Things That Go Hump in the Night

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#5 of The Severance Package

Things That Go Hump in the Night

By Bunny Boy

This story and Bob is copyrighted to Bunny Boy, Arcc is copyrighted to his player

Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between an adult and a young furry male. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Bob tossed and turned in his bed. For some reason, he just couldn't sleep. He stares at the ceiling and thinks about it for a moment. Maybe he's feeling guilty. Maybe he's starting to feel wrong about those boys at work... and then there's Timmy. The man shakes his head. "Nah, that can't be it." The Shepard glances over at the clock. Bah! It's just 10 PM. No wonder he can't sleep, it's still early. With a sigh he rolls out of bed and tugs on his pants and a ratty old T-shirt. Maybe some fresh air will help him clear his head.

Walking down the moonlit sidewalk alone does seem to help ease Bob's troubled mind. At night like this he can feel all alone, like he's the last man left on the whole planet. He walks and walks, not paying any attention to where his feet carry him, just enjoying the cool night breeze. Something stops him, he's not sure why, but in the back of his mind some little thing is jumping up and down shouting for his attention. Finally it sinks in. Across the street in the front yard of a nice two story suburban dwelling is a little wagon. "Oh it couldn't be." He whispers as he rushes across the street. "Oh god I think it is." He looks it over carefully and in this light it's hard to tell but Bob is certain it's a little red wagon.

The sweet memories come back and Bob's pants tighten up. He circles around the house peering in all the ground floor windows for some clue, any clue, as to who might live there. In the living room hanging on the wall he spots a family photo. The big dog nearly purrs as he recognizes the little white face smiling from that picture frame. He starts to check the other windows praying that his luck holds out. And does it ever, a few windows down, Bob spots a room filled with toys, the walls decorated in space ships and astronauts. Carefully Bob tests the window and finds it's unlocked. The adult pulls himself up and squeezes through the smallish opening. Well it's not the first tight fit I've had, he thinks to himself. The room is fairly tidy and Bob does his best to keep quiet, He slips over to the door pushing it closed before making his way back to the bed. Arcc is sound a sleep, smiling like an angel as he dreams. Next to him in the bed is a large plush animal even bigger then the boy. Bob just looks at it and smiles. A giant stuffed dog, it looks suspiciously like Mac Woof the crime dog from those old 'don't talk to stranger' TV spots.

Chuckling to himself, the adult strips out of his clothing, his cock already hard with anticipation. Bob reaches out and gently strokes the little cub's headfur listening to the boy murmur happily in his sleep. That sweet little face looks so angelic. Gently Bob strokes himself. He sighs softly as the tip of his cock brushes the boy's nose. Little Arcc snuffles at the touch accidentally inhaling a musky drop of pre. Biting to keep from moaning, Bob's paw quickens its pace. He brushes the tip along the boy's lips smearing them with more of that thick salty precum. The pup licks his lips, that quick little tongue catching Bob's sensitive head. And that little touch is all he needs. Bob squeaks softly, eyes shut as the first shot of dog cum splatters across the boy's cheek, seeping into the soft white fur. The first is quickly followed by several fresh ropes of sticky seed, like spider webbing across the kit's face from his ears to his chin. Bob shudders as the last spurt hits the lad's nose and dribbles down to stain the cub's pokemon sheets. He grins down at that beautiful piece of art and his still full balls urge him on, demanding he do more. As he watches, the pup sleepily licks his lips tasting the pretty pattern.

Carefully the big dog slips over to the other side of the bed, carefully avoiding the scattered toys, coloring books, and other bric-a-brac. He gently eases the giant plush off the bed, dumping it to the floor before he crawls in to replace it. He nuzzles the back of the sleeping kit's neck nibbling gently as one paw strokes down the boy's body.

In his sleep Arcc murrs loudly, his dreams having just taken a far more intense turn. He dreams that his Mr. Woofy suddenly started to act like Mr. Doggy and was petting him in that silly way he liked.

Bob tugs down the boy's pajamas and lifts the foxes soft little tail free. He nibbles on the boy's ear as he rubs the tip of his cock against those sweet little buns. Bob groans softly as a thick dribble of pre smears across those sweet little mounds. His paw gently fondles the boy's jewels, stroking the teeny sheath.

Arcc giggles at the dreams, Mr. Woofy's arms are big and strong for a stuffie and the boy can feel something hard pressed against his backside. Maybe Mr. Woofy really is just like Mr. Doggy. Suddenly Arcc's eyes open wide as the sudden pressure of a big fat adult cock stretching his bum wide open jerks him to the waking world. The pup starts to squeal but a strong paw clamps down on the wet and sticky muzzle muffling the sound.

Bob rolls over onto his belly, pinning the boy beneath him. He pushes down hard, sinking the rest of his cock into Arcc. Bob doesn't wait long for the boy to adjust before he pulls back and thrusts home. He rocks the cub hard with each thrust driving his cock into that sweet little ass and transforming Arcc's bastion of innocence and rest into a treasure of carnal delights.

Arcc whimpers softly as he's molested by what he thinks is his favorite stuffed animal. He groans under the weight as that fat cock pounds his bum again and again and again. Though that odd floating feeling comes back as the intruder hits something good deep down inside him.

Bob bites his lip to keep from crying out as his knot bangs against the boy's sweet opening. "Are you ready my puppy?" He whispers into one sweet little ear, "I'm going to tie that sweet little boy cunt of yours, gonna stretch you wide open. You take it like a man puppy." With that he pulls back and gives one last push forcing that fist-sized mass of meat into the boy's tender young hole. Beneath him Arcc squeaks at the sudden pain and squeals loudly. His pillow only muffles the noise a little bit. Bob whimpers as he hears movement upstairs, he hadn't caught it in time and some one had heard the pup's whine. He leans in whispering into those sweet little ears as he pushes forward shoving more and more dog meat into that boy's perfect little anus. "Arcc, if some one comes in just say you had a nightmare but everything is all right now. You wouldn't want me to get in trouble would you?"

The cub whimpers a bit as the man pushes a little deeper into him. "Mr. Woofy is that you?" he squirms a little as one arm holds him close, hugging him against the man's strong chest. The man rolls onto his side, the knot tugging at the boy's tight ring.

"Yes Arcc it's me. Now do as I said." Bob moves quickly to cover himself as best he can in the boy's sheets. He manages to get himself covered just as the door eases open, and light from the hallway spills into the room. Luckily this deepens the shadows hiding the man. Bob shudders and goes limp, as the hot doggy seed floods the boy's bowels. He bites his lip to stifle the moan at the pup's vice-like grip.

"Is everything alright dear?" Comes a soft feminine voice. And Bob can just make out the adult fox's soft curves through her nightgown.

"Yes mommy." The boys voice catches in his throat as almost with out thinking the man's paw slips down and starts to fondle the boy's tiny cubby bits. "I just had a bad dream is all." Arcc gulps hard as he feels the cock throb in his backside and its heat spreads, filling him up and hitting that floating spot again. "Everything is okay now though, sorry I woke you up mommy." The boy is struggling trying not to whimper or moan.

The woman looks over the boy's room. Nothing seems out of place. He's even got that giant stuffed dog in bed with him again. "Okay little man. You get back to sleep and remember me and daddy will keep you safe from bad dreams."

As the door closes and the footsteps make their way back up the stairs Bob whispers. "They may keep the bad dreams away pup, but what am I? Am I a bad dream, or a good one?" The thrill of nearly being caught is so exciting he rolls the boy back onto his belly. He rocks back and forth in quick hard thrusts. The sight of Arcc's mom so very close had him almost to the brink again. He bites down on Arcc's neck letting the boy muffle his moans as yet another fresh load of cum pumps into the cub's guts.

Arcc is exhausted for his part, he can feel the heat spreading from his rump, but there is nothing he can do. He drifts off in that uncomfortable position, his ass wedged up in the air, pierced by a fleshy spear. His dreams are disturbed that night as three times he is brought close to the waking point by moans and that hard, wet slap of meat on meat. It's no wonder he's still tired when the morning sun comes peeking into his room. His ass is so sore, and his sheets and fur are matted with spent cum. "It wasn't a dream." He whispers as he rolls over and comes face to face with the button eyes of Mr. Woofy. Pinned to its plush chest is a note telling him to go back to Bob's house today at lunchtime. Rubbing his sore bottom, the little pup wonders why Mr. Woofy wants him to go see Mr. Doggy.

Arcc was up before mommy and daddy and did his best to clean up after Mr. Woofy. He knew they would wonder if they found the gooey mess so he got the paper towels and did his best to clean up. Mr. Woofy might have been a bit rough but he was still Arcc's best friend. He then pulled the sheets off the bed and carried them to the laundry. He could just tell mommy that he'd had another bad dream and had an accident. He could hear mommy and daddy starting to move so the pup hurried into the bathroom and started his water. They might think it a little odd for him to be taking a bath in the morning but he knew he had too. He smelled funny and they might notice the matted spots on his fur. The puppy sighed softly as he lowered his sore bottom into the hot bathwater. It felt so good on his tender bottom. The morning seemed to fly by, a quick breakfast with mommy and daddy, and then they scooted the pup out the door to go play.

Arcc wandered for a bit, his sore little bottom feeling better now. As his tummy rumbles, he remembers Mr. Woofy's note. He's supposed to go see Mr. Doggy at lunch today. It's got to be close to that now. He trots his way up and down the streets, it's not a hard house to find. He's a little excited. Mr. Doggy is a very nice man, and last time he was here he had lots of fun. Maybe today will be just as good. Happily Arcc rings the doorbell.

As the tone drifts through the house Bob nearly jumps for joy as he rushes to the door. "Yes, who is it?" trills the Sheppard as the door slowly opens revealing his little toy cub. "Oh hello there Arcc, how are you today?" Just the sight of that soft white fur in those looks little shorts and that silly power ranger shirt is enough to excite the man. But Bob fights to control himself. He's got plans for the boy after all.

The little fox pup just shuffles feet and looks up at the smiling grownup. "Hello Mr. Doggy. I was told to come here today." He hands the note over to Bob.

The big dog pretends to read it, nodding his head as he does. "Hmm I see. Well it's a good thing you did come over because I was hoping to run into you today too. See I was going to go to the toy store today and I was hopping you'd like to come with me. I'll even let you pick out any toy you want."

Arcc's eyes light up and he beams up at the adult. "Really Mr. Doggy? I can get anything I want?" He's grinning ear to ear, he feels lo lucky to have a friend like Mr. Doggy.

"Yep and then we can go get some lunch." Bob steps out onto his front porch, carefully closing and locking the door behind him. "Now hurry up and get in the car, son." He follows the little kit buckling him into the seat before the dog climbs into the driver's side. The car ride is uneventful, Bob smiles down at his little plaything and lets the boy fiddle with the radio all he wants. As they pull into the parking lot outside Cubs R Us Bob says "We're here little buddy."

Arcc squeals "YAY! Toy store!" while bouncing up and down in his seat. Bob holds his hand as they make there way into the store. It's a big one but it must be a slow day cause almost no one else is here. Bob lets Arcc run off, following behind him, smiling as the boy oohs and ahhs over all the fun games and action figures. It isn't to long before the little fox pup runs back to the grown up holding a box. "Mr. Doggy sir. You said I could have a toy right? Well I saw this one. It is of my favorite show. Could you please gimme this one, pretty please?"

Bob takes the plastic fronted box from the cubs little paws. Oh it's one of those Coltron action figures. It's some silly little show about a bunch of robotic horse boys who fight tentacle monsters and can turn into a giant robot horse too. He flips over the box to check the price. "Hmm. Well Arcc, this is a little pricey but yeah I think I can get it for you. You'll have to do me a favor first though. Come with me." Bob leads the boy through the store's winding aisles until they find the stuffed animal section. He looks around, and seeing no one nearby he pushes Arcc back onto one of the shelves.

The little fox is startled to be wedged in between a large plush bunny and a big stuffed lion. He's just about to ask what's going on when he hears a soft zipping noise. Mr. Doggy's big pink thing is out and wobbling a little. It's already leaking a few drops of that clear goo. Arcc can see the man's tail wagging happily as he leans in closer.

"You know what to do now, don't you boy? Be quick and keep quiet," whispers the adult.

Arcc leans forward knowing just what Mr. Doggy wanted him to do. It seemed like such a silly thing, but he was a nice man, and he was going to be getting a new toy out of it. The young pup gently licks the head of that big old dog cock, lapping up the few stray strands of pre.

Bob bites his lip to keep from moaning at the first little licks. The boy is so good. It's almost like he was born to suck cock. As those tender lips wrap around the throbbing head of dog meat the big sheppard knows he won't last long. Between the sweetness of Arcc's wonderful muzzle and the thrill of knowing just feet away are other little cubs and their parents, this session is destined to be short but intense.

The fox kit is surprised when Bob's hands grip his head, pulling him forward. The adult rocks his hips, thrusting into Arcc's maw faster then the boy can keep up. The boy tries his best though, knowing he has to make Mr. Doggy happy if he wants the toy. His tongue presses up hard into the underside of that big cock, inadvertently tracing the big vein that would feed him his salty prize. The dog's knot starts to form at the base of the big man's cock. The pup is startled to see that mass of swelling flesh grow right before his eyes.

Bob whimpers softly. He just needs one last little push over the edge. "Use your paws boy. Give it a good squeeze."

The little white paws reach out and wrap around the knot. It's too big for one hand and almost too big for both. Arcc gently strokes it, listening to the adult murr as he does before he finally gives it a nice long squeeze.

Bob grunts and bites his lip so hard his eyes water. But still the final release is so worth it. The big dog feels like he's floating on air as his body shudders and he floods the boy's muzzle with puppy juice.

Beneath the shelves, and between the plushies Arcc does his best to keep up with the adult's salty load. The boy gulps down as much as he can, his efforts sending shivers through Bob's body. However it's just too much and some seeps out.

The adult is a little too quick pulling back as the realization of where they are sinks in. The last major spurt sends ropes of sticky cum spraying across both Arcc and his stuffed neighbors. With one quick motion Bob pushes his still hard member back into his pants and zips up before smiling down at Arcc. "Such a good boy," he coos, "You definitely earned your toy today. But you made such a mess." He kneels down and pulls out a pack of tissues carefully wiping up ant remnants of his oral adventure. A passing clerk happens to look in on them but doesn't see anything out of the ordinary, just a father wiping away his child's tears.

Bob stands up after the boy is all cleaned. He notices the fresh jizz splattered across the soft toys and chuckles, picturing some unassuming parent buying a plushie so their cub could snuggle into his cum. "Now lets go buy your toy my boy. I have to get something too so we might have to wait a little bit at the counter, but then we'll get lunch, okay pup?"

"But Mr. Doggy, didn't I just have lunch?" The little kit looks up at the grown up puzzled with his belly quite full.

"No," chuckles the adult. "That was just a treat. You'll be hungry again in no time."

They ring up the purchase at the counter and Bob hands it down to the little fox. Arcc smiles and looks at his new toy smiling. Mr. Doggy was such a nice man. He always had such silly games to play and was so much fun too. Eventually Bob finished talking with the clerk and signed something before taking Arcc's paw and leading him back out to the car. Arcc was about to buckle himself in when Bob stopped him. "Oh don't worry about that sweet cheeks. Right now I have a present for you." The grown dog pulls out a little purple cell phone and hands it to Arcc. It's one of those cub safety cell phones made for worried parents. "This is a special phone. See it doesn't have any numbers on it but if you push that button right there it'll call me. Now I'm the only one with your number son and I've set the phone to vibrate. I want you to have it with you all the time and you have to keep it a secret. If you don't then your parents might take it away from you and we could get in trouble. If you feel it vibrate I want you to find a private place and call me back, and if you ever wanna see me just give me a call too."

"Yes sir Mr. Doggy, I understand." The little pup nods as he examines the phone. He'd never had a cell phone before. His grownup friend always has the best presents.

They pull into the drive thru lane of a Burger Thing. Bob rolls down the window and gets ready to order from the speaker box. "I'd like a double cheeseburger with bacon, and a chicken Cubs meal with a strawberry shake please." The Dog just nods at the box as it rattles off the price before pulling up a little. There were several cars ahead of them so they had some time to kill. "Hey Arcc wanna sit in my lap for the ride home?" One paw quickly undoes his zipper letting that large doggy erection spring forth.

"Uh okay Mr. Doggy." Says the little boy. A little worried, he ridden on his daddies lap before but he didn't do it like this. He climbs up into the man's lap straddling his hips as Bob grips the back of the pup's shorts.

The adult jerks them aside just enough for anal access but so they still cover the boy's crotch. Bob guides Arcc's sweet little bum onto his dick. "Now sit down Arcc. Don't worry it's just like a seatbelt it'll keep you safely in place while we drive." The Sheppard waits letting the boy impale himself on that lance of man meat.

The little pup moans softly as he pushes down. That thick rod stretching his well used bum open once more. Arcc shivers a bit as Bob moans into his ear.

Bob groans loudly, luxuriating in the sweet tightness of the boy's little body. "No matter how many times I fuck that ass, you still manage to be so tight. You're such a good little puppy. Now hold on it's our turn at the window." They pull ahead a little bit, Arcc whimpering softly as the start and stop motion of the car jerks him around on that big doggy dick.

Bob hands the money up to the teenaged cat manning the drive thru. And as the man hands back the change and food he smiles down at Arcc. "Hey little man. Your daddy letting you steer the car today? Wow you must have been a good boy." The little white fox just blushes and nods up at the man.

Bob bites his lip to keep from moaning as that tight little cubby ass clenches down on his cock. "Ohh he's always a real good boy." As the pull out from the restaurant the dog carefully keeps his eye on the road. "Now Arcc." He whispers in one sweet little ear. "I'm sorry to say you're not totally safe yet. We need to lock you in place so you won't fall off." As the German Sheppard pulls out into traffic, the cub gets pushed down onto that cock earning a soft little moan. "So to make it as safe as possible I'm gonna have to tie with you. Since I'm busy driving you're gonna have to do all the work pup. Can you do that?"

The little white fox moans softly, it does feel good after a while, and nods. "Yes, sir. But couldn't I just get back into my seat and buckle up?"

"Well I suppose so. But you'd miss out on all the fun of being in the drivers seat and I just want this day to be special." He tries to put as much emotion in the tone as he can. He wants the cub to think he actually has a choice here. That the boy could climb off if he wanted to, but it would make him really sad. He doesn't want to spoil Arcc's status as a voluntary fuck toy just yet. It seems to work as the boy stays put, even snuggling back into his lap. "Okay puppy here's what you do. I need you to do is bounce up and down in my lap. Do it nice and slow for me okay boy."

Arcc's little paws rest on the steering wheel for leverage as he rocks forward. He can feel that big old length of meat sliding back and forth as he moves. Mr. Doggy is moaning happily behind him as he slides it in and out of his achingly full behind. "Like that Mr. Doggy?"

Bob is in heaven, not only is he fucking the tightest little ass there is he's doing it in full view of a hundred other folks. "Ohh just like that but a little harder. Ohh what a sweet little boy bitch you are Arcc. I wish I could breed you everyday, to fuck you in to bed at night, to pound that tight little ass till your tail falls off."

Arcc blushes as Mr. Doggy starts talking dirty again. He moans out loud himself. He can't help it, it's starting to feel really good. Groaning softly he feels the grownups knot starting to form. He can feel it pressing into his butt every time he pushes back into the Doggy's lap. He whimpers softly and bites his lip before pushing down really hard. The puppy's squeal is matched by the big dogs triumphant shout as that baseball sized organ squeezes past the kit's tired little pucker.

With that ecstatic howl bob's right hand pushes down the front of the cubs shorts. His fingers wrap around the boys own little rock hard erection as he steers left handed up his street. Furiously masturbating the little fox as the throbbing sex wedged obscenely between the boy's cheeks floods his bowels. Arcc shudders and slumps forward collapsing over the steering wheel as they pull into Bob's garage. He holds the cub close with one arm as he carries him and their lunch into the house. It'll be a little while before the knot goes down and it seems like the perfect time for a meal.

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