Meh kinda, I just have to call someone is all" josh said as he wanted to surprise Frank by calling earlier than expected. Josh smiled at that.

"Ok" his mom walked up to the door and unlocked and opened the door.

Josh ran, on all fours, up to his room and grabbed his phone. He sighed as he saw that the battery died. He put it on the charger. "I hope he isn't mad or worried" he said to himself. Josh walked down stairs.

"Where you going I thought you had to call someone?" his mom said.

"Yeah I do but my battery died, I'll call him when its done charging."

"Oh ok, so you going into the backyard or something?"

"Yeah I'm going to shoot some hoops"

"Have fun"

"I will mom"

His dad walked in as Josh walked outside. He kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Hey there hunie" his mom said after a giggle

"Hey" he sees Josh playing basketball out the window. "I thought he had to call someone"

"He does but he said his phone died so he said 'I'll call him when its done charging'"

"Him? I guess its just a friend he has to call" he rubs his wife's arms and goes to the living room and puts on Sport Center.

Josh plays basketball for what he thought was a few minutes but when he looked at his watch his eyes widened as it read 8:28.

"Crap!" Josh said in a panic and ran, again on all fours, back inside and up to his room. He grabbed his phone and turned it one. His leg was shaking and he thought 'Come on...' as he waited for it to finish turning on.

"Finally" he said as he called Frank and put the phone to his ear.


Frank finally heard his phone ring and fumbled it as he picked it up. He answers his phone.


"Frank! I'm so so sorry I didn't call earlier" josh just kept saying he say sorry.

Frank tried to get him to calm down "Hey, hey calm down Josh I'm not mad. You don't need to apologize Josh"

Josh took a deep breathe and calmed down. "Thank you Frank"

"No problem, why didn't you anyway?"

"Well first me and my family went to dinner from 4 to 6. Then when I came home my phone was dead so I put it on the charger and went outside to play some basketball as I waited, but when I looked at my watch it was 8:28"

"Mhm, it's ok Josh I understand, course I was worried that you might not call"

"Come on now why won't I call my boyfriend?"

Frank shrugged "I don't know, maybe you would forget, or you couldn't or something"

Josh giggled "C'mon Frank trust me when I say I'm going to call you I will call"

Frank smiled at that "Ok Josh hehe I trust you"

They talked all the way to like 11 o'clock. Josh yawned "Ok Frank I'm going to bed now, I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Ok Josh" they both make a smooching noise through their phone and they both hang up after saying bye to each other.


Josh stripped down nude, turned off his lights, and got under his covers. He yawned again and started thinking about his new fox boyfriend. He smiled as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Frank got up and turned out his lights and thought for a minute then he turned them back on. He took off his shirt and pulled down his underwear. Frank started to rub his sheath and murred as he started to think about his new boyfriend nude in front of him. He sat on his bed.

The tip of Frank's cock poked out as he rubbed his sheath. He held his head back still with his eyes closed. Frank then got fully hard and he grabbed his now throbbing member and started to paw himself off slowly. He used his other paw the play with his balls.

Frank moaned and started to paw himself off faster as he kept thinking of the nude canine in front of him.

He remembered what Yukon looked like nude and pawed faster as he thought of his tail hole and his sheath. He moaned louder.

Frank now thought of both of them nude in front of him doing a sexy dance, them putting their sheaths and tail holes into Frank's face. This made Frank moaned louder as he felt his climax reach. He lifted his legs do he cock is pointing down at his face. Frank opened his mouth, eyes still closed, and shot his seed directly into his muzzle and swallowed it all.

He licked his lips "Mmmm, oh yeah" Frank murred softly.

Frank then wiped the cum off his tip and got under the covers. Frank kept smiling as he layed there and he feel asleep thinking of his boyfriend.

Part Two-Trouble Begins

Frank woke up to the sound of the alarm clock the next morning. He hit the snooze button and sat up rubbing his eyes. He yawned and got up off the bed. He went to the bathroom after getting his clothes for the day. He was still kind of half a sleep....

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High school is Hard part one

The annoying alarm clock rang and woke Frank, he was a unique fur colored fox, about 5'6 and 16 years old. A groan came from his muzzle as he reached over and hit the snooze button. He sat up and stretched. "Awww man the first day of school" Frank...

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Highschool Secrets Pt 5

I had a terrified look on my face. I looked back between Brian and Ryan, both grinning. "Ryan." "Yes." he said in a happy tone "I'm sorry" "Fox say what?" "I'm sorry but I thought about it and I love Brian more." "Oh ok I...

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