Ah Kids, They're Greeeeeat!

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#2 of Cereal Rapist

Ah Kids, They're Greeeeeat!

By Bunny Boy

Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between an adult male and a number of cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The eight-year-old deer nervously paces back and forth. It's his first time running track and he's scared. Unfortunately, he hadn't had time to have breakfast that morning. He had some time before the first race, so the coach sent him to the locker room to try and relax. Suddenly a noise catches his attention.

A big tiger wearing a red handkerchief around his neck peeks round the corner and calls him over. "Hey there kiddo. Are you ready for the big race today?"

Bobby just smiles as he recognizes him. "I think so. But I'm not sure."

"Well, did you have a good breakfast this morning to give you the energy?" The tiger just gasps and looks shocked when the foal shakes his head no. "Well we'll have to fix that. I don't have any cereal on me right now but I've got something better. You know it's the frosting that gives you energy right? Well I know where you can get the concentrated stuff to give you the boost you need to be the best. Would you like that?" The big tiger just smiles as the boy nods. Before the boy can say another word the man pulls out his thickening sheath. "Now I need you to lick on it. Once it's ready you'll get the pure frosting you need to win today."

"Wait, you want me to... lick you... there?" The young buck looks startled.

"Oh don't worry, it's okay. I mean you've been eating it on the cereal for ages right? This way it's just stronger." When the boy still hesitates, the tiger places one paw on the back of his head and pulls him in closer. The big red throbbing tip of the adult's cock is just inches from his face. "I thought you wanted to win out there today?" That's enough for the boy as a soft tongue gently licks across the tip of the man's shaft. The big tiger bites his lips to keep from moaning as the lad's hot tongue lavishes him with attention. "Oh yeah. Open your mouth and suck on it like a candy. You don't want to spill any." He groans softly, the sight of this kid in his tight running shirts was enough to get him primed. The ease that the boy went down on him was just too much. With a soft whimper he cums, hot salty tiger seed flooding the young deer's muzzle.

The boy swallows the first few spurts in surprise but as he tastes it he backs off a bit. "Hey that doesn't taste like frosting." He coughs grimacing at the salty taste in his mouth.

"Of course not. That's because it's super concentrated. Haven't you ever tried bakers chocolate? They add a little something to it so it'll be sweet for you. But this is way stronger then normal. So get out there and you give it your all!" The pep talk over, the boy beams up at the big tiger. As he watches the boy go, he chuckles. "Kids. They're Greeeeeat!" As he's about to leave he spots a couple bottle of mountain dew sticking out of one boy's gym bag. One of the bottles is nearly empty while the other is full. Chuckling he tosses the unopened soda into the trash and twists off the cap on the used bottle. The big cat sighs as a different feeling of release fills him. He twists the cap back on nice and tight before slipping the refilled soda back into the boy's bag. "I always said that stuff tasted like tiger piss," he chuckles.

He strolls out of the locker whistling to himself. He cuts across the parking lot and makes his way to an old equipment shed far away from the track field. He pushes the door open with a smile and slips into the semi-darkness. "And how are my guests doing?" He smiles at the pair of cubs lying bound and gagged on the hard cement floor. With a cold chuckle he slips a padlock onto the inside of the door so there can be no interruptions. "Well I promised that boy an energy boost to help him win today, and with the other school's best runners out of the race I'd say he's got a damn good chance now. Plus I get to have a little fun."

The big tiger is drooling as he grabs the first cub by his leg pulling the frightened cat over to him. The glances over at the other cub, a frightened young mare, struggling against her bonds. "Oh don't worry, you'll get off easy. I don't like girls much so you'll get through this intact. Your little boy friend here though..." He grins as he tears the flimsy fabric of the boy's shorts, shredding it in his hand. "He's fucked."

The big cat laughs cruelly as he pushes into the cat boy's virgin ass. Groaning as the too tight opening stretches around his big fat tiger cock. The lad's squeal of pain can barely be heard through the gag but it's all the prompting the tiger needs. He thrusts into the boy fully, grinding his cock into that way too tight little hole. Grunting, he starts to thrust, a quick relentless pace even as the tiger starts to mutter under his breath as he pounds that bawling boy's ass. "Every where we go, grunt, people always know, grunt, who we are, so we, grunt, tell them. We are tigers, grunt, mighty, mighty tigers..." with one last grunt the big man pushes forward, flooding the kid's ass with spunk. "Ohh yeah that's the spot. Oh quit crying you big baby. It always hurts the first time. After the third or forth time I pound that ass, you'll be begging for more."

The tiger growls softly as he notices his cock is still rock hard. He still needs to fuck and the boy is useless till he calms down a bit, so that only leaves... "Well girly looks like I was wrong; you do have something to worry about after all." He grabs the girl by one leg and drags her across the concrete to him. "I don't like girls, but I'm still horny, and as they say, 'any port in a storm.'" He rolls her on her belly before tearing off her running shorts. "And your ass should be just as tight as any boy's." He grabs the girl by her braided pony tail and pulls her back as he lines his fat throbbing cock with her sweet little pucker. He moans loudly to hear yet another muffled scream as he plows deep into her tight ass. He keeps a tight hold on that ponytail giving a hard tug with each thrust. "Is this how you pictured your first time would be dear? Fucked up the ass on the cement floor of a dirty old tool shed. Probably not. Hell, you probably never thought about your first time before have you?" He groans, pulling all the way out of her sore little ass. "Well then, we need to do something special for you, bitch. I think it's time you found out what it's like to be a big girl." He changes the angle of attack slightly, and the girl tries once more to struggle away as she feels that massive length of meat pressed against her cunny. One hard push and the whole thing plows deep into her immature pussy, tearing away her virginity forever. The man groans softly as he floods the horse girl's pussy with tiger semen. "Welcome to womanhood, you little cunt."

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