High school is Hard part one

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#1 of High School is Hard

The annoying alarm clock rang and woke Frank, he was a unique fur colored fox, about 5'6 and 16 years old. A groan came from his muzzle as he reached over and hit the snooze button. He sat up and stretched.

"Awww man the first day of school" Frank said as he held his head and, flattened his ears and looked up at the ceiling.

It was the first day of sophomore year and Frank never liked school one bit, he got B's, C's, and some A's, usually from Gym and his elective, sports marking, but Frank just thought school was as boring as hell.

"Frank, time to get up" his mom said up his stairs, not knowing he's already awake.

"Ok mom" Frank said with a sigh.

Frank was a gay fox but he never told anyone, not even his parents. He was afraid they wouldn't accept him, and with his friends he was afraid that they wouldn't be his friend anymore and that they would hate him since he always hear his friends make mean jokes about gays. Frank also didn't want to get beaten up everyday if the word spread.

Frank got up from his bed, wearing white briefs and a red t-shirt. He loved to sleep in his underwear, he doesn't know why he just does. Frank walked down stairs and went into his old room, he was in his sister's old room. He liked that room cause it was bigger than his old room and since his sister is 13 years older then him, as soon as she moved out he moved into that room. Frank grabbed some new clothes and a towel and walked into the bathroom. He sighed and set the clothes and the towel on the toilet, which had both seats down, stripped nude and tossed the shirt and the briefs onto floor. Frank rubbed his sheath, he murred as he did. He was very horny today.

Frank turned on the water and set it to the right temperature and stepped into the water and let the water just run down his furry body. Frank sighed, he was thinking on how badly he wanted a mate, a love that can hold him, tell him he loves him, and protect him. Frank was strong really, he probably couldn't hurt and of the other kids if he punched them in the face or the arm. Frank wanted to be strong but he was too lazy to work out. All he wanted to do was stay in his room and be on the internet all day til 10:30, but his parents said he was getting obsessed with the internet so his parents reduced his tie on his lap top to just an hour a day. Frank hated his parents for that, and he was very sad. He mopped pretty much all day, cause of the internet and that he was single.

Frank grabbed the shampoo and lathered it all over his body. Frank murred softly as he lathered his sheath. As he started to lather his tail hole he moaned softly.

"I'm so horny today" he said as he entered two fingers into his tail hole. Frank smiled and pointed his muzzle up. He moaned as he entered a third. Frank's cock started to grow very quickly. With his other paw he started to paw off quickly. He moaned louder, but not as loud for his mom to hear.

Frank closed his eyes and he pawed off as fast as he could and added a fourth finger into his hole. He wiggled his fingers around in his tail hole, then he started to pump his fingers in and out his hole, pretending that it was another fur fucking him. "Mmmm oh yes" Frank was a completely submissive fur. He was reaching his climax so he pumped and pawed even faster. Frank murred as he shot his seed all over the shower wall. He took his paws out of his hole and his cock went back into his sheath. Frank kept smiling with his eyes closed. He then sighed and held his head down

"I wish I had someone to hold me...." Frank had a frown on his muzzle.

Since Frank always clean his tail hole after he went to the bathroom, so his fingers didn't smell of crap. He reached for the conditioner after he washed to rest of shampoo out of his fur. He squirted into is paw and then he just looked straight at the wall as he lean against the wall.

Frank snapped out of it and shook his head. "Come on Frank snapped out of it"

He started to lather the conditioner into his fur. He started to think about his friends from last year and wondered how many of his classes they were in. His friends were Craig, an otter just a year younger than Frank and just a little shorter too. Carlos, a Hispanic black wolf and Keith, a golden retriever, both which was about the same height as Frank, but a bit taller.

Frank snapped out of his thoughts and washed the conditioner from his fur and stepped out of the shower. He turned off the water and turned to walk to the mirror. He look at his own reflection. Frank smiled and continue to looked at himself. He ran his paw through his fur, feeling how soft his fur was. Frank murred as he did so.

He grabbed his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth after he put toothpaste on it. Frank finished after a minute, he smiled showing his fox teeth which were very white know that they were just brushed.

Frank sighed "hehe....." he grabbed his clothes after drying off with the towel and started to get dressed in his green U.S.A t-shirt, clean white briefs, and long black jeans. He grabbed the towel with his clothes. Frank opened the door and carried his clothes up his stairs to his room and put them into the hamper.

Frank put his paws into his pockets and just looked around his room and sighed. He walked to the dresser and looked into the mirror and put some deodorant on. Then he opened one drawer and pulled out two cotton swabs out and clean his ears. He then sat on his bed and turned on the TV and watched it.

He heard his mom wake up and walk down stairs. Frank flattened his ears and closed his eyes and began to think of males nude, either though he never saw one in front of him yet, just on his lap top. He opened his eyes and kept his ears flat, he held his head down.

"I don't know why I feel so down....I know I'm single and have a lack of internet but I shouldn't feel this down."

Frank looked at the clock and it said 7:40, which his time to leave for school. He walked down stairs to the living room where his mom was sitting on the couch. His mom was a normal furred red fox. Frank was a red fox too but he had extra white fur on his body. That was cause of his dad being a white fox.

Frank grabbed his back pack and put it on his back and walked out the door with his mom to his mom's car. They both got in the car and had a quiet ride to the high school.


Their car pulled up to the front of the school. Frank grabbed the 2.05 and said bye to his mom. He got out of the car and his mom drove off, back home. Frank walked into the school and he went to his first period in the room A-1, that class was Sports Marking. Frank was really into sports, either though he couldn't play any himself.

After first period ended his next class was at A-19, which was Biology. Frank wasn't good at science, it was the class where he usually got C's in, he was ok at it but the only reason he got C's his cause he always did his homework. Each period only went on for about 20 minutes since it was a half day. The half days were that day, Thursday and Friday. After that it was going to be a normal full day and full week.

The bell rang and now it was third period. For Frank third period he had gym, which he was nervous about. He didn't want to get caught staring at all the sexy male furs. He always tried his best to not stare and keep his head down. Since he was known as a quiet fur no one questioned why he was so quiet and nervous, cause he usually always is. He walked into the locker room and immediate saw a sexy 5'7 sophomore german shepherd standing there in black briefs bending down, where the shepherd's butt was pointing at Frank. Frank had a perfect view of the shepherd's ass. He stopped staring before any fur could see and Frank gulped and approached the shepherd very nervously.

"uh..hi..." Frank said as he scratched the back of his head.

The shepherd turned and stood up straight. The shepherd smiled "hi there" then the shepherd extended his paw.

Frank shook the shepherd's paw, he thought the canine was so beautiful and sexy. Frank could feel how warm the shepherd paw was. Frank was looking up at the shepherds face and saw his brown eyes. Frank smiled and looked down at the exposed chest of the shepherd and the rest of his body, without him seeing. He couldn't keep his eyes off the shepherd in just his underwear.

"So what's your name little foxy?"

"uh....F-Frank" he said nervously.

The shepherd thought 'hehe, this little fox is nervous...I wonder why...hehe, he's kind of cute' "My name is Josh"

"hi Josh...so are you new?"

"Yes I am new, I'm from Colorado. It's nice here in New Jersey."

"Yes it is, course I would love to go to Colorado."

Josh smiled "Yeah maybe I could take you one day."


"Sure, I wouldn't mind taking my new friend to my home town"

"what's your home town?"

"Denver, I'm a big Bronco fan"

"Yeah they been doing pretty good so far"

"Yeah they're an average team" 'Man this fox is so cute....I wonder if he's gay...I would be sad if he wasn't gay' Josh thought.

"So Josh, I'm sure you're a Avalanche fan too..."

"Yeps" Josh said with a big smile showing his canine teeth.

"Yeah...I'm a Devils fan" Frank giggled silently when he saw the canine's pure white teeth.

Josh hugged Frank. Frank jumped from the sudden hug and hugged back, nuzzling into his soft shepherd fur. Josh smiled 'hehe I think this fox likes me' Josh thought. Frank felt a tent forming in his pants and pulled out of the hug and blushed.

"uh...I think I better get dressed for gym now" Frank held his paws in front of is small tent and set his stuff down next to Josh's.

"Yeah me too" Josh just looked at Frank as he dropped his pants and removed his shirt. 'Wow...cute, soft and sexy' Josh looked down at his clothes before Frank could notice that Josh was looking.

Both finished getting dressed and they walked out and into the gymnasium. As they were walking a 5'11 cheetah walked into Frank and knocked him down. Frank yelped as he hit the floor. "Hey! Shorty watch were your going! 'whispers' little bitch" the cheetah said and started to walk away before Josh grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey! Hold on there Phillip, just cause your tall and star receiver on the sophomore football team doesn't mean you can push a little fox like Frank around....you watch it next time" Josh let go of Phillip's shoulder and Phillip walked away to his squad line.

"Sorry about that Frank he can be a bitch some times" Josh helps Frank up

"It's ok Josh...how do you know him already?"

"Oh...well I moved here in the middle of the summer and I join the football team...so I know him...he has like a T.O. attitude"

"Oh hehe...so um...what position do you play Josh?"

"Quarterback, Frank"

"Oh, cool Josh I wish I could play that" Frank sighed "But I'm not good in any sports"

"Uh well I guess I can coach you if you ever like to...and I could get you a good seat at all the games" Josh smiled.

"Uh, yeah I would like that"

Just after Frank said that their teacher came out and started class. They were playing foot ball this week and they picked teams. Josh and some dark brown wolf named George was the other. As soon as Josh picked Frank, which was the first time some one picked him first for anything.

"who's that wolf Josh?" Frank whispered into Josh's ear.

"oh he's just the third string quarterback, he has a cocky attitude...he says he's better than me."

"I'm sure he's not though" Frank giggled softly and quietly.

After all the students were picked Josh surprised Frank when he said to the team. "Frank here is going to be our QB today"

"What? I'm not good Josh"

"Well we'll see Frank, I want to see how good you are so we can work on it if u decide to get better."

"Oh....ok.." Frank gulped and both teams went out side and apparently Josh was the center, so Frank was a little nervous about putting his hands where a QB puts them before the snap. Frank blushed under his fur as he did and said "hike" and stepped back and positioned his feet perfectly and let the pass go flying through the air, to Phillip. Phillip caught it, and Frank was stunned on how he threw that ball. His muzzle hanged open a little. Josh was wowed from it as well.

"oh....my....damn...Frank" Josh turns to him "awesome pass"

"Th-thanks Josh" Frank said still stunned.

They went to where to ball was supposedly spotted. They did a running play and got the TD. Frank was going to be SS on defense, he was hopping he would do well. They gave the ball to Frank to throw it off to the other team. Frank threw it and it flew through the air again in a perfect spiral.

As Frank positioned himself and readied for the snap. When the ball was snapped the QB, George, threw it to a receiver near Frank. Frank jumped up as high as he can and just missed the ball, but the receiver dropped the ball. Just then the bell rang, and they all went back to the locker room.

Both Frank and Josh striped to there underwear. "hey Josh"


"Can I see your schedule?"

"Sure" Josh grabs his schedule and hands it to Frank.

Frank sat on the bench and got out his schedule and looked at them both 'yes we have the rest of the day together' Frank thought and smiled.

Josh sat down nest to Frank and looked as well. "Hey hehe we the same classes from now on"

"Yea we do Josh" Frank handed the schedule back to Josh. Josh put it in his bag and hugged Frank again. Frank blushed and hugged back.

When everyone left the locker room Josh touched his nose to Franks and looks into his eyes. Frank was still very nervous and he looked back. Josh then realized what he was doing and he stand up and blushed as he started to get dressed. Frank on the other hand had a feeling that Josh liked him, so before Josh pull up his pants Frank smack his butt and giggled. Josh yelped and looked back and smiled. They both got dressed and went to Spanish class. They arrived just before the late bell rung. They sat next to each other.

They sat together at lunch, which was after Spanish and E.A.T. and in the rest of the classes they sat together as well. After lunch was English, then History, and finally they had math last period, 8th period, then as the final bell rung they went out to the front of the school.

"so um...where do you live Josh?"

"I live in Brooklawn, right near the elementary school there"

"Oh Aces, I hated my years there..."

"hehe why?"

"It was a very strict school...in that school, you chew gum you get a demerit"

"That's dumb"

"Yeah I know, I live in Brooklawn too" Frank gets a piece of paper that was hanging out of his bag and wrote down his address. "here"

"hehe ok thanks Frank. You have a cell?"


"What's your number?" Josh pulls out his phone and goes to the add contacts page.

Frank tells Josh his cell number. "ok I'll give you a call later then Frank"

"Ok Josh"

"Oh I almost forgot" Josh pulls out a pen and writes on Frank's arm, where the white fur is, his number. Frank blushes and smiles

Josh kisses Frank on the nose and runs off happily in the direction of his house. Frank giggles and blushes at the kiss.

"I think he likes me, and that he's gay" Frank sighed happily and had a big smile on his muzzle and walked to his mom's car and got in.


Frank arrives in his room and gets his homework done. He looks at his phone and waits for Joshes call.

Five minutes later his cell rang and Frank saw the name and answered it quickly. They talked continuously from 5:23 pm to 11:45 then Josh said "Hey Frank I'm tired, I'm heading to bed. See you at gym ok"

"ok bye Josh"


They both hang up and Frank stripped nude and sat on the bed. He started to rub his sheath and started to think of Josh nude. Frank got hard quick and started to paw off as fast as he can, pretending Josh was giving him a blow job. He also thought of the canine's tail hole, sheath, and the feel of a kiss. Frank murred and moaned. "ohhhhh yeeeeeeaaaahhh"

Frank leaned forward so his cock was pointing into his muzzle and shot his load into his muzzle. "mmmmmm" Frank licks his lips. "Josh is such a nice, sweet, cute, and sexy fur. Frank pulled the covers over him and closes eyes. Frank was murring softly as he thought of the canine. Frank had a big smile and he feel asleep.

Highschool Secrets Pt 5

I had a terrified look on my face. I looked back between Brian and Ryan, both grinning. "Ryan." "Yes." he said in a happy tone "I'm sorry" "Fox say what?" "I'm sorry but I thought about it and I love Brian more." "Oh ok I...

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Highschool Secrets Pt 4

Riiiiinnnng "oh man what a dream" I looked down to my briefs and there was a wet spot, I shot some cum during that dream. I actually really enjoyed what happened in that dream maybe I should tell them. But how should I? Should I wait a little...

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Highschool Secrets pt 3

Riiinnngg the bell of the school rang us out of first period. All three of us went to Ryan's locker before we began our way to the next class. Ryan reached into his locker the get the right book for the upcoming class. Brian on the other hand was...

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