Cold Nights, Warm Friends

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Look out! A wild porno appears! It's gay and sweet and romantic and all that icky niceness =D I'm pondering a separate account for non-snuff and non-vore stuff...

otherwise, enjoy some gay antics of a buck and buck in college. Just some whimsy I whipped up today, so it's a little rough.

Cold nights and warm friends

"OK, OK, you win, I guess you can get your, er, reward..." Caleb squirmed and folded his ears back, the deer buck nervously squirming besides his best friend. The chubby bunny guy was a bit taller than the deer already, not counting what a wiry little thing he was too. And he knew the tubby fellow had quite a crush on him already.

OK, so he had one too. They had been best of buds in high school ever since they met, to the point of a few curious pondering if there was something more than 'best friends' to the pair. Despite a few rumors to the contrary, they had never really progressed past close friends.

Although, now that they were in college. Things seemed to get a little more heated now and then. Never really getting past teases and (un)subtle hints, but both suspected there might be something a little more passionate between them despite their differences.

And now it was being tested more directly, the buck having suggested some dares between rounds of fighting games. The current being to kiss on the lips the winner of the round. Add a few beers sneaked into the dorm too, and it was a good thing it was just them. The two in undies, side by side, a little sweaty hot from furious gaming despite the snowy chill trying to seep through the windows.

"Well, mmm, here... I go? I Don't think I ever really kissed anyone... er, a guy before..." Caleb mumbled a little, flustered as he bit his lip with his tusk. The chinese water deer glad he didn't have antlers. That would be even worse to have to juggle. Of course, having giant fangs might make this awkward in his... oh, he knew he was just over thinking this now.

The deer gives an awkward hug to tilt his head and lean in to the bunny's surprise. Then lips touch. A nervous flicker of tongue across lips, back and forth. Then Don's arms wrap back to give a closer hug as fur rubs fur. Controllers lost to the floor as the two murmur and hold close to explore each other's lips in a long, slow and deep kiss.

Hands rub backs and soon Caleb finds himself pulled more atop the bunny's hips. A nudge of fabric breaks their reverie, and two shy blushes peek back and forth to each other.

Don breaks the silence, "mmm, so, was I your first?"

Caleb can only flush furiously, making the bunny kiss him firmly with a devious grin. A firm squeeze and cuddle for a moment before Don breaks the kiss again "I'll have to admit you weren't my first... but you are way more enjoyable than Angela ever was."

"Oh goodness, Angela... the, uh, snow leopard? In our freshman year? You got with her? I gotta know how that happened?" Caleb grinned now, and then gave a curious bump of underwear to thighs... and bump of underwear to his smooth tummy. Both pairs of briefs tenting now as breaths grew deeper.

"mmmmph! Uh..." It seems that hint of intimate undress startled the bunny's train of thought. But it made him give an intimate grind back, no subtlety to this one. A little moan from both males "rrrf, lemme think... this was right as we met. Lets just say it involved a bottle, and lots of everclear she found with her friends. And we were never sicker the next morning."

"Oh goodness, that sounds... much less entertaining, but perhaps closer to this than I'd prefer." The deer giggled and gave a little kiss to a chin, "but I suspect we will have a lot more fun with a lot less drunkenness tonight. No bottles required here too."

"Um, what did you have in mind...?" The bunny's long ears had flared a cute shade of pink visible even in the dim glow of a television, game patiently repeating the Continue! Screen and fading as it lies forgotten by the two.

"Well," it seems Caleb's turn to blush furiously. Squirming nervously to straddle his larger friends hips. Then rubbing his bulged underwear to his friends with a slow writhe of hips "we each have something to attend to right here..."

"I'm not sure if I want to bottom..." The bunny's nervous smile hinted quite the obvious to the buck's giggles.

"I wasn't thinking that far ahead! Hmmmm... could just cuddle up, paw a little... see how that feels." He grins wider, "I know you like competition... could see who fills up a condom better, mmm..."

"er... mmm! That's... quite the idea." Don doesn't seem certain quite how to react, aside from one obvious way between his legs, "Did, did, you have some condoms?"

The deer shyly peeks down "mmmhmm! I got a little box and er, some lube... in case I uh, needed it."

"Oh? So... you have pondered this earlier I see? Trying to trap and corrupt innocent *kiss* innocent *kiss and gropes* bunnies huh. I bet it was your idea to have these dares, knowing it would lead to this." It was of course Don's initial idea this cold night, and much of the loss of clothing happened from his suggestions.

The buck's eyes widened as he felt a hand touch his trapped arousal. And let out a bleat that made him fold ears back again, "mmph, yes, yes it was. So um, I guess, I should get them?"

The bunny hmmed a moment, then leaned back against the couch. Turning to sit more correctly. And then slips hands into the bands to lift and begin to wriggle underwear down. Watching his friend's reaction as he strips his plump body nude before him.

The buck shyly watched, licking lips. The maleness before him was pink and slim, and as it was slowly revealed. Not too far from his own slender length. His own was a little more red and sleek, but not as thick. Two males breathing deep with the nervous anticipation of sexual exploration. Don breaking the nervous moment with a chuckle, "well, get the condoms and lube boy, lets have a pawing contest!"

Caleb perked ears for once, and wriggled his nervous butt out to his bedroom to get the needed condoms and lube. Don smiling and admiring the firmness of a rear with a white tail lifted proudly "I um, hope, my chubbiness isn't too offsetting."

There's a wide grin of fanged deer on the return, "Actually... I think it's kinda sexy..." He giggles and winks, "I hope ya don't mind a twinky little girly buck, most seem to expect bucks to be big and manly."

A giggle and wink from the lop mirrored the reply "Actually... I think it's kinda sexy..." he pat the seat next to him, then hugged his friend tight. A little smooch, sweet and warmth fondly shared. Then a wider grin, "I think I'm a little bigger too."

Caleb made a mock frown as he opened the first of the condoms. Then nudged their arousals closer. A little tap of tips and a giggle, "uhoh, I think we might be gay... or was that balls? And hmmm, you just might be a touch bigger." The deer made a play pout to his friend's giggles.

"Well, if this is gay, then I'm not minding." A stretch and arch as he watched his friend slide pink slippery latex down, "oh, pink condoms too... yes, yes you're gay." A giggle from both now as they watched that snug ring be nudged down to a fuzzy white sheath.

"I thought it'd be cute, really." Don giggled and nervously spread legs as the next pink latex ring was opened. A sigh and soft moan as he watched the sleek material be drawn down to his own fuzzy white sheath, already reaching over to brush the slimy latex his friend's arousal was heating.

"oh, rrrf, and now you're cheating by getting a head start... hey, are these strawberry flavored too? You're just racking up the gayness now." The rabbit soon nestling hips to stroke and tease the slippery material. Enjoying the feel of the floppy tip and the moans he got from those rubs there, "Not that I'm minding that fact."

The deer buck didn't have a witty reply this time, just a nuzzle of cheeks and hugs with close arms. Further ones curled over to awkwardly stroke and fondle. The buck taking a moment to open the sweet strawberry scented lube bottle and drizzle a few drops upon his friend's wrapped maleness.

The two took turns smearing lube upon pink latex as their hands danced slowly. The reaching over was a little awkward. But the cuddles and kisses were making up for this. Soft moans and panted breaths as two males ground hips together and explored a best friend in a most intimate manner. Not minding if it wasn't the best they'd felt yet. Just the joy of pleasing a sweet friend on a cold day more than erotic enough to get them worked up.

Of course, there was still a competition at play, and the bunny soon wriggled hips and rocked as his big feet arched, oh, that's it... mmm, I'm gonna fill this soon, huff, more than you've ever seen." His pawing relaxed a little too, "rrrr, I'm gonna have to slow on you, ah, I can't paw well like this. It feels too good."

Caleb took the hint. Leaning over his friend's chubby chest to double his efforts now. A kiss to his neck and nibbling graze of tusks to curiously tease a friend. And a grin as he listened to the buck gasp and arch. Suddenly humping his smooth hand. And then both moaned, one quiet, and one loudly as he began to empty his bunny spunk to stretch that latex reservoir nicely. Gush after gush pulsing and stretching it with the weight of his seed. The two groaning, one with the bliss of orgasm, and one at the shivery sensation of bringing a friend to climax.

Two males pant as that climax fades. Then the bunny squirms, "mmmph! Sensitive... rrf... you uh, need to rub less." He grins and guides the deer's fingers to help slide that slimy material up slowly, to pull a stretched and well used condom free to show it's weighted tip full of bunny cum.

"Mmmm, now, lets see how well you compare..." he gives the open end of that used condom a little twist and tie, then sets the cum full condom on his thigh for later comparisons. His attention now to bringing a cute deer buck to climax. With a deep kiss his hands begin to dance and stroke upon slippery sleek latex and the sleek and very stiff erection it holds.

The buck knows he won't last long. Sinking into the couch and kiss with a groan. Legs spread as he feels those orbs tense and twitch between his thighs. That blissful shiver of pleasure welling up in his loins, and the heated twitch of a climax soon to escape. His moans muffled as he grips his friend tight.

Then he can't help himself. Lost in a kiss with warm hands sliding slippery touches on his condom wrapped arousal. And the thought of his friend's climax before him. He groans and shudders, tail flicking as he empties his bliss into that pink latex. Loving the sounds of his friend's little moans of surprise. Holding close and warm as fingers drag out his climax.

Of course, even an admonishing bunny forgets his lessons in the heat of the moment. A giggle, and then gasp and wriggle of hips, "eeee, too much, too much!" the deer buck gasps out, and the two giggle and cuddle in sated afterglow. Watching that stuffed condom be slid free and similarly tied.

Of course, neither one could quite figure which was more full as they compared them. Holding and feeling their heft. And admiring the thick spunk within. Trading and comparing with a giggle at the absurdity of the moment.

"Well, this may be a draw... perhaps best two of three?" The bunny winked as he kissed his friend. And a buck grinned wider, "I think we are not getting much sleep at all this night..."

"That's funny, you say that as if it's a bad thing!"

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