In The Blink of an Eye

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#21 of Robbin Red

The many paths of life's twisting routes lead often to places yet undiscovered.





can do mathematics, right?"


twisted his mouth up in a grin. "Certainly. If I put my brain to it, I can do

relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, chaos theory... Did you have

something in mind?"


smiled and her horn glowed. "I was thinking that if you have two forms, and I

have two forms, then that means we have four combinations to try. If your wife

could handle you as a dragon, then why couldn't you tackle my dragon form as a



reason other than I listed earlier. My mass is not great enough to handle a

cock necessary in reaching your deepest points inside. I mean, I could do it,

but it would be stupid and awkward. So why bother?"


thought up an image in her brain. She willed it to his mind. He got it loud and

clear. "Yes, I see your point. But I could do that as a unicorn too. But for

arguments sake, yes, it's possible. But that will not get you a child."


wiggled a little in place. "No, but I only need one try for that. Like you

said, if we only have this one time, why waste the opportunity? I've seen you doing

it in your memories, and it seems to me to be unusual. But it appears your

females didn't mind, so who am I to forego trying it at least once? With me as

a dragon and you as a human, I think it wouldn't be too bad."

He gave

her a wink and watched as she reverted to her dragon form. Her cunt was

sizable, since in theory it needed to pass large eggs. But her anus; now that

didn't need to be large. A dragon utilized nearly everything it ate, right down

to the bones. He hadn't even noticed hers before. It was a small round hole

surrounded by miniscule leathery scales. As a human, this was doable hole. It

was even already coated with lube.


human he became. There was no point in foreplay. She wanted to try it and her

hole was ready. He would start small and work it larger as the need presented

itself. He straddled her tail, pulled himself up and over the opening, and

without warning pushed in. She didn't know what to expect, but pain was part of

it. There was no such thing. She didn't know he was willing the sensation down

for the moment. He didn't need her getting startled and belching flame. Huntchy

might not appreciate his home being burnt to the ground.

Once he

was in, he slowly elongated and thickened his cock. She was as hot here as she

was in her other hole. She was tighter too. But then, they had counted on that.

He worked it in until, as a human, could have taken her on regularly as a

unicorn, only vaginally. She brought up her tail and laid it across his back.

"That's just to keep you from slipping out. So far I like this kinky bit. Gives

me reason to try it again in the future!"

He was

pretty turned on too. He felt rather bad that he was enjoying this as much as

he was. He would have to have Sybeele change into a similar form, when she

wasn't already occupied with her forced transformations. Dragons were rare,

even magically created ones, so an opportunity like this was even rarer. He

rather wished he could have done it with Roseroar, those many long years ago.

She looked fantastic in any form she took. But so did Sybeele. It's just that

he was never going to forget his first true love. He sighed. He did his best to push down his old emotions,

but in the end, they clung to him like a second skin. He was, after all, only


That was

precisely the form he was presently in. He grabbed a hold of her legs, locked

his feet against her tail and rammed away. Gentle wasn't going to cut it now,

not with her being so large and tough. She arched a little into his pushes,

pressing her thick tail down with bone-crunching strength. It was like having a

log on his spine. "Eh, Alma! Ease up a little! I promise I'll do my best!" She

choked out some smoke and mumbled an apology.


figured that she was handling it fine, so he upped the stakes a little. Not

only could he change his size and thickness, he could also change its

appearance and texture. He gave it a few ridges; just at the base. He didn't

have the size to push and pull much more than a foot. It was a pity really. But

the change was immediately noted. She let loose a groan that started as a

rumble and ended with a puff of smoke. "Whatever you just did, keep doing it. I

never thought something stuck up my exit would ever feel so welcome!"


didn't take long after that for him to cum. Having a partner who was into whatever

they were doing was a turn-on for him. He never wanted to hurt anyone, but he did

get into some outré things. Alma was up to the task. As he pumped her ass full,

he could feel her tighten up. Her sphincter soon began rhythmically

constricting his cock so hard he had to force it down a size to prevent it

being pinched in twain. He gathered up all his strength and began ramming as

hard as he could, bringing on another climax following directly behind his

first. It was incredibly long and electrifying. By the time he was done, he

felt like a sucked-dry husk.


she didn't. With one final shudder she transformed into her unicorn self. It

was a mistake. She suddenly found her ass packed tight and stretched to the

max. She let out a yelp of pain but was too distracted to switch back. Thankfully

he had encountered this before and was quick to crank down his size. It was too

late however, and a trickle of blood ran down her rump. Even before he could

push in his power to heal her, she turned on hers.


about that" she cried. "I got caught up in the whole thing."


sorry? I'm sorry!" he retorted. "I should have known better. But I hope you're



whinnied a little. "I'll live. The pain's gone, leaving the pleasure behind.

I'm just a little wiser for my mistake." She wiggled a little on her back.

"Since your still there, how about you give me another dose, perhaps a smaller

dose though!"


pushed some healing into his own system, restoring his libido to normal. His

cock he adjusted until it was snug without being obtrusive. He grabbed her back

legs and went to work again. The only thing that dampened his gusto was the

thin trail of red down her otherwise immaculate white coat. Oh well, she had

lost a cherry in a hard, hard way. If she was over it, then so was he. He

worked himself in deep, and with his added rings near the base, pleasured her

for a good hour. When he came, it was as before; long and hard and incredible.

By this

point he would normally have called it quits. He could heal himself

indefinitely, but preferred to find a happy medium. He suggested as much to

her. "You want a happy medium? Go find a sear and overpay her for her services.

I have twenty four hours and I intend to waste not a second of it." At least

she had a sense of humor!


pulled out and moved up higher, since she was still on her back. He was glad it

didn't bother her much, that position, because her height would have made things

tricky for him as a human. He slid into a wet and wonderfully warm hole with

practiced ease. After a suitable adjustment he found the perfect size and went

to work. As he did, he could feel a flow of pleasure coming from her body. She

had learned from him and was pushing her own abilities into him. It was a sweet

gesture of her part. But he didn't need any help in getting off.


grabbed her legs both for stability and to make sure she didn't inadvertently

kick him in the head. Her softly furred fetlocks were delicate, but still a

handful for him. The rest of her fur was equally soft, much like an Icelandic

pony's. He was getting off on just that aspect alone. But she wasn't going to

let it go at that. With a resounding effort, she applied an enormous amount of

pressure to his engulfed cock, bearing down and squeezing with all her might.

It was like her ass, only instead on applying the force merely at the sphincter,

it was the entire length. With each thrust it grew harder and harder to push.

He was in no way deterred, but instead put more energy into his actions. In a

few moments time he came, flooding her insides yet again.

He fell

against her belly, sweat pouring out of him like rain. He could heal himself,

but he was going to need some water soon or suffer dehydration. Without his

full magic, going a full day like a sex-crazed maniac just wasn't going to

work. This time she caught a bit of his thoughts and connected. "Oh all right.

I guess it won't do me any good if you crash and burn before my time is up.

Let's take a break." He pushed off and pulled out, but not without a sigh

coming from both their lips.


was easily accessible, as were a variety of foods catering to equine likes. Apples

were fine with both of them, so they relaxed and ate. It gave Alma a chance to

ask some questions to him directly. "Not that I'm complaining in any way, but

what sort of temporal repercussions are likely to occur with what you and your

wife did, or rather, are doing for me? I always figured I'd die a dragon. Now,

I have to rethink my future, which makes me wonder how I'm going to fit into

the scheme of things."


belched a little. "That depends on you. I have a feeling Eve stuck me back here

for a reason, or perhaps for many reasons. I'm not putting my shoulder out of

joint saying this, but I seem to have a Midas touch."


smiled at him for a moment. It was mainly because she was at a loss for words.

"What does speaking have to do with your joints and what is a Midas that its

tactile manipulation should have anything to do with this situation?"

It was

his turn to gape. Then he busted out in loud laughter. "I'm sorry Alma. I meant

that I didn't mean to pat myself on the back. It's an expression that means

you're promoting your own self worth. As for Midas, he was a legendary king who

gained the ability to turn ordinary objects into gold."


contemplated this for a few seconds. "Gold? Why? You can't eat it, and it's as heavy

as a broken heart to carry. Sure it's pretty, but then so are flowers. If you

get tired of looking at them, you can eat them. As for promoting yourself,

sometimes no one else is going to do it. Nothing wrong with pointing out the

facts. Some people are blind to them. I for one will never forget what you are

doing for me. I will proclaim your name through all of history!"


eyes turned steely. "I'm afraid I can't have you doing that. That is the one

thing I must prohibit. If you must declare a name, use Aiden Drake. If you use

my real name in any form, then I could foresee difficulties."


difficulties?" She got a very thoughtful look on her face. "That's an excellent

idea. Why don't we settle this matter once and for all? I say we travel ahead

in time to see what our union is going to do to our future."


choked. "Go forward? It's a nice idea, but one I hardly think Eve would allow

to happen. I think she'd balk at us even thinking about it, much less her

helping us do it."

Alma wasn't

put off. "You have already time traveled. You are from another world. And you

have great power. Why not try it? As you said, everything you touch seems to

benefit from it. Who's to say that this isn't something you're pre-destined to


She had

a point, but only one point. She seemed to forget that he wasn't the one with

the time traveling abilities. Soooooo, why not try it. If nothing else, the

failure of the attempt would get her to leave off the matter. True, she must

think it important to occupy their time together with this contemplation, but

he would rather spend it doing something he knew would have concrete results. A

child he could guarantee, time travel he could not.


if you really want to try, I suppose I'll go along with it. But I don't see

what good it will do. Suppose we get stuck between times, or get lost on the

wrong planet? Eve had a tether and she miscalculated once and sent me back to

me world, in this time period. That's how I met Sybeele. Suppose we end up back

on my world? What will we do then?"


snickered. "I suppose we'll occupy our time as best we can until we get rescued

or until we live out our lives together. Since neither of us ages much anymore,

I'd say we have all the time in the world to find a way back. But unless we

try, we'll never know, now will we?"


resigned himself to the attempt. Luckily for him he had neither his full power

nor his duar handy. That meant that their experiment was doomed from the start.

It was best to get it over with and get back to the important business of

sexual conjugation.


Miss Smarty-pants, how do you propose we go forward in time? Eve handles the

logistics of the transfer; I'm just along for the ride."


unicorn stood in front of him. "Change to that wonderful black hunk of

stallion. I think we'll need everything it's got to make this work." In a split

second he went from human to unicorn. She licked her lips. "I hope I don't get

distracted. You're an awful lot of equine to ignore in my present state."

She clicked

her horn against his. They were now linked mentally. She rummaged through his

mind, finding bits and pieces of information on this goddess. Jon-Tom, or as he

seemed to prefer, Aiden Drake, often seemed to miss the obvious while picking

up on the greater picture. Perhaps she could find the details she needed in the

corners of his mind.


there it was. The location of the tether as it ran through space-time. He had

closed his eyes to it, but his mind had latched on and hadn't let go. It was a

good thing his time here had been so short and the memory had not faded. It was

just possible that they could do this. That thought jolted her to reality. Up

to now, she hadn't considered it a real possibility. Now that it was...maybe...she

had misgivings. He may have the golden touch, but she didn't. No one else in

the world had ever had to suffer because they were too stupid to be able to

change back from a dragon to their normal self. The idea that this magic may

backfire got her right in the pit of the stomach.

She was

dimly aware of a faint pounding in her ears. It was irregular. There was a

murmur with it, like her heart giving out for the fear now embracing her. She

strained to separate herself from his mind, to recollect herself and rethink

this strategy. The thumping grew louder and the murmur became clearer. It was a

voice. It was Huntchy! He was back! Had

they already used up their time? Her heart leaped at that final word. Time!


rattled the door for ten minutes trying to get them to answer. He was excited

to introduce them to his loves. Finally, as master of his own house, he forced

the door open. The room was empty.

A Cold Blooded Thing to Do.

Mudge wasn't too happy. Traveling alone was his preference. He certainly didn't want to feel like he was responsible for someone. It was hard enough keeping his own skin intact. Looking after a know-nothing member of his own species was ridiculous....

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Alma Mater

Jon-Tom's former room at Huntchy's, now solely occupied by himself and Alma, was devoid of furniture. As equines, they hardly needed it to be comfortable. However, both stood there assessing each other. Despite the urgings of the flesh, he refrained...

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Scaled Down to One's True Self

Jon-Tom couldn't help from staring. His eyes did a little sideways glance to his friend collapsed on the ground. He was breathing, so he was still alive. Alma was apparently back to her normal self. No one alive today had seen her as she was meant...

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