Watching One's Weight (Roughish, Snuff/Vore)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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ugh, it's kinda rough draftish. Gave it a quick pass over with the ol' spell checker, but really should give it a read through. But eh, been kinda blue, so hey, here's some quick smut. To show I'm yup, still alive, I think.

Some naga on mousie loving, you know how that goes. Lil' bit of constriction, little bit of nibbling ^.~ And an F/F Story, gasp!

Watching One's Weight "Ah, hello again Gabrielle, care for another chubby rat this fine day?" The host asked, a heavy set Komodo Dragon lass wearing an elegant dress to offset her rough scales.

The large lizard was positively dwarfed by the customer who was arriving, an anaconda Naga of positively enormous scale. Two dozen feet of heavy set anaconda coils is topped by another half dozen feet for her human half, dark skin clad on the pudgy lady. Wrapped with gauzy silk that barely left her massive form barely modest.

"Actually I was thinking I could go for something a little more lean this time, I have been trying to watch my weight a little more." Gabrielle replied with a smile, stretching those plump curves a little with a wink to the host.

"Oh! Well then, I know just the meal to serve you, if you'd follow me. Would you care for your usual table?" the Komodo Dragon asked with a smile, knowing the Naga was always welcome at the center table.

"That would be fine, I still don't mind giving a little show with my meals." The anaconda gave a big grin and wink "And giving a show with staff, if you happen to be free later."

The komodo lass squirmed and thumped her tail "I'll keep that in mind, I you'd follow me." Leading the larger Naga into the dining room. Large tails of various sizes spread out. There was a lull in the dining room for now, that awkward point between lunch and dinner, but this gave some who'd prefer a more quiet room to enjoy a meal a perfect opportunity to do so. There were a few regulars there, including a dragon sprawled across a large table to get his belly rubbed by four bunny girls. A suspiciously obvious fifth collar was laying on top of his belly as well.

Though the lazy attention the rest of the diners (and meals) had started to drift over to Gabrielle's way. Her reputation for giving delightful shows probably exaggerated, though perhaps not as much as her belly would be after one of them. She gave a shy wave at the sudden influx of attention, hoping most of this was just from the slow state of the diner too.

She lounged herself around the side of the massive table, the center one raised up to accommodate the larger predators there. And to serve as a sort of impromptu stage as well. Giving a last wave to the Komodo Dragon and watching that tail sway away. Curious what sort of meal will be brought to her today.

The wait wasn't too long, as a slinky mouse girl skipped over from the 'kitchen', a little tag in her ear marking her as consenting prey. "Hiya, my name is Autumn, and I'll be your meal today. You would be, Gabrielle, right? I've always been a fan of your meals."

Gabrielle blushed a little at the fan mouse and smiled "oh, um, hi Autumn, very nice to meet you too" She gave a warm hug, then licked her forked tongue along the mouse's pink ear "and what part of me makes you such a fan, mmm?" she whispered to the squirming girl. Enjoying the sudden blush on cheeks as pink as ears.

"um, um, well... all those coils *flush* oh, such power in them." She squirmed her feet on the smooth floor. She gave the nearest coil of scales a soft brush, feeling the smoothness on her pink fingers. Autumn lashing her tail nervously now that her little frame is so dwarfed by the snake hybrid. "Oh, you want to feel yourself buried in all these coils, hmm?" There was a gasp as the smaller mouse was lifted by her hips with one. Setting her rump upon the table as the larger Naga kissed the surprised mouse "feel my power as it steals your very breath from your lungs?" Gabrielle whispered between full kisses on the moaning girl's lips.

"Aah, I'd be, honored to..." Autumn gasped out as she writhed. Especially as Gabrielle's kisses traced down her breasts and belly to tease the wet heat between squirming thighs. More of those heavy warm coils slipping about to hold her to the table as she cried out lewdly, "aah, I'm, gonna be in a show, oh!"

Gabrielle's broad tongue teased the eager little mouse meal's folds. Taking her time as she settled her meal more firmly upon the table. First however, was a little appetizer time. Kissing and licking the lustful mouse's cunny firm and steady, enjoying the sounds of squeaks and gasps from her trapped prey. Ever so eager and willing and excited to join her belly. Taking her time to coil her soon to be meal properly for all to watch.

Autumn didn't seem to mind, squirming in satisfied bliss as her toes curled. Feeling the heavy base of the tail worm and wrap and support her chest. Slithering between and around breasts as more tail curled over arms to hold them around the big coil that was going to constrict her. Panting more as the sleek ends of the tail teased at her legs, as the Naga's powerful and large hands helped hold and spread her wiggling feet apart. Almost buried in surprisingly warm coils and trembling in nervous anticipation as those heated lips drew out her pleasure so well.

Gabrielle's search for an appetizer wasn't going to take long. Lips noisily slurping nether-lips to draw out her mouse's sweet dew. Gasps turning to moans as her coils slipped and slithered and grasped her meal to be. Peeking up past her fat coil, just barely able to see a muzzle gasping and crying in pleasure. A firm nibble rewarded with trembling dribbles of sweet honey, the poor mouse unable to hold herself back further. Each tremble and moan was met with a gentle but growing squeeze from Gabrielle's heavy coils. The slow dance of predator and prey beginning.

Autumn's gasped cries of pleasure grew more frantic as she felt those sleek coils clenching. Pushing her air slowly from her lungs. Her legs jerked, held spread as those lips and teeth tormented her sensitive folds. Shaking in afterglow as she wheezed for breaths, each one growing harder and harder to claim as her eyes widened. Knowing she was going to leave in her beautiful Naga's belly as food.

The club had grown hushed, even some staff watching now. Listening to the soft thumps from Autumn's squirms, being held down by coil after coil of plump anaconda tail. The squealed gasps that grew ever more quiet with each one. And the wet slurps of the calm Naga's lewd attention between those struggling legs as she held and constricted her meal upon the tabletop for all to watch.

The mouse's folds trembled and dribbled her sharp pleasure again as her mouth finally gasped airless. She was constricted down, unable to breathe or barely move. Her pink tail slapping the table fitfully as she felt her world spin a little. And that thick, heated tongue dancing mercilessly upon her folds. She wanted to scream in pain and bliss, a few trickles of tears from over-stimulation. Trapped between heaven and hell as she was devoured most lewdly for all to watch like the toy she had become.

Gabrielle enjoyed the faint slaps of tail. Especially as they grew more desperate. Feeling those feet wiggling, toes curling in the air. Peeking up to see hints of purple now, blue lips. Her bites and harsh slurps more common now. Wanting to drown the mouse in stimulation as she asphyxiated in her coils. Make her last moments as unforgettable as they could become before she disappeared as a bulge beneath layers of scales and fat.

The mouse's eyes rolled back as she drooled down her chin. Mouth open desperate for release. And those coils were steadily offering it for her. Her pitter patter of tail slaps relaxing now. Her tongue feeling so fat, and lips and cheeks puffy. Head so heavy as sparkles danced and darkness faded her vision. The unrelenting attention to her abused clit making her shake faintly as ears folded back, knowing this was it, and just a moment more. Well, she was going where all mouses tend to end up, in another as nourishment as nature intended.

Gabrielle knew her meal was coming quite soon. If anything it had come several times already, the large Naga panting a little. Her dark skinned face buried in the mouse's dying lap, giving rough licks up those trembling folds. Eyes closed now as she feels the mouse's heartbeat flutter. The sensation of limbs relaxing. The girl giving up now. Just the wait for her heart to finally stutter still.

The crowd hushed as those feet and hands relaxed in Gabrielle's deadly hold. Knowing the cute little meal was about to be served up. A faint applause from a few when Gabrielle pulled her head back, cheeks wet with mouse girl cum. The grip in coils just as strong and potent as the dying girl was given a last kiss on her still lips. A thanks from predator and prey for the meal about to proceed.

Finally the meal was released, limp and still on the table. The soft loving kiss moving deeper, pulling that streamlined muzzle in. The swallowing slow and steady. Part show, and part just relaxing after the intense pleasure of taking her meal's last pleasures. Savoring those musky tastes as fur and flesh filled her maw now. Lips crawling down the white furred prey girl.

Slowly Gabrielle lifted the limp body up, showing off her sweaty human half as a bulge slid down her neck. Swallowing greedily, showing her serpentine greed as chest bulged from the sleek girl. Then down went past her upper tummy. The lean legs sliding down the swallowing maw as Gabrielle showed off her own lewd arousal from the show.

And finally the bulge slid past hips to settle into the grand anaconda's gut. Bulging it faintly as Gabrielle showed her nude form off to the crowd's soft applause. Leaning back against the table with a pleased burp. A very enjoyable time, and some exercise with her meal too. Perhaps soon she will have to put on a full dinner show for the club. But always fun to keep up in practice.

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