Peaking Serenity

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#15 of Commissions

Commission for darkfox772 on FA

On the slopes of the Peak of Serenity, a troll named Zek'al encounters a curiously forward pandaren named Akro during their training when Zeke goes to take a bath at the local hot springs

"Peaking Serenity"

It was late in the afternoon atop the peaks of Kun-Lai, a sharp deceptive wind shot through the mountain top as a sign of a cold and breezy realm below. Akro felt the breeze and felt his hair slip slightly from his bun as his back was turned to it. He was in mid strike and let out a mighty yell as his hand cut effortlessly through a block of stone. As he watched the dust pour from the broken rock, it was whisked away into nothing by the wind as he pulled back his long dark hair and exhaled slowly. He watched the mist rise from his nostrils and he closed his eyes, trying to get his heart to slow down. As it slowed, he could focus more on the throbbing sensation in his hand that slowly settled into a state of bliss. Eventually his fists unfurled and he returned to his normal jovial self; he needed a drink.

"Ay, barkeep, lemme get one of those mugs of ale I keep hearin' about." Zek'al called out as he slipped onto the stool beside the bar. The Pandaren inside the stall kicked a spigot and swung the mug under the tap, allowing it to slowly fill with the amber brown liquid.

Akro sighed heavily as he fell into place a few seats down from the troll and he eyed the young male; slender and tall, his dreadlock styled hair a similar shade to his blue skin, he couldn't help but notice that he was wearing not much more than a few gray leathers and a loincloth that left very little to the imagination as he could see practically all the way up the troll's hip. Zek'al glanced somewhat nervously at the bear and returned his attention to the barkeep who was still minding the drink, the troll drummed his fingers on the counter, wondering why it was taking so long to fill the flask, but he then realized that it was a very large flask and the ale was flowing out slowly. "Dat... normal?" He asked.

"Sure." Akro shrugged. "The slower the ale, the stronger."

Zek'al raised an eyebrow. "Dat makes no sense, mon." He said softly, receiving a grin from the pandaren.

"So. Enjoying the arts of being a monk, troll? I don't see many of your kind here. I am Akro." He raised a glass to the troll who could only nod in response. "And what is your name, stranger?"

"Zek'al." The other monk responded. "Though most've my frien's be callin' me Zeke."

Akro barely lowered his gaze to look into his drink as the troll finally received his mug. "You should try the springs to the south." He said as Zek'al turned on his stool with his full, sloshing mug and somewhat danced to his feet to keep it from spilling. He turned his eyes strangely to the other monk who simply smiled and took a sip from his drink and gazed silently at him.

"Erm... t'anks..." The troll stated nervously as he wandered off.

Watching the troll's bottom as it slipped barely in and out of his under cloth, Akro took another sip from his drink and barely noticed the keep's staring at him. "What, I'm just making sure he keeps himself warm." He turned defensively toward the other Pandaren, who then crossed his arms and sighed. "It's a cold day!" He muttered. "Pity if he caught himself a death of cold."

"Just keep out of trouble, Akro." The bartender warned. "You know what happened last time."

Akro just chuckled through his nose. "But it was worth it." He said with a wink.

It was a challenge he always made for himself, Zek'al swung his feet around and around in circles as he walked, careful not to let the ale fall from his overly filled mug as he made his way down the slope. The hillside was slick as it always was, the cold of the ice frigid through his boots as he continued to test himself. "HA!" He cried out, spinning around in a fierce kick and catching himself before he slipped. He blushed a bit, if anyone saw him behaving this way, they'd mistake him for a Brewmaster, or at the very least a complete drunk. But he hopped back and leaped forward, performing spinning flip into the air and landing cooly back onto the path. His sense of balance making things a little easier to handle. Zeke remembered where the springs were, he knew he was getting close to them as the crowds of monks in training began to taper off as he made his way toward the south. He'd been to them before, but never really indulged himself in the warm waters, there had always been crowds of males teeming from the cave's entrance or the entrance was blocked off for who knows what reason. But today he wanted to get in there and have it to himself. No one would be there on a day like this one, it was the perfect day for training, and he managed to get himself out of his duties at least for the afternoon.

The troll descended down the slippery slope, taking extreme care not to spill his drink and hopped to the level surface of the lower ledge and he saw the entrance to the cave just past the windy ledge, stepping over he carefully navigated as the ledge grew more and more narrow and finally he stepped into the cave.

It was that sudden blast of air that made Zeke's skin crawl with bumps as his hair whipped back from the sudden temperature adjustment. He glanced behind him, thinking he'd seen something moving, but as he peered out into the snow being blown from the valley below, he couldn't make out anyone following him. Shrugging he continued on into the room.

He hadn't been in the pools before, the air was wet from the steam coming off of the fresh hot springs and filling the cavern. The cave's ceiling was very high up, at least higher than most monks could jump, and there was a small hole at the top of the cave, at least four feet wide which the steam poured out of, giving the mountains their distinctive misty atmosphere that kept the peak a bit warmer than the rest of the mountaintop. The stone under his feet was rugged and his boots scraped a few times on the rough rock before he decided to remove them and move about the cave's warm floor with his bare feet.

He approached several pools, but many of them were marked with signs that had skulls on it, or crude thermometer icons filled in completely red. Zeke rubbed the back of his neck and headed down further to find the one that the monks tended to use. As he crawled further down into the cave, it began to smell more or less like a musky scent. The troll knew he was getting closer, but the sound of something like stones kicking from the room above prompted him to turn around again.

"Anyone 'dere?" He asked up the corridor, his voice echoing off. "I warn ya, if'ya don't show yaself I'm gonna be forced to kick your ass off'n hand it to ya." Again his voice trailed off, and there was nothing but silence now. Zeke shrugged, it may have been some rubble that fell from the top of the cave. Not really thinking he tipped his mug back and slugged a good, hearty gulp and continued on into the cave, not really caring that the ale had begun to drip down his neck from the parts that missed.

Finally, Zeke emerged into an even greater cavern, this one practically awash with steam. There was a cool push of air from the lower caves that helped keep the steam from growing too dense, but this room had a singular large pool in the center of it. The water was an aquamarine/teal color with a rolling bubble in it. The troll saw no signs around it and he dropped to his knees and dipped his hand in. The water was hot--very hot, but it still didn't scald his skin. He slipped off his leather vest, and did another glance around before unhooking his loincloth and letting it fall free. The troll felt naked as a newborn baby as he took another drink from his mug. He put it onto the ground beside the pool and slowly dipped his feet into it, it took a few moments for his skin to get used to the warmth and he splashed into it a lot faster than he expected. The relaxation was pure bliss and he moaned a bit as he rested back against the rocks on the border of the pool. He dipped his head under the water and looked up into the dimly lit cave from underneath a shape moving sparked his surprise and he suddenly inhaled through his nostrils, emerging from the water gagging and sputtering the mineral-rich water that had evacuated his sinuses.

"Zeke! Are you alright?"

The familiar voice made Zek'al rub his eyes clear as he noticed the pandaren from the barkeep's station up the mountain side. He was in between coughs as he responded. "Y-you *hack* wh-what'cha *cough, cough* what'cha doin' here, mon?"

"Well, same as you I guess." Akro shrugged. "Coming down to the springs sounded like a good idea, and I had the afternoon off training, so I figured I'd come. I-I'm sorry if I intruded."

"Well ya did." Zeke snapped. "Now'm gonna be smellin' sulfur in my snout for weeks t'anks to dat scare. Now why'dya come down? Ya sent me here, ya know I'da been here first."

"It's a big enough pool, often many of the Shadopan share it, I figured it would be big enough for two."

Zeke glared at him, but the warm buzz from the ale was keeping him from jumping over and dunking the other monk into the water to get him back. "I don' share my baths."

Akro smiled a bit and nodded. "I've noticed. But I'd really like to join you, I won't be any trouble, really. I just don't feel like going back outside yet, please?"

"No way, I don' like bein' naked wit' other men!" Zeke shouted defensively, trying to hinder a blush on his face. "Now fin' your own hole to swim in. Dis here's taken."

"You know, you're very angry toward someone who can have plenty of room away from you." Akro said. "And I promise I'll keep myself as far away from you as I can--"

"Fine get in." Zeke sighed in frustration after taking another generous helping of his ale and slapping his cup onto the stone. "Jus' don' get too close. I don' wanna be havin' you all over me."

"Heh. Flatter yourself, why don't you?" Akro said as he put his own mug down and began to unfasten his tunic.

Zeke couldn't help but glance up as the Pandaren tugged his shirt up over his head, momentarily getting caught in it and stepping back and forth uneasily close to the edge of the pool before getting the fabric off. Freed from the constriction, Zeke was impressed. Akro still had a thick hefty gut, but he was built better than many Pandaren he'd met. He was slightly taller and his stomach was more centered. He looked away as the Panda began to fiddle with the clasp on his trousers and he stepped out of them. Akro wore no undercloth, as he stepped from his pants he tugged on the snow white fur of his balls and seated himself on the side of the pool, sliding into the water a few feet away from the troll as he did so.

"Ahh, now that's the stuff." He moaned and sighed softly. He reached behind himself and picked up the mug in his hand and raised it toward the troll. "Care to toast to our friendship?" He smiled.

Smiling back, Zeke grabbed his mug and cheered in a very troll like manner before striking the other mug, both of them threw back a hard drink and the troll slammed his cup down in celebration. There was a resounding crack as Zeke's face fell in disgrace and disappointment as the ale escaped the shattered base of his cup. He scrambled to try and save it, but it was too late, the mountain's rock absorbed the alcohol faster than the troll could cup it with his hands. "Aww, dat---das' just great." He mumbled, striking his head into the rock. "Now'm gonna have to get dressed, an' walk all the way back t'get another drink." He groaned.

Akro frowned "Well if you would like, I'd be willing to part with some of my ale until you feel like weathering the trip back." He suggested. "Would you like some?" He asked, holding the cup out to the troll. "I'd have to come a little closer to hand it to you, but I would be glad to share my ale with you."

Zeke grumbled, he knew how cold it was outside, and he knew how cold he'd feel even getting dressed, much less the run back. "A'ight... I don't got a lotta choice." He smiled as the Pandaren slid slightly closer on the stone they'd seated on. Zeke took the drink that was handed to him and drank from it; the mug had to have been about a gallon in size, so he didn't feel bad about a generous gulping. He could feel his toes tingle by the time he finished off his 'sip' and handed it back to the other monk. "Wow... dat was diff'rent than mine." He said.

"A little stronger." The bear shrugged indifferently. "People say I've got an iron stomach, so it takes a bit to really get me on my butt." He took a swig of his ale, and it was enough to make him shudder, and his chest fur stand on end. "Ughhh... oh yes, he made this especially strong today. Guess he knows how I like it." He slid a little closer to the troll and handed him the mug again. Zeke's fingers trembled a bit as he took the drink; its weight seemed more than it was moments before, but he couldn't really understand why.

"You're blushing, mister troll." Akro pointed out. "Is it a little warm in here?"

"Ohhh... yah." Zeke nodded. "Don'cha be thinkin this-this is because of your hairy hide, no... the water's jus' boilin, mon."

Akro had to practically pry the mug from Zeke's fingers before taking another drink. "No, no... of course not."

"Anyway, t'anks." The troll shrugged. "I wan'lookin' forward ta runnin' out in dis mess. Da cave is always packed wit' monks, it's good t'have some alone time."

Akro inched a bit closer, now sitting so close to the troll that the fur on his thigh brushed against the blue skin beneath the water. "So... you're shy then? You don't like being seen naked among the pandaren?"

Zeke shrugged. "Jus' always figured I was outta place wit' you guys is all."

The bear nodded a bit and sat back, letting his belly fall forward a bit. "I understand what you mean, but you don't got to pick on the bears for that." Zeke's skin crawled as he felt a glancing touch of the pandaren's claw run along his leg. "We are a pretty accommodating people, after all." He chuckled.

Zeke couldn't help it, he was hard as a rock under the water, casually he moved his right hand to brush his erection out of the way before the other monk's hand discovered it. "I-I-erm... t'ink you be gettin' a little too close, mon." He said nervously.

Akro raised an eyebrow. "Am I now?" He asked as he lifted his flask. "Care for another drink?"

The troll reached for the mug and as he did he felt the soft, but firm hand of the panda grab his crotch and tug up against it, the base of his wrist finding the arousal hidden under the bubbles. Zeke was in the middle of a drink and almost gagged at the grope. He sputtered and snorted a bit as the pandaren's fingers trailed up the length of his thick shaft. "Now, is this too close?" He whispered, his fingers wrapping around the thick base and climbing slowly back up toward the tip. Zeke muttered something that couldn't have been any intelligent language as he felt the fingers slide and begin to stroke him. The digits wrapped around his cock and pulled the flesh upward with an enjoyable expression from the bear, he couldn't help but close his eyes to try and swim through the buzz in his head right now. His hand floated a bit in the water before finding the fur rolling along the tips of his fingers and Akro's thick thigh pressing up against them in response. To Zeke, it felt natural to just innocently touch, his chest rose and fell so slowly as he imagined what lay just a few inches from where he was touching. He felt the pandaren's grip tighten slightly around his cock which ached for more and Zeke sighed intensely on instinct.

"It's not going to bite." Akro's voice came again, the warm air of his breath washing through the troll's batlike ear as the large free hand guided Zeke's to the warmth of the cock under the water. It felt almost surreal, while not incredibly long, Akro's member was thick and suddenly responsive to the troll's touch. He could nestle his fingers across the sides with ease, but his hand clutched into a grip and he felt Akro buck slightly into it as the flesh allowed easy movement up and down. "Mmm. That's it..." The monk said, shifting his hand to stroke along Zeke's back.

Zeke's heart was pounding, was he really stroking another male's cock? Why wasn't he completely turned off by this? He couldn't really be into--a fond warmth along his cheeks made his mind linger as the hand moved up his back and somehow nudged him to turn his head slightly. It seemed like an age that Zeke waited for that kiss, and when it happened he was about to seed like there was no tomorrow. It came in flat at first, a pressing kiss against his lips, likely trying to gauge where Akro's head would go between Zeke's tusks, then there was a pressing of Akro's tongue against those lips, lapping up as he leaned his head in further. Zeke couldn't help but let out a pant as he caught the lips and their tongues twined around each other instantly. Both of their grips tightened around their respective cocks and each of them let out a loud exhale between kisses. Akro was clearly more dominant in this than the more timid Zeke as the pandaren's chest immediately pushed in, pressing his body weight onto the unsuspecting troll. The pandaren's hand inverted around Zeke's shaft and began to stroke backwards, a not entirely unpleasant feeling as he remained underhandedly masturbating the bear. Even through the heat and moisture of the pool though he could feel Akro's producing seed, small pulses under the water that told him that precum was being washed away the instant it emerged from his tip. Otherwise his hand would be sticky from the mess the bear was making. here was a loud smacking noise as Akro turned his head and replanted his kiss for a second longer. His strokes slowed down heavily, teasing the troll under the water as he whimpered, his need growing. "Do you like this, Zeke?" He asked.

Zeke's cheeks were burning so hotly now he could barely manage the words, he just cast off a moan and nodded. He felt the bear's large form lean in close again, making it a little easier to stroke him to feel his balls, and Zeke was suddenly surprised to feel Akro's groping fingers slide down along his orbs and push in again. They resumed kissing again, which Zeke admitted was bliss, but he began to grow nervous that Akro would want more out of him than a mere groping and he swallowed that dry lump in his throat as their lips parted again.

"Come on, I've got an idea." Akro said, standing up and helping the troll to his feet. The pair waded down the fairly deep spring until they found a smaller rise in the rocks under the waters of the pool. Akro stepped up onto the rise and entered a bit of a half crawl, his round butt now out of the water he chuckled as he rested onto his side, gesturing Zeke to approach.

Zeke looked nervously around the room. "W-what if someone... sees us...?" He whispered, eying the fully erect prize attached to the panda's loins.

Akro smirked and sat up, his member still quite prominent as his gut sank a bit over it. "You don't have to worry about it, we've got the afternoon." He said. "Besides, any of them show up, we could always invite them to join us."

Zeke shivered a moment as he climbed out of the water and seated himself next to Akro. The water around this part of the pool had to be no more than two inches deep, the troll had expected the stroking to continue but got a shock as Akro gripped the troll member and laid back down a bit, wrapping his lips and his tongue around the treasure. Zeke let out an audible sound of pleasure as the cooler cavern met the hot tongue of a monk who really didn't seem that much older than him. He watched the chubby belly roll a bit to the side as Akro laid down and began his assault on the cock, Zeke could feel the hunger as the bear struggled to keep his tongue wrapped around his meat. His cold nose pressing against the troll's orbs as he felt compelled to lay down himself. As he did, he saw the flicking, twitching erection directly in front of him, overcome with curiosity, Zeke played with the member a bit, stroking the flesh, squeezing the ample fuzzy balls as he wrapped his lips around the cock.

*GAG* Zeke flinched as Akro bucked into his mouth and quickly stuck the tip of his cock into the back of the troll's throat.

"S-sorry..." Akro said in between breaths as he pulled his lips from the troll cock. "It's been a while..."

Zeke smirked. "It's alright. First time for me." He admitted before resuming, wrapping his tongue around the member as he began imitating what he could feel the more experienced man was doing to him.

"Mmm. Nice." Akro moaned before returning his mouth to the troll's flowing juices.

After several minutes, Zeke grew used to the cock riding his throat and he began to swallow and resist his gagging reflex so often, he even began to want more, but from this pose he couldn't really get much without risking impaling the bear's thighs with his tusks.

"Just a moment." Akro said softly as he shifted his position. He turned to roll a bit onto Zeke's shoulders, resting his knees against the tops of them as the fronts rested in the water beside Zeke's head. From this pose, the troll could see every anatomical part of Akro's lower regions; a firm, round fat butt with the crack colored white while his cheeks were ebony, his two round fuzzy white balls. He couldn't move his head much without pressing against the butt, but Akro had adjusted himself so he could lower his cock a bit more easily into the open mouth. Zeke inhaled and exhaled as he took the warm shaft back onto his tongue and could feel it spitting down his throat as it slid in. Zeke inhaled the musk deeply and gripped the round butt with his hands as Akro continued to work on his own chore of a troll cock. The two of them let off muffled moans and rumbled to try and vibrate the other one into an orgasm or submission, but neither of them wanted it to end.

Several minutes passed now as they laid in this position. Zeke's grasp of the pandaren's butt grew more intensive, but the other monk knew that he was dealing with someone who wanted something else. "Okay, time to roll." He announced briefly before actually taking his weight and rolling them over in the water.

"Watch it! I could'a impaled ya, mon."

Akro chuckled from underneath the troll's lithe but well hung form. "Trust me, you won't have to worry about that." He said. "Now as you were." He said as he returned the cock to his lips, it flopped a bit from complaining that it was out in the open but eventually found the monk's lips and slipped right in. Zeke moaned, now with his mouth full he couldn't really say much, but he felt Akro's fingers clasping at his ass and pushing him down and back up again in a faster motion. After a time he felt Akro's fingers pulling apart the muscled flesh of his rump and his nimble fingers pressing against his ring. He grunted, but enjoyed the taste of the fresh, meaty cock humping his mouth. Akro had no lubricant or oils at his disposal, he hadn't expected things to get this far, he wet his fingers with his saliva and began to press the digits against Zeke's hole who gasped and his butt bounced slightly from the jolt.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"I'm loosening you up." Akro grinned.

"Wh-what for?" Zeke asked, genuinely with a frightened look in his eyes.

"Oh I bet you can guess."

"I never said I--"

"Oh, you want it Zek'al." Akro corrected him. "You've wanted it from the moment you saw me naked, you'll want it more when I mount you, and you might want more tomorrow. That, we will see."

There was a long pause, and Zeke went back to wrapping his tongue around the thickened panda cock, the profuse production of precum had coated his tongue a bit in it and he knew that it was a slick piece of work now. He muffled a cry as he felt one, then two of Akro's fingers penetrate him, the thick digits stretching out the muscle of his ring as he pushed the girth in as far as he could before the troll began trembling. Akro grinned as his fingers began to slide in and out easier, and he watched the troll's cock dance and slap against his blue belly. He grabbed Zeke's hips and turned him over, spreading his legs apart and sliding the troll on his back to meet him face to face. Using his shoulders, Akro lifted Zeke's legs high as his cock ran along the inside of his crack. Cum spit from the tip on occasion, moistening the trail for the bear as he ran again down to the end of the crevice back up toward the balls dangling there. Finally there was a catch and Zeke felt the bear's cock penetrate him.

Zeke let out a soft moan that echoed along with a gruff growl from Akro who slapped into him slowly at first, the length tightening into the virgin ass a little more, and a little more every time he thrust in. Akro could barely keep from drooling on the sexy prey under him, and with his legs in the air, Zeke couldn't really try to escape. "Nnngh... yes..." Akro whispered, as he shifted his hips and thrust harder into Zeke who grunted and laid back against the stone, allowing himself to be ridden. Akro could feel himself getting close by now, all the build up and now a tight hole, he could barely contain himself. He could see a trail of precum going down Zeke's stomach toward his chest and began to stroke him slowly. Akro's fingers began getting soaked from the abundance of pre that Zeke was producing, but that only made his motions move quicker, and easier along the length. He saw Zeke's mouth open and close, his eyes closed and his fingers clutched at the ground, he could practically see the troll's balls churn with the anticipation of a hard load. The anticipation paid off and Zeke cried out first; loudly, as he fired across his torso and his face with heavy, endless streamers of white. Akro whispered something under his breath before moaning, feeling the anal ring clenching tight around his member, he bit his lip, but couldn't hold it back either.

"RAAAAGHHH!" Akro cried out loudly as he shook and came into the warm hole that Zeke had given him. "FFF--nnngh..!" He spouted several strings of curse words and lustful moans as he came hard into Zeke, filling his cavity with a fine, hot liquid that shot from the hole and splashed in between them. His claws dug in deep and Zeke bit his lip, tasting the cum that had shot into his mouth during his orgasm.

After a few moments, both finally started to come down from their climaxes. Akro shuddered, letting his claws drag down the lean, fairly muscular stomach of the troll under him. He couldn't help himself he chuckled and leaned inward, giving Zeke another long, passionate kiss. Both of them moaned at the contact for a few moments before Akro broke the kiss and began to lap off the troll's messy leavings along his face and chest, trading a few kisses in between as he chuckled and pulled the male into his arms to cuddle with him in the warm water. "Now you've had me all over you." He whispered, imitating the trolls words from earlier. "How'd you like it?"



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