Alma Mater

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#20 of Robbin Red

Is there a circle of life? Or just beginnings and ends?


former room at Huntchy's, now solely occupied by himself and Alma, was devoid

of furniture. As equines, they hardly needed it to be comfortable. However,

both stood there assessing each other. Despite the urgings of the flesh, he

refrained from making an opening move. Alma was doing the same, suddenly aware

of the magnitude of possibilities their union now posed. She was suddenly

nervous, fearful even. She was a creature of her own time, and whatever she did

affected her and those around her. But his presence meant that they could cause

ripples in time. What she had been able to retain of his memories showed a wide

and varied panorama of creatures, situations, and confluences of multiple

threads that wove and rewove into a confusing tapestry of time.

He spoke of Fairy Hooves and Dhoov

Capell. Did he really know anything about them? Did he know the origins of

unicorns and their relationship with the other equines? Being something didn't

make that form part of your natural self, not the way she had been taught. But

this human seemed to have rewritten those rules. It was as if he was aware of

things that were only hinted at in the most arcane of texts. Yet, on the

outside, he was at times as simple as child. He made no sense. Therefore, the

best way to deal with this was to be straight forward about it.

"I couldn't agree more!" he said

matter-of-factly. She jumped.

"You can read my thoughts!"

He whinnied out a chuckle. "I don't

make a habit of it, but since we were connected mentally, the link remains. You

haven't noticed because I'm dampening my end to save you wash back from my

memories. But your mind is very open, and I might add, refreshingly clear.

Despite your time as a dragon, you bare essence has remained untainted. I

congratulate you. You adapted very well to the conflict between preserving life

and destroying evil. That's not an easy tightrope to walk, especially for a


She was suddenly very shy. "Then

you've seen my feelings for you. I'm still trying to sort them out. I have

misgivings about this liaison. My body wants it in the worse way, but my better

judgment says I should forego such a thing. What do you think?"

His laughter boomed around the

room. "What do I think? My present wife put me into this loaded and cocked body

without the safety on! You're lucky you're not pinned to the floor right now

screaming for me to withdraw. If it weren't for the fact that I've had decades

of practice controlling my urges to some extent, we wouldn't be having this


She trembled a little at his words.

In her time, she was both praised and despised for being one of the strongest

powers around. She knew that a good part of that was her inherent magic. No one

had expected a magical being to also have magical power. This stallion standing

across from her was at least a thousand fold what she had been.

He laughed again. "Power doesn't

make the magician, nor the unicorn.

Power is all around us, in the wind, the sun, the waves, the movement of

the planet in its course around its star. Controlling power is a talent, having

power is a gift. As a unicorn I can heal, myself as well as others. I can tap

into minds, as you know. I can also communicate with you mind to mind," which

he was suddenly doing, "and I can transform to a secondary form."

As she watched he became himself

again, a tall lanky human, now completely naked. She liked the stallion better.

She said as much. "I like the big black fellow much more than a skinny hairless

ape; no offense meant of course."

His laughter was less booming now.

"None taken. I've been called worse. And I am what I am. But my point is that

you should be able to change into another form as well. Have you ever tried?"

It was a good question. "The only

time I ever tried to change was to that scaly form you two rescued me from.

It's hardly what you've got there."

She could tell he was thinking.

"Hmmmm. I wonder... Maybe you did something you weren't aware of. Perhaps your

other form was a wild card, so to speak, and what you ended up with was a

dragon. Weirder things have happened!"

She protested. "But that

transformation took all of my magic! It took the immense power your wife holds

to pull me back to this, my natural form. If that form was something inherent

to my abilities, why couldn't I change back?"

He chuckled, reforming into the

stallion. "When I was pulled over here to this world, I was an absolute idiot.

I was stoned and out of my head. Sometime later I happened upon an instrument,

a duar. That's when I found I could do magic. Over the decades I learned a lot

and I've done a lot. My point is, you changed once, and you assumed that it was

simply due to a spell. But what if you were wrong? What if you can change at

will? Do you have the strength to do it again?"

She was shaking. If what he said

was true, then she had wasted nearly a century stuck in a form she could have

switched from at any time. The thought scared her and infuriated her at the

same time. In her rage she felt a spark in her belly. The next moment she was

brushing the ceiling with her leathery ears.

Jon-Tom gazed up with admiration.

"Well look at that! I don't know if this was your natural secondary form, but

damn; it's one hell of a change. Now, can you revert back to unicorn?"

She was flustered. The world was

spinning. The floor came rushing up to embrace her. She was stopped by an iron

grip on her head. As her eyes cleared, she could see him there, his black and

powerful horn touching hers. It was as if their bodies had merged into one.

"Whoa there

Alma. After a century, I would have thought you would have figured this out. It

wasn't external magic that transformed you; it was your own natural ability.

And people call me dense sometimes. But don't think of your past years as a


She was so emotional right now she

was glad he was holding her upright. "I did a lot of things that I found

repugnant. I'll have to live with that knowing I could have altered the course

of my own history with a little effort. What's good about that?"

He smiled so warmly that she nearly

melted. "If you hadn't, I would have never been able to meet such an

extraordinary creature as yourself. As far as affecting the timeline, well, I

say we make our own futures. In my time the past has happened, but as I am

presently in my past, that therefore makes it the present. So my former present

is now the future. It seems to me that everything I do is what should have

happened, in one form or another. So whatever we decide to do is what we will

do. I don't foresee us damaging the timeline. I've done some pretty disruptive

things, and the temporal dimension has righted itself every time."

He sounded so sure of himself he

appeared arrogant. The fact that he meant every word nearly floored her. One of

her old professors had taught a class on theoretical magic. He had told the

students that disrupting the timeline would, should it be possible, destroy the

very fabric of the universe. This human toyed with it like it was a child's

game. If she didn't have a foal by this being, then she would regret her

decision for whatever her remaining years might be.

She went to speak. Their horns were

still locked together. "I can hear everything you think my dearest little mare.

I am not averse to offering you a foal. But be warned that I have neither the

capacity nor the assurance of being available to be his proper sire. It's happened

before. But...I will say this. You are free to remain in Hobarrow as long as you

wish, and by the same token, you are free to leave whenever you wish. I will

neither push you away, nor can I be dedicated in a manner that I find to be

suitable. I made a firm commitment to Sybeele, and she has gone to

extraordinary lengths to be here with me. "

Alma's mental answer made him let

out an undignified guffaw. "My, my, my. When was the last time you got laid my

pretty little pony?"

He loosened his grip on her horn,

allowing her to stand normally. "I'm not a pony, damn you, and as you know all

too well it's been ninety years since I've had the pleasure. Do you think

you're game to making up the lost time?"

The images that flowed into her

brain put her system on the edge of an orgasm...and he hadn't even touched her!

But the thought that he projected caught her off guard. She considered it for

about three seconds before complying. Jon-Tom was delighted. He had the

opportunity once before to do this, of a sort, but his commitment to Talea kept

him from considering it. Sybeele had sanctioned this, so there was no reason

not to get as much out of it as he could. The clock was ticking after all.

She followed his directions,

shifting her body into a comfortable position on her back. Equines never had

sex like this, but then at the moment that rule was fairly much moot. He

straddled her, getting in position over her back legs. She wanted him in and

her impatience was making her antsy. "Calm down girl. We'll get there soon enough."

Indeed he did. Once he found the

best position, he allowed his cock to slide out. She couldn't see it, but she

could feel the weight of it. It might give Maarteel's a run for the money. The

tip of it found its way where it needed to be. Lubrication was no problem, as

it was flowing out in a little rivulet. She would never have believed he could

reach bottom, but then she had never encountered a male unicorn before. He

adjusted his length, finding that it was the longest he had ever had to make it.


Alma! I've been a dragon on several occasions, but never once did I have to

opportunity of making love to one. As human, it would have been rather pointless;

kind of like the mouse raping the lion."


sucked in a deep breath. When she exhaled she whispered, "No one I know..." A

little smoke flowed around her teeth and curled to the ceiling. As it was, she

was raptly engrossed by the sensation of his cock inside her, moving around

like a serpent. Once it hit bottom, or top or whatever, she could feel him

expanding it until she knew it had to be the size of a small tree trunk. It was

as if a L'borean riding snake had invaded her body.


ground his belly against her scaly underside, pushing in with all his might.

She was wondering where he could keep that much cock when it dawned on her that

she had just went from equine to dragon to equine to dragon again. That was a

hell of a lot more change in mass than one cock. Magic did some funny things.

She'd put her mind to it later. Right now it was time to shut down the brain

and let the hormones flow.


propped her head and neck in a corner of the room, being able to simultaneously

relax and watch him work. He wasn't small, but she presently massed four times

what he did. It didn't seem to bother him. He planted his back hooves on the

stone floor and grasped her sides with the front ones. Any tighter and she was

sure he was going to dent her scales! She let her wings out to her sides and

lowered herself into the pleasurable feeling.


had considered bedding the lovely unicorn a privilege, but his mind had gone

one step further. He had had his cock in a lot of females, but never had he had

a chance like this. It was almost too bad he couldn't change into the dragon he

had come to inhabit as of late, but that was his wife's doing. It wasn't a

complaint. Just idle wishing.


first thing he noticed was that she was hot. He had hardly noticed when his own

dragon blood was running at a temperature far higher than a normal human body

could withstand. Her's was equal to that. She was warm enough inside to cause

him to break out in a sweat. It was alright by him. What was sex if a person

didn't perspire a little? Besides, there were other things to be concerned


He was

finding his hooves didn't get a grip on the smooth stone floor. He finally gave

up and worked with his front legs, which already had a tight lock around her

lower belly. He had sufficient strength to pull with them. She didn't mind.

With his rear support gone, his full weight bore down on her flesh. He hardly

massed enough to cause discomfort. Quite the contrary, it was a glorious

feeling. As he worked away, she reveled in how this was the best she'd felt in

nearly a century. Her cares were suddenly gone, and her body was topped out in

pleasurable activity. And the best thing was, she might finally get to be a

mother! And it was all ahppeneing within the span of a single day.


could sense her thoughts clearly. It made him smile inside. While he was

delving into her deepest bodily reaches, he was plumbing her mind as well. She

was so relaxed that he had no trouble wandering through it, much like taking a

pleasant walk through a flowered meadow. She was full of surprises despite the

difficulty of her decades of draconian living. He carefully backed out and

returned to his own mind. Just in time too. He could feel his body rising up to

the peak that arrived just before a climax. He caught hold of it and made it a

plateau, keeping himself from blowing.

Alma had

felt a tickle in her mind, like having a fly in her ear. It wasn't enough to

distract her from the tension building up in her belly. When she felt him

stiffen up even harder (if that was possible) she knew he was ready to blow.

She brought her lower legs up and encircled his body. She wisely locked her

toes together to keep her deadly claws off his fine black hide. Her embrace was

enough to crush a normal sized creature. She was careful not to overdo it.


had intended to keep going for a few moments longer when he felt her shift and

lock him in place. It was such a turn-on he lost his concentration and spilled

forth. He was going to thrust with a fury, but was unable to move. Instead, he

could feel her take over, using her locked limbs and tail to move him. She did

it with forced deliberateness. As the minutes ticked by she became more

forceful, so that by the time she came he felt like she was going to be pushing

his entire equine body into her hot depths. He ignored what discomfort there

was when his own body responded again. This time it was nearly painful, pushing

as it did through already tightened passages. He couldn't help but let loose a

whinny as his fluids ripped from their moorings and shot like a cannon into her

waiting body.


shuddered with him; then, as one they fell into a state of euphoric stupor. She

reached down with a massive paw and gently stroked his mane. "I'm glad Maarteel

isn't around to hear this, but that beat anything that old brute could ever do.

I would never have thought of doing something like this in a manner, well, like

this. You certainly know how to show a girl a good time!"

He was

lying rather sprawled over top of her belly. His cock was mostly still inside.

With the length he had had to create, pulling out was going to be more work than

he wanted to do right now. "And you're quite the dragon Alma. Thanks! In all my

years, I really never had an opportunity like this!"


gave him a massive hug. "I find that hard to believe, after all I've seen in

your head. Too bad I can't recall more of it, but I was rather drawn to your

sexual experiences. And come to think of it, I believe you did have sex as a

dragon!" Her tone wasn't remonstrating, just one of surprise.


chuckled out a whinny. "Yes, I did. I was the dragon, and my wife was the

female. I could tell you about it sometime. That was quite the experience. It

was when I found out I had a son by Mel-Aura. He was sick and my form happened

to be perfect for fixing what ailed him."


searched his memories and found the image associated with the name Mel-Aura.

She was a lovely golden eagle, with feathers that glowed like the metal so many

valued. She was something to behold. "I say Jon-Tom...or do you prefer Aiden

Drake?" His chuckle was barely discernible.


less confusing to use my normal name, but if you'd like, you can use Aiden.

I've got nicknames up the butt, so to speak. All I ask is that you be



Jon-Tom it is. What I was wondering was; all these female you've bedded. Now

that I'm one of them, what will that mean for me?

He gave

a mental shrug which carried over to her mind. "Like I said, I have a

commitment to Sybeele. I was surprised she allowed this little union to happen.

As for you, I already told you you could stay in town if you wished. I'll not

deny the foal is ours. I mean, what is anyone going to do? I run the town and I

have the power to back up my decrees. There is nothing anyone can do to cajole

me or control me. It's why I sent Huntchy to meet up with his loves. If they

want him still, then I will gladly officiate their union. I was married once to

a wonderful horse myself."


nodded her scaly head. "Yes, I seem to recall. Lorissa, wasn't it?"


smiled. "Yes, that's right. She was a wonderful little thing. She was the

descendant of Dhoov Capell and Fairy Hooves."

"Yes, I

saw them in your mind too. But that got me thinking. If I look like this Fairy

Hooves, what's to say she's not one of my descendants? Wouldn't that mean that

your presence here was preordained? And if you are, therefore, the sire to my

foal, wouldn't that make your foal with her your descendant on both sides?"


thought she might have gotten him thinking on this, but he let it slide off his

hide like cool water. "You may be right. I have no way of knowing what will

happen with our foal. He or she may go on to start the bloodline that becomes

the House Capell. What difference does it make?"

She was

very thoughtful for a few minutes. He didn't intrude into her mind, but waited

for her to think things through. "But don't you see Jon-Tom; the timeline will

feed back upon itself. Thats what my teacher said. It will get stuck in a loop,

feeding upon itself in an inescapable paradox."

"Oh I

get what you're saying. That by going back in time I have essentially become my

own grandfather-sort-of-thing. That could very well be except for one fact

which you've failed to take into account. I'm not from here. I'm an

off-worlder. My old mentor Clothahump pulled me from my planet to this one.

Therefore I have no past here. I got thrown into my own world by accident and I

did no damage whatsoever. One might say my part there was preordained, as what

I did actually happened. Therefore, here my presence is a wildcard. I either

was never supposed to be here, or I was predestined to be here. Either way, I

quit worrying a long time ago."


stumped her. "I see. Instead of being a fixed point, you are a random one. That

goes against what I was taught. But my teachers had only their own experiences

and learning to go by. So you may, in your own time, have already done

everything that you have yet to do here? That's a bit mind boggling. I can see

where you would do well to stick with your spouse. But what's to say that your

descendants from her might not evolve into your human wife, what was her name...?"


And again, you may be correct. But if it happens to be the case, I think that

our genetics will have diverged enough not to cause a problem. We have a son

together, before any of this time travel stuff, and he came out well enough.

Besides, my genetics are rather restricted, as you say, by my faithfulness to

my wife. She knows I'll always do what I

think is best, even when it comes down to something like this. She made a deal

with Eve just to be pulled across the cosmos like I was."

That got

her thinking on another note. "Yes, this goddess figure I saw in your head. I

do not understand her at all. Could you sum her up for me?"

"Eve is

the life force of this planet. I extracted her as a personality, and put my own

power back into the planet's core to keep it going. She is now free to roam at

will. It is her ability to time travel that has brought me back here. I have no

idea what I'm supposed to be doing, so I do what comes to mind. I'm not dead

yet, so I'm doing something right."


is this Eve?"


shrugged his big black shoulders. "I haven't the faintest idea. She comes and

goes as she pleases. She could be back in my time, or she could be here somewhere.

She can change into any form, or no form at all. I just don't dwell on her,

since I have no control over her."


got a crafty look on her face. "I don't think that's true. If you really wanted

to get a hold of her, could you not just go to where you found her before? She

would, by definition, still be there as a prisoner of her own body. Thus, where

ever she might be in time, if you contacted her in the present, the memory of

it should carry down the line."

He was

so taken aback by this logic he startled himself back into human form. He had

to make some hasty adjustments to his anatomy. Doing that, he slid off her

belly and onto the floor. She did the same, turning back into a unicorn. She

had to struggle a moment to get upright. She found her center of gravity and



never thought of that. Of course she would still be here, but I wonder how she

can be in two places at once? That would be a paradox if ever there was one.

And she was here, because she brought me here. This will take some deep thought

for me to evaluate the possibilities."

She was

smugly happy with herself. She had just pointed out something to him that he

had never considered. That meant that despite his power, he was still a

prisoner of his own foibles. It was somehow reassuring. As he was wrapped in

thought, she glanced over his naked body. It was funny how his naked ape-form

was beginning to grow on her. It was too bad her secondary form was a dragon.

There wasn't much a dragon and a human could do well together. Then a smile

crossed her face. Or was there?

Scaled Down to One's True Self

Jon-Tom couldn't help from staring. His eyes did a little sideways glance to his friend collapsed on the ground. He was breathing, so he was still alive. Alma was apparently back to her normal self. No one alive today had seen her as she was meant...

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Waiting for Boredom

Two weeks passed and with it seven changes in form for Sybeele. That meant seven new bodies for her husband to run through their paces. He took it like a man every time. Overall, things had settled down a bit. They had nearly forgotten about the...

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Shell, Skin and Fur

Morning leaked through the windows with cheerful persistence. Jon-Tom instinctively pulled his head into his shell. His muddled brain told him he should probably get up when she did (which she was now) and change back, but he was too comfortable. He...

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