Gift for Jamie Otter: Predator Run

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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And a quicky gift for my friend Jamie Otter. I was hoping to get two done by Halloween, hence the Halloween theme and title. Alas, didn't pan out. I'll be sneaking gifts to people here and there privately over time.

Jamie the otter and his vulpine friend Todd head out to a Predator Run for Halloween. Win prizes, get eaten, have fun! maybe not in that order always.

Halloween Gift: Jamie

"Really, a pred run? How's this work?" Jamie asked as the otter bounced on his webbed feet, excited by the more dangerous version of a haunted house his friend had suggested.

"It's easy, it's like a haunted house, but full of predators. If they catch ya, om nom nom!" Todd leaned over, nipping Jamie's ears with his vulpine fangs, "then you'd just be a big ol' plump bulge"

Jamie humphed "At least I'd make a bulge, unlike your skinny butt. So what happens if you make it through?"

"Oh, there's a big ol' prize... but of course, I bet filling someone's tummy would be prize enough for you."

Jamie blushed more and nodded, biting a lip. It sounded way more fun than some borin' ol' haunted house with people in sheets jumping atcha. Maybe there'd even be a big ol' snake. He wiggled at the thought of this, much to his friend's amusement.

"Well, I see you're eager, shall we stroll over, and see how fat we can make some predators this year?" Todd winked, hugging his friend closer.

The two walked hand in hand down the street. The event running at an old warehouse, making the pair giggle at how fitting that was. Though surprisingly it was not an abandoned warehouse, that might have been too cliché even for them. Lots of faux spiderwebs and other halloween cruft had been put up to adorn the outer walls. But it was the warning sign was much more impressive. "Predator run! Here be dragons. And other predators who'd like nothing more than feast on you. Abandon hope all ye who enter." and beneath the more sensable "Vore and snuff OK area ahead, prey are likely to end their days in someone else's stomach, proceed with caution."

"Well, um, I guess that's straightforward enough." Todd seemed a little less certain now, though Jamie seemed to be bouncing even more eagerly in anticipation.

Jamie was now leading Todd by the hand as they walked in. A milling group of various prey (and a few switch preds) were filling out the snuff waivers, and the two got in line. Jamie and Todd looked over the group, noting most seemed quite eager to be here. Sensing a feeling of nervous arousal that was growing as they watched those finished be lead through the final entrance door. Some cheeky designer made it look like a fearsome set of jaws.

The paperwork was simple enough. Something along the lines of 'We take no liability for killing you, you arrived on your own consent/consent of your owner. Yaddayadda we'll try to kill and not maim you.' A boilerplate vore and snuff waiver they'd signed many a time before. The two checking them off as usual, not even reading the fine print any more.

Looks like they were the one of the last couples trickling in for the night, the event getting ready to be kicked off. There was a large sign at the front door listing the rules.

  1. Strip naked first. We don't need anyone tripping or being caught on clothes. Don't worry, your predators will be taking them off anyways when they catch the majority of you.

  2. Queue up in an orderly fashion. The doors will unlock one by one to stagger the releases, and keep it from being a hurly burly mob. Don't worry, the predators are given patrols, and staggered about. So it won't be completely unfair to you first few. We don't want to have you lose right off the bat either.

    1. While violence isn't completely frowned upon, it does allow your predators to strike back. If you don't want to end in a scrum, don't swing at em. Besides, we know most of you are here because losing is fun.
  3. Good luck and have fun, winning or losing. Especially losing.

Jamie looked the sign over curiously, starting to strip his clothes off with the others. He blushed that he already was sporting an erection, but at least most of the other volunteers here were erect too. So he wasn't alone in lookign forward to this. Already a line was starting to form up, pairs waiting at the door. Jamie blushed and wiggled his thick tail, getting besides Todd. Giggling a little as he peered down at his friend's erection. "I see you're as eager as I am!"

The two fidgeted as they waited impatiently for their turn. Watching all the cute boys (and a few girls) run in. Giggles and squeaks and other sounds faintly heard from time to time when the door was opened. And a few gasps and moans from further inside, the crowd murmuring at what they heard each time the door opened. It certainly sounded like there would be quite a few plump predators after this day as had been promised.

Finally it was their turn. "Best of luck! If not, hope you have a fun time, I bet you'll make a delightful bulge," Todd teased and poked Jamie's belly before the two entered. Todd racing off while Jamie just strolled along the hall. Giggles and squeals and a few more lewd sounds heard from the labyrinth ahead.

Jamie peeked down the first few branches. Hoping his guess that predators would space out closer to the end to not end one's fun too early would pan out. Though his bobbing erection showed he wouldn't mind straying into some predator's jaws at any point. His tail was going slapslapslap with nervous energy, no stealthy run from this otter.

Especially when his exploration found some mouse boi's toes sliding down a plump dragon's throat. Splashes of cum on the floor showed that the pair had quite the adventure before the dragon finished his meal. Jamie shyly peeked out to watch the mouse's pink toes wiggle and flex as they disappeared into crimson scaled lips. But not wanting to interrupt, it'd be quite rude, so he continues elsewhere.

A few branches down he hears a familiar series of yips. Spending a few moments to track the source. He nearly squeals in surpise when he finds it. The lithe form of Todd bent over a chopping block. While a massive dire wolf was readying an equally large axe. Their laps sticky with semen, the fox's tail wagging as he clutched his block tight. An earger look on his muzzle with his eyes cheerfully closed.

Todd doesn't last much longer. With a solid THUMP! that rang through the halls the fox was beheaded. The blade sinking into the block, as Todd's head slipped forward to fall unceremoniously to the floor. Jamie gasped at the same time, glad no one can hear his squeaks as he watches his friend's life end in the maze. The fox's body flopped on the floor as the huge tusked wolf picks up the still writhing male by a foot to start devouring him. The poor fox's head was still half watching with fading eyes the fate of the rest of him. Jamie's heart raced as he tries to not gasp in surprise at the sight he finds. Pawing himself shyly as he watches his friend's body be devoured after a summary execution. And trying to stagger back shyly less he joins his friend on the block... not that he would mind that too much. His last peek seeing the Todd's head be gobbled up, nothing left but a mess on the floor.

He doesn't get too far. He gives a squeak when he bumps into someone. Someone big and scaly. Finding massive scaled arms wrapping about his pudgy chest. A sibilant voice in his ear "Oh, why hello there little one... are you lost?"

He looks up shyly at his predator, and nearly swoons in the big male's arms. A massive cobra hood greeting his sight. That elegant snout inches from his nose. He can't help but give a little otter bark, knowing he's gonna slide down those elegant lips and into those big powerful hips. A snake! A big one! Just as he hoped. "I... I... don't... think so?"

The snake grins wider, his fangs gleaming. Lifting and dragging the plump otter to a nice, dark and quiet section of the labrynth. The otter wriggling but not overtly struggling as he's dragged off in cool scaled coils. Finding himself pulled to a cosy little nest of furs to coil up in and around the otter. Jamie squirmed softly, he knew he couldn't escape now. His heart fluttered away as he watched the snake, enraptured as he talked to him "Yes, I suspect you know exactly where you want to go, don't you"

Jamie nodded shyly again as he felt a squeeze around his belly. The snake appraising his newfound meal as he licked the otter's cheek. "Are you ready, cutie meal? It won't hurt too much. Just bare your wrist and I'll make it all end."

Jamie gasped softly, watching the powerful hands lift and bare his arm. Turning it to bare the underside as he panted. His tail was slapping the ground as he stared at the fangs the snake was exposing. He worried he might just cum right then and there as his hand was daintily kissed. The otter squeaking and panting. This is it. He's about to be given his lethal injection.

He cried out as those fangs pricked his wrist, feeling a heated sting. Then his arm twitched, the sting spreading as the poison flowed through his veins. The small otter clutched tight to the snake's midsection as he stares at the graceful fangs injecting poison into him. Then the fangs slide free, barely a drop of blood welled up from the small pricks.

The otter shook a little, feeling the sharp tingles spread up his arm. Already starting to go numb while the snake leaned down and kissed his erection. His arousal felt like it might just squirt right then and there. But he didn't have too long to wait. Panting and crying out as the snake's long tongue attended to him. "Hush little otter, it won't hurt for long," the massive snake whispered, coils supporting the dying otter.

Jamie could feel his arm go numb and slip from his grip on the snake's cheek. And the tingling was spreading quickly. His racing heart spreading the poison. Sharp little prickles reaching for his heart. Lungs. Brain. Whimpering as he leaned back on the cool coil of scaled muscle behind him. Wriggling his toes as the snake slurped and suckled him for his last time, His good hand squeezing at the cobra's shoulder and neck, "I''m... I'm, ah! Gonna be food!"

The otter groans as he's turned about. Feeling the naga's arousal press under his tail as the poison burned through his veins. Cool, stiff flesh pressing under his tail. A gasp as the naga sinks into him, as he continues to pleasure and suckle upon the otter's arousal. His heart pumping and spreading the poison through him as he's used.

The plump otter doesn't last much longer. The sharp, cold feeling in his chest was making even breathing hard. His limbs felt so heavy, struggling to draw in each breath. The otter knew his heart would not keep beating as the poison paralyzed his body. The imminent fate making him unable to hold back from cumming, one final burst of heated pleasure in the growing coldness that was filling his body. He couldn't hold himself up now. Eyes rolling back as he watched the lights above him fade. While listening to the slurps and suckles attending his small blunt arousal and powerful thrusts pound into his rump. The mix of hot pleasure and cold pain soothing him towards sleep.

His body felt like a weight Drooling as his jaw grew slack. He can't breathe. His lungs burning as his body grew cold. The otter's vision sparkled and faded as he shuddered. Feeling the naga shift him in his lap, pounding quick and urgent. Hissing in climax as he kissed. The otter feeling his relaxing form be filled with the snake's own seed. Peering up helplessly to his captor.

He watched the immense jaws of the snake creak open. Showing off that sleek ruddy flesh of his maw. The darkness of that inviting throat. And the deep, loving kiss a predator gives his prey. He lets himself go, giving in to that growing darkness as he's engulfed in the cool, slimy grip of a snake's throat. The pain waning away to bliss. He's gonna be a nice, big, warm lump in a snake belly, just as he hoped.

The otter's body twitched a few times. But the poison has done it's job. The otter asphyxiating to death as his lungs stilled. His heart stopping. Becoming just a heated lump of fur, fat and meat. Swallowed inch by inch into the Cobra's gluttonous jaws. The predator wishing the otter could have seen the fat bulge he was making. He seemed to have been enjoying himself so much.

But those are the breaks in the predator run. And soon the otter was settling beneath the naga's waist. A delightfully thick bulge of meat in a belly, as nature intended. And this so much nicer then fighting for a meal too. Another wonderful run for all involved.

He gave an otter scented burp. Well, almost all involved he supposed.

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