Djinn Rummy

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

Another story commission for Heru on FA

Average college student Jason is made a sacrifice to an elite fraternity's ritual, but the ritual goes awry and he encounters two Djinn who he has to "distract" until sunrise to make them his own.

"Djinn Rummy"

It was early in the morning, the room was dark, the sun wasn't even up yet, but Jason laid in bed counting his minutes of freedom. He looked to the window and saw flakes of white the size of golfballs shadowed against the light of the streetlamp outside. He curled himself deeper into his blankets and shoved his head under the Phillows, trying to ignore the inevitable alarm. It was six twenty-eight, but he had been awake for at least fifteen minutes. The dim ambiance of his blue digital display glowed softly on the wall across from his bed and he turned over, feeling a brief moment of cold that caused him to retract his limbs in on himself. It was cold outside; too cold to be getting his lazy ass up over an hour before his classes were set to begin.

Jason could practically hear the alarm click over to six thirty and the sound of his radio station crackled to life. Breaking the seal of his warmth he shivered as he grabbed the clock and hit the Snooze button, but it was too late. Tommy Davis burst through the door, making Jason instinctively dive under his blankets again.

"Oh come on, Campbell. It's time to get up!" He announced in a singing voice as he hopped onto the foot of the bed and bounced into a crouch and slapped Jason on the foot concealed under the cover.

"Mmmhh..." Jason griped and clutched at his Phillow to silence the world around him. "Too early. Too cold." He muttered.

"Oh, come on." Tommy said. "We do this every morning, this morning should be no different. If you skip this morning, well that's just a path on the way to flab-ville. Now you don't want that, do you?"

Jason groaned and sat up in his bed. "Oh, my god you are so gay." He said. "It doesn't hurt to sleep in on occasion. Just because you want company to stare at your ass as you jog it down the street is no excuse for calling me fat."

There was a short, decisive pause and Tommy, on the verge of laughter stated "Fatty."

"No. You know what? You're trying to get me into you stuPhid fraternity, you're always having me "jog" with you on a day that makes the Arctic Circle look like a troPhical getaway, you're teasing me... so no. No, not this time, Tommy. You can just forget about it!" He then flopped his entire body back down onto his bed and pulled his covers back over his head. This was it, this was final.

Jason's coffee cup was steaming in his hand as he walked behind Tommy. He yawned, but thankfully the snowfall had slowed and he didn't inhale any of it. He was just enjoying the vanilla scent of his drink as the steam poured over his face and he breathed it in slowly. Tommy was no more than two feet in front of him, jogging at a snail's pace. Each step he kicked his knees fairly high, but Jason was more curious how he could survive in this weather in nothing but a gray jogging suit that hugged against his lithe body. "Y'know... one of these days I'm going to figure out how the hell you do that." Jason said. "But at least I got my coffee. So, it's tolerable."

"You should really try to jog like this." Tommy said, only half hearing Jason. "This really helps work the glutes."

"Uh-no." Jason shook his head. "You just-just keep that ass of yours in shape on your own."

"Hey, you're the one missing out." Tommy chuckled. "So, you think about Omega Phi's offer?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "Look I don't want to join your stuPhid fraternity." He said. "It's bad enough you're in it... speaking of which, why haven't you actually moved in with the house"

"Oh, please. You'd be lost without me." Tommy answered matter-of-factly. "Besides, they are too high class for me. I'm not rich or anything."

"Neither am I." Tommy said. "But they are so exclusive that it's an honor to be invited!"

"Well... I'm honored. Really." Jason said facetiously. "But I'm not interested. Now quit asking me."

"Alright, alright." Tommy relented. "But you've still got to put up with Rory when you get to class, don't you?"

"I'll deal with him when I see him."

Tommy nodded. "Well, alright. But I hope you change your mind." He said. "I'm going to finish up this lap and I'll head to my class, I'll catch you later." He said as he continued on.

Jason watched the gray sweat suit as it turned the corner and Tommy disappeared into the early morning light that was finally beginning to roll across the landscape. Jason continued on straight, as the early morning traffic began to trickle in. He discarded his empty coffee cup and stuck his hands into his coat as he continued on toward the campus. It wasn't far, about half a block to the main campus. The dome-like structure stood high over the rest of the school, the sunlight beginning to pour over it didn't make it any warmer, but at least the snow had slowed in its falling as he jogged up the steps and entered the building. As he kicked off his shoes he noticed the early starter students also seeking refuge within the warm building. As they scurried up and down the halls, from the second floor to the first, Jason was quick enough and experienced enough to simply slip into the flow of traffic and exit at his first class.

The professor wasn't at his podium yet, but the class was half full already. Jason found his standard seat and dropped heavily into them, pulling out a small laptop and turning it on. Leaning back he jumped as someone leaned down into his peripheral vision and he turned to see Rory Michaels staring at him.

Rory was a butch pretty-boy by nature. And he was definitely fed by a silver spoon, he sported a crew cut and today his highlights were slightly sPhiked by a bit of hair gel. He was wearing his fraternity's letterman jacket, and was the second in command with their recruitment. Omega Phi was the best-known fraternity on campus, mostly rich men with special privileges or enough pull to turn their eyes. Sure, it was a fancy fraternity that could make Jason's life much easier, but Jason didn't want things to be easier, he wanted to be normal. Nothing more than an average face in the crowd, just as easily forgotten, and maybe that's why the Omegas were hoPhing to get him in, and why they persisted in trying to recruit him, desPhite his constant rejections.

"Hey, buddy." He said. "So, you and Tommy talk about it yet?"

"Look, Michaels." Jason snapped. "I don't know why you and your frat boys want asking me to join, but I really don't care about it." He went to pull up the note pad on his machine. "I don't fucking care how exclusive it is."

"Look, I don't think you appreciate the lengths we're going to, to bring you on board, man." Rory insisted. "We only invite three people a year out of over a hundred applicants."

"So invite one of them!" Jason shouted.

"Mister Campbell!" The professor had come up to his podium and put his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry, is my class getting in the way of your conversation?"

Jason felt his cheeks grow warm and he practically folded himself down in his chair and poised his fingers onto his keyboard. "No sir." He answered. "Sorry."

Forty minutes seemed to go by at a snail's pace. Jason forcibly ignored Rory's gaze burning into the back of his head as he tried to focus on the notes he was taking from his teacher. When he was finally through, Jason quickly closed his notes and stood up, feeling a hand slap firmly on his shoulder, he turned around to see Rory glare at him. "Look, man. There's a party going on tonight at the house. It's just a mingle, nothing official. Come by, check it out." He said, handing him a card which Jason grudgingly took. Satisfied, Rory gave him a firm slap on the shoulder and slipped away with the departing crowd and Jason stepped out shortly behind him.

Once back in the hall, Jason had lost sight of Rory but instead spotted Tommy waving at him and the two met. "Hey there! How was it?"

"Are you referring to my class, or that pain in the ass jackal Rory?" Jason scowled angrily.

"Whoa! Whoa! Someone needs to take a Phill, and make it 'chilly'" He said, laughing at his own joke. "I guess they just really want you to join." He said.

"No, I'll tell you what it is. They can't stand the fact that one of their prospects doesn't want any part of their little club." He paused a moment and regarded Tommy's expression. "Err... no offense. But it just Phisses me off. Why can't they just go bug someone else?"

"Well, to be honest... I was the one who recommended you."

"What?" Jason's jaw fell open. "What the--why would you... How? You just got recruited last year, they really take what you say just like that?"

Tommy shrugged. "They said they wanted a member who didn't really meet their standard criteria. They wanted someone who wasn't rich, or powerful, or overly successful. Someone who wasn't afraid to be himself... and I immediately thought of you."

"Aww." Jason smiled a bit. "Well that's sweet, man." He patted Tommy on the shoulder. "But you're a complete dumbass for doing that."

"You think so?" Tommy smiled slightly.

"Look..." Jason sighed softly and looked at the card. "I'll... try to stop by tonight if I'm not drowning in studies, okay?"

Tommy's expression lightened. "That could be nice." He said. "That's... that's if you wanted."

Jason nodded and smiled awkwardly. "Well. We'll see. I've got to get to my next class. I'll see you later on, alright?" He turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd and leaving Tommy standing there, looking around nervously.

Suddenly, a pair of hands slapped on his left shoulder, then another pair came down on his right. Tommy let out a squeak of surprise and was pulled out of the crowd. Being pushed into an emptied classroom, he noticed suddenly that the three heads of Omega Phi were standing there looking at him. Wes Peers had shoulder long bleach blond hair and blue eyes, a long almost white streak of a bang that hung perpetually over his eye. He was dressed unseasonably cool in a light blue button up shirt and jeans. Alex Meyers was the clan leader, son of one of the richest men in America and quite full of himself. He wore his dark hair flat against his head and looked almost like it was painted on, he was fiercely muscular and obviously liked to show it off, both of them stood taller than Rory even. Tommy chuckled nervously and cleared his throat.

"Oh, he-hey guys..." He said. "How's it going?"

"How's it going?" He asks." Alex said sarcastically. "You want to know how it's going?" He asked and poked his finger on Tommy's chest. "Frustrating. I thought you said this guy would want to join us. I wanted you to find the most average, normal, unprivileged guy on campus, but he is probably the most stubborn son of a bitch I've ever met!"

"Well... he just doesn't like cliques." Tommy shrugged. "Why are you guys so hell bent on having him join, anyway?"

The three looked at each other before Rory spoke. "Look, it doesn't matter, we think he's Omega Phi material. Even if he doesn't think so."

"But he's just not--"

"Look, man." Wes said, pushing Tommy's shoulder. "We've been waiting like, three years for an opportunity like this. The moon is right, man. He planets are aligned. We need him at the house tonight!"

"Okay! Okay!" Tommy said, pushing Wes's hand away. "He said he'd probably stop by tonight. You guys can deal with it if he does."

"If he doesn't, you'll be taking his place." Rory said, receiving a slap on the back of his head for his outburst. "Ow! Hey! What the fuck?"

"Taking his place in what?"

"It doesn't matter." Alex quickly countered. "The point is, you bring Campbell to the gathering tonight or you won't like what we do to you. You know how much you hated the hazing right? Well, this'll be worse if you fuck up."

Giving a nervous laugh, Tommy quickly stepped into the crowd and disappeared, leaving the trio to talk amongst themselves.

"Dude. What if he can't get Campbell to show up?" Wes asked, brushing his hair back.

"Don't worry boys." Alex said, putting his arms around the other two. "We haven't missed a sacrifice in thirty years. And we're not about to start tonight. One way or another there's going to be one."

The cold afternoon turned into an even more frigid evening, by the time Jason kicked through the door of his dorm he was little less a human and a little more a freeze pop as he finally pulled the zipper of his jacket down and peeled it off his arms. He glanced at the clock and realized the reason that Tommy wasn't home yet. He put his hand on his face and groaned, he'd all but forgotten about the frat party. He still didn't find himself even interested to attend, but he felt like Tommy really wanted him there.

"Eh, fuck it." Jason said to himself as he kicked his shoes off and set them beside the door. He was tired, cold, and in a bad mood from the long day. The only thing he wanted to do was to rest until Tommy got home. Hopefully it wouldn't be for the rest of the night.

Jason fell onto his bed and let out a groan of exhaustion before pulling his pillow up to his ears to get some rest. Reaching back behind his head he pulled a book down from the shelf that he'd been reading and began to skim through the pages. Yawning a bit, Jason was suddenly alerted to the sound of something clattering on the other side of the room.

A pair of arms grabbed him roughly around his chest, instinctively he snapped his hands down to prevent the grab and another pair of arms took his head.

"Mmph!" Jason felt something clamp over his mouth, a foul odor suddenly filled his sinuses and he shook hard to get the hands off of him. His arms flailed a bit as he tried to grab at least one of his assailants before forcing his leg under his other and pushing up to drag them out of hiding, but he only succeeded in spinning around and falling face first onto his bed.

Jason felt his limbs grow numb, the arms tightening their grips as he looked into the laps of two people who had been hiding behind his bed. As he looked up, the world blurred around him and then went black.

The Omega Phi house was located well outside the campus grounds, deep in the forest just outside of town. The night was clear, a brilliant full moon casting a silver glow across the landscape. There was a brisk chill in the air as Tommy made his way toward the house. He looked down at the robes he was wearing and rolled his eyes; he knew that the house dealt in the occult, that was one of his reasons for wanting to join, but he didn't expect them to be so cliché about the whole thing. He chuckled to himself, how silly he had to look, trudging through the ankle-high snow with robes that rolled and draped over him. A streak of white went up the front and along the side from when he'd fallen about a block before, that was one of the rules, cars were forbidden on the house grounds, and walking almost a mile and a half in the snow was not on his list of fun activities. But at least it was good exercise.

"Hey." He said, out of breath as he approached the stone stairway that led up toward the massive house.

"Name." The man in the black hood said, barring Tommy from stepping in.

"Oh come on, you know me." Tommy sighed, now dancing and bouncing a bit as he teetered from left to right. "It's Tommy."

"Very good." He said as he stepped to the side and Tommy jogged past and up the steps, still shivering by the time he reached the door and Wes let him inside.

"You know, the guy on the steps didn't recognize me." Tommy said to him as he brushed off his robe, admiring the same kind of robe on Wes. "Hey, we should really consult, because wearing the same thing to a party is a big faux paux."

Wes smirked and escorted Tommy down the hall. "You're going to have to forgive him, man. He doesn't recognize us half the time either, then he suddenly remembers when we tell him our names, like there's no one else named 'Tommy' at the university, you know?"

"Yeah I guess." Tommy shrugged unsure. "So what's with all the secrecy, anyway?"

"Oh, well it's the harvest moon." Wes explained. "On the harvest moon we can summon our god."

"Your... 'god'?" Tommy raised an eyebrow. "What kind of god?"

"He doesn't have a name, but he's been around for eons." Wes said. "Alex's ancestors were the first to summon him, he grants us youth, and power. Influence. Women... or men, depending on who's at the party."

He pushed the door open to reveal a large room beyond, illuminated by candlelight, and crowded my a dozen people in black robes like the one that Tommy and Wes wore inside. Tommy was the only one for a moment who didn't wear his hood up and as all eyes turned on him, he felt suddenly out of place and nervous.

"Tommy." Alex said, pulling his hood down and stepping down toward the fire pit at the center of the room. He brought his arms out proudly and chuckled. "Don't worry, you're among friends here." He said. "Friends and fraternity brothers, am I right?" There was a smittering of voices from the other men in the room. "I'm sorry guys, didn't quite catch that. Am. I. RIIIIGHT?!"

"HELL YEAH!" All the men trumpeted at once, almost making the floor shake under Tommy's feet.

"Look into the fire, brothers." Alex said, gesturing to the smoldering brazier. "Soon we will summon Dietos and be granted everything our hearts desire. On the stroke of midnight, our sacrifice will be complete and he will appear to us as powerful and as beautiful as he has every harvest moon." Waving his hand over the flame made it seem to reach around him and then climb higher. He grinned as he caught the eye of every member in the room. "In twenty minutes, everything will be ready. Go and do whatever you'd like while we finish our preparations."

"Hey." Rory said, startling Tommy as he approached from behind. "This is your first time to the big house right? What do you think of the digs?"

"Well, there's a few things about the decor I'd love to change, but it's big." He nodded. "And big is usually good. But, did Alex say something about a sacrifice?"

"Indeed he did." Alex said stepping from the pit and joining them. "Are my ears burning?"

"Wh-what kind of sacrifice?"

Alex shrugged a bit and hummed. "Oh, a rare kind of a sacrifice. You see, in order to make extraordinary dreams come true, you need to have a very--very--ordinary person to sacrifice."

"A person?" He asked. "Who?" He looked around at the others who suddenly seemed to loom over him. "N-not me, right?"

"Oh, no Tommy. We like you." Wes said. "And you're far from average... almost painfully obvious. We recruit three new members every year; one to become a full brother."

"One to become our messenger boy to lure new sacrifices into the fold..." Rory added, making Tommy back up into Alex who put his hands on his shoulders.

"And a third to be our sacrifice to Dietos."

"You've done a good job to be a messenger boy though Tommy, we might even have to promote you to our brotherhood next year."

"But... Jason he-he isn't coming." Tommy said. "I know him, he's a hard ass, he'd never--"

"Yeah, you know... the thing about kidnapping is that it can be very a very persuasive tool." Alex laughed. His expression turned serious and he jabbed a finger into Tommy's chest. "And unless you want to be demoted to the sacrifice, I'd keep my mouth shut."

"Rrrgh!" Jason roared loudly trying to pull himself free of the shackle that chained him to the wall of this dank and dark crypt. He'd been stripped naked and his cock caged in a small bronze colored metal net which in many aspects was pretty sexy. Something was happening outside the room, he could hear people talking and the sounds of music drowning out against the stone walls of this cell he found himself in. "Hey! Let me outta here!" He shouted angrily. "You're not going to get away with this!"

"Oh but we have." Alex's voice startled Jason who whipped around to see the door slide open and the leader step in. "We've gotten away with it for fifty years, and now it's your turn."

"What are you talking about?"

Alex pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. "Jason Allen Campbell, born on August the fourth in an amazingly dull nineteen ninety-three. No achievements in school, no extra curricular activities. You know you actually maintained a two-point-eight GPA in school? I mean, who does that? You came so sickeningly close to average only to fall short. Let's see... no notes on girls or guys dated, your parents ran a pretty run of the mill household. Even your social security number ends in 1, 2, 3, 4." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"What's your point? What's your sick game here man?"

"My point is, is that you're average. You don't have any big dreams, you could die tonight and your parents would be asking for the next twenty years why you never call. You never take chances, you never rise out in a crowd..." He folded the piece of paper up as Wes grabbed the shackle and tugged Jason close. "And that's why you're the perfect sacrifice."

Jason swallowed hard, but didn't say anything, instead he felt the cold chain wrap once around his arms and he was tugged rather fiercely to follow Wes to the door and out. Alex followed behind them, but Jason barely noticed, he only heard a round of applause as he was pulled out into the main room. Several men in black robes and hoods holding candles lit the path toward a center ring with a large lit brazier. His heart was pounding, Jason was terrified with how this could end. He caught a glimpse of Tommy under one of the robes, but noticed his expression looked just as terrified. Jason tried to pause his movements, to stare at Tommy at what he'd dragged him into, but he was hurried along. As they approached the brazier, he felt Alex's hand slide along his back as he stepped up to his side and brandished a large knife which nearly made Jason piss himself; thankfully the cage kept his fluids from spilling out embarrassingly all over the floor. Without a moment's pause, Jason felt a searing hot pain as the blade was dragged across his naked chest.

"Ahhhh!" He cried at the cut.

"Behold!" Alex announced dramatically. "Our guardian of darkness will have his taste and drink with us tonight! He will grant our every desire, just as he's done for my family and my brothers for over two hundred years!" There was loud cheering coming from the audience, both Jason and Tommy looked very out of place in this crowd, splashing the blood over the fire and making the flames flicker into a crimson red color.

Jason's eyes widened and he closed his eyes. He wished he was just laying in bed still, wishing he'd never gotten up that morning, he could feel tears forming in his eyes, terror screaming through his veins.

"NO!" Tommy's voice made Jason look up and Tommy pulled back his hood. "No! This is wrong, Alex!"

"Back in line, worm!" Rory snarked and slapped him on the chest.

"Too late." Alex chuckled and his hand slapped hard against Jason's back, sending him flying forward down onto the firelight below him. Jason closed his eyes and felt the tears fly from his face; and then, nothing.

Opening his eyes, Jason could see the fire below him still crackling slowly while everyone stared at him in awe as he floated over the brazier. Suspended in mid air like a marionette hanging from a string. Jason felt his heart beating hard then watched two balls of energy forming within some sort of portal, now swirling below him. As the balls grew closer, they glowed brighter and brighter until they exploded from the fire pit and the room became enveloped in a sharp red color, then a cool blue color as everyone around him thrown back by the explosion slowed down.

"Something's---wrong!" Alex's voice said in a distorted manner as it lowered and fluttered out of Jason's hearing range. "The---sacrifice was



There was an electric buzzing in Jason's ear, then a crackle, and then a pop, which exploded and threw him back into the frozen crowd.

"Mmm, brother it feels so good to be part of the mortal world again."

"Indeed... the taste of promise... the taste of promise lures us!"

The blackness was interrupted by the sound of a pair of strange voices talking, and Jason felt himself move slightly. Opening his eyes he could see two strange creatures standing nearby, looking each other over, which made his eyes widen even further. The creatures, he could describe quite distinctly as--not from around there. Their bodies were muscular, broad, and gloriously near naked. They each wore loincloths, but they were little more than flaps of fabric that didn't really hide much at all in the front, and had absolutely no presence on the backs, revealing quite bubbled, firm rumps. They each had whiplike tails, one with a hairy tuft at the end like a lion's tail, and the other with two that had pointed devilish prongs at the ends of them.

Their bodies were a strange tone of bluish and reddish colors, much like the colors the rooms had become moments before he was thrown into the floor. As his eyes crawled upward, he was almost terrified by their faces; it looked as though they were wearing animal masks, but their mouths were moving as they spoke, and their glowing amber eyes blinked with all-too much realism. The bluish one looked like he had a lion's mane and feline features, while the reddish one looked more like a hawk, with a beak and a puff of feathers that didn't go anywhere below his jaw line. They were standing chest to chest as they spoke, it was almost too erotic to look at. Jason tried to ignore the impending erection before noticing the cage on his cock had broken open and his member was now free to do as it pleased.

"We must go at once!" The red one said, his beak clipping as it shut. "Sunrise will be upon us in a few hours, we must make our trip before then."

"Calm yourself, Zapta." The feline beast spoke, waving his hand. "We've plenty of time."

"But Rojan, if we are caught by the sunlight--" The avian objected.

"Now now, manners first, brother." He said, crossing his massive arms and turning to face Jason. "We must properly thank the one who has freed us."

Jason's eyes scanned the two heavenly demonic bodies and he couldn't help but stammer. "Wh-who me? N-no there must be some mist-mistake, I mean I want nothing to do with demons..."

"Did he just--" Rojan started.

"Call us "demons"?" Zapta said as both of them burst into an uproarious laugh.

There was a flicker of blue light and suddenly the feline was resting under Jason's propped arm, the elbow digging into that massive chest that rose and fell slowly as he spoke. "We are not demons. We are djinn."

"Djinn?" Jason repeated confused as a flash of red light had the bird lying on the ground next to him, running a pair of thick fingers through the human's hair.

"Yes, yes. We are quite different from your ordinary demons. We aren't weak against human prayers, or holy water..."

"Oh but I tell you, I've got a soft spot for a virgin or two!" Both of them laughed again.

"So... what are djinn?"

Rojan and Zapta looked at each other, amused. Zapta placed a hand on Jason's hip, lewdly cupping a handful of his thigh as he spoke. "Djinn are traditionally servants to humans; wish granters, desire deliverers as it were."

"And we can be trapped in objects for hundreds of years at a time, with no hope of freeing ourselves without assistance." Rojan purred a bit and stroked the human's cheek affectionately. "Like you've done for us this night."

"So we'd like to pay you in kind for what you have done and be on our way."

"So... you're like genies?" Jason looked at the two of them. "Like Aladdin and his magic lamp?"

"Pff! Aladdin was a charlatan!" Zapta grunted loudly. Jason winced a bit as the bird's fevered hand grabbed his crotch firmly. "We'll show you how it can be..."

Zapta turned Jason onto his back and pointed his erect cock straight into the air before bringing his beak down to it. It was a long, enveloping tunnel that wrapped around Jason's flesh and made him hiss in lust. The beak felt like a human's mouth, despite its appearances it wrapped very thoroughly around his flesh and applied a hard amount of pressure that rolled easily down his length.

"Ohhh, I think you reached a soft spot." Rojan teased as he nipped his fangs along the human's neck, occasionally lapping a wet, rugged tongue along the flesh as well.

Jason moaned, feeling the muscular body under his head, and the other one rising and falling as he went down on his cock. Jason bit his lip and whispered in spite of himself. "Oh god, I'm going to come too soon, I wish I had the energy to keep going all night..."

With a long, slow lick up his shaft, Zapta grinned and winked. "Your wish is my command." He whispered as he flicked a finger at Jason's member, causing it to become wrapped in a glowing red energy for a few moments that quickly vanished as the bird returned to his enjoyment of the cock.

"Mmm, recharge time zero after ejaculation. Clever choice, brother." Rojan smirked as he watched the bird's unanswering form continue to devour. "Well, no sense in you having all the fun." He teased, his deep voice chuckling as he shifted out from under Jason's head.

"H-hey..." Jason managed to whisper.

"Mmm, don't worry young one, I think you'll enjoy this one too."

Jason watched the lion-man's firm ass hover over him as he crouched a bit over the human's body. His balls touching Jason's chest long before his cheeks did, which dangled just a few inches above him. Jason couldn't help but reach up and take the firm backside into his fingers and flex them apart a bit, looking at that bright pink star riding under his lion tail. It was so close, as if Rojan wanted him to--he couldn't help but try it and leaned his body up to run his tongue wetly between the cheeks.

"Mmmm... yes..." Rojan purred a bit and his tail twined itself around Jason's head, tugging somehow as if to egg him on. The feline's bulge was already popping a tent, making his loincloth useless as Jason began to run his tongue along that warm pucker and press it inward, to Rojan's noises of pleasure. "Oh, you've done this before..." He groaned a bit and sat back, nearly suffocating the human who leaned back to the ground and began to eat even harder, even deeper into that muscular butt.

"Nnn yes... this human is definitely into this." He huffed as he slowly rode his backside up and down in time with the human's tongue.

It felt strange to Jason, the djinn's backside was warm, it felt very fleshy and thick, but there was a ghostly feel of fuzz brushing against his cheeks as the leonine tail twined tighter around his neck, paralyizng him from doing anything else.

"Mmm...mmmm!" Jason felt himself muffle into the warm rump as his entire body convulsed and he felt himself ejaculate hard into Zapta's mouth. His beak wasn't nearly enough to compensate for the full load and a lot of it spilled onto Jason's crotch.

"Oh... very nice." He hissed a bit, leaning back from the fountain of seed that spurted from him. "I've not tasted semen in centuries, the taste flourishes!" He laughed and began to drag his tongue and his beak along the still-throbbing shaft. A messy white trail of cum poured down Jason's length, coating the bird's beak with a long streak that dribbled down toward his neck, but he didn't care, he was indulging quite heavily, and Jason realized he wasn't getting soft, he was feeling quite horny still.

As the spouts began to ebb off, his hips twitched and he knew he wanted more. He breathed in the feline's musk and plunged his tongue in deeper, making Rojan's head turn up in enjoyment. Jason's fingers clutched needfully on the hard ass and received a chuckle. "It seems the master wants to ride the cat." He said. "Is that what you wish, human?"

"Oh... very-very much so..." Jason panted.

"Mmm, good." He grinned before slowly pulling himself from Jason's tongue and allowing him to move. Zapta looked with a great amusement as Jason sat up and ran his tongue and nose once more along the crack. Rojan's tail twitched as he leaned down, lining himself up with the human's engorged cock. Jason felt the muscles tighten around his shaft and he bit his lip slightly. He could feel his saliva slickening against his head, he'd well prepared Rojan, but he was surprised how thick he'd gotten.

The djinn growled a bit as he felt the penetration, there was a bit of resistance at first. Jason's eyes turned a bit to Zapta who was seated where he'd let Jason up, slowly stroking himself, letting a continual stream of white bubble a bit down his length before it was picked up by his fingers.

The first thrust was met with a powerful grunt from the blue toned beast who took the length and thickness rather suddenly. Rojan rested his head on his arm along the ground, his backside lifting as the human took it almost greedily.

"Za-Zapta, you're making them b-bigger...ahhhhah..." He whimpered, receiving a smirk from the bird.

"Well, you're always wanting a challenge, brother." He said with a chuckle.

Jason watched the bird's tails flop a bit as he enjoyed the show and a thought slipped across his mind, it was only a brief thought, but it was suddenly met with a tingling along his backside. Mid-thrust he happened to notice a strange growth emerging from a flickering blue light just above his rump as a tail began to emerge. "Ahh!" He grunted, feeling the protrusion which felt more orgasmic than painful. "Wh-what what is this?" He asked, trying to maintain his rough rhythm at the same time.

"Your wish is our command." Rojan said, passing a weak smile, then a moan at another fleshy slap to his ass.

Jason's toes curled against the floor as he continued on despite the fact that a reptilian tail had emerged from his backside and was now lumbering heavily into the weight of his fucking. "I didn't say anything!" He tried to sound objecting, but the idea of having a tail seemed quite arousing.

"We are linked, Jason." Both Zapta and Rojan's voices came into his mind without their lips moving, only their gazes meeting his own. "Your wishes are ours to grant for the time being, until our service is complete."

Jason had to think fast, he was already close to a second heavy load, Rojan's tight hole was driving him wild. He knew he wanted them now, they seemed more loyal than a pair of pets back home. He remembered them mentioning that the sunlight had to be avoided. They were djinn brought forth in the place of a night demon, he looked around at the Omega Phi members, now completely frozen in time, or maybe Jason was removed from time itself... but how long did he have to distract these two for?

"Hnngh... ehh!" He grunted, trying to fight it off, but it was too late, and Jason felt himself tense up and fire another round.

His member shot three hard loads into Rojan's hole before it slipped out and splattered loudly against his balls. Jason's gut was tensing up and releasing hard as he found it difficult to stop cumming, leaving wet, long streaks on the floor as he pulled himself away from the blue colored demon.

"Oh... fuck that was hot..." He panted loudly, still feeling his erection slapping against his stomach as he tried to come down from his randy feelings.

Rojan's body nearly collapsed to the floor, like his brother he was so hard that he was dripping from the tip like a loose faucet. "Won't you finish him off? I like seeing him cum." Zapta said, his beak twisting in a coy grin as he looked at the other djinn, who returned the gaze with a glare.

"I was... I was thinking, why end things so soon?" Jason said, thinking quickly. "I mean I've got plenty of drive--" He huffed a bit as he grabbed his solid erection, which had only barely begun to fall back to sleep as it was jolted upright again, he was amazed by how sensitive it felt now after two orgasms. "I mean, do you guys really want to get out of here so quickly?"

He noticed a pensive look from Rojan as he turned toward the window leading outside before looking at Zapta. "Well, I suppose we could stay a little while longer." He said anxiously as his claw trailed down his abdomen and ran across his rigid shaft. "Sunrise isn't for a few more hours anyway."

Zapta gave an audible sigh and nodded. "Then, until you make us cum we are yours, Jason. What do you wish of us?"

"How about a game?"

Rojan raised an eyebrow. "A game?"

Jason nodded and smiled. "Mmhmm." He felt his tail sway a bit. "I'll go hide somewhere in the house, and you two have to find me, the first one to find me and make me cum wins."

"How interesting." Zapta said, pressing his fingers together before his beak. "And what would we win?"

"The chance to fuck and breed me." He teased. "And trust me, I don't bottom for just anyone."

Rojan grinned wickedly. "Oh, I like this game already."

"But the catch of this game is that you won't know which one is me. I wish I had ten exact copies like me."

"Done." Rojan waved his hand and in a cloud of blue mist, ten identical twins of Jason appeared. They looked at one another and began muttering amongst each other.

"Oh no, no, no dear brother." Zapta said and stepped forward. "Let's make the stakes more interesting."

A flicker of red electricity struck Jason unexpectedly, and suddenly his body bulked up a bit, he grew larger and more muscular, his cock grew a bit more in length, and to Jason's surprise the lightning shot through all of his clones, making them grow as well.

"But-but I didn't ask for this."

"It's a bonus." Zapta winked. "Don't think I can't read that you've got a thing for bulk, boy."

"You've got sixty seconds." Rojan said, stepping forward. "GO!" He waved his hand and the immediate room suddenly went pitch black.

"AHH! Fuck!" Jason shouted as he collided with another of himself, who said the exact same thing as they scrambled through the darkness.

Emerging from the pit room, the rest of the house seemed lit and a group of Jasons scattered throughout the hallway. Jason ran up the stairs, hearing the scramble and thud of three of himself climbing up behind him and they entered the upstairs hall. It was long and dimly lit with a long runner carpet that was white and covered with flowers or bubbles, he couldn't really tell which. Jason dove toward a vase stand on the wall, but was irritated to see that he was already hiding there, shushing him for disturbing his hiding place. Turning and running into the bedroom immediately next to the vase he grunted as he watched one of his forms duck behind the massive drapes on the wall while another dove under the bed. "Oh come on, you gotta be kidding me!" He hissed and ran from the room.

"Ready or not, here we come!" Zapta's voice was quite clear through the house, as if they'd already started making their way toward them. Jason spotted a pull down ladder that led up into the attic and quickly made use of it, disappearing into the upper level as quickly as he could.

Zapta had separated from Rojan the moment he snapped his fingers and restored the light to the pit room. Two of Jason's clones hadn't made it out of the room and were quickly dominated by the djinn, upon their climaxes, both Jason clones vanished in red and blue sparks. The avian had entered the kitchen, pots and pans dangled over a large marble counter in the center of the room, with several cabinets that lined the underside of the marble. A large stainless steel refrigerator and matching stove stood at the back of the room as Zapta made his way slowly into the illuminated glow of this room. The light hurt his eyes, but calling his power he was able to make the fluorescents dim to a more manageable level and he crept in the rest of the way.

He heard something clatter within the cabinets under the center counter and swept in quickly, sniffing for a hint of the human's scent, but as Jason had asked for duplicates, Rojan had to comply to the fullest extent including smell. He could smell Jason, but he couldn't tell which one it was. He pulled open the first cabinet, but only a bag of flour came tumbling out and spilled on the floor.

"Damn. Where is he? I can smell him..." He looked around and sniffed the air before noticing a sudden movement just above him.

"WHOA!" Jason cried out as the chains holding the heavy pots gave way and he came crashing down hard to the counter. He tried to scurry away, but Zapta grabbed him quickly and threw him with his back up against the wall.

"And where do you think you're going, human?" Zapta's eyes narrowed as he grinned, pressing Jason firmly against the wall, the bird's long, dark tongue ran along the human's bare chest as he pressed in against him. "Mmm, do I win?" He asked, his fingers wrapping around that thick cock between Jason's legs. He could feel the cum drooling from the tip and practically soaking his hand as he pressed his chest against his and rumbled deeply, his warm breath covering both of them. "Can I have your ass, "master"?" His finger pressed firmly into the warm ring.

"AHH!" Jason cried out, throwing his head back against the wall as he came. Several, long, stream-like ribbons slapped across and soaked Zapta's chest, who grinned in enjoyment until he watched him suddenly sparkle and vanish. His voice faded in an echo, and Zapta growled. "Damn you, human! I will be the one to find you!"

Jason could hear Zapta's voice howling from downstairs as he crept along the carpet, headed toward a window unoccupied by any of his clones. Quickly he slipped behind the red velvet drapes and pressed his back against the wall, trying to pretend he was invisible.

"Good plan." A voice whispered to Jason's right, he turned to see Rojan standing there behind the curtains with him. "Now, pick your feet up so no one will see you standing there."

"Thanks." Jason whispered back and doing so about a millisecond before realizing who was talking to him. "AHHHH!" He screamed in shock as the tiger man tackled him.

The drape rod sheered away from the wall, sending down a shower of drywall and debris as both men came wrapped in the fabric while Rojan struggled to get on Jason's back. He grappled the human and nearly threw him across the room, struggling to his feet, he was surprised at Jason's improved strength and could barely hold him as they toppled across the bed together. Snarling, the tiger man's short, but sharp nails scratched at Jason's body, pulling him roughly against his body as Rojan pinned his quarry down on the bed, their thick cocks pressed together, both draining heavily onto Jason's crotch. "Mmm, you enjoy a thick cock? I'm going to enjoy a taste of your thick ass." He purred and grabbed Jason by both legs and pulled them up almost vertically to himself before running his warm, wet, rugged tongue along the sensitive ring of flesh.

"Oh god, Rojan!" Jason screamed passionately as the djinn began to practically make a meal out of his ass. Wrapping a massive hand around Jason's ankles to hold them together, the djinn purred softly as he brought his finger and pressed it into Jason's ass along with his tongue. Both of which seemed to spread the flesh and make it a little easier to manage. "You g-gonna make me cum!" Jason panted.

"Good..." Rojan thought. "Another game for Zapta to lose..." His tongue pressed in deeper and he saw the trickle from Jason's tip turn into a long, stringing downpour of precum. His moans intensified, and Rojan smiled. This was it... pressing in a little deeper and--

"What are you doing?" Zapta's voice startled Rojan who realized he no longer had the human in his grasp and his tongue was licking deep against nothing but air.

"Nuffin--" Rojan answered after a long pause.

Zapta stifled a laugh. "Well, when you're done fucking nothing, we've still got a human to find."

Rojan growled. "I'm already tired of this game, why don't we just go find a place to go to before the sun rises?"

"Did you forget? We promised to serve the human named Jason until we satisfy his needs and our own."

"But if the sun comes up before we--"

"I know very well what will happen." Zapta said angrily. "You need not remind me, Rojan. But we need to find him so we can end this once and for all!"

Jason grunted a bit and shook awake, he'd found a small dark spot on the beams on top of the attic and figured he must have fallen asleep for a few minutes. His cock still ached even after having lost a lot of its erection. The sounds of someone below him startled him and he felt his erection slowly begin to return as he turned down and saw both Zapta and Rojan tossing aside various boxes and objects to check behind them.

"He's got to be here somewhere." Rojan said angrily as he threw aside a discarded laundry basket. He groaned. "It's getting too close, we need to go!"

"We had a pact." Zapta insisted. "We can't leave until we've filled our part of the bargain, and that's to breed him by any means necessary."

Jason's eyebrows lowered, that wasn't exactly their arrangement, but he was flattered they were sticking to it so adamantly. He tried not to move, but the sudden loss of balance he felt in his legs told him otherwise and he cried out as he rolled from the rafter. He caught himself, to the surprise of both djinn and managed to land on his feet. He turned to run, but was quickly stopped as the two djinn suddenly transformed into orbs of energy and warped in front of him.

"Whoa!" He shrieked and fell back, landing on his backside. "Nnf!"

"Oh, now, now. No use in running, Jason." Zapta waved a finger back and forth. "We've won the chase, and now it's time for us to have you."

Rojan cast a mist of blue energy which surrounded Jason and picked him up off the floor. Zapta's fingers slid along Jason's torso and arms as their flesh brushed together. Jason was already hard as a rock as he felt Rojan's energy flowing into his body through his ass. It felt like some cool breath was making its way up his hole. Still helplessly suspended, Jason couldn't fight Rojan off as the feline tongue ran along his cock, sending shivers up and all across Jason's spine. He winced for a moment as the feline nipped a bit of his cock's foreskin and slowly enveloped the hunk of flesh into his mouth. Jason felt his body swing slightly, his head going downward as Zapta approached, his impressive girth dangling over Jason's head. He swallowed nervously as his nose brushed the underside of the bird's balls. "W-wait I said the first person to make me cum gets to breed me, not both of you!"

"Oh, we've come to a compromise..." Zapta grinned as he felt Jason impulsively lick his lower region. "I'm sure it's one you'd agree with, human."

Jason was smothered by the bird's balls, he tried to open his mouth to speak, but the mound of flesh fell right in, keeping him from talking. Instead his nose picked up the heavy scent of Zapta's undercarriage and be shuddered in pleasure, reaching his hands up to feel the bird's ass. Likewise, Rojan was enjoying a second, and more thorough helping of the real Jason's ass. His nose constantly pushed back the human's balls, but his less than human features seemed a little less noticeable to the dangling boy. The pair had sandwiched him in, and the tiger man was wrapping his entire hand around the tip of Jason's engorged cock, enjoying the free spurts of precum that began to collect along his stomach and chest as they drained down toward his arms. Jason was enthralled with the muscular males taking advantage of him as his arms wrapped even tighter around Zapta's thighs. He too wanted desperately to taste the red djinn's ass, but he couldn't exactly do it from this angle. His toes curled and uncurled as he felt the effects of his upcoming stellar orgasm. He felt his balls shift suddenly under the weight of Rojan's tongue and he felt himself cry out into the fleshy sack of Zapta's crotch. There was a sudden thrusting of his body in mid air as he used the muscular legs for leverage and he bucked hard in his orgasm. He could hear Zapta's grunt in pleasure and amusement as the human's seed projected all the way into his stomach.

"So, what do you say?" Zapta said after a few moments' pause. "Was that me? Or you?"

"Oh surely it was me, brother." Rojan said surely as the pair let Jason hang for a few moments between them. "And I should have the right to breed him properly."

"I bet it was my musk that set him off." Zapta chuckled. "I should have the right to at least choose who gets to fuck him."

"Don't I get any say?" Jason tried to interrupt.

"No!" Both responded sharply.

"Okay then, who do you want to fuck him?"

"I say let you do it." Zapta said.

"You see? Typical res-pwhat?"

Zapta laughed. "Well, after all, he popped your ten thousand year cherry, I say it's within your right to turn the other cheek."

"Well then..." Jason felt the sudden shift of energy under him vanish and he fell quickly toward the floor. There was another flash of light and Rojan was catching him and slowing his trip to the ground, as their cocks pressed together he groaned in anticipation, their cocks crossing, Jason could feel the tiger man's weight shift, the tip of his warm shaft pressing achingly against his hole and the human felt his tail flap against the ground. "What are we waiting for?"

There was a sharp pain that screamed through Jason's body as he felt Rojan's massive cock start to penetrate him. The tiger man's cheeks tinted reddish in color as he exhaled sharply. "Damn, you're tight for a human..." He grunted.

"W-Wish I could accommodate you better..." He managed to mutter.

"Oh, yes... that might help." Zapta said with a smirk before placing an electric red finger on Jason's forehead and sending a chilling sensation throughout his body. It was enough to get his cock going again, and he felt himself draining seed all over his stomach, which was then pressed wetly against Rojan's torso.

Suddenly, the pain of penetration ceased, and he felt the cock just slide in, heavy and tight as Rojan groaned loudly in pleasure, suddenly relieved of the pressure of the human ass. "Ahh-gahh... Zapta, that's incredible..." He whimpered as he thrust in again, now sliding Jason roughly along the floor.

Jason felt his shoulders stopped by the bird man's feet and he looked up to see the male turn around and kneel himself over Jason's face. His round, firm butt descending onto his face, the human couldn't help but grab the flexible rump and run his tongue along it.

"Why don't you let me help you with that?" Rojan said with a smirk as he cast another blue wave of energy at Jason, which immediately effected his tongue, making it slide out and slim like the tongue of a dragon.

"Oh, yes!" Jason thought as he struggled to control the serpent-like tongue and direct it where it needed to go. It slapped against Zapta's balls then back up along the crack until he found the warm taint end and the taste of tail flooded his senses. He'd forgotten a serpentine tongue also worked as a scent collector. Zapta's musk was amazing and filled him with a radiant need to have him, any way he could get him.

Forcibly, Rojan pulled Jason's leg back and flipped him onto his stomach. Pulling Jason to his hands and knees, the tiger man continued to plow deep into the virgin ass that had been loosened by the bird's power. Jason felt every square inch of the human-like cock plunge into him and he cried out with each thrust. Receiving a face of ass again from Zapta, Jason continued to feed from the offering, covering every square inch of that firm butt, much to the djinn's pleasure. Occasionally, Jason's tongue would slip deeper and deeper into the pocket of Zapta's crevice as he tried to trigger the gland within, if it still existed among the djinn, and judging from the passionate expressions from Zapta, it still existed.

Rojan seemed to go on for several minutes, each time he sounded like he would come close, he would slow down and reset before thrusting harder again. Jason's arms were trembling, not many people could stand up to this kind of punishment, but he loved every minute of it.

"RRRRRAAAAHHHHH!" Rojan was the first to cum, rope after rope of soggy semen flooded Jason's hole for a moment before the pressure ejected him from it. Jason cried out, the pressure making him cum again in loud slapping puddles on the floor under them. He curled his tongue, hoping for a lucky break and he found it.

"Ahhhh!" Zapta pulled himself away and turned around, twisting the flesh of his cock seconds before seed exploded from it, all over the human's face. There was so much that at first he couldn't breathe, then as the shots began to subside he coughed and cleared his lungs seconds before receiving the shaft in his maw for a few final spurts. Jason shivered in delight and reveled in it for a few solid moments before they all collapsed together.

"Damn... that... was... hot..." Jason had repeated his words from earlier.

"Oh... oh no! Rojan! Look!"

Rojan and Jason looked up to see the sunlight now beginning to peek through the attic's window, day had come before they had realized it and the pair of them threw themselves in pain against a dark corner. "No! It's not possible!" Rojan shouted in anger. "How did we lose track of the time?"

"Wh-what will we do?" Zaptas asked. "We will be destroyed if the sun touches unbonded djinn flesh!"

"Unbonded?" Jason asked.

Rojan looked at Jason. "The sunlight will return us to the pit unless we bond ourselves wholly to a mortal." He explained. "Our powers will be their, our freedom will end."

"Well..." Jason said with a smirk. "I could make a good master. I mean, what we just did? We could do that more. A lot more. And I have a friend who might enjoy it too."

"You'd... you'd harbor us? Allow us to be your thralls?"

Jason grinned. "If you'd have a normal guy like me."

Rojan and Zapta looked at one another, then simultaneously nodded before becoming balls of energy. "Behold, Jason. Our true forms." Zapta's voice said, followed by Rojan's voice. "Forever will we be bonded to you, our power is yours, and your pleasure is our own..." The balls turned into brilliant streaks of red and blue that rushed across the room and entered Jason's body... "I wish..."

The morning seemed to come different for the members of the Omega Phi house, after Jason had awakened them from their frozen slumber, they all had a different view of him. Jason had outweighed Alex for leadership of the house when the truth of his age and his date of birth was leaked to the press, he was allowed to stay, however, as third in command. Tommy had a change in attitude when Jason began to express interest in him for standing up against his attempted sacrifice. With only a little help from the djinn's powers, he filled out and became more muscular of a jock and began to share the same interests, becoming another of Jason's, Zapta's and Rojan's playmates. All-in-all, afterward, things became normal for Jason again, which he enjoyed. But when he eyed his matching blue and red tattoos that had appeared on each of his shoulders, he remembered exactly what dwelled within him.


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