Central New Year 3 Pt3 The Hunt is on!

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#91 of Exploration

We waited for two minutes, the tension was tangible as we watched the screens. Six to the right, two to the left, Ryan and Deltora.I was on a right vent, and I changed into my F1 form. Everyone casually headed towards the elevator. I had inches of space for my form, and I ignited the engine with ten seconds to go. Everyone looked at me, and then Silverine came striding forwards.

"We are released!" the bell rang, and I floored it, driving into the air vent.

It was smooth and solid, and my engine made for a huge echoey din. Alecto spoke.

"Right, we're in business." Doran spoke three seconds later.

"I'm just leaving the elevator, following your position."

I passed over two grates, and then changed, tumbling neatly through the third and landing on my feet. Hey, I'm a cat, it's an aptitude.

"Where is everyone?"

"Continue down this corridor. Four of the Hunted did so." Alecto reported.

I ran in hot pursuit. They wouldn't be far away. After four minutes, I saw Runo down a corridor, but he spotted me and was gone before I could react. I continued on my merry way.

My first close encounter with a Hunted was nine minutes. I was running towards a corridor when Doran spoke.

"Hinori's running towards the T-junction in front of you." I was heading towards a wall, with two passages either way.

I raised an arm, lifting it and aiming high.

"Fire right burst." the projectile lobbed out from underneath my wrist, and arched through the air. It landed and exploded in the intersection, covering the entire area with smoke. I slide to a halt, standing in the smoke, turned right, and stepped forwards. I burst out of the smoke, grinning evilly and found the ice dragon looking terrified.

"Eeep!" he exclaimed.

"Surprised?" I asked, as he turned and started running. I pursued.

"Help me, I've got a lunatic on my heels!" he shouted, and I laughed raucously. He cast a spell, and the floor turned to ice. He turned through a corridor, knowing I would slip, but I deliberately dived to the ground and dug my claws into the ice. I came to a very sudden stop, and as I got off the ice watched as Hinori disappeared down the corridor. I jogged after him.

"Nope, he's faster than me." I came to a stop, looking around.

I spent ten minutes walking around, waiting for instructions. At twenty minutes I saw Valmeero in his policeman's outfit.

"Hey Val, how's the Hunt going?" he turned, surprised.

"Oh, Alduin. Yeah not bad." he turned and headed down the corridor, and I turned the other way. Not one hundred seconds later, I found Valmeero again.

"Val? Again?" I looked at the wolf in surprise.I bent down, no, his feet touched the ground.

"Problems, Alduin?"

"The doppelganger's assumed your form." I said, turning and haring after the false Valmeero. Val himself followed me.

"I'll fuck him til he's sorry if I catch him."

Alecto clicked onto my wavelength."Sorry, Alduin, my mike switched off."

"Where is it?"

"Right, then left, then second right." I ran after those directions, and came to a halt, seeing the doppelganger jog down the corridor the other way. Twenty six minutes. Val spotted the doppelganger.

"Don't go for him yet." I made him stay there, and then ran up to the doppelganger.

"Hey, Val, Draco's coming from that way, you fancy going after Runo?"

"No, I was after Ryan." the doppelganger replied, sweating.

I ran past him, and he turned and jogged the other way. I turned the corner, than looked back as Valmeero erupted from a side corridor like a boomerang, tackling the doppelganger to the ground.

"How dare you impersonate me?" Valmeero grinned, as the drome light went off. The doppelganger whined pathetically.

"No, Valmeero, don't hurt me."

"I'll give you a lesson to make sure you never forget it." The wolf dragon hybrid fucked the other wolf dragon hybrid, and I turned and ran the other way. Job done.

The jog continued for another ten minutes, until I came across Kodey and Orion. They were half way down the corridor, discussing tactics, when I came sliding in front of them. Both dodged past me, running opposite ways. I guessed Silverine would be chasing Kodey, so I went for Orion. I chased him down a couple of corridors, before I was suddenly confronted with a huge fire wall, and it wasn't illusionary.

"Magical coward!" I shouted after him, but by the time I detoured around it, Orion had gone.

"Deltora's caught, by the way, at forty one minutes. Simba, Abigail and Javid three teamed her at an intersection.Ryan dodged Draco, and I think he's pleased about it, and Kodey gave two wolves the slip.No one's actually met Sunrise yet, I think the suspense is killing him."

Doran was walking around, directing me at more Hunted, and I spotted Runo briefly, and Kodey once again, but Kodey gave me the slip. That reindeer was deceptively fast, but just as I began to give up the pursuit, Grant stepped from a side passage and grappled the reindeer. While he was fast, he wasn't a panther, and Grant expertly pinned the reindeer, and the light on his drome went out. Fifty eight minutes gone.

I didn't hang around to see Kodey's ass being taken by the black panther. Instead I got put on the trail of Ryan Lewis, and after ten minutes, we ran into one another unexpectedly.

I slid around a corner, and found him running right towards me, Gareth in pursuit. I pointed both sleeves into the ground.

"Fire both rounds!" I shouted, and two canisters impacted into the ground. The two together ignited in a tremendous display of pyrotechnics. It was a blinding light, and Ryan crashed into me. I kept my balance, and then Gareth crashed into both of us, and I fell over.

As I looked up, slightly surprised, through my thermos I could see Ryan staggering to his feet. Gareth was lying outstretched, the blow much have stunned him. I got to my feet and, clearing a head ache, began to lurch after him. He saw me coming, and began sprinting faster.I in turn ran harder. I had the turn of speed on Ryan, and while he had to jump over a wailing flashing CCXR with lights and sirens full blare driving through the corridors the other way, I don't think Ryan Viper had registered what he was seeing until he had gone past, I began reeling his lead in.

I guess that I would have caught him with in a couple of minutes, had it not been for the fact some one else did. At one hour and twelve precisely, a black tiger with orange stripes and a lizard appeared in front of Ryan, and he ran straight into them. Ryan was no match for Takori, and Salbar made it less fair, and the two quickly held him down, and their light went out. I came sliding to a halt right next to them.

I leaned over and put my hands on my knees, wheezing. Takori noticed this.

"How long had you been chasing him?"

"Two minutes, maybe three." I coughed. Ryan looked terrified at the three of us.

"It seems a pity that you didn't catch him then."

"True, but even I can't have things my own way." I replied, taking lungfuls of air.

"Good attempt though." Salbar replied.

"Not fast enough. But you hurt him, I will shaft the pair of you in my bionic form." I stood straight, looking at the pair of captors.

"I think that's up to us."

"I think you don't want to cross his master." I glared at Takori." Hurt him, and I will devise a cruel and unusual punishment. Enjoy." I changed into my F1 car, and accelerated away from the threesome.

I drove fast throughout the corridors, trying to get a lock on a Hunted, but they were moving quickly. I came across Orion, but he, Winslo and Tahir were involved in a ferocious magical duel.Spells were flying everywhere, and I realised trying to get involved with no magical spells was stupid. This was at one hour twenty one, and five minutes later Alecto announced that the fox had been caught by the elf and bunny.

This was getting to panic stations. Only Hinori, Sunrise and Runo were left to capture, and they were definitely not easy to take down. I got locks on Runo, all bets were off, and I raced after the position of the lava dragon. Doran was likewise heading towards the lava dragon.

Then things got a lot more interesting.

"Hmm, Runo has met Sunrise and Hinori.They appear to be working together."

"Set as many people on them as possible." Doran said in my ear.

"Too late, everyone who knows where they are is converging on them."

The minutes mounted, and I met Doran. He was running as fast as he could, the druid's robe flapping behind him like it was struck by a windstorm. I changed into my cat form, and ran with him.

"I swear, I am going to catch one of them."

"I'm right behind you on that one." the wolf replied.

"Alecto, where are they?"

"Still heading the same direction, the time is 1:35."

Doran spoke to me.

"Alduin, how do you intend to catch them?"

"Doran, can I have your word, if I tell you to shield your eyes, do so instantly. The more of these flash grenades, the bigger the display of pyrotechnics."

"I will do that, Alduin." the wolf nodded, and we ran. After two minutes since Alecto's update, we came to a corner, turned right, and found ourselves looking right at the three. Runo was looking one way, they were on a four way intersection, and Hinori and Sunrise had seen us.

Runo saw us, and they made to turn around when there was a clanking noise, and the fully armoured Silverine came lurching from a side corridor, and coming to a halt, looking at the three some. There was a draconic laugh from one side, and all three looked to their left, and Alecto winced.

"Owch. Draco blocking one, Silverine another, Blake and Gareth the third, and you two for the last."

All three brothers looked full circle.

"This is not good." Sunrise looked slightly scared. Runo was looking where Draco was, and scowling.

"Yeah, come on and try it." Draco's voice suggested, and Runo took off, running a collision course at the dragon. Sunrise and Hinori turned to watch their brother charge recklessly at the dragon, and there was the sound of two creatures crashing into one another.

The fighting dragons gave me a chance to whisper to Doran.

"Turn away."

Doran spun around, as I spoke.

"Fire each five bursts!"

Five canisters from each sleeve shot forwards in rapid succession. Sunrise quickly cast a Dispel magic spell, because he thought I was magical, and this had no effect.

The canisters hit the ground in front of the two, and exploded.All ten went off at once, and even though I shielded my arm, the world went white.

This was the same intensity as the glower's power, except there was no rushing sensation of power, There was a deafening report as all ten exploded together, but my special ears reflected most of the decibels, moderating the sound. The glare went for ten seconds, and then faded. There was smoke everywhere, but it was quickly being sucked away by the air vents.

Sunrise was in his dragon form, and he was blundering down the corridor towards Silverine. Hinori was staggering on the spot, staying on his feet. Alecto reported.

"Blake and Gareth were both temporarily blinded, Draco took advantage of the explosion to pin Runo." Runo was down, Sunrise walked into Silverine, who was also still seeing white, and Hinori was immobile. Silverine and Sunrise wrestled with one another as I rushed forwards with Doran.

The wolf had looked away at the right time, and I walked around behind the ice dragon, and grabbed him around the middle, arms and all. He briefly tried to resist, but I pulled him down, sitting directly behind him. I wrapped my legs around his front, and he blinked away the stars. Sunrise and Silverine regained their sight, and continued fighting. Sunrise lost, and Silverine pinned the black dragon against the floor, right next to us.

Because of the movement of all three brothers, we were actually in Silverine's section of corridor, and we couldn't see Draco, but there were whimpers coming from down there. Blake appeared in the corridor, and he looked deflated at the sight of both brothers pinned.

"Nope, all captured." he cursed, and Gareth stood in the four way intersection with him.

"Who caused the burst of light?" the fox asked.

"I did." I smiled, and felt Hinori fight vaguely against me. Doran was already removing his light shorts from underneath his cloak, and was starting to remove Hinori's clothes as well.

"But my dispel magic had no effect on it." Sunrise asked in confusion.

"It isn't magical. I made it seem as it was, but all it is is a small pyro explosion. But the explosion is bigger if there is more."

"But, you said, magical." Sunrise remembered back to the display in the hall.

"In our musical, the magic was in fact a series of carefully co-ordinated pyrotechnical bursts, we had rehearsed this many times." I smiled at the black dragon. Silverine was removing his own garments with care, trying to remove the chain-mail trousers.

Doran looked at me.

"How are you meant to fuck him without removing your suit?" he asked.

"I'm afraid it's going to have to wait." I replied,"Hinori, you will do your forfeit to me later, is that clear?"

"Do I have to?"

"Did I catch you?" I asked, and Hinori sighed.

"No wonder the dispel spell didn't work."

"Exactly. Go to it, Doran." I nodded at the wolf, who thrust his cock into the ice dragon. Silverine looked at me holding Hinori down, as he set to Sunrise.Sunrise was not expecting the gentleness of Silverine's stroke, the Lupogriff was still somewhat tired from running around in his armour.

Blake and Gareth had disappeared back to the Great Hall, and Draco was still teaching Runo a rule or two on submission by the sounds around the corridor. There was an almighty howl as Draco ejaculated, and a jet of fire surged and washed across the four way intersection.

"I think Draco's enjoying it." I looked at the corridor. Hinori chuckled.

"I don't think Runo's ever lost a one on one before. Sunrise hasn't fought him by himself and won, although he's got the power to. The problem is using the power would probably kill Runo, and that wouldn't help. And I have never beaten him by myself."

"That's because you're the sensible one in the party." I replied.

"Here, what about me?" Sunrise asked, feeling every inch of the Lupogriff's cock thrust deeply back and forth.

"Who got himself exiled for arguing with the council too many times?" I asked, and Sunrise didn't appear to have an answer for that one.

Both wolf and wolf hybrid worked faster as the minutes ticked by. Doran wanted to finish before we had to pack up back to the Great Hall, and Silverine even more so, the chief scout had to get back there quickly. Doran thrust harder as his knot expanded, and Hinori shivered under the wolf's onslaught.

"Doran, don't put it in!" Hinori asked urgently, but Doran gave a tremendous heave, and Hinori gave a gasp as his ass was forced apart to let it in. The wolf stopped briefly, and began thrusting deeply, until Hinori's ass closed around the knot. Silverine howled behind me, and Sunrise gave a cry of pain, as Silverine thrust extremely hard into the dragon and ejaculated. This sexual howl got Doran excited, and before long he too thrust hard and deep, cumming and filling Hinori's ass. There was a third roar and a jet of flame as Draco let go again. As I let go of Hinori, there were five minutes left, and Silverine got off Sunrise, we all heard Runo shout.

"No! Not again! Please, Draco?"

I jogged down the corridor.

Runo was flat on his front, and Draco had Runo's hands behind his back, and was fucking his ass with enviable vigour. Runo looked like he was in pain, and as I appeared round the corner, he shouted.

"Alduin, I swear, get him off me, owww!" he cried. I shouted.


Draco stopped, and looked up. Runo whimpered, and whispered.

"Thank god."

"Draco, while I understand your need to exert your dominance, we should really be heading back to the Great Hall."

"He wins, just don't fuck me again!" Runo implored, and Draco laughed.

"So we understand one another?"

"You are stronger than me, and more intelligent, now can you let go of my hands?" Runo asked, looking annoyed.

"Say it."

"I won't."

Draco looked at the roof for a second.

"I won't get off you until you say it." he replied, smiling. But Runo was defiant.

"You are not my master."

I tapped my feet.

"You are both silly. Draco, stop trying to make everyone bow to you, otherwise I shall have to join in, and I do not play nice."

"But Runo said he was better than me."

"I'm not anymore!" Runo replied, as Sunrise came around the corner with Hinori.

"That's a sight I have been waiting to see." Hinori commented, but Draco was looking at me tapping my feet, and he sighed, getting off the lava dragon. Runo sighed, and got to his feet, massaging his wrists.

"Thank you." he said sarcastically, and walked towards Sunrise as Silverine and Doran joined. Silverine had got his clothes and mail back on.

"Well, Runo has to submit to me sometime in the near future, I don't want to have to wait."

"I, submit to you?"

"You made the bet, saying you wouldn't get captured." I retorted.

Draco laughed.

"Making a bet he wouldn't get caught, that's priceless." and still laughing, ran off down the corridor, jumping in delight. Runo looked rueful, as Silverine set off, clanking heavily. Sunrise, Runo and Hinori all followed Silverine, they didn't want to get left behind. Doran looked at the disappearing troop.

"See you Alduin." he brushed his teleporter and vanished.

I changed into my Sukhoi.The jet engines whined up, and I rolled slowly but gradually getting faster. At about fifty kilometres an hour I rose off the ground, and quickly hauled in the lead the dragons and the Lupogriff had. This thing turned like a devil, so as Silverine and the three brothers turned around a corner, I followed at breakneck speed, banking hard. They ducked, and I was gone.

It took me two minutes to get back to the Hall, and when I got there I landed, overshooting by about two hundred yards. Valmeero was there with the doppelganger, who was still looking like Valmeero and looked somewhat clawed. I changed in front of the two policemen.

"Evening officers."I looked up and saw a grate.

Val tipped his cap."How did you do?"


"Well done." Val looked up, and smiled at me. I got a boost from the wolf/dragon, and crawled into the vent. This was called making an entrance. I crawled on all fours towards the Great Hall.

By the time I had, Val and the doppelganger were in, and everyone was there except Deltora, Simba, Abigail, Javid, and the five I had overtook. They arrived four minutes later, and as they walked forwards I fired four bursts of my canisters onto the walkway to my shaft, and stepped onto the plank.

The explosion was not as big as the one I had caused to blind Sunrise and Hinori, but it was still loud and there was a lot of smoke. I stepped from the smoke, and saw everyone looking at me.

Conscious of my sparkles glinting, I bowed theatrically. Silverine and company hadn't stopped to look at me, and as I joined the cluster of Hunters, the Hunted and Silverine went to the dais. Ryan spotted me, and smiled. That was a bonus. Kodey looked like he had enjoyed it, Deltora looked slightly annoyed, although Simba and Abigail were beaming widely. Orion was popping a fireball into existence and then dismissing it.

I pulled up a seat on top of a table, and Silverine turned to everyone as the last of the Hunted stood beside him.

"Once again, all the Hunted were caught. Hunters, give yourselves a round of applause."

There was a roar from the crowd, I shouted affirmation and punched the air in celebration. There was loud applause and cat calling. Propani clapped me on the back, and Silverine nodded at the praise.

"Although once again it was Alduin who stole the show. You have a habit of finding all the Hunted."

"I move fast, and have Doran backing me up, what did you expect?" I shrugged, to general laughter.

"And he blinded me." Blake added.

"He blinded me!" Ryan protested.

"Dazzled quite a lot of people." Draco replied,"I should borrow those sleeves."

"Ah,what I have up my sleeves is my ideas." I replied, firing a single burst into the floor. There was a bang and a cloud of smoke covered me.

"And he just used one." Draco replied cattishly, as people around me began to cough.

"So how did you get such a blast against us?"

"More than one.One is showy, ten is serious flash bang territory." I replied."And anyone who copies my idea for next year has to give me royalties."

There was a laugh, and Silverine chuckled.

"O.K., enough of that. I suppose everyone wants to find out their times from the Hunt, so first is first."

"Polymorph, your trick worked well until you met the guy you were impersonating, your time was twenty seven minutes." There was applause, and the doppelganger shifted back and forth.

"Deltora, despite your skills, your time definitely doesn't represent what you are capable. Simba's ambush caught you at forty one minutes." There was more applause from the crowd, and Deltora looked like she wanted to cry.

"Kodey, you were the biggest surprise of all."

"For you, perhaps." Kodey replied, and there was a mighty round of cheering, and Silverine smiled.

"For me, certainly. You run faster than I thought, you lasted fifty eight minutes."There was a loud cheer for the reindeer.

"Ryan Lewis, you learnt to keep your eyes on your path, not on your pursuer, although I know it's hard when Alduin's practically grabbing at your shirt tails. You lasted one hour and twelve minutes."

I shouted congratulations and applauded loudly. Ryan blushed, the human looking down at his shoes at all this attention. Silverine turned to Orion.

"The magic being thrown at you, my albino friend, would have moved a house, and yet you were throwing the same back. We have high hopes of your magic progression, you went for one hour twenty six minutes."

There was loud applause for the fox, who blushed and gave a short bow.

Then Silverine turned to the brothers.

"Working together is nothing less than I expected from you three, and you all performed well individually and together. Unfortunately the numbers were stacked against you, and it's hard to work at all when you've had your eyes blinded. Runo lasted 1:39, and Sunrise and Hinori one minute longer."

There were cheers for the three, and Sunrise and Runo flushed. Hinori looked the calmest, he merely gave a nod at Silverine.

"Very well, I declare the Hunt closed, go and enjoy yourselves!" Silverine roared at everyone, and there was more applause and one or two roars back. Abigail pulled me aside.

"I thought I'd get you now, and get you fixed before you get ravaged." she said, as people began to mill. She pulled me under the table, and as I landed on my back, drew a small knife and her octo bonder. With delicacy she cut a hole along the seaming, all the way across from my ass and my cock. She drew her octo bonder and bonded the edges all around my ass, and refitted the material together, bonding it until she got to my cock. She drew out a piece of black material.

"This is very interesting fabric." she said,"It will actually part if stroked in the right way, and will fold around things. Watch this."

She gently covered my member and balls with the fabric, and then began doing some funny things with a vial. Then she octo-bonded this material to my suit.

"Now watch this." she said, rubbing a finger down my length of girth, and she reached in through the material and pulled out my cock. The material simply parted and folded around my testicles.

Then she did the same with my ass. Once she was finished doing that, she stroked, and the material parted wide, allowing her to finger my ass in anticipation. I shivered, still wondrous about it.

I was astonished.She had pulled such a stunt with this, and now I could actually stay in my suit and not have to worry about toilet breaks or "over close" companions without worrying about the suit. Abigail said the trick was that unless it was stroked in that way, the material would stay closed. It was like a zipper, except without the uncomely zip and the flaps of material. I came forward, crawling on my hands and knees, and kissed her.

"Thank you so much."

"Not at all. Just remember, tomorrow morning?"

"I've got art all afternoon, I will certainly be there." I replied, and left the table.

I came out, Draco, Val and Silverine were still mingling around the dais, and I walked up to them.

"Hey guys." I said confidently. Silverine looked at me.

"What were you doing under the table?"

"Abigail was making modifications to my suit, and if we come back to our quarters, you can find out what kinds."

Draco smiled."I could imagine."

"Oh, by the way, Draco, Landon is doing a portrait of me in this suit tomorrow afternoon. It should take about four or so hours, but might go until dinner and possibly a little later."

"Painting?" Draco said, interested."Oh well, I hope you enjoy it, posing is boring, especially for that length of time."

We walked towards the exit, as Abigail dived into the water to teleport Cetacean back to his planet. A scanner had been placed on our little island, and Cetacean had a special unnoticeable communicator so we could talk to him when we wanted to.

Silverine stood next to the glass elevator, and faced the hall.

"Well, glowers, that was astounding."

Two appeared."I thought it would be nice to include Cetacean's environment in the Hall." one of the glowers said, and there was a flash.For fifteen seconds there was this glare, and after it faded, the hall was it's normal self. I hadn't even felt myself sinking three metres.I looked at the tables, and we walked out of the Hall.

Central New Year 4 Part 4 The Impossibilities.

Silverine looked thoughtful, and then looked at the assembled, just as the tail from the dragon Cetacean was rubbing against curled completely around the dolphin's body. "The glowers have found out they can merge with these animatronic creatures they...

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Central New Year 4 Part 3 Things are revealed.

The Lupogriff paused while the echoes got everyone's attention, and then he continued. "When I call your name, please step forwards and line up next to me." he spoke, and looked around to the Hunted that he could see. "Emery." The little...

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Central New Year 4 Part 2 The Hunt Begins

Within a minute, I had it. The guards were legendary, and I only knew of one legend that had a hoard of treasure. I got up, and people looked at me as I strode forwards, smiling. I knocked on the door gently. "I'm still here, how can I help?" "This...

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