Anticipation of Serenity

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#17 of Commissions

Commission for darkfox722 on FA

In this sequel to Peaking Serenity, Zeke and Akro grow closer even as their training separates them, but being separated for a day really pays off in the end!

"Anticipation of Serenity"

The echoes of water dripping resounded throughout the caverns where the hot springs were as Zeke and Akro lay, coated in their own makings which were now drying on Zeke's stomach and matting into Akro's cock fur as it still pressed hard between them as they laid in the darkness, listening to themselves breathing still rather steadily from the fun they'd just had. Zeke's fingers slid along the smooth stone just outside the pool and his tusk dipped into the water they were laying in before Akro spoke up.

"That was amazing." The bear admitted, wrapping his arm around the troll, the monk's large gut pressing into the troll's slender back as he did so. A warm breath of air washed over Zeke's neck, making his skin crawl. He let out a soft moan of enjoyment and craned his neck back to enjoy a long kiss. "You are quite amazing Zek'al." He purred.

"Mmm... ain' me alone, Akro. Dat was th' hottest I felt since comin' to Pandaria." He shivered. "I almos' hate to see it end."

"Who says it has to?" Akro asked, running a thick finger along Zeke's cheek. "I say let's just return to my tent for the night." He said. "It's supposed to be a bone chilling night, even for us pandaren. I could use a warm body to hold and to penetrate whenever I'm feeling a little extra chilly, hm?"

"Ya'd do that?" Zeke asked, his cheeks flushing a bit. "I mean, dis could jus' be a one time deal. Ya ain' gotta put up wit' me more than ya got ta."

"Does it feel like I'm strained to "put up" with you, Zeke?" The monk purred into the troll's neck, pressing a fresh erection against his back.

"Mmm, now 'dat ya mention it--"

The sounds of people entering the cave caused the two of them to leap to their feet and submerge quickly into the hot water of the springs caused the two of them to break up their meeting. But both figured they'd get plenty later that night.

It was cold when the group emerged from the cave, a sudden shock of snowy winds from below the peak shot across Zeke's skin like a blade and he immediately began to shiver before pulling his cloak around his shoulders. "By all da t'ings unholy, dat wind is gonna age me fifty years from the cold snap."

Akro chuckled and planted a firm slap on Zek'al's back, making him grunt and lurch forward from the unforeseen strength. "Come on, you'll get used to it. In the words of one of our great pandaren master monks, "grow a pair." Ha!" He laughed as he started up the slope toward the training grounds. Zeke frowned somewhat and followed.

In the hours since they'd gone down into the caves the temperature had dropped drastically, and in the fading afternoon light even the wooden stands where their training dummies hung looked like they were going to splinter. It was cold; damn cold, and it was due to get worse as the evening progressed. It seemed that Akro's prediction was right, but of all the days he couldn't get close to that monk, for the rest of the afternoon he was barely able to catch up to him before he headed off to do some other chore. So much for this being their day off, but with the incoming winter storm and the exhaustion from their rousing session that morning even Zeke could barely stifle his yawns.

Night had fallen across the peaks, and Zeke had just layered on clothes throughout the day, but he was still shivering as many of the monks, through with their work and training were already settling into their tents and huts. He saw Akro slide into his tent and like many of the others, he lit a small lantern inside casting a light like stars that littered the hillside. Zeke had gathered up his will to clamber out of his tent. The wind was howling against his skin, his long ears flapped uncontrolled in the heavy currents, and the chill was so outstanding that he could practically feel his balls shrivel up and pop inside out. Even the thought of it made his knees clench together as he scuttled through the blowing snow.

"Ay!" He whispered as he kicked the fluttering flap of the tent. "Akro! You gonna let a troll in o'what?"

There was the sound of fluttering against the inside of the flap as the tent door pushed open and Akro's face came out. His beard flapped in the wind so badly he had to use a hand to bring it back under control. "Zeke, it's colder that Xuen's ass out here! Get inside!" He insisted as he disappeared into the interior."

The temperature was much warmer as Zeke dropped to his knees and slipped into the tent. He was still shivering though, and even the thick layers of fur lining the spot rattled together as the wind tried to pass through it. He barely got his mask off though when the bear grabbed him from behind and pulled him into a quiet, but wet, passionate kiss. Zeke let out a muffled groan as he felt the bear's naked arms wrap around his own. Obviously Akro was waiting for him, having already stripped down to his skivvies, and the troll wasn't about to let that opportunity go to waste. He slipped his fingers down into the warm fur-filled undergarments and lewdly fondled the fuzzy cock within, feeling the nub of flesh suddenly fill out and grow fiercely at his touch.

"Ya know, you a grower, ain'tcha?"

"Hmm." Akro replied resting his arms on Zeke's shoulders. "I've been told that, once or twice." He said, returning to the kiss.

Zeke felt himself blushing, after all, he was the one overdressed for this visit. He felt Akro's fingers slide along his bare skin and into his robe, pulling back the fabric as he quickly tugged away the troll's belt. The tunic slipped off quickly, and Zeke felt compelled to press forward, kissing Akro's lips so hard that his tongue was tickling the back of the bear's muzzle. Akro gasped and rolled back, his hands sliding down Zeke's back to his waist and then grasping his butt underneath his pants. He felt the ready bulge pressing against his gut, and furthermore felt his hands push down on the fabric of his pants, letting them cling to the stern arousal before releasing it with a bounce and sending a slap of wetness across Akro's stomach.

They were too busy kissing to worry about much else, Zeke felt his cock press against the warm pandaren flesh as he humped against it and grinded into the meat as his arms curled up and framed Akro's head between his smaller biceps. Akro didn't flinch though, his fingers stretched down to the very limit of his reach so he could grasp at the unused hole that made Zeke hiss and shiver in delight.

"Es sure gettin' hot in here." Zeke panted after a few minutes of this, feeling his seed drool over the member. Briefly he leaned down and lapped it off slowly with his tongue, but looking up, he noticed Akro quiet a yawn and look exhausted all of a sudden. "I not borin' ya am I, Akro?" He asked coyly.

"Oh, heavens no. In fact you're the whole reason I'm still awake." He said, yawning again, this time Zeke caught it. "And as much in the mood as I am, I'm still extremely tired from this afternoon. We had no rest after our fun in the caves."

"Yah." Zeke agreed slowly realizing that he too was feeling quite exhausted. "An' wit' dis cold, its no wonder we're so tired."

Akro exhaled amusedly. "Come on then." He said holding out his arms and letting the troll move up into them. He kissed the troll gently on the neck and pulled him onto the bedding. Still both naked, Zeke was marveled at how beautifully warm Akro's fur was as their naked bodies pressed together. "We'll continue on this one tomorrow." He whispered.

Akro's breath was soft, and only grew heavier as the minutes passed. Soon a light buzz told Zeke that he was asleep, but that constant erect prodding into the small of his back kept him hard, and kept him awake for some time after that before he too dozed off and fell asleep.

The next morning came as a bit of a surprise to Zeke as he felt Akro's cock grinding against his backside and the bear's thick fuzzy fingers spiralling and tweaking the head of his own arousal.

"Well good morning." Akro whispered as he cuddled in closer to the troll. His hand wrapped fully around the troll dong and he began to deliberately stroke it. "Figured a quick stress relief before we had to be up and running." He chuckled.

Zeke sucked his lips in a bit, he'd already been producing a lot of precum in the night which was now drooling over the bear's fingers and soaking into his fur as it dribbled onto Zeke's stomach and pooled. He grinned and looked at Akro. "Ain' gonna letcha do dis alone, mon." He said. "Sit up, I got'n idea."

Akro seated himself upright as Zeke sat down between the monk's legs. Their balls and cocks were touching, just barely as Zeke moved in and reclined back. He wrapped his slender hand around the thick bear shaft and began to stroke it. Almost instantly, he watched Akro's expression contort into pleasure and the precum began to bubble to the tip of his cock, which dripped down between them as he too grabbed a member and began stroking. Zeke's legs wrapped partly around Akro's waist and he scooted in closer, enjoying the occasional spurt that shot either to Akro's chest, or onto his own stomach. It was a silent bet they had; one to see who could cum first. He could see Akro's jaw hang open a bit as if he was about to cum, but at the same time Zeke couldn't deny he was trying to hold himself back. It was these early mornings; of course he was ready to explode right off, a few tugs was the best way for a troll to wake up in the morning, but this time it felt different, more intense, and as Zeke's toes curled around that fat rump sitting on the floor he knew it was a matter of a few moments before it would get a lot more messy in here.

"Aaah-nnn..." Akro's throat sounded off the false alarm a few times, but somehow he was swallowing back the urge to cum and in kind, Zeke did the same. As they stroked each other, neither of them could really tell how close the other one was getting. "Nnngh..." He whimpered, his muscles flexing, causing his entire body to vibrate a bit as it pressed closer into Zeke's crotch. Their bodies coming apart made a soft squishing sound as Zeke began to turn up his stroking.

Akro wasn't about to give up, he saw the sweat forming on Zek'al's forehead, glistening against the brighter sunlight escaping into the tent as he stroked him long and tightened his grip. He could feel the slickness of the shaft turning sticky from the residue of both of their precum. The troll's face was flush dark, his mouth gaped open as he looked like he was trying to concentrate on not cumming, but his heavy balls weren't fooling anyone, especially Akro, who trailed his thumb across the throbbing head, making Zeke huff loudly as his ankles pressed a bit more firmly against the small of Akro's back. "Y-you won' win..." He whispered, trying to hold his breath after each word. "I ain' gonna give up on it ma-mon..."

Akro chuckled airily. "You'll be the first to cave, Zeke... you'll... *huff* see."

Their strokes had turned much faster as both of the males twitched and tried to hold off as long as they could. But this time, it was Akro that released first.

"ANH!" He cried out suddenly exploding a heavy layer of cum that slapped across his own stomach and began to spit in Zeke's direction as he grunted and threw his head back. A long trailing stream struck the troll in the tusk, but Zeke didn't even really notice. He felt the wetness, he smelled the cum and fresh sex and he couldn't help himself.

"AH! GADS!" He screamed, unloading wet slap after wet slap across his own stomach, soaking the monk's hand in the process. "Fffffuck." He whimpered and chuckled softly as he laid back, letting the rest of his cum unload before Akro let his length of flesh go. Zeke was sweating and covered in the smells of himself and the bear's heavy musk. "Joo sure got a way wit' tuggin' on a man's flesh, Akro." He complemented after a few moments of breathing to get his mind back.

"So--do you..." Akro answered slowly. "But I guess I needed that as badly as you."

There was the sound of a loud bell being rung off in the distance that caught both of their attention. "The bell!" They shouted at the same time, realizing they were late for the morning report.

Their rush to get dressed didn't save them, Akro and Zek'al were made to stand before the other students of the temple and remain silent as one of the instructors, Xiang guided the rest of them through giving out the daily chores. Gruff and brisk, Xian's fur had fallen to shades of silver and white, a grisly beard jutted down from his chin and was tied off by three small bands which weighed it down even more. He finally came to the troll and pandaren, stepping toward them slowly, his balled fist wrapped in his opposite hand behind his back as he stepped up to them.

"You two were late this morning." He said coldly. "I do not like my students to be tardy for any reason, whatsoever. The cold, biting weather of last night aside, you dared show up in my class almost twenty minutes after it started?"

"We have no excuse." Akro said with a polite bow, which Zeke joined him in. "None that would suit our fellow peers any benefit, at least."

Xiang's wandering gaze slipped between the men and he sighed long through his nostrils before he spoke. "Zek'al. Akro. You are two of my best students, I do hope you realize the bind you put me into when you pull stunts like this. We are not marching into war yet, and I stress "yet". And I cannot condone such a blatant disrespect of my authority as your instructor to go unpunished. Therefore, Zek'al, you will be put into the kitchen to clean, and Akro, you will be in charge of cleaning the bell..."

"Awwugh." Akro managed to utter before stopping himself and getting an eyebrow raise from the master.

"And just for that, you will carry the bell to the river and return it three times. Perhaps the exhaustion will help you to remember that my free time, and the free time of your students are just as important as yours."

Akro cringed and nodded, but it was definitely not what he was planning on doing that day. The bell was several feet high and weighed several hundred pounds, one of the students who proved he could lift it unaided hadn't helped much when division of chores or punishment were delivered. As the bell was released from its stand, he strapped a thick, sturdy rope around it and fashioned it like a hitch over his shoulders, mustering his strength into his feet, he was able to lean forward and elevate it a few inches from the ground. As the straps attached to the rope tightened around his chest, he could feel the weight sink in and immediately be felt his forehead begin to moisten with the sweat of a long arduous trip down to the river.

He stepped slowly, but steadily down the path from the bell's resting place, taking the staircases he encountered very slowly he had to keep his shoulders hoisted high to keep the metal from scratching along the ground. Slowly, he made his way downward as he'd done several times before and he could feel the others stare at him as he did so.

"Ah c'mon, mon! Whatcha got me doin' this crap for?" Zeke complained aloud after Xiang had left him in the kitchen. He turned around and leaned his back against the doorway out before groaning at the sight of ale glasses, half broken kegs, potato peels and dishes piled high. "Ah, dis gon' take forever." He placed his hand on his face and let it slide down his tusk before he started into the kitchen. He began to scoop mugs into his arms and dispensed them into the sink with each pass. "I swear, dis place gets dirtier ev'rytime I see it." He sighed.

"That's why I keep it this way." Zeke's eyes elevated to the hulking figure of an orc pushing through the doorway from the back. Griz was one of the cooks and one of the more surprisingly agile monks on the peak, and somehow had always fancied the scrawny troll. He always found ways of getting Zek'al into kitchen duty just so they could pass flirts between each other. His hair; what was left of it on his head was onyx black, and he rarely had on more than a white apron and a pair of black shorts, both in the kitchen and when helping to serve the meals, the fact that one of his tusks were capped with a gold cover somehow irked the troll, and they hardly got along. "Welcome to my den." He grinned.

"Ah, Grizzly Bear. I t'ought I smelled trout." Zeke responded almost coyly as he pulled the push broom from back behind the wash basin. "'avin' a little trouble swimin' upstream, mon?"

"If getting with you is any indication of swimming upstream..." Griz grinned lewdly.

"Ain' gonna happen." Zeke shook his head as he started to sweep the remnants of food from the floor. "Ah got someone now."

Griz's eyebrows perked up. "Really? Who?"

"Akro." Zeke answered as he swept past the orc. "Fuckin' hot panda bear."

"Akro?" Griz shook his head and tugged at Zeke's wrist, turning him to face him. "What's he got that I don't?"

Zeke waved a hand in front of his face. "Access t'breath mints fo' one." He said. "Look, Griz, I done tol' ya. It ain't gonna work out between us, you're too... hairy fo' me."

"But, Akro's covered in it!" Griz complained.

"I said "hair" not "fur"." Zeke corrected him. "'sides, you gonna find someone real nice, an' he's gonna find ya some interestin' new pleasures to explore." He winked.

"You promise?" Griz beamed as he began to help clean.

The sun was already getting low as Akro made his way back up the stairs toward the peak. His brow was sopping in sweat as the gentle warm glow cast on him from his left side, throwing his shadow against the rock of the mountain. Looking up, he could see Xiang's figure seated on the rocks near the entry to the grounds. The sound of monks training within had returned since his second trip up. Giving little warning, the old trainer threw a skin of water to the younger monk who caught it easily and opened it to drink from its cool refreshing contents.

"Your reflexes are improving." Xiang said with a bow of his head. "I did not mean to cause you embarrassment."

"Is that an apology, sir?" Akro asked curiously.

"Don't push it." The older bear glared. "I know you and Zek'al were... involved in things. But you must not forget that your responsibilities should not be outweighed by what's under your gut."

"Ermhmm..." Akro responded gruffly.

Xiang yawned loudly and stretched. "Oh, and you'll be happy to know that the training for tomorrow has been cancelled. The temperatures are supposed to become much worse tonight, so tomorrow we might as well be teaching lessons in ice skating." He chuckled. "So enjoy your rest."

"Th-thank you." Akro said with an unexpected bow, before realizing the heft on his back as he struggled to right himself again.

"And between you and me." Xiang said as he hopped down and nudged the other monk. "You just show that troll what makes us such a proud and perverse people." He said with a wink, to which Akro couldn't help but blush.


"Now finish delivering that bell, I best not find a scratch on it. Hup! Hup!" Using his cane, Xiang struck the other pandaren with several light taps to his legs to get him moving.

After the long day, Akro was the first to return to the tent. His legs felt like they were on fire, his back was lifted of the bell's burden which made him feel like he was going to float away, but instead he collapsed onto the comfort of the bedding and stretched his arms out, delightfully swimming along the soft fur before hearing the flap open and a dripping wet Zek'al stepping inside.

"Oh I am exhausted!" Akro groaned. "That bell gained at least fifty pounds with each trip down and back... why are you wet, Zeke?"

"Dere was no way I was gonna come back here smellin' like grease an' onions. I went'n took a bath." He grumbled and tugged back his braided hair. "I'm gonna be pickin' shit outta my scalp for weeks." He paused as he noticed that Akro was no longer looking at him from the floor, instead he looked like he'd passed out spread eagle across the base of the tent. "Akro? Ya dead?" He asked. Though he got no answer, a slow rising and falling of the monk's stomach told Zeke he was fine.

Seating himself next to Akro, Zeke felt his cock run along the inner of his thigh. The anticipation of finally getting some alone time with Akro had been keeping him constantly hard all day. He winced as he realized how badly he wanted Akro; that chubby panda body pressed against his own, the smell the taste of his meat was really at the front of his mind making him regret that they had to spend the entire day apart. He whimpered and dropped to his knees to unfasten Akro's cloak and pants. The cloak fell away rather easily, but between the troll's nervous fingers and Akro's tendency to roll in alternate directions, his pants were a harder task to manage. When he finally was able to pull them off as well, Zeke removed his towel and laid down beside the pandaren and closed his eyes in the hopes that sleep would soon follow.

Long, snoozing buzzes from the bear kept awakening Zeke though, and each time he awoke anticipating that thick hunk of bear flesh was going to slip into his hole, but the spooning was almost just as nice as Akro turned over and hugged him. Each time Zeke closed his eyes he imagined how it felt again, feeling Akro's shaft swelling to the fur of his sheath, those round panda balls bouncing against him, that feeling of being flooded with Akro's seed as he bred him kept on haunting his dreams, and each time he woke hard as a rock.

One time Zeke roused due to the cold he felt seeping into the tent and he sat up, shivering as he looked at the comfortable Akro now sleeping in his thick fur coat, half cocked onto his side as an unconscious hand groped for the troll, and Zeke couldn't help but notice that Akro was hard as well. Pursing his lips and smiling, Zeke decided that the temptation was worth it and quickly pushed Akro's leg out of the way, his tongue was pulling back the flesh before his mouth even reached it and he slipped his lips over the head of the shaft, feeling a warm spill of seed in his mouth as he did so. He couldn't help but manage a soft slurp as he closed his lips over the tip and started to run his tongue along the shaft. He wasn't able to get too close due to the closeness of his tusks and the wideness of Akro's body, but he twisted his head and pushed himself a bit deeper down the thick head.

Akro let out a sigh after a few moments, indicating this had woken him. "Nnngh. Zeke..." He whispered, a hand now stroking the troll's hair that tumbled over his shoulders as he tried his best to give the other monk a deep and well deserved blow job.

Twisting his head slightly in the other direction he felt the resistance of Akro's bucking hips as they pushed firmly against his tusks, a large hand gripping the troll's scalp firmly as he slowly pushed himself in and then out of Zeke's mouth. He let out another soft sigh and his grip turned to a slow stroke of Zeke's hair as Zeke dragged his tongue down the length and engulfed the twitching shaft completely. "Mmgh..." He whimpered with his mouth and throat filled with the taste of sex as his hands gripped the thick hips and he sat over on his knees completely as he did so. He felt the large panda fingers run along his backside and grip the cleft of his ass, making him grunt a bit and buck forward as he made a slobbery mess of the member he was clinging to. He knew how hard he was, and he enjoyed the groping Akro was giving him, but he wanted more. He released the cock with a slimy stream of saliva and let it bounce back as he grinned at the bear. "Akro, I wan'cha to fuck me." He said, trying not to sound desperate. "An' I wanna feel it." He insisted by squeezing on the bear's orbs and tugging them as he leaned up and kissed Akro.

Akro's large arms wrapped around the troll and pressed their chests together as their tongues crossed. Zeke was thrilled that his tusks wrapped almost completely cleanly around Akro's cheeks as he grabbed the hidden layer of muscle and his cock slid along that smooth fur as he helped to pull the rest of Akro's clothes off as he straddled the bear's hips and he could feel the prodding of his warm flesh pressed against his backside as he rocked back and forth. Akro's arm shifted and began to stroke at the flesh that continued to bump against his gut. "Hnn..." Zeke whispered as he felt the grip around his shaft and that uncontrollable bead of cum that trailed down Akro's fingers. Zeke's face was warm suddenly, his tongue curling up under the back of Akro's teeth as he shivered in passion.

After several minutes of this, just as Zeke's hips were beginning to buck from the pressure on his member, Akro's hand rested on the troll's back and he turned them over abruptly. Their kiss broke for only a moment, enough time for Zeke to gasp before the deep muzzle pressed down on him again, the length of Akro's shaft running along Zeke's ass teasingly. Akro reached over and took a small vial from his pack and spread a cool, slick fluid between them, rubbing in a lubricant that made Zeke's backside almost uncontrollably slippery. The bear pressed his weight onto the troll now, riding the member with his own and sliding along the length to the troll's ring. Both of them let out an audible growl as Akro finally caught and pushed his cock inward. Zeke's head leaned back as he moaned aloud "Oh, ffffuck me... don' hold back, Akro."

Akro's lunges quickly grew more intense as he licked the troll's slender pectorals up to his neck and kissed him. The slapping of his balls against Zeke's rump got louder and wetter with each long thrust. It quickly intensified, Zeke felt himself getting thrown back against the back of the tent as his legs were pressed up at a full upward angle that the monk was clutching at him from in between. All the while, Akro subconsciously ran his digits along the blue shaft as he stroked it upwards, letting the seed drain and pour onto Zeke's stomach. Each penetration felt like the first as Akro would occasionally pull himself out, then plunge back in while Zeke's hands probed under them, finding the bear's knees and grappling at them to get him to thrust harder. "Ah! Gods...!" He cried out on more than one occasion as he felt the swelling growing deeper and deeper in him.

Breaking the kiss, Akro leaned back and pulled Zeke's leg across, lying down behind him he managed to deepen his thrusts, making the troll twitch and groan as he felt even fuller now. Again the lunges resumed that almost made Zeke's arms slide under the tent's foundation into the cold evening. One of Akro's hands rested on Zeke's stomach while the other continued to spiral along his shaft, making the troll twitch on the verge of orgasm. He could hear Akro's throat growling as he began to hilt himself even harder into the troll before belting out a furious yell that filled the tent. There was a mighty flood of heat that filled Zeke's stomach and he cried out, clutching the floor as Akro's grip tightened on his shaft, freezing completely as they rode out the bear's orgasm that flooded the troll and began to spill profusely out onto the bedding between them.

Akro laid still for a few moments, his thumb still running over the troll's tip, making him twitch in the anticipation of the moment, both of them were sweating now, so much for the cold night coming upon them. Finally the bear adjusted himself and wrapped his lips around the head of his lover's cock. He moaned a bit as he slid down the length and back up, letting his tongue taunt the smooth flesh as Zeke's toes curled in excitement. Akro tugged at the balls, coaxing them for their fluids and the troll bit his lower lip. "Ak-Akro... ya gonna m-make me... CHHHCK!" He couldn't finish his sentence as he cried out. Akro grunted as he took a hot load directly into his throat. He swallowed as the troll's ready ball of seed began to pulse heavy amounts into his muzzle. Akro could barely contain it and he gripped the upper end of the shaft to keep it from spilling a drop. This made more of a mess though as he began to slobber cum all over his muzzle and hand until the waves subsided. He gasped and released it, letting a pool of white slap down onto the troll's stomach before leaning up.

"Now that's production." He admitted with a grin.

"Dat's a troll's load fo'ya I tried to warn ya."

Akro grinned and wrapped an arm around Zeke's shoulder. "I didn't ask for a warning." He whispered before pulling the troll into a kiss. Heavy amounts of Zeke's deposit slipped between their lips as they kissed, making a mixture of unique and strong smells as they did so before finally Zeke swallowed what was being offered to him and they broke the kiss with a bridge of cum between their mouths.

"Ya t'ink the others heard us?" Zeke asked as Akro chuckled and cuddled against his lover. "We bein' loud right?"

"Oh... yes." Akro said sleepily now as he stroked the other male's flesh.

"Whatcha want to do tomorrow?" Zeke asked as he blew out the lantern, filling the tent with darkness.

"I'm thinking we spend the day in." Akro answered with a deep chuckle.

"Oh, I t'ink I like dat."


Ranch Hands

**"Ranch Hands"** The sun wasn't very high yet when I made the turn out of town and followed the county road out into the middle of nowhere, in a rural New Mexico desert it wasn't hard to find the middle of nowhere, it might as well be listed as a...

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Peaking Serenity

**"Peaking Serenity"** It was late in the afternoon atop the peaks of Kun-Lai, a sharp deceptive wind shot through the mountain top as a sign of a cold and breezy realm below. Akro felt the breeze and felt his hair slip slightly from his bun as his...

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**"Knottymons"** The room was dark, the sun had gone down several hours ago, and outside the fact that his computer monitor read '1:04' on its high defined display, Alex would have had no clue what time it was. He enjoyed sitting alone in the dark,...

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