Bob’s Holiday Special, a Cubby Halloween

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#1 of Bob's Special events

Bob's Holiday Special


By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it (Except for Jery) are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Jery is copyrighted to his own player

Warning the story contains a non consentual sexual encounter between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Bob just grins as he waits in the hallway. He always loved this holiday, even more so nowadays. Swaddled from head to toes in bandages, the tall German Sheppard looked every inch a mummy but it's not his costume he really cares about. Right on cue the doorbell rings. Bob lets the door open slowly and stumbles out with a throaty moan.

Jery, the little pup clutching a half full pillowcase, jumps at the adult's act. "Trick or Treat!" he yelps, more from reflex then anything else. He smiles up at the big dog, showing off his plastic teeth and vampire cape.

"Ohhh what a scary costume," coos the adult as his eyes quickly scan the sidewalk for any hint of a chaperon. "I didn't know Dracula was in the neighborhood. I'd better give you the extra big candy bars so you don't bite my neck." He turns slightly and the little pup can make out the bowl of king sized CubbyRuth bars on a shelf. "Come on in and I'll get you a candy."

Now Jery knew he wasn't supposed to go in a stranger's house, but there were jumbo candy bars involved... Hesitantly he follows the big doggy in towards the bowl. The big candies are set on a table at the far end in the entryway, and the pup takes the opportunity to grab a handful from the closer bowl of fun sized candies on his way by.

As he reaches the bowl, Bob tugs on a rope he set up earlier. The front door quickly swings shut and locks itself. The dog takes a moment to flick off the outside lights; it wouldn't do to be interrupted. He turns to the now startled pup, and holds out the candy bar. "So here is your treat boy," and with a quick growl he lunges for the cub pulling him close, "and now for my trick."

As Jery struggles, his candy bag hits the floor, scattering treats across the hallway. He screams as the big dog grabs both of his arms and drags him, on his back, down the hallway. Looking up at the mummy he can see something growing in the loose bandages around the dog's crotch. The man's thingy starts growing even as Jery kicks and struggles. The big pink thing slowly parts the bandages, starting to drool thick white goo.

Bob finally pushes the boy into a bedroom at the end of the hall. "Well, now I bet you know why they always say you should be careful around strangers." The Sheppard pushes the boy back against the bed as he forces him down onto his knees. "You see this?" Bob wags his bright red length of dribbling dog meat before the boy's face. Its all Jery can do to nod as he whimpers. "I'm going to put this in your mouth, and you're gonna suck on it like it's your favorite candy. And you're not going to bite, cause if you do you'll never leave this place. Do what you're told and you'll go home safe and sound with all your candy. Now open your mouth, boy." As the scared little pup listens, the big dog just smiles. Bob pushes forward, feeling his fat cock sliding between those glow-in-the-dark vampire fangs. The mummy moans loudly as he feels the boys tongue and lips close around him. He knows he doesn't have long, and as much as he'd love to savor this moment he just can't. With a groan he pushes deep into Jery's maw, thrusting hard against the cub's throat. The big man moans loudly as the fucks the young vampire's face. One paw grips the pup's head as he drives forward. Finally with a slight whine he pulls back, letting his cock slip from the poor lad's lips. Casually he smears his pre across Jery's cheeks.

"Such a good boy." Bob looks down at the frightened boy and smiles as he notices the pair of cheep plastic teeth still wrapped around his straining cock. "Aww, look at that. I think they liked it." He gently tugs the fangs free before pressing them back into the pup's mouth. "You look much cuter with them in, don't you agree?" Jery just looks stunned, he's not sure what's going on any more but he nods anyway.

Bob pulls an instant camera from the bedside table and snaps a picture. Jery looks so cute kneeling there, fangs poking out, pre slathered across his face, and a big doggy dick bobbing into view. "Good boy, I think it's ready for the main event." The big dog picks the pup up by his shoulders and tosses him onto the bed. One paw pins the cub to the sheets as the other tugs down the little vampire's pants. Carefully he slips off the boy's undies, "Ohhh, they've got Krypto the Superdog on them... so cute." He tosses the cartooned briefs over his shoulder as he leers down at his playmate.

"Please Mr. let me go, I didn't do anything to you," shouts the pup. Jery's words come out a little slurred through the plastic teeth. He yips as the big dog leans over him, forcing his knees apart. As the mummy stares down into Jery's eyes he feels something pressed up against his tailhole. In a flash he knows what's next, the dog's big wiener, he's going to put it in his little bum. "No, no, no... Please Mr. don't do it. I don't wanna..." His painful yelp is muffled, at the moment of penetration, by the adult's passionate kiss.

Bob groans into the boy, moaning as he sinks his cock deep into the boy's tight loving passage. That sweet anus fights against him, they always do, but the battle makes his victory all the sweeter. He rears back howling as his balls finally rest on the cub's supple ass cheeks. "Oh gods, I love this holiday." He says with a loud grunt, as he pulls back, sliding almost the whole length free.

The cub feels relived as for a moment he thinks it's all over, but that first hard thrust brings him around. Jery bites his lip to keep from crying as the musty smell of rutting dog floods his nostrils. His butt really hurts but somehow he kind of feels good too, like there is a button deep inside, and every time the man pushes in really hard, it sends sparks up his spine. The boy can't help it when his own little pecker starts to slip from its sheath.

Bob just growls softly, his paw wrapping around the little pup's pink member, stroking it to the beat of his own thrusts. The boy's whimpers turn to moans as the big dog nears his climax. The pace picks up as the mummy thrusts harder and harder into that tight little orifice. Bob gasps as he feels his balls churning past the tipping point. Hot seed floods the costumed cub's poor abused rump as the Sheppard humps his way through his orgasm.

With a wet slurp Bob pulls his cock free, and there is the snap and hiss of the instant camera once more. "Such a good little vampire. I hope you learned an important lesson." The adult reaches into a box by the bed and pulls out a bright pink lollipop. It's one of those novelty candies shaped like a penis; this one even has the big swollen knot at the base. "And since you did so well you deserve an extra treat."

Jery whimpers as the man leans over him and once more something hard and firm is pressed up against his tail hole. It's not as big as the man's dick so this time it's much easier. The pup whimpers softly as he closes his eyes and tries to block every thing out.

Almost as soon as it started it's over and Bob holds the now slick candy treat out to the shivering pup. "Open wide." He says with a wide grin, as the candy cock glistens, coated with the spent cum of the cub's recent violation. The boy makes a feeble attempt to resist but he's just too worn down. Bob slides the sweet treat past the cub's lips before helping him back into the rest of his costume, except the undies. In no time at all, the cub is ushered out the door with a light swat to his still sore ass, and Bob sets up for his next victim. He pins up the new photo's on his cork board along with the stolen panties. He grins as his eyes fall on the previous victims and he tics off the names he can recall, Kogie, Rama, Dark, Faytt, and all the others. Just three more cubs and he'll break last year's record. The dog just smiles, this time of year is so much work: making the false house numbers, rigging the door, and faking the vandalism in the morning. But somehow it just seems so worth it. Flicking the porch lights back on and looking out, his eyes light up. Half a block down he spots a boy squirrel dressed as a ghost headed his way, and not a guardian in sight. Yes, it definitely seems worth it.

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