
Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#14 of Commissions

Commission for dowski on FA

Artwork by delicatessen on FA

Original Art:

Neo discovers Alex has a bit of a kink for knots and being knotted, so they look up an old friend of his, an arcanine named Kyros to make his lustful wish come true.


The room was dark, the sun had gone down several hours ago, and outside the fact that his computer monitor read '1:04' on its high defined display, Alex would have had no clue what time it was. He enjoyed sitting alone in the dark, listening to no sound but the low buzz of his fan and the faint electronic wind of his computer system. If Nardine or Blade knew what he spent his nights doing though, they'd probably raise an eyebrow. Being human, Alex was raised around Digimon and grew certain tastes that his natural kind would find odd, kinky or even disgusting. But he didn't care.

Alex's hand was slick from his leakage, he tended to catch what he could when jerking off at night, he didn't want to leave a mess, and sitting there half naked with his underwear around his ankles left little choice in the matter. Reaching his free hand forward, he clicked onto the next image. "Ooh, that's nice..." He whispered, his hand increasing its tempo as his feet swivelled in circles, hovering inches above his carpet. "So... hot..." He said as he clicked again to move onto the next image. The next one had an angle that made him turn his head before he began to glide his fingers along faster. "Oh... yeah..." He began to breathe heavily, barely noticing that his door had opened.

Turning his head upright again Alex saw something move out of the corner of his eye and he froze. "Who-who's there?" He asked in a slow, nervous voice.

"Peek-a-boo!" Neo suddenly appeared, his head popping out from under the desk between Alex's legs, his thick albino tail slapping a bit against the desk.

"AHH! Neo! What are you d-doing here? I thought you had to study for class."

Neo shrugged a bit, letting the tip of the human's cock drip against his cheekbone and muzzle some. "Oh that just got to be a little dull, so I decided to kick off early and see how you were doing. I'm glad I did too." Alex blushed as Neo rumbled and ran his tongue along the slick, smooth member. "I love how you don't use lotion, love." He said. "Makes this much tastier." His long tongue wrapped around the shaft as he sucked it into his muzzle. His cheeks popped slightly around the fleshy head and into his mouth. Alex gasped a bit and his body jolted with the sudden warmth as Neo hugged his arms around the human's thighs and took it right down to the hilt. "Mmm." He mumbled a bit, making Alex gasp even louder as he leaned back in his computer chair and simply let Neo do his thing. He hissed through the side of his tongue and felt Neo's tongue lap along the underside of his balls and he felt them drop back into gravity's pull which made Alex mumble something to himself and his voice trailed off. Neo chuckled a bit, he enjoyed it when Alex was like this, putty in his hands. The taste of his fluids draining down his tongue made Neo's tail wag a bit more. Neo growled some, letting the tip slide to the back of his throat, the Digimon's wings flexed out a bit but curled down under the restriction of the desk as he drew Alex's underwear down and off before pressing his fingertips against that warm ring between his cheeks.

"N-Neo... I'm gonna--gonna..." He blushed heavily and felt the surge explode through his body as he came.

Neo jerked back slightly, but tried to be careful not to let the cum pour down his jowls and out of his mouth. He caught a heavy shot in the back of his throat as the human unloaded hard at first, then a second pulse was weaker but still provided an extremely potent amount that forced Neo to swallow. His fingers cupped Alex's balls as his digits began to work with the anal ring, slipping in and out, feeling Alex's ass as it clutched and released with each cum shot. After Alex's expression relaxed and he leaned back a bit in his seat, Neo let the dripping member slip from his lips and he chuckled as he pushed the boy back to climb out from underneath.

"Now that was a good load." He smirked as he stood up, the bulge in his trousers quite prominent, but he figured he'd leave that fun for later. "Now what is it you're looking at that's got you so excited and on the edge of your seat?" He flipped through the site that had gone into screensaver and his eyes widened. "Oh, well. What do we have here?" He asked.

"Uh, it's n-nothing..." He said. "Just a-a thing."

"Alex." Neo said, trying to sound condescending but failing miserably. "You're into knots? That is so cute! What kind of a site is this anyway?"

"An--an art site." Alex answered defensively. "I really didn't expect you were coming over tonight so I--"

"Pff, jeeze you're incorrigible." Neo laughed and shook his head. " I mean don't you need to have a knot to be a member here?"

"Not if you're browsing." Alex felt his cheeks flush. "Anyway, you should call ahead so I'm not like this when you show up."

Neo looked over his shoulder at Alex, who was quite softened, but still not flaccid as his red cheeks looked almost black on his face in the dark room. "I mean, look at this one? I don't think my fist is as thick as that one is!"

"C-cut it out!" Alex whimpered, already feeling a bit hard imagining a thick knot like that penetrating him, tying to him making him moan. "It's not funny."

"Oh I know." Neo nodded. "My old buddy Kyros has got a hell of a knot on him, that's for sure."

"Kyros?" Alex asked.

"Oh, right. Sorry, he was a good friend of mine before you and me met. Kind of like my big brother, if you get what I mean. He graduated High School when I was still a sophomore and went into the military." He sighed and put his head on his fist, his thick tail waving slightly back and forth. "God, I remember I had the biggest crush on him."

"W-what was he like?" Alex asked. "I mean, did you guys ever--?"

"That would be telling, Alex." Neo answered with a wink. "He was nice though, a little rough, he was always the kind of guy you'd go to with a problem and he'd find a way to fix it."

"Do you guys still see each other?"

"Me and Kyros? Nah, we haven't talked in ages. But I bet Blade knows him, last I heard they were in some unit together. At least that's what Blade told me."

"So you two have known this super-hot, hunky canine and just decided to keep me out of the loop?"

"Well we really didn't think about it, who'd have thought you were a knot-slut?"

The blush returned and Alex pouted. "I'm not a slut."

"Mmhmm, right." Neo answered as he swished the flavor of Alex's cum in the back of his mouth. "I'm going to go grab some scope, you tasted pretty fresh tonight." He teased and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Alex quickly grabbed a pair of his house pants and pulled them on, stumbling over himself as he made his way toward the door. Grabbing a t-shirt slung from his bed, the human made his way out of the room and into the hall. He turned to jog down the stairs toward the sound of a late night news broadcast that Blade and Nardine tended to watch. Stepping into the room he cleared his throat, noticing only Blade on the couch in front of the brightly glowing television set. "Hey Blade." He said as he approached the couch and slipped onto the seat next to the reptile.

"Alex. Bud, what's up?" Blade asked. "You're usually asleep by now. Or at least you never come down this late. You're lucky Nardine went to bed a little early tonight or that could have been really awkward."

"Oh... uhm--ew." Alex answered, realizing the insinuation. "Hey, so I had a question; Neo mentioned someone he went to High School with that you might know..."

"Kyros?" Blade asked. "Now that's someone I haven't seen in years." He chuckled.

"How'd you know?"

"Well, Alex when you're in the kind of work I am, information is the most important tool one can use." He said. "His meeting Neo in high school was just a tip of the iceberg."

"So... you don't know where he is, huh?"

"Now, I never said that. I just haven't seen him in a few years, but it doesn't mean I don't know where to find him. Why do you need to know?"

"Because he wants to get boinked by a real knotty doggie." Neo interrupted, leaning over the couch with a big grin on his face.

"Neo! Stop doing that!" Alex whined. "I was just curious, that's all."

"Jeeze, overly sensitive, are we?"

"Oh come on you guys, do I really need to know this?" Blade rolled his eyes. "Okay, look. I can call in a favor or two, maybe get him to meet up with you guys, but I'm not going to be your one-eight-hundred booty call line. Okay?"

"Fair enough." Alex and Neo answered simultaneously.

"Alright then." Blade sighed as he turned off the television. "Now all this talk about knotting and sex has worn me out, I think I'm going to head to bed." He said as he got up and slid off the couch.

As he left the room, Alex and Neo listened for the lizard's footfalls up the steps, the stroll across the hallway and the sound of the bedroom door above them to close. "Betcha ten bucks we're going to be hearing bed squeaks in about three minutes..."

"Neo!" Alex hissed.

"How are we going to know it's him?" Alex whispered as he and Neo walked along the sidewalk toward

Main Street. The day shined down on the pair of them, casting their shadows hard against the ground as the noon hour approached. The streets were already teeming with people of different species, different races and genders. A proverbial bizarr of Digimon, Monsters, Humans and all other types in between, it would definitely be tough to spot one in particular in the variety of people hanging around.

"Trust me." Neo said. "You'll know him when you see him. Now what was it Blade said about meeting him?"

"He said the... northwest corner of main and fifth at noon." Alex remembered. "But he didn't tell us what the guy would be wearing, I mean what if this Kyros guy is in disguise."

"HA!" Neo belted out a laugh. "Trust me, Alex. Kyros isn't the kind of guy who hides unless his life depended on it. Nah, we'll be able to pick him out of a crowd easy. Just look for the color orange. Alright?"

"Orange?" Alex asked as the two of them approached the corner designated. "What kind of a stupid color is that? I mean, if I were trained in a special covert ops unit, I'd try and stay as far away from the color orange as possible. You might as well paint a big red bullseye onto your ass and go streaking through enemy territory, that's all I'm saying."

"Oh, I don't know, orange has always been my color."

The voice came at the same time as two fuzzy arms wrapped around, one sliding over Neo's bare hip and the other coming down over Alex's shoulder. Both of them looked up at their inner shoulders to see the grinning canine face of an Arcanine hovering between them that made Alex shriek in surprise and made Neo laugh in a total look of shock. "C'mere you big lug!" Kyros laughed and gave Neo a full, hard, back-breaking hug, the well fit canine picking the slimmer Digimon up into the air as he squeezed tightly.

Kyros was wearing a grey hoodie with a black layer and hood on top of it, his pants were a smoky grey pair of jeans, but his big fluffy tail seemed to defy them both, not being covered by either one and swinging madly in Neo's arms as he hugged him. His mane was cropped a bit and spiked up almost vertically on his head, the fur from his chest did the same thing along his collarbone into his mane, making it look like one big mass of fur sticking out. "Oh, man, Kyros!" Neo exclaimed, hugging the dog back and laughing. "It's been ages! I mean, look at you, you're looking damn good!"

"So are you! It's good to see you've finally gone and landed a cute one too." He admitted, looking at Alex who blushed in response. "You must be Alex. Sorry for the scare there, but I always like to show off like that."

"Oh, ye-no, no it's fine... fine..." Alex stammered as he gauged the dog's profile over with a glance, his eyes focusing on that supreme bulge in his pants that he found hard to ignore. "It's always good to meet some of Neo's old--uh--friends." He smiled innocently.

"Heh, well that's good." Kyros said with a smile. "I've got to say I was surprised when Blade got ahold of me and said you two were interested in a meet up. I mean, imagine Neo, getting with the guy who was adopted by Blade's girlfriend. I mean... the small world just blows my mind sometimes."

"Yeah same here." Neo smiled.

"Hey. Have we... met before somewhere? You look familiar." Alex pondered curiously.

The arcanine chuckled and gave a wide, canine expression grin before rubbing Alex's hair forward. "You sure you aren't mixing me up with some other of my kind, kid? I'm not exactly one of a kind."

Alex shrugged. "Not sure, but I definitely remember an arcanine from when I was little. Huh. It's probably nothing." He shook his head.

"It's really a blast from the past, Kyros. You haven't aged a day." Neo smiled as he and the arcanine started walking, Alex stepping awkwardly between them as they did. "And you've definitely gotten a lot hotter since high school."

"I have to say the same thing about you, Neo. And white's always been your color. I'm starved, either of you guys hungry?"

Without waiting for so much as an answer from the two of them, the three of them had already reached a small pizzaria just across the street from where they met. The smell of pepperoni and cheese made Alex's stomach rumble. Both the monsters laughed, and they took an outdoors seat, they were quickly waited on, and had time to talk while they were waiting for their food.

"So anyway, I figured you'd be the one to ask." Neo finished his story. "And I know how Alex is, so I figured you'd consider it for him."

Alex was beet red, he hadn't really breathed since Neo came out and said "Alex just really wants to get knotted" about five minutes before. He looked angrily at Neo, then more pensively at the arcanine who suddenly began to laugh uproariously, only making the human that much more awkward. "I-It's not funny, Neo you shouldn't just blurt out things like that."

"Jeeze, look at him blush. You're right, Neo. He is kind of cute when he's all embarrassed like that. It's no wonder you stuck with a human for so long." Alex fumed a bit but sat down in his seat.

"So, you want to do it?" Neo grinned.

Alex was so embarrassed, it felt like Neo was pimping him out or something, but he knew that the Digimon only meant the best for him. "No, no he doesn't have to." He said. "I think we should just go home."

"Oh I don't know." Kyros said, suddenly looming in on Alex and placing a massive paw on the human's chest. "I think I could work around the whole human thing, just this once."

Neo chuckled out of his nose. "I thought you might."

Alex continued to be nervous as he followed Neo and Kyros out of the restaurant. They talked among each other in low tones and in strange references that Alex didn't get, occasionally he got a glance and a grin from one or the other, but he wasn't sure what to make of it. The very idea of getting a knot in his ass kept his cock hard as a rock and he often found it difficult to walk easily behind the two of them without them noticing and chuckling. This had to be a practical joke, they'd walk him home and tell him "better luck next time" before sending him inside to hang out with Blade and Nardine for the night. But his street came and went, and they instead walked to a bus stop. At one fifteen they boarded the bus headed into the main city, but their conversation had shifted to a more casual tone about how Kyros had to readjust to civilian life after leaving his operations unit, his story sounded a lot like Blade's. As they entered a lower rent area of the city, they disembarked and Kyros led them into a fairly run down building, now Alex's fear shifted to if Kyros was leading them into some sort of trap, no one would recognize his and Neo's bodies; just a pair of gay guys who met their end in the big city... he felt his throat growing dry and his heart was racing.

"What are you so worried about?" Kyros asked. "I can hear your heart pounding a mile a minute."

"Alex? I thought you'd enjoy this." Neo frowned a bit.

"I j-just... want to go home." He whimpered. "Why'd you have to tell him, Neo?"

"Cold feet, eh?" Kyros asked, producing his keys. "Well maybe this'll warm you up some?"

The move was as hot as it was abrupt, Kyros quickly grabbed Alex by the collar of his hoodie and slammed him up against the apartment door as he gave the human a kiss. Alex's knees about buckled under him as he felt the canine's tongue slip into his mouth, he'd never felt anything quite like it. His cries were cut off by a whimpering, trembling voice that gave into the kiss. The arcanine seemed to enjoy it too, his tail swished wide from left to right and back again as his teeth caught Alex's tongue and dragged gently along the flesh. Alex heard the keys jingle in the lock behind him and Neo chuckled as both of them held the human up and the door behind him swung open.

"You've still got a good way of shutting people up." Neo snickered as the three of them stepped into the apartment.

"Ahh but he's still really nervous. You want a drink or something, Alex? Let off your nerves a little bit?"

"I can't stand the taste of alcohol though." Alex admitted with a soured face.

"Not the way I fix it." He chuckled as he slipped his hoodie off, underneath Kyros had a fire red tanktop shirt, barely on him due to the fluff of his fur and the size of his muscles. His right arm had digits etched in as a tattoo reading "RK-9" and his body was perfectly orange and striped all the way down his arms and torso as he lifted and straightened his shirt out. "You want one too, Snow?"

"Yeah, sure. But I hate it when you call me that."

"Snow?" Alex asked, listening to Kyros rattling around in the kitchen.

"High school nicknames never die." Neo rolled his eyes. "I was called that for my obvious.... lack of color back in the day. Especially on the days I wore all white the kids just called me "Snow" all the time."

The clattering stopped in the other room and Kyros emerged from the kitchen with three lowball glasses the top was layered with a yellow colored liquid while a bubble of orange with a small red ball at the bottom of the glass consisted in the middle. He slid two of the glasses across the table to Neo and Alex. Alex eyed his curiously as Neo sighed and shook his head.

"Fireballs." Kyros announced. "My own mix."

"I remember these things." Neo groaned a bit. "They definitely don't taste like alcohol."

"And they'll put some hair on that digimon chest of yours. Maybe you should start spitting fire, you are a dragon, right?"

"Right." Neo said as he threw back a sip and coughed. "Oh, man. You've put lemonade in it too. You're insane."

Alex was still staring dubiously at his drink when Kyros nudged him. "The goal is to get to the fireball candy at the bottom into your mouth before the others do." On Kyros' smirk, Alex threw back the drink.

Fire, absolutely the hottest taste that Alex ever drank suddenly shot down his throat. It made him gag suddenly as he almost spit the flavor back out. Alex didn't like spicy like this, it felt like his sinuses were going to ignite and start spitting flame. But suddenly the smell of the lemonade invaded his nostrils, suddenly cooling the burn and sending a wave of subtle relaxation through his entire nervous system. He barely realized he'd pulled the lips from the cup and he coughed loudly, almost sickeningly loud as he put his thumb up, averting the concerned looks from the other two. "Ohhhh man where did you get the idea of doing this? It's torture!" He screeched.

"Fire is my business." Kyros winked. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

It didn't take long before the three of them were sufficiently relaxed, the burn from such a quantity of alcohol had given them all warm feelings, and Alex was finally feeling more comfortable with the canine who continually grasped the human's thigh as he talked with Neo. Finally, Alex reached the fireball in the bottom of his glass and grinned, holding it in his front teeth as he showed the others his prize, and Neo this time leaned in and kissed him.

Neo's kiss was much softer, much more subtle than the canine's tongue sliding almost all the way down Alex's throat. Alex inhaled and exhaled into the kiss as Neo tugged the candy from Alex's teeth and into his own mouth. Alex resisted a giggle as he tried to win the candy back as he felt Kyros pulling up on his shirt. The human broke contact with the dragon's lips for just a moment, then returned them when his shirt was gone. He stood up on his hands and knees as Kyros trailed his tongue along Alex's spine. Nipping it occasionally as his fingers wrapped around the human's waist and unfastened his pants, he tugged at them, freeing the boxer shorts he wore underneath. Alex sighed as he sat back onto the couch and both Kyros and Neo came in to kiss him as one of their hands reached down and ran up his crotch, slipping down into the shorts and grabbing his swelling meat. Alex grunted a bit, he could feel the fur of Kyros' exploring hand as it groped him hard, it then slid from the shorts and the claws trailed along the human's flesh, and over his nipples. Somewhere along the way, Neo had lost his shirt too and Alex was helping him with his pants, in turn, Neo helped relieve Kyros of his tank top, leaving them all shirtless. Kyros tugged on Alex's boxers and the human rose a moment to slip them off. He pulled apart the zipper that held back Neo's large member and greedily slipped it into his mouth as soon as it came free. Neo groaned a bit and Alex was shifted back to his knees as Alex felt Kyros begin licking the back of his balls, his taint, even underneath where his cock was firmly erect against his stomach. Kyros' grip was harder, needier, his claws left white trails in Alex's skin as his underwear was pulled completely off. Alex could hardly stand the excitement of the moment, he was lost in the musk of Neo's member throbbing in his mouth the aching, needing tongue of the canine at his back door, he moaned and grunted, feeling his first orgasm before anything really began.

"Damn! You're pretty energetic, aren't you?" Kyros asked as he lapped at the spouts of cum, getting his face a little bit as he tried to contain the explosions. In response, Neo growled and suddenly fired off a heavy load into Alex's face. He bucked in and humped hard, but half the time he would miss his target and Alex's skin got coated in a shower of seed. Both of them were still good to go, and Kyros didn't miss a beat he grabbed Alex's hips and turned him over abruptly, his pants had also gotten removed in the fray, his canine cock was engorged, but not completely as it frotted against Alex's own member and he grinded himself against the human. Alex moaned, already getting hard again as he wrapped his lips around the spent digimon shaft. He could feel Neo was also getting aroused again from the spectacle and he moaned again, dragging his lips down to the end or at least as far as he could get on the cock. He felt a slight slap from Neo's balls as they bopped against his chin and he retreated. Kyros slid his cock back and pressed it against Alex's hole, letting it poke through the resisting walls of his anus and into the surrounding warm flesh. Both human and arcanine moaned again as the canine flesh, ultimately much hotter than a human or digimon's cock penetrated the human. Alex held a long whimpering note as Kyros lifted the human's leg while the other one wrapped around his backside. Alex was already at full arousal again, his cock was dripping down onto his belly, and in his haste he grabbed it and felt the wetness slide between his fingers.

"Ohh--ahh... AROOOO!" The canine howled loudly as a sudden flood of cum shot its way into Alex's cavity. Alex whimpered and gripped tighter on both his cock and Neo's which was half sunk into his mouth already. Kyros grunted and thrust forward, shaking viciously but it didn't feel like he'd finished, he was still twitching in Alex's hole his body still lunged forward, pushing in deeper and deeper. Alex could feel the shaping of the knot as it passed through his hole, popping slightly through each pass. Kyros grinned and bucked up against Alex's ass, slapping the cum that was coming out of it with his own loins, as if trying to force it back in. Alex had lost all sensation of awkwardness or pain by now, the buzz kept him going and he was enjoying this treatment. Neo turned the human's head slightly, more downward this time to allow his balls to slap Alex's nose, the shape to bulge out in the human's throat as he forced himself in as far as he could go.

"Oh--oh man... NNGH!" Neo grunted, suddenly shooting his seed into Alex's mouth. Alex gagged for a moment, the upside down hold on his head had disoriented him and he got a nostril full of cum which he quickly swallowed pint after pint that shot into his throat, it was practically a straight shot down into his stomach from there.

"C-can't... hold it... AHH!" Kyros came again, this time the flood felt harder, it pounded against Alex's insides and began to flood him. Alex could feel his stomach swelling with the addition of cum on both sides, but he couldn't do a thing about it now. He gurgled and grunted as he came again, this time shooting a heavy load across his chest and nipples, some of the cum even hitting Neo's stomach. Kyros continued to penetrate Alex though, his tempo hadn't slowed down, Alex was drenched in sweat now, and he could tell that the others were hot and just as turned on now as he was. Alex was whimpering again, he couldn't lose his erection, it was just too hot, the back flood of cum was causing him to slosh like some overused sack of water. Another heavy spurting explosion from Neo had left his skin coated heavily in cum. Both of Alex's legs were in the air, splashes of cum were still coming from his hole, but the knot that was forming was quickly damming them up.

Another explosion, this time Alex felt Kyros' cock lock into place the pain of knotting was more intense than he realized, but Alex's mind registered it somehow as an intense pleasure as he cried out and moaned, his lips wrapping around Neo's cock like a suckable security blanket. He grunted and mumbled as Kyros partly collapsed on him, his knot swelling fully, there wasn't going to be a thing that any of them could do about it.

Kyros continued to buck into Alex's ass for some time, occasionally he'd whisper something, or growl lightly and another seed of breeding would launch into the human's hole, soaking it again while Neo sleepily hugged against the other two as they rested from their long, multiple fuck together. The next thing Alex knew was that he was waking up to the gentle glow of the sun fading from Kyros' windows as the day began to fade into night, but this was an experience he was sure he'd want to try again.


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