Jonestown Tea Cup 4

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And now for the fourth cup of tea. Things are starting to pick up now, and it seems like a lot is happening.

Anyway. Characters and locations are mine.

Cassidy is


Cup Four

"What do I do now?" "What do I do now?"

That night, despite the events of the day, the opossum slept like a rock. The drugs that she was given did it's job, lulling her body into a slumber and keeping her there, it even seemed to keep the dreams at bay, just wrapping her in the darkness. The only down side, was the fact that she slept through Lola getting up and leaving with her new family. She had woken up to an empty bed next to her, save for the suit case that was sitting on it and a note on her bed side table. "Lilly, I know that we only knew one another for a short time, but it was the best time that I had. You where there for me and helped me feel better about the things that happened and about finding a family. I hate that I'm leaving you behind, but I will come and see you every time that I can. Also, always remember to be strong. You are one of the strongest people that I know, I know that you went through a lot, but I also know that things are going to get better for you." Lilly said, reading the letter out loud, tears in the corner of her eyes. She sniffled a bit as she folded the letter up and put it in the envelope, along with the little paper that Cass gave her, before hiding it under her pillow. "Lilly, sweetie." A voice came followed by a knock. "Are you awake?" Amanda's voice came again as the door creaked open. "I'm up." Was all that she said, it came out in a tired, down trodden voice. "Good." The rat said in a cheerful voice as she walked into the room and sat on the bed that used to belong to Lola. "I know that this is a little fast, but we have a room mate for you." She said reaching out and putting her hand on Lilly's "It's not even been a full day." The little opossum said, not looking up. "I bet her bed is still warm." She said in a near hiss as she looked up, tears in the corner of her eyes. "I know, but it's the goal here. We want to get you kids out into a nice family." She said getting up and moving to sit next to the opossum. "Soon you will end up like her, finding a nice family that will take care of you, and you can put the past behind you." She said pulling Lilly into a hug. "Hopefully." Was all that Lilly said, going back to looking down at the floor. "And, forgetting one's past isn't as easy as you think. When you have demons like mine, they don't go away." "I know that it's hard, but with Darwin's help, and the help that you'll get from your family, you can do it, you're a strong girl." Amanda said smiling and giving her one last hug. "Ready to meet your new room mate?" "Not really." Lilly said shrugging. "I honestly don't feel like meeting someone, then getting to know them and having this happen again." She said looking up to the pink bag that was sitting on the bed across from her. "Silly girl." Amanda said smiling and patting her on the shoulder. "You have to remember, that here, it's never a good bye, just a see you later. All of the friends that you meet and make here will always be just around the corner, and I know that Lola will keep her promise and come visit you, and I'm sure that once they get settled, they will come and steal you off for a day or two." "I hope so." Was all that Lilly said, looking up to Amanda and putting on her best smile. "That's my girl." She said happily. "Now, lets meet your new room mate shall we?" She said getting up and walking to the door and nudging it open. "Lilly I want you to meet Katie, Katie, meet Lilly." Amanda said as the girl walked into the room. The girl that walked through the door was clearly older, and of some species that Lilly had never seen before. Tall, rounded ears poking out of a mop of red hair, glittering green eyes shyly looking at the opossum and rat sitting on the bed. The girl's little black nose twitching at the end of her long, pointed muzzle, the whole package wrapped up in fawn brown fur, with darker and white stripes along her back, long bushy tail twitching behind her. "I will let you two have a little time to get to know one another." Amanda said as she got up and patted Lilly on the shoulder and then started out of the door, patting Katie on the shoulder to. "Um... Hello." The shy critter said blushing and walking over to her bed and sat down. "I'm Katie Flowers." "What are you even?" Lilly asked, looking her over, not moving from her seat. "Wh... What do you mean?" She said slowly starting to open up. "And it's impolite to ask someone a question like that without giving your name." She said in a little huff. "Lilly Swampwater." The opossum said rolling her eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you and all that. Now what are you?" "I'm a numbat." She said putting a hand on her hip. "We are a marsupial from western Australia." She said in a vary matter of fact tone. "Ok." Was all that Lilly said as she flopped back onto her bed. "Um. So. Your an opossum right?" Katie asked, trying to make conversation. "I'm a lot of things." Lilly said looking up to the ceiling. "But yes, I'm an opossum, prehensile tail, pouch and all that shit." "Such vulgarity." The other marsupial said. "That's not nice, or proper." "I'm just going to tell you to get used to it." She said, thinking about what she said, smiling as she thought how Cass was starting to rub off on her. "I cuss, and a number of other things." "I'm sorry." She said out of the blue, causing Lilly to sit up. "I need to learn to be a little more open." "Well, you hang around her, you kinda have to." She said looking over at Katie. "Let me guess, up tight family? Rough family? Something like that?" She asked, curious about the other girl. "My family..." She started, shivering a little. "Short of it, they abandoned me cause I was different." She said looking down. "Really?" Lilly asked as she got up and sat down next to her. "Why? What's so different?" She asked looking her over. "You look like a normal numbat... Then again you're the only one that I have seen." "You're not helping." Katie said keeping her focus on the floor. "I don't want to really talk about it. Lets just say that no matter what I can't be what they want me to be and be happy with myself." She said softly. "I'm sorry." She said putting her arm around her. "Well if you ever want to, I'm here." She said giving her a squeeze. "And look at it like this, there is still a chance that your family could change, I bet when they see what an awesome woman that you grow up to be, then they will be kicking themselves." "Th... Thank you." Was all that Katie was able to squeak out before sniffling, letting out a little squeak as she felt Lilly pulling her tight. "I tell you what." The opossum said softly. "You take a few moments to collect yourself, while I go get us something to eat." She said smiling and getting up and heading out of the room on the way to the kitchen. "Look who it is." An all to familiar voice came from behind the opossum, causing her to stop and turn. "Still sore from that beating?" "I don't know, are you still stupid and fat?" Lilly asked as she looked at the cow that was standing at the end of the hallway. "That mouth is going to get you into some deep shit." Bessie said as she started walking to the opossum. "Not as much trouble as your going to be in." Lilly said smiling, knowing that they where going to get their's soon enough. "And the only reason that you got the upper hand on me is that little bitch of your's." "Bullshit." She said as she started walking up to her. "I was whooping your ass and you know it." "In your dreams you fat cock sucking bitch." The opossum said, not caring who heard it, smiling the whole time that she did, showing more and more that Cass was rubbing off on her. "I'm going to have to beat you till you do learn, you smart mouth, should have been abortion." She said getting even closer to her, at this point Lilly took a step back and raised her fists, standing like her lover head shown her. "Girls!" A loud, male voice rang through the hall, making Bessie stop and Lilly lower her guard. "Bessie May White, go to Amanda's office right now, I'll be there in just a moment." James said pointing his finger back down the hallway to Amanda's office. The cow girl huffing and stomping off to the older rat's office. "Thanks." Lilly said smiling up to James. "I owe you one." She said as she followed him into the kitchen. "It's no trouble." He said as he went around the counter. "Need something to eat?" "Yeah, for me and the new girl." She said leaning on the counter. "It sucks that Lola is gone." She said watching the fox turning to start fixing her and Katie something to eat. "I know, but at least she is with a family now." He said as he worked, putting pancakes and bacon onto plates. "I don't guess we still get the extra food." She said giving him her cutest look, needy eyes, the whole nine yards. "You can, but you have to do something for me." He said stopping and turning to face the little opossum. "You sure that Lola didn't over pay you the last time?" She said smiling, hoping he would give her a freebie. "Nope." He said smiling and leaning in. "But I will give you a deal." He said getting a little closer. "I'm a man of simple tastes and needs, just a blow job." He said standing up. "Ok." She said letting out a sigh. "And I suppose you want it now." She said looking up at him. "It would be nice." He said smiling as she walked around the counter. "Come on." He said smiling and leading her back into the kitchen, into the dry goods stock room. "This better be worth it." She said rolling her eyes.

"And I remember him fucking me," "And I remember liking it," "I didn't know any better."

Without saying anything, the male fox was leaning against one of the crates, unbuttoning his jeans. Lilly shivered just a bit, bad memories starting to crop up, but she did her best to push the out as she walked up to the fox and between his legs. She didn't say anything as she finished pushing his jeans and boxers out of the way, freeing his sheath. She leaned in and took a deep breath to steady herself, before poking out her tongue and starting to lick at his white furred sheath. Slowly her tongues work caused the male's red tip to poke out. She closed her eyes as her tongue started licking at the tip, the salty taste hitting her tongue, dragging more memories up for her, but she pushed through them and kept licking the swelling member. Once she finally had him hard she took the tip in her muzzle and slowly started sliding down on his cock. She took her time to get a rhythm going, before speeding up and taking more of the flesh spire into her mouth. She kept at it, tensing up the moment that she felt his hands on her head, she shivered as she closed her eyes tight and started forcing herself down onto his cock, swallowing and deep throating him with a gag. She heard him saying something, thinking that it was something degrading, telling her bad she was at sucking cock, how she would never please a male. The gagged loudly as she felt the cock in her throat twitching and starting to pump its load into her. She pulled back, a splash of seed hitting her tongue getting swallowed down, the cock slipping out of her muzzle just in time to splash her face with the last jet. "Damn girl." He said looking down at the opossum. "I didn't know you could do better than Lola." "I don't want to talk about it." She said using the edge of her shirt to clean her face. "Just the food and I'll go." She said getting up, leaving him to tucking himself in as she left. She grabbed the food and rushed off to her room. "Sorry it took so long." She said as she handed Katie her plate and setting her's on her bed before rushing off. "Thank you." Was all that the numbat was able to squeak out as Lilly rushed out of the room and to the bathroom. Shivering and heaving as she reached the room, slamming the door behind her and locking it. "I can't." Was all that she said before falling to her knees at the toilet, heaving hard as she started puking, forcing out the load of cum that she just swallowed, along with her dinner from the night before. "Not again." She said, leaning back, panting. "We will just have to starve." She said heaving again. She stayed there for a few moments few getting up and walking to the sink, turning the tap on and using her hands to gather up the running water and bringing it to her muzzle, swishing it around and spitting it into the sink. She did her best to avoid looking in the mirror before turning and heading back to her room. "Are you ok." Katie asked as Lilly walked into the room and went to her bed. "You look a little pale." "I'm ok." She said sitting on the bed, looking at the food, starting to pick at it. "It's a long story, and I'm not ready to talk about it." She said looking down, refusing to make eye contact with her. The two sat there eating, well Katie was eating, Lilly just picked at the meal, eating just enough to quite her hunger. Lilly went through the rest of the day in a haze, drained form the morning's events and the fact that one of her best friends was now gone. She did her best to help Katie get settled and getting everything of her's unpacked, all the while, doing her best to act like nothing had happened, trying to act like the pain and memories of her past weren't there. Soon the day started coming to an end, the two where just lounging around their room after dinner. "So Lilly, you never told me." Katie asked as she turned over in bed and looked over to the opossum, much like Lola would. "How did you get here?" "You never asked." She said half smiling as looked up at the ceiling, practically drilling holes in it with her eyes. "It's a really long story, and I don't really like to talk about it." "Well you know, talking about it can help." She said, propping herself up on her elbow. "Yeah, I know, and that's why I go see a therapist every other week." Lilly said rolling her eyes, trying to figure out if she was trying to pry or if the numbat was really trying to help. "Stop being mean, I'm just trying to help and get to know you." She said poking her tongue out at. "Ok." Was all that she said as she sat up. "My dad was a bad man, started drinking and that made it worse. One day he snapped, he shot and killed mom, I don't care what he or his lawyer says, he did it." She said taking a deep breath. "And then, he got worse, and finally went over the deep end, he tried to kill me and then himself." She said shivering. "Oh wow, I'm sorry." She said, opening her mouth to say something else, but only to get cut off by Lilly. "Don't be." Lilly said flatly. "It's not your fault." She said looking down to the end of the bed. "I made it out mostly unharmed, and he's dead." She said smiling and snickering a bit. "He got what he had coming to him, I just wish I could have seen the look on his face." "Oh wow." Was all that Katie managed to get out, Lilly was sure that she had freaked her out at this point. "I swear that I'm normal and all that." She said smiling softly to her friend. "That's just a touchy subject." She said, a knock on their door catching their attention. "Girls." Amanda's voice came as she door creaked opened and she walked through the door. "Lilly its time for your medication." She said handing her a glass of water and a small pill. "Thanks." Lilly said taking the pill and looking at it in her hand. "Oh," Amanda said as she turned to face Katie, Lilly quickly tugged her shirt up a little and slipped the pill into her pouch and put her shirt down. "You have an appointment to see our therapist this week." She said, turning in time to see Lilly drinking down the water and handing her the glass back. "Thank you." Katie said smiling as she crawled into bed. "All right you two, get some rest." She said as she watched Lilly getting into her bed as she turned to head out the door. The two layed there in silence for a few moments, before Lilly sat up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed. "I Should tell you now." She said standing up. "I have a friend that comes and sees me some nights." She said walking over to the window. "I trust that you won't say anything... other wise... it might not end good for any of us." She said looking out the window, seeing a figure making it's way up to the building. "Here she comes now." Lilly said as she opened the window and started climbing out of it. "I shall be back soon." "O...Ok." Katie said tilting her head and watching her climbing out of the window. She stayed in bed for a few moments before getting up and sneaking over to the open window, peering out just in time to see a porcupine girl that was clearly older than Lilly, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tight. "Hello there my little slut." Cass said smiling as she pulled away from the hug. "I've missed you." She said leaning in and kissing her on the cheek, her nose wrinkling at a scent that she picked up. "I can explain." Lilly said, knowing that she could smell it, even though she did her best to clean it up, she just knew that the scent of her deeds clung to her fur. "I didn't do it cause I wanted to, I did it so that we could get enough to eat." She said blushing and looking down, tears welling up in her eyes. "Normally Lola would but she left today, she got adopted." She said, not looking up. "Don't worry slut, I know that it's not something that you wanted to do, it's something that you had to do to survive." Cass said. Lilly could tell that the porcupine was pissed to say the least, she could feel her shiver a bit. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do it anymore. Katie and I will just have to starve." Lilly said, lifting her shirt up and reaching into her pouch and pull out the pill. "And I'm not taking these things any more either." She said taking and tossing it into the grass. "Say slut. If I wanted to talk to this guy, what would his name be, and where might I find him?" Cassidy said smiling and looking Lilly right in the eye. "Cass... Your not going to do something bad are you?" She asked, shuffling her feet a little, looking down, though she still felt her lover's eyes on her. "I'm not going to do anything... to bad, so be a good slut and tell me." She said pulling her close and starting to nip at her shoulder and neck. "Ok..." She squeaked out. "His name is James, and he lives in the little building over there." She said pointing to a small building at the end of the fenced in yard. "Thank you slut." Cass said smiling as she let go of the opossum and started walking off to the building. "Cass... Don't hurt him." She said following her, just a few steps behind. "I'm not." She said getting to the door and knocking on it. "What is it?" James' voice rang out as they heard him making his way to the door. "Yes?" He asked as he opened the door to the sight of the pissed porcupine and the opossum that was behind her trying to reason with her. "You James?" Cassidy asked, taking a step closer to him. "We need to have a talk." She said smiling up to him. "I am, and what is this about?" The fox asked looking down. "Lilly what are you doing out of the building at this time of the night." He said, starting to get and little riled up. "Don't you worry about that." Cass said looking him dead in the eye. "I know your dirty little secret." She said, lifting her finger to point at him. "I know about you getting girls here to give special favors to get enough to eat." She said stepping closer to him. "This girl his is mine." She said pointing to the opossum behind her. "And if you ever touch her again, I will make sure that your little secret will be all over the news." She said stopping to take a breath. "And in a little town like this, news and rumors like that will travel fast." "What!?" He asked, surprised that all of this was happening. "Look, lets just cool it here." He said trying to think of a way to get out of this. "Ok, I'll keep it in my pants." "And you won't say anything about the two of us out here, now or any night." She said, her quills standing on end to show that she wasn't joking in the least. "Ok, ok. I didn't see anything." He said taking a step back. "I'm just going to go back into my room, cause there is nothing happening." He said as he pushed the door closed. "That's one thing down, just one more thing to do." Cass said smiling and pulling Lilly close and pressing her lips to her's. "Mmmmmmh can my little slut handle one night of not getting off?" She asked. "Cass, what are you planning on doing now?" Lilly asked, tilting her head, pulling her close and holding her. "But yes I can." "That's my good little slut." She said smiling and patting her on the rump. "Now scoot on off to bed. I have something to take care of." The porcupine said, watching Lilly as she reluctantly let go of her, and turning to walk off. "Love you slut." "Love you to." Lilly said, turning back to wave before climbing up the tree, and making her way back to her room. "Welcome back." Katie said as Lilly stepped back in and closed the window behind her. "Have fun." "Something like that." Lilly said going back to her bed, flopping into her bed. "She couldn't stay long this time, she had other things to take care of." She said snuggling into her pillow, a little forlorn. "Oh. Well good night." Katie said as she snuggled back into her bed, the opossum doing the same.

"Your head upon a stick," "Would look really sick," "But they would call me crazy," "For the way I spoke to it."

Cassidy smiled as she made her way up the tree, having watched Lilly do it enough to be able to make it up, considering this was the first time that she climbed up a tree. She counted the windows as she walked along the ledge of the room, stopping at the fourth one. She smiled as she plucked two of her longer quills, jamming one on each sides of the bottom of the window, wedging and wiggling them around until she got the window lifted up enough she could get her fingers in and the window lifted up. She quietly climbed in, looking around and spotting the sleeping cow and goose in their beds. "This is going to be to easy." Cassidy whispered as she reached into her pocket, pulling out a small roll of electrical tape. "Your going to regret fucking with my slut." The porcupine smiled as she picked up a sock from the floor before getting to Bessie's bed. In a flash she jammed two fingers into her mouth and yanked it open then shoved the sock in her muzzle and tapped it shut. Cass grabbed Bess' hand pulled it back behind her back and then doing the same with the other one, using the tape to bind them together. "You see what happens when you mess with my slut." She whispered into the cows ear, before letting go of her and turning to Bri's bed. At this point the scared cow let out a scream, muffled by the dirty sock that she had stuck in her muzzle. Slowly Cass' next target started to wake up, but in a flash the porcupine had picked up a large pair of panties and shoved them into her beak. "You two, shut the fuck up." Cass hissed out as she tapped Bri's beak shut with Bessie's dirty panties in her mouth. "You know, that works so perfectly. You like to be a little kiss ass" Cass said with a snicker as she tapped the bird's feathery arms together with the last of the tape before pocketing the spent roll. Cassidy didn't say anything as she pulled the cow out of the bed and onto the floor, snickering at the thud the heifer made. From another of her pockets she pulled out a straight razor and flicked it open. The moment the cow saw this she started shaking her head and screaming out again, the bird doing the same. "I would shut the fuck up you two, or I will really use this." She said flicking the blade around, making it glint in the light. "This is what you get for messing with my slut." She said walking up to the cow, and grabbing her long blond hair in her free hand. "If you ever mess with my baby, with my Lilly, I will end you, you fat, fucking hunk of hamburger." She said as she yanked her hair up and started sawing through it, soon haphazardly cutting it off. She kept hacking at her hair, leaving it long in some spots and short in the others, even making complete bald spots. Once she was happy with the work that she had done, she stood up and turned to the goose, who at this point was sobbing into the panties gag. Cassidy walked over and kneeled down, smiling darkly at her. Her free hand reaching out and grabbing a few feathers on her head, and yanking them out in one smooth movement. "Mmmmh and that goes for you to," she said as she reached for another hand full of her head feathers. "If you mess with my Lilly, this place will be eating one hell of a chicken dinner." She said as she pulled more and more of her feathers out, doing another sloppy job as she did. Smiling again as she stood up and walked over to one of the dressers in the corner, looking through the different school supplies and crafting odds and ends, finding just what she was looking for. She turned back to the two and smiled as she held a bottle of glue. Without saying anything, she walked over to the pile of feathers on the floor and scooped them up and walked over to Bessie. "I Would close my eyes if I where you." She said smiling as she turned the bottle of glue over, and pouring it onto the cow's head and what was left of her hair, smiling with the sloppy mess that she made, slapping the feathers on her head before scooping up Bessie's hair and repeating the process with Bri. "Almost perfect." She said as she went back to the cow, cleaning her hands off on her fur. Cassidy smiled to herself as she pulled the cow onto her hands and knees, but with her hands bound behind her back, she couldn't hold her front up, she was left there with her face and upper half laying against the old carpet, kicking her legs open before going over to Bri and grabbing her by the scruff of her neck, pulling her over to Bess' fat ass. She smiled a little wider as she yanked the cow panties down and then tugged Bri again, pulling her so that her beak was burred between the cow's butt cheeks. One hand held her there, the other fished out another roll of electrical tape, and with surprising skill the porcupine started tapping the goose to the ass that she loved to kiss the most. "Oh that is just perfect." Cass said as she stepped back and looked at her handy work. "The ugly fat cow, and her ass kissing friend." She said kneeling down one last time. "And you two remember, that if you mess with my slut, my baby, my Lilly, things will get a lot worse." She said standing up and heading to window, climbing out of it, smiling and humming to her as she went to the tree and started climbing down it and making her way home.

"Tight lipped from the stitches." "It wouldn't have much to say."

The next morning came fast, the light seeping through the blinds on the window, causing both Katie and Lilly to roll over and try and hide from it, the two wanting more sleep. Soon the two started tossing and turning, not being able to find that one spot where they could hide from the sun, but even at this point they couldn't get to sleep, a knock sounding through the room. "Lilly, are you up, I need to talk to you." Amanda said as she stuck her head in the door, looking at the two cubs sleeping. "Hmmm?" The opossum mumbled as she tossed and turned. "Lilly this is important, I need you to get up." Amanda said as she walked over to the opossum's bed, a male police officer walking in behind her. "What?" The opossum asked as she sat up, feeling a weight on her bed as the rat sat down. "There was an incident last night." The older rat said. "We need to talk to you about it." She said looking at the sleepy opossum "What happened?" She asked, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Well someone broke into Bessie's and Bri's room and well, attacked them." She said looking at her, dead in the eyes. "Ok, what's that got to do with me?" The opossum asked, meeping a little as she saw the officer standing at the foot of her bed. "I don't like them, and they more than likely deserved it, but I didn't do anything. I was in bed all night." "Are you sure, cause they two said they the person that attacked them kept saying your name." The male officer said as he walked closer. "Saying that, they where doing it cause you where their slut or something like that." He said looking over some notes on a paper. "Like I said, I don't know what your talking about, I don't know who would do something like that for me." The opossum said, trying to hide her blush. "Do you have any proof of this?" He asked, now standing next to the opossum, looking down at her. The sight of the male standing right next to her made her uncomfortable, causing her to draw up and try to tug the blankets over her head. "Office, please back down a little." Amanda said taking note of Lilly's reaction to the male officer's advances. "She is fragile." "This is a serious crime." He said looking down at her. "If you know who did this and you try to hide them or help them, then you can get in just as much trouble as them." "I told you, I was here last night, I don't know what happened." The opossum said frantically as she started back off, wanting to get away. "I was here, sleeping." The little joey said as she keep kept scooting across the bed, to the point of hitting the wall that was behind her. "Officer, I think that you need to back off." Amanda said getting up and pointing at the door. "Your making it worse for the poor girl." "I'm sorry, but I have to do my job." He said looking over to the rat. "I know that, but you have to remember that this is an orphanage, and some of the kids here have...bad pasts." Amanda said, pointing to the door again. "I will talk to her myself, and let you know, your going about this all wrong." She said as she watched the officer walking out the door with a huff. "What's happening?" Katie asked as she sat up in her bed, looking around sleepily, just in time to see the officer walking out of the door. "Did something happen?" "There was a little incident that happened last night, and two of the other girls here got hurt." Amanda said, climbing onto the bed with Lilly, putting her hand on the shivering little girl. "And from what the girls say, the one that beat them up, kept saying something about Lilly." "But she was here last night." Katie said tilting her head and looking over to Lilly and then Amanda. "She was asleep before me." "I know that Lilly didn't do it." Amanda said patting the opossum. "We will get down to what happened." She said getting up and walking to the door. "You two, just go get you something to eat, and go about your day. If we need to talk to you, we will, but other than that, don't worry about it." The rat said as she walked out of the room. "Lilly? Did you?" Katie asked, turning to face her. "You didn't do it did you?" She asked, looking a little scared. "I didn't... but I think that Cass might have." Lilly said, still staying in her curled up position. "She said that she had something to take care of, and that I needed to get back to my room and get some sleep." The opossum said looking up to her roommate. "Do you think that she would have done it?" The numbat asked getting up and walking over to Lilly's bed. "Maybe it was one of the other girls that did it." She said putting her hand on the opossum's shoulder. "That's the thing." Lilly started out. "I know that she did it." She said shivering a little. "I don't think that she did anything that would scare them or hurt them to bad, but I know that she did something, and she did it all for me." She said blushing and hiding her face in her knees. "I should have stopped her." "It's not your fault that she did it." Katie said patting her back, it was then that the opossum realized that the numbat knew that she did it, and could rat her and Cass out. Without any warning the opossum suddenly lunged at the numbat, pinning her down, holding her arms to the bed, her purple eyes looking down into her green eyes. "Lilly! What are you doing?" Katie asked, whimpering out, struggling against the opossum that was pinning her. "You know that you can't say anything." The opossum hissed out. "You won't say anything will you?" She asked, trying to look tough, but it was clear that Lilly was worried. "Please don't tell them." She asked, letting go of her arms and getting off of the numbat. "I didn't mean to." She said curling back into her ball. "You don't have to worry." Katie said softly, scooting up to the opossum and putting her arm around her. "I won't say anything about it. I know that getting to be around her and all that, that it makes you happy, and I don't want to mess that up for you." She said, giving her a squeeze. "Thank you." Lilly said in a whisper. "That means a lot to me." She said looking over to her. "You went to get me some food the other day, Ill return the favor and do it this time." Katie said smiling and starting to get off of the bed. "It might be better if I went with you, you haven't got to meet James." She said getting up and heading for the door. "Come on." She said waving for the numbat to come with her. "That works to." She said smiling and following behind her as the opossum went out and started leading other girl down to the mess hall. "James." The opossum called out as she walked into the mess hall, watching the older fox jump a bit as his name was called out by the younger opossum. "Oh Lilly," he said turning to look at her. "Ummm, here to get something to eat?" He asked walking around behind the counter. "Yeah, me and Katie." She said smiling, slightly surprised by the way the fox was acting. "Hello." The little numbat said waving a bit. "I'm Katie." "Hello." The older fox said smiling as he was fixing the two something to eat, handing them the food. "Here, you go, you two take care." "Thanks." Katie said smiling and taking on of the plates, Lilly getting the other one before heading off to the table. The two went and found them a spot at one of the empty tables, at this time of the morning most of the other kids had been in the mess hall, eaten and left by this time in the morning. They where sitting there eating, and just chatting about things, Lilly telling her about the different places, the different things that happened, and the people that they need to avoid, telling her about James, and Bessie and Bri, along with the few other bullies that happened to be around. Lilly froze up and covered her muzzle suddenly, looking at the door to mess hall. "Lilly are you ok?" Katie asked tilting her head, all the opossum could do is shake her head up and down. "Are you shur?" She asked reaching out to put her hand on her head. "I am." She managed to squeak out. "Look." She said nodding her head to the door. The numbat tilted her head and looked, smiling and covering her muzzle and starting to giggle like mad. The two where greeted with the sight of Bessie and Bri. They could tell that the two had been through something, both of them had baseball caps on, hading their lack of hair, there where small place on their arms and legs that didn't have fur, torn off from the electrical tape that the porcupine had used. The sound of giggling drew the attention of the cow and goose to Lilly and Katie. The two covered their face and rushed through the room, the quite sounds of sobs echoing out. The two sat there giggling and talking about that, both agreeing that the two got what was coming to them. The snickering and giggling coming back to life as the cow and goose rushed back through the room, taking their food to their room, not wanting to been seen by anyone. The opossum and numbat smiled and went back to eating. The two finished up and went about their days. Lilly taking this chance to take and show Katie around the orphanage, showing her where the bathrooms where, where the playground is and any of the other important places. Their day dragging on like any other, but soon the sun set and it was getting bed time for the two, and like clock work, Amanda came knocking. "Lilly, it's time for you medication." The older rat said smiling as she walked in with Lilly's pill and a glass of water. "Thank you." Lilly said smiling as she took the pill, cutting her eyes to Katie. "Ms. Amanda." Katie said looking to the rat who turned to look at her, once again Lilly took this chance to drop the pill and put her foot over it, "I just want to tell you thank you for putting me with a nice roommate like Lilly." Katie said, distracting her long enough to let Lilly finish drinking the water. "I'm glade to hear that you two are getting along." Amanda said smiling as she took the glass back and left the room. "Thanks." Lilly said smiling and picking up the pill as she made her way to the window. "I'll repay you someday, some way." She said as she opened the window, making her way out of it and to her and Cassidy's regular meeting place. The opossum didn't have to wait long before she saw the beautiful porcupine walking up to her. "There is my little slut." Cassidy said smiling as she held her arms open as she walked up for her, pulling the opossum into a hug. "Cass..." The opossum said, looking up to her lover. "We need to talk." She said, her eyes meeting Cass', a torrent of emotions welling up in her as she said that.

Jonestown Tea Cup 5

The opossum had been stuck in bed for what felt like years, the days and nights running together, everything running together into one long week. She had finally been released from the hospital, only to end up stuck in her bed at the orphanage....

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Jonestown Tea Cup 3

She sat there on her bed, smiling softly as she looked at the small bit of paper in her hands, glancing over every little detail of the paper, every little torn fiber and every little line of the paper. It had only been a few days since she was out...

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Jonestown Tea, Spooky Cake

Jonestown Tea Cakes Spooky Cake. "Hey Lilly tomorrow is Halloween." Lola said smiling looking over from her bed to the opossum that was laying in her bed. Lola, one of the few, if any friends that Lilly had, short, stocky and a fiery attitude to...

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