What Happens in Echo Base Stays in Echo Base
What Happens in Echo Base Stays in Echo Base
By Bunny Boy
Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between an adult male and male fantasy creature. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy
Tav Kith'ra, a brown furred bothan, hated being stationed on Hoth. It was too cold and there were too many blasted humans for his liking. The feline-like being did his best to avoid the human occupied sections of the rebel base if just to avoid the teasing from junior officers.
Bothans were regarded as great spies, or politicians but Tav's skills just didn't fall into that mold. He had joined the rebellion as a foot soldier, but since there were so few Bothan soldiers he always felt outnumbered. Here on Hoth, it was no different. He wound up volunteering for jobs others didn't want to do simply to escape the constant attention of being surrounded by so many aliens.
That's how he'd come to his current position. Hoth's weather was playing havoc on the models of speeder that the alliance had managed to land on the world. A typical screw up, no one ever got around to check the cold weather ratings. So the rebels had taken to domesticating some of the local wildlife. The humans complained about the smell, so it was easy for Tav to get the job of caring for the great shaggy beasts. At least they were easy to clean up after. With the big fuzzy lizards odd digestive system, there were no droppings to shovel, just wash them down once a day to get rid of the thick oily sweat. Tav rather liked the smell of the Tauntaun stalls. In some ways, the earthy scents reminded him of home back on Bothawui. And if it gave him more time to himself, well, all the better.
The days were cold and the nights were colder. No one ever left the base at night, so he had the pens all to himself. He'd spent what little time he had that day putting his new big buck through the paces. It was still too head strong and aggressive to ride, but Tav didn't care. Because of its spirit he'd named the beast Norr. In his language that meant strong willed and Norr certainly lived up to the name.
The work today had worn out both the tauntaun and his trainer, and sweat streamed down both. "Well Norr, I think we could both use a good rub down," chuckles Tav as he leads the beast down to the cleaning stall. The good-sized room beneath the pens was one of the warmest rooms on the base, but the bothan trainer was the only one who realized that. "Come Norr. Lets get you rubbed down. I'm sure you'll feel much better after." Figuring he might as well kill two womprats with one-blast Tav strips out of his own sweaty jump suit.
Tav herded Norr over to the nozzles and started the light rain of warm water over both their forms. The bothan gathered his brushes, and began vigorously running a brush through the reptile's shaggy mane. Tav starts to hum as he works, it was something he'd learned to do when his mind was somewhere else. Idly, he reaches out and scratches Norr in one of the sensitive spots he knows the great buck likes, just under his left horn.
As he works his mind drifts off. Thinking of far off days on Bothawui, thinking of the girls back home. Thinking a lot about the girls back home. The supple curve of their form, the soft down of their fur. It had been far too long. And human women were just so plain. Tav squeaks and snaps back to reality as he feels something nuzzling his engorged member. He must have really been busy daydreaming not to realize he'd gotten that excited.
Norr is bent over, sniffing at the bothan's strange erection. "Hey now that's not for you!" ,says the startled trainer. Mindful of the creature's great temper he tries his best to gently shoo the beast away. A long, wide tongue curls out from Norr and around that red piece of meat, and all thought flees from the young soldier's mind. It felt good, it had been so long since anyone had touched him like that. He whimpers feebly and climaxes far too soon. Norr slurps up the odd salty treat as Tav collapses to the ground.
Norr sniffs at the air. He can smell the heady smell of rutting and despite its alien nature it's having an affect on him. The great beast's sheath pulls back as his large blue-gray cock emerges from that shaggy white covering.
Tav is in a perfect position to see the animal's majestic member appear. It's almost twice as long as his own and rather thicker. The skin has a light blue-gray color with black spots running along the under side. It swayed back and forth almost hypnotic, the pointed tip of the tapered cock mere inches from Tav's face. Well, I guess one good turn deserves another, thinks the bothan. Not to mention he didn't know what the horny beast would do if he tried to leave it in this state. His soft furred hands reach out, gently stroking the beast's impressive length. The creature's prehensile member flexes in the trooper's grip as Tav leans in. The big creatures musk is a warm and refreshing sort of smell, so different from the cold air that kills all scents throughout the rest of the base. He hesitates for a moment as his paw slides along that length once more, and a single drop of pre forms on the pointed tip. The big beast thrusts forward growling softly as he meets little more then air. The bothan closes his eyes and leans forward, his tongue brushing the sensitive tip of that fully engorged penis.
Norr snorts loudly at the first few touches. This odd little buck's strange tongue feels good, so small and rough. He moans softly as that strange little tongue teases it's way up towards the tip of his cock. The big Tauntaun buck grunts softly as he feels his tip surrounded by a hot moist muzzle.
The first thrust pushes Tav back against the stall's wall as Norr pushes in. The beast's sex tastes odd, there is heady, almost sweet flavor to it. The animal's shaft is slick with sexual juices as it pushes into the bothan's mouth. With Tav pinned to the wall, Norr thrusts a bit harder, feeding more and more of his thick bestial sex to the trapped trainer. The creature's flexible cock snakes in further, pressing against the back of Tav's throat. The cat-like alien gags for a moment but the slick pointed tip of that cock pushes on, twisting and turning as it works its way into the bothan's throat. The grunting beast ruts hard, thrusting into the rebel, savoring the tightness that grips him. It's not long before his grunts get louder, the bothan could almost swear he could see the flow of the beasts cum as it rushes down that mighty shaft.
Norr's head jerks back and he almost roars to the stars as he climax's into that little buck. Grunting, he floods the fuzzy creatures belly, pumping him full of his sweet juices.
Tav sputters softly as he pulls the great beast from his throat, tugging that thick muscle past his lips. The shaft is still pulsing in his hand, spraying across the bothan's face and seeping into his brown furred pelt. He can't help but giggle to himself as he stands shakily. "Man it really had been a long time," he laughs to himself. "I can't believe I did that. I'm going to need another shower." He shakes his head and gobs of spent cum splatter across the walls.ÿýIt wasn't all bad, it tasted better the some of the stuff served in the mess.
Norr turns to look at that little buck, and he glances down at his still hard cock dripping on the floor. The little buck hadn't learned his lesson yet. He was leader of the males, and the little buck must be shown his place. Norr snorts loudly as he approaches the swaying buck.
The blow is gentle for a TaunTaun, but it's still enough to send Tav sprawling. He lands on his belly, coughing up cum as he tries to regain his footing. Dazed and confused he works his way up to his knees.
Norr looks down on the little buck. He finally seems to know his place, presenting himself to the herd leader. The big buck stands over him, his small arms gripping the creature's odd little shoulders as he presses up against that tight little pucker.
Tav doesn't realize what has happened yet. The wind was knocked out of him by that fall. The feeling of paws gripping his shoulders and something pressing against his rear jerks him back to awareness. "Hey wait a minute!" he shouts as he tries to scramble away, but the beast's small arms are strong. As the slick pointed tip presses against the ring of muscle, Tav clenches his ass, trying to keep Norr at bay. However the slick pointed tip of that monster's cock easily pries open the clenched sphincter. The bothan cries out in shame and pain as the big tauntaun cock finds a nice warm home.
There is no kindness, no gentle play now. There is only the rut as Norr takes the little buck. He grunts loudly as the body below him squeals. He rocks forward, thrusting deep into the creature's tight warm ass, determined to rut this boy till he knows his place.
Tav goes limp, eyes shut tight against the pain. He can't believe what's happening. He whimpers with each hard thrust as the beast pounds home into his rear. Slowly, the pain fades and he can feel something else replacing it: a warm pleasure fills him. Something the creature is doing feels good. His moans slowly start to mingle with Norr's grunts as the big tauntaun drives deep into him. Almost without thought, he starts to push back, meeting each thrust as it comes.
Norr's thrusts become more erratic as the digits of his paws dig into the bothans shoulders. He arches his back, shoving that cock as deep as he can while he roars out his triumph.
Tav can feel that massive length of tauntaun sex pulse deep in his guts as the searing heat of the beasts climax fills him. Long ropes of alien seed flood his bowels as he lays there whimpering and twitching, his own erection lies neglected, drooling out his pre onto the cold hard tiles.
Norr leans down rocking back and forth into the buck as his climax dies. This little buck is a good fuck, but very tight, and must be broken in again. Must be shown who is herd leader. With out even waiting for the juices of his last time to stop, the big buck growls and starts thrusting once more, grinding his cock into that tight little ass.
Tav whimpers softly. "Oh no, not again!" The great beast's thrusts rock the boy across the tiles as his whimpers turn once more into moans. It's going to be a long night for the bothan and he's no longer sure if that's a bad thing.