Kindling a Romance (Pokemon Zoo)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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what? Romantic first time lovers experimenting? From me! What a tweest!

OK, it's probably the second most common thing. Yellow icon for Zoophilia. Well, pokephilia =D Mmm, human x pokemon <3

Billie and his Charmander Blaze share some quality time when the power goes out one stormy night...

Kindling a Romance

The wind howled outside as it made the lights flicker in the small apartment. While Billie was sitting at his desk in the living room typing furiously, saving his paper routinely to ensure he didn't lose any of his work. He suspected the power would not last the night, and would prefer to get as much work done when he could. Better to get it finished now then wait until the last second and then have a power outage happen. At least he had a battery backup to keep his work mostly safe if the power, *BLINK*, the lights abruptly turning off to the beeping announcement of the battery backup.

Thank goodness for batter backups, the alarm buzzing away under his desk while the rest of the apartment was dark and silent. Well, all but the sofa where Blaze, his Charmander, was snoring away lazily. Thankfully Billie had the best alternative light source he knew of. The Pokemon trainer saving and shutting down his computer, glad he got some work done in this stormy night.

Blaze chirped as he lazily woke up a little, startled by the buzzing alarm of an angry battery backup. Peering curiously at the rest dark room and his trainer working quickly to get his computer shut down.

"Don't worry, it's just a power outage from the storm, thankfully I got you around for a light source," Billie chuckled as he shut the computer off and turned the backup off. While useful, that buzzing is less than helpful at times. Especially when it came to being anything but stressed by the anxiety of a harsh alarm.

"Well, I can't work on that anymore. But I think I have some other things I wouldn't mind working on if I can get ya over here to play candle for me." Billie patted his lap as he moved the keyboard aside. Digging out a battered notebook from his bag and helping the lazy Blaze get up to sit on his lap.

Billie hummed and got working on a more interesting paper than boring ol' schoolwork. He was a bit embarrassed about it, having found a group for pokephilia a few months ago. And now here he was, with a Charmander on his lap as a light source and writing about a trainer sucking off his Charizard's fat drippy cock. The similarities of trainer and Pokemon to himself perhaps not as coincidental as he'd like to think, and quite glad he was writing these anonymously at least.

OK, so having Blaze sitting on his lap while writing all the juicy details wasn't helping any with the embarrassing feelings he had. Blaze didn't seem to be noting the bulge in his trainer's pants. Or at least didn't respond to it in any way. If anything the Charmander was soon starting to doze off once more against his chest. Letting his blazing tail rest on his trainer's shoulder. Billy was always intrigued by that strangely cool flame, almost always just warm and comforting. Yet not too hot to catch anything on fire unless Blaze wished to.

Billie giggled as Blaze began to quietly snore once more, petting the dozing Charmander with his free hand as he wrote with the other. The tricky part was to not squirm or moan too much while writing all those interesting details. It didn't help Blaze kept making his imagination wander to more intimate thoughts involving his friend napping on his lap.

He had pondered these thoughts for a while, wondering how to hint them to Blaze as well. It was a little more awkward since he had been with Blaze since a little kid. They were almost brothers rather than just friends at this point, let alone Pokemon and trainer.

Granted, if a story involved him being brothers and intimate with his Pokemon it still wouldn't stop any of his fans from enjoying the fantasy. Heck, a story like that would probably get him even more faves and watchers knowing the site's audience. He found it rather amusing that writing something kinky like incest would get him even more watches, but that's just how the internet rolls it seems.

Of course, now that he figured out he wasn't the only one with notions to bed a Pokemon he didn't feel quite as weird about his fantasies or what other people enjoyed. Although, it was still kind of weird feeling to him, as he peeked down at the innocently dozing Charmander still resting on his lap as he pondered lewd things to do with him.

He had considered a few ways to see if Blaze would be, well, receptive to some petting that was heavier than their usual fare. But even just their size differences made these ideas a little awkward, it was one reason his naughty little story involved a Charizard rather than the more personal Charmander.

Of course, once he finishes college he might even see if Blaze would want to get some training in, which would of course get him evolving, and well, this daydream little story of a Charizard and his lover might be less fictional as time went on. Or so he occasionally dreamed. Although it also made him think he should have chose a Pokemon for this story that he didn't have so many personal feelings on to write about. Especially when Blaze squirmed on his tented lap and accidentally teased him so nicely.

Billie figured he had better get back to really writing if he ever did want to finish this story some day. But he figured he should really ask Blaze what his thoughts were on maybe getting a little more, well, romantic. OK, more like getting horny with his loving friend.

The story was also right at the sticky ending, as these types of stories tended to go. This usually gave him quite the erection, but this one was made twice as bad by having a heated Charmander tush grinding against it too. Thank goodness for his jeans at least. It didn't help that Blaze tended to squirm now and then while napping, making things brush things in ways that were embarrassingly exhilarating.

The trainer bit back another moan as he got back to describing more of that juicy heated mess his fictional trainer and Charizard were making together in sweet loving. But it was getting him squirming as much as Blaze. The little Charmander eliciting a squeak from his trainer when he stretched out and rubbed those bulged jeans quite firmly with his rump. The curious Charmander peeking up with a lazy "Char?" as he stirred slowly once more.

Billie blushed at the curious Charmander peeking back at him. Then giving a little gasp when he felt Blaze give a little wriggle and notice the bulge pressing against him through the jeans. The Charmander shifting about to explore what it was he was sitting on, making Billie bite his lip and try to act innocent for the moment out of sheer surprise.

This failed when Blaze peeked back, with perhaps an impish grin, and reached down to give that tent a feel with his little paws. Billie stuttered and gasped a moment, especially when Blaze then peeked down to look over the subtle bulge he was resting on. "erk, um..." Billie started shyly.

Billie tried to get his train of thoughts going, but it was quite derailed when a small heated paw gave his arousal a few soft rubs through his pants. Blaze looking up at his trainer with a blush now too as the two awkwardly watched each other for a moment. Billie finally got his thoughts together as he saw Blaze's arousal start to peek out from his smooth lap, "I guess we both had these thoughts before, huh."

"I suppose we do have a nice, romantic, Charmander lit night to get to know each other better too." Billie brushed Blaze's smooth tummy, working fingers ever so slowly down to make sure his friend was OK with his intimate exploration. The two blushing while the human brushed his Charmander's growing arousal. That arousal feeling so smooth and very warm, the flesh gently tapered and quite slick. Blaze's arousal cutely red as it twitched and stiffened as the little lizard Pokemon gave a soft moan.

Blaze closed his eyes as his trainer fondled him gentle and slowly, his feral length explored with fingertips. The two males were panting softly now, nestled close and enjoying their arousal together. Blaze reaching down to start to stroke and fondle Billie through his pants, returning the gentle touches.

The Charmander whined in pleasure after a few moments of fondles, working his little paws down to try and undo the pants he was resting on with awkward tugs. It took Billie only a few moments of this to catch onto the idea. Giving the Charmander a kiss on the back of his head, he gently hugged him closer, "We should move somewhere more comfy, huh."

Blaze peeked back with an enthusiastic nod. Hugging Billie's arms tight as the two got up, Blaze being set down on the carpet before the couch. Billie then pulled the cushions off to set on the floor and made the two a more comfy nest where they could both reach each other easier. Carefully sitting himself down besides his Charmander once more.

Blaze leaned in, and the two shared an experimental kiss. Soft lips pressing to heated scales. It was quite enjoyable, if a bit awkward for the pair. Blaze's tongue felt like it matched his namesake as it brushed his trainer's own. The pair softly moaning as they relaxed together, enjoying the feel of a dainty heated tongue brushing his trainer's soft lips in a deep kiss. The two having a lovely little moment of inter-species romance.

Blaze then reached down and tried to lift Billie's shirt up. The trainer blushing with enjoyment as the two foot tall lizard took the initiative. Lifting his arms and carefully helping pull his shirt free, Blaze took the moment to rub the smooth skin and hair of his new found lover. Billy brushing Blaze's sleek scaled back in return, not wanting to rush the moment.

It wasn't long before the aroused Blaze worked his hands down Billie's belly button and began to fiddle with his belt. The human helping show his Charmander how to best unclasp it, then unbutton his pants. Squirming hips to help push them down to Blaze's eager "char!" sounds, the inquisitive Pokemon rubbing the damp spot on tip of his bulged underwear. Billie was finding it tricky to remove pants while a horny Charmander was feeling you up through your underwear.

After a moment of giggling squirms and gasps from both trainer and Pokemon, Billy leaned back on the cushions to watch Blaze explore. Reaching out with a finger to give the impish and fiery lizard a little fondle now and then, as he got quite the rub down against his underwear. Eventually Blaze lifted those tented undies with a tug, freeing his trainer's erection to look over with curiosity.

Billie wriggled out of his underwear as he watched Blaze brush and tease his foreskin. The Charmander looking over the blunt, broad tip of his maleness compared to his own tapered, simple arousal. Feeling up that soft foreskin and tip, making Billie writhe and gasp, "eep, sensitive... rub just a little more gentle now Blaze... oh, like that, right there." The Charmander nosing the soft hair of his Trainer's lap with interest as he fondled and stroked the arousal he found so odd looking.

Billie helped show Blaze how to best rub himself, using the foreskin to glide back and forth along the tip. The Pokemon was soon figuring out a smooth rhythm to his rubbing paws. His trainer leaned back to watch with a shiver of joy. Occasionally Blaze's little paws wandered from giving those heated rubs to tease Billie's soft ballsac. The little Charmander's lap was smooth but for a slit which his arousal jutted cheerfully from, and he found his trainer's quite exotic to his own. Blaze even took a moment to compare arousal to arousal, the flaming Pokemon not minding being outgunned at all as he grinned wildly to his trainer.

Indeed, with their size difference, Billie's modest arousal was quite large from Blaze's perspective. The human wondered how different this will be when his Charmander evolved to become a Charizard. Perhaps the roles would be reversed, something Billie quite hoped for, but Blaze didn't seem to care a bit. A heated kiss from the fiery Pokemon upon the human's foreskin earned Blaze a glob of pre to taste and soft pets and moans from his pleased trainer.

Blaze soon snuggled in to get comfy against Billie's belly and began to stroke his trainer in earnest. Smooth and steady rubs now and working with obvious intent to paw the human off. Billie stretching and squirming against the cushions as he felt that wonderful heat tensing up in his loins, building with pleasure. The wonderful heat of dainty paws stroking quick and playful drawing it out, along with the cute sight of Blaze intently watching as he had to use both hands to stroke him fully.

"Ooh, just like that... good boy," Billie murmured as he stroked Blaze's back and tail. Eyes half open as he watch his Charmander's paws stroke so eagerly. Blaze smiling widely as he felt his trainer's arousal jerk and twitch softly in lust. Billie curling his toes as pleasure tensed towards a familiar peak in the panting human's lap, "mmm, not gonna be long, aah, you're good at this."

Blaze chirped happily at the compliments. Keeping the steady pace up, trying to not rub too quickly with excitement. Watching closely as Billie clutched a cushion a little and moaned out, "ah, almost, there..." The Charmander licking lips with a grin as he rubbed eagerly, and was soon rewarded with a groaned gasp from behind him. The sight of Billie's arousal twitching and spurting his thick seed before him. Rubbing quick and eager to hear Billie's gasps and cries of pleasure as he squirt his cum all over his own belly and lap.

Billie gave Blaze a little hug as he gasped, "ee, too much, sensitive! Rub a little slower... aaah.. like that. I'm Very sensitive after I cum. Oh, you were wonderful!" He leaned over suddenly, surprising the small lizard with a deep kiss. The two embracing as one savored the bliss of after glow and the other the joy of bringing his lover to climax. Billie was then surprised back as Blaze curiously tasted the cum he spurted onto himself. The little Charmander beginning to lick and groom that messy flesh, brushes of ticklish heat as Billie shuddered in bliss.

"Ooh, mmm, it's my turn to spoil you now, isn't it..." Billie relaxed as the Charmander slowly kissed, licked, and groomed soft skin to get it clean once more. He hoped he wasn't too bitter tasting for his lover, but Blaze didn't seem to mind a bit. Billie brushed his Charmander's back, "I think it's time we switch places... mind laying back on this cushion?"

The Charmander nodded eagerly, tail blazing impressively high with excitement. The little Charmander laying back on the soft cushion with a blush as hot as his tail. Shyly peeking down to watch the larger human stretch and sprawl out before him, shifting to get into a comfortable position before his Pokemon. Then Blaze gasped and pawed his trainer's hair when soft lips touched his eager, dripping length. Billie softly moaning too, muffled about his Pokemon's arousal as he bobbed his head gently. Slipping down to kiss directly to his Charmander's lap and engulf every inch of that hot prick. Tongue brushing the Charmander's slit and making Blaze be the one to arch and tense now with a chirped gasp.

Guessing that slit was as sensitive as his tip, Billie began to bob his head to just gently tease that delicate slit with lips as well. Gentle brushes as his tongue slid along Blaze's smooth, dainty arousal. Easily taking it all as he hummed, and felt his Charmander's little feet wrap around his neck and shoulders. Loving the petting brushes on his hair and little moans and gasps the Charmander gave from his touches. He could feel the heated excitement of that cool flaming tail brushing against him, very glad it was not typically a fire hazard despite the alarming appearance.

Both Trainer and Pokemon closed their eyes as each savored the moment together in intimate bliss. Billie working concentrate on the gentle motions of head and lips to best pleasure his Pokemon lover. It wasn't quite the massive, heated girth that was in his story, but given time, well, he could work his way up to that. Rather thankful actually he had a much easier first try with his cute Charmander.

Blaze was stroking his hair in bliss as he received such nice attention. Arching a little as that length tensed and throbbed. A long, pleased murmur and tense shivers helped announce the lizard was getting close to rewarding his human lover now. The two shivering and tensing up together in anticipation of the stickiness to come.

Blaze leaned up a bit to hug Billie's head gently. Feet clutching around his shoulders as the Charmander gasped and chirped sweet little moans. Billie bobbed his head just a bit faster, tongue dancing upon that tense flesh. Both were panting with pleasure and joy at that blissful moment before Blaze arched his back. The Charmander crying out his pleasure as he squirted his sticky, heated spunk onto his lover's tongue. Billie squirming at the surprising heat of that spunk splashing on his tongue, Blaze living up to his namesake there, thankfully not hot enough to burn at least.

The two squirmed and gasped and writhed together as Blaze's climax tapered off after a few more eager spurts. The Charmander whimpering and pawing Billie's hair furiously until the human blushed that he too was being too eager and rough with his lover's spent arousal. Pulling free with a blushed grin and kiss on Blaze's snout. He did savor the taste, strong and bitter, but delightfully so in that it was Blaze's pleasure. Swallowing the sticky mess before leaning in to give a firm, deep and sudden kiss to Blaze's lips. The two cuddling close on the cushions once more as they embraced in their kiss.

Relaxing and curling up together, Billie stroked Blaze's back with a smile. Watching those big blue eyes as he sighed in enjoyment, "Mmm, this was way better than my story was going." Giggling at the curious "Char?" and tilted head before him. Another little smooch on Blaze's smooth little snout. "Oh, I should tell ya all about it. You were the inspiration you see."

Billie cuddled close and rested nude with his new found lover, explaining his story to his Charmander's curious amusement. Maybe he would get finishing it up to post in a moment, but for now he just enjoyed his non-fiction pokephilia, wishing he had the bravery to have done this sooner. He always loved a happy ending in his smutty stories.

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