Jonestown Tea Cup 5

Story by LillyOpossum on SoFurry

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And now we have the fifth cup of tea. It looks like Lilly just didn't want to wait around.... She is on the lamp.

Lilly, Katie, Jonestown and other characters are mine

Cassidy is


Eddy and the frog family is


The opossum had been stuck in bed for what felt like years, the days and nights running together, everything running together into one long week. She had finally been released from the hospital, only to end up stuck in her bed at the orphanage. Despite the fact that all of the workers, Amanda included, were waiting on her hand and foot, but there was still one thing that she was missing, her Cass. She thought back to laying in the room with her, hearing the news that her parents where going to split up and her mom was going to move. She hopped and prayed to whoever that was listening that they wouldn't leave. It was just a few days before Christmas when Amanda had come into her room, doing the normal check up, checking her bandages, changing them if they needed it, giving the little opossum the different medications that the doctors prescribed her. This time, there was something different, Amanda had something in her hand, at first she didn't think anything about it. "Lilly." Amanda said, smiling softly at her. "I know that the past few days have been though, but I have something that might cheer you up." She said handing her the envelope. "You got a letter from someone important." "What?" She asked a little confused as she was handed the letter, her eyes going wide as she seen the name on it. "I will give you some privacy." The rat said as she patted her on the leg, before getting up and walking out of the room.

My Sweet Lilly, I'm afraid I won't be able to see your for a little while. Mom and Dad kept their word, and they split up. Dad is staying in Jonestown, but Mom took me and we moved to some shithole city called Marblecliff. It's in New-Fucking-Hampshire, for fuck's sake. Have you ever met anyone from New Hampshire? No? Yeah, that's how much of a little hole-in-the-wall this place is. My aunt Priscilla lives here, and my cousin, Brittney. God, I hate that name. But Mom figured that having support from family would help us to get back up on our footpaws faster. She also said that this turd of a town offers me a better education and more opportunities. What-the-fuck-ever. It doesn't have you, my little slut. It's going to be awhile until I come back to visit Dad. My parents agree with each other (for once!) that I need some time to get adjusted and settled in before I come back to Jonestown to visit. As soon as I get the chance and am back in Jonestown, fuck them, I'm running away to be with you. This probably won't be until March, though, so in the meantime, I need for you to be strong for me. You can do this, for me. For us. You are so brave, my sweet little Lilly, and so strong. I wish I could be more like you. You may not see it, you may not know it, but I need you so much more than you need me, Lilly. You are my reason for living. Without you, I am already dead, and that is why I will fight my way through Hell and fire to protect you. I love you. ~ Cass <3

The opossum silently mouthed the words as she read over the letter, tears starting to well up in the corners of her eyes, soon turning into streams. Lilly managed to stay strong through the letter until she got to the end, reading that Cass thought she was so strong, and that she was her reason for living, it sent the little opossum over the edge, she started bawling. "Lilly, are you ok?" Katie asked, stepping into the room in time to see her roommate sobbing, holding a letter in one hand. "Not really." She said looking up to the numbat. "Cass and her mom moved." She said holding up the letter, showing it to her. "It will be next year before she even comes back to see her dad, and then she's talking about running away." "Oh Lilly, I'm sorry." Katie said looking over the letter, putting her hand on the opossum's shoulder. "She needs to stay there." Lilly started, taking a deep breath, wincing a little at the feeling in her chest. "There is a lot more there for her." She said looking over the letter, there was a long moment of silence before she perked back up. "I know what I'm going to do." "What do you mean? Lilly, you're not planning something dangerous are you?" She asked looking the opossum in the eyes. "No, not really." She said looking away. "It might not be the smartest thing that I have ever done, but, without Cass, I have nothing to live for." "Lilly, please don't... I don't like the way this is going." Katie said reaching down, taking the opossum's hand in her's. "I'm not going to kill myself or anything like that... I tried that once, it didn't work, so it seems I have something... Or someone to live for, and her name is Cassidy." She said folding the letter, and putting it back into the envelope, setting it with the letter from Lola, and the little paper that Cass gave her the first time they meet. "Then, what are you going to do?" Katie asked, a little confused at the way the opossum was talking. "hehe, I'm leaving." Lilly said smiling and swinging her legs over the side of the bed, starting to get up, only to feel Katie's hand pushing her back down. "Lilly, you know that you can't do that." Katie said, trying to be the voice of reason for the opossum. "Well, it sure beats staying here doesn't it?" She said looking up to her. "Think about it, do you really want to stay in this hell hole?" She asked, not giving her time to answer. "What's that old saying, the grass is always greener on the other side or some shit? Well I am going to the other side." "Well, what about all of us?" The numbat said looking at her, trying to think of a way to stop her. "Well..." The paused for a moment, thinking. "Come with me." Lilly said smiling and looking up to her friend. "It's got to be better than staying here." "Lilly... This has got to be the dumbest thing... But... You're going to need someone to help you get there and take care of you, so I will come with you." Katie said smiling, giving her hand a little squeeze. "Yeah, but you sure jump on real fast." Lilly said smiling and snickering. "We leave tonight, after Amanda comes in, once she leaves, be ready to get up and pack fast." "Wait." Katie said, stopping to think for a moment. "We can't leave tonight, we need to plan a little." "I have a plan... More or less." She said smiling and picking up the letter, pulling it out and opening it. "I know right where to go, Marblecliff in New-Fucking-Hampshire." She said reading the location out just as Cass had wrote it. "How are we even going to get there?" Katie asked as she looked at the opossum. "That's a long walk." "I didn't say anything about walking." Lilly said smiling. "Before coming here, I used to live near some train tracks, so we find them, follow them and at some point we will hit a train yard, and we can hitch a ride." She said nodding, proud of her plan. "How will you even know which one is going to be heading up that way, it's not like they have the directions written on them." Katie chimed in, sitting down on her bed, starting to rethink her plans. "We just have to figure out what one is heading north." She said smiling and nodding. "I think that I still have that compass thing that David gave me." She said pulling open the draw to her bedside table. "I have a feeling that I'm going to regret this." Katie said shaking her head. "Well this is your chance to back out." The opossum said smiling and laying back in her bed. "I'm not going to let you do this by yourself." Katie said laying back in her bed. "I have to say, that since I met you, things haven't been dull." "It's only going to get better or something like that." Lilly said smiling and shifting a little. "We should get a little sleep before dinner, cause it might be a little bit before we can get some real rest." Lilly said closing her eyes. "And make sure you eat good tonight to." The two ended up sleeping the rest of the afternoon way, or at the least, trying to sleep some, both of them were tossing and turning in a mix of worry, fear, and excitement about the plan. Though in the back of Katie's mind, she wasn't sure if she was really ready to do something like this, she knew that she had a little time left to back out. Once dinner time rolled around, the two took their food back to their room, they had planning to do. "Alright girls, you two sleep well, and remember Lilly if you need anything, I am right down the hall." Amanda said smiling as she turned and left the room, leaving the two girls laying in their beds. The two gave the rat some time to get down the hallway before getting out of bed. "This is your last chance to back out of this." Lilly said as she gathered up her bag, wincing a bit as she picked up the backpack. "I'm not going to let you do this by yourself." Katie said as she start packing her bag. "Just making sure." Lilly said as she stuffed cloths into her bag, some of the snacks that she had been gathering over her time here. "You just about ready?" She asked as she went over to the closet, picking out what she was going to wear. "Just about." The numbat said as she finished packing her bag and joining Lilly at the closet, looking for something warm. The two settled on the warmest thing that they could gather, and in this cause, was rather bland sweat shirt and some jeans. "Now I'm ready." She said pulling her coat on and then shouldering her jacket. "Good." Lilly said, pulling her coat on and then her bag as well. "Any last words? Hopes? Wishes or anything like that?" The opossum said smiling as she walked to the window and started opening it, looking out into the cold, snow covered yard of the orphanage.

"Not to touch the earth." "Not to see the sun." "Nothing left to do but," "Run, run, run." "Lets run." "Lets run."

"No, lets just go before I have second thoughts." Katie said as she stood next to the opossum. "Sounds good to me." Lilly said smiling and climbing out of the window, her paws crunching the snow under foot. "Careful now." She said turning and offering her hand to help Katie out. Once the numbat was outside, Lilly reached in and carefully lowered the window, making it look like, at the most one of the two had cracked it open a little over night. "I swear you have done this before." Katie said as Lilly took her hand and lead her to the tree. "Something like that." She said as the two got to the tree. "I used to climb out of my window at home and sit on the roof at night." She said as she start climbing down the tree, pointing out which of the branches where safe. "Did it to get away from your dad?" Katie asked as she started making her way down, Lilly under her to try and catch her in case she fell or something. "I did it to get away from David." She said, fishing out the little keychain compass that he had gotten her. She didn't even know why he had gotten it for her, it might have been something that she saw and wanted it and he got it for her. "Do you know where we are going?" Katie asked as the two made it to the front gate, the numbat starting to look for a way through it. "More or less." Lilly said smiling, and walking over to the small door beside the gate. "My old house is like two streets over." She said as she turned the handle on the door, it creaking open. "I thought this would have been locked." Lilly said as she walked through it. "I thought that I would get to use the quills Cass gave me to pick it." "Lilly, what all has she thought you?" Katie asked as she closed the door behind her, following the opossum as she walked up to the nearby crosswalk, looking both ways before crossing. "Well, she's shown me a lot of stuff." Lilly said smiling, watching little wisps of smoke swirling from her muzzle. "She told me to always work the clit, lick it, rub it, to make sure that I..." "Lilly!" Katie squeaked out, Lilly couldn't see, but she was sure that the numbat was blushing. "What? You asked." She said laughing, the pair getting to another crosswalk, just making their way to the other side, continuing their journey to Lilly's old house. "I know, but I didn't mean naughty stuff." She said huffing a bit as Lilly stopped and turned to look at a house at the end of a short dirt road. "I meant more about life things.... What did we stop here for?" "This..." Lilly said taking a deep breath and starting up the dirt path. "This... It's my old house." She said, stopping at the 'for sell' sign planted in the yard. "It looks like no one's been here since it all happened." She said walking up to one of the windows, peering into what used to be her livingroom. "Oh..." Katie whispered out as she walked up and joined Lilly, looking into the room. "Any reason we're here?" "Yeah." Lilly said walking over to the door, unshouldering her bag and digging through it. "Going to see if there is anything here." She said as she pulled out a pair of quills, with a little work and what Cass showed her, she started working on the lock, soon getting it unlocked, and the door swung open. "I don't want to be here too long, too many memories." She said as she walked in, making her way through the dimly lit house, Katie right behind her. "Katie, go to the bathroom at the end of the hall, look and see if the first aid kit is still mounted on the wall." Lilly said as she stopped at another door. "Ok." Was all that the numbat said as she kept walking, heading to the bathroom. "Ok, you can do this." Lilly said to herself, taking a deep breath, her paw reaching up to the cold door knob, and with a quick little turn and push she had the door open. "Looks just like the day I left." The opossum walked into the room, taking in the sight, all of the furniture, and most of her things were still there, it was clear that her family didn't want much if any, but what was left wasn't important to her anymore. She made her way to the closet, pulling it open, finding that it had been stripped of the clothing that she used to own. "Please be here." She said getting onto her knees. Anyone would have missed it, unless they knew that it was there. When she was younger, she had found a loss panel in her closet, later on she used it hide important things. "Lilly, you in here?" Katie asked as she walking to the little opossum's room, looking around. "Over here." She said, moving the panel, reaching into the dark hole, fishing around for something. "What are you doing?" Katie asked as she leaned in, watching. "Something important." She said, still fishing around. "That is, if it's still here." She said, suddenly perking up. "It is." She said as she pulled out a small metal box. "What is it?" Katie asked as she watched Lilly getting up and walking over to her bed, sitting down and being joined by Katie. "It's a metal box, duh." She said smiling poking her tongue out. "But no, it's how I kept important things safe." She said as she opened it, inside of it sat an old Birthday card, a photo, a switchblade and a necklace with a ring as a little charm. Without saying anything she pulled out the card and opened it, inside was a fifty dollar bill, which was quickly pocketed and the card replaced. Next came the photo. "It's mom and me." She said, showing the photo of her and her mother Lindsey. "You really look like her." Katie said smiling and looking over the photo. "When was this taken?" "Back in July, right before my birthday, right before the cruise." She said, taking the photo and slipping it into a safe place in her bag. She took the necklace, with the ring and put it on. "The ring was my mom's. She never took it off... Until the day she died at least." She said tucking it into her shirt before getting up and shouldering her bag. "Get the first aid kit?" "I did." Katie said opening her bag and showing off the small red box that was sitting in her bag, on top of her clothes. "Good." Lilly said as she reached into the box and pulled out the switchblade, smiling as she held the cold metal in her hand. "Lilly, what is that?" Katie asked as she looked at the metal thing in her hand. "It's a switchblade." She said, pressing a little switch on the side, a long, stainless steel blade springing out of the end of it. "It was my plane B for if the poison didn't work." She said carefully folding the blade back into it's handle. "Never know when something like this will come in handy." She said slipping it into her pocket. "Ok." The numbat said, a little worried now that she got to thinking about more of the dangers of the two's trip. "Well this is all that I needed." She said as she got up and started heading to the front door, Katie in toe. "The train tracks are a little walk past the woods." She said closing and locking the door behind them, motioning for her traveling mate to follow her to her backyard. "Through there?" She asked, meeping a little. "It's not that bad, there is a trail to go through, David and I walked them all the time... Before things got bad." She said motioning for her to follow as she walked into the woods. "I know them like the back of my hand." "Are you sure?" Katie asked as she followed the opossum through the woods. The path that the two were on did seem like it was well worn, and Lilly did seem to know where she was going. "Lilly, have you given any thought to what you're going to do when you get there?" "What do you mean?" She asked as she kept walking, listening to the creaking of branches heavy with snow. "Well, I mean, what are you going to do." She said stopping to think of just how to word her question. "You know that her mom isn't just going to let you move in." Katie said glancing over to Lilly. "I don't know. I didn't think about that." The opossum said, the two of them coming to a clearing. "I quess that I will just have to figure it out when I get there." She said shrugging, the opossum was panting softly after the walk to the old campground. "You might need to think about it, and before you get to far into this." Katie said walking over to Lilly as she bent over, brushing snow from one of the fallen trees and sitting down. "I know, but thinking ahead is something that I have never been all that good at." Lilly said leaning forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "If it come to it, I would stay on the streets, just so long as I got to see her, and I knew that she is in a place that is better for her." Lilly said, Katie sitting down with her. "And what about me?" Katie asked looking over the opossum. "What if I don't want to live on the streets?" "Well, a girl like you, undamaged, all that, you would get adopted in no time." Lilly said sitting up and moving around a little, trying to find a position that takes some of the pain off of her chest. "And besides, if you want, you're more than welcome to go back." She said glancing down the path. "I can make it on my own." "Lilly, you know that i couldn't leave you, not in the shape you're in now." The little numbat said reaching out to put her hand on the opossum's "Trust me, I'm happy to have you here and all, but if you don't want to be here, then I don't want to keep you here." She said turning to face her. "I can handle myself, I mean I have made it this long and it hasn't been a picnic, so, this." She stopped, lifting her hand to her chest. "It might slow me down but it's not going to stop me." "True." Katie said. "But I'm still not going to let you go at it alone." She said smiling. "And like you said, isn't the grass green on the other side or some shit?" "That's right." Lilly said smiling and looking out into the forest, the sky that they could see was starting to lighten up, letting them know that day was going to be breaking soon and they both knew that once day broke, that it wouldn't be much longer after that when Amanda would go in to check on Lilly and find out that her and Katie have vanished. "Well, I think it's time that we got moving again." Lilly said getting up and brushing her cold butt off as Katie did the same. "So how much farther do we have to go before we are out of here?" Katie asked, following Lilly as she started walking. "I don't know. It shouldn't be that much longer." Lilly said with a little shrug. "It's not that scary here." She said smiling. "It's not that." Katie said blushing a bit as she kept following the opossum. "It's... Ummmmm..." She stopped talking for a moment. "I have to pee." "Really? Is that all?" Lilly asked, stopping and turning to face the numbat. "Then again you are from the city." She said with a little snicker. "Out here, any tree is the toilet." She said pointing to one. "But... I have never." She said blushing harder. "I mean someone could see." "We're in the middle of the woods, the only person that will see is me, and I can turn my head." She said shrugging. "And it's not that hard. Just go behind a tree, pull your pants and panties down, squat and go." "O... Ok." She said blushing again as she rushed off the path, and behind a tree. "Don't look." She said as she followed Lilly's instructions, letting out a sigh as she got her pants and panties down, and squatted down. "Don't look." "Oooooh but I am." Lilly said with a snicker, not even looking her way. "You have a nice ass." "Liiiiiiiiiiiiilly!" The numbat mewled out as she tried to go. "I'm not looking it was a joke." Lilly said with an exaggerated sigh. "Hurry up or you'll end up with frostbite." She said, listening to the silence that followed, a soft, fait piddling sound breaking it. It wasn't long after that Katie came rushing back up to Lilly. "S... Sorry about that." She said blushing as the two started walking again. "Don't worry about it." Lilly said smiling a little. "And you'll get used to it, I used to do a lot of camping with mom and David, so it doesn't bother me." She said as they kept walking, Lilly leading the way through the woods. Slowly through the woods, Lilly lead Katie, walking along the paths that her and her dad made years ago, back when times were better. The pair's paws crunching snow as they walked, Lilly's mind some place else, back in a time of peace.

"Remember" "To forget." "To relent." "To surrender."

She could remember that day, that time, back before it all happened. She could remember the smell of the summer flowers in bloom, the blazing heat of the sun as it broke through the trees, even the sounds of the animals. She remembered sitting on his shoulders, looking around and point out all the sights, all the animals, flowers or anything interesting that she found, her mom or him, telling her what they are. She could remember the last time they went camping with her family. How she helped David gather up up the firewood, how she helped her mother set up the tents, meeping in surprise as she watched David getting the fire started, she could even smell the scent of the s'mores that they were making. "Lilly?" A voice called out to her. "Lilly? Are you ok?" The voice sounded again. "Huh, I'm ok mom." She whispered out, it took her a moment to get what she said. "I mean, I'm ok." "Where you thinking about them?" Katie asked as the two kept walking, the numbat looking over to the opossum. "I was. I was back in the summer, four years ago." She said taking a deep breath. "It was the last time we went camping before my birthday, before the cruise." She said just looking ahead. "Before it all happened... I don't want to remember it." She said shaking her head a little. "You know that it might help." Katie said reaching out for the opossum's cold paw. "You can tell me about it." "Well, we went camping before the cruise." She said, feeling the other girl's hand on her's. "There isn't anything special about that. The cruise was a gift from some family that lives in another state or some shit, for my seventh birthday." She continued. "Things happened on the cruise and later on, after things with David started getting bad, he found out, and it got worse." "Worse? What happened on the cruise?" Katie asked, the two coming to another clearing, a large rock sitting roughly in the middle. "Well, I met this boy... And well." She paused, blushing darkly, happy that it was still dim outside. "I lost my virginity to this sweet cat boy... Blake." She said leaning against the rock, slowly sliding down it. "And one night, after David had been drinking, he got a little... Touchy, and one thing let to another, and well... He..." "Oh Lilly, I'm so sorry." Katie said, walking over to her, resting her hand on her shoulder. "I didn't know that he had done something like that." She said kneeling down to her level. "He said that it was punishment for my sin, he said that cause I was his daughter, that I was his property, and that what I did was giving his property away... or some shit like that." She said hiding her face in her knees. "That was the night that he dislocated my shoulder... Didn't even take me to the doctors to get it fixed, did it himself." She said softly. "Lilly, I had no idea." Katie said rubbing her back. "I didn't know that it was that bad." "No one does, the only people that ever believed it was Amanda, Darwin and a few of the doctors, the one's that he wasn't giving money to." Lilly said shivering a little before getting up. "Come on." She said standing up. "There is a little corner store near here, we can rest there." She said starting to walk off into the woods. "Lilly, I... I feel like this is somehow my fault... I mean making you talk about all this... Telling me all of this." Katie said catching up to her, putting her hand on the shorter opossum's shoulder. "It's not, it's not like you knew or anything." She said shrugging. "And like you said, it's better out than in, and I do feel a little better." The two walked the rest of the way in silence, the sun slowly starting to get a little higher in the sky, starting to bathe the woods in it's bright light. Soon the two came to the edge of the woods. The woods ended at the edge of a road, a small, mom and pop corner store across the street. "Whenever we went camping, mom, David and I would come here and get something to eat." She said, looking both ways before crossing the street. The small store was one of the few in the town that was still ran by a family. This store was owned and run by a family of frogs, a large, hand made sign on the building reading 'The Cricket Box. The mom and dad did most of the harder work, ordering things, handing some of the money, but they let the kids handle the smaller things, like stocking, helping customers, even running the cash register. "Lilly is this place even open?" Katie asked as the walked across the parking lot of the store. "Yeah, they open up really early, they get a lot of morning traffic, people on their way to work and all that." Lilly said getting to the door and tugging the door open, hearing a little jingle of the bell. "Hey y'all." A loud, happy voice filling the room. "Is there 'nythin' I can help y'all with?" "No, we're all good." Lilly said walking down an aisle, looking at the different snacks and can goods. "I know dat voice." The happy voice came again, followed by the sound of flopping foot steps. "Ol' Lilly, is day you?" "It is..." She paused, trying to pin the owner of the voice. "Eddy, is that you?" Lilly asked turning around, getted with the sight of a young frog girl, about her age. The frog girl was a friend of Lilly's from years back. When her and her family went camping they would come to the frog's store. Lilly's mom and David would stand around and talk to Eddy's mom and dad as she left her to play with Eddy and her older brothers, Lilly and Eddy got along the best out of all of them. "It's been years girl." The green skinned girl said as she rushed up to the opossum and pulled her into a hug. "It's a long story." Lilly said pulling back, taking in the sight of the girl. She was still the same that she was all those years ago, shiny green skin, yellow tinted, green eyed, topped off with a mop of red hair, pulled back into braided pigtails, the whole package wrapped up in a pair of cute overalls, nothing else, not even shoes. "Well, sit a spell." She said pointing to the tables and booths in the back of the store. "Momma, just finished cooking the biscuits and things, I can get us sumthing to eat." "You sure, it's a really long story." Lilly said looking back to the booths, then Katie, and then back to the frog girl. "Sure." Lilly said smiling and heading back to the booths as Eddy turned and headed to the front of the store. "So I take it, this is going to be a rest stop." Katie said as she took off her backpack and jacket, setting them on the floor, Lilly doing the same. "You know that we can't stay that long, it's Christmas Eve, they are going to be up and getting things ready, and you know they will find out, and the police will be looking for us." "I know, we're not going to be here that long." Lilly said leaning back. "Just long enough to eat, rest and then off we go." "So Lilly where ya been?" Eddy said as she came back to table, carrying a paper bag, and three bottled drinks. "It's all the house." "Thanks Eddy." Lilly said as she took the bottle of coke, opening it and drinking it down, happy to have something to wet her throat. "Thank you." Katie said, doing the same, taking the wrapped up food, looking it over. The tree sat around, and over the next few hours, Lilly, Katie and Eddy sat at the table, eating and getting caught up. Lilly telling the story of how she had gotten here, telling her about her parents, how that all went downhill, how her mother and David had passed, how she spent time in Jonestown orphanage, meeting Cassidy and all the time they spent together, right up to what they were doing now. "And that's why we're here." Lilly said leaning back in the both, purring at the feeling of having home cooked food in her belly. "I'm going to go to her, I need her." She said looking down at the table. "Awwww, so you're doin' it fur love." Eddy said smiling. "Don't worry about me, or Hank, or Jim, or Jason, or Brad, or Henry, or Alexander, we won't say anything about any of this." She said nodding, the opossum giggling a little as she listened to her naming off all six of her brothers. "That's awesome." Lilly said smiling. "I need you to do one last thing for us." She said reaching into her pocket, pulling out the fifty dollar bill. "We have a long way to go, so we need some supplies." She said handing her the money. "Oh, I gottcha." She said smiling and nodding. "Meet me 'round back." She said skittering off, rushing up and down the different isles. "Come on." Lilly said getting up, slipping her coat and pack on before heading out, Katie in toe. The two made their way around to the back of the store, just in time to see people starting to pull up to the building, once in the back the two were greeted with the site of Eddy waiting with a bag in her hand. "It's not a lot, but it should help." She said handing the bag to Lilly, who took her bag off her shoulders and started loading the cans of food and bottles of water into her bag. "You have no idea how much help this is." Lilly said smiling shoulding her bag and hugging the frog girl. "And the train yard is that way? Right?" She asked pointing in the direction that she was pointing. "It is." She said nodding. "Now, Lilly, be careful, I want y'all to come back." She said hugging her tight. "I want to meet this girl you're hunting." "I will." Lilly said smiling and turning as she started walking off in the direction of the train yard. "Lilly, have I told you that I think that you're crazy?" Katie asked as the two made their way back into the woods, Katie happy that the woods where thinner, and it was light out now. "No, I told you that." She said smiling as the two kept traveling, hearing train horns sounding, getting louder. "You really do need to think about this." She said, bringing the subject up. "What is there to think about?" Lilly started, getting cut off by a loud horn going off. "I want to spend my life with her, and I want her to be happy. That's not going to happen in Jonestown." She said, the train yard coming to view. "Oh Lilly." She said shaking her head a little as the two made their way down the small hill to the fence surrounding the yard, stopping and looking around the yard. "When I say think about it, I mean, think about what you and Cassidy are going to do with your lives with one another." She said looking to the opossum, Lilly wasn't looking to her, but at the small compass that she had. She looked up and pointed to an engine in the distance. "That's the one that we need." She said pointing to the engine that was facing north, sitting on a track, cars being hooked up to it, forming a long line behind it. "Come on." Lilly said taking off, running along the fence "Liiiiiiiiiilly." Katie said as she took off after her, following closely as they made their way for the train, and one of the cars that was waiting outside the gate. The two watched as it moved a little, the workers finishing up hooking it up. The two made it to one of the cars with an open door, just in time. Glancing around they could see a few worked in the distance making their way along the train, closing doors and checking connections. The pair clambered into the open car and quickly looked around for a place to hide, settling on a stack of crates in the corner, just enough space for the two to squeeze in. They waited in complete silence as they heard the door closing. Lilly let out a meep as she felt the train jerking and starting to move. "Well, this is it." Lilly said smiling.

Jonestown Tea Cup 6

"Where will these visions lead?" "How far, dare I go?" "Where will this song take me?" "Into the deep, unknown." "All I could smell was her hair... All I could smell was her hair... Burning!" The porcupine yelled into the microphone, singing her...

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Jonestown Tea, Fruit Cake

Fruit Cake "What do you mean my little slut?" Cassidy asked, looking down at her lover, a bit surprised at the sudden forwardness of the opossum. "Something happened last night." Lilly started, looking up to the porcupine. "Someone did something to...

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Jonestown Tea Cup 4

Cup Four "What do I do now?" "What do I do now?" That night, despite the events of the day, the opossum slept like a rock. The drugs that she was given did it's job, lulling her body into a slumber and keeping her there, it even seemed to keep...

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