The Librarian

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissions

Commission for Heru on FA

In a world where superheroes and super villains' powers come from animal aspects a simple nerdy librarian who has the power to hypnotize others sets his targets on one particular set; a superhero named Silver and a villain named Master.

"The Librarian"

My name is Seth Baxter; I know, it's a pretty average name, very unassuming, very plain. You might even call it "geeky" but I don't mind, I like my civilian name and I wear it proudly. As you could probably tell from my scrawny features, my big, wire rimmed glasses and my shoulder-long, slicked back hair, my affinity for wearing tweed jackets and blue jeans, I look like I ought to be running a library. The fact is I do. An internationally recognized, but somewhat mediocre building that I've been running for almost ten years now. I found my passion, not a lot of people can say that, and speaking of passions, I should tell you about the other side of me... but I think I'll leave it for you to figure out.

It was a Thursday when it began, the morning light had crept through the drapes I pulled closed the night before and reached my face before the sound of the alarm buzzing alerted me to the fact that it was going off. Instead of laying around complaining to myself that it was too early to get up, I bolted upright in my bed and grabbed the clock. I was almost relieved I'd only overslept by about forty minutes, but a quick scramble to get to my feet made me fall to the floor in a hurry.

"Baxter!" I could hear my landlady in the apartment below pounding the floor with a wooden stick, likely the end of a broom or a mop. "You quit with the noise up there or I'll have you out of here next week!"

Sometimes I'd wished she would just climb on her broom and fly off. I muttered some utterance of syllables that even I couldn't quite make out before getting onto my feet. My bathroom was a direct door away and barely big enough to fit my bath tub. I squeezed in and only closed the door behind me out of the necessity of actually getting into my tub. The rattling pipes came to life as I turned on the faucet and I grabbed my toothbrush before hopping into the lukewarm liquid. Just like almost every day before the water cut to cold within three minutes and I had just finished lathering and rinsing off. I hopped out of the shower and almost slipped on the floor as I dried myself off; I enjoyed reliving this day because it was the day I received the approval to my library and with my abilities, I could view the terror and the joy of that afternoon over and over again. I probably imagine myself more confident than I really was on that day, all I really remember is how much of a nervous wreck I was and how sweaty my palms were when I shook the district head's hand when he approved the building of the library which is know called the "Central Valley Repository" and I call it my home, though with a few... subtle differences!

"Baxter!" Mrs. Lowe, once the bane of my existence was now a fairly regular patron of my library jerked me from my memories. I'd learned to hone my abilities to the point she didn't even notice the gold colored glow in my eyes rapidly fade back to their dark green color. "I need to return this!" She said as she handed me a badly battered edition of a hard back National Geographic book she'd checked out not a week before.

I sighed softly and pressed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. "Mrs. Lowe... and you'll have to forgive me for wondering what kind of a man would have given you that prefix..." I said sarcastically and smirked as I realized the insult was beyond her reach. "This book is in terrible condition! What happened to it?"

"It was like that when I checked it out." She lied. "Not sure how it got like that."

I fumed silently, rubbing my temples with my fingers before trying a different approach. "Well, I don't think it was like this when you checked it out." I said calmly. "Here at the Central Repository, I strive to make sure that every one of the books we make available are in pristine condition. Now, I don't know if you dropped it down a flight of stairs or--" I paused as I picked up the book, the hefty weight catching me off guard as a small dribble of some dark liquid began to drip from its spine. "Or... you knocked your morning coffee onto it... but the fact is that you checked this out in one condition and returned it in a completely terrible condition, I'm afraid I'll have to charge fourteen dollars to your account to pay for the damages."

"WHAT?!" She roared outraged as she slammed a fist down onto my desk. At that moment I wasn't sure if I felt more sorry for her hand or the desk itself. "You're going to charge me for using one of your crummy library books? How dare you!"

I admit I'm a very patient man, and given the circumstances I've learned a great deal of restraint in using my--other gifts. But she was beginning to sound like nails on a chalk board, I had to remove my glasses just to run my fingers along the ridge of my nose. "Mrs. Lowe, please understand that you are not the only one who uses this library, when the merchandise gets damaged it has to be replaced. You're getting a deal on the replacement though, normally one of these books is thirty dollars plus shipping, so you're saving half the cost--"

"I don't want to hear it! This wasn't my fault! I checked it out this way and I don't expect to pay--"

I couldn't take it anymore, I lurched forward and grabbed her on top of the head. I could see my eyes flash in her glasses and her face went blank. I cast a quick glance, no one was in sight, she was mine already... such a simple mind. "I'd like you to understand..." I slowly stated, hearing my natural voice clicking at the back of my human one. "That you have no choice in this..." I felt my voice linger a moment before I pulled it back some, I didn't want to delve too deeply into her mind. I felt no barriers, no resistance, but I didn't want to risk her remembering this either... a frightening side effect of my powers of persuasion is that I leave a bit of an echo in any mind that I touch... some of those I've touched experience deja vu around me, even if I'd made them forget me entirely. I had to be careful, my secret wasn't even known by the city's local superhero called "Silver", and his arch enemy and super villain who went by the not-so-modest moniker "Master" who were also card carrying members of my library. No, I'd have to be careful with her. "You must accept my generous offer, Lois." It was the first time I was able to make out her first name, dear god... "Lois Lowe?" she sounded like a cliché all by herself. "Will you allow me to charge your account fourteen dollars for the book that you returned damaged?"

"Y-yes... I accept." She said, still staring into the golden glare from my gaze, I was sure she could see that my eyes were slits in there and I could feel the subconscious terror she was feeling. It was rare that I used such direct control, but I didn't have time to edge her into it. She placed her card on the counter and I released her head.

"Thank you for your cooperation." I said softly, returning my gaze to normal and watching the familiar confusion that she expressed. "Your library appreciates your patronage, I'd hate to see your card revoked over some silly dispute like this."

"Yes, I--I suppose you're right." She said, forcing a polite smile. "Thank you."

"Thank you." I said after swiping her card and handing it back to her. "You have a wonderful day."

Watching Mrs. Lowe make a hasty retreat was almost too enjoyable to pass up, but as she pushed the door open and left, another familiar face entered; none other than the "Master" himself. Though his alias was Dex Conners, and he was far from his normal feline form in his human shell. He wore a black trench coat with tan slacks and a button up red shirt underneath. His short black hair tumbled part way onto his forehead which always seemed larger than natural to me for some reason. He slid his sunglasses off and looked at me with those striking blue eyes of his, I couldn't help but feel my heart pound just a little bit faster. People endowed with supernatural powers here took on aspects of various animals, Dex had always been the most graceful villain I'd ever seen, so it didn't surprise me that his primary form was a cat. In fact, unlike any superpower I'd seen so far, he could shift into various feline visages though he maintained his same abilities of supreme balance and agility, with a fighting skill that came along naturally, most heroes or villains could only take on one or two aspects and he preferred the look of the tiger from my personal research of the man. As expected, his sidekick Roger clambered through the door about halfway through Dex's approach to my desk. All heroes and villains had a sidekick or two, Roger was Dex's particular flavor of loyal and dumb. I have to admit I had a bit of a crush on him too. Ginger red hair, freckles, green eyes, he was almost unassuming with a pretty portly belly that wiggled as he walked.

With a cool gaze, Dex placed a thick book on the desk, making the sound echo. "Good afternoon, Seth. It is good to see you again."

The villain was so well spoken, it was almost a shame to know that he worked on the side of evil. It wasn't two weeks ago that Dex would have even picked up a book that I'd picked out, much less enjoyed it. I smiled faintly. "I'm g-glad you thought so, Mister Conners." I said, trying to stammer nervously as I did.

"Oh there's no need to be nervous around me." Dex waved his hand dismissively. "Roger, please find a seat in the darker part of the room so I can read in peace." He chuckled lightly as he turned back to me. "Now, I've been in a mood, where is this new book you promised me? Hmm?"

"Oh!" I'd almost forgotten why he had come in and I pulled the small parcel out from under the counter and pulled it open. "Here, I think this would make a good read."

"Have you read it?" He asked curiously, eyeing the cover.

"Yes sir I have." I answered quickly. Then I noticed something behind Dex, near the back of the room, a small reddish cat had appeared in the corner that hadn't been there moments before. I tried to avoid staring to alert Dex to his presence. "I-I suggest you read it immediately!" I said loudly and shoved it into the man's chest. "If you'd like I can bring you something to eat. I'm actually about to head for my lunch."

Dex smiled, clearly not an impression I'd hoped to make with him. "No, thank you." He said. "I'm not hungry right now." He turned away from me and I felt my glasses slip partly, I fumbled to push them up on my face, though when the man stopped in his tracks I was afraid I'd failed. Dex then sneezed, explaining his pause and casually strolled away as the cat made his way to the desk.

"You almost made me blow my cover!" I hissed at him. "What's the deal?"

Perhaps I should explain that the "cat" was actually one of my subordinates. Every villain and hero has at least one, they were commonly called sidekicks, but that title is one that's usually reserved for people who can fight alongside their designated hero or villain. My pair weren't very strong and weren't anything near impressive in their human forms either, so they just did most of my grunt work; I had no real interest in heroism or villainy, but I did have an interest in the ones that did it... a rather... 'firm' interest. Pitt hopped up onto the counter and glared at me.

"Silver's coming!" He said just above a whisper.

"What? But-but he can't!" I sounded a lot more panicked than I really was, I promise... "He's normally in on Sundays."

"Well, what can I say? My network told your network that he was on his way here to check out a book, Sasha sent me up to let you know."

"Sasha's sure about it?"

"As much as anything. You know, for a dog with a girl's name, he's usually pretty on top of what's happening in the hero network."

"Oh no, oh no, oh--" My voice trailed off as I noticed the man that had slipped through the library door.

Silver went by the name Will Century, though I wondered exactly how intelligent the people of the city were to not only buy that name, but to take the excuse of his perfect posture, well coiffed blond hair and his perfectly cobalt blue eyes as "having been raised in California". I mean, sure if he were related to Fabio he could make the excuse... but give a man a pair of small glasses and crop it above his neck, give him a shave and send him to the gym a couple nights a week and he could pass as an all-American Californian boy.

"Oh, cute cat." He said as he approached my desk and petted Pitt, whom I both envied and hated at the same time all of a sudden. "So, I came to see if that book's been returned yet?"

"Oh, right. Let me check." I said with a smile.

Silver had the aspects of the eagle, enabling him to fly, and a bear's strength. He was the first hero I'd seen that could take on multiple animals until I'd met Master. He was a bit thick, somewhat full of himself, but he had a heart of gold and I admired that deeply. My subterfuge sometimes made me feel awkward about meeting the hero socially. I expected him to be more vapid. I glared at Pitt a moment before pulling the book that Dex had returned moments before and placed it before the hero. "Here you go." I said, pressing my most polite smile on my face. "I can check it out for you if you'd like."

"No, no. I'll read some of it here before I check it out, if it's alright." He said. "I'd like to see if I'd enjoy it."

"S-sure..." I couldn't really turn the man away. He was wearing a polo shirt I wished I could just rip off and throw him over my desk. "There's plenty of space on the balcony."

"Perfect." Will said as he picked up the book and winked at me before swaggering himself around and walking away.

Likely his sidekick "Sparrow" would meet him out there, sharing a trait with his mentor, Sparrow could become a hawk on command before he got stuck in that form, was about half the age of Roger, he had to be seventeen, eighteen years old by now. I quickly pressed a button under my desk and heard the familiar hiss of my trap door open behind me. I jogged down the steps, and Pitt entered just as the door was closing.

"What're we going to do?" Pitt asked. "Both of them are here!"

"I know, I know!" I admitted in frustration. This had never happened before, I was always so careful to keep the two of them apart, what neither of them knew was that I'd been slowly working at them, trying to help lower their willpower to bend to what I wanted... it had to be slow, it had to be subtle, but to have them both in the same place at the same time this was new, this was odd.

I reached the bottom of the steps and entered my code to open the inner door, revealing a blue illuminated control room behind it. No one but I knew that there were cameras in basically every nook and cranny throughout the library. It was cold in here, and dark, but I'd often have things to look at that would warm me up. Such as a very nice view of Roger giving Dex a blowjob. "Nnnh..." I heard the air escape my lungs as I approached the monitor; Sasha was in the form of his husky self, watching the video intently as well.

Dex didn't even seem to be aware of what was happening, Roger had pulled back the villain's slacks and was giving him the full service right in front of my eyes, a pulsing, thick shaft with a heavy set of balls that the sidekick was minding by occasionally tugging and gripping them. I was hard instantly as I watched. Dex was reading from the book I'd suggested to him, even sipping from a mug of tea. I turned on the sound.

"Mghrafa frafh uuugh oookh" Roger was speaking like he didn't have his mouth full. I smirked at how well my control worked for him, the sidekicks weren't immune to my power either, I had to find some way of gradually bringing Master and Silver to becoming more obedient to what I wanted. Roger was just talking as he normally would.

"Oh yes, it is a fascinating book, Roger." Dex answered, turning a page, hardly blinking at the activity happening to his body. Despite this, streaks of white were already trailing down where Roger was missing, and he quickly took it before it got too far down. He came back up with a messy wet slurp as Dex repositioned himself slightly, blissfully unaware."

"Look at these two going at it!" Sasha exclaimed, his tongue dropping out of his mouth. "I mean talk about giving a dog a bone!"

"Just think about it, two months ago these two could barely stand being in the same room with you, Seth and now you've got them eating out of your hands." Pitt agreed. "How'd you do it?"

I barely heard my minions as I watched Roger pull Dex's leg upright and shifted his sucking position. He ran his tongue deliciously along that tight crack as the villain sat there, partly upturned as he was reading his book and his minion's tongue began to assault his hole. I could clearly see the dark color of his pucker as Roger dug his face against it, his nose trailing along the skin of his mentor's ball sack. He used his hands to spread the cheeks apart so his face could get deeper into his work, but his stare was blank, Roger still had no clue what was happening, I bet he still had confusion in explaining the taste after one of these sessions with Master.


A book slammed down in front of me, jerking me from a night shift of no patrons and nearly spilling me from my chair. I looked up, into the man's blue eyes and I remembered a look of shock that passed from his gaze, my glasses had fallen a bit and I must have filled his mind with my shock and rage. But I quickly replaced them and it seemed to ease his mind.

"Can... can I help you, sir?" I asked, trying to regain my demeanor. I'd always been the small man on campus, I used to be picked on a lot in school which helped to develop my inner rage. My sudden ability to lash out didn't exactly win over many friends, but I'd always been able to clear the minds of anyone I'd affected personally.

"I'd like to check this out." He said, his voice was abrupt, short like he was in a hurry. I took his card from his other hand and swiped it into the system.

"Alright, Mr. Conners. It'll be due in two weeks... say, don't I know you from somewhere?"

Obviously I had seen a bit of his mind when we connected, but I didn't want to suggest he was Master, I had no idea how to react, so my fingers just drummed nervously on the desk. But all Dex did was brush his fingers and sweep his bang from his eyes. "No, can't say I've ever met you before. Now, I've got to get to an event and I don't want to keep my date waiting."

"Oh, alright." I'd noticed my fingers were in close proximity to his, and as he went to move it, the skin touched; an amazing experience, like static electricity as our locked eyes simply flickered. He wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but I knew full well... an attractive man like this? How could I say no to him? "I hope to see you again." I said.

"Yeah..." Dex answered me, running his thumb along his knuckle where I'd touched him, not even realizing we'd touched. I had that effect on people. "Sure, I'll... see you again." He repeated somewhat automatically and I knew at that moment that I would soon have him eating out of my hand.

He was back later that night, not long before I locked up for the evening. Though the front doors of the library remained open and a single security guard remained behind so people could come in and do research or whatever. It wasn't entirely uncommon in a city with a community college to have late night cram sessions. I smiled a bit, noticing that slender looming shadow slip through the door, followed shortly after by a young man of maybe his twenties, a smaller stature more rotund. It took me a moment to realize they were together.

"Welcome back." I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Oh yes. You." Dex's eyes quickly slid down to my shoes and returned to my face. "You're here an awful lot, are you?"

"Well I do run the place." I said, chuckling like I meant nothing to it. "I should probably be here from time to time." I'd noticed his expression crunch a bit, a spark of recognition in his eyes. He was a man who respected authority. I could feel my stomach clench for a moment as my eyes briefly scanned his well built, lean frame. He had a white button up shirt under his jacket, it pressed tight to his chest, and what little definition he actually had with that lithe build seemed much larger than it actually was. I smiled a bit, and in response he seemed to smile back a bit.

"Indeed?" Dex said bowing his head somewhat. "Well, then it's a pleasure to meet you again."

"Yes, you too, Mr. Conners." I responded, allowing my glasses to slip a bit, letting the gaze of my power peek through the top rim. I could see him visibly wince from what my abilities were feeding him.

"Please, Mr. Conners is my father--I think." He paused. "Call me Dex."

"Mmm, are you alright sir?" Roger asking made me turn my attention to him and I cast a quick glance to the sidekick whose eyes flickered in response. They seemed very feline for an instant and he cocked his head at me, suddenly silenced.

I looked back at Dex and I regained my smile. "Was there anything I could help you gentlemen with tonight?"

"Oh, yes." Dex shook his head, trying to wave off the haze of my power. I knew it wouldn't go away, but it was fun to see him resist. "The book you allowed me to check out earlier, my friend Roger said that there's actually a sequel in the series, I was hoping to come here and spend some time reading the first book and check out the second."

"Oh, of course." I said. "Our doors are open all night for reading, but the computers are shut down, so you won't be able to check out the other one until we open in the morning."

"Oh." Dex's voice trailed off. "Well, I suppose we can just read something while we're here, we've got nothing else planned for the night."

I grinned a bit, but suppressed it. This was a perfect opportunity to get closer to him, even his lackey seemed susceptible to my power as well, his dulled expression told me that he might have been even moreso than Dex. "Well then let me show you to a quiet corner of the library then." I said, gesturing my hand.

Our heels all clicked on the tile flooring as we all walked toward the back room, it was a private area behind a velvet rope which I alone had the code for, after our session that night I would give the code to Dex if it proved successful. Keying in the code, the door slid open and I moved the rope aside so the two could step in and we entered the back room. The walls were a familiar maze of book shelves for me, very rare books I'd had the opportunity to acquire in the course of only a few months, the sound echoes of the larger library were replaced by the tighter sounds of our footsteps as we walked through the smaller room and onto the carpeting.

"So." I said, watching the two turn around as I removed my glasses completely. "Where were we?"

It was as if they didn't see the shining gold in my eyes, but we carried on in conversation and the glow wasn't brought up once. I spent some time mulling over the both of them, though Roger seemed to take to my power like a fish in water, and within the first hour he was completely unaware that he'd unbuttoned his shirt and his pants, letting a peak of white underwear dipping from it, a trail of ginger hair was sprawled up his stomach to his chest. He didn't seem to mind that he was out in the open like that, he didn't even seem to realize it. That was the nature of my power, I occasionally walked past him, allowing my natural scent to intoxicate him further. The more anxious I felt for these two, the more my natural pheromones drifted into the air, and the less likely either of them would have cared or noticed.

Dex was intent in his book, but the position he was resting back he had a visibly powerful erection. I wanted it, I needed to taste it... but it was still too early. I'd need to make him comfortable with this before his mind would completely give in. My hand scrolled effortlessly up the tent, feeling the bulge within, but Dex's eyes didn't pull away from his book. I looked at Roger and cast my thoughts toward him. It was a skilled practice; alI I needed was the idea, and an image of what I wanted my focus to do with the idea. He picked it up and slowly pulled his shirt back down his shoulders, his underwear was barely able to contain his erection, in fact he could have sworn that the man's briefs were a bit moist in anticipation. Looking at Dex, he didn't seem to notice the stripping human who began to change into his own feline form as he approached in a crouched posture. His nose ran up the seam as he added his saliva to the growing tent. I grinned as I watched the display; the rough tongue climbing to the tip as Roger clumsily handled the belt and drew back the zipper to expose the meat. It spilled out, momentarily covering the cat's lips as he returned his tongue to moistening it. Dex fidgeted awkwardly but didn't look at the action happening behind his pages. He simply licked his fingertips and turned the page, I could see that his eyebrows had curled up slightly, his nose ridge had receded a bit and was beginning to form outward, completely unconscious to the cause of it or even caring that I was in the room.

Roger's formed maw wrapped around the head of the cock, I could now see that his animal aspect was a cheetah, utilizing a power of super speed wasn't all that bad. Their forms weren't complete, as with most with their abilities, Roger seemed to possess the ears, the tail and the tongue of a cheetah, and his tail twitched as he pulled his mentor's pants rather abruptly down, letting his weighty balls slap a bit between his thighs. Dex's skin was already flourishing with sprouts of orange fur his facial features shifting to a more feline appearance, dark spots appearing along his body quickly elongated into stripes that covered him ear to cheeks. His ears popped out and he growled, all while not looking up from his book. I could hardly stand it as I began to feel myself under my trousers, pulling the zipper free and releasing my monstrous flesh. It had deceived my human form, a very reptilian cock now pulsing in my grasp as I watched. I could feel the familiar shiver of scales rolling along my back as my body began to change and to grow. A trail of wet crawled down my knuckles and I grinned, allowing them to breathe in my essence and they unknowingly became more entranced by it. Sasha and Pitt were unique among us, their sole abilities were their animal forms which they could shift between anthro and feral at will with their human selves. From what I'd heard, Sparrow, Silver's sidekick only had the power to transform into a hawk.

Dex looked at me and smiled politely. "It's good of you to have joined us this evening." He said in a growling, deep voice. "I'm not sure I remember the last time I was so relaxed around strangers."

"You have no idea." I muttered.

"What was that?" He asked, still blissfully ignorant of the cat now deep throating his member like an expert.

"Nothing." I said with a smile, still feeling the subtle warmth emitting from my eyes. My neck was growing longer, my clothing growing tighter as I indulged in their work, especially as Roger spread the cat's cheeks apart and began to lick along his ring of flesh.

There was something maddening about the idea of them doing this now, it was almost too easy, but it seemed so much fun to watch them do this completely automatically, I hesitated to tell the two of them to stop. They quickly dressed themselves again and I forced my form back to its normal state in a long series of slow, deep breaths. I wanted to see them finish, but even moreso I wanted to be the one to finish them. I knew this process would take some time, though his mind was open to the concept, Dex was still quite straight, and too much so quickly would leave imprints on his mind that something was wrong. After I returned to my quarters that night I certainly took a long, cold shower to cool off

Over the course of the next few weeks, I worked on our friendship, Dex had become a regular visitor to my library thanks to a subliminal thought I had planted on the first night that made him desire to come read a new book every once in a while. Often he would bring Roger with him, but I expected this, the speedy wonder proved pretty useful in weakening the barriers in the arch villain's mind, though often the fun would be interrupted by Dex's overwhelming desire to commit evil acts. I would release him on the premise that he would return shortly after, and nearly every event mounted in an all-out battle between himself and Silver. The pair would stalemate though Silver more often seemed to be victorious in the draw, and Dex would slink back to the library, describing his new cuts or bruises as "hazards" of his line of work.

I set the stage to meet him, I set a device that Pitt had developed to rot out a wood and placed it by an old neglected tree, one of the few in the hard concrete and stucco jungle of the city, and started it. Watching the hero soar through the air with his eagle-like wings, which then abruptly transformed into upper body of a bear as he approached the ground just to stop a the tree from falling on me minutes later as the roots gave out and it began to fall, sparked my interest. The young reporter for Channel Nine news, Tanya Chan running to him as he once again turned into that blond-haired muscled hunk intrigued me even more. As strong and as selfless as Silver was, he didn't really seem to be the brightest bulb in the box. But that blond curl over those dark blue eyes, his attempts to seem well spoken and to hide that Californian accent of his. He looked at me as I approached him on that fateful afternoon, I felt my pheromones coming off me in waves, completely invisible to everyone.

"I... wanted to thank you for saving my life." I said, willing my words into his mind. Then mentally I projected the desire for him to come by the library later and while his mind was sturdy it was still like punching through a piece of cardboard. I picked up his identity and grinned as Tanya watched us, completely disgusted as I had laid my hands on the hero's chest.

"Hey! Excuse me! He's my boyfriend!" She announced loudly, then immediately blushed in terrible shock. She brushed my hands away and shoved herself into him, Silver's hand automatically falling onto her shoulder. I glared at her, she would be my roadblock for him, wouldn't she?

"It's all in a day's work, dude." Silver said with a smile. He nudged the female and gave her a kiss, which made my stomach twist in frustration. "And I'll see you tonight." He whispered to the reporter who smiled and kissed him back.

"You better not be late again." She said before finally pulling away from him and then walking away.

Oh, but he would be late. I had a feeling Will Century would be a lot easier of a conquest than Dex Conners, at least in the lustful ways I had in mind for him.

"Hey!" A voice sounded from overhead as I walked along the street, I noticed a hawk perch himself on a light post just across the road. "I don't know what you have planned for Silver, but I'm not going to let you hurt him!"

"Oh! Are you Sparrow? Splendid to meet you!" I tried to sound cheeful, but I could feel a barrier push against my mental invasion. The hawk's eyes narrowed.

"Who are you? What are you?" He asked as if he could see the glow from my eyes.

"I'm just a librarian, nothing too fancy." I said, pushing my glasses up the ridge of my nose. "I am headed back there if you'd like to escort me. I'm not sure why you're suspicious of me though."

"I don't know how yet. But I think the tree was rigged to fall over. You didn't even try to move when it started falling. I'm going to find you out, Mister Baxter and when I do, I'm sure Silver's going to make you pay--"

"For what? Being flattered he'd save my life? Why are you so suspicious of me."

"I guess it's in my nature." He responded to me coyly. "I'm gonna let you go, but just-just keep your shoes clean, will you?"

"Yes, sir." I saluted toward the bird and without missing a beat, he flapped his wings and dove off the post, he swooped toward the ground then took off into the air as I watched. I sighed softly. "Well he could be a problem." I muttered to myself as I continued to the library.

I was surprised to find it locked when I tried to open the door and I pulled my keys from my pocket to open it up. It wasn't even six o'clock by the time I had returned, why was the door closed?

My thought process was halted by a loud smacking noise and strained howls from a dog as I saw Sasha sprawled, naked against the central desk. He was in his anthro form, which was a somewhat stouter version of his normal feral self, though still quite slender in his arms and legs, it was always awkward to see, but even moreso was the sight of Dex slurping ravenously on his cock.

"Jeeze! Sasha!" I screeched as I turned and quickly closed and locked the library door. "Come on! On the front desk?"

"I'm so-sorry sir!" He exclaimed in between breaths, I could see the canine's toes curling against the floor as his back was arched almost all the way over the desk. He came in and start-started hitting the bell. I knew tha-that he was under your influence so--so I pretended to be a clerk and he bought it..."

I stood there aghast at the sight, my jaw hanging open. "Then how did this happen?!" I asked.

"He sa-said he was very thirsty all of a sudden, I was going to direc-direct him to the--ffffff-fountain and he suddenly dropped my trousers and started on this!"

I watched, intrigued as Dex's lips tightened around the canine's shaft pressing in hard. Obviously Sasha's transformation happened when this all began, I'd never seen him shift into his anthro form without some heavy concentration but now it seemed to be a flawless change. "Interesting. A fully subconscious need to satisfy his thirst with a burst of cum." I said, running my fingers along my chin. "This is moving along quite nicely. Where's his assistant Roger?"

"H-he hasn't arrived ye-yet... sir he's... he's very good I don't know how long I can hold it..." I heard him yelp slightly as Dex grabbed his balls and twisted them slightly. "P-please make him stop!"

"Why would I do that?" I asked, giving Sasha my golden gaze. "You should give the customer what he wants."

"Ohhh--gods.. why did you do-do-doooo THAAAAAAA---T?" He howled out suddenly and his hips jerked forward.

The howl echoed and I saw Dex's eyes open in their sleepy half-tranced glaze as he received load after load that suddenly began to spill down his chin after his cheeks puffed out. He swallowed, likely feeding the gnawing hunger he's had for some time now. Quickly I swept in, and as Sasha's exhausted human form returned to normal, I locked eyes with Dex and grinned, stroking his cheek fuzz and making him smile at me. "That's very good, Dex." I said softly before licking his lips and tasting the seed embedded in the whiskers. "Very good." I whispered again. "Now return to your human form, we wouldn't want people seeing who you really are, would we?"

"N-no..." He said softly as his face immediately returned to normal. He blinked and looked into my eyes. "Oh! Seth, I'm glad to see you here. I'd come to return my latest book and your assistant provided me some suggestions on what to borrow. Then... I got a bit thirsty... and everything was hazy... then you appeared." His voice trailed off, his confusion quite predictable, but he was still breathing in my pheromones so I pushed his chin up and locked eyes with him again over my glasses. "Dex, you don't have to borrow anything tonight, it's growing late. I'm sure you're due home very shortly aren't you?"

"Ye-yes..." Dex answered me and I helped him to stand up. "Yes it's getting late. Thank you Seth, I suppose I should come back tomorrow for another book, shouldn't I?"

"I'd like that." I said. "And hey, your changes are getting better, Dex. I could almost swear that you were a real cat there for a second."

"Really?" He asked and blushed. "Thanks..." His voice trailed off awkwardly, but he didn't deny his aspect. This was a major step towards my dominating him.

"I will see you tomorrow then." I said as I escorted Dex to the door and helped him out.

I turned around and sighed sharply as I strolled back into the room to await Silver who should be arriving in about an hour, just before the library would be closing for checkouts for the night. I returned to my desk and brought up the communicator for my base. "Pitt, we're expecting company in a bit, can you prepare the back room for two?"

"You got it sir." I heard the cat's voice come back sharply, so I decided to tease the feline.

"So, got much of a mess to clean up? I know you were watching those security tapes, you naughty cat."

There was a long pause, then a slight crackle on the receiver. "S-sorry sir, what was it you said? I think you broke up on me there."

"You heard me. Is it going to smell like feline spunk down there or what?"

"N-not much." The voice came back broken, I'd clearly caught him off guard with that.

"Mmhmm, well the next time you allow a security breach to go on like that and you're not covered in it, I'll have to mark you up then." I teased. But he obviously didn't take it as such.

An hour had passed and right on time Silver--or rather Will had appeared at the library's door. I rolled my eyes as I saw the familiar hawk on his shoulder, I caught the glimpse of suspicion again from Sparrow as I cleared my throat. "Sir, I'm sorry but no animals are allowed in here."

I saw Will quickly clasp his fingers on the bird's beak who was about to say something. "Oh, but this is my bird Sparrow. I hardly go anywhere without him, man."

"Sparrow... the 'hawk'?" I teased, getting an angered glare from the bird. "Well I'm sorry, sir but there are rules to prevent allergies all pets are barred from coming in."

"Well, you heard him." Will said with a shrug and turned to the hawk, who proceeded to discretely whisper something in his ear. "Oh, don't be ridiculous, Sparrow. Just fly on home and I'll be there shortly."

Again the bird looked like he was going to protest, I stifled a laugh as he again pinched the bird beak closed. Will tapped the bird on the beak and he dismounted and flew off out the doorway. "Wow. Trained bird?"

"Yeah, I guess." He said as he walked inside. "So, I was wondering if you had any books on-on poetry."

"Poetry?" I asked, somewhat surprised. I'd planted the idea in to come searching for a book that would interest him, but I didn't think that poetry would be on the list. "Well, yes we've got a good selection of poetry, who's your favorite? Emily Dickens? Thoreau?"

"I... I dunno." He ran a hand along that bleach blond hair of his and sighed. "I just want to read poetry."

I smiled at his innocence. He was noble, strong willed, a tireless darer of do-goods... and yet he would be my easiest prey ever. "Well come on, I'll show you to our back room, we've got a good--" I heard a loud tapping on the glass outside where the balcony was. "Damn..." I whispered. I knew I wouldn't be able to try anything with Sparrow watching his master so closely. I knew I would have to get him under my thrall as well. It was unbelievable how frustrating this day had gotten all of a sudden.


Dex's toes were curling behind him as he lifted his leg to allow Roger a full, deep tonguing of his anus. Having left the shelter of my domain only moments before when I couldn't stand how emotionless he was taking the rimjob, I had to see how far I could make him feel it. Dex was laid back on the desk as Roger forcibly held his cheeks apart and ran his rough feline tongue deep into him and then slowly up toward his balls. Roger's eyes were blank, he didn't realize what he was doing, but he was hard as a rock, crouched down beside his mentor. He huffed his warm breath and let out an unconscious slobbering sound. I could see his tail twitching in enjoyment. I suspected that Roger's embedded emotions for Master would prove beneficial for getting him to lower his guard and so far it was working like a charm.

I'd removed my shirt on my way to the back room, I was already dripping from my trousers as I let them fall to my ankles and I took my boxer shorts off, passing a glance to the feline sidekick who slowly pulled himself away. My aspects were visible fully as I approached a rigid spine of scales that ended with a stub of a dragon tail. My neck was elongated slightly and I had a pair of horns on top. My eyes were glowing fully by now, even to anyone who I wasn't controlling as I took my place between the pair. I crouched down and watched as Master passed me a pensive look before executing the other part of my changed anatomy, and my thick, long dragon tongue pressed against the ring. Dex moaned and laid back, his hips bucking and slapping hard against the top of the table as I grasped him and held him still with my additional strength. I felt a pair of hands grasp my backside and I turned sharply to see Roger pawing at me, he hesitated a moment as I glared at him, but continued on with my task anyway. I rumbled a bit, feeling the rough feline tongue press against my hole, licking slightly at my half-dragon balls that remained distended from my body. Feeling a hot blast of air from Roger's nostrils as he huffed against my hole I ran my tongue deep into Silver's. It was warm and wet from Roger's heavy licking. I could feel Dex's erection pulsing against my tongue as I found his prostate and began to trigger it subtly with my limber flesh, spouts of white began to leak immediately from the tip of his head and it began to drip and drain down, having removed my glasses I didn't have to worry about staining them but I shifted my tongue to catch the bitter-sweet fluid anyway.

I was ready, I was more than ready and I could sense no further resistance coming from within Dex's mind. I withdrew my tongue and slowly stood, letting it wind up his shaft and across his exposed small belly, I could almost count the ribs he displayed in this prone position. Roger had continued to service my hole and I was pleased with his enthusiasm. I pressed my tip against the ring, already prepared for it and I penetrated him.

"AHH!" Dex cried out, then gave a very feral feline snarl.

"Nnngh... good boy..." I whispered as I felt his hole clench around my thick shaft. It was all I had to keep from an immediate orgasm. My fingers clutched his hips as I dragged him into me. My tail twitched, sending a wash of cool scaly feeling up through my entire spine as I growled and purred, pushing into the villain's ass over and over again. Each thrust became more vigorous until I could hear his flesh and mine slapping loudly through the room. I'd laid my torso upon his member which pressed the flesh hard into his stomach. It was so tight at first I was worried I was hurting him, but the feline face in front of me simply moaned and bit his lip. I twisted myself into him and pushed harder making him cry out again as the table wobbled slightly. From behind me I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist as Roger pressed up against my rear, mentally I was impressed that a man who was now quite a bit smaller than me would risk something like this. His average head poked against my hole and I growled, craning my neck back a moment to nip his neck. He winced, but insisted on pressing himself into me. I growled and thrust into Dex with more fervor. It wasn't long until Dex shot off a powerful round of seed from his member. I grasped it, feeling the sticky fluids as they splashed and rubbed slickly against the flesh. He was mine now and I would make him mine completely. I growled audibly and pounded into him harder, feeling my own orgasm imminent. I began to lose focus and it wasn't long before I toppled over the edge.

"RAAAAAAARRRRR!" I let out a bellowing roar that filled the room as I spun my white seed into my thrall. As the thrill of the moment subsided, I could still feel Roger trying as hard as he could to reach the end before I could stop him. But I didn't want a sidekick's seed in me; call it, a pet peeve. I slowly withdrew from Dex's ass and pushed Roger slightly with my elbow so he would slip out. I crouched down and looked him in the eyes as my fingers did the work, my hand wrapped around the base as I felt it twitch involuntarily now and I saw the cheetah's cheeks redden. His chest heaved deeply as I worked into a jerking motion. "Now you'll be mine too." I whispered, staring him in the eyes, pouring my energy into making him succumb. "Do it." I commanded.

"Ah!" He squeeked out an orgasm through his nose, then let out what sounded like a strung out cat growl as stream after stream of cum ejected from him.

"Mmmm, very good." I purred, licking the boy on the ear. "I'll trust you to keep your master obedient when I can't be there."

" you command..." Roger whispered. His eyes glowing golden back at me moments after I stopped feeding him my power, signifying my control.

"Good. Get dressed and get Dex dressed. I am your master now, but you won't recall this. All that you do for me, all that Dex will do for me will be done willingly and immediately forgotten. All that you do for each other shall be done casually without either of your knowledge. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master." Roger obeyed with a nod.

"Now go." I said. "I've got another appointment to get to."

The transformation back to my normal body was always a slower process than changing out. It took me almost fifteen minutes until I was able to put my clothes back on in order to meet with Will. In the meantime, Pitt and Sasha had managed to lead Dex and Roger unseen from the library, though their sickly human forms could have roused some suspicion. I was grateful to see the pair trotting back toward the lair as I made my way back to the balcony.

"I'm telling you you're wrong!" Will's voice was on the air as I swung the patio door open and a cool afternoon breeze washed in. "He's a nice guy, I don't know what you've got against him, Sparrow."

"He's suspicious. He's... he's overly nice to you, Will and I don't appreciate the wedge he's driven between you and Ms. Chan. He--" The bird immediately cut off and let out a hawk-like screech as I made my presence known.

Will turned his deep blue eyes toward me and a gust of wind tossed a bit of his bangs over his eyes, which he casually shrugged away. "Well good afternoon." He said cheerfully. "I was reading when Sparrow decided to erm--pay me a visit."

"It's funny." I said, stepping up to him. "Sparrow's the name of the Silver's sidekick as well. Did that serve as some... inspiration?"

"Yeah I--guess it did." He tried subtly to pass a wink to the bird; it didn't go unnoticed.

"So, how are you enjoying the book?" I asked, leaning my head toward the unopened novel on the table.

"Oh! Well, that is... I haven't really started yet." He smiled. "Sparrow was out here when I came out and I've just been talking to him."

"You're... talking to your bird?" I asked, feigning ignorance to the obvious. "Well, would you like to come inside? I'll show you a special room reserved for our VIPs..."

"N-no! No! You can't!" Sparrow screamed suddenly, making me jump.

"Oh! He talks!" I proclaimed facetiously. "How extraordinary!"

"You know damn well I can talk! Will! Will you need to leave this place now!" He shouted as he flapped trying to get into my face with his talons, but being held back by Will. "Come on, Will you know this guy is up to no good! Use your brains! I know you've got them in there."

Will's confused expression turned to a solid glare as he grabbed the bird by the wing. "No, you go home Sparrow. Now!" He shouted as he flipped the bird away.

Sparrow flapped his wings and hovered just past the balcony. "He's up to no good! He's going to kill you or something!"

"SCAT!" Will yelled even louder, making the bird screech and turn tail. Will turned to me, chuckling nervously. "Uhm... well I've never seen him do that before, I wonder how he learned to talk..."

"Hmm I wonder." I mused with a smile. "Well come on in, I'll show you my basement level."

"You've got a basement?" He asked as I pulled the doors closed behind us.

I could see the pheromones, now unrestricted taking their effect on Will again, his body went rigid for a moment, then it loosened in relaxation. "Sure do, it's right this way." I said. "I haven't seen Tanya Chan around much lately, how's she doing?" I asked.

"Oh not much I suspect." Will said. "She broke up with me."

"Really? Whatever could have caused that?"

Will sighed. "Well, some nights ago I told her to meet me at a rooftop restaurant for a romantic dinner, but for some reason I woke up the next morning and don't even remember the night before. It snowed, she was pissed and dumped a glass of water on my head."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you guys will patch things up; you always do."

"How... do you know that?" He asked as I flipped the switch behind the desk and opened my staircase.

"Oh, just a hunch. You two seem like you were made for each other. Now, watch your step."

We descended down the staircase into the underbelly of my headquarters. I hadn't any worries from Silver, there was nothing there to suspect that something was wrong. Casually I unfastened my shirt to make a more powerful aroma of my pheromones, I'd only hoped that Pitt and Sasha had remembered to take theirs as well, I'd need their help in satisfying this pretty boy. Not surprisingly he didn't ask why I'd taken my shirt off, his eyes had a dull tinge of gold to them, making them glow slightly in the low lighted stairwell.

"What is this place?" He asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh, my home away from home, I guess." I said, putting my code in and opening the door to the main chamber. "Go ahead and take your shirt off, it must be hot in here for you."

"Yeah, it is a little hot." He said as he obliged, removing his pullover from those massive pecs of his. Oddly enough he did break a bit of a sweat at that point, a placebo I planted in his mind seemed to be taking a physical change to his body. I liked it when my suggestions did that. Pitt and Sasha stepped into the room, both had changed into their upright forms and were carrying trays of drinks and snacks for us. I took a toothpick with a piece of cheese on the end and offered Will a glass. "Wine?"

"Oh, thanks. I'm feeling pretty thirsty." He admitted before taking a sip, which turned into a long slug that finished the glass off in moments.

"I'll say!" I chuckled. "So, tell me a little about yourself." I said, nodding to the two of them. "Have a seat."

"Oh, thank you." Will said, noticing a large red couch that I often slept on during those late night library hours. He didn't seem to realize that as he did so, Pitt and Sasha quickly stepped over and began to undress him. Staring with his shoes and socks they pulled off quickly and discarded as they began to tickle and taunt at the exposed toes, trying to get some sort of a reaction, but Will kept on speaking uninterrupted. "Well, I was born in California, if you couldn't tell from my accent. I'm more of a So-Cal boy. But no one really believes that since I never got into surfing like my classmates did."

"Really?" I asked, watching my minions obediently unfasten his pants as I removed my own, I sat back and began to stroke myself slightly, my boxers were basically unrecoverable from my run in with Dex and Roger, but I'd already recouped from my having fun with them. He still didn't even seem to blink at the concept, it all seemed perfectly natural to Will who continued to talk about his life. "Well why wasn't surfing very important to you?"

Will shrugged, scratching his exposed balls with his fingers as Pitt and Sasha dragged his pants down to his ankles and then eventually off him all together. "Well, I guess it's just because everyone was doing it, ya'know?" He shrugged. "I never liked to be one of those guys that followed what everyone else was doing. Even now I don't have a mobile phone or a twitter account or some shit like that." He was speaking more candidly which I got a kick out of. The pair pulled back his briefs to reveal his cock which flopped semi-erect against his lap, which nearly made me spit my wine. It was like a beef stick, honestly if he and Tanya had sex it was a wonder she wasn't split in half by it. He nearly threw me off by asking "Are you okay?" at my gag.

"I'm... I'm fine." I said, trying to regain my candor. "Just a little wine down the wrong pipe..." I suddenly, desperately wanted to be fucked by Silver himself, my erection was straining even harder just thinking about it. "Say... Will, I've got something I could use your help with." I said, feeling my eyes burn with the desire I felt in the pit of my stomach.

"Sure, what is it?"

I stood up and walked over to the hero, my erection meeting his gaze and producing the desired result, I took Will by both hands and gently pulled him to his feet. "Well, I've got an itch that I'd love for you to scratch, if you think you can do it."

"Oh I can give it a try." Will grinned innocently.

I turned around and fell to my knees, bouncing a bit on the plush carpet that lined this area of the room. I lowered my head to the floor, resting it on my arms as I lifted my ass up into the air. "Well it's kind of far in there, but if you could try to eat my itch out, I'd love you forever."

"Oh, no need to commit so much, Seth. You're a good friend I'd be happy to help." He dropped with a thud to the floor behind me and spread my cheeks. I gasped loudly as I felt the warm slick flesh force its way into my hole. I gritted my teeth and grabbed the carpet. "OHH g-GOD Will, no need to force it!" I panted loudly, immediately feeling my erection slap against my stomach.

Will's fingers tightened against my butt as he lapped furiously into my anus, filling my hole with saliva as he spit and licked in again, trying to get even deeper as my body began to shift uncontrollably into my dragon aspect.

"Ohhh...nnnn... deeper!" I heard myself moan. I could feel Will's fingers popping and growing, longer, thicker and fuzzier. I was bringing out the bear in him as his nose shoved hard against my tailbone and he tried to lick in deeper. Slapping my cheeks apart lewdly and pressing them against his tongue. He was definitely trying for that 'itch' I mentioned. He was quite aroused by this, though to him it probably seemed like an everyday thing, completely ordinary for any straight man to tongue-fuck another man. I huffed and rolled my hips, groaning loudly, out of control. Looking up, I could see Sasha standing over me, his own erection pressing against the top of my head. I didn't mind, I grabbed him and wrapped my lips and tongue around his member like it was a piece of candy. Tasting how salty he was and feeling the shiver he gave as he placed a hand on my head. Pitt had joined in as well, he was underneath me, licking teasingly against my shaft and my belly. A couple of times I wondered if he and Will were simply going to make out down there.

"Mmmm..." I hummed as I felt my lips slide effortlessly along Sasha's shaft. I felt the warm trickle drain down my lips and drip off onto the floor, my golden eyes were reflecting off of Sasha's white tummy as his balls knocked against my chin. I nearly bit down when I felt the tongue reach that specific spot in my ass and my body tensed up. "Will! Will!" I panted. "You need to get deeper, just fuck me, you've almost got it!" I was practically flailing, my mind was screaming at me with the need. Will's tongue slid from my body, letting me calm down for a moment.

"Y-you sure about this?" He asked. "I'm not exactly a small guy."

"Just... just do it." I was out of breath, I returned to the cock offered to me by my minion and felt a hammer of a cock press down against my hole. I moaned loudly as I felt the head slide in, then it slowed as its thick center reached the rim. He'd stretched it, but hardly enough. Slowly, Will withdrew himself most of the way, and then pressed inward again, making me cry out and grip Sasha's balls tighter.

"E-easy!" Sasha winced in response.

"Nnngh..." I couldn't speak with a mouth full of meat. I grunted with each additional thrust that jackhammered down on me, I could feel my stomach pressing against Pitt's face, who still insisted in teasing my shaft until it exploded all over him, which wasn't that long away.

Finally, Will gave a grunt of satisfaction as he buried his bone completely inside of me. I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead, my tail curling against the muscular body that fucked me. I felt him filling me, my stomach felt like it was going to have a hole punched in it as his warm seed began to fill its lining and gave me more potential for rug burn on my elbows and knees. I couldn't hear much above my moaning.

Suddenly the wet slapping stopped and I could hear Will grunt and the sudden pressure of warmth flooding me. Coating my backside with the backsplash I couldn't help it and I came hard right into Pitt's face, covering him immediately in a blanket of white that spewed out, line by line. Sasha had held off but when I grabbed his rump and forced him down my throat, he finally let go too, sending at least a quart of his mix down my esophagus as the three of us shared a howl of orgasm together.

Three months have passed since I took them. I constantly watched the city scape for signs of their battles; Silver, Master, I rooted for them both, because they would come home again after and get their aggressions out through the best means possible. Will and Tanya had gotten married, but under my control, she didn't suspect a thing. I planted a thought in Will's head that rendered him physically unattracted to women to keep her from getting involved. I'm sure that deals well in the matrimonial department. As for Dex, he still comes in regularly. Every Friday night, on top of the days where he and Will duke it out. He's a more intellectual stimulation for me than Will, which gives me the challenge to see if he ever manages to figure out exactly who's pulling who's strings here. Meanwhile, I'm back to work, I've got a library to run. As I said before, I'm neither a hero, nor the villain. I'm the man who plays both sides, the man who always seeks control. And you know what?

never lose.


The Digi-logical Clock

**"The Digi-logical Clock"** The cloudless skies stretched out before Neo as he flew higher than he'd ever flown before. He closed his eyes and could feel the wind gushing against the insides of his wings, the force of the air in front of him pushing...

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Testing the Merchandise

"Testing the Merchandise" The night passed slowly for Garrosh after he and the concubine Zhen'su fell asleep. He could feel the saurok mount him several times, it was to the point where the orc began to anticipate every movement, every sudden shudder...

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Hellscream and the Concubine

**"Hellscream and the Concubine"** "Where is Zhen'su?" The massive form of the Thunder King paced back and forth within his chambers with an impatient growl at the back of his throat. "I could hardly believe my most talented subject would not come...

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