Part Two-Trouble Begins

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#2 of High School is Hard

Frank woke up to the sound of the alarm clock the next morning. He hit the snooze button and sat up rubbing his eyes. He yawned and got up off the bed. He went to the bathroom after getting his clothes for the day. He was still kind of half a sleep. Frank turned on the water and stepped in.

He got out after about 10 minutes. Frank walked about two steps and looked into the mirror again. He opened the cabinet and got the toothpaste. He shut the cabinet, grabbed his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth. After he finished brushing his teeth and getting dressed he walked out of the bathroom to see his father standing in front of the door.

"Morning dad"

His dad smiled "morning son" he then messed Frank's head fur. His dad was about 5'9 and was a pure white fox.

Frank steps aside to let his father go into the bathroom. His dad nodded once and walked into the bathroom. His dad normally slept in his underwear. Frank walked to his room and grabbed his cell phone. He looked at it and sees that he got a text message while he was in the shower. The message was from Josh, it said "Hiyas hehe, meet you in front of the school this morning, k?" Frank smiled and thought of the shepherd. He texted "ok Josh see you then" in response . Frank then put some deodorant on and cleaned his ears a little with a cotton swab. He turned on the TV to see that he left it on TBS and saw that family gut was on already. Frank just sat and watched, he laughed and the funny parts. He now had a big smile on his muzzle as he turned off the TV as it was time to leave for school. He grabbed his backpack and walked down to see his mom standing and watching the Today show.

"C'mon Frank" his mom said to him with a smile as he came down the stairs.

He smiled back and walked with his mom out the front door. "It's a wonderful Tuesday today" Frank said to himself. It was about 79 degrees out and a little wind, for Frank this was perfect weather. He loved to wind on his fur but he didn't want to cold as it did. Frank now had a big smile. His mom notices his smile as she smiles as well, glad to see her son so happy. Carol, his mom, wondered why all of a sudden he was so happy.


His mom's car arrives out front of the school and Frank saw Josh standing near the door waiting for Frank. He smiled more and got out of the car.

"Bye mom" Frank said as he grabbed his lunch money.

"Bye son, have a nice day"

"Oh I know I will mom" Frank said as he shut the door and jogged to Josh, hugging him after they say hi to each other. His mom see it and wonders why he's hugging another boy like that. His mom was ok if her son was ever gay. She smiled and drove off, taking a guess in her head that he might be gay. "Frank might be, and I'm completely ok with that. But I'll let him telling me and his father when he's ready" she said to herself.

Frank walked inside the school building with Josh's arm around friendly his shoulder. As the bell was about to ring in a minute they stopped walking and turned to each other.

" see you at gym then Josh"

"Yeah...oh and are you coming to practice?"

Frank smiled "Of course I am Josh"

Josh just smiled and messed Frank's head fur and walked off to honors biology, his first period. Frank giggled as Joshed messed his head fur and watched Josh walk off. He sighed happily and walked into his class.

As Frank sat down the bell rang, to begin class, and the announcements started off with the flag salute. About three minutes later the announcements ended and class started. Frank was thinking that he would do well in sports marking since he loved sports.

The first period ended and Frank got his backpack and walked out to his next class. On his way to class he saw Josh pass him in the hall. They gave each other high fives as they pass each other. They both giggled as they did.


Later was gym, third period, and both Frank and Josh walked into the locker room together. Josh grabbed Franks paw and pulled him to Josh's locker.

"Hehe I just wanted to show you my locker" Josh opens it and grabs the football helmet and put it on Frank's head. Josh giggled and took it off. Frank just smiled up at Josh

"Devins!" the coach yelled.

"Yeah coach" Josh responded.

"I want to see you in my office now"

"ok. Be right back Frank" Josh messed Frank's head fur again and jogged over to the coach's office.

Frank sat his stuff down and took off his shirt and waited for Josh to come back. About a minute later Josh came out of the coach's office and sat done next to Frank and took his pants off.

"Why did the coach want you?"

"Oh he just wanted to show my a brand new play in our play book is all"

"Oh hehe cool" Josh smiled and looked at the foxes exposed chest.

Frank pulled his pants down and grabbed his gym shorts out of his bag. Josh was wagging his tail rapidly as he looked at the foxes butt. Josh was murring softly as he looked at the cute briefs around the foxes ass. Josh could feel a tent forming in his briefs so he quickly looked away and kept his mind from sight of the sexy foxes butt to have his forming tent go back down. Frank put his shorts and gym shirt on and turned to look at Josh.

Josh smiled back and took off his shirt and rubbed his chest lightly and murred. Frank giggled and watched. Josh got his gym clothes out of his locker and put them on. They both turned to walk out of the locker room to the gymnasium. As they walked Josh puts his arm around Frank's shoulder.

As class started they went out side to the football field to play there daily football. This time Frank was being WR, and Josh QB. Josh hiked the ball and Frank went deep. Josh saw Frank opened and threw the ball to Frank. He jumped up to catch the ball and as soon as Frank had a hand on the ball Phillip came in and hit Frank legs hard. Frank held on to the ball as he went down to the floor. Frank let out a huge yelp as he hit the floor.

"Oh my god!" Josh yelled as he ran to Frank's position.

"F-Frank are you ok?"

Frank had his eyes closed shut and nodded lightly.

"What the hell!?" Josh shouted at Phillip. "This is fucking touch football! Why the fuck did you do that?!"

Phillip shrugged and had an uncaring face on. "C'mon I didn't hit him that hard"

"Uh yeah you did u bitch. Look at him he's in pain."


"You are so uncaring of others" Josh said as he slowly shook his head and turned and walked back to Frank.

"C'mon Frank I'll take you to the nurse" Josh lifted Frank over his shoulders and carried him back inside the school and on his way to the nurse. Frank whimpered in pain.

Josh sighed "I saw how you surprise u didn't break your head open"

"....Big headache..." was all Frank could say

"Yeah im sure u do have one Frank" Josh started to tear a little.

He arrived at the nursery and layed Frank on one of the beds. The nurse notices and walks over to the two worried.

"what happened? He looks like he's in a lot of pain."

Josh sighed "We were playing football and one jerk in our class tackled him at his looked like it was pretty hard too."

"Oh my god" the nurse said and looked at Josh "um..."


"Josh, could you leave? I need to see this little guys condition"

"Oh of course, feel better soon Frank" Josh walked out and back to gym class.

Frank nodded before he left. The nurse did some physical tests on Frank to see if he had a broken bones.

After an hour of physical tests "Ok Frank u don't have any broken bones but u have some serious bruising around your ankles and knees " the nurse said as she looked at his stats on a clip board.


The nurse starts to pet Frank's head fur "You just rest now"

Frank nodded and fell asleep.


After gym class was over Josh got dressed and grabbed Frank's stuff. Josh went on as the day went by until 6th period. Josh wanted to check on Frank so Josh got up and walked up to the teacher's desk and asked if he could go to the nurse and check on Frank.

The teacher nodded and handed him a pass to the nurse. Josh smiled big and grabbed his stuff after packing them up and he made his way to the nursery. Josh rushed in and sat next to Frank and watched him sleep. Josh held Frank's paw and layed his head on Frank's stomach. Josh was motioned up and down on his stomach as Frank breathed in his sleep.

"Poor little guy...." Josh sighed.

Frank smiled as he slept. Josh began to mur softly as he felt Frank's warm, and soft fur against his face. Josh nuzzled a little.

Frank woke up ten minutes later and looked down to see Josh holding his paw and laying on his stomach. Frank smiled "Psssssst" he whispered down at the shepherd. Josh's ears perked up as soon as he heard it and looked up at Frank's face and smiled in relief "How you feeling?"

"Better I guess"

"What did the nurse say?"

"She said I had some serious bruising around my knees and ankles"

"Well I guess that's better than any broken bones...mind if I give you a hug Frank?"

"Not at all, just help me sit up"

"Ok" Josh puts a paw on Frank's back and helped him up

"Thanks Josh"

Josh nodded and gave Frank a big hug. They both murred softly as they hugged. Josh rubbed Frank's back and teared a bit. Josh was so happy that Frank was ok. Josh pulled a little away so he's looking at Frank with his arms still around Frank. They both looked at each other and moved their muzzles closer and closer to each other.

They both closed their eyes slowly and their muzzles met and they started to kiss. Both Frank and Josh held there ears back as they both enjoyed the kiss. Josh rubbed the back of Frank's head as they kissed. Frank murred softly into the kiss. Josh licked Frank's lips to want entry. Frank happily opened his muzzle a little to allow entry. Josh began to explore Frank's muzzle with his tongue. Frank murred louder and started to explore Josh's muzzle which made Josh mur louder as well. Then both their tongues started to dance with each other.

They kissed each other for about five minutes then Josh broke it and smiled real big.

"I didn't know you were gay Josh"

"Yeah I am...I didn't think u would be too, but since you liked me hugging you so much I took a chance and kissed you"

Frank giggled and kissed Josh's nose. "Hehe so I guess you really like me then"

"Hehe yeah I do Frank" Josh licked Frank's ear which made Frank giggle.

"Would you got out with me sometime?" Josh said nervously.

"Yes" Frank said with a huge smile.

Josh wagged his tail rapidly "Yay hehe"

Frank giggled and tried to stand but was still in to much pain. "Frank rest no need to get up, school is almost over anyway"

"Aww man I was in here all day? I missed so much work"

"Hehe don't worry I'll help you with your work. I'm a straight A student."

"I'm a B and C student"

Josh just smiled and stared at Frank.


The bell rang a half an hour later.

"Can you stand?"

"I'll try"

Frank tries to stand up slowly and josh helps him up. He is able to stand, Josh supports Frank by putting Frank's arm over his shoulder. They both walk out and past the main office. Frank looks in the main office to see Phillip sitting out side the principle office.

Josh notices Frank looking at Phillip and giggles. "He got suspension for about a week for what he did to you"

"Well I'm sure he got in a lot of trouble"

"Yeah he did" Josh said with a smile.

Frank just smiled as they continued to walk to the locker room. Frank's legs were still hurting from the hard hit he received earlier. Josh saw that Frank was still in pain so he licked Frank on the ear and kissed his cheek. Frank giggled and smiled up at Josh. He smiled back and gave Frank a peck on the lips which made Frank blush a little.

They arrived at the locker room and Josh help Frank sit on the bench. Frank looked around and saw all the furs on the football team getting nude and changing into there uniforms. He blushed as he looked around, he saw a Siberian husky, a Doberman, a Bull, a black panther, a cheetah, and others as well. As he was looking at them, they all pretty much were nude and facing their lockers so Frank had great views of there butts. As soon as he turned to Josh, Josh had his pants and underwear down and bent down so his nude butt was in Frank's face. Frank murred softly and quietly so no one would here. He also made sure no saw him looking at the rest of the male furs nude.

Frank felt a tent forming in his pants so he closed his eyes and thought of something else, which was hard for him, so he could have his penis go back into it's sheath. As it fully went back in he opened is eyes a few minutes later and felt Josh help him stand and Josh started to help him walk to the bleachers.


As practice started Frank kept his eyes on his, hopefully new boyfriend Josh. Frank couldn't wait until his date. He then started to wonder when his date would be, he was hoping for tonight. Another fur sort of caught his eye as well. The fur's jersey number was 80 and from the look was a TE. He also had the ball passed to him a quite a couple of times. that's player started to get tired so he went to rest on the side line. The husky took off his helmet and Frank had a clear view of the husky's face. The fox thought the husky was very beautiful and strong. As the TE sat down Frank saw the husky's tail all curled up. Frank thought that was cute and before Frank knew it he was forming a crush on this husky.

Frank shook his head and looked back at Josh on the field throwing beautiful pass. The 16 year old German shepherd looked like he had a very accurate arm. He was fitting the ball in very tight places where the receiver could only just get it with the ball just missing the defensive back's hands. Josh did miss a pas like twice. Frank counted Josh record of completions and attempts. Josh was 20 for 22 according to Frank's counting.

There was a few running plays as well. Both TE were blocking very well. That husky and from the look the other TE was a snow shepherd. The RB himself was a cheetah and he was about Frank's height, like around 5'6 ½ maybe 5'8. Frank couldn't really tell from his seat. The cheetah looked about that height. He was a also very quick and elusive.

Practice went one for about another hour. The time was 6:15 and the sky looked orange cause of the sun setting. Frank and Josh walked out of the locker room.

" would you like to go out anyway Josh?" Frank said while scratching the back of his head.

"Hehe I was hoping for tonight"

"That's great" Frank said with a huge smile and wagging his tail.

Josh giggled "So how's a movie?"

"Perfect hehe"

"Good meet you at the theater at 7?"

"Yeah you will Josh hehe"

Josh kissed Frank deeply and walked his way home. Frank sighed happily walked his way home was well.


Frank was in his room thinking on what to wear on his date with Josh. He then found a nice looking stripped sweater, it was perfect since it was going to be chilly tonight. He got out a pair of tan pants and put the outfit on. Frank looked in the mirror to see how he looked. 'I look pretty cute in this, course don't want to look to fancy since it's a movie date. If this was a dinner date, hehe I would probably wear my shirt and tie' Frank thought to himself as he looked into the mirror. He looked at the clock and it read 6:45. "Oh man I got to get going" Frank hurried down stairs and to the front door until his dad stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going son?"

"Uh....well....I was invited to hang out with a group of friends"

His dad looked at him with suspicion " back before 9:30"

Frank smiled "Thanks dad, and I will" Frank went out the door and began to walk to the theater.

Josh was already at the theater waiting for Frank. He was dressed in a black sweater and beige pants. Josh looked at his watch a few times and leaned against the wall, watching the street, looking at the traffic go by.

Frank arrived and snuck up on Josh and tapped him on the shoulder which made him jump a little. Josh turned around and hugged the fox.

"Hey, hehe I was starting to get worried..."


"That you weren't going to show..."

"Hehe that's silly to think, I wouldn't stand up such a cute german shepherd"

Josh smiled and giggled. He held Franks paw as they went up to the ticket booth. Josh bought the tickets.

"That was nice of you but you didn't have to but my ticket"

"Hehe I know, but I wanted to" they walked into the theater and walked up to the candy counter.

They bought a large popcorn to share and a large seven up to share. Josh held Franks paw tight, but no enough to harm his paw, and they walked into there theater. They were going to see one of those popular comedy movies. Josh picked some seats around the middle of the theater and they sat next to each other.


A few rows back there was some of Josh's team mates, a Doberman, a cheetah, and a black panther.

The Doberman notices Josh with a fox like figure. "H-hey" he said as he tapped on the panther next to him "isn't that Josh?"

The panther looks where the Doberman pointed out. "Yeah it is. Why?"

"Can you see who's he with?"

"Um...hold on" The panther squints his eyes and tries to get a better look before the room went dark. "I think its that his"

"Frank" the cheetah said

"How do you know?"

The cheetah shrugged "Just a guess"

The panther tries to get a better look. "Yeah I think Kev's right" the cheetah nodded at the panther.

"You think they might be on a date?" Pete, the panther said.

"Well does it look like it?" Chris, the Doberman said.

Pete looks at them again and sees them sharing the drink and popcorn. He also sees Josh's arm around the fox. "Yep looks like it"

"Well how do you guys think we teach that fox fag a lesson huh?" Chris said with a smile.

"I'm in" the panther said.

"I'm not, sorry" Kevin said.

"Well that's no surprise" Chris said. "Of course your not. We know you don't like beating up other furs"

The cheetah just nodded and began to watch the movie as it started.


The movie ended around 9 and the three team mates left before Josh and Frank could see them at all. Both Frank and Josh had big smiles on their muzzles. They walked out of the theater and threw out the empty soda cup and popcorn carton. Frank leaned against Josh's shoulder and Josh smiled as he did. Frank held Josh's paw and they walked outside, in front of the theater. Josh turns to Frank and blushes from what he's about to say.

" mind if I stay at your place?"

"Sure as long as its ok with your parents"

Josh smiled "I'm sure it will be but let me call them" Josh pulls out his cell and calls his parents.

Frank was nervous that his parents might say no. he waited quietly and passionately until Josh came back with a frown on his muzzle

Frank flattens his ears "They said no didn't they?"

Josh sakes his head with his head down. Then looked up with a smile "They said it was ok Frank"

Frank smacks him in the arm lightly and playfully. "You tease" he giggled.

"Hehe yeah I am" Josh held his paw as they started to walk to Frank's house.


They arrived at Frank's house a minute before nine thirty. Josh licked Frank on the cheek which made him giggle. Frank opened the door to see his parents on the couch watching TV together.

"Hi son. Who's your friend?" his father said.

"Josh these are my parents. Mom, Dad, this is Josh. My best friend" Frank looked up with a wink.

Josh smiled "Nice to meet you"

"Mucho Gusto" his mom said with a giggle.

"Huh?" Frank said as he didn't know what that meant.

"That means nice to meet you Frank, remember Spanish last year."

"Oh. Yeah that's right. I guess I forgot for that moment"

All three smiled at Frank. "So is it ok if Josh stays the night?"

"Is it ok with his parents?"

They both nodded. "Ok he can stay the night" his father said.

"Thanks mom and dad"

His parents just smiled as they continued to watch the TV. Frank grabbed Josh's paw and pulled him all the way up stairs. Josh giggled a little as Frank did.

Frank pulled Josh all the way to his room. Frank let go of Josh's paw and sat on the bed. Josh looked around the room. "Nice room Frank"

"Hehe Thanks"

Josh nodded as he saw the game systems and his lap top. Josh then sat on the bed next to Frank and looked at him. Frank kissed Josh passionately on the lips. Josh kissed back and murred into the kiss. Frank broke the kiss.

"So um....does this mean you're my boyfriend?

"Hehe if you want me to be"

Frank answered with a hug. "Hehe I'll take that as a yes"

Josh hugged back and murred. Josh rubbed Frank's back as they hugged. Frank murred louder as he did. Josh smiled as he knew Frank was enjoying it. Josh moved his paws to Franks lower back and rubbing his back just above his butt. Frank murred louder and leaned his head on Josh's.

Josh moved his paws down and grabbed Frank's butt. Frank giggled and Josh whispered into his ear "I'm very horny tonight you mind if I suck you off?"

Frank's ears point up and he smiled "I don't mind at all Josh"

With that said Josh let go from the hug and took off Frank's shirt and started to rub his chest lightly which made him mur more. Josh took off his shirt and started to kiss at Frank's neck then down his neck to his chest. Frank held his head back and murred.

Josh sucked a little on one of Frank's nipples and continued to kiss his way down Frank's body til his was at his pants and unbuttoned them. Josh pulled them down and nuzzled his nose into Frank's sheath. Frank layed a paw on Josh's head. Josh unbuttoned and pulled down his own pants and underwear. Josh pulls down Frank's briefs and gets in between Frank's legs and spreads them so he has room. Josh started to lap at Frank sheath. Frank moaned softly and started to pet Josh's head lightly. Frank tips pokes out and Josh laps at the tip.

Frank slowly gets fully hard as Josh laps at his growing cock. Josh takes Franks cock into his muzzle and starts to bob his head. Frank moaned "Mmmm yes that's good" Frank said a little eager for him to go faster. Josh goes as fast as he can as he enjoys the taste of the foxie's cock.

Frank's knot forms. Josh plays with his knot with one paw and with the other he plays with Frank's balls.

Josh gets fully hard as he sucks the fox off and starts to paw himself off quickly. Josh moaned onto Frank's cock as he bobs up and down. Josh's knot fully forms slowly as he paws himself off faster.

"Nng....going to shot soon..." Frank said after a moan.

Josh closes his eyes as he continued to bob. Josh moaned onto Frank's cock on more time. Frank moaned as he let out his load into Josh's muzzle. Josh murred and swallowed all Frank's cum.

Frank then moved down to Josh's cock and took his cock into his muzzle. Josh moaned and lift his head up as he's close to his climax. Frank played Josh's balls as bobbed his head faster.

Josh moaned and shot his load into Frank's muzzle and Frank swallowed all of the canine's seed. They both layed on the bed and Frank cuddled up to Josh. They both murred and fell asleep around 10:05.


The next morning Frank woke up to an annoying alarm. Frank hit the snooze button and felt where Josh was but the spot was empty. Frank opened his eyes and whimpered. "Where'd he go?....."

High school is Hard part one

The annoying alarm clock rang and woke Frank, he was a unique fur colored fox, about 5'6 and 16 years old. A groan came from his muzzle as he reached over and hit the snooze button. He sat up and stretched. "Awww man the first day of school" Frank...

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Highschool Secrets Pt 5

I had a terrified look on my face. I looked back between Brian and Ryan, both grinning. "Ryan." "Yes." he said in a happy tone "I'm sorry" "Fox say what?" "I'm sorry but I thought about it and I love Brian more." "Oh ok I...

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Highschool Secrets Pt 4

Riiiiinnnng "oh man what a dream" I looked down to my briefs and there was a wet spot, I shot some cum during that dream. I actually really enjoyed what happened in that dream maybe I should tell them. But how should I? Should I wait a little...

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