A Cold Blooded Thing to Do.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#9 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

It was pointed out that I was negliecting this file folder. Mudge reminded me with a light stab from his rapier. So, here is another of his stories. I hope he's happy. He says you had better like it too.

Mudge wasn't too happy. Traveling alone was his preference. He

certainly didn't want to feel like he was responsible for someone.

It was hard enough keeping his own skin intact. Looking after a

know-nothing member of his own species was ridiculous. Heck, Mudge

had been able to fend for himself at a fairly early age. It was

either that or he would have been dead long ago. This fool would have

been skinned and strung up years ago.

The object of his contemplation was sitting across the fire from him.

He was maddeningly in a perpetually good mood. A little happiness was

alright, but his constant grin was wearing thin. But here they were,

stuck together at least until they reached Porteeckle. That was where

Juttoquel would be delivered to his aunt. More correctly, his rich

aunt. There weren't too many otters what had money, seeing as they

spent it as quickly as they got it. But this old girl seemed to have

something in the way of ready cash. It was the only reason he had

consented to this trip. He was planning on sweet talking her with one of his performances.

Juttoquel meanwhile had been pestering him for all kinds of information.

How do you fence (with a sword, not stolen goods), how do you know if

your food has been poisoned, how long would they be traveling, had

Mudge ever been with a female...? The last made him choke. This

youngster couldn't handle all of those pertinent details. "Yes,

you blimey irritatin fool. Of course I've been with the

ladies. It's me favorite sport, right up there with drinkin and

thievin." His fellow otter guffawed.

"Oh Mudge, you're too much. Father said you were well

traveled, but I find it hard to believe everything you say. You can't

be a thief because father would never have hired such a person to

escort across the Miragok Plains. He chose the one who was bested

suited for the job, and that was you."

Mudge grunted. He had been the best suited, because no one else was

fool enough to do it. He had taken payment up front, and if something

happened to his foolish distant cousin, Mudge would be long gone

before anyone could find out and track him down. Heck, it was his

only time in Brestick and he found the town lacking in the usual

accoutrements. By that, he meant that there were no bars, taverns or

whore houses. This youngster apparently had been brought up rather

prudishly. That was an unnatural state for an otter.

"Well Mudge. What's a lady like?"

He snorted, wiping his nose with the back of his paw. He couldn't

find a rag, so he gingerly wiped it on Juttoquel 's robe. He didn't

seem to notice. "Well, ya little blighter, tis the most wonderful

thing in the world. Once you've plumbed a lady's privies you

never forget the experience. It's all you thinks about until the

next time you can get into her skirts. Me, I've had me cock in

several hundred. All makes and models. I ain't discriminating, if

you gets me drift."

His charge was awed. "Wow. Father never let me play with the girls

in town. He said they'd be a bad influence on me."

Mudge laughed silently. He had met a few of those girls, and while

there wasn't a whore house in that uptight little town, the few

young girls were rather taken with him. So where some of the married

ladies. It was a good thing he liked his inn rooms with at least two

methods of escape. In this case, he let them into his room via the

window. All of them had been as tight as a miser's purse.

"So, my little newbie, was your mother a bad influence on your old


That got the youngster's attention. "Mother is a good lady.

Father loves her dearly. So don't go saying anything bad about her

in front of me!"

Mudge chuckled. The lady otter in question was a handsome one. Under

different circumstances he would have done his best to bed her,

but...there was no point in fucking the one paying you...unless

that's what you were getting paid for. "Listen you little snot, I

didn't say nothin bad. I was pointing out that males and females

need each other. If your pa and your ma hadn't got it on, you

wouldn't be here to be indignant."

That got him thinking. "I suppose not. And I would really like to

experience a lady for myself. "

Mudge stifled a grin at the sight of the bulge in the other's

pants. The boy needed to get laid, but they were far from any

civilized town. Willing girls could be found all over, but one had to

be judicious in searching them out. Their papas might be too keen on

a wayward otter sinking his cock into their daughter's unopened

flower. But this desolate land was proving to be an exception.

"I'll tell you what Jutto; I'll show you a few survival

techniques that you may find handy. Do you know what a Golden

Catostom is?" The boy shook his head no. "It's a fish, not

particularly big or tasty. It's a bottom feeder, using its mouth to

vacuum up food from the mud. It's got quite a mouth on it. Find one

the right size and it'll do in a pinch, if you know what I mean."

The other knitted his brows. "No, I don't know what you mean."

Mudge sighed. This kid was dense. "Alrighty then, I'll lay it out

for you. You stick your cock in its mouth and let it do the rest. It

sucks ya dry if you git what I'm trying to tell ya."

Jutto's eyes lit up. "Really? Where can we find one of these


Mudge pointed to the wide expanse of a pond, part of a basin that a

creek ran though. Their camp was on the higher bank. "You can

try right there. Won't say for sure, but the fish ain't rare.

Like I said, no one much eats them. As for the other, well that ain't

to everyone's liking. You try it and see. Heck, if yous like it,

then you got yerself a new hobby!"

"How will I know If I've found the right fish? I've never even

heard of them before now."

Mudge stretched out and laid his head back on a clump of weeds. "I'll

tell you what. You dive in and start catching. Bring everything out

and I'll tell you what it is. Somewhere in there, there has to be

something worth broiling over the fire. And if you catch yerself a

Golden Catostom, then you'll have yerself a good time to boot."

So would he, he thought to himself.

Jutto stripped and dived into the water. It wasn't very deep, but

it was fairly broad. The water was clear, with reeds along the

edges and here and there sprung up water lilies. Otters were natural

swimmers, but this one hadn't had much time to devote to his

skills. Mudge would have hit the water with barely a ripple. Jutto

made a loud splash, and Mudge could follow him where he when by the

lily flowers bobbing and weaving. The boy would be lucky if he caught

his own tail!

Surprisingly, he resurfaced not long after, a thick fish in his jaws.

He climbed out and spit it in front of his mentor. "What's this?"

Mudge looked it over. "Blackside Felon. Not bad for a first try.

It's passable eating. See what else you can catch." Back in he

went, diving with a little more decorum. He was back in a few minutes

with a larger and more colorful specimen. "Rainbow Racer; or as I

like to call em, Whorefish, on account of their being painted up like

one. Ain't as nice as the real thing, but it'll do. Ya wanna try

again?" Into the water he slid once more.

Mudge dragged the feebly flopping fish towards the fire. He was ready

to sit down and scale them when Jutto flew out of the water

with an alarmed look on his face. He landed on the flower

covered embankment and rolled over. Something yellowish orange was in

his front paws. His paws, however, were at his crotch. Mudge was

pragmatic. "Looks like you found one!"

Jutto was pulling frantically on the fish. The fish wasn't about to

be budged. He looked up pleadingly to the older and more experienced

otter. "Please get this thing off. It's like it has hooks for

teeth! I'm going to suffer serious injury if..." He trailed off.

The next moment he got an ecstatic look on his face. He fell back

into the blooms and relaxed into a stupor.

Mudge hummed softly to himself. Those fish were mighty tempting to

play with when you were out in the wilds, but they were only safe so

long as you had someone along with you. You see, they produced a

drug-like secretion that nearly paralyzed you. Some places they even

gathered the fish and kept them in tanks. Mostly, that was outlawed.

More than one stupid male used them without the knowledge of anyone

else and had wasted away in their beds.

Jutto was lying there with a smile on his face. His eyes were half

open, their lids fluttering. His arms were at his sides, and the fish

was clamped tightly around his cock. It wasn't the prettiest fish,

despite its colors. It was scale-less and smooth, almost eel-like. By

the same token is could engulf a good sized piece of meat if it

wanted to. No one knew why this was so, but many surmised it was a

tactic it had developed in tackling Gordian Mud Worms. These

creatures were as thick as a broom handle and six to ten inches

long. Mudge himself had found it difficult to extract these

wigglers from their burrows when he wanted them for bait. More power

to a fish that could grab them, drug them and then eat them. The

chemical that apparently immobilized them worked on bigger animals as

well. Plus the added side benefit. That chemical was a dream-inducing


The fish was rhythmically convulsing, working its way along Jutto's

cock. It was like a disarticulated cunt with a mind of its own. It

was trying to engulf his cock. Its jaws stretched and it pulled

itself along ever so slowly. All at once, the unconscious otter

lifted his hips and began thrusting in the air. After a minute or two

a bulge appeared in the fish's gut. The otter settled back down.

Round one went to the fish.

Mudge wasn't about to interfere. The youngster would be better off

for blowing a few loads. It'd help him calm down and quit being so

jittery. It wasn't like the fish was fatal or anything. Of

course, he could just leave him here in his ecstasy, but then there

would be no chance of getting into his auntie's house and filching

some valuables. He opted to roast the fish and leave the boy go. As

it was, his hips were pushing towards the sky again, and the fish was

getting its fill.

He ate the roasted fish, stripping the bones clean while he watched

the other going through the throes of imagined pleasure. Heck, there

were worse ways to die. He wasn't going to let that happen of

course, but in the meantime the kid was providing the night's

entertainment. Mudge himself had tried the Catostom once. It had been

one hell of an experience. He had refrained from having real sex for

a month afterward. He was afraid the real thing would never again

measure up to the mind bending, cock sucking effects of that fish.

It was therefore a blatant surprise when the kid sat up, eyes open

wide. He looked around, his disposition one of complete confusion.

His stared hard at Mudge, then down at his crotch. He grabbed the

fish and pulled. With a cry of pain he let go. Mudge knew why. When

this fish got its nasty little teeth on you, nothing much would

convince it to let go. As far as it was concerned, it was eating a


Jutto fell back with a whimper. "Get this thing off of me! I've

been having the strangest dreams and I want them to stop!" He

grabbed for the fish again, trying his damnedest to get it off. His

hands just slid along its slimy skin. He got up and started running

around like a ninny. Mudge tripped him, sending him sprawling. "Hold up there, ya darn nit. Ya ain't gonna pull it off, not

without emasculating yerself in the process. Ya need to convince it

nice-like to let ya go." Before he could do anything to help him,

the boy started groaning, fell back and thrust wildly in the air. He

let out a squeak and fell back to the ground."Get this thing off me!" he pleaded. Mudge gave him a disgusted look. "Jutto, ya can't tell me ya

ain't enjoying this. Just relax." But in the back of his mind, he

was wondering how this kid was awake. Normally the secretions

produced by the fish had a narcotic effect, along with the obvious,

mildly hallucinogenic properties. The fact that the boy was wide

awake was disconcerting. No one balked this thing's insidious

effects."Hold still!" he commanded. The boy settled down. Mudge bit

his lip, not wanting to appear in any way turned on by the spectacle.

He put his paws over the fish's gills, looked his fingers around

it, and using his thumbs, applied pressure to the temporomandibular

joint. All at once the mouth opened, and the little hook-like teeth

retracted. He pulled the thing off and threw it towards the water. It

hit the bank first, the jar of the impact disrupting some of its

stomach contents. A brief splash of creamy white erupted into the air

before the thing hit the water.

Jutto was quick to inspect his privates. Except for the fact that he

had an erection that wouldn't quit, they seemed alright. Mudge gave

him some comforting words. "Don't never feel bad if your cock

don't go down. There'll come a time when you'll wish it would

do more than lay there like a limp noodle. Not that that's ever

been a problem for me!" he added hastily.

The boy sat up gingerly. "I feel better now that it's off me.

I've never, ever experienced anything like that in my life!" He

then got a dreamy look on his face. "It was just like I thought it

would be. I can't wait to do it for real!" The boy was growing

up. By the time they reached their destination, maybe, just maybe he

wouldn't need to have his hand held at every little thing.

Jutto did quiet down, often sitting in silent contemplation. It was

such an abrupt change that it worried ole Mudge. There was just

a twinge of guilt forming in his heart. It might have been a bad

thing to get the boy broken in in such a manner. Still, it wasn't

as if there were tons of females just lying in wait out here in the

middle of nowhere. There wasn't going to be a town or village

for days.

As they made their way through the low hills and grasslands, Jutto

remained quiet. Quiet, but hardly morose. He hummed to himself, and

maintained that constant grin of his. It seemed to Mudge to be even

wider than it was at the beginning of the trip. Once in a while he'd

ask a shrewd question concerning the opposite sex, which Mudge did

his best to answer respectfully. At least it helped pass the time. He

was beginning to find his silence more disturbing than his constant


What wasn't surprising was his constant search for another fish to

satisfy his newly discovered needs. Every time they got near water,

which was most of the time, he would dive in. It wasn't all bad. He

soon became proficient at identifying species. Mudge trained him in

names, habits and folklore. The boy was soon bringing in the best

tasting types for their daily meals. It was nice to have someone else

doing the work. By the time they'd make it to their destination,

the boy just might be an adult.

In one area, a flat low plain split by a wide meandering river, they

found a spongy hillock to make their camp. One side of this mound sat

on an inside curve of the river, affording them an excellent view

both directions. Jutto was quick to strip, diving in with nary a

splash. Mudge gathered dry grass and some flood-deposited driftwood

to make a fire. In no time the boy was back with a huge pike of

unknown origins. He struggled up the bank to the top of the hill. He

threw it down and his mentor's feet. "I think this will do us for

the day, don't you?" Mudge looked at him with true admiration.

"Yer damn right youngster. Ya did good. Now I'll show you ere 'ow

to skin and debone one of these fellas ." He set to work, mostly

because the kid needed some life skills. In reality, all he would

have normally done was gut it and spit it. Sometimes it made sense to

let the fire do the work for you. Jutto watched in fascination. He

was quiet for most of it, but finally forced out a question that had

been hanging on his tongue.

"Mudge? What kind of fish has really big eyes, black skin with

patches of scarlet running down its side?" The older otter didn't

look up from his work on their meal.

"Ain't no such fish that I know of boy. Course, these is

unfamiliar waters. All kinds of little fish probably flit about

without prying eyes catching their every move. I dare say that all

kinds of minnows and such live out their bleedin lives with no nosy

pokers trying to categorize 'em in some book."

Jutto made a face. "This wasn't small. It was a good foot longer

than me, from the glimpse I got. It could even have been bigger. I

turned in the water and was suddenly face to face with it. Then it

turned and sped off towards the bank. Its tail smacked my face. As it

went into a beam of sunlight I saw the red. its fins were kind of

weird too."

The older otter looked up from his work. "Boy, I already told ya

there ain't no such fish. But I do believe ya saw something down

there. Whatever it was, it was more afraid of you than you was of it.

I count that as a good thing. Anything the same size you is is a

possible danger, specially if ya don't know what it is. It could

just as easy had teeth and claws and an appetite for otter."

The boy shut up, but his mind was still running over his encounter.

He knew what he saw. If he needed to prove it, then he would. At

supper, they ended up eating in silence. Mudge wasn't averse to it.

What he really wished for was a bottle of booze. These long treks

weren't bad, except that they lacked alcohol, girls, and gold. He

would have settled for two out of three right now. Heck, one would

do. The sooner they were done and gone the better. He even thought

about taking the river directly. The problem was what to do with

their clothing. He had no waterproof bag. And then there was his

lucky quetzal feather. He wasn't going to let that come to harm.

A little later the lad got up and headed for the river. "Still

hungry?" called the other. He made a half turn.

"No. I'm just curious about what I saw. I figure if I slip in

quietly and wait, maybe I'll get a better look at what it was. "

He turned back to the river, eased down the embankment and slipped


Mudge stoked the fire, tossing on more sun-bleached wood. He mumbled

to himself. "Damn foolish idiot. 'e's learned a lot, 'e

'as, but it's a fool thing to go exploring when there ain't no

good to come from it. " But he kept his ears open to the sounds

coming from the riparian surroundings. It was the usual; crickets,

dragonflies and the occasional burp of fermenting mud.

He had nearly nodded off when the splashing disrupted the normal,

soothing sounds below. He sat upright so fast his head got dizzy. The

light was fading, but the ripples from the disturbance radiated

across the surface. But nothing was there. He got a lump in his

throat. The kid was in his charge. He should never have left him

alone. He was about to ignore matters when he reconsidered. Having

a conscience was a pain in the ass. Presently torn between diving in

and searching for him and thus exposing his own neck to whatever

danger was lurking there and staying put where he was, Mudge found

the decision was made for him. Suddenly and without warning, a tangled mass came flying out of

the water to land on the bank alongside the hill. He grabbed his

sword and ran to the writhing creature. It was easy to determine,

once he was there, what it was. One part was Jutto's body, and the

other a smooth skinned somebody who was more at home in the water

than they were. He poked it with his blade."OW! Watch the knife ya bastard! I prefer me skin to be red

where nature intended it, not from bleeding out me life from a

prick!" The voice was rough and uneducated. Mudge liked the sound

of it. It also sounded female. "Listen to me, you slimy harlot, don't go getting up in me

face. What did ya do to me friend?"The other otter broke free from the female salamander and spoke

up. "She didn't do anything to me. Leastwise nothing bad!" He

giggled, and she tittered with him." 'ere now, that's right. We was just having a bit of fun.

Ain't no one ever comes out 'ere nohow. A gal gets lonely doncha

know?"Jutto seemed in good shape, right down to his engorged cock.

Apparently his "fish" had been real, if a bit misidentified.

Intelligent amphibians were a rarity though by no means unknown. What

was weird was having one all alone out in the middle of this expanse

of grass and water. It was perfect for their kind, mind you, but even

amphibians liked to have company once in a while. She was quite the

specimen, and like described, had red patches running down her sides.

She was on her back now, looking up. One more vibrantly pink patch

was visible between her lower legs. "Don't take me prodding to heart, me dear little smooth

skinned lassy. I didn't mean nothin by it!" Mudge put on his best

smile.For some reason she returned to giggling. "Oi! Yer little friend

here meant everything by it, he did. He's been prodding me parts

until they're ready to scream uncle. Course, I ain't got an

uncle, so I guess I stuck fer it!"It was hard to astonish Mudge. He had poked his cock into hundreds

of females. It had never dawned on him that he was missing out on his

own education by not looking up a gal like this. His charge had one

up on him now. "I say miss, if he ain't worn out your lady parts

too badly when you're done, perhaps you'll consider giving ole

Mudge a try?"Her tail lashed around like an angry cat's. "You prick me with

your blade and then go askin to bed me. You ain't even asked me

name!"It was true. "I'm so sorry - Miss...?"She giggled again. "Miss? You better have good aim if you're

gonna play with the likes of me. I ain't into none of that there

back door stuff, if ya catch me words properly." Jutto laughed

while Mudge looked flabbergasted. She spoke up again." Me name

happens to be Rayelle. You can call me Ray."Mudge was running through all kinds of emotions right now. The one

at the forefront was that Jutto was getting laid and he wasn't.

Even a female of the non-mammalian variety was better than no female

at all. From the looks of the two, they were going to be inseparable

for a while. In fact, they had just conjoined again in an

eye-mystifying display of acrobatic flexibility only an otter could

have survived. The two rolled down the glassy slope and into the

water again.With nothing left to do, he returned to the campfire. With his

loins now enflamed, he really, really wished for a bottle of liquor.

He crossed his arms and stared into the fire. It was a good hour

later when the two remerged from the river. He had the brief presence

of mind to wonder at their overall silence. Salamanders could absorb

oxygen through their skin as well as their lungs, but an otter had to

come up for breath now and again. He had heard nothing. However

they managed it, it was a good trick. But by damned if he was going

to ask a greenhorn how they managed it.

Jutto sat down, and Ray sat on his lap, her long black tail wrapped

around him and away from the fire. " 'ere now Mudge. Why so sad?

I'd offer ya some of what I've been giving, but this here friend

of yours has taken a likin to me. It'd be a poor thing to cheat on

him after the first date. Maybe ya might get lucky anyway. As the

saying goes, there's plenty of fish in the sea!"He shifted a little. "There ain't no sea anywhere near 'ere,

you sassy little tart. As for fish, I already taught me friend 'ere

all about the Golden Catostom. I ain't in no mood to have no bottom

feeder giving me me jollies. I outgrew that kinda stuff years ago."Despite his words, he couldn't help but look at her crotch in

the flickering firelight. It was still a hot pink slit glistening

like a ripe fruit. He felt a bulge in his pants. Damn! If it weren't

for the fact that he wanted to keep on the kid's good side (or keep

him alive) because of his aunt and her money, he would have drawn his

sword and made his intentions obvious. But...it wasn't his style.

He sighed.Ray chuckled. "Yer right honeybunch. Yer friend needs to relax.

I think he's got culture shock or somethin. Here he is on top of

the finest place in the river, and he just sits there feelin sorry

for himself. Perhaps he needs a better friend than you Jutto!"Mudge was getting angry. He didn't like being made fun of. His

anger abruptly disappeared when seven sets of eyes glowed just

outside the firelight. He grabbed his sword. Jutto laughed. "Sit

down Mudge. Did you really think that Ray was living here all alone?

The hill we're sitting on is the roof of their home. Please meet

her sisters!"One by one the salamanders stepped into the circle of wavering

light thrown by the crackling wood. Each and every one looked like

the other. They introduced themselves individually. "Hi handsome,

I'm Domina!" And so on down the line. There was Sollah and

Fallah, Mesoh, Lahnia, and Teena.His head was spinning trying to keep up. "Err, ladies, I don't

mean to be rude, but that's a lot for little ole Mudge to remember,

considering you all look alike. Maybe in the daylight I could tell

yas apart, but here and now, not so much. One of them put it rather

bluntly. "You're kinda cute for a fur-bearer. But ya see

otter-boy, ya don't need no light for what we want. And we know who

we are. By the time the sun comes up, we'll each have had a turn or

two. If ya decide to stick around, then maybe you can learn our

names.It was a week later when Mudge finally left. He had to admit,

those gals was pretty good at being gals. It was doubtful he was ever

going to get into another amphibian as long as he lived, having

gotten his fill here. But what they lacked in warm blood, they made

up for in sheer determination and imagination. It was with a heavy

heart that he had left. Jutto had decided to stay. Mudge had argued

that his job had been to see him safely through the Miragok Plains.

The fact was, it turned out, that this was where the plains ended.

Over the nearby mountain range was his destination. As Jutto

put it..."I'm close enough. If you really want to go visit my aunt, you

go right ahead. Here," he said, handing over a medallion, "this

is the family crest. You can tell her the truth, or you can lie to

her and tell her I died or something. If I know you, you'll come up

with something. But I'm not leaving here. Heck, I've got enough

happiness lined up to last me for years!"So off Mudge went. In the end, he did come up with a good story

of how they were set upon by monsters, and how Jutto had fought

bravely. His last words were to tell his dear aunt not to despair and

to always remember him as a brave fighter. She cried of course, but

Mudge was right there to comfort her. She was deeply touched. Right

up to her cervix she was deeply touched. And when it was time to

leave, she showered him with gold. That solved the last of his

problems. Now he had money for booze. It was time to get insensible!It was while drinking his third glass of beer, and his four of

brandy, that the final piece came to him. The girls had told him

their story, how their father and mother had been musicians. It

hadn't meant a damn thing to him. He was, after all, making his own

music right then. But it explained the girls far better than he had

recognized. Domina was the oldest, followed by Rayelle, and then

Mesoh. Too bad he hadn't caught on earlier. Remembering who they

were would have been as easy as Do, Re , Mi , Fa, So, La, and Ti. As

for the final note, well; he was now rolling in the dough. Overall,

it had been a good adventure.

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