The Guin Escape

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#12 of Commissions

3k word commission for eloncougart on FA

In a prison, Don Puma encounters Guin as one of the new prisoners who protects him by giving himself to guards eyeing the puma, Don decides to return the favor and the pair decide to escape together.

"The Guin Escape"

Thunder crackling above roused Don Puma from a half sleep. He hadn't moved from his position on his back, so he probably hadn't been asleep very long. His hands clutched each other under the pillows under his head as he rested on his bed. He was dressed in a white wife beater shirt and a pair of ratty dark grey pants as he shrugged his shoulders up against the sides of his head and stretched. As he yawned, his ears picked up the sound of rainfall along the roof. Mogan prison wasn't necessarily best known for its comforts, but there were the little things that kept the inmates going from day to day. Don had been imprisoned for petty theft, in his opinion, the puma could have gotten a lot worse. But still--

The puma's thoughts wandered as he noticed a couple of the guards walk past the cell and continue down the block. He knew that they fucked around with several of the weaker inmates, and he was fortunate that they hadn't come for a "pretty boy" like him, and with the transfer of new prisoners today it was unlikely they'd start anytime soon.

Down below, the men of the block suddenly broke into a loud jeering, they whistled and howled and laughed jovially as the sounds of the metal gate leading out to the main courtyard opened. The feline sat up, his curiosity getting the better of him as he walked over to the closed door to peer down into the pit at the base of the prison walkway. Leaning up against it, he saw six guards escorting three prisoners into the block. His eyebrows raised as he saw a fourth prisoner walking behind the pack; he was huge, he was as wide as at least two of the men escorting him in, and a good two heads above all of them. Dressed in a hood and cape, it was impossible to make out who he was, but the way his hands were bound in thick, special shackles he had to have been someone important.

Pulling his hood back, the entire room stopped. Don's eyes widened in shock as the man with a leopard head made his identity known. Around there, the warrior called Guin was little more than a legend, his mysterious strength, the mask that didn't come off, it appealed to all the men and brought a lustful arousal to the cat who leaned against the door frame to watch the spectacle below. Don's tail twitched as the guards grabbed the cloak and tore it from the man's frame, revealing his heavily muscled body to the extent of being cut off disappointingly by a pair of slightly taut trousers. His feet were bare, he didn't wear any shoes it seemed, but he remained standing firm as the eyes of the entire population fell on him, including the three men who he came in with.

Guin glared defiantly at his captors, his eyes glimpsing them for brief moments before he stared off into the ceiling. They passed over Don's form and stopped for a moment, they were sad eyes and they were very feline, it couldn't have been a mask, it just couldn't have been!

"Get in line!" One of the guards ordered, striking Guin with the blunt end of a gun. He growled at the man who quickly lost his resolve and his angered look to take a step back. In kind, Guin took a step forward and turned around with the three other inmates who were dwarves in comparison to him. The head guard; a massive boar that matched Guin in girth, but not quite in height stepped forward to address the men. Don returned to his mattress and laid down again, he was never much of a fan of Boss' speeches, they usually ran a typical thirty seconds long and hardly ever changed pace.

"Alright, look here. You "men" and I use the term loosely are the bane of this society, trash discarded off the side of the road for me and my party to pick up and do as we please. Now pay attention because I don't repeat myself: While here, you are the property of the badged men of this facility. What they demand, you give to them. Stay out of their way and they won't cause you harm, but retaliate and you will suffer the consequences." His eyes fell on Guin and he cleared his throat. "You men will serve the minimum sentence of sixty days for your crimes of aiding and abetting thieves in the market. The mercenary known as Guin will be here much. Much. Longer." He chuckled and snorted. Guin huffed defiantly as he crossed his arms, but found it somewhat difficult due to the shackles on his wrists. "Heh." Boss let the air cough out of his lungs. "I doubt the men will trouble you for much more than a broken rib every once in a while." He admitted. "As for the rest of you, I'd sleep on your backs if I were you. A lot of the inmates here won't dismiss an open offering, am I right boys?" There was a small chorus of laughter as a serious expression returned to Boss' face. "Now, if you'll excuse me." He scoffed as he turned around and with the guards that had followed them in, they all walked past the gateway, the gate closing behind them with a loud clanging sound followed by a dragging of chains through the metal.

"C'mon, break it up!" One of the men pitched to the audience.

There was the sound of people murmuring about Guin's presence as several of the prisoners passed Don's cell. He huffed in frustration and rolled over onto his side to get some sleep.

"Well would you look at that?" A voice suddenly jerked Don from a hard sleep he'd fallen into and he sat up to see two guards; a human and an ape standing in the cell door staring at him. "Now why is it you suppose we've never seen this boy before?" The ape chuckled.

"Oh, don't know. So many heads to count." The human said. "I'm surprised we'd miss a mug this good looking."

"Nah, y-you don't want me." Don said nervously as the pair stepped into his cell he scooted his feet onto his bed. "I'm nothing but fur and bone, not a good lay at all."

"Oh I don't know..." The human said.

"We've had worse." The ape continued. "Much worse."

"I think tonight's your night, puma."

Quickly, Don bolted toward the doorway, but his arms were grabbed by each of the guards. "No wait!" He cried out, hearing his voice echo through the room before he was flung back into his cell and onto the floor. The men were already grabbing their crotches and licking their teeth with their tongues.

There was the sound of wind, then a heavy thump behind the men as Guin suddenly appeared. He had to have leaped up three floors to stare the two of them down. They trembled in shock and backed away a few steps. Guin's eyes fell on Don, and there was a long growl as he spoke. "What do these men want with you?" He asked, his voice was deep and resonant, and he continued to stare between the three of them.

"I-I..." Don couldn't respond due to the leopard's intimidating stare.

"This is none of your business." The human said, slapping his baton against the large thick chest in front of him. Guin didn't blink before grabbing the man's weapon and twisting it back, making the guard cry out in pain. "OWWW Get him get him!"

"You misunderstand." He said. "If this is some form of punishment, I am willing to take it for him." There was a long breath as the pair stared in shock at one another.

"You... you want to mess around with us?" The ape said, blinking slowly as his body remained in a defensive posture.

Guin crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes again. "If you will no longer harm this one, I will be yours." He said.

Don felt his heart pounding; this mass of feline muscle willing to submit himself for him? That was unheard of. The human clicked his tongue against his teeth. "You got yourself a deal. Hope you like the box."

The box was what the guards called their "fuck room" which was little more than a clear walled room in the mid-level bridge above the main prison. It wasn't much on the inside, stepouts which came out from the clear wall allowed the parties a place to sit, lean and lay. Some of the guards brought in their own toys, but these two tended to get carried away and were barred from bringing toys in after getting a little too rough with one of the prisoners.

Guin walked proudly in front of the men, and was the first one to step into the room, a great gathering of the men that lived in the block took spots along all the railing spots around the room, looking into it from all angles. Even those on the first level struggled to look up through the less transparent flooring. Don watched as the man leaped up and wrapped his arms around Guin's neck, bending him back against his normal posture while the ape took advantage of the leopard's exposed nipples to bite on them as he roughly groped Guin's trousers.

Don sighed and frowned, he was doing this for him, but why? He wondered before returning to his cell. Meanwhile the human tugged the back of Guin's trousers down, and began to lewdly run his exposed cock over the feline's exposed crack. The ape grabbed his pants as a whole and ripped them from Guin's body, exposing his gorgeous cock, which unfurled half aroused before them. The ape's lips found their way to the shaft and wrapped around them as his fingers began to play with the leopard's exposed nipples while the human grasped the exposed ass and bent down, spreading the cheeks apart as he began to lick deep and hard into the muscular backside. The ape released his lips with a loud popping from around the now erect shaft. "Now that's a good kitty."

Guin had stopped responding to them, he simply allowed them to do what they wanted. They threw him into one of the ledges and bent him over, using their tongues and their fingers to stretch him wider and wider. The ape was the first to wrap his fingers around Guin's hips and penetrate him. Guin let out a roar of pain, but his erection only twitched harder at being fucked, the pair fell back to the ground and the ape put his hands on the leopard's shoulders to buck up into him harder and harder. Guin panted, his tongue dropping from his mouth as he was fucked hard and raw. He grunted as he felt the tip of the human's shaft forced its way into his mouth. Guin tried to pull back but one of the ape's free hands grabbed the back of his head and held it still.

"Uh-uh, no way, pretty boy." He grunted as he thrust up again harder, making Guin blush as he realized how far this was going. "You ain't going anywhere for now!"

Darkness had fallen in the prison by the time the lights went out in the box room. The sudden blackout roused Don's curiosity who again got up and climbed off his cot. They hadn't returned for him as he thought they might. Instead he could see the guards laughing and drinking in the center room as Guin made his way down the catwalk toward one of the cells on the other side of the room. Don slipped through the door and snuck across the bridge following Guin while making sure he wouldn't be found out by the guards. As he reached the other side, he spotted the cell that Guin had been assigned to, and the door was partly open now.

"G-Guin?" Don asked as he slid his head into the darkened cell.

A flash of glowing eyes made Don jump as Guin made his appearance, standing boldly and enormously over the puma. "What is it you want?" He growled.

"I-I... I wanted to th-thank you for helping me tonight."

"It was nothing." Guin replied with what sounded like a shortened temper.

"But it was something!" Don exclaimed. "No one's ever stood up for me like that before. Why did you do that?"

"Because." Guin answered with a brief pause. "I protect those who cannot defend themselves. It was obvious you didn't want to have anything to do with that, I wouldn't have you or anyone be forced to do something against their will."

"But what about you?"

Guin turned around quickly and started toward his bed, trying to ignore the fact that he was still naked as the puma watched him walk away. "I don't matter." He said.

There was a clanging outside, Don hadn't realized how late it was and he turned around just in time to see the automatic lock down close the door in his face. "Damn it! The lock down!" He shouted. "Hey! Guard I'm not in my cell! Hey! Let me out!"

"They couldn't care less about you being locked in here with me." Guin said sternly. "It's best to just wait until the gates are opened again."

"I guess." Don's voice trailed off as he noticed Guin lay on his cot and take up the entire space. "But where am I going to sleep?" He asked with a frown.

"I don't care." He answered coldly. "I must rest."

The feline's massive body came to relax while Don watched, his balls and cock dangling down aroused the puma who shuffled his feet uncomfortably trying to find a position to rest against the wall. He crossed his arms and tried to get to sleep, but his cock kept aching and telling him to keep looking at the sleeping massive feline.

Finally, Guin turned over onto his side, dragging some of the cover with him and there appeared to be just enough room for Don to settle in. He took advantage of it, if Guin crushed him--what a way to go. He settled in carefully, lying on his side to face Guin's fleshy back, observing some of his smaller scars up close. The masculine scent reeking off Guin's body only aroused Don more. Carefully at first, Don rested his fingertips on Guin's back, seeing him stir a bit, but not rousing at all as he buried his head into his arm and continued to snooze away. Don peeled his pants back and removed his shirt. Guin was a radiator for heat and Don scooted in to spoon the warrior. Part of him wasn't worried about Guin's reaction to finding the puma naked against his body; he just wanted to feel him closer.

Now Don's cock was pressed up against the malleable flesh of Guin's ass. It pressed inward as the cat leaned against him, there was still a bit of slickness dripping from him from what the guards had done to him, the smell of males did little to help his own wants. Guin shifted and suddenly, Don felt the male's cheeks clamp tight around his cock, making it suddenly begin to throb and precum began to drip out, he could feel the tears of white dripping down the taut ass and into the cot's sheet and he couldn't take it anymore. He pressed upward and thanks to the loosening from the ape and human, he squeezed rather easily into the male's tight confines. Guin growled in his sleep a bit but his hips swivelled unconsciously, grinding against Don's length as he began to quietly fuck the leopard.

He was so close already, it wouldn't take any time at all for him to cum, then he could just turn over and pretend like it never happened. He had a hard time not grabbing Guin's hips, he didn't want to scratch him and wake him up. Don just lightly quivered and humped into the deep, warm ass of the other cat. He could feel every muscle flexing, every warm pulse of his veins in his ass.

"Do you remember what I said about not forcing someone against their will?" Guin said, surprising Don. Before he answered he quickly turned over and grabbed Don, pinning him down to the cot as a ravenous tongue rolled down the puma's neck, Guin paused and whispered into his ear. "You seem pretty willing." He purred as he grabbed Don by one of his legs and lifted it up, suddenly leaning down and running his tongue along the other male's balls, his taint and along his ass. After a few laps and a spit ground into the puma's hole, Guin mounted himself into position and pressed his cock inward.

Don yowled in a mixture of pleasure agony as he was immediately pushed to the limits. "AHH! HAAAHH!" He cried out loudly as the pressure made him cum immediately.

"Oh, yes." The leopard hissed as he began to plunge deeper into his smaller quarry, fucking him and stretching him with every lustful lunge. "Very ni-ice..." He growled, nipping the puma's neck and turning him so he would receive a wet shower of cum across his stomach and chest. Guin stretched Don's legs to their limit apart as he slid further and further in. "So... tight..." He whispered and as his entire cock began to adjust to the tightness he turned Don onto his stomach and began to fuck him harder to the point that the cot under them rocked dangerously, threatening to shatter under their combined weight as Don buried his face into the pillow and howled in his agony and pleasure.

Guin let out a mighty feral roar, something that should be impossible for a mere man in a mask, and a flood of cum suddenly exploded into the puma. Don felt the flood and was powerless to stop the torrents as they splashed and drained from his hole, down his legs and his balls as the pair of them soaked the bed sheets together.

Don woke to a loud crashing noise, followed by a flood of sunlight. He opened his eyes to see that there was a massive hole in the wall, and that Guin was brushing some of the dust from his fists, the rising sun in the distance basking his beautiful naked body in its glow as he stood there looking at him.

"You--you mean you could've escaped any time?" Don surmised looking at the damage.

Guin smirked a bit. "You can come with me, if you wish. We can find some clothes to wear, and if you'd like... to tear off shortly after."

Don grinned, his tail swaying as his eyes turned back to the cell door that would lead him back into his prison. Turning back to Guin his grin turned into a coy smirk. "Let's do it."


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