Same Simian, Different Day

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

Another commission for sidkah on FA

A sequel to Going Ape, Blake and Allen get to know each other better, and better, and better during their after hours at the gym, but Allen begins to worry that their "one sided" relationship might get boring to the ape, he learns the hard way it's not so.


"Same Simian, Different Day"

"Bl-Blake I don't know about this..." Allen stuttered as the large ape walked over to him, having single-handedly put down an eighty pound metal weight that bounced across the floor of the gym. The big simian smiled as he walked up to the lion and pressed his massive chest against the smaller feline's own upper torso, their height differences clear enough. "Wh-what if we get caught?" He whispered.

Blake's finger brushed back the lion's mane. "What's the risk if we fool around a bit?" He asked before pulling him into a lingering kiss.

Instantly, Allen felt the surge of arousal, as his gym shorts tented up, he could feel a similar bulge pressing against his cock from the ape's own shorts, making him gasp and feel all the hotter.

Using his prehensile feet, Blake slowly climbed up the lion's thigh and groped him, making him jump in surprise as his trainer also pulled his tank top shirt off with his hands. "Y-you keep surprising me with those feet..." Allen said, surrendering to his lust as his fingers slipped into the waistband of Blake's shorts and tugged them down some.

Feeling a firm grip on his backside, Blake chuckled and pulled the lion's shorts down with his feet, prompting Allen to step out of them, lifting it again, he began to stroke the lion's swelling cock, letting the flesh run over his fingered foot, the precum dripping heavily over it, the soaking flesh now smelling heavily of lion musk as he began to stroke himself at the same time.

Allen felt the grip twist and turn over his length like a corkscrew, several small spits of cum jetted against the flesh as his body twitched and he moaned softly into Blake's mouth the speed began to pick up as Allen felt his cock slip between the toes of the simian which curled and wrapped even tighter, his tail swished a bit and he could scarcely talk through his teeth. "Y-you're getting me too fast, I'm gonna--c-c..."

"Do it." Blake whispered as if commanding him to do so.

"AHH!" The lion threw his head back as his cum shot from him like a bullet, coating the ape's lower torso and legs a bit with the streams, making Blake moan in enjoyment.

"Mm... good... that's--good..." His hand picked up the tempo as he began to stroke the head of it over Allen's chest, painting it with his precum like a canvas. Allen panted a bit, wanting to feel it more than anything as he moved his chest against the flesh and watched the ape grimace, as if holding it back before belting out a fierce grunt.

*slap, slap, slap* wet ropes of cum shot across Allen's chest, coating it heavily in white as he came hard, and Allen really had nothing more to do than simply enjoy it and rub it into his fur.

Hours later, "Flex Fitness" was closed, it had been for nearly an hour as the nine o'clock hour rounded in the streets outside. The occasional car drove past the small gym tucked away in the parking lot, the place went by pretty much unnoticed by those not seeking it out, and those who went there knew that by this time the place would be empty. But inside the gym, sounds of two occupants staying well past the customer hours were spending some well deserved time training in the back room.

"Ahh! Ungh!" The bellowing of a lion could be heard, followed by the rough grunt of an ape accosting him as the two of them enjoyed the free use of the gym's available sauna.

Allen panted and blushed, breathing heavily into the crook of his elbow, exhaling loudly as Blake pulled the lion's ass up in the air on the bench and began to ravage it with his tongue. Spreading Allen's cheeks apart, Blake thrust his tongue into the worn hole of his feline lover as he seated himself on the bench with his knees turned in to keep Allen's thighs from caving in. "Very nice." He growled before taking another long lick up the lion's cock, across his balls and along his trench, which made Allen moan and run his claws deep into the bench.

"Fffffuck!" Allen panted. "Not s-sure if it's hot in here, or if it's all yo-you..."

Blake smirked. "All me, baby." He said proudly as he continued, coupling his fingers with his tongue to stretch the ring of flesh under Allen's tail even more enthusiastically, making Allen's thighs stretch out some. "Nnn-nnn..." Blake said, pressing his knees together to keep the cat from stretching out.

One of the ape's hands reached up and took Allen by the shoulder and pulled him back hard against Blake's tongue, the ape's slimy appendage hooked and felt about the depths of the lion's hole, making Allen pant madly, he was already draining precum onto the bench like a dripping faucet, but Blake didn't seem to care, enough guys cruised the sauna that it'd be impossible to tell it was them. He gripped Allen's cock with his other large hands and began to tug down like he was milking a cow's udder. He saw Allen cry out and throw his head back, the glistening of fresh sweat, the smell of heavy musk and body odor filled Blake's nostrils and made his own massive shaft press up against Allen's balls as he began to rub his length along the taint, leaving behind a heavy pressed streak that matted the fur under Allen's ass as Blake shifted his weight and continued to tease the lion now from three sides.

Another pull, deeper and deeper. Allen kept himself cleaner than Blake had ever seen before, it made for a tasty after-hours treat to rim the cub. His nostrils let out a powerful burst of air and his tongue hooked on something that made Allen roar suddenly. Jet after jet of steaming cum came from Allen's cock, striping heavy amounts of white along the bench and down onto the sauna's floor. Blake could feel Allen vibrating like the strings of a guitar and his cries lasted a good, long time. That was definitely the G-Spot, and after only a couple of sessions of this, Blake had finally landed it. He dragged his tongue out of Allen's warmth and shifted his body upward, he stood partly behind the boy as he pushed down on the back, giving him a perfectly sharp angle down. Allen was still a bit dazed from the orgasm, he almost didn't feel the head of Blake's member pressing against his tail hole, begging to be let in. Allen's body clenched up for a second, then relaxed to let the ape pass inside. Thanks to the warmups, Allen was stretched out enough for a gentle and obvious pop as the daddy-type's cock penetrated him. Allen felt his tongue loll out of his mouth as he buried his face into his lean arms, the muscular arms of the ape wrapping around his hips as he grunted and slammed the heft of his body into the more rigid, bonier bubble butt of the lion. "Nngh!" He grunted fiercely, pulling back and slamming down again. Allen was turned on, feeling the ape's hairy balls bounce against his own, feeling Blake's weight pushing his torso down onto the bench as he plummeted into his hole, deeper and harder with every lunge. Allen's flaccid, spent shaft whipped back and forth mid air for several moments before he could feel the familiar flooding of blood into his veins, the very thought of being here with such a hot DILF was getting him hotter and hornier by the second. "Oh G-gods..." He moaned loudly, impulsively wriggling his ass into each lustful thrust, though Blake forcibly and silently commanded the backside to move the way he wanted it to and both of them slapped loudly together.

Allen panted loudly, feeling himself getting hard enough to begin leaking again to his own surprise. He'd never experienced anything like this before, and Blake's prehensile foot curled around the exposed member and began to stroke it as he shifted and thrust so hard that Allen's knees began to bounce off the wooden planks of the bench, and drop back down onto them loudly. Blake could feel that ass clenching around his shaft and it was everything he could do to keep from cumming immediately as well. But he wanted to keep it going, he was randy and Allen proved to be a rather flexible and passionate fuck toy. He clenched his fingers against the lean hips of the lion and grunted fiercely as he did his best to hilt himself harder and harder into the feline.

"Ahh! Haaahhh!" Allen's butt lifted higher as Blake fucked him harder, almost doubling his backside over his spine in an arch as he got more enthusiastic. "B-Blake I--I can't take an-any more...!" He pleased between gasps of pleasure and moans of passion.

Blake replied at first by cupping the underside of the cat's torso, then messily running his tongue along Allen's shoulder blades to assert himself. "You'll take what I c'n dish out, and you'll like it." He answered crudely as he again hilted himself, resting his sack against Allen's backside before grunting and grinning, baring all of his teeth. Blake's tongue slipped out of his mouth as he stretched his body upward, slapping his thighs against Allen's as that familiar rush began to burn in his cock. He was spitting cum into the lion's ass faster, but he hadn't actually reached his orgasm yet. "Oohh, ahh..." He growled with a primal, gutted grunt from his ancestral roots as he clasped Allen's shoulders and bucked in *hard* suddenly feeling himself explode within the ring. "AUGHHHHRRRRR!" He rumbled loudly as he suddenly fired volley after volley into the warm, tight walls before it spilled noisily out between them. Blake grunted again and shook violently as his climax piqued, then began to taper off. "Oh... yeah..." He panted and smiled broadly before looking down at the lion who was smiling enthusiastically back at him. "Y'know, you're probably my best student yet, Allen."

Allen panted a bit, his arms still trembling a bit under the weight of both himself and the ape. "Oh you think?" He asked. "When do you think we're going to get to the real weight lifting?" He teased.

"Oh, I'm sure you're learning a lot about endurance from this." Blake answered. "Plus it's a little funner, don'cha think?"

"Heh, maybe a little."

"Well, I'm sweating like a pig." Blake said at last, pulling his cock from the used hole and letting it flop down as Allen relaxed into a more restful pose, his body still stretched out beautifully on the wood. "How about we take a shower and hit the pool before we leave for the night?"

"Mmm." Allen nodded softly. "Don't you wonder if Joyce suspects we're here so long after closing lately? We've been staying after every night this week."

"Hey, we clean up when we're done--" He eyed the quickly evaporating seed that littered the floor, filling the sauna with the heavy scent of sex. "Well, mostly." He shrugged and pulled Allen into a kiss as he sat beside him. "Besides, we got the place to ourselves, ain't like we're harming anyone else."

Blake was the first one to step out of the sauna that exited into the mens' shower room, he stretched a bit as he held the glass door for Allen who came out as well and the two of them stepped under the shower heads and turned on the water to help clean the sweat and cum from their fur. Allen admired Blake's raw, muscular body as he showered, the ape's eyes were closed as he curled his arms up over his head to let the water cascade down every bump, every inch of fur which seemed to be angled to drain down his cock and down to the floor under him. As he turned to face the water, the ape did the same to admire Allen's slender, sleek body and round rump, perfect for mounting. In the dim lighting it was easy to make out the color of the lion's golden fur, and his amber mane, but he couldn't tell if Allen blushed under such a heavy observation.

"Ey, c'mere." Blake said, grabbing the lion by the wrist and pulling him into another long kiss as their bodies pressed together, their cocks riding together through the kiss.

"What was that for?" Allen asked as the two broke the kiss.

Blake smirked. "For puttin' up with an old guy like me." He said. "And here I thought I was the perverted teacher."

"A-are you kidding? You're the hottest thing to hit this gym, I'm surprised you're spending all this time with me."

The two of them turned off the water and started out toward the exit to the pool, their bare paws slapping the wet tile as they made their way out. They didn't care, the place was closed, the door was locked, they could run around completely naked as they pleased except neither wanted to risk stepping into the main lobby like that. As they stepped into the room titled 'The Aquarium' Blake hesitated seeing the still, pristine water of the Olympic sized pool.

"Well? You coming in or what?" Allen asked.

Blake gestured his head toward the hot tub a few feet away. "Nah, you go ahead. I'm going to relax in the tub a bit instead.

Allen smirked. "You party pooper." He said as he turned around and dove into the pool's water, splashing down hard to soak the ape with a tidal wave.

"Eyyy!" Blake shrieked, then laughed. "Oh your ass is gonna be in a sling before I'm through wit' you."

"Ha!" Allen laughed as his head emerged from the water. "You just try it!" He said as he ducked under and began to kick backwards, enjoying the water.

"Mmm, just you watch." Blake retorted as he stepped over to the tub and stepped down into the water. He let out an audible groan as the hot water washed over him, bubbling pleasantly as he rested against one of the internal jets and let it massage his lower spine. "Oh yeah, that's the stuff." He mumbled a bit as he relaxed and watched Allen play in the water. The young lion's bubble butt occassionally popped up as he dove down under the water and came back up, Blake smirked and began to run his thumb along his cock's length, feeling it twitch and start to unfurl as it began to wake up from its expended softness. He fondled his balls under the water as he watched Allen play, imagining in his dirty mind the things he wanted to do to that young cat as he wondered what good he did to deserve such a hot student as a trainee.

Allen surfaced again and rested on his elbows at the side of the pool. "So, how long are you going to be staring at me?" He asked.

Blake grinned wildly. "Long as it takes for you to get that butt of yours over here." He answered.

"Oh, yes, sir." Allen said quickly as he pushed his upper body weight out of the water, letting it drain down his nude cock as it dragged a moment on the tile as the lion got back to his feet and sauntered over toward the simian in the hot tub, his member swinging a bit as he did so.

"Heh. Cute, hop on in." Blake said scooting to the side as the lion splashed down into the tub and fell against Blake's lap.

"A little excited are we?" Allen blushed feeling the massive erection under the water.

"Oh, just a little."

Blake kissed Allen roughly, pushing the lion against the side of the tub roughly enough to splash some of the hot water out as he pulled Allen's legs across his lap. The ape was definitely ready for another round, and judging from the lion's instant reaction, he knew Allen was up for more too. Their tongues passed over each other's lips sloppily and they began to pant in each other's embrace as Blake's fingers groped and probed hard against Allen's hips as he began to grind into him. Allen panted and grabbed at the male's shoulders, he didn't seem to mind the rough treatment as Blake rumbled and rocked against the lion's body, his fingers now slowly dipping down to grab his cheeks, massaging them apart as he shifted under the lion's legs until his member began to rub and press against his hole, his hot breath now pouring down the lion's neck who was pressed helplessly against the wall of the tub.

"Nnngh..." Allen panted, blushing but unsure if it was due to the heat of the hot tub or the heat of the moment. He flexed his back some, lifting up out of the water slightly as he felt the thick tip of Blake's member press against his hole and pop in seamlessly. He gasped and leaned against the cock as it slid in, fitting more like a glove after a week's worth of fucking as Blake began to nip and lick along the lion's moistened chest, ignoring the heavy chlorine taste as he kissed the feline, spreading his legs further apart as he began to mount him even harder. "Ahhh!" Allen gasped and clutched the ape's large back, burying his face against the fur of it and hugging him tightly. Allen's feet wrapped around the ape's round butt and he pulled him closer, gasping as his cock spasmed against the tight, muscular torso. Blake growled and let off a purr of enjoyment as he continued, the splashing continuing on around them and between them as they kept soaking themselves in the warm water.

"F-f-uck..." Blake moaned. "What'd you do to me?" He asked aloud, but not meaning to ask anyone in particular. His hands rested against the outside of the tub, his fingers clutching at the tiles that surrounded it as he pushed again and again into the lion, feeling the slight suction of his shaft as it tried to slip free and flooded occasionally with a splash of water. His muscles strained, revealing every square inch of the mass along his arms and his chest as he plowed harder and harder into the lion, slowly pushing him progressively along the wall of the tub until the lion was on the tile, his legs dangling over the tub as Blake returned to a sloppy kissing motion, his hands roughly scouring every exposed surface.

"Oh yes..." Allen whispered as he was roughly ravaged, he didn't care that his backside was cold as it pressed against the tile. The pair kissed again and the sound of their bodies slapping together echoed wetly through the room as the ape plunged harder and harder into the feline, his balls flopping now as they bounced against the floor before lifting up into Allen's ass. The lion moaned and bit his lip, enjoying every second of it as his arms fell to the ground, his body completely out of the water along the tile now, except the occasional dip of his feet as Blake retreated time and time again. The lion's mouth hung open through each slow push into his body both of them breathing together until Blake wrapped his lips around that short lion muzzle and they continued while moaning into the other's muzzle.

Their teeth clicked together slightly as Blake raised his head and let out a soft hissing noise, reaching back and cupping his backside.

"What's wrong?" Allen asked.

"Gettin' tired from doing all the work, why don't I take a break and you finish me off?" He grinned as he grabbed Allen's hips and slid from his warmth sitting himself on the rim of the tub, his towering erection pressed against his belly as he leaned back.

Allen grinned a bit and sat up, wrapping his fingers around the ape's balls, he dragged his tongue up the length of flesh before reaching the tip and wrapping his lips around it. Blake groaned and leaned back, letting the feline go to town as his tongue and lips fell over its length. Taking advantage of that slowly swaying tail, Blake reached back and cupped the lion's ass, pressing his digits in for good measure, making the lion give off a shivering moan, which he finished with a loud and messy slurping noise, resealing the pressure around his mouth and continuing to indulge. He could taste the sweet scent of Blake's imminent cum, he could just as well have been choking on the hot and heavy musk that invaded his senses. He swallowed and slurped, his tongue trailing so slowly along the bottom face of the shaft that he could feel the ape shudder from the abrasiveness of it. Allen smiled, it was pretty clear that things that would probably make most people uncomfortable were the things that got him off faster. He watched as Blake's fingers involuntarily clutched at the tile, the way his soft green eyes rolled back and closed at every long, fleshy stroke of Allen's tongue. It was almost adorable. One of Blake's hands softly petted and grasped at the side of Allen's mane. He hissed again, his cock twitching in the lion's mouth, pulse, pulse, spit, Allen swallowed again and tugged more firmly on the heavy orbs just below his chin.

"Rrrghhh..." The simian growled seconds before he belt out a furiously savage howl.

The flood was almost too much for Allen at first, then it became more of a load than he could bare, heavy, hard shots of cum shot into the back of his throat and he quickly felt his muzzle fill and begin spilling out before he released his mouth and let it splash over his face. He looked up at Blake's extended, open mouthed expression as he fell back onto his elbows while he unloaded his volley. He was still grunting when he made eye contact with the younger lion and he panted with a smile on his face.

"Kid, takes real skill to get me going the way you do." He spoke chuckling a bit as he leaned down and licked a few spots of cum off the lion's muzzle. He sighed. "It's getting kinda late though, maybe we should get going."

"Oh, uh, s-sure." Allen nodded. "That's a good idea, I don't want anyone to catch us anyway."

Blake stood up and helped ease the lion from the tub, and the two headed back toward the locker room. The walk back was quiet, Allen wasn't even sure what time it was, he just kept staring at that naturally confidence-ridden gait that Blake had, those muscles, how they proportioned his body so well, even down to his rump, if Allen had any natural topping tendencies he'd probably return the favor that Blake had paid him so many times this week. "Hey B-Blake?" He asked shyly.

"What is it, kid?" Blake slowed down a bit for the lion to catch up.

"So, I mean, does all this count for my training?"

"Ha!" Blake laughed heartily before settling down and wiping a tear of it from his eye. "Oh, man. Allen, no. I mean you're a good ride, but I don't expect you to pay me for it." He laughed a few moments longer to come down from the hilarity. "Nah, we're just having fun after our training's over. Un--less you think I'm trying to work you out like that?"

"N-no. I just... I mean I don't know if you expect me to do what--what you do to me. I'm just not really a top."

"Heh. And I ain't really much of a bottom. And trust me, Allen, I'd break you that way too." He winked slightly. "I don't really see you as a top anyway."

"Really?" Allen asked. "So... you're not bored with me yet?"

"I never get bored with anyone interested in this grizzly ol' mug of mine, Allen." He pulled the lion in to kiss him. "Just won't happen." He paused, feeling a warm member prodding against his thigh.

Allen blushed. "S-sorry."

"Ain't gotta be." Blake smirked, poking back with his already hardening shaft. "I could go for another round myself."

"Bu-but you just..."

"What can I say? I'm a poky ol' bastard." He chuckled before pulling Allen into another, more passionate kiss.

Allen could have just melted to the taste of Blake's gums again, he pressed his body against the ape's form who wrapped his thick, muscular arms back around him and kissed him heavily as their cocks pressed together, growing steadily hard again. "We could go back to the hot tub." Allen whispered. "I kind of liked leaning over it for you."

"Next time." Blake whispered back. "Like I said, I need to take a break and have you do all the steering. C'mon." They stepped into the locker room, their clothes and towels littered on the floor from where they discarded them before. Blake quickly kicked them into place and sat down on them. As he laid back, his cock stood upright like a spike and he groaned as he pressed it downward. "Wanna go for a ride, kitty?"

Allen's tail swished and he let out more of an enthusiastic purring noise than he expected as he straddled the ape's waist and seated himself upon it. Blake grinned and kissed the lion, his fingers flexing across the available ass as he stretched the cheeks upward and apart in one circular motion of his large hands. He pushed down a bit, making the lion sit a bit more firmly on the taut lower stomach as a light tap from the arousal crawled against his hole and fell away again. Allen whimpered a bit, desperate for another bit of play on the ape's cock. His own shaft ran along the hair of the ape's chest and sent tingles of pleasure throughout his body as his cock and balls slowly rode through it. "Mmh..." He muttered.

"Take it slow." Blake whispered. "We don't want you hurting yourself.

Allen was already blushing as he pressed his hips downward toward the cock and felt it lay flat against his crack. He rocked back slightly and felt it flex some with him, but the lion was already wet and loosened from their earlier fun, so he simply rode against it, feeling it bend slightly inward. When it popped in, Allen gasped and Blake let out a long "Oooh" noise from his gut as his hands slid down along the lion's torso. Allen leaned back and sighed, feeling the cock slide into his giving hole. Finally, in a growl of lust, Blake grabbed Allen's hips and forcibly bucked his hips to plunge deeper into the lion. Allen gasped and cringed, his entire body going rigid from the sudden deep penetration. It took a moment to realize he'd actually dug his claws into the ape's pelt and he retracted them.

"Oh g-gosh I'm sorry Blake."

"Heh." Blake uttered again as he tucked his body, then flexed it again, resuming his fucking motion from underneath.

"AH!-Ahh!" Allen cried out, his torso arching back as he could feel the member burying itself in him. He could see Blake's face contort and release with each thrust. Allen had to brace himself on the bench above his head or he would have struck it on the wood. "G-gods... B-Blake..." He moaned as he felt the ride grow harder, it was like Blake was thickening inside him, he was panting so loudly that he could hear himself echo in concert with Blake's groaning and growling. Allen leaned back and could feel the thrust toss him forward as he used his legs to lift and lower himself on the member. Blake began to thrust deeper, now practically standing from the waist down to get further into that tight lion rump.

"Such a tight ass..." Blake hissed off as his eyes blinked slowly and began to roll a bit from time to time. His body was a mass of tight muscle, and Allen didn't help much himself.

"I th-thought you wanted me to do the work?" Allen teased lightly.

"What c'n I say? Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, apes gotta fuck..."

Allen enjoyed that Blake was enjoying this as much as he was, he almost didn't realize he was on the verge himself until he was going over the edge. "OH! FU-uuuck!" He cried out suddenly before belting out another roar.

Blake was suddenly surprised as his chest was assaulted with a torrent of white cum that splattered onto his face. He took advantage of the moment and doubled himself up to lap at the spewing streams that soaked his chin, his lips, everything from the neck down in a flowing, sticky lake that neither of them suspected. It only took a few seconds before he fell to the ground and thrust up hard, lifting Allen off his heels as he came deep into the waiting hole. Blake's seed spewed out and poured down his cock as it splattered and matted his loins with its wetness. There was a mingling scent of his and Allen's cum combining into one before the lion collapsed down into the ape's arms, panting and reveling in the afterglow as they laid on the floor. Allen could hardly keep his eyes open as he listened to the ape's sturdy heart beating, the deep rise and fall of his chest, the warm muscular arm wrapped around his shoulders as they cuddled together in the darkened locker room.

Allen opened his eyes, he thought he heard a sound outside. Blake was still snoozing soundly on the floor under him, his arm still draped over the lion's shoulders. There was the sound again; it sounded like someone talking. As Allen's eyes adjusted, he realized there was light coming through the crack under the locker room door... daylight.

Allen shook Blake firmly. "Blake! Blake, wake up!" He whispered. "Somebody's out there."

Blake's eyes opened sleepily as he too noticed the sunlight penetrating the locker room. His body froze. "Oh, fuck." He whispered.

Cameron pushed the door open to the locker room as he hung up his cell phone, a large guy by nature, the horse knew that not many people would go up against him, and finding that the gym keys Joyce had lent to Blake weren't at the desk, he was suspicious as he sniffed and smelled the afterglow of sex flooding the room. He rolled his eyes and checked the benches; nothing, he checked the sauna and the showers, but no intruders were to be seen. It wasn't until after he returned to the lockers that he sighed and let off a knowing groan.

"You know, you two need to find another place to fuck around at night." He said, causally opening two of the lockers side by side to reveal Blake and Allen hiding in them. In response the Clydesdale's smirk, both of them grinned nervously as Cam stoically stuck out his hand. Reaching in his pocket, Blake handed the keys to the horse, who snorted in response. "Now get a shower you two, Joyce is going to be here in an hour and I'm not going to put up with her giving me crap all day."


Going Ape

"Going Ape" The sun was setting as Allen made his way east down Riverside Parkway, he did the same routine on an almost daily basis, and if he had to, he could probably walk that direction with his eyes closed and still make it to the gym on time. The...

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The Guin Escape

"The Guin Escape" Thunder crackling above roused Don Puma from a half sleep. He hadn't moved from his position on his back, so he probably hadn't been asleep very long. His hands clutched each other under the pillows under his head as he rested on his...

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Leomon's Wild Ride

"Leomon's Wild Ride" The forest was quiet, the verdant green foliage occasionally twisted with a spark of blue digital energy, creating a network of plants, trees and dirt among the digital mess that this part of the woods was known for....

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