Winter Days

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#5 of High School is Hard

Its is now mid February and Tre has been staying with Frank for a while now and might be for a bit longer. When they went to school together and Tre chose the same classes Frank had so he could spend the whole day with his favorite cousin.

Frank introduced Tre to both Josh and Yukon and they became fast friends. Tre didn't know Frank was gay before coming over to live with him but when he saw Frank with Josh he knew that he was. Tre was bisexual himself but he never told anyone, no families, no friends. He completely kept it to himself until now, at New Years day when after everyone was done celebrating the new year Tre came out to Frank. Frank was very accepting and saw Tre no differently, course he though the cheetah was very cute but he didn't have a crush on him.

Tre on the other hand had a very small crush on Frank but since he was family he knew he wouldn't work. Tre is a very cuddling cheetah especially with his foxy cousin. Frank didn't mind the cuddling at all. They were very close cousins, like blood brothers.

Since it was February 4th, 5 days before Frank's birthday. Tre woke up with Frank on top of him. They had a very tiring day at school the day before and they just finished their homework watch movies on the couch and around 10 last night they just plummeted onto the bed and fell asleep. Tre giggled and slowly and carefully moved the still sleeping fox off him and went to the window. Tre opened the window and felt a nice cold breeze that made him mur. He looked out the window and in a whisper tone he said "Wow..."

Its was snowing outside and the site was beautiful, pure white everywhere. Tre's ears pointed up and he silently rushed to the TV and turned it on. He read through the closed schools and had a huge smile on his face as he saw that their school has been closed.

He turned to the still sleeping fox and kept smiling then he got on all fours. Tre lowered his chest, wigged his but a little, and got ready to pounce. He pounced onto the bed yelling "Get up Frank!!!" as he bounced up and down on the bed.

Frank yipped and in response he jumped right out of bed "Oooff" was all Frank said when he hit the floor. Tre lowered his ears and said "I'm sorry Frank" Tre then whimpered, afraid Frank might be mad at him.

Frank sat up rubbing his head "It's ok Tre" he said with a smile and a sudden pounce on Tre. Frank smiled s he looked down at the cheetah under him.

Tre giggled and licked Frank on his nose. Frank smiled in response and asked "Hey, why'd you wake me up anyway I was having a wonderful dream about me and Josh. Tre smiled big and pointed out the window "Look" Tre said as Frank turned his head to the window.

Frank got off Tre and walked to the window. He looked outside and his muzzle hanged open a little as he saw then wonderful pure white snow everywhere. "Oh my god...." was all Frank said as he tail wagged. Tre said "Yep and our school is closed too, which means we have the whole day together"

"Yeah.....oh!" Frank shouted.

"What?!" Tre said as he jumped a little.

"Where's my phone?"


"I want to call Josh" Frank said as he turned and looked at Tre with widened eyes.

"Oh....uh...I don't know Frank" Tre said with a little disappointed that he didn't know.

Just then his parents yelled up the stairs for Frank and Tre to come down stairs. They both rushed down stairs to see Frank's mother and father putting on their heavy jackets over their work clothes.

"We have to go to work for the day guys"

"Why?" Tre said confused.

"With our jobs a day like this just means work, and from the look we'll be gone all day. So there is plenty of food, lots of movies to watch and Frank?" his father said.


"No one over"

Frank wined "Awwww why not?"

"Because we sad so" his mom said.

"So that means no Josh and no Yukon?" Tre said.

"Yukon? Who's Yukon?" both Frank's parents said simultaneously.

"Oh another friend of mine, he's also on the team, he's the TE of the team" Frank said.

"Please can I just have those two over here, please" Frank begged his parents.

Both his mom and dad huffed and rolled their eyes "We said no and if you do, your grounded mister" his mother said.

"Awe fine" Frank said with a pout.

Frank's parents both said goodbye and kissed Frank on the cheek and left for work. Frank sighed and sat on the couch with a sad face on.

"Awe poor fox" Tre said as he sat next to Frank and gave him a big hug.

"Yes I am, no Josh all day today" Frank said as he hugged tightly back.

"Don't worry you'll see him tomorrow" Tre said trying to comfort the fox.

Frank sniffed "No I won't...."

"Why's that?"

"It's Friday today, you remember? You member" Frank giggled.

Tre laughed a little and let Frank go. "You are a cutie you know that?"

"I am?"


Frank smiled "Thanks Tre"

"You're welcome"

"So how's your brother doing?"

"Oh Sci?"

"Yeah, is he doing well in college?"

"Oh yeah he is, I love my brother so much. I visited him a few times in his dorm room"

"Was it nice?"

"Oh yeah, he has one of those laptops called a notebook and a nice flat screen TV"

"Sounds like he has it great there"

"Yep, he does"

"Hehe I would like to see him again"

"I know me too I haven't seen him in like four months and I miss him, when I was little he always looked out for me, he did ever since I was a baby. He loved his little bro"

"Yeah he's a very nice cheetah"


Frank jumped as he remember where his cell was and he rushed to his backpack. He got out his phone and called Josh.


Josh woke up to his mother calling him to come down stairs. Josh groaned and walked down to the living room still in his boxers.

"Yeah mom?"

"Look out the window"

Josh took a gander out the window and saw the white snow everywhere. "Wow"

"Yeah and no school too"


"Yep, you want some breakfast?"


"What you want?"

"Eggs, toast, and some breakfast sausage please"

"You got it Josh"

"Thanks mom"

His mom nodded and went into the kitchen. He sat on the couch and thought of his foxy as he watched the news. The news was talking about some shooting in the nearby city, Philadelphia, and Josh couldn't believe the world we live in with these killings, shootings and all that. He wished it would all just stop.

Josh reached into his boxers and grabbed his cell phone. His father came down as he did. "Do you always keep your cell there son?"

"Yeah, only at night though. Why you ask dad?"

"Oh no reason" His father then walked into the kitchen.

Josh looked at his phone and saw that he had no bars. He had AT&T so he should have bars, but for some reason he didn't. Josh was thinking that the snow was cutting off the signal. Josh put his cell back into his boxers, next to his sheath, and continued watching TV.

After a half hour his phone vibrated which felt good on his sheath but he got his phone and saw that he had voice mail.


Frank got Josh's voice mail and left him a message saying "Hey Josh it's me Frank, my parents are strict about me having someone over here so we cant really see each other today unless we go outside and I can't really go outside since my parents are at work all day and I'm not allowed out of the yeah....I'll talk to you later, bye" and he hung up the phone and sighed. Frank had Verizon so he has three bars of service.

"Didn't answer huh?" Tre said.

"Nope, in fact it just went directly to his voice mail" Frank said with his head down.

"Awe, I'm sorry Frankie"

"Uh...please don't call me Frankie"


"Because I don't like that, it makes me feel like I'm a kid still, I'm about to turn 17 in 5 days I don't really consider myself as a kid. Adults do but they're adults"

"Yeah I know, and ok I wont call you Frankie anymore"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome, now come over here" he patted the seat next to him "and lets watch one of my favorite movies Bruce Almighty"

"Alright that's my favorite movie I'm a big fan of Jim Carrey's work" Frank sat next to Tre after Tre put the movie in and pressed play.

The two of them cuddled up to each other and watched the movie. They laughed at the funny scenes. This movie was putting a big smile of Frank's face and making him happy. Tre saw that the fox was smiling and happy which mad him happy too.


Josh ate his breakfast and went up to his room and started playing his Madden game. He started a Franchise with the Philadelphia Eagles. He tried his best to make that roster good but he couldn't really do much. Josh made sure to keep the main players McNabb, Westbrook, and Kevin Curtis on the team. Those players made the team as good as they were.

He simulated the regular season, which what he does he sims the season and plays the playoffs. The Eagles came out 8-8-0 and just missed the playoffs. He spent a while working on the roster in the off-season. He signed better offensive and defensive linemen in the free agent signing. Josh also was able to get the first round first pic by trading away McNabb to the Raiders. The top five pic that showed at the very top of the draft list, which was the best player in college, was a QB named Jimmy Cobbs. Josh looked at his rookie stats and liked what he saw. That QB was a scrambler and had a nice throwing arm. He drafted him and the draft simulated til his next pic which was the 18th pic in the first round. There he drafted a TE by the name of Fred Weiss. Josh drafted a few more players and the draft ended. He only signed his first two pics and went on with the rest of the off-season.

Josh yawned as he was still tried from being woke up his mother earlier than normal. He saved his Franchise and turned off his 360. Josh stood up, got back into bed, and fell back asleep.

Josh woke an hour later and just realized that he didn't check his voice mail so he reached into his boxers to grab his phone. Josh listened to Frank's message and sighed. "Well that sucks....I'm going to miss my fox today. I can't go over to seen him and he can't come over here" Josh let out a long sigh.


The movie ended and Frank and Tre were hungry. Tre got up to see what was in the kitchen, he looked in the fridge and the freezer. "Hey Frank what do you want?"

"I don't know, what we have?"

"Uh....Chicken nuggets, some frozen dinners, and some saved spaghetti"

"Oh how about the spaghetti, and I think there are some meatballs in there too"

"Cool, I'll heat them up, you just rest your little foxy head" Tre giggled.

Frank smiled and started to watch some TV. He flip through some channels trying to find something good to watch. He found Family guy on TBS and watched that as he waited for his meal to heat up.

While the food was cooking a knock was at the door. "Frank don't get up let me get it ok?"


Tre walked and answered the door. It was Yukon at the door completely shivering from the cold.

"H-H-hey T-T-Tre" Yukon kept shivering.

"Oh my god Yukon come in come in, get warm"

"Uh, hey Yukon"

"Hey Frank"

"Why you here?"

"J-Just wanted to see you today that's all, and I have a message from Josh too"

"Well I'm not allowed anyone over but ok, what's the message?"

"Oh, uh..." Yukon fumbled in his pocket for the written massage. "Its, 'Frank I'm sorry to hear that we can't see each other today. You and Tre have a nice day today and enjoy the beautiful snow day. Love Josh"

"That was sweet of him"

"Y-Y-Yeah it was. Mind if I stay here to get warm?"

"No, I don't mind go ahead Yukon" said Tre with a nod from Frank.

"T-Thanks guys" Yukon took off his jacket and snow pants along with his hat and gloves.

Yukon sat next to Frank and Frank was a little nervous, he has always been nervous around Yukon he didn't know why he just was. Yukon reached his arm around the back of Frank's neck as they watched Family Guy.

"Uh might I ask why you two are in your underwear" Yukon said.

"Oh uh we thought we were going to be alone all day so why not" Tre said with a giggle.

"Oh hehe ok" Yukon said a bit nervous but hiding that he is. 'This little fox is sexy. He has a nice chest, and pretty much a nice body. Man Josh is so lucky, Josh is the only one that knows I'm gay too....if he didn't get this fox first I would have' Yukon thought to himself as he looked at Frank's body out of the corner of his eye.

"Y-You mind if I take off my shirt?" Yukon asked.

"No, go ahead Yukon" Frank said nervously.

Yukon took off his shirt and returned his arm around the back f Frank's head. Frank scooted closer to Yukon and layed his head on Yukon's chest as Yukon turned on the news.

Tre walked in with the two plates of spaghetti and saw Frank and Yukon's chest and giggled. "Cozy?"

Frank blushed and scooted away. "kinda....yeah"

Tre smiled and set the plates down, one in front of Frank and the other Tre set where he sat down on the couch. Yukon was hungry too. "Uh can I have a bite?" Yukon asked.

"Sure" Frank got a fork full of spaghetti.

Yukon took a bite of the spaghetti. "Mmmm thanks Frank"

"No problem Yukon"

Tre just smiled and thought to himself 'Cute' and kept eating his food.

Tre and Frank just ate their food while Yukon sat back on the couch and watched them eat while he watched the TV. They finished their food in a few minutes and Tre took both plates into the sink in the kitchen.

Frank looked at the clock to see that it is 6:27, either though his parents said they would be home until 10 O'clock Frank was feeling that Yukon should go because he was afraid they could walking in at any moment to check up on him or come home late.

"Uh Yukon?"

"Yes Frank?"

"Not to be rude you think you should go now?"

"Why?" Yukon said as he cocked his head and looked at Frank.

"Uh, I'm afraid my parents could come home at any time"


"So, they said I couldn't have a anyone over"

"Oh I get, I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow at school then"


Yukon got up and put his shirt back on and stood up. Frank stood up too and got a sudden hug from Yukon. Frank blushed a bit and hugged back. He felt the husky's very soft fur against him and murred to himself so Yukon wouldn't hear.

Yukon let go with a quick pet on the head. "See ya"

"See ya"

Yukon got his winter clothes on and opened the door which let in a freezing breeze. Frank shivered from the breeze and watched the husky leave.


Josh sighed heavily as he watched TV with his light out. He was still in his boxers laying on the bed looking at his cell phone every other minute wishing he could get a call from his foxy.

Josh was watching a funny movie that mad him snicker but it didn't mad him laugh real hard at all. Usually it would but he wasn't in the mood for that.

Suddenly Josh got a call and he fumbled the phone in his paws having it hit the ground but he quickly picked it up and answered it.


"Hey Josh" said Yukon.

"Oh...hey Yukon"

"I'm sorry I know your waiting for a call from Frank"

"Yeah I am. He is going to call at all?"

"He said he will try to call you sometime today but right now he doesn't have that good of a battery he said to me just before I called you"

"He called you?"

"Yeah, he did just so I could tell you that his batter is low and he will try and call you when it charges"

"Ok thanks Yukon"

"You know its funny"

"What's funny?"

"I feel like a messenger boy between you two"

Josh chuckled "Well right now you kinda are Yukon"

Yukon giggled "Oh I got to go my mom's calling me"

"Ok talk to you later man"

"Yeah see ya"

"See ya" Josh hung up the phone.

Josh let out a big sneeze and started to shiver. He turned his head toward his window to find it open. "What the..." he said silently as he got up and closed it. He sneezed again and layed back down.

After about 20 minutes of watching the movie Josh fell asleep.


Frank ran up to his room to look at his battery as it was charging. It was close to be fully charged.

"Frank! Come down here!" shouted Tre from the living room.

"Ok coming!" Frank shouted back and ran back down stairs.

Tre had put on another movie. It was Flubber, Frank and Tre always loved that movie cause it was so funny. Frank layed down on the couch and when Tre started the movie he layed down right next to the fox and watched the movie.

When the movie ended they were very tired as the clock said 9:38. Frank got and went back up stairs rubbing his eyes.

He grabbed his phone and called Josh.


"Hey Josh"


Frank giggled "Missed me huh?"

"Ohhhh yeah"

"Well...I'm sorry but the times I did try it either went right to your voice mail or you didn't answer"

" how've you been cutie?"

"Well I just layed on the couch and watch movies all day with Tre...and we played some video games too but only for like and hour"

"That's cool, I have been playing games all day and I watched one two hour long movie"

Frank giggled. "And I'm sorry that I couldn't go or have you over but my parents said no and if I did I would be grounded if they found out. And they can be surprising"

"Surprising how?"

"Like coming home early or coming home just to check on me like during lunch or something"

"Sounds like they're strict"

"Well yeah they can be at times and WAY over protective too"

"Yeah I can see that"

"Ok Josh I'll see you tomorrow at school, I got to my parents just came home and they want me and Tre to clear the sink and fill the washer before we go to bed"

"Ok see you tomorrow cutie" Josh hung up.

Frank went down and helped Tre with putting the dishes in the washer. After they finished Frank and Tre walked up stairs, brushed their teeth, and went up to Frank's room. Tre turned off the lights and put on a movie that was airing on the TV. Frank fell asleep almost immediately when it started. Tre smiled and petted the fox's head and whispered "Cute, he must be very very tired" Tre layed down next to Frank and hugged him from behind. Tre layed his chin on Frank's should that wasn't against the bed and fell asleep.

The First Football Game

A couple of weeks have gone by and it's the first football game of the season. Its early October and the leaves on the trees were turning brown and orange. Josh was able to get his fox a free ticket to the game. Frank was very happy that he could go...

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The Flag Pole

Frank's ear twitched and he heard the shower go off and he sighed from relief cause he thought it was Josh in there. He got up and went down stairs into the hallway and thought about knocking but he thought the loud knock would wake his mom and dad. So...

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Part Two-Trouble Begins

Frank woke up to the sound of the alarm clock the next morning. He hit the snooze button and sat up rubbing his eyes. He yawned and got up off the bed. He went to the bathroom after getting his clothes for the day. He was still kind of half a sleep....

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